/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ solrAdminApp.controller('CollectionsController', function($scope, $routeParams, $location, $timeout, Collections, Zookeeper, Constants){ $scope.resetMenu("collections", Constants.IS_ROOT_PAGE); $scope.refresh = function() { $scope.rootUrl = Constants.ROOT_URL + "#/~collections/" + $routeParams.collection; Collections.status(function (data) { $scope.collections = []; for (var name in data.cluster.collections) { var collection = data.cluster.collections[name]; collection.name = name; collection.type = 'collection'; var shards = collection.shards; collection.shards = []; for (var shardName in shards) { var shard = shards[shardName]; shard.name = shardName; shard.collection = collection.name; var replicas = shard.replicas; shard.replicas = []; for (var replicaName in replicas) { var replica = replicas[replicaName]; replica.name = replicaName; replica.collection = collection.name; replica.shard = shard.name; shard.replicas.push(replica); } collection.shards.push(shard); } $scope.collections.push(collection); if ($routeParams.collection == name) { $scope.collection = collection; } } // Fetch aliases using LISTALIASES to get properties Collections.listaliases(function (adata) { // TODO: Population of aliases array duplicated in app.js $scope.aliases = []; for (var key in adata.aliases) { props = {}; if (key in adata.properties) { props = adata.properties[key]; } var alias = {name: key, collections: adata.aliases[key], type: 'alias', properties: props}; $scope.aliases.push(alias); if ($routeParams.collection == 'alias_' + key) { $scope.collection = alias; } } // Decide what is selected in list if ($routeParams.collection && !$scope.collection) { alert("No collection or alias called " + $routeParams.collection); $location.path("/~collections"); } }); $scope.liveNodes = data.cluster.liveNodes; }); Zookeeper.configs(function(data) { $scope.configs = []; var items = data.tree[0].children; for (var i in items) { $scope.configs.push({name: items[i].text}); } }); }; $scope.hideAll = function() { $scope.showRename = false; $scope.showAdd = false; $scope.showDelete = false; $scope.showSwap = false; $scope.showCreateAlias = false; $scope.showDeleteAlias = false; }; $scope.showAddCollection = function() { $scope.hideAll(); $scope.showAdd = true; $scope.newCollection = { name: "", routerName: "compositeId", numShards: 1, configName: "", replicationFactor: 1, maxShardsPerNode: 1, autoAddReplicas: 'false' }; }; $scope.toggleCreateAlias = function() { $scope.hideAll(); $scope.showCreateAlias = true; } $scope.toggleDeleteAlias = function() { $scope.hideAll(); $scope.showDeleteAlias = true; } $scope.cancelCreateAlias = $scope.cancelDeleteAlias = function() { $scope.hideAll(); } $scope.createAlias = function() { var collections = []; for (var i in $scope.aliasCollections) { collections.push($scope.aliasCollections[i].name); } Collections.createAlias({name: $scope.aliasToCreate, collections: collections.join(",")}, function(data) { $scope.cancelCreateAlias(); $scope.resetMenu("collections", Constants.IS_ROOT_PAGE); $location.path("/~collections/alias_" + $scope.aliasToCreate); }); } $scope.deleteAlias = function() { Collections.deleteAlias({name: $scope.collection.name}, function(data) { $scope.hideAll(); $scope.resetMenu("collections", Constants.IS_ROOT_PAGE); $location.path("/~collections/"); }); }; $scope.addCollection = function() { if (!$scope.newCollection.name) { $scope.addMessage = "Please provide a core name"; } else if (false) { //@todo detect whether core exists $scope.AddMessage = "A core with that name already exists"; } else { var coll = $scope.newCollection; var params = { name: coll.name, "router.name": coll.routerName, numShards: coll.numShards, "collection.configName": coll.configName, replicationFactor: coll.replicationFactor, maxShardsPerNode: coll.maxShardsPerNode, autoAddReplicas: coll.autoAddReplicas }; if (coll.shards) params.shards = coll.shards; if (coll.routerField) params["router.field"] = coll.routerField; Collections.add(params, function(data) { $scope.cancelAddCollection(); $scope.resetMenu("collections", Constants.IS_ROOT_PAGE); $location.path("/~collections/" + $scope.newCollection.name); }); } }; $scope.cancelAddCollection = function() { delete $scope.addMessage; $scope.showAdd = false; }; $scope.showDeleteCollection = function() { $scope.hideAll(); if ($scope.collection) { $scope.showDelete = true; } else { alert("No collection selected."); } }; $scope.deleteCollection = function() { if ($scope.collection.name == $scope.collectionDeleteConfirm) { Collections.delete({name: $scope.collection.name}, function (data) { $location.path("/~collections"); }); } else { $scope.deleteMessage = "Collection names do not match."; } }; $scope.reloadCollection = function() { if (!$scope.collection) { alert("No collection selected."); return; } Collections.reload({name: $scope.collection.name}, function(successData) { $scope.reloadSuccess = true; $timeout(function() {$scope.reloadSuccess=false}, 1000); }, function(failureData) { $scope.reloadFailure = true; $timeout(function() {$scope.reloadFailure=false}, 1000); $location.path("/~collections"); }); }; $scope.toggleAddReplica = function(shard) { $scope.hideAll(); shard.showAdd = !shard.showAdd; delete $scope.addReplicaMessage; Zookeeper.liveNodes({}, function(data) { $scope.nodes = []; var children = data.tree[0].children; for (var child in children) { $scope.nodes.push(children[child].data.title); } }); }; $scope.toggleRemoveReplica = function(replica) { $scope.hideAll(); replica.showRemove = !replica.showRemove; }; $scope.toggleRemoveShard = function(shard) { $scope.hideAll(); shard.showRemove = !shard.showRemove; }; $scope.deleteShard = function(shard) { Collections.deleteShard({collection: shard.collection, shard:shard.name}, function(data) { shard.deleted = true; $timeout(function() { $scope.refresh(); }, 2000); }); } $scope.deleteReplica = function(replica) { Collections.deleteReplica({collection: replica.collection, shard:replica.shard, replica:replica.name}, function(data) { replica.deleted = true; $timeout(function() { $scope.refresh(); }, 2000); }); } $scope.addReplica = function(shard) { var params = { collection: shard.collection, shard: shard.name, } if (shard.replicaNodeName && shard.replicaNodeName != "") { params.node = shard.replicaNodeName; } Collections.addReplica(params, function(data) { shard.replicaAdded = true; $timeout(function () { shard.replicaAdded = false; shard.showAdd = false; $$scope.refresh(); }, 2000); }); }; $scope.toggleShard = function(shard) { shard.show = !shard.show; } $scope.toggleReplica = function(replica) { replica.show = !replica.show; } $scope.refresh(); } ); var flatten = function(data) { var list = []; for (var name in data) { var entry = data[name]; entry.name = name; list.push(entry); } return list; }