#!/bin/bash ################################################################################## # # The goal of this script is to allow quick setup of a blank local multi node # cluster for development testing without needing to erase or interfere with # previous testing. It also enables redeployment of the code for such testing # clusters without erasing the data previously indexed. # # It is for dev testing only NOT for production use. # # This is also NOT meant to be run from this directory within a lucene-solr # working copy. Typical usage is to copy it out to a separate workspace # such as (/../testing) and edit then either use the -w option # or edit the definition of DEFAULT_VCS_WORKSPACE variable below. # # Usage: # ./cloud.sh [options] [name] # # Options: # -c clean the data & zk collections erasing all indexed data # -r recompile server with 'ant clean server create-package' # -m memory per node # -a additional JVM options # -n number of nodes to create/start if this doesn't match error # -w path to the vcs checkout # -z port to look for zookeeper on (2181 default) # # Commands: # new Create a new cluster named by the current date or [name] # start Start an existing cluster specified by [name] # stop stop the cluster specified by [name] # restart stop and then start # # In all cases if [name] is unspecified ls -t will be used to determine the # most recent cluster working directory, and that will be used. If it is # specified it will be resolved as a path from the directory where cloud.sh # has been run. # # By default the script sets up a local Solr cloud with 4 nodes, in a local # directory with ISO date as the name. A local zookeeper at 2181 or the # specified port is presumed to be available, a new zk chroot is used for each # cluster based on the file system path to the cluster directory. the default # solr.xml is added to this solr root dir in zookeeper. # # Debugging ports are automatically opened for each node starting with port 5001 # # Specifying an explicit destination path will cause the script to # use that path and a zk chroot that matches, so more than one install # can be created in a day, or issue numbers etc can be used. Normally the # directories containing clusters created by this tool are in the same # directory as this script. Distant paths with slashes or funny characters # *might* work, but are not well tested, YMMV. # # PEREQ: 1. Zookeeper on localhost:2181 (or as specified by -z option) where # it is ok to create a lot of top level directories named for # the absolute path of the [name] directory (for example: # /solr_home_myuser_projects_solr_testing_2019-01-01) Note # that not using the embedded zookeeper is key to being able # switch between testing setups and to test vs alternate versions # of zookeeper if desired. # # SETUP: 1. Place this script in a directory intended to hold all your # testing installations of solr. # 2. Edit DEFAULT_VCS_WORKSPACE if the present value does not suit # your purposes. # 3. chmod +x cloud.sh # # EXAMPLES: # # Create a brand new 4 node cluster deployed in a directory named for today # # ./cloud.sh new # # Create a brand new 4 node cluster deployed in a directory named SOLR-1234567 # # ./cloud.sh new SOLR-1234567 # # Stop the cluster # # ./cloud.sh stop # # Compile and push new code to a running cluster (incl bounce the cluster) # # ./cloud.sh restart -r # # Dump your hoplessly fubar'd test collections and start fresh with current tarball # # ./cloud.sh restart -c # ################################################################################## DEFAULT_VCS_WORKSPACE='../code/lucene-solr' ############## Normally no need to edit below this line ############## ############## # Parse Args # ############## COMMAND=$1 shift CLEAN=false # default MEMORY=1g # default JVM_ARGS='' # default RECOMPILE=false # default NUM_NODES=0 # need to detect if not specified VCS_WORK=${DEFAULT_VCS_WORKSPACE} ZK_PORT=2181 while getopts ":crm:a:n:w:z:" opt; do case ${opt} in c) CLEAN=true ;; r) RECOMPILE=true ;; m) MEMORY=$OPTARG ;; a) JVM_ARGS=$OPTARG ;; n) NUM_NODES=$OPTARG ;; w) VCS_WORK=$OPTARG ;; z) ZK_PORT=$OPTARG ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) CLUSTER_WD=$1 ################# # Validate Args # ################# case ${COMMAND} in new);; stop);; start);; restart);; *) echo "Invalid command $COMMAND"; exit 2; esac case ${NUM_NODES} in ''|*[!0-9]*) echo "$NUM_NODES (-n) is not a positive integer"; exit 3 ;; *) ;; esac case ${ZK_PORT} in ''|*[!0-9]*) echo "$NUM_NODES (-z) is not a positive integer"; exit 3 ;; *) ;; esac if [[ "$COMMAND" = "new" ]]; then if [[ "$CLEAN" = true ]]; then echo "Command new and option -c (clean) do not make sense together since a newly created cluster has no data to clean."; exit 1; fi fi if [[ ! -d "$VCS_WORK" ]]; then echo "$VCS_WORK (vcs working directory) does not exist"; exit 4; fi if [[ ! "$COMMAND" = "new" ]]; then if [[ -z "$CLUSTER_WD" ]]; then # find the most recently touched directory in the local directory CLUSTER_WD=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 ls -1 -td | sed -E 's/\.\/(.*)/\1/' | head -n1) fi fi if [[ ! -z "$CLUSTER_WD" ]]; then if [[ ! -d "$CLUSTER_WD" && ! "$COMMAND" = "new" ]]; then echo "$CLUSTER_WD (cluster working directory) does not exist or is not a directory"; exit 5; fi fi ############################ # Print our initialization # ############################ echo "COMMAND : $COMMAND" echo "VCS WD : $VCS_WORK" echo "CLUSTER WD : $CLUSTER_WD" echo "NUM NODES : $NUM_NODES" echo "ZK PORT : $ZK_PORT" echo "CLEAN : $CLEAN" echo "RECOMPILE : $RECOMPILE" ########################################################### # Create new cluster working dir if new command specified # ########################################################### mkdirIfReq() { if [[ "$COMMAND" = "new" ]]; then if [[ -z "$CLUSTER_WD" ]]; then DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") CLUSTER_WD="${DATE}" fi mkdir "$CLUSTER_WD" if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Unable to create $CLUSTER_WD"; exit 6; fi fi } ################# # Find Solr etc # ################# findSolr() { pushd ${CLUSTER_WD} CLUSTER_WD_FULL=$(pwd -P) SOLR=${CLUSTER_WD}/$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'solr*' -type d -print0 | xargs -0 ls -1 -td | sed -E 's/\.\/(solr.*)/\1/' | head -n1) popd #echo "Found solr at $SOLR" SAFE_DEST="${CLUSTER_WD_FULL//\//_}"; } ############################################### # Clean node dir (and thus data) if requested # ############################################### cleanIfReq() { if [[ "$CLEAN" = true ]]; then if [[ -d "$CLUSTER_WD" ]]; then echo "Cleaning out $CLUSTER_WD" pushd ${CLUSTER_WD} rm -rf n* # remove node dirs which are are n1, n2, n3 etc popd fi findSolr echo COLLECTIONS FOUND IN ZK | egrep --color=always '.*' COLLECTIONS_TO_CLEAN=`${SOLR}/bin/solr zk ls /solr_${SAFE_DEST}/collections -z localhost:${ZK_PORT}`; echo $COLLECTIONS_TO_CLEAN | egrep --color=always '.*' for collection in ${COLLECTIONS_TO_CLEAN}; do echo nuke $collection ${SOLR}/bin/solr zk rm -r /solr_${SAFE_DEST}/collections/${collection} -z localhost:${ZK_PORT} echo $? done fi } ################################# # Recompile server if requested # ################################# recompileIfReq() { if [[ "$RECOMPILE" = true ]]; then pushd "$VCS_WORK"/solr ant clean server create-package if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "BUILD FAIL - cloud.sh stopping, see above output for details"; popd; exit 7; fi popd copyTarball fi } ################ # Copy tarball # ################ copyTarball() { echo "foo" pushd ${CLUSTER_WD} echo "bar" rm -rf solr-* # remove tarball and dir to which it extracts echo "baz" pushd # back to original dir to properly resolve vcs working dir echo "foobar:"$(pwd) if [[ ! -f $(ls "$VCS_WORK"/solr/package/solr-*.tgz) ]]; then echo "No solr tarball found try again with -r"; popd; exit 10; fi cp "$VCS_WORK"/solr/package/solr-*.tgz ${CLUSTER_WD} pushd # back into cluster wd to unpack tar xzvf solr-*.tgz popd } ############################################# # Test to see if port for zookeeper is open # # Assume that zookeeper holds it if it is # ############################################# testZookeeper() { PORT_FOUND=$( netstat -an | grep '\b'${ZK_PORT}'\s' | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}' | sed -E 's/.*\b('${ZK_PORT}')\s*/\1/'); if [[ -z "$PORT_FOUND" ]]; then echo "No process listening on port ${ZK_PORT}. Please start zookeeper and try again"; exit 8; fi } ########################## # Start server instances # ########################## start(){ testZookeeper echo "Starting servers" findSolr echo "SOLR=$SOLR" SOLR_ROOT=$("${SOLR}/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh" -zkhost localhost:${ZK_PORT} -cmd getfile "/solr_${SAFE_DEST}" /dev/stdout); if [[ -z ${SOLR_ROOT} ]]; then # Need a fresh root in zookeeper... "${SOLR}/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh" -zkhost localhost:${ZK_PORT} -cmd makepath "/solr_${SAFE_DEST}"; "${SOLR}/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh" -zkhost localhost:${ZK_PORT} -cmd put "/solr_${SAFE_DEST}" "created by cloud.sh"; # so we can test for existence next time "${SOLR}/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh" -zkhost localhost:${ZK_PORT} -cmd putfile "/solr_${SAFE_DEST}/solr.xml" "${SOLR}/server/solr/solr.xml"; fi ACTUAL_NUM_NODES=$(ls -1 -d ${CLUSTER_WD}/n* | wc -l ) if [[ "$NUM_NODES" -eq 0 ]]; then NUM_NODES=${ACTUAL_NUM_NODES} else if [[ "$NUM_NODES" -ne "$ACTUAL_NUM_NODES" ]]; then #check that this isn't first time startup.. if [[ "$ACTUAL_NUM_NODES" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Requested $NUM_NODES for a cluster that already has $ACTUAL_NUM_NODES. Refusing to start!"; exit 9; fi fi fi if [[ "$NUM_NODES" -eq 0 ]]; then NUM_NODES=4 # nothing pre-existing found, default to 4 fi echo "Final NUM_NODES is $NUM_NODES" for i in `seq 1 $NUM_NODES`; do mkdir -p "${CLUSTER_WD}/n${i}" argsArray=(-c -s $CLUSTER_WD_FULL/n${i} -z localhost:${ZK_PORT}/solr_${SAFE_DEST} -p 898${i} -m $MEMORY \ -a "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=500${i} \ -Dsolr.solrxml.location=zookeeper -Dsolr.log.dir=$CLUSTER_WD_FULL/n${i} $JVM_ARGS") FINAL_COMMAND="${SOLR}/bin/solr ${argsArray[@]}" echo ${FINAL_COMMAND} ${SOLR}/bin/solr "${argsArray[@]}" done touch ${CLUSTER_WD} # make this the most recently updated dir for ls -t } stop() { echo "Stopping servers" pushd ${CLUSTER_WD} SOLR=${CLUSTER_WD}/$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'solr*' -type d -print0 | xargs -0 ls -1 -td | sed -E 's/\.\/(solr.*)/\1/' | head -n1) popd "${SOLR}/bin/solr" stop -all } ######################## # process the commands # ######################## case ${COMMAND} in new) testZookeeper mkdirIfReq recompileIfReq if [[ "$RECOMPILE" = false ]]; then copyTarball fi start ;; stop) stop ;; start) testZookeeper cleanIfReq recompileIfReq start ;; restart) testZookeeper stop cleanIfReq recompileIfReq start ;; *) echo "Invalid command $COMMAND"; exit 2; esac