/* * @(#)HTTPResponse.java 0.3-3 06/05/2001 * * This file is part of the HTTPClient package * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Ronald Tschalär * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You shou * d have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA * * For questions, suggestions, bug-reports, enhancement-requests etc. * I may be contacted at: * * ronald@innovation.ch * * The HTTPClient's home page is located at: * * http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/ * */ package HTTPClient; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This defines the http-response class returned by the requests. It's basically * a wrapper around the Response class which first lets all the modules handle * the response before finally giving the info to the user. * * @author Ronald Tschalär * @created 29. Dezember 2001 * @version 0.3-3 06/05/2001 * @since 0.3 */ class ByteBlock { byte[] block; int length; ByteBlock(int size) { block = new byte[size]; } } public class HTTPResponse implements HTTPClientModuleConstants { /** * the list of modules */ private HTTPClientModule[] modules; /** * the timeout for reads */ private int timeout; /** * the request */ private Request request = null; /** * the current response */ Response response = null; /** * the HttpOutputStream to synchronize on */ private HttpOutputStream out_stream = null; /** * our input stream from the stream demux */ private InputStream inp_stream; /** * the status code returned. */ private int StatusCode; /** * the reason line associated with the status code. */ private String ReasonLine; /** * the HTTP version of the response. */ private String Version; /** * the original URI used. */ private URI OriginalURI = null; /** * the final URI of the document. */ private URI EffectiveURI = null; /** * any headers which were received and do not fit in the above list. */ private CIHashtable Headers = null; /** * any trailers which were received and do not fit in the above list. */ private CIHashtable Trailers = null; /** * the ContentLength of the data. */ private int ContentLength = -1; /** * the data (body) returned. */ private byte[] Data = null; /** * signals if we have got and parsed the headers yet? */ private boolean initialized = false; /** * signals if we have got the trailers yet? */ private boolean got_trailers = false; /** * marks this response as aborted (stop() in HTTPConnection) */ private boolean aborted = false; /** * should the request be retried by the application? */ private boolean retry = false; /** * the method used in the request */ private String method = null; // Constructors /** * Creates a new HTTPResponse. * * @param modules the list of modules handling this response * @param timeout the timeout to be used on stream read()'s * @param orig Description of the Parameter * @param readIncrement Description of the Parameter */ HTTPResponse(HTTPClientModule[] modules, int timeout, Request orig, int readIncrement) { this.modules = modules; this.timeout = timeout; try { int qp = orig.getRequestURI().indexOf('?'); this.OriginalURI = new URI(orig.getConnection().getProtocol(), null, orig.getConnection().getHost(), orig.getConnection().getPort(), qp < 0 ? orig.getRequestURI() : orig.getRequestURI().substring(0, qp), qp < 0 ? null : orig.getRequestURI().substring(qp + 1), null); } catch (ParseException pe) { } this.method = orig.getMethod(); this.readIncrement = readIncrement; } int readIncrement = 1000; /** * Sets the readIncrement attribute of the HTTPResponse object * * @param readIncrement The new readIncrement value */ public void setReadIncrement(int readIncrement) { this.readIncrement = readIncrement; } /** * Gets the readIncrement attribute of the HTTPResponse object * * @return The readIncrement value */ public int getReadIncrement() { return this.readIncrement; } /** * @param req the request * @param resp the response */ void set(Request req, Response resp) { this.request = req; this.response = resp; resp.http_resp = this; resp.timeout = timeout; this.aborted = resp.final_resp; } /** * @param req the request * @param out_stream Description of the Parameter */ void set(Request req, HttpOutputStream out_stream) { this.request = req; this.out_stream = out_stream; } // Methods /** * Give the status code for this request. These are grouped as follows: * * * * @return The statusCode value * @exception IOException if any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public final int getStatusCode() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } return StatusCode; } /** * Give the reason line associated with the status code. * * @return The reasonLine value * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public final String getReasonLine() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } return ReasonLine; } /** * Get the HTTP version used for the response. * * @return The version value * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public final String getVersion() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } return Version; } /** * Get the name and type of server. * * @return The server value * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. * @deprecated This method is a remnant of V0.1; use getHeader("Server") * instead. * @see #getHeader(java.lang.String) */ public final String getServer() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } return getHeader("Server"); } /** * Get the original URI used in the request. * * @return the URI used in primary request */ public final URI getOriginalURI() { return OriginalURI; } /** * Get the final URL of the document. This is set if the original request * was deferred via the "moved" (301, 302, or 303) return status. * * @return the effective URL, or null if no redirection * occured * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. * @deprecated use getEffectiveURI() instead * @see #getEffectiveURI */ public final URL getEffectiveURL() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } if (EffectiveURI != null) { return EffectiveURI.toURL(); } return null; } /** * Get the final URI of the document. If the request was redirected via the * "moved" (301, 302, 303, or 307) return status this returns the URI used * in the last redirection; otherwise it returns the original URI. * * @return the effective URI * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public final URI getEffectiveURI() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } if (EffectiveURI != null) { return EffectiveURI; } return OriginalURI; } /** * Retrieves the value for a given header. * * @param hdr the header name. * @return the value for the header, or null if * non-existent. * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public String getHeader(String hdr) throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } return (String) Headers.get(hdr.trim()); } /** * Retrieves the value for a given header. The value is parsed as an int. * * @param hdr the header name. * @return the value for the header if the header * exists * @exception NumberFormatException if the header's value is not a number * or if the header does not exist. * @exception IOException if any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public int getHeaderAsInt(String hdr) throws IOException, ModuleException, NumberFormatException { String val = getHeader(hdr); if (val == null) { throw new NumberFormatException("null"); } return Integer.parseInt(val); } /** * Retrieves the value for a given header. The value is parsed as a date; if * this fails it is parsed as a long representing the number of seconds * since 12:00 AM, Jan 1st, 1970. If this also fails an exception is thrown. *
* Note: When sending dates use Util.httpDate(). * * @param hdr the header name. * @return the value for the header, or null if * non-existent. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the header's value is neither a * legal date nor a number. * @exception IOException if any exception occurs on the * socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an * exception. */ public Date getHeaderAsDate(String hdr) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, ModuleException { String raw_date = getHeader(hdr); if (raw_date == null) { return null; } // asctime() format is missing an explicit GMT specifier if (raw_date.toUpperCase().indexOf("GMT") == -1 && raw_date.indexOf(' ') > 0) { raw_date += " GMT"; } Date date; try { date = Util.parseHttpDate(raw_date); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // some servers erroneously send a number, so let's try that long time; try { time = Long.parseLong(raw_date); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw iae; } // give up if (time < 0) { time = 0; } date = new Date(time * 1000L); } return date; } /** * Returns an enumeration of all the headers available via getHeader(). * * @return Description of the Return Value * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public Enumeration listHeaders() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } return Headers.keys(); } /** * Retrieves the value for a given trailer. This should not be invoked until * all response data has been read. If invoked before it will call getData() * to force the data to be read. * * @param trailer the trailer name. * @return the value for the trailer, or null if * non-existent. * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. * @see #getData() */ public String getTrailer(String trailer) throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!got_trailers) { getTrailers(); } return (String) Trailers.get(trailer.trim()); } /** * Retrieves the value for a given tailer. The value is parsed as an int. * * @param trailer the tailer name. * @return the value for the trailer if the * trailer exists * @exception NumberFormatException if the trailer's value is not a number * or if the trailer does not exist. * @exception IOException if any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public int getTrailerAsInt(String trailer) throws IOException, ModuleException, NumberFormatException { String val = getTrailer(trailer); if (val == null) { throw new NumberFormatException("null"); } return Integer.parseInt(val); } /** * Retrieves the value for a given trailer. The value is parsed as a date; * if this fails it is parsed as a long representing the number of seconds * since 12:00 AM, Jan 1st, 1970. If this also fails an * IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
* Note: When sending dates use Util.httpDate(). * * @param trailer the trailer name. * @return the value for the trailer, or null * if non-existent. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the trailer's value is neither a * legal date nor a number. * @exception IOException if any exception occurs on the * socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an * exception. */ public Date getTrailerAsDate(String trailer) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, ModuleException { String raw_date = getTrailer(trailer); if (raw_date == null) { return null; } // asctime() format is missing an explicit GMT specifier if (raw_date.toUpperCase().indexOf("GMT") == -1 && raw_date.indexOf(' ') > 0) { raw_date += " GMT"; } Date date; try { date = Util.parseHttpDate(raw_date); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // some servers erroneously send a number, so let's try that long time; try { time = Long.parseLong(raw_date); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw iae; } // give up if (time < 0) { time = 0; } date = new Date(time * 1000L); } return date; } /** * Returns an enumeration of all the trailers available via getTrailer(). * * @return Description of the Return Value * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public Enumeration listTrailers() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!got_trailers) { getTrailers(); } return Trailers.keys(); } /** * Reads all the response data into a byte array. Note that this method * won't return until all the data has been received (so for * instance don't invoke this method if the server is doing a server push). * If getInputStream() had been previously invoked then this * method only returns any unread data remaining on the stream and then * closes it.

* * Note to the unwary: code like

     *     System.out.println("The data: " + resp.getData())
will probably not do what you want - use
     *     System.out.println("The data: " + resp.getText())
instead. * * @return an array containing the data (body) returned. * If no data was returned then it's set to a zero-length array. * @exception IOException If any io exception occured while reading the * data * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. * @see #getInputStream() */ public byte[] getData() throws IOException, ModuleException { return getData(-1); } public byte[] getData(int max) throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } if (Data == null) { try { readResponseData(inp_stream, max); } catch (InterruptedIOException ie) { // don't intercept throw ie; } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.write(Log.RESP, "HResp: (\"" + method + " " + OriginalURI.getPathAndQuery() + "\")"); Log.write(Log.RESP, " ", ioe); try { inp_stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } throw ioe; } inp_stream.close(); } return Data; } /** * Reads all the response data into a buffer and turns it into a string * using the appropriate character converter. Since this uses {@link * #getData() getData()}, the caveats of that method apply here as well. * * @return the body as a String. If no data was returned * then an empty string is returned. * @exception IOException If any io exception occured while reading the * data, or if the content is not text * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. * @exception ParseException if an error occured trying to parse the * content-type header field * @see #getData() */ public synchronized String getText() throws IOException, ModuleException, ParseException { String ct = getHeader("Content-Type"); if (ct == null || !ct.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/")) { throw new IOException("Content-Type `" + ct + "' is not a text type"); } String charset = Util.getParameter("charset", ct); if (charset == null) { charset = "ISO-8859-1"; } return new String(getData(), charset); } /** * Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read. Note that * if getData() had been previously invoked it will actually * return a ByteArrayInputStream created from that data. * * @return the InputStream. * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. * @see #getData() */ public synchronized InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } if (Data == null) { return inp_stream; } else { getData(); // ensure complete data is read return new ByteArrayInputStream(Data); } } /** * Should the request be retried by the application? If the application used * an HttpOutputStream in the request then various modules (such * as the redirection and authorization modules) are not able to resend the * request themselves. Instead, it becomes the application's responsibility. * The application can check this flag, and if it's set, resend the exact * same request. The modules such as the RedirectionModule or * AuthorizationModule will then recognize the resend and fix up or redirect * the request as required (i.e. they defer their normal action until the * resend).

* * If the application resends the request then it must use * the same HttpOutputStream instance. This is because the * modules use this to recognize the retried request and to perform the * necessary work on the request before it's sent.

* * Here is a skeleton example of usage:

     *     OutputStream out = new HttpOutputStream(1234);
     *     do
     *     {
     *         rsp = con.Post("/cgi-bin/my_cgi", out);
     *         out.write(...);
     *         out.close();
     *     } while (rsp.retryRequest());
     *     if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300)
     *         ...

* * Note that for this to ever return true, the java system property * HTTPClient.deferStreamed must be set to true at the beginning of * the application (before the HTTPConnection class is loaded). This * prevents unwary applications from causing inadvertent memory leaks. If an * application does set this, then it must resend any request whose * response returns true here in order to prevent memory leaks (a switch to * JDK 1.2 will allow us to use weak references and eliminate this problem). * * @return true if the request should be retried. * @exception IOException If any exception occurs on the socket. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ public boolean retryRequest() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (!initialized) { try { handleResponse(); } catch (RetryException re) { this.retry = response.retry; } } return retry; } /** * produces a full list of headers and their values, one per line. * * @return a string containing the headers */ public String toString() { if (!initialized) { try { handleResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof InterruptedIOException)) { Log.write(Log.RESP, "HResp: (\"" + method + " " + OriginalURI.getPathAndQuery() + "\")"); Log.write(Log.RESP, " ", e); } return "Failed to read headers: " + e; } } String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(Version); str.append(' '); str.append(StatusCode); str.append(' '); str.append(ReasonLine); str.append(nl); if (EffectiveURI != null) { str.append("Effective-URI: "); str.append(EffectiveURI); str.append(nl); } Enumeration hdr_list = Headers.keys(); while (hdr_list.hasMoreElements()) { String hdr = (String) hdr_list.nextElement(); str.append(hdr); str.append(": "); str.append(Headers.get(hdr)); str.append(nl); } return str.toString(); } // Helper Methods /** * Gets the modules attribute of the HTTPResponse object * * @return The modules value */ HTTPClientModule[] getModules() { return modules; } /** * Processes a Response. This is done by calling the response handler in * each module. When all is done, the various fields of this instance are * intialized from the last Response. * * @return true if a new request was generated. This is * used for internal subrequests only * @exception IOException if any handler throws an IOException. * @exception ModuleException if any module encounters an exception. */ synchronized boolean handleResponse() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (initialized) { return false; } /* * first get the response if necessary */ if (out_stream != null) { response = out_stream.getResponse(); response.http_resp = this; out_stream = null; } /* * go through modules and handle them */ doModules : while (true) { Phase1 : for (int idx = 0; idx < modules.length && !aborted; idx++) { try { modules[idx].responsePhase1Handler(response, request); } catch (RetryException re) { if (re.restart) { continue doModules; } else { throw re; } } } Phase2 : for (int idx = 0; idx < modules.length && !aborted; idx++) { int sts = modules[idx].responsePhase2Handler(response, request); switch (sts) { case RSP_CONTINUE: // continue processing break; case RSP_RESTART: // restart response processing idx = -1; continue doModules; case RSP_SHORTCIRC: // stop processing and return break doModules; case RSP_REQUEST: // go to phase 1 case RSP_NEWCON_REQ: // process the request using a new con response.getInputStream().close(); if (handle_trailers) { invokeTrailerHandlers(true); } if (request.internal_subrequest) { return true; } request.getConnection(). handleRequest(request, this, response, true); if (initialized) { break doModules; } idx = -1; continue doModules; case RSP_SEND: // send the request immediately case RSP_NEWCON_SND: // send the request using a new con response.getInputStream().close(); if (handle_trailers) { invokeTrailerHandlers(true); } if (request.internal_subrequest) { return true; } request.getConnection(). handleRequest(request, this, response, false); idx = -1; continue doModules; default: // not valid throw new Error("HTTPClient Internal Error: invalid status" + " " + sts + " returned by module " + modules[idx].getClass().getName()); } } Phase3 : for (int idx = 0; idx < modules.length && !aborted; idx++) { modules[idx].responsePhase3Handler(response, request); } break doModules; } /* * force a read on the response in case none of the modules did */ response.getStatusCode(); /* * all done, so copy data */ if (!request.internal_subrequest) { init(response); } if (handle_trailers) { invokeTrailerHandlers(false); } return false; } /** * Copies the relevant fields from Response and marks this as initialized. * * @param resp the Response class to copy from */ void init(Response resp) { if (initialized) { return; } this.StatusCode = resp.StatusCode; this.ReasonLine = resp.ReasonLine; this.Version = resp.Version; this.EffectiveURI = resp.EffectiveURI; this.ContentLength = resp.ContentLength; this.Headers = resp.Headers; this.inp_stream = resp.inp_stream; this.Data = resp.Data; this.retry = resp.retry; initialized = true; } private boolean handle_trailers = false; private boolean trailers_handled = false; /** * This is invoked by the RespInputStream when it is close()'d. It just * invokes the trailer handler in each module. * * @param force invoke the handlers even if not initialized * yet? * @exception IOException if thrown by any module * @exception ModuleException if thrown by any module */ void invokeTrailerHandlers(boolean force) throws IOException, ModuleException { if (trailers_handled) { return; } if (!force && !initialized) { handle_trailers = true; return; } for (int idx = 0; idx < modules.length && !aborted; idx++) { modules[idx].trailerHandler(response, request); } trailers_handled = true; } /** * Mark this request as having been aborted. It's invoked by * HTTPConnection.stop(). */ void markAborted() { aborted = true; } /** * Gets any trailers from the response if we haven't already done so. * * @exception IOException Description of the Exception * @exception ModuleException Description of the Exception */ private synchronized void getTrailers() throws IOException, ModuleException { if (got_trailers) { return; } if (!initialized) { handleResponse(); } response.getTrailer("Any"); Trailers = response.Trailers; got_trailers = true; invokeTrailerHandlers(false); } /** * Reads the response data received. Does not return until either * Content-Length bytes have been read or EOF is reached. * * @param inp Description of the Parameter * @exception IOException if any read on the input stream fails * @inp the input stream from which to read the data */ private void readResponseData(InputStream inp, int max) throws IOException, ModuleException { boolean readUnlimited = (max == -1); if (ContentLength == 0) { return; } if (Data == null) { Data = new byte[0]; } // read response data int off = Data.length; try { // check Content-length header in case CE-Module removed it if (getHeader("Content-Length") != null) { int rcvd = 0; int total = max > 1 ? Math.min(ContentLength, max) : ContentLength; //System.out.println("Reading with max file size: " + total); Data = new byte[total]; do { off += rcvd; rcvd = inp.read(Data, off, total - off); } while (rcvd != -1 && off + rcvd < total); // if max < ContentLength (&& max > -1): lose the rest /*if(total < ContentLength) { inp.skip(ContentLength - total); }*/ /* * Don't do this! * If we do, then getData() won't work after a getInputStream() * because we'll never get all the expected data. Instead, let * the underlying RespInputStream throw the EOF. * if (rcvd == -1) // premature EOF * { * throw new EOFException("Encountered premature EOF while " + * "reading headers: received " + off + * " bytes instead of the expected " + * ContentLength + " bytes"); * } */ } else { //System.out.println("Reading with unknown file size"); java.util.LinkedList blocks = new java.util.LinkedList(); //System.out.println("new LinkedList()"); int total = 0; int secondBlockSize = 10*2000; byte[] secondBlock = new byte[secondBlockSize]; //System.out.println("new byte[" + secondBlockSize + "]"); int offInSecondBlock = 0; int rcvd = 0; do { int bytesToRead = secondBlockSize - offInSecondBlock; if(bytesToRead < 1) { // System.out.println("adding block to list..."); blocks.addLast(secondBlock); secondBlock = new byte[secondBlockSize]; //System.out.println("new byte[" + secondBlockSize + "]"); offInSecondBlock = 0; bytesToRead = secondBlockSize; } rcvd = inp.read(secondBlock, offInSecondBlock, bytesToRead); //System.out.println("read " + rcvd); // rcvd is usually << secondBlockSize if(rcvd != -1) { offInSecondBlock += rcvd; total += rcvd; max -= rcvd; } } while(rcvd != -1 && (readUnlimited || max > 0)); // now we have: 1 x the last block as "secondBlock" + 0...n x blocks in the list Data = new byte[total]; // I can't see how to do it without this second buffer //System.out.println("new byte[" + total + "]"); int offset = 0; while(blocks.size() > 0) { byte[] block = (byte[]) blocks.removeFirst(); System.arraycopy(block, 0, Data, offset, block.length); //System.out.println("System.arraycopy(" + block.length + ")"); offset += block.length; } if(offInSecondBlock > 0) { //System.out.println("System.arraycopy(" + offInSecondBlock + ")"); System.arraycopy(secondBlock, 0, Data, offset, offInSecondBlock); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { Data = Util.resizeArray(Data, off); throw ioe; } finally { try { inp.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } /* * Reads the response data received. Does not return until either * Content-Length bytes have been read or EOF is reached. * * @param inp Description of the Parameter * @exception IOException if any read on the input stream fails * @exception ModuleException Description of the Exception * @inp the input stream from which to read the data * private void readResponseData(InputStream inp) throws IOException, ModuleException { if (ContentLength == 0) { return; } if (Data == null) { Data = new byte[0]; } // read response data int off = Data.length; LinkedList blocks = new java.util.LinkedList(); // check Content-length header in case CE-Module removed it if (getHeader("Content-Length") != null) { try { int rcvd = 0; Data = new byte[ContentLength]; do { off += rcvd; rcvd = inp.read(Data, off, ContentLength - off); } while (rcvd != -1 && off + rcvd < ContentLength); /* * Don't do this! * If we do, then getData() won't work after a getInputStream() * because we'll never get all the expected data. Instead, let * the underlying RespInputStream throw the EOF. * if (rcvd == -1) // premature EOF * { * throw new EOFException("Encountered premature EOF while " + * "reading headers: received " + off + * " bytes instead of the expected " + * ContentLength + " bytes"); * } * } catch (IOException ioe) { Data = Util.resizeArray(Data, off); throw ioe; } finally { try { inp.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } else { int total = 0; int rcvd = 0; try { ByteBlock actBlock = new ByteBlock(this.readIncrement); // TODO: Blocks are very small (500-2000 Bytes) -> combine them while ((actBlock.length = inp.read(actBlock.block, 0, this.readIncrement)) != -1) { total += actBlock.length; // System.out.println(this.getOriginalURI().toExternalForm() + ": adding block with length " + actBlock.length + " complete: " + total); blocks.add(actBlock); actBlock = new ByteBlock(this.readIncrement); //off += rcvd; // Data = Util.resizeArray(Data, off + this.readIncrement); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } finally { Iterator it = blocks.iterator(); Data = Util.resizeArray(Data, total); off = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { ByteBlock act = (ByteBlock) it.next(); //System.out.println(this.getOriginalURI().toExternalForm() + ": copied " + act.length + " -> off: " + off + ", left: " + total); System.arraycopy(act.block, 0, Data, off, act.length); off += act.length; total -= act.length; } try { inp.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } } */ /** * Gets the timeout attribute of the HTTPResponse object * * @return The timeout value */ int getTimeout() { return timeout; } }