Typical workflow and tasks ========================== This shows some typical workflow gradle commands. Run tests on a module: gradlew -p lucene/core test Run test of a single-class (run "gradlew :helpTests" for more): gradlew -p lucene/core test --tests "*Demo*" Run all tests and validation checks on a module: gradlew -p lucene/core check Run all tests and validation checks on everything: gradlew check Run all validation checks but skip all tests: gradlew check -x test Assemble a single module's JAR (here for lucene-core): gradlew -p lucene/core assemble ls lucene/core/build/libs Create all distributable packages, POMs, etc. and create a local maven repository for inspection: gradlew mavenLocal ls -R build/maven-local/ Put together Solr distribution: gradlew -p solr/packaging assemble ls solr/packaging/build/solr-*