#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script is the Release Manager's best friend, ensuring all details of a release are handled correctly. # It will walk you through the steps of the release process, asking for decisions or input along the way. # CAUTION: You still need to use your head! Please read the HELP section in the main menu. # # Requirements: # Install requirements with this command: # pip3 install -r requirements.txt # # Usage: # releaseWizard.py [-h] [--dry-run] [--root PATH] # # optional arguments: # -h, --help show this help message and exit # --dry-run Do not execute any commands, but echo them instead. Display # extra debug info # --root PATH Specify different root folder than ~/.lucene-releases import argparse import copy import fcntl import json import os import platform import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import textwrap import time import urllib from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta try: import holidays import yaml from ics import Calendar, Event from jinja2 import Environment except: print("You lack some of the module dependencies to run this script.") print("Please run 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt' and try again.") sys.exit(1) import scriptutil from consolemenu import ConsoleMenu from consolemenu.items import FunctionItem, SubmenuItem, ExitItem from scriptutil import BranchType, Version, download, run # Lucene-to-Java version mapping java_versions = {6: 8, 7: 8, 8: 8, 9: 11, 10: 17} editor = None # Edit this to add other global jinja2 variables or filters def expand_jinja(text, vars=None): global_vars = OrderedDict({ 'script_version': state.script_version, 'release_version': state.release_version, 'release_version_underscore': state.release_version.replace('.', '_'), 'release_date': state.get_release_date(), 'ivy2_folder': os.path.expanduser("~/.ivy2/"), 'config_path': state.config_path, 'rc_number': state.rc_number, 'script_branch': state.script_branch, 'release_folder': state.get_release_folder(), 'git_checkout_folder': state.get_git_checkout_folder(), 'git_website_folder': state.get_website_git_folder(), 'dist_url_base': 'https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/lucene', 'm2_repository_url': 'https://repository.apache.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2', 'dist_file_path': state.get_dist_folder(), 'rc_folder': state.get_rc_folder(), 'base_branch': state.get_base_branch_name(), 'release_branch': state.release_branch, 'stable_branch': state.get_stable_branch_name(), 'minor_branch': state.get_minor_branch_name(), 'release_type': state.release_type, 'is_feature_release': state.release_type in ['minor', 'major'], 'release_version_major': state.release_version_major, 'release_version_minor': state.release_version_minor, 'release_version_bugfix': state.release_version_bugfix, 'state': state, 'gpg_key' : state.get_gpg_key(), 'gradle_cmd' : 'gradlew.bat' if is_windows() else './gradlew', 'epoch': unix_time_millis(datetime.utcnow()), 'get_next_version': state.get_next_version(), 'current_git_rev': state.get_current_git_rev(), 'keys_downloaded': keys_downloaded(), 'editor': get_editor(), 'rename_cmd': 'ren' if is_windows() else 'mv', 'vote_close_72h': vote_close_72h_date().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00 UTC"), 'vote_close_72h_epoch': unix_time_millis(vote_close_72h_date()), 'vote_close_72h_holidays': vote_close_72h_holidays(), 'lucene_news_file': lucene_news_file, 'load_lines': load_lines, 'set_java_home': set_java_home, 'latest_version': state.get_latest_version(), 'latest_lts_version': state.get_latest_lts_version(), 'main_version': state.get_main_version(), 'mirrored_versions': state.get_mirrored_versions(), 'mirrored_versions_to_delete': state.get_mirrored_versions_to_delete(), 'home': os.path.expanduser("~") }) global_vars.update(state.get_todo_states()) if vars: global_vars.update(vars) filled = replace_templates(text) try: env = Environment(lstrip_blocks=True, keep_trailing_newline=False, trim_blocks=True) env.filters['path_join'] = lambda paths: os.path.join(*paths) env.filters['expanduser'] = lambda path: os.path.expanduser(path) env.filters['formatdate'] = lambda date: (datetime.strftime(date, "%-d %B %Y") if date else "" ) template = env.from_string(str(filled), globals=global_vars) filled = template.render() except Exception as e: print("Exception while rendering jinja template %s: %s" % (str(filled)[:10], e)) return filled def replace_templates(text): tpl_lines = [] for line in text.splitlines(): if line.startswith("(( template="): match = re.search(r"^\(\( template=(.+?) \)\)", line) name = match.group(1) tpl_lines.append(replace_templates(templates[name].strip())) else: tpl_lines.append(line) return "\n".join(tpl_lines) def getScriptVersion(): return scriptutil.find_current_version() def get_editor(): global editor if editor is None: if 'EDITOR' in os.environ: if os.environ['EDITOR'] in ['vi', 'vim', 'nano', 'pico', 'emacs']: print("WARNING: You have EDITOR set to %s, which will not work when launched from this tool. Please use an editor that launches a separate window/process" % os.environ['EDITOR']) editor = os.environ['EDITOR'] elif is_windows(): editor = 'notepad.exe' elif is_mac(): editor = 'open -a TextEdit' else: sys.exit("On Linux you have to set EDITOR variable to a command that will start an editor in its own window") return editor def check_prerequisites(todo=None): if sys.version_info < (3, 4): sys.exit("Script requires Python v3.4 or later") try: gpg_ver = run("gpg --version").splitlines()[0] except: sys.exit("You will need gpg installed") if not 'GPG_TTY' in os.environ: print("WARNING: GPG_TTY environment variable is not set, GPG signing may not work correctly (try 'export GPG_TTY=$(tty)'") if not 'JAVA11_HOME' in os.environ: sys.exit("Please set environment variables JAVA11_HOME") try: asciidoc_ver = run("asciidoctor -V").splitlines()[0] except: asciidoc_ver = "" print("WARNING: In order to export asciidoc version to HTML, you will need asciidoctor installed") try: git_ver = run("git --version").splitlines()[0] except: sys.exit("You will need git installed") try: run("svn --version").splitlines()[0] except: sys.exit("You will need svn installed") if not 'EDITOR' in os.environ: print("WARNING: Environment variable $EDITOR not set, using %s" % get_editor()) if todo: print("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (gpg_ver, asciidoc_ver, git_ver)) return True epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) def unix_time_millis(dt): return int((dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0) def bootstrap_todos(todo_list): # Establish links from commands to to_do for finding todo vars for tg in todo_list: if dry_run: print("Group %s" % tg.id) for td in tg.get_todos(): if dry_run: print(" Todo %s" % td.id) cmds = td.commands if cmds: if dry_run: print(" Commands") cmds.todo_id = td.id for cmd in cmds.commands: if dry_run: print(" Command %s" % cmd.cmd) cmd.todo_id = td.id print("Loaded TODO definitions from releaseWizard.yaml") return todo_list def maybe_remove_rc_from_svn(): todo = state.get_todo_by_id('import_svn') if todo and todo.is_done(): print("import_svn done") Commands(state.get_git_checkout_folder(), """Looks like you uploaded artifacts for {{ build_rc.git_rev | default("", True) }} to svn which needs to be removed.""", [Command( """svn -m "Remove cancelled Lucene {{ release_version }} RC{{ rc_number }}" rm {{ dist_url }}""", logfile="svn_rm.log", tee=True, vars={ 'dist_folder': """lucene-{{ release_version }}-RC{{ rc_number }}-rev{{ build_rc.git_rev | default("", True) }}""", 'dist_url': "{{ dist_url_base }}/{{ dist_folder }}" } )], enable_execute=True, confirm_each_command=False).run() # To be able to hide fields when dumping Yaml class SecretYamlObject(yaml.YAMLObject): hidden_fields = [] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls,dumper,data): print("Dumping object %s" % type(data)) new_data = copy.deepcopy(data) for item in cls.hidden_fields: if item in new_data.__dict__: del new_data.__dict__[item] for item in data.__dict__: if item in new_data.__dict__ and new_data.__dict__[item] is None: del new_data.__dict__[item] return dumper.represent_yaml_object(cls.yaml_tag, new_data, cls, flow_style=cls.yaml_flow_style) def str_presenter(dumper, data): if len(data.split('\n')) > 1: # check for multiline string return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|') return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data) class ReleaseState: def __init__(self, config_path, release_version, script_version): self.script_version = script_version self.config_path = config_path self.todo_groups = None self.todos = None self.latest_version = None self.previous_rcs = {} self.rc_number = 1 self.start_date = unix_time_millis(datetime.utcnow()) self.script_branch = run("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip() self.mirrored_versions = None try: self.script_branch_type = scriptutil.find_branch_type() except: print("WARNING: This script shold (ideally) run from the release branch, not a feature branch (%s)" % self.script_branch) self.script_branch_type = 'feature' self.set_release_version(release_version) def set_release_version(self, version): self.validate_release_version(self.script_branch_type, self.script_branch, version) self.release_version = version v = Version.parse(version) self.release_version_major = v.major self.release_version_minor = v.minor self.release_version_bugfix = v.bugfix self.release_branch = "branch_%s_%s" % (v.major, v.minor) if v.is_major_release(): self.release_type = 'major' elif v.is_minor_release(): self.release_type = 'minor' else: self.release_type = 'bugfix' def is_released(self): return self.get_todo_by_id('announce_lucene').is_done() def get_gpg_key(self): gpg_task = self.get_todo_by_id('gpg') if gpg_task.is_done(): return gpg_task.get_state()['gpg_key'] else: return None def get_release_date(self): publish_task = self.get_todo_by_id('publish_maven') if publish_task.is_done(): return unix_to_datetime(publish_task.get_state()['done_date']) else: return None def get_release_date_iso(self): release_date = self.get_release_date() if release_date is None: return "yyyy-mm-dd" else: return release_date.isoformat()[:10] def get_latest_version(self): if self.latest_version is None: versions = self.get_mirrored_versions() latest = versions[0] for ver in versions: if Version.parse(ver).gt(Version.parse(latest)): latest = ver self.latest_version = latest self.save() return state.latest_version def get_mirrored_versions(self): if state.mirrored_versions is None: releases_str = load("https://projects.apache.org/json/foundation/releases.json", "utf-8") releases = json.loads(releases_str)['lucene'] state.mirrored_versions = [ r for r in list(map(lambda y: y[7:], filter(lambda x: x.startswith('lucene-'), list(releases.keys())))) ] return state.mirrored_versions def get_mirrored_versions_to_delete(self): versions = self.get_mirrored_versions() to_keep = versions if state.release_type == 'major': to_keep = [self.release_version, self.get_latest_version()] if state.release_type == 'minor': to_keep = [self.release_version, self.get_latest_lts_version()] if state.release_type == 'bugfix': if Version.parse(state.release_version).major == Version.parse(state.get_latest_version()).major: to_keep = [self.release_version, self.get_latest_lts_version()] elif Version.parse(state.release_version).major == Version.parse(state.get_latest_lts_version()).major: to_keep = [self.get_latest_version(), self.release_version] else: raise Exception("Release version %s must have same major version as current minor or lts release") return [ver for ver in versions if ver not in to_keep] def get_main_version(self): v = Version.parse(self.get_latest_version()) return "%s.%s.%s" % (v.major + 1, 0, 0) def get_latest_lts_version(self): versions = self.get_mirrored_versions() latest = self.get_latest_version() lts_prefix = "%s." % (Version.parse(latest).major - 1) lts_versions = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(lts_prefix), versions)) latest_lts = lts_versions[0] for ver in lts_versions: if Version.parse(ver).gt(Version.parse(latest_lts)): latest_lts = ver return latest_lts def validate_release_version(self, branch_type, branch, release_version): ver = Version.parse(release_version) # print("release_version=%s, ver=%s" % (release_version, ver)) if branch_type == BranchType.release: if not branch.startswith('branch_'): sys.exit("Incompatible branch and branch_type") if not ver.is_bugfix_release(): sys.exit("You can only release bugfix releases from an existing release branch") elif branch_type == BranchType.stable: if not branch.startswith('branch_') and branch.endswith('x'): sys.exit("Incompatible branch and branch_type") if not ver.is_minor_release(): sys.exit("You can only release minor releases from an existing stable branch") elif branch_type == BranchType.unstable: if not branch == 'main': sys.exit("Incompatible branch and branch_type") if not ver.is_major_release(): sys.exit("You can only release a new major version from main branch") if not getScriptVersion() == release_version: print("WARNING: Expected release version %s when on branch %s, but got %s" % ( getScriptVersion(), branch, release_version)) def get_base_branch_name(self): v = Version.parse(self.release_version) if v.is_major_release(): return 'main' elif v.is_minor_release(): return self.get_stable_branch_name() elif v.major == Version.parse(self.get_latest_version()).major: return self.get_minor_branch_name() else: return self.release_branch def clear_rc(self): if ask_yes_no("Are you sure? This will clear and restart RC%s" % self.rc_number): maybe_remove_rc_from_svn() for g in list(filter(lambda x: x.in_rc_loop(), self.todo_groups)): for t in g.get_todos(): t.clear() print("Cleared RC TODO state") try: shutil.rmtree(self.get_rc_folder()) print("Cleared folder %s" % self.get_rc_folder()) except Exception: print("WARN: Failed to clear %s, please do it manually with higher privileges" % self.get_rc_folder()) self.save() def new_rc(self): if ask_yes_no("Are you sure? This will abort current RC"): maybe_remove_rc_from_svn() dict = {} for g in list(filter(lambda x: x.in_rc_loop(), self.todo_groups)): for t in g.get_todos(): if t.applies(self.release_type): dict[t.id] = copy.deepcopy(t.state) t.clear() self.previous_rcs["RC%d" % self.rc_number] = dict self.rc_number += 1 self.save() def to_dict(self): tmp_todos = {} for todo_id in self.todos: t = self.todos[todo_id] tmp_todos[todo_id] = copy.deepcopy(t.state) dict = { 'script_version': self.script_version, 'release_version': self.release_version, 'start_date': self.start_date, 'rc_number': self.rc_number, 'script_branch': self.script_branch, 'todos': tmp_todos, 'previous_rcs': self.previous_rcs } if self.latest_version: dict['latest_version'] = self.latest_version return dict def restore_from_dict(self, dict): self.script_version = dict['script_version'] assert dict['release_version'] == self.release_version if 'start_date' in dict: self.start_date = dict['start_date'] if 'latest_version' in dict: self.latest_version = dict['latest_version'] else: self.latest_version = None self.rc_number = dict['rc_number'] self.script_branch = dict['script_branch'] self.previous_rcs = copy.deepcopy(dict['previous_rcs']) for todo_id in dict['todos']: if todo_id in self.todos: t = self.todos[todo_id] for k in dict['todos'][todo_id]: t.state[k] = dict['todos'][todo_id][k] else: print("Warning: Could not restore state for %s, Todo definition not found" % todo_id) def load(self): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version, 'state.yaml')): state_file = os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version, 'state.yaml') with open(state_file, 'r') as fp: try: dict = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.Loader) self.restore_from_dict(dict) print("Loaded state from %s" % state_file) except Exception as e: print("Failed to load state from %s: %s" % (state_file, e)) def save(self): print("Saving") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version)): print("Creating folder %s" % os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version)) with open(os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version, 'state.yaml'), 'w') as fp: yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), fp, sort_keys=False, default_flow_style=False) def clear(self): self.previous_rcs = {} self.rc_number = 1 for t_id in self.todos: t = self.todos[t_id] t.state = {} self.save() def get_rc_number(self): return self.rc_number def get_current_git_rev(self): try: return run("git rev-parse HEAD", cwd=self.get_git_checkout_folder()).strip() except: return "" def get_group_by_id(self, id): lst = list(filter(lambda x: x.id == id, self.todo_groups)) if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] else: return None def get_todo_by_id(self, id): lst = list(filter(lambda x: x.id == id, self.todos.values())) if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] else: return None def get_todo_state_by_id(self, id): lst = list(filter(lambda x: x.id == id, self.todos.values())) if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0].state else: return {} def get_release_folder(self): folder = os.path.join(self.config_path, self.release_version) if not os.path.exists(folder): print("Creating folder %s" % folder) os.makedirs(folder) return folder def get_rc_folder(self): folder = os.path.join(self.get_release_folder(), "RC%d" % self.rc_number) if not os.path.exists(folder): print("Creating folder %s" % folder) os.makedirs(folder) return folder def get_dist_folder(self): folder = os.path.join(self.get_rc_folder(), "dist") return folder def get_git_checkout_folder(self): folder = os.path.join(self.get_release_folder(), "lucene") return folder def get_website_git_folder(self): folder = os.path.join(self.get_release_folder(), "lucene-site") return folder def get_minor_branch_name(self): latest = state.get_latest_version() if latest is not None: v = Version.parse(latest) return "branch_%s_%s" % (v.major, v.minor) else: raise Exception("Cannot find latest version") def get_stable_branch_name(self): if self.release_type == 'major': v = Version.parse(self.get_main_version()) else: v = Version.parse(self.get_latest_version()) return "branch_%sx" % v.major def get_next_version(self): if self.release_type == 'major': return "%s.0.0" % (self.release_version_major + 1) if self.release_type == 'minor': return "%s.%s.0" % (self.release_version_major, self.release_version_minor + 1) if self.release_type == 'bugfix': return "%s.%s.%s" % (self.release_version_major, self.release_version_minor, self.release_version_bugfix + 1) return None def get_java_home(self): return self.get_java_home_for_version(self.release_version) def get_java_home_for_version(self, version): v = Version.parse(version) java_ver = java_versions[v.major] java_home_var = "JAVA%s_HOME" % java_ver if java_home_var in os.environ: return os.environ.get(java_home_var) else: raise Exception("Script needs environment variable %s" % java_home_var ) def get_java_cmd_for_version(self, version): return os.path.join(self.get_java_home_for_version(version), "bin", "java") def get_java_cmd(self): return os.path.join(self.get_java_home(), "bin", "java") def get_todo_states(self): states = {} if self.todos: for todo_id in self.todos: t = self.todos[todo_id] states[todo_id] = copy.deepcopy(t.state) return states def init_todos(self, groups): self.todo_groups = groups self.todos = {} for g in self.todo_groups: for t in g.get_todos(): self.todos[t.id] = t class TodoGroup(SecretYamlObject): yaml_tag = u'!TodoGroup' hidden_fields = [] def __init__(self, id, title, description, todos, is_in_rc_loop=None, depends=None): self.id = id self.title = title self.description = description self.depends = depends self.is_in_rc_loop = is_in_rc_loop self.todos = todos @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): fields = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep = True) return TodoGroup(**fields) def num_done(self): return sum(1 for x in self.todos if x.is_done() > 0) def num_applies(self): count = sum(1 for x in self.todos if x.applies(state.release_type)) # print("num_applies=%s" % count) return count def is_done(self): # print("Done=%s, applies=%s" % (self.num_done(), self.num_applies())) return self.num_done() >= self.num_applies() def get_title(self): # print("get_title: %s" % self.is_done()) prefix = "" if self.is_done(): prefix = "✓ " return "%s%s (%d/%d)" % (prefix, self.title, self.num_done(), self.num_applies()) def get_submenu(self): menu = ConsoleMenu(title=self.title, subtitle=self.get_subtitle, prologue_text=self.get_description(), clear_screen=False) menu.exit_item = CustomExitItem("Return") for todo in self.get_todos(): if todo.applies(state.release_type): menu.append_item(todo.get_menu_item()) return menu def get_menu_item(self): item = SubmenuItem(self.get_title, self.get_submenu()) return item def get_todos(self): return self.todos def in_rc_loop(self): return self.is_in_rc_loop is True def get_description(self): desc = self.description if desc: return expand_jinja(desc) else: return None def get_subtitle(self): if self.depends: ret_str = "" for dep in ensure_list(self.depends): g = state.get_group_by_id(dep) if not g: g = state.get_todo_by_id(dep) if g and not g.is_done(): ret_str += "NOTE: Please first complete '%s'\n" % g.title return ret_str.strip() return None class Todo(SecretYamlObject): yaml_tag = u'!Todo' hidden_fields = ['state'] def __init__(self, id, title, description=None, post_description=None, done=None, types=None, links=None, commands=None, user_input=None, depends=None, vars=None, asciidoc=None, persist_vars=None, function=None): self.id = id self.title = title self.description = description self.asciidoc = asciidoc self.types = types self.depends = depends self.vars = vars self.persist_vars = persist_vars self.function = function self.user_input = user_input self.commands = commands self.post_description = post_description self.links = links self.state = {} self.set_done(done) if self.types: self.types = ensure_list(self.types) for t in self.types: if not t in ['minor', 'major', 'bugfix']: sys.exit("Wrong Todo config for '%s'. Type needs to be either 'minor', 'major' or 'bugfix'" % self.id) if commands: self.commands.todo_id = self.id for c in commands.commands: c.todo_id = self.id @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): fields = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep = True) return Todo(**fields) def get_vars(self): myvars = {} if self.vars: for k in self.vars: val = self.vars[k] if callable(val): myvars[k] = expand_jinja(val(), vars=myvars) else: myvars[k] = expand_jinja(val, vars=myvars) return myvars def set_done(self, is_done): if is_done: self.state['done_date'] = unix_time_millis(datetime.utcnow()) if self.persist_vars: for k in self.persist_vars: self.state[k] = self.get_vars()[k] else: self.state.clear() self.state['done'] = is_done def applies(self, type): if self.types: return type in self.types return True def is_done(self): return 'done' in self.state and self.state['done'] is True def get_title(self): prefix = "" if self.is_done(): prefix = "✓ " return expand_jinja("%s%s" % (prefix, self.title), self.get_vars_and_state()) def display_and_confirm(self): try: if self.depends: for dep in ensure_list(self.depends): g = state.get_group_by_id(dep) if not g: g = state.get_todo_by_id(dep) if not g.is_done(): print("This step depends on '%s'. Please complete that first\n" % g.title) return desc = self.get_description() if desc: print("%s" % desc) try: if self.function and not self.is_done(): if not eval(self.function)(self): return except Exception as e: print("Function call to %s for todo %s failed: %s" % (self.function, self.id, e)) raise e if self.user_input and not self.is_done(): ui_list = ensure_list(self.user_input) for ui in ui_list: ui.run(self.state) print() if self.links: print("\nLinks:\n") for link in self.links: print("- %s" % expand_jinja(link, self.get_vars_and_state())) print() cmds = self.get_commands() if cmds: if not self.is_done(): if not cmds.logs_prefix: cmds.logs_prefix = self.id cmds.run() else: print("This step is already completed. You have to first set it to 'not completed' in order to execute commands again.") print() if self.post_description: print("%s" % self.get_post_description()) todostate = self.get_state() if self.is_done() and len(todostate) > 2: print("Variables registered\n") for k in todostate: if k == 'done' or k == 'done_date': continue print("* %s = %s" % (k, todostate[k])) print() completed = ask_yes_no("Mark task '%s' as completed?" % self.get_title()) self.set_done(completed) state.save() except Exception as e: print("ERROR while executing todo %s (%s)" % (self.get_title(), e)) def get_menu_item(self): return FunctionItem(self.get_title, self.display_and_confirm) def clone(self): clone = Todo(self.id, self.title, description=self.description) clone.state = copy.deepcopy(self.state) return clone def clear(self): self.state.clear() self.set_done(False) def get_state(self): return self.state def get_description(self): desc = self.description if desc: return expand_jinja(desc, vars=self.get_vars_and_state()) else: return None def get_post_description(self): if self.post_description: return expand_jinja(self.post_description, vars=self.get_vars_and_state()) else: return None def get_commands(self): cmds = self.commands return cmds def get_asciidoc(self): if self.asciidoc: return expand_jinja(self.asciidoc, vars=self.get_vars_and_state()) else: return None def get_vars_and_state(self): d = self.get_vars().copy() d.update(self.get_state()) return d def get_release_version(): v = str(input("Which version are you releasing? (x.y.z) ")) try: version = Version.parse(v) except: print("Not a valid version %s" % v) return get_release_version() return str(version) def get_subtitle(): applying_groups = list(filter(lambda x: x.num_applies() > 0, state.todo_groups)) done_groups = sum(1 for x in applying_groups if x.is_done()) return "Please complete the below checklist (Complete: %s/%s)" % (done_groups, len(applying_groups)) def get_todo_menuitem_title(): return "Go to checklist (RC%d)" % (state.rc_number) def get_releasing_text(): return "Releasing Lucene %s RC%d" % (state.release_version, state.rc_number) def get_start_new_rc_menu_title(): return "Abort RC%d and start a new RC%d" % (state.rc_number, state.rc_number + 1) def start_new_rc(): state.new_rc() print("Started RC%d" % state.rc_number) def reset_state(): global state if ask_yes_no("Are you sure? This will erase all current progress"): maybe_remove_rc_from_svn() shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(state.config_path, state.release_version)) state.clear() def template(name, vars=None): return expand_jinja(templates[name], vars=vars) def help(): print(template('help')) pause() def ensure_list(o): if o is None: return [] if not isinstance(o, list): return [o] else: return o def open_file(filename): print("Opening file %s" % filename) if platform.system().startswith("Win"): run("start %s" % filename) else: run("open %s" % filename) def expand_multiline(cmd_txt, indent=0): return re.sub(r' +', " %s\n %s" % (Commands.cmd_continuation_char, " "*indent), cmd_txt) def unix_to_datetime(unix_stamp): return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_stamp / 1000) def generate_asciidoc(): base_filename = os.path.join(state.get_release_folder(), "lucene_release_%s" % (state.release_version.replace("\.", "_"))) filename_adoc = "%s.adoc" % base_filename filename_html = "%s.html" % base_filename fh = open(filename_adoc, "w") fh.write("= Lucene Release %s\n\n" % state.release_version) fh.write("(_Generated by releaseWizard.py v%s at %s_)\n\n" % (getScriptVersion(), datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC"))) fh.write(":numbered:\n\n") fh.write("%s\n\n" % template('help')) for group in state.todo_groups: if group.num_applies() == 0: continue fh.write("== %s\n\n" % group.get_title()) fh.write("%s\n\n" % group.get_description()) for todo in group.get_todos(): if not todo.applies(state.release_type): continue fh.write("=== %s\n\n" % todo.get_title()) if todo.is_done(): fh.write("_Completed %s_\n\n" % unix_to_datetime(todo.state['done_date']).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC")) if todo.get_asciidoc(): fh.write("%s\n\n" % todo.get_asciidoc()) else: desc = todo.get_description() if desc: fh.write("%s\n\n" % desc) state_copy = copy.deepcopy(todo.state) state_copy.pop('done', None) state_copy.pop('done_date', None) if len(state_copy) > 0 or todo.user_input is not None: fh.write(".Variables collected in this step\n") fh.write("|===\n") fh.write("|Variable |Value\n") mykeys = set() for e in ensure_list(todo.user_input): mykeys.add(e.name) for e in state_copy.keys(): mykeys.add(e) for key in mykeys: val = "(not set)" if key in state_copy: val = state_copy[key] fh.write("\n|%s\n|%s\n" % (key, val)) fh.write("|===\n\n") cmds = todo.get_commands() if cmds: if cmds.commands_text: fh.write("%s\n\n" % cmds.get_commands_text()) fh.write("[source,sh]\n----\n") if cmds.env: for key in cmds.env: val = cmds.env[key] if is_windows(): fh.write("SET %s=%s\n" % (key, val)) else: fh.write("export %s=%s\n" % (key, val)) fh.write(abbreviate_homedir("cd %s\n" % cmds.get_root_folder())) cmds2 = ensure_list(cmds.commands) for c in cmds2: for line in c.display_cmd(): fh.write("%s\n" % line) fh.write("----\n\n") if todo.post_description and not todo.get_asciidoc(): fh.write("\n%s\n\n" % todo.get_post_description()) if todo.links: fh.write("Links:\n\n") for l in todo.links: fh.write("* %s\n" % expand_jinja(l)) fh.write("\n") fh.close() print("Wrote file %s" % os.path.join(state.get_release_folder(), filename_adoc)) print("Running command 'asciidoctor %s'" % filename_adoc) run_follow("asciidoctor %s" % filename_adoc) if os.path.exists(filename_html): open_file(filename_html) else: print("Failed generating HTML version, please install asciidoctor") pause() def load_rc(): lucenerc = os.path.expanduser("~/.lucenerc") try: with open(lucenerc, 'r') as fp: return json.load(fp) except: return None def store_rc(release_root, release_version=None): lucenerc = os.path.expanduser("~/.lucenerc") dict = {} dict['root'] = release_root if release_version: dict['release_version'] = release_version with open(lucenerc, "w") as fp: json.dump(dict, fp, indent=2) def release_other_version(): if not state.is_released(): maybe_remove_rc_from_svn() store_rc(state.config_path, None) print("Please restart the wizard") sys.exit(0) def file_to_string(filename): with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as f: return f.read().strip() def download_keys(): download('KEYS', "https://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/KEYS", state.config_path) def keys_downloaded(): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(state.config_path, "KEYS")) def dump_yaml(): file = open(os.path.join(script_path, "releaseWizard.yaml"), "w") yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter) yaml.Dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda *args : True dump_obj = {'templates': templates, 'groups': state.todo_groups} yaml.dump(dump_obj, width=180, stream=file, sort_keys=False, default_flow_style=False) def parse_config(): description = 'Script to guide a RM through the whole release process' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog="Go push that release!", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not execute any commands, but echo them instead. Display extra debug info') parser.add_argument('--init', action='store_true', default=False, help='Re-initialize root and version') config = parser.parse_args() return config def load(urlString, encoding="utf-8"): try: content = urllib.request.urlopen(urlString).read().decode(encoding) except Exception as e: print('Retrying download of url %s after exception: %s' % (urlString, e)) content = urllib.request.urlopen(urlString).read().decode(encoding) return content def configure_pgp(gpg_todo): print("Based on your Apache ID we'll lookup your key online\n" "and through this complete the 'gpg' prerequisite task.\n") gpg_state = gpg_todo.get_state() id = str(input("Please enter your Apache id: (ENTER=skip) ")) if id.strip() == '': return False key_url = "https://home.apache.org/keys/committer/%s.asc" % id.strip() committer_key = load(key_url) lines = committer_key.splitlines() keyid_linenum = None for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'ASF ID: %s' % id: keyid_linenum = idx+1 break if keyid_linenum: keyid_line = lines[keyid_linenum] assert keyid_line.startswith('LDAP PGP key: ') gpg_fingerprint = keyid_line[14:].replace(" ", "") gpg_id = gpg_fingerprint[-8:] print("Found gpg key id %s on file at Apache (%s)" % (gpg_id, key_url)) else: print(textwrap.dedent("""\ Could not find your GPG key from Apache servers. Please make sure you have registered your key ID in id.apache.org, see links for more info.""")) gpg_fingerprint = str(input("Enter your key fingerprint manually, all 40 characters (ENTER=skip): ")) if gpg_fingerprint.strip() == '': return False elif len(gpg_fingerprint) != 40: print("gpg fingerprint must be 40 characters long, do not just input the last 8") gpg_fingerprint = gpg_fingerprint.upper() gpg_id = gpg_fingerprint[-8:] try: res = run("gpg --list-secret-keys %s" % gpg_fingerprint) print("Found key %s on your private gpg keychain" % gpg_id) # Check rsa and key length >= 4096 match = re.search(r'^sec#? +((rsa|dsa)(\d{4})) ', res) type = "(unknown)" length = -1 if match: type = match.group(2) length = int(match.group(3)) else: match = re.search(r'^sec#? +((\d{4})([DR])/.*?) ', res) if match: type = 'rsa' if match.group(3) == 'R' else 'dsa' length = int(match.group(2)) else: print("Could not determine type and key size for your key") print("%s" % res) if not ask_yes_no("Is your key of type RSA and size >= 2048 (ideally 4096)? "): print("Sorry, please generate a new key, add to KEYS and register with id.apache.org") return False if not type == 'rsa': print("We strongly recommend RSA type key, your is '%s'. Consider generating a new key." % type.upper()) if length < 2048: print("Your key has key length of %s. Cannot use < 2048, please generate a new key before doing the release" % length) return False if length < 4096: print("Your key length is < 4096, Please generate a stronger key.") print("Alternatively, follow instructions in https://infra.apache.org/release-signing.html#note") if not ask_yes_no("Have you configured your gpg to avoid SHA-1?"): print("Please either generate a strong key or reconfigure your client") return False print("Validated that your key is of type RSA and has a length >= 2048 (%s)" % length) except: print(textwrap.dedent("""\ Key not found on your private gpg keychain. In order to sign the release you'll need to fix this, then try again""")) return False try: lines = run("gpg --check-signatures %s" % gpg_fingerprint).splitlines() sigs = 0 apache_sigs = 0 for line in lines: if line.startswith("sig") and not gpg_id in line: sigs += 1 if '@apache.org' in line: apache_sigs += 1 print("Your key has %s signatures, of which %s are by committers (@apache.org address)" % (sigs, apache_sigs)) if apache_sigs < 1: print(textwrap.dedent("""\ Your key is not signed by any other committer. Please review https://infra.apache.org/openpgp.html#apache-wot and make sure to get your key signed until next time. You may want to run 'gpg --refresh-keys' to refresh your keychain.""")) uses_apacheid = is_code_signing_key = False for line in lines: if line.startswith("uid") and "%s@apache" % id in line: uses_apacheid = True if 'CODE SIGNING KEY' in line.upper(): is_code_signing_key = True if not uses_apacheid: print("WARNING: Your key should use your apache-id email address, see https://infra.apache.org/release-signing.html#user-id") if not is_code_signing_key: print("WARNING: You code signing key should be labeled 'CODE SIGNING KEY', see https://infra.apache.org/release-signing.html#key-comment") except Exception as e: print("Could not check signatures of your key: %s" % e) download_keys() keys_text = file_to_string(os.path.join(state.config_path, "KEYS")) if gpg_id in keys_text or "%s %s" % (gpg_id[:4], gpg_id[-4:]) in keys_text: print("Found your key ID in official KEYS file. KEYS file is not cached locally.") else: print(textwrap.dedent("""\ Could not find your key ID in official KEYS file. Please make sure it is added to https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/lucene/KEYS and committed to svn. Then re-try this initialization""")) if not ask_yes_no("Do you want to continue without fixing KEYS file? (not recommended) "): return False gpg_state['apache_id'] = id gpg_state['gpg_key'] = gpg_id gpg_state['gpg_fingerprint'] = gpg_fingerprint print(textwrap.dedent("""\ You can choose between signing the release with the gpg program or with the gradle signing plugin. Read about the difference by running ./gradlew helpPublishing""")) gpg_state['use_gradle'] = ask_yes_no("Do you want to sign the release with gradle plugin? No means gpg") print(textwrap.dedent("""\ You need the passphrase to sign the release. This script can prompt you securely for your passphrase (will not be stored) and pass it on to buildAndPushRelease in a secure way. However, you can also configure your passphrase in advance and avoid having to type it in the terminal. This can be done with either a gpg-agent (for gpg tool) or in gradle.properties or an ENV.var (for gradle), See ./gradlew helpPublishing for details.""")) gpg_state['prompt_pass'] = ask_yes_no("Do you want this wizard to prompt you for your gpg password? ") return True def pause(fun=None): if fun: fun() input("\nPress ENTER to continue...") class CustomExitItem(ExitItem): def show(self, index): return super(CustomExitItem, self).show(index) def get_return(self): return "" def main(): global state global dry_run global templates print("Lucene releaseWizard v%s" % getScriptVersion()) try: ConsoleMenu(clear_screen=True) except Exception as e: sys.exit("You need to install 'consolemenu' package version 0.7.1 for the Wizard to function. Please run 'pip " "install -r requirements.txt'") c = parse_config() if c.dry: print("Entering dry-run mode where all commands will be echoed instead of executed") dry_run = True release_root = os.path.expanduser("~/.lucene-releases") if not load_rc() or c.init: print("Initializing") dir_ok = False root = str(input("Choose root folder: [~/.lucene-releases] ")) if os.path.exists(root) and (not os.path.isdir(root) or not os.access(root, os.W_OK)): sys.exit("Root %s exists but is not a directory or is not writable" % root) if not root == '': if root.startswith("~/"): release_root = os.path.expanduser(root) else: release_root = os.path.abspath(root) if not os.path.exists(release_root): try: print("Creating release root %s" % release_root) os.makedirs(release_root) except Exception as e: sys.exit("Error while creating %s: %s" % (release_root, e)) release_version = get_release_version() else: conf = load_rc() release_root = conf['root'] if 'release_version' in conf: release_version = conf['release_version'] else: release_version = get_release_version() store_rc(release_root, release_version) check_prerequisites() try: y = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(script_path, "releaseWizard.yaml"), "r"), Loader=yaml.Loader) templates = y.get('templates') todo_list = y.get('groups') state = ReleaseState(release_root, release_version, getScriptVersion()) state.init_todos(bootstrap_todos(todo_list)) state.load() except Exception as e: sys.exit("Failed initializing. %s" % e) state.save() # Smoketester requires JAVA11_HOME to point to Java11 os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = state.get_java_home() os.environ['JAVACMD'] = state.get_java_cmd() global lucene_news_file lucene_news_file = os.path.join(state.get_website_git_folder(), 'content', 'core', 'core_news', "%s-%s-available.md" % (state.get_release_date_iso(), state.release_version.replace(".", "-"))) main_menu = ConsoleMenu(title="Lucene ReleaseWizard", subtitle=get_releasing_text, prologue_text="Welcome to the release wizard. From here you can manage the process including creating new RCs. " "All changes are persisted, so you can exit any time and continue later. Make sure to read the Help section.", epilogue_text="® 2022 The Lucene project. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0\nScript version v%s)" % getScriptVersion(), clear_screen=False) todo_menu = ConsoleMenu(title=get_releasing_text, subtitle=get_subtitle, prologue_text=None, epilogue_text=None, clear_screen=False) todo_menu.exit_item = CustomExitItem("Return") for todo_group in state.todo_groups: if todo_group.num_applies() >= 0: menu_item = todo_group.get_menu_item() menu_item.set_menu(todo_menu) todo_menu.append_item(menu_item) main_menu.append_item(SubmenuItem(get_todo_menuitem_title, todo_menu, menu=main_menu)) main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem(get_start_new_rc_menu_title, start_new_rc)) main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem('Clear and restart current RC', state.clear_rc)) main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem("Clear all state, restart the %s release" % state.release_version, reset_state)) main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem('Start release for a different version', release_other_version)) main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem('Generate Asciidoc guide for this release', generate_asciidoc)) # main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem('Dump YAML', dump_yaml)) main_menu.append_item(FunctionItem('Help', help)) main_menu.show() sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) current_git_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) dry_run = False major_minor = ['major', 'minor'] script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) os.chdir(script_path) def git_checkout_folder(): return state.get_git_checkout_folder() def tail_file(file, lines): bufsize = 8192 fsize = os.stat(file).st_size with open(file) as f: if bufsize >= fsize: bufsize = fsize idx = 0 while True: idx += 1 seek_pos = fsize - bufsize * idx if seek_pos < 0: seek_pos = 0 f.seek(seek_pos) data = [] data.extend(f.readlines()) if len(data) >= lines or f.tell() == 0 or seek_pos == 0: if not seek_pos == 0: print("Tailing last %d lines of file %s" % (lines, file)) print(''.join(data[-lines:])) break def run_with_log_tail(command, cwd, logfile=None, tail_lines=10, tee=False, live=False, shell=None): fh = sys.stdout if logfile: logdir = os.path.dirname(logfile) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) fh = open(logfile, 'w') rc = run_follow(command, cwd, fh=fh, tee=tee, live=live, shell=shell) if logfile: fh.close() if not tee and tail_lines and tail_lines > 0: tail_file(logfile, tail_lines) return rc def ask_yes_no(text): answer = None while answer not in ['y', 'n']: answer = str(input("\nQ: %s (y/n): " % text)) print("\n") return answer == 'y' def abbreviate_line(line, width): line = line.rstrip() if len(line) > width: line = "%s.....%s" % (line[:(width / 2 - 5)], line[-(width / 2):]) else: line = "%s%s" % (line, " " * (width - len(line) + 2)) return line def print_line_cr(line, linenum, stdout=True, tee=False): if not tee: if not stdout: print("[line %s] %s" % (linenum, abbreviate_line(line, 80)), end='\r') else: if line.endswith("\r"): print(line.rstrip(), end='\r') else: print(line.rstrip()) def run_follow(command, cwd=None, fh=sys.stdout, tee=False, live=False, shell=None): doShell = '&&' in command or '&' in command or shell is not None if not doShell and not isinstance(command, list): command = shlex.split(command) process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd, universal_newlines=True, bufsize=0, close_fds=True, shell=doShell) lines_written = 0 fl = fcntl.fcntl(process.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(process.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) flerr = fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, flerr | os.O_NONBLOCK) endstdout = endstderr = False errlines = [] while not (endstderr and endstdout): lines_before = lines_written if not endstdout: try: if live: chars = process.stdout.read() if chars == '' and process.poll() is not None: endstdout = True else: fh.write(chars) fh.flush() if '\n' in chars: lines_written += 1 else: line = process.stdout.readline() if line == '' and process.poll() is not None: endstdout = True else: fh.write("%s\n" % line.rstrip()) fh.flush() lines_written += 1 print_line_cr(line, lines_written, stdout=(fh == sys.stdout), tee=tee) except Exception: pass if not endstderr: try: if live: chars = process.stderr.read() if chars == '' and process.poll() is not None: endstderr = True else: fh.write(chars) fh.flush() if '\n' in chars: lines_written += 1 else: line = process.stderr.readline() if line == '' and process.poll() is not None: endstderr = True else: errlines.append("%s\n" % line.rstrip()) lines_written += 1 print_line_cr(line, lines_written, stdout=(fh == sys.stdout), tee=tee) except Exception: pass if not lines_written > lines_before: # if no output then sleep a bit before checking again time.sleep(0.1) print(" " * 80) rc = process.poll() if len(errlines) > 0: for line in errlines: fh.write("%s\n" % line.rstrip()) fh.flush() return rc def is_windows(): return platform.system().startswith("Win") def is_mac(): return platform.system().startswith("Darwin") def is_linux(): return platform.system().startswith("Linux") class Commands(SecretYamlObject): yaml_tag = u'!Commands' hidden_fields = ['todo_id'] cmd_continuation_char = "^" if is_windows() else "\\" def __init__(self, root_folder, commands_text=None, commands=None, logs_prefix=None, run_text=None, enable_execute=None, confirm_each_command=None, env=None, vars=None, todo_id=None, remove_files=None): self.root_folder = root_folder self.commands_text = commands_text self.vars = vars self.env = env self.run_text = run_text self.remove_files = remove_files self.todo_id = todo_id self.logs_prefix = logs_prefix self.enable_execute = enable_execute self.confirm_each_command = confirm_each_command self.commands = commands for c in self.commands: c.todo_id = todo_id @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): fields = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep = True) return Commands(**fields) def run(self): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements # TODO root = self.get_root_folder() if self.commands_text: print(self.get_commands_text()) if self.env: for key in self.env: val = self.jinjaify(self.env[key]) os.environ[key] = val if is_windows(): print("\n SET %s=%s" % (key, val)) else: print("\n export %s=%s" % (key, val)) print(abbreviate_homedir("\n cd %s" % root)) commands = ensure_list(self.commands) for cmd in commands: for line in cmd.display_cmd(): print(" %s" % line) print() confirm_each = (not self.confirm_each_command is False) and len(commands) > 1 if not self.enable_execute is False: if self.run_text: print("\n%s\n" % self.get_run_text()) if confirm_each: print("You will get prompted before running each individual command.") else: print( "You will not be prompted for each command but will see the output of each. If one command fails the execution will stop.") success = True if ask_yes_no("Do you want me to run these commands now?"): if self.remove_files: for _f in ensure_list(self.get_remove_files()): f = os.path.join(root, _f) if os.path.exists(f): filefolder = "File" if os.path.isfile(f) else "Folder" if ask_yes_no("%s %s already exists. Shall I remove it now?" % (filefolder, f)) and not dry_run: if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f) else: os.remove(f) index = 0 log_folder = self.logs_prefix if len(commands) > 1 else None for cmd in commands: index += 1 if len(commands) > 1: log_prefix = "%02d_" % index else: log_prefix = self.logs_prefix if self.logs_prefix else '' if not log_prefix[-1:] == '_': log_prefix += "_" cwd = root if cmd.cwd: cwd = os.path.join(root, cmd.cwd) folder_prefix = '' if cmd.cwd: folder_prefix = cmd.cwd + "_" if confirm_each and cmd.comment: print("# %s\n" % cmd.get_comment()) if not confirm_each or ask_yes_no("Shall I run '%s' in folder '%s'" % (cmd, cwd)): if not confirm_each: print("------------\nRunning '%s' in folder '%s'" % (cmd, cwd)) logfilename = cmd.logfile logfile = None cmd_to_run = "%s%s" % ("echo Dry run, command is: " if dry_run else "", cmd.get_cmd()) if cmd.redirect: try: out = run(cmd_to_run, cwd=cwd) mode = 'a' if cmd.redirect_append is True else 'w' with open(os.path.join(root, cwd, cmd.get_redirect()), mode) as outfile: outfile.write(out) outfile.flush() print("Wrote %s bytes to redirect file %s" % (len(out), cmd.get_redirect())) except Exception as e: print("Command %s failed: %s" % (cmd_to_run, e)) success = False break else: if not cmd.stdout: if not log_folder: log_folder = os.path.join(state.get_rc_folder(), "logs") elif not os.path.isabs(log_folder): log_folder = os.path.join(state.get_rc_folder(), "logs", log_folder) if not logfilename: logfilename = "%s.log" % re.sub(r"\W", "_", cmd.get_cmd()) logfile = os.path.join(log_folder, "%s%s%s" % (log_prefix, folder_prefix, logfilename)) if cmd.tee: print("Output of command will be printed (logfile=%s)" % logfile) elif cmd.live: print("Output will be shown live byte by byte") logfile = None else: print("Wait until command completes... Full log in %s\n" % logfile) if cmd.comment: print("# %s\n" % cmd.get_comment()) start_time = time.time() returncode = run_with_log_tail(cmd_to_run, cwd, logfile=logfile, tee=cmd.tee, tail_lines=25, live=cmd.live, shell=cmd.shell) elapsed = time.time() - start_time if not returncode == 0: if cmd.should_fail: print("Command failed, which was expected") success = True else: print("WARN: Command %s returned with error" % cmd.get_cmd()) success = False break else: if cmd.should_fail and not dry_run: print("Expected command to fail, but it succeeded.") success = False break else: if elapsed > 30: print("Command completed in %s seconds" % elapsed) if not success: print("WARNING: One or more commands failed, you may want to check the logs") return success def get_root_folder(self): return self.jinjaify(self.root_folder) def get_commands_text(self): return self.jinjaify(self.commands_text) def get_run_text(self): return self.jinjaify(self.run_text) def get_remove_files(self): return self.jinjaify(self.remove_files) def get_vars(self): myvars = {} if self.vars: for k in self.vars: val = self.vars[k] if callable(val): myvars[k] = expand_jinja(val(), vars=myvars) else: myvars[k] = expand_jinja(val, vars=myvars) return myvars def jinjaify(self, data, join=False): if not data: return None v = self.get_vars() if self.todo_id: v.update(state.get_todo_by_id(self.todo_id).get_vars()) if isinstance(data, list): if join: return expand_jinja(" ".join(data), v) else: res = [] for rf in data: res.append(expand_jinja(rf, v)) return res else: return expand_jinja(data, v) def abbreviate_homedir(line): if is_windows(): if 'HOME' in os.environ: return re.sub(r'([^/]|\b)%s' % os.path.expanduser('~'), "\\1%HOME%", line) elif 'USERPROFILE' in os.environ: return re.sub(r'([^/]|\b)%s' % os.path.expanduser('~'), "\\1%USERPROFILE%", line) else: return None else: return re.sub(r'([^/]|\b)%s' % os.path.expanduser('~'), "\\1~", line) class Command(SecretYamlObject): yaml_tag = u'!Command' hidden_fields = ['todo_id'] def __init__(self, cmd, cwd=None, stdout=None, logfile=None, tee=None, live=None, comment=None, vars=None, todo_id=None, should_fail=None, redirect=None, redirect_append=None, shell=None): self.cmd = cmd self.cwd = cwd self.comment = comment self.logfile = logfile self.vars = vars self.tee = tee self.live = live self.stdout = stdout self.should_fail = should_fail self.shell = shell self.todo_id = todo_id self.redirect_append = redirect_append self.redirect = redirect if tee and stdout: self.stdout = None print("Command %s specifies 'tee' and 'stdout', using only 'tee'" % self.cmd) if live and stdout: self.stdout = None print("Command %s specifies 'live' and 'stdout', using only 'live'" % self.cmd) if live and tee: self.tee = None print("Command %s specifies 'tee' and 'live', using only 'live'" % self.cmd) if redirect and (tee or stdout or live): self.tee = self.stdout = self.live = None print("Command %s specifies 'redirect' and other out options at the same time. Using redirect only" % self.cmd) @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): fields = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep = True) return Command(**fields) def get_comment(self): return self.jinjaify(self.comment) def get_redirect(self): return self.jinjaify(self.redirect) def get_cmd(self): return self.jinjaify(self.cmd, join=True) def get_vars(self): myvars = {} if self.vars: for k in self.vars: val = self.vars[k] if callable(val): myvars[k] = expand_jinja(val(), vars=myvars) else: myvars[k] = expand_jinja(val, vars=myvars) return myvars def __str__(self): return self.get_cmd() def jinjaify(self, data, join=False): v = self.get_vars() if self.todo_id: v.update(state.get_todo_by_id(self.todo_id).get_vars()) if isinstance(data, list): if join: return expand_jinja(" ".join(data), v) else: res = [] for rf in data: res.append(expand_jinja(rf, v)) return res else: return expand_jinja(data, v) def display_cmd(self): lines = [] if self.comment: if is_windows(): lines.append("REM %s" % self.get_comment()) else: lines.append("# %s" % self.get_comment()) if self.cwd: lines.append("pushd %s" % self.cwd) redir = "" if self.redirect is None else " %s %s" % (">" if self.redirect_append is None else ">>" , self.get_redirect()) line = "%s%s" % (expand_multiline(self.get_cmd(), indent=2), redir) # Print ~ or %HOME% rather than the full expanded homedir path line = abbreviate_homedir(line) lines.append(line) if self.cwd: lines.append("popd") return lines class UserInput(SecretYamlObject): yaml_tag = u'!UserInput' def __init__(self, name, prompt, type=None): self.type = type self.prompt = prompt self.name = name @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): fields = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep = True) return UserInput(**fields) def run(self, dict=None): correct = False while not correct: try: result = str(input("%s : " % self.prompt)) if self.type and self.type == 'int': result = int(result) correct = True except Exception as e: print("Incorrect input: %s, try again" % e) continue if dict: dict[self.name] = result return result def create_ical(todo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if ask_yes_no("Do you want to add a Calendar reminder for the close vote time?"): c = Calendar() e = Event() e.name = "Lucene %s vote ends" % state.release_version e.begin = vote_close_72h_date() e.description = "Remember to sum up votes and continue release :)" c.events.add(e) ics_file = os.path.join(state.get_rc_folder(), 'vote_end.ics') with open(ics_file, 'w') as my_file: my_file.writelines(c) open_file(ics_file) return True today = datetime.utcnow().date() sundays = {(today + timedelta(days=x)): 'Sunday' for x in range(10) if (today + timedelta(days=x)).weekday() == 6} y = datetime.utcnow().year years = [y, y+1] non_working = holidays.CA(years=years) + holidays.US(years=years) + holidays.UK(years=years) \ + holidays.DE(years=years) + holidays.NO(years=years) + holidays.IN(years=years) + holidays.RU(years=years) def vote_close_72h_date(): # Voting open at least 72 hours according to ASF policy return datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=73) def vote_close_72h_holidays(): days = 0 day_offset = -1 holidays = [] # Warn RM about major holidays coming up that should perhaps extend the voting deadline # Warning will be given for Sunday or a public holiday observed by 3 or more [CA, US, EN, DE, NO, IND, RU] while days < 3: day_offset += 1 d = today + timedelta(days=day_offset) if not (d in sundays or (d in non_working and len(non_working[d]) >= 2)): days += 1 else: if d in sundays: holidays.append("%s (Sunday)" % d) else: holidays.append("%s (%s)" % (d, non_working[d])) return holidays if len(holidays) > 0 else None def prepare_announce_lucene(todo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if not os.path.exists(lucene_news_file): lucene_text = expand_jinja("(( template=announce_lucene ))") with open(lucene_news_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(lucene_text) # print("Wrote Lucene announce draft to %s" % lucene_news_file) else: print("Draft already exist, not re-generating") return True def check_artifacts_available(todo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument try: cdnUrl = expand_jinja("https://dlcdn.apache.org/lucene/java/{{ release_version }}/lucene-{{ release_version }}-src.tgz.asc") load(cdnUrl) print("Found %s" % cdnUrl) except Exception as e: print("Could not fetch %s (%s)" % (cdnUrl, e)) return False try: mavenUrl = expand_jinja("https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/lucene/lucene-core/{{ release_version }}/lucene-core-{{ release_version }}.jar.asc") load(mavenUrl) print("Found %s" % mavenUrl) except Exception as e: print("Could not fetch %s (%s)" % (mavenUrl, e)) return False return True def set_java_home(version): os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = state.get_java_home_for_version(version) os.environ['JAVACMD'] = state.get_java_cmd_for_version(version) def load_lines(file, from_line=0): if os.path.exists(file): with open(file, 'r') as fp: return fp.readlines()[from_line:] else: return ["\n"] if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Keyboard interrupt...exiting')