/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // This adds validation of project dependencies: // 1) license file // 2) notice file // 3) checksum validation/ generation. import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.MessageDigestAlgorithms // This should be false only for debugging. def failOnError = true // We're using commons-codec for computing checksums. buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13' } } // Configure license checksum folder for top-level projects. // (The file("licenses") inside the configure scope resolves // relative to the current project so they're not the same). configure(project(":lucene")) { ext.licensesDir = file("licenses") } configure(project(":solr")) { ext.licensesDir = file("licenses") } // All known license types. If 'noticeOptional' is true then // the notice file must accompany the license. def licenseTypes = [ "ASL" : [name: "Apache Software License 2.0"], "BSD" : [name: "Berkeley Software Distribution"], //BSD like just means someone has taken the BSD license and put in their name, copyright, or it's a very similar license. "BSD_LIKE": [name: "BSD like license"], "CDDL" : [name: "Common Development and Distribution License", noticeOptional: true], "CPL" : [name: "Common Public License"], "EPL" : [name: "Eclipse Public License Version 1.0", noticeOptional: true], "MIT" : [name: "Massachusetts Institute of Tech. License", noticeOptional: true], "MPL" : [name: "Mozilla Public License", noticeOptional: true /* NOT SURE on the required notice */], "PD" : [name: "Public Domain", noticeOptional: true], "SUN" : [name: "Sun Open Source License", noticeOptional: true], "COMPOUND": [name: "Compound license (details in NOTICE file)."], ] allprojects { task licenses() { group = 'Dependency validation' description = "Apply all dependency/ license checks." } check.dependsOn(licenses) } subprojects { // Configure jarValidation configuration for all projects. Any dependency // declared on this configuration (or any configuration it extends from) will // be verified. configurations { jarValidation } // For Java projects, add all dependencies from the following configurations // to jar validation plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) { configurations { jarValidation { extendsFrom runtimeClasspath extendsFrom compileClasspath extendsFrom testRuntimeClasspath extendsFrom testCompileClasspath } } } // Collects dependency JAR information for a project and saves it in // project.ext.jarInfos. Each dependency has a map of attributes // which make it easier to process it later on (name, hash, origin module, // see the code below for details). task collectJarInfos() { dependsOn configurations.jarValidation doFirst { def isSolr = project.path.startsWith(":solr") // When gradle resolves a configuration it applies exclude rules from inherited configurations // globally (this seems like a bug to me). So we process each inherited configuration independently // but make sure there are no other dependencies on jarValidation itself. if (!configurations.jarValidation.dependencies.isEmpty()) { throw new GradleException("jarValidation must only inherit from other configurations (can't have its own dependencies).") } def excludeRules = configurations.jarValidation.excludeRules ArrayDeque queue = new ArrayDeque<>() configurations.jarValidation.extendsFrom.each { conf -> if (excludeRules) { conf = conf.copyRecursive() conf.canBeResolved = true conf.canBeConsumed = true conf.excludeRules = excludeRules } if (conf.canBeResolved) { queue.addAll(conf.resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies) } } def visited = new HashSet<>() def infos = [] while (!queue.isEmpty()) { def dep = queue.removeFirst() // Skip any artifacts from other Solr modules (they will be resolved there). if (dep.moduleGroup == "org.apache.solr") { continue } // Skip any artifacts from Lucene modules. if (dep.moduleGroup.startsWith("org.apache.lucene")) { // ... but process their transitive dependencies for Solr compatibility. if (isSolr) { queue.addAll(dep.children) } } else { queue.addAll(dep.children) dep.moduleArtifacts.each { resolvedArtifact -> def file = resolvedArtifact.file if (visited.add(file)) { infos.add([ name : resolvedArtifact.name, jarName : file.toPath().getFileName().toString(), path : file, module : resolvedArtifact.moduleVersion, checksum : provider { new DigestUtils(MessageDigestAlgorithms.SHA_1).digestAsHex(file).trim() }, // We keep track of the files referenced by this dependency (sha, license, notice, etc.) // so that we can determine unused dangling files later on. referencedFiles: [] ]) } } } } project.ext.jarInfos = infos.sort {a, b -> "${a.module}".compareTo("${b.module}")} // jarInfos.each { info -> println "${info.module}" } } } // Verifies that each JAR has a corresponding checksum and that it matches actual JAR available for this dependency. task validateJarChecksums() { group = 'Dependency validation' description = "Validate checksums of dependencies" dependsOn collectJarInfos doLast { def errors = [] jarInfos.each { dep -> def expectedChecksumFile = file("${licensesDir}/${dep.jarName}.sha1") if (!expectedChecksumFile.exists()) { errors << "Dependency checksum missing ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${expectedChecksumFile}" } else { dep.referencedFiles += expectedChecksumFile def expected = expectedChecksumFile.getText("UTF-8").trim() def actual = dep.checksum.get() if (expected.compareToIgnoreCase(actual) != 0) { errors << "Dependency checksum mismatch ('${dep.module}'), expected it to be: ${expected}, but was: ${actual}" } else { logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency checksum OK ('${dep.module}')") } } } if (errors) { def msg = "Dependency checksum validation failed:\n - " + errors.join("\n - ") if (failOnError) { throw new GradleException(msg) } else { logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: ${msg}") } } } } // Locate the set of license file candidates for this dependency. We // search for [jar-or-prefix]-LICENSE-[type].txt // where 'jar-or-prefix' can be any '-'-delimited prefix of the dependency JAR's name. // So for 'commons-io' it can be 'commons-io-LICENSE-foo.txt' or // 'commons-LICENSE.txt' task validateJarLicenses() { group = 'Dependency validation' description = "Validate license and notice files of dependencies" dependsOn collectJarInfos doLast { def errors = [] jarInfos.each { dep -> def baseName = dep.name def found = [] def candidates = [] while (true) { candidates += file("${licensesDir}/${baseName}-LICENSE-[type].txt") found += fileTree(dir: licensesDir, include: "${baseName}-LICENSE-*.txt").files def prefix = baseName.replaceAll(/[\-][^-]+$/, "") if (found || prefix == baseName) { break } baseName = prefix } if (found.size() == 0) { errors << "License file missing ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${candidates.join(" or ")}," + " where [type] can be any of ${licenseTypes.keySet()}." } else if (found.size() > 1) { errors << "Multiple license files matching for ('${dep.module}'): ${found.join(", ")}" } else { def licenseFile = found.get(0) dep.referencedFiles += licenseFile def m = (licenseFile.name =~ /LICENSE-(.+)\.txt$/) if (!m) throw new GradleException("License file name doesn't contain license type?: ${licenseFile.name}") def licenseName = m[0][1] def licenseType = licenseTypes[licenseName] if (!licenseType) { errors << "Unknown license type suffix for ('${dep.module}'): ${licenseFile} (must be one of ${licenseTypes.keySet()})" } else { logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency license file OK ('${dep.module}'): " + licenseName) // Look for sibling NOTICE file. def noticeFile = file(licenseFile.path.replaceAll(/\-LICENSE-.+/, "-NOTICE.txt")) if (noticeFile.exists()) { dep.referencedFiles += noticeFile logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency notice file OK ('${dep.module}'): " + noticeFile) } else if (!licenseType.noticeOptional) { errors << "Notice file missing for ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${noticeFile}" } } } } if (errors) { def msg = "Certain license/ notice files are missing:\n - " + errors.join("\n - ") if (failOnError) { throw new GradleException(msg) } else { logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: ${msg}") } } } } licenses.dependsOn validateJarChecksums, validateJarLicenses } // Add top-project level tasks validating dangling files // and regenerating dependency checksums. configure([project(":solr"), project(":lucene"),]) { def validationTasks = subprojects.collectMany { it.tasks.matching { it.name == "licenses" } } def jarInfoTasks = subprojects.collectMany { it.tasks.matching { it.name == "collectJarInfos" } } // Update dependency checksums. task updateLicenses() { group = 'Dependency validation' description = "Write or update checksums of dependencies. May need to run gradlew --write-locks first if changing dependency versions" dependsOn jarInfoTasks doLast { licensesDir.mkdirs() // Clean any previous checksums. In theory we wouldn't have to do it -- // dangling files from any previous JARs would be reported; // it automates the process of updating versions and makes it easier though so // why not. project.delete fileTree(licensesDir, { include "*.sha1" exclude checkDanglingLicenseFiles.ext.exclude }) def updated = [] jarInfoTasks.collectMany { task -> task.project.jarInfos }.each { dep -> def expectedChecksumFile = file("${licensesDir}/${dep.jarName}.sha1") def actual = dep.checksum.get() if (expectedChecksumFile.exists()) { def expected = expectedChecksumFile.getText("UTF-8").trim() if (expected.compareToIgnoreCase(actual) == 0) { return; } } updated += "Updated checksum ('${dep.module}'): ${expectedChecksumFile}" expectedChecksumFile.write(actual + "\n", "UTF-8") } updated.sort().each { line -> logger.log(LogLevel.LIFECYCLE, line) } } } // Any validation task must run after all updates have been applied. // We add an ordering constraint that any validation task (or its dependency subgraph) // must run after updateLicenses validationTasks .collectMany { task -> [task, task.dependsOn]} .flatten() .each { task -> task.mustRunAfter updateLicenses } // Check for dangling files in the licenses folder. task checkDanglingLicenseFiles() { dependsOn validationTasks ext { exclude = [] } doFirst { def allReferenced = validationTasks.collectMany { task -> task.project.jarInfos.collectMany { it.referencedFiles } }.collect { it.toString() } def patterns = ext.exclude def allExisting = fileTree(licensesDir, { exclude patterns }).files.collect { it.toString() } def dangling = (allExisting - allReferenced).sort() if (dangling) { gradle.buildFinished { logger.warn("WARNING: there were unreferenced files under license folder:\n - ${dangling.join("\n - ")}") } } } } licenses.dependsOn checkDanglingLicenseFiles } // Exclude files that are not a result of direct dependencies but have to be there. // It would be probably better to move non-dependency licenses into the actual project // where they're used and only assemble them for the distribution package. configure(project(":lucene")) { checkDanglingLicenseFiles { exclude += [ "elegant-icon-font-*", "ant-*", "ivy-*", ] } } configure(project(":solr")) { checkDanglingLicenseFiles { exclude += [ "README.committers.txt" ] } } // solr-ref-guide doesn't contribute any JARs to dependency checks. configure(project(":solr:solr-ref-guide")) { configurations { jarValidation { exclude group: "*" } } }