#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nERROR: This script must be run as root\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi print_usage() { ERROR_MSG="$1" if [ "$ERROR_MSG" != "" ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: $ERROR_MSG\n" 1>&2 fi echo "" echo "Usage: install_solr_service.sh [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo " The first argument to the script must be a path to a Solr distribution archive, such as solr-5.0.0.tgz" echo " (only .tgz or .zip are supported formats for the archive)" echo "" echo " Supported OPTIONS include:" echo "" echo " -d Directory for live / writable Solr files, such as logs, pid files, and index data; defaults to /var/solr" echo "" echo " -i Directory to extract the Solr installation archive; defaults to /opt/" echo " The specified path must exist prior to using this script." echo "" echo " -p Port Solr should bind to; default is 8983" echo "" echo " -s Service name; defaults to solr" echo "" echo " -u User to own the Solr files and run the Solr process as; defaults to solr" echo " This script will create the specified user account if it does not exist." echo "" echo " -f Upgrade Solr. Overwrite symlink and init script of previous installation." echo "" echo " -n Do not start Solr service after install, and do not abort on missing Java" echo "" echo " NOTE: Must be run as the root user" echo "" } # end print_usage print_error() { echo $1 exit 1 } # Locate *NIX distribution by looking for match from various detection strategies # We start with /etc/os-release, as this will also work for Docker containers for command in "grep -E \"^NAME=\" /etc/os-release" \ "lsb_release -i" \ "cat /proc/version" \ "uname -a" ; do distro_string=$(eval $command 2>/dev/null) unset distro if [[ ${distro_string,,} == *"debian"* ]]; then distro=Debian elif [[ ${distro_string,,} == *"red hat"* ]]; then distro=RedHat elif [[ ${distro_string,,} == *"centos"* ]]; then distro=CentOS elif [[ ${distro_string,,} == *"ubuntu"* ]]; then distro=Ubuntu elif [[ ${distro_string,,} == *"suse"* ]]; then distro=SUSE elif [[ ${distro_string,,} == *"darwin"* ]]; then echo "Sorry, this script does not support macOS. You'll need to setup Solr as a service manually using the documentation provided in the Solr Reference Guide." echo "You could also try installing via Homebrew (http://brew.sh/), e.g. brew install solr" exit 1 fi if [[ $distro ]] ; then break ; fi done if [[ ! $distro ]] ; then echo -e "\nERROR: Unable to auto-detect your *NIX distribution!\nYou'll need to setup Solr as a service manually using the documentation provided in the Solr Reference Guide.\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then print_usage "Must specify the path to the Solr installation archive, such as solr-5.0.0.tgz" exit 1 fi SOLR_ARCHIVE=$1 if [ ! -f "$SOLR_ARCHIVE" ]; then print_usage "Specified Solr installation archive $SOLR_ARCHIVE not found!" exit 1 fi # strip off path info SOLR_INSTALL_FILE=${SOLR_ARCHIVE##*/} is_tar=true if [ ${SOLR_INSTALL_FILE: -4} == ".tgz" ]; then SOLR_DIR=${SOLR_INSTALL_FILE%.tgz} elif [ ${SOLR_INSTALL_FILE: -4} == ".zip" ]; then SOLR_DIR=${SOLR_INSTALL_FILE%.zip} is_tar=false else print_usage "Solr installation archive $SOLR_ARCHIVE is invalid, expected a .tgz or .zip file!" exit 1 fi SOLR_START=true if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then shift while true; do case $1 in -i) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "Directory path is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR=$2 shift 2 ;; -d) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "Directory path is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_VAR_DIR="$2" shift 2 ;; -u) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "Username is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_USER="$2" shift 2 ;; -s) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "Service name is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_SERVICE="$2" shift 2 ;; -p) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "Port is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_PORT="$2" shift 2 ;; -f) SOLR_UPGRADE="YES" shift 1 ;; -n) SOLR_START=false shift 1 ;; -help|-usage) print_usage "" exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; *) if [ "$1" != "" ]; then print_usage "Unrecognized or misplaced argument: $1!" exit 1 else break # out-of-args, stop looping fi ;; esac done fi # Test for availability of needed tools if [[ $is_tar ]] ; then tar --version &>/dev/null || print_error "Script requires the 'tar' command" else unzip -hh &>/dev/null || print_error "Script requires the 'unzip' command" fi if [[ $SOLR_START == "true" ]] ; then service --version &>/dev/null || print_error "Script requires the 'service' command" java -version &>/dev/null || print_error "Solr requires java, please install or set JAVA_HOME properly" fi lsof -h &>/dev/null || echo "We recommend installing the 'lsof' command for more stable start/stop of Solr" if [ -z "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR" ]; then SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR=/opt fi if [ ! -d "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR" ]; then print_usage "Installation directory $SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR not found! Please create it before running this script." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$SOLR_SERVICE" ]; then SOLR_SERVICE=solr fi if [ -z "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" ]; then SOLR_VAR_DIR="/var/$SOLR_SERVICE" fi if [ -z "$SOLR_USER" ]; then SOLR_USER=solr fi if [ -z "$SOLR_PORT" ]; then SOLR_PORT=8983 fi if [ -z "$SOLR_UPGRADE" ]; then SOLR_UPGRADE=NO fi if [ ! "$SOLR_UPGRADE" = "YES" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE" ]; then print_usage "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE already exists! Perhaps Solr is already setup as a service on this host? To upgrade Solr use the -f option." exit 1 fi if [ -e "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE" ]; then print_usage "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE already exists! Please move this directory / link or choose a different service name using the -s option." exit 1 fi fi # stop running instance if [ -f "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE" ]; then echo -e "\nStopping Solr instance if exists ...\n" service "$SOLR_SERVICE" stop fi # create user if not exists solr_uid="`id -u "$SOLR_USER"`" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Creating new user: $SOLR_USER" if [ "$distro" == "RedHat" ] || [ "$distro" == "CentOS" ] ; then adduser --system -U -m --home-dir "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" "$SOLR_USER" elif [ "$distro" == "SUSE" ]; then useradd --system -U -m --home-dir "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" "$SOLR_USER" else adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --group --disabled-password --home "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" "$SOLR_USER" fi fi # extract SOLR_INSTALL_DIR="$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_DIR" if [ ! -d "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then echo -e "\nExtracting $SOLR_ARCHIVE to $SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR\n" if $is_tar ; then tar zxf "$SOLR_ARCHIVE" -C "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR" else unzip -q "$SOLR_ARCHIVE" -d "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: Expected directory $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR not found after extracting $SOLR_ARCHIVE ... script fails.\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi chown -R root: "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" find "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 chmod -R 0755 "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin" else echo -e "\nWARNING: $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR already exists! Skipping extract ...\n" fi # create a symlink for easier scripting if [ -h "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE" ]; then echo -e "\nRemoving old symlink $SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE ...\n" rm "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE" fi if [ -e "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE" ]; then echo -e "\nWARNING: $SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE is not symlink! Skipping symlink update ...\n" else echo -e "\nInstalling symlink $SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE -> $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR ...\n" ln -s "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" "$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE" fi # install init.d script echo -e "\nInstalling /etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE script ...\n" cp "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/init.d/solr" "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE" chmod 0744 "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE" chown root: "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE" # do some basic variable substitution on the init.d script sed_expr1="s#SOLR_INSTALL_DIR=.*#SOLR_INSTALL_DIR=\"$SOLR_EXTRACT_DIR/$SOLR_SERVICE\"#" sed_expr2="s#SOLR_ENV=.*#SOLR_ENV=\"/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh\"#" sed_expr3="s#RUNAS=.*#RUNAS=\"$SOLR_USER\"#" sed_expr4="s#Provides:.*#Provides: $SOLR_SERVICE#" sed -i -e "$sed_expr1" -e "$sed_expr2" -e "$sed_expr3" -e "$sed_expr4" "/etc/init.d/$SOLR_SERVICE" # install/move configuration if [ ! -d /etc/default ]; then mkdir /etc/default chown root: /etc/default chmod 0755 /etc/default fi if [ -f "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/solr.in.sh" ]; then echo -e "\nMoving existing $SOLR_VAR_DIR/solr.in.sh to /etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh ...\n" mv "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/solr.in.sh" "/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" elif [ -f "/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" ]; then echo -e "\n/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh already exist. Skipping install ...\n" else echo -e "\nInstalling /etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh ...\n" cp "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh" "/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" mv "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh" "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh.orig" mv "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.cmd" "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.cmd.orig" echo "SOLR_PID_DIR=\"$SOLR_VAR_DIR\" SOLR_HOME=\"$SOLR_VAR_DIR/data\" LOG4J_PROPS=\"$SOLR_VAR_DIR/log4j.properties\" SOLR_LOGS_DIR=\"$SOLR_VAR_DIR/logs\" SOLR_PORT=\"$SOLR_PORT\" " >> "/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" fi chown root:${SOLR_USER} "/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" chmod 0640 "/etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" # install data directories and files mkdir -p "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/data" mkdir -p "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/logs" if [ -f "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/data/solr.xml" ]; then echo -e "\n$SOLR_VAR_DIR/data/solr.xml already exists. Skipping install ...\n" else cp "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/server/solr/"{solr.xml,zoo.cfg} "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/data/" fi if [ -f "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/log4j.properties" ]; then echo -e "\n$SOLR_VAR_DIR/log4j.properties already exists. Skipping install ...\n" else cp "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/server/resources/log4j.properties" "$SOLR_VAR_DIR/log4j.properties" fi chown -R "$SOLR_USER:" "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" find "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0750 find "$SOLR_VAR_DIR" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0640 # configure autostart of service if [[ "$distro" == "RedHat" || "$distro" == "CentOS" || "$distro" == "SUSE" ]]; then chkconfig "$SOLR_SERVICE" on else update-rc.d "$SOLR_SERVICE" defaults fi echo "Service $SOLR_SERVICE installed." echo "Customize Solr startup configuration in /etc/default/$SOLR_SERVICE.in.sh" # start service if [[ $SOLR_START == "true" ]] ; then service "$SOLR_SERVICE" start sleep 5 service "$SOLR_SERVICE" status else echo "Not starting Solr service (option -n given). Start manually with 'service $SOLR_SERVICE start'" fi