/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.time.ZonedDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter plugins { id "base" id "lucene.build-infra" alias(deps.plugins.dependencychecks) alias(deps.plugins.spotless) apply false alias(deps.plugins.benmanes.versions) alias(deps.plugins.forbiddenapis) apply false alias(deps.plugins.versionCatalogUpdate) apply false alias(deps.plugins.randomizedtesting) apply false alias(deps.plugins.owasp.dependencycheck) alias(deps.plugins.undercouch.download) apply false alias(deps.plugins.errorprone) apply false alias(deps.plugins.jacocolog) apply false } apply from: file('gradle/globals.gradle') // General metadata. // Calculate project version: version = { // Release manager: update base version here after release: String baseVersion = '10.0.0' // On a release explicitly set release version in one go: // -Dversion.release=x.y.z // Jenkins can just set just a suffix, overriding SNAPSHOT, e.g. using build id: // -Dversion.suffix=jenkins123 String versionSuffix = propertyOrDefault('version.suffix', 'SNAPSHOT') return propertyOrDefault('version.release', "${baseVersion}-${versionSuffix}") }() description = 'Grandparent project for Apache Lucene Core' // Propagate version and derived properties across projects. allprojects { version = rootProject.version } ext { // "base" version is stripped of the qualifier. Compute it. baseVersion = { def m = (version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-(.+))?/) if (!m) { throw new GradleException("Can't strip version to just x.y.z: " + rootProject.version) } return m[0][1] }() // "majorVersion" is an integer with just the major version. Compute it. majorVersion = { def m = (version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+(-(.+))?/) if (!m) { throw new GradleException("Can't strip version to just major version: " + rootProject.version) } return m[0][1] as int } // Minimum Java version required to compile and run Lucene. minJavaVersion = JavaVersion.toVersion(deps.versions.minJava.get()) // also change this in extractor tool: ExtractForeignAPI vectorIncubatorJavaVersions = [ JavaVersion.VERSION_21, JavaVersion.VERSION_22, JavaVersion.VERSION_23 ] as Set // snapshot build marker used in scripts. snapshotBuild = version.contains("SNAPSHOT") // Build timestamp. def tstamp = ZonedDateTime.now() buildDate = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd").format(tstamp) buildTime = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss").format(tstamp) buildYear = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy").format(tstamp) // Allow definiting external tool locations using system props. externalTool = { name -> def resolved = propertyOrDefault("${name}.exe", name as String) logger.info("External tool '${name}' resolved to: ${resolved}") return resolved } } configurations { groovy } dependencies { // Use a newer groovy that doesn't have illegal reflective accesses. groovy deps.groovy } // Include smaller chunks configuring dedicated build areas. // Some of these intersect or add additional functionality. // The order of inclusion of these files shouldn't matter (but may // if the build file is incorrectly written and evaluates something // eagerly). apply from: file('gradle/conventions.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/local-settings.gradle') // Make sure the build environment is consistent. apply from: file('gradle/validation/check-environment.gradle') // Set up defaults and configure aspects for certain modules or functionality // (java, tests) apply from: file('gradle/java/folder-layout.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/java/javac.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/java/core-mrjar.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/defaults-tests.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/randomization.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/fail-on-no-tests.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/alternative-jdk-support.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/java/jar-manifest.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/java/modules.gradle') // IDE support, settings and specials. apply from: file('gradle/ide/intellij-idea.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/ide/eclipse.gradle') // Maven artifact publishing. apply from: file('gradle/maven/publications.gradle') // Validation tasks apply from: file('gradle/validation/measure-task-times.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/error-prone.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/precommit.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/forbidden-apis.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/jar-checks.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/git-status.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/validate-source-patterns.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/rat-sources.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/owasp-dependency-check.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/ecj-lint.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/gradlew-scripts-tweaked.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/dependencies.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/validation/spotless.gradle') // Wire up included builds to some validation tasks. rootProject.tasks.named("tidy").configure { dependsOn gradle.includedBuilds*.task(":tidy") } rootProject.tasks.named("clean").configure { dependsOn gradle.includedBuilds*.task(":clean") } rootProject.tasks.named("check").configure { dependsOn gradle.includedBuilds*.task(":forbiddenApis") } // Source or data regeneration tasks apply from: file('gradle/generation/regenerate.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/jflex.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/moman.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/snowball.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/kuromoji.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/nori.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/icu.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/javacc.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/forUtil.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/antlr.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/unicode-test-classes.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/generation/extract-jdk-apis.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/datasets/external-datasets.gradle') // Additional development aids. apply from: file('gradle/testing/per-project-summary.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/slowest-tests-at-end.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/failed-tests-at-end.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/profiling.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/beasting.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/testing/coverage.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/help.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/documentation/documentation.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/documentation/changes-to-html.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/documentation/markdown.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/documentation/render-javadoc.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/documentation/check-broken-links.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/hacks/gradle-archives.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/hacks/wipe-temp.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/hacks/hashmapAssertions.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/hacks/turbocharge-jvm-opts.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/hacks/dummy-outputs.gradle') apply from: file('gradle/pylucene/pylucene.gradle')