SUCCESS: You must right-click your project and choose Refresh.
Your project must use a Java 11 JRE.
To complete IntelliJ IDEA setup, you must manually configure
File | Project Structure | Project | Project SDK.
You won't have to do this in the future if you define property
$${idea.jdk}, e.g. in ~/, ~/
or lucene/, with a value consisting of the
following two XML attributes/values (adjust values according to
JDKs you have defined locally - see
File | Project Structure | Platform Settings | SDKs):
idea.jdk = project-jdk-name="11" project-jdk-type="JavaSDK"
Clover not enabled!
You can find the merged Lucene/Solr Clover report in '${}'.
java version "${java.version}"
${} (${java.runtime.version}, ${java.vendor})
${} (${java.vm.version}, ${java.vm.vendor})
Test args: [${args}]