// An equivalent of ant's "check-example-lucene-match-version"

configure(project(":solr")) {
  task validateConfigFileSanity() {
    doFirst {
      def matchVersion = project(":solr:core").testOptionsResolved['tests.luceneMatchVersion']
      if (!matchVersion) {
        throw new GradleException("tests.luceneMatchVersion not defined?")

      // Verify solrconfig.xml files declare proper luceneMatchVersion.
      ].each { configsetsDir ->
        def configFiles = fileTree(configsetsDir, {
          include "**/solrconfig.xml"

        configFiles.each { file ->
          def content = file.getText("UTF-8")
          if (!content.contains("<luceneMatchVersion>${matchVersion}<")) {
            throw new GradleException("Configset does not refer to the correct luceneMatchVersion (${matchVersion}): ${file.absolutePath}")

      def configsetsDir = file("server/solr/configsets")
      def subdirs = configsetsDir.listFiles({file -> file.isDirectory() } as FileFilter)

      if (subdirs.size() == 0) {
        throw new GradleException("No sub-directories found under ${configsetsDir}?")

      subdirs.each { dir ->
        if (fileTree(dir, { include "**/solrconfig.xml" }).asList().isEmpty()) {
          throw new GradleException("No solrconfig.xml file under: ${dir}")