# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ========================= Solr Change Log ============================== $Id$ Apache Solr is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by Apache Lucene. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF. New Features 1. added support for setting Lucene's positionIncrementGap 2. Admin: new statistics for SolrIndexSearcher 3. Admin: caches now show config params on stats page 3. max() function added to FunctionQuery suite 4. postOptimize hook, mirroring the functionallity of the postCommit hook, but only called on an index optimize. 5. Ability to HTTP POST query requests to /select in addition to HTTP-GET 6. The default search field may now be overridden by requests to the standard request handler using the df query parameter. (Erik Hatcher) 7. Added DisMaxRequestHandler and SolrPluginUtils. (Chris Hostetter) 8. Support for customizing the QueryResponseWriter per request (Mike Baranczak / SOLR-16 / hossman) 9. Added KeywordTokenizerFactory (hossman) 10. copyField accepts dynamicfield-like names as the source. (Darren Erik Vengroff via yonik, SOLR-21) 11. new DocSet.andNot(), DocSet.andNotSize() (yonik) 12. Ability to store term vectors for fields. (Mike Klaas via yonik, SOLR-23) 13. New abstract BufferedTokenStream for people who want to write Tokenizers or TokenFilters that require arbitrary buffering of the stream. (SOLR-11 / yonik, hossman) 14. New RemoveDuplicatesToken - useful in situations where synonyms, stemming, or word-deliminater-ing produce identical tokens at the same position. (SOLR-11 / yonik, hossman) 15. Added highlighting to SolrPluginUtils and implemented in StandardRequestHandler and DisMaxRequestHandler (SOLR-24 / Mike Klaas via hossman,yonik) 16. SnowballPorterFilterFactory language is configurable via the "language" attribute, with the default being "English". (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-27) 17. ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory, instantiates ISOLatin1AccentFilter to remove accents. (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-28) 18. JSON, Python, Ruby QueryResponseWriters: use wt="json", "python" or "ruby" (yonik, SOLR-31) 19. Make web admin pages return UTF-8, change Content-type declaration to include a space between the mime-type and charset (Philip Jacob, SOLR-35) 20. Made query parser default operator configurable via schema.xml: The default operator remains "OR". 21. JAVA API: new version of SolrIndexSearcher.getDocListAndSet() which takes flags (Greg Ludington via yonik, SOLR-39) 22. A HyphenatedWordsFilter, a text analysis filter used during indexing to rejoin words that were hyphenated and split by a newline. (Boris Vitez via yonik, SOLR-41) 23. Added a CompressableField base class which allows fields of derived types to be compressed using the compress=true setting. The field type also gains the ability to specify a size threshold at which field data is compressed. (klaas, SOLR-45) 24. Simple faceted search support for fields (enumerating terms) and arbitrary queries added to both StandardRequestHandler and DisMaxRequestHandler. (hossman, SOLR-44) 25. In addition to specifying default RequestHandler params in the solrconfig.xml, support has been added for configuring values to be appended to the multi-val request params, as well as for configuring invariant params that can not overridden in the query. (hossman, SOLR-46) 26. Default operator for query parsing can now be specified with q.op=AND|OR from the client request, overriding the schema value. (ehatcher) 27. New XSLTResponseWriter does server side XSLT processing of XML Response. In the process, an init(NamedList) method was added to QueryResponseWriter which works the same way as SolrRequestHandler. (Bertrand Delacretaz / SOLR-49 / hossman) 28. json.wrf parameter adds a wrapper-function around the JSON response, useful in AJAX with dynamic script tags for specifying a JavaScript callback function. (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-56) 29. autoCommit can be specified every so many documents added (klaas, SOLR-65) 30. ${solr.home}/lib directory can now be used for specifying "plugin" jars (hossman, SOLR-68) 31. Support for "Date Math" relative "NOW" when specifying values of a DateField in a query -- or when adding a document. (hossman, SOLR-71) Changes in runtime behavior 1. classes reorganized into different packages, package names changed to Apache 2. force read of document stored fields in QuerySenderListener 3. Solr now looks in ./solr/conf for config, ./solr/data for data configurable via solr.solr.home system property 4. Highlighter params changed to be prefixed with "hl."; allow fragmentsize customization and per-field overrides on many options (Andrew May via klaas, SOLR-37) 5. Default param values for DisMaxRequestHandler should now be specified using a '...' init param, for backwards compatability all init prams will be used as defaults if an init param with that name does not exist. (hossman, SOLR-43) 6. The DisMaxRequestHandler now supports multiple occurances of the "fq" param. (hossman, SOLR-44) 7. FunctionQuery.explain now uses ComplexExplanation to provide more accurate score explanations when composed in a BooleanQuery. (hossman, SOLR-25) 8. Document update handling locking is much sparser, allowing performance gains through multiple threads. Large commits also might be faster (klaas, SOLR-65) 9. Lazy field loading can be enabled via a solrconfig directive. This will be faster when not all stored fields are needed from a document (klaas, SOLR-52) Optimizations 1. getDocListAndSet can now generate both a DocList and a DocSet from a single lucene query. 2. BitDocSet.intersectionSize(HashDocSet) no longer generates an intermediate set 3. OpenBitSet completed, replaces BitSet as the implementation for BitDocSet. Iteration is faster, and BitDocSet.intersectionSize(BitDocSet) and unionSize is between 3 and 4 times faster. (yonik, SOLR-15) 4. much faster unionSize when one of the sets is a HashDocSet: O(smaller_set_size) 5. Optimized getDocSet() for term queries resulting in a 36% speedup of facet.field queries where DocSets aren't cached (for example, if the number of terms in the field is larger than the filter cache.) (yonik) 6. Optimized facet.field faceting by as much as 500 times when the field has a single token per document (not multiValued & not tokenized) by using the Lucene FieldCache entry for that field to tally term counts. The first request utilizing the FieldCache will take longer than subsequent ones. Bug Fixes 1. Fixed delete-by-id for field types who's indexed form is different from the printable form (mainly sortable numeric types). 2. Added escaping of attribute values in the XML response (Erik Hatcher) 3. Added empty extractTerms() to FunctionQuery to enable use in a MultiSearcher (Yonik) 4. WordDelimiterFilter sometimes lost token positionIncrement information 5. Fix reverse sorting for fields were sortMissingFirst=true (Rob Staveley, yonik) 6. Worked around a Jetty bug that caused invalid XML responses for fields containing non ASCII chars. (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-32) 7. WordDelimiterFilter can throw exceptions if configured with both generate and catenate off. (Mike Klaas via yonik, SOLR-34) 8. Escape '>' in XML output (because ]]> is illegal in CharData) 9. field boosts weren't being applied and doc boosts were being applied to fields (klaas) 10. Multiple-doc update generates well-formed xml (klaas, SOLR-65) Other Changes 1. Upgrade to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-06-22, lucene SVN revision 416224, http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/lucene/java/trunk/CHANGES.txt?view=markup&pathrev=416224 2. Modified admin styles to improve display in Internet Explorer (Greg Ludington via billa, SOLR-6) 3. Upgrade to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-07-15, lucene SVN revision 422302, 4. Included unique key field name/value (if available) in log message of add (billa, SOLR-18) 5. Updated to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-09-07, SVN revision 462111 6. Added javascript to catch empty query in admin query forms (Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic via billa, SOLR-48 7. blackslash escape * in ssh command used in snappuller for zsh compatibility, SOLR-63 8. check solr return code in admin scripts, SOLR-62 9. Updated to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-11-15, SVN revision 475069 10. Removed src/apps containing the legacy "SolrTest" app (hossman, SOLR-3) 11. Simplified index.jsp and form.jsp, primarily by removing/hiding XML specific params, and adding an option to pick the output type. (hossman) 12. Added new numeric build property "specversion" to allow clean MANIFEST.MF files (hossman) 2006/01/17 Solr open sourced, moves to Apache Incubator