solrb exposes the power of Solr as a Ruby DSL (domain specific language). Visit the Solr Flare wiki for more information: USAGE First launch Solr. In a separate shell, launch script/console. # Set up a connection to Solr: connection ="http://localhost:8983") # To add a document: doc = {:id => "529", :text => "Solr Flare in Action"} request = connection.send(request) # Commit changes: request ="") # TODO: yes, this will be mapped as a simpler command! connection.send(request) # Search: request = request.query = "solr flare" connection.send(request) INSTALLATION First run the tests: rake test then build the gem: rake package and install the versioned gem: gem install pkg/solr-x.x.x.gem LICENSE This package is licensed using the Apache Software License 2.0.