Apache Solr Clustering Implementation Intro: See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ClusteringComponent CHANGES $Id$ ================== Release 4.0.0-dev ============== * SOLR-3470: Bug fix: custom Carrot2 tokenizer and stemmer factories are respected now (Stanislaw Osinski, Dawid Weiss) ================== Release 3.6.0 ================== * SOLR-2937: Configuring the number of contextual snippets used for search results clustering. The hl.snippets parameter is now respected by the clustering plugin, can be overridden by carrot.summarySnippets if needed (Stanislaw Osinski). * SOLR-2938: Clustering on multiple fields. The carrot.title and carrot.snippet can now take comma- or space-separated lists of field names to cluster (Stanislaw Osinski). * SOLR-2939: Clustering of multilingual search results. The document's language field be passed in the carrot.lang parameter, the carrot.lcmap parameter enables mapping of language codes to ISO 639 (Stanislaw Osinski). * SOLR-2940: Passing values for custom Carrot2 fields. The custom field mapping are defined using the carrot.custom parameter (Stanislaw Osinski). * SOLR-2941: NullPointerException on clustering component initialization when schema does not have a unique key field (Stanislaw Osinski). * SOLR-2942: ClassCastException when passing non-textual fields for clustering (Stanislaw Osinski). ================== Release 3.5.0 ================== (No Changes) ================== Release 3.4.0 ================== * SOLR-2706: The carrot.lexicalResourcesDir parameter now works with absolute directories (Stanislaw Osinski) * SOLR-2692: Typo in param name fixed: "carrot.fragzise" changed to "carrot.fragSize" (Stanislaw Osinski). ================== Release 3.3.0 ================== (No Changes) ================== Release 3.2.0 ================== * SOLR-2448: Search results clustering updates: bisecting k-means clustering algorithm added, loading of Carrot2 stop words from /conf/carrot2 (SOLR-2449), using Solr's stopwords.txt for clustering (SOLR-2450), output of cluster scores (SOLR-2505) (Stanislaw Osinski, Dawid Weiss). ================== Release 3.1.0 ================== * SOLR-1684: Switch to use the SolrIndexSearcher.doc(int, Set) method b/c it can use the document cache (gsingers) * SOLR-1692: Fix bug relating to carrot.produceSummary option (gsingers) * SOLR-1804: Re-enabled clustering on trunk, updated to latest version of Carrot2. No more LGPL run-time dependencies. This release of C2 also does not have a specific Lucene dependency. (Stanislaw Osinski, gsingers) * SOLR-2282: Add distributed search support for search result clustering. (Brad Giaccio, Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski, rmuir, koji) ================== Release 1.4.0 ================== Solr Clustering will be released for the first time in Solr 1.4. See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ClusteringComponent for details on using.