$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "rails", "railties", "lib") silence_warnings { require 'rails/version' } # it may already be loaded. unless Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 1 && Rails::VERSION::MINOR >= 2 puts <<-end_of_warning !!!=== IMPORTANT NOTE ===!!! Support for Rails < 1.2 has been dropped; if you are using Rails =< 1.1.6, please use Engines 1.1.6, available from: >> http://svn.rails-engines.org/engines/tags/rel_1.1.6 For more details about changes in Engines 1.2, please see the changelog or the website: >> http://www.rails-engines.org end_of_warning else puts <<-end_of_message The engines plugin is now installed. Feels good, right? Yeah. You knew it would. Once the warm, fuzzy glow has subsided, be sure to read the contents of the README and UPGRADING files if you're migrating this application from Rails 1.1.x to 1.2.x. Have a great day! end_of_message end