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<div title="Portable Document Format" class="pdflink">
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Apache Lucene - Index File Formats
<div id="minitoc-area">
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Index File Formats">Index File Formats</a>
<a href="#Definitions">Definitions</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Inverted Indexing">Inverted Indexing</a>
<a href="#Types of Fields">Types of Fields</a>
<a href="#Segments">Segments</a>
<a href="#Document Numbers">Document Numbers</a>
<a href="#Overview">Overview</a>
<a href="#File Naming">File Naming</a>
<a href="#Primitive Types">Primitive Types</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Byte">Byte</a>
<a href="#UInt32">UInt32</a>
<a href="#Uint64">Uint64</a>
<a href="#VInt">VInt</a>
<a href="#Chars">Chars</a>
<a href="#String">String</a>
<a href="#Per-Index Files">Per-Index Files</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Segments File">Segments File</a>
<a href="#Lock File">Lock File</a>
<a href="#Deletable File">Deletable File</a>
<a href="#Compound Files">Compound Files</a>
<a href="#Per-Segment Files">Per-Segment Files</a>
<ul class="minitoc">
<a href="#Fields">Fields</a>
<a href="#Term Dictionary">Term Dictionary</a>
<a href="#Frequencies">Frequencies</a>
<a href="#Positions">Positions</a>
<a href="#Normalization Factors">Normalization Factors</a>
<a href="#Term Vectors">Term Vectors</a>
<a href="#Deleted Documents">Deleted Documents</a>
<a href="#Limitations">Limitations</a>
<a name="N10016"></a><a name="Index File Formats"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Index File Formats</h2>
<div class="section">
This document defines the index file formats used
in Lucene version 2.1. If you are using a different
version of Lucene, please consult the copy of
<span class="codefrag">docs/fileformats.html</span>
that was distributed
with the version you are using.
Apache Lucene is written in Java, but several
efforts are underway to write
<a href="">versions
of Lucene in other programming
languages</a>. If these versions are to remain compatible with Apache
Lucene, then a language-independent definition of the Lucene index
format is required. This document thus attempts to provide a
complete and independent definition of the Apache Lucene 2.1 file
As Lucene evolves, this document should evolve.
Versions of Lucene in different programming languages should endeavor
to agree on file formats, and generate new versions of this document.
Compatibility notes are provided in this document,
describing how file formats have changed from prior versions.
In version 2.1, the file format was changed to allow
lock-less commits (ie, no more commit lock). The
change is fully backwards compatible: you can open a
pre-2.1 index for searching or adding/deleting of
docs. When the new segments file is saved
(committed), it will be written in the new file format
(meaning no specific "upgrade" process is needed).
But note that once a commit has occurred, pre-2.1
Lucene will not be able to read the index.
In version 2.3, the file format was changed to allow
segments to share a single set of doc store (vectors &amp;
stored fields) files. This allows for faster indexing
in certain cases. The change is fully backwards
compatible (in the same way as the lock-less commits
change in 2.1).
<a name="N10035"></a><a name="Definitions"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Definitions</h2>
<div class="section">
The fundamental concepts in Lucene are index,
document, field and term.
An index contains a sequence of documents.
A document is a sequence of fields.
A field is a named sequence of terms.
A term is a string.
The same string in two different fields is
considered a different term. Thus terms are represented as a pair of
strings, the first naming the field, and the second naming text
within the field.
<a name="N10055"></a><a name="Inverted Indexing"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Inverted Indexing</h3>
The index stores statistics about terms in order
to make term-based search more efficient. Lucene's
index falls into the family of indexes known as an <i>inverted
index.</i> This is because it can list, for a term, the documents that contain
it. This is the inverse of the natural relationship, in which
documents list terms.
<a name="N10061"></a><a name="Types of Fields"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Types of Fields</h3>
In Lucene, fields may be <i>stored</i>, in which
case their text is stored in the index literally, in a non-inverted
manner. Fields that are inverted are called <i>indexed</i>. A field
may be both stored and indexed.</p>
<p>The text of a field may be <i>tokenized</i> into terms to be
indexed, or the text of a field may be used literally as a term to be indexed.
Most fields are
tokenized, but sometimes it is useful for certain identifier fields
to be indexed literally.
<p>See the <a href="">Field</a> java docs for more information on Fields.</p>
<a name="N1007E"></a><a name="Segments"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Segments</h3>
Lucene indexes may be composed of multiple sub-indexes, or
<i>segments</i>. Each segment is a fully independent index, which could be searched
separately. Indexes evolve by:
<p>Creating new segments for newly added documents.</p>
<p>Merging existing segments.</p>
Searches may involve multiple segments and/or multiple indexes, each
index potentially composed of a set of segments.
<a name="N1009C"></a><a name="Document Numbers"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Document Numbers</h3>
Internally, Lucene refers to documents by an integer <i>document
number</i>. The first document added to an index is numbered zero, and each
subsequent document added gets a number one greater than the previous.
Note that a document's number may change, so caution should be taken
when storing these numbers outside of Lucene. In particular, numbers may
change in the following situations:
numbers stored in each segment are unique only within the segment,
and must be converted before they can be used in a larger context.
The standard technique is to allocate each segment a range of
values, based on the range of numbers used in that segment. To
convert a document number from a segment to an external value, the
segment's <i>base</i> document
number is added. To convert an external value back to a
segment-specific value, the segment is identified by the range that
the external value is in, and the segment's base value is
subtracted. For example two five document segments might be
combined, so that the first segment has a base value of zero, and
the second of five. Document three from the second segment would
have an external value of eight.
When documents are deleted, gaps are created
in the numbering. These are eventually removed as the index evolves
through merging. Deleted documents are dropped when segments are
merged. A freshly-merged segment thus has no gaps in its numbering.
<a name="N100C3"></a><a name="Overview"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Overview</h2>
<div class="section">
Each segment index maintains the following:
<p>Field names. This
contains the set of field names used in the index.
<p>Stored Field
values. This contains, for each document, a list of attribute-value
pairs, where the attributes are field names. These are used to
store auxiliary information about the document, such as its title,
url, or an identifier to access a
database. The set of stored fields are what is returned for each hit
when searching. This is keyed by document number.
<p>Term dictionary.
A dictionary containing all of the terms used in all of the indexed
fields of all of the documents. The dictionary also contains the
number of documents which contain the term, and pointers to the
term's frequency and proximity data.
<p>Term Frequency
data. For each term in the dictionary, the numbers of all the
documents that contain that term, and the frequency of the term in
that document.
<p>Term Proximity
data. For each term in the dictionary, the positions that the term
occurs in each document.
factors. For each field in each document, a value is stored that is
multiplied into the score for hits on that field.
<p>Term Vectors. For each field in each document, the term vector
(sometimes called document vector) may be stored. A term vector consists
of term text and term frequency. To add Term Vectors to your index see the
<a href="">Field</a>
<p>Deleted documents.
An optional file indicating which documents are deleted.
<p>Details on each of these are provided in subsequent sections.
<a name="N10106"></a><a name="File Naming"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">File Naming</h2>
<div class="section">
All files belonging to a segment have the same name with varying
extensions. The extensions correspond to the different file formats
described below. When using the Compound File format (default in 1.4 and greater) these files are
collapsed into a single .cfs file (see below for details)
Typically, all segments
in an index are stored in a single directory, although this is not
As of version 2.1 (lock-less commits), file names are
never re-used (there is one exception, "segments.gen",
see below). That is, when any file is saved to the
Directory it is given a never before used filename.
This is achieved using a simple generations approach.
For example, the first segments file is segments_1,
then segments_2, etc. The generation is a sequential
long integer represented in alpha-numeric (base 36)
<a name="N10115"></a><a name="Primitive Types"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Primitive Types</h2>
<div class="section">
<a name="N1011A"></a><a name="Byte"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Byte</h3>
The most primitive type
is an eight-bit byte. Files are accessed as sequences of bytes. All
other data types are defined as sequences
of bytes, so file formats are byte-order independent.
<a name="N10123"></a><a name="UInt32"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">UInt32</h3>
32-bit unsigned integers are written as four
bytes, high-order bytes first.
UInt32 --&gt; &lt;Byte&gt;<sup>4</sup>
<a name="N10132"></a><a name="Uint64"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Uint64</h3>
64-bit unsigned integers are written as eight
bytes, high-order bytes first.
<p>UInt64 --&gt; &lt;Byte&gt;<sup>8</sup>
<a name="N10141"></a><a name="VInt"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">VInt</h3>
A variable-length format for positive integers is
defined where the high-order bit of each byte indicates whether more
bytes remain to be read. The low-order seven bits are appended as
increasingly more significant bits in the resulting integer value.
Thus values from zero to 127 may be stored in a single byte, values
from 128 to 16,383 may be stored in two bytes, and so on.
<b>VInt Encoding Example</b>
<table class="ForrestTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0">
<col width="64*">
<col width="64*">
<col width="64*">
<col width="64*">
<tr valign="TOP">
<td width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">
<td width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">
<b>First byte</b>
<td width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">
<b>Second byte</b>
<td width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">
<b>Third byte</b>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="0" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">0
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="0" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">1
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="2" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">2
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td valign="TOP" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">...
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="127" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">127
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1111111" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="128" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">128
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="129" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">129
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000001" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="130" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">130
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000010" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td valign="TOP" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">...
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="16383" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">16,383
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="11111111" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1111111" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="16384" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">16,384
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td sdnum="1033;0;#,##0" sdval="16385" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">16,385
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000001" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="10000000" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" sdval="1" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td valign="TOP" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT">...
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: 0.11cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.07cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
<td sdnum="1033;0;00000000" valign="BOTTOM" width="25%">
<p align="RIGHT" class="western" style="margin-left: -0.47cm; margin-right: 0.01cm">
This provides compression while still being
efficient to decode.
<a name="N10426"></a><a name="Chars"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Chars</h3>
Lucene writes unicode
character sequences using Java's
<a href="">"modified
UTF-8 encoding"</a>
<a name="N10433"></a><a name="String"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">String</h3>
Lucene writes strings as a VInt representing the length, followed by
the character data.
String --&gt; VInt, Chars
<a name="N10440"></a><a name="Per-Index Files"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Per-Index Files</h2>
<div class="section">
The files in this section exist one-per-index.
<a name="N10448"></a><a name="Segments File"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Segments File</h3>
The active segments in the index are stored in the
segment info file,
There may
be one or more
files in the
index; however, the one with the largest
generation is the active one (when older
segments_N files are present it's because they
temporarily cannot be deleted, or, a writer is in
the process of committing, or a custom
<a href="">IndexDeletionPolicy</a>
is in use). This file lists each
segment by name, has details about the separate
norms and deletion files, and also contains the
size of each segment.
As of 2.1, there is also a file
This file contains the
current generation (the
of the index. This is
used only as a fallback in case the current
generation cannot be accurately determined by
directory listing alone (as is the case for some
NFS clients with time-based directory cache
expiraation). This file simply contains an Int32
version header (SegmentInfos.FORMAT_LOCKLESS =
-2), followed by the generation recorded as Int64,
written twice.
Segments --&gt; Format, Version, NameCounter, SegCount, &lt;SegName, SegSize&gt;
<b>2.1 and above:</b>
Segments --&gt; Format, Version, NameCounter, SegCount, &lt;SegName, SegSize, DelGen, HasSingleNormFile, NumField,
Segments --&gt; Format, Version, NameCounter, SegCount, &lt;SegName, SegSize, DelGen, DocStoreOffset, [DocStoreSegment, DocStoreIsCompoundFile], HasSingleNormFile, NumField,
<b>2.4 and above:</b>
Segments --&gt; Format, Version, NameCounter, SegCount, &lt;SegName, SegSize, DelGen, DocStoreOffset, [DocStoreSegment, DocStoreIsCompoundFile], HasSingleNormFile, NumField,
IsCompoundFile&gt;<sup>SegCount</sup>, Checksum
Format, NameCounter, SegCount, SegSize, NumField, DocStoreOffset --&gt; Int32
Version, DelGen, NormGen, Checksum --&gt; Int64
SegName, DocStoreSegment --&gt; String
IsCompoundFile, HasSingleNormFile, DocStoreIsCompoundFile --&gt; Int8
Format is -1 as of Lucene 1.4, -3 (SegmentInfos.FORMAT_SINGLE_NORM_FILE) as of Lucene 2.1 and 2.2, -4 (SegmentInfos.FORMAT_SHARED_DOC_STORE) as of Lucene 2.3 and -5 (SegmentInfos.FORMAT_CHECKSUM) as of Lucene 2.4.
Version counts how often the index has been
changed by adding or deleting documents.
NameCounter is used to generate names for new segment files.
SegName is the name of the segment, and is used as the file name prefix
for all of the files that compose the segment's index.
SegSize is the number of documents contained in the segment index.
DelGen is the generation count of the separate
deletes file. If this is -1, there are no
separate deletes. If it is 0, this is a pre-2.1
segment and you must check filesystem for the
existence of _X.del. Anything above zero means
there are separate deletes (_X_N.del).
NumField is the size of the array for NormGen, or
-1 if there are no NormGens stored.
NormGen records the generation of the separate
norms files. If NumField is -1, there are no
normGens stored and they are all assumed to be 0
when the segment file was written pre-2.1 and all
assumed to be -1 when the segments file is 2.1 or
above. The generation then has the same meaning
as delGen (above).
IsCompoundFile records whether the segment is
written as a compound file or not. If this is -1,
the segment is not a compound file. If it is 1,
the segment is a compound file. Else it is 0,
which means we check filesystem to see if _X.cfs
If HasSingleNormFile is 1, then the field norms are
written as a single joined file (with extension
<tt>.nrm</tt>); if it is 0 then each field's norms
are stored as separate <tt>.fN</tt> files. See
"Normalization Factors" below for details.
DocStoreOffset, DocStoreSegment,
DocStoreIsCompoundFile: If DocStoreOffset is -1,
this segment has its own doc store (stored fields
values and term vectors) files and DocStoreSegment
and DocStoreIsCompoundFile are not stored. In
this case all files for stored field values
(<tt>*.fdt</tt> and <tt>*.fdx</tt>) and term
vectors (<tt>*.tvf</tt>, <tt>*.tvd</tt> and
<tt>*.tvx</tt>) will be stored with this segment.
Otherwise, DocStoreSegment is the name of the
segment that has the shared doc store files;
DocStoreIsCompoundFile is 1 if that segment is
stored in compound file format (as a <tt>.cfx</tt>
file); and DocStoreOffset is the starting document
in the shared doc store files where this segment's
documents begin. In this case, this segment does
not store its own doc store files but instead
shares a single set of these files with other
Checksum contains the CRC32 checksum of all bytes
in the segments_N file up until the checksum.
This is used to verify integrity of the file on
opening the index.
<a name="N104DC"></a><a name="Lock File"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Lock File</h3>
The write lock, which is stored in the index
directory by default, is named "write.lock". If
the lock directory is different from the index
directory then the write lock will be named
"XXXX-write.lock" where XXXX is a unique prefix
derived from the full path to the index directory.
When this file is present, a writer is currently
modifying the index (adding or removing
documents). This lock file ensures that only one
writer is modifying the index at a time.
Note that prior to version 2.1, Lucene also used a
commit lock. This was removed in 2.1.
<a name="N104E8"></a><a name="Deletable File"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Deletable File</h3>
Prior to Lucene 2.1 there was a file "deletable"
that contained details about files that need to be
deleted. As of 2.1, a writer dynamically computes
the files that are deletable, instead, so no file
is written.
<a name="N104F1"></a><a name="Compound Files"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Compound Files</h3>
<p>Starting with Lucene 1.4 the compound file format became default. This
is simply a container for all files described in the next section
(except for the .del file).</p>
<p>Compound (.cfs) --&gt; FileCount, &lt;DataOffset, FileName&gt;
<p>FileCount --&gt; VInt</p>
<p>DataOffset --&gt; Long</p>
<p>FileName --&gt; String</p>
<p>FileData --&gt; raw file data</p>
<p>The raw file data is the data from the individual files named above.</p>
<p>Starting with Lucene 2.3, doc store files (stored
field values and term vectors) can be shared in a
single set of files for more than one segment. When
compound file is enabled, these shared files will be
added into a single compound file (same format as
above) but with the extension <tt>.cfx</tt>.
<a name="N10519"></a><a name="Per-Segment Files"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Per-Segment Files</h2>
<div class="section">
The remaining files are all per-segment, and are
thus defined by suffix.
<a name="N10521"></a><a name="Fields"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Fields</h3>
<b>Field Info</b>
Field names are
stored in the field info file, with suffix .fnm.
(.fnm) --&gt; FieldsCount, &lt;FieldName,
FieldsCount --&gt; VInt
FieldName --&gt; String
FieldBits --&gt; Byte
The low-order bit is one for
indexed fields, and zero for non-indexed fields.
The second lowest-order
bit is one for fields that have term vectors stored, and zero for fields
without term vectors.
<b>Lucene &gt;= 1.9:</b>
<li>If the third lowest-order bit is set (0x04), term positions are stored with the term vectors.</li>
<li>If the fourth lowest-order bit is set (0x08), term offsets are stored with the term vectors.</li>
<li>If the fifth lowest-order bit is set (0x10), norms are omitted for the indexed field.</li>
<li>If the sixth lowest-order bit is set (0x20), payloads are stored for the indexed field.</li>
Fields are numbered by their order in this file. Thus field zero is
first field in the file, field one the next, and so on. Note that,
like document numbers, field numbers are segment relative.
<b>Stored Fields</b>
Stored fields are represented by two files:
The field index, or .fdx file.
This contains, for each document, a pointer to
its field data, as follows:
(.fdx) --&gt;
--&gt; Uint64
is used to find the location within the field data file of the
fields of a particular document. Because it contains fixed-length
data, this file may be easily randomly accessed. The position of
field data is the Uint64 at
this file.
The field data, or .fdt file.
This contains the stored fields of each document,
as follows:
FieldData (.fdt) --&gt;
<p>DocFieldData --&gt;
FieldCount, &lt;FieldNum, Bits, Value&gt;
<p>FieldCount --&gt;
<p>FieldNum --&gt;
<b>Lucene &lt;= 1.4:</b>
<p>Bits --&gt;
<p>Value --&gt;
<p>Only the low-order bit of Bits is used. It is one for
tokenized fields, and zero for non-tokenized fields.
<b>Lucene &gt;= 1.9:</b>
<p>Bits --&gt;
<li>low order bit is one for tokenized fields</li>
<li>second bit is one for fields containing binary data</li>
<li>third bit is one for fields with compression option enabled
(if compression is enabled, the algorithm used is ZLIB)</li>
<p>Value --&gt;
String | BinaryValue (depending on Bits)
<p>BinaryValue --&gt;
ValueSize, &lt;Byte&gt;^ValueSize
<p>ValueSize --&gt;
<a name="N105DC"></a><a name="Term Dictionary"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Term Dictionary</h3>
The term dictionary is represented as two files:
The term infos, or tis file.
TermInfoFile (.tis)--&gt;
TIVersion, TermCount, IndexInterval, SkipInterval, MaxSkipLevels, TermInfos
<p>TIVersion --&gt;
<p>TermCount --&gt;
<p>IndexInterval --&gt;
<p>SkipInterval --&gt;
<p>MaxSkipLevels --&gt;
<p>TermInfos --&gt;
<p>TermInfo --&gt;
&lt;Term, DocFreq, FreqDelta, ProxDelta, SkipDelta&gt;
<p>Term --&gt;
&lt;PrefixLength, Suffix, FieldNum&gt;
<p>Suffix --&gt;
DocFreq, FreqDelta, ProxDelta, SkipDelta
--&gt; VInt
file is sorted by Term. Terms are ordered first lexicographically
by the term's field name, and within that lexicographically by the
term's text.
<p>TIVersion names the version of the format
of this file and is -2 in Lucene 1.4.
text prefixes are shared. The PrefixLength is the number of initial
characters from the previous term which must be pre-pended to a
term's suffix in order to form the term's text. Thus, if the
previous term's text was "bone" and the term is "boy",
the PrefixLength is two and the suffix is "y".
determines the term's field, whose name is stored in the .fdt file.
is the count of documents which contain the term.
determines the position of this term's TermFreqs within the .frq
file. In particular, it is the difference between the position of
this term's data in that file and the position of the previous
term's data (or zero, for the first term in the file).
determines the position of this term's TermPositions within the .prx
file. In particular, it is the difference between the position of
this term's data in that file and the position of the previous
term's data (or zero, for the first term in the file.
<p>SkipDelta determines the position of this
term's SkipData within the .frq file. In
particular, it is the number of bytes
after TermFreqs that the SkipData starts.
In other words, it is the length of the
TermFreq data. SkipDelta is only stored
if DocFreq is not smaller than SkipInterval.
The term info index, or .tii file.
This contains every IndexInterval
entry from the .tis
file, along with its location in the "tis" file. This is
designed to be read entirely into memory and used to provide random
access to the "tis" file.
The structure of this file is very similar to the
.tis file, with the addition of one item per record, the IndexDelta.
TermInfoIndex (.tii)--&gt;
TIVersion, IndexTermCount, IndexInterval, SkipInterval, MaxSkipLevels, TermIndices
<p>TIVersion --&gt;
<p>IndexTermCount --&gt;
<p>IndexInterval --&gt;
<p>SkipInterval --&gt;
<p>TermIndices --&gt;
&lt;TermInfo, IndexDelta&gt;
<p>IndexDelta --&gt;
determines the position of this term's TermInfo within the .tis file. In
particular, it is the difference between the position of this term's
entry in that file and the position of the previous term's entry.
<p>SkipInterval is the fraction of TermDocs stored in skip tables. It is used to accelerate TermDocs.skipTo(int).
Larger values result in smaller indexes, greater acceleration, but fewer accelerable cases, while
smaller values result in bigger indexes, less acceleration (in case of a small value for MaxSkipLevels) and more
accelerable cases.</p>
<p>MaxSkipLevels is the max. number of skip levels stored for each term in the .frq file. A low value results in
smaller indexes but less acceleration, a larger value results in slighly larger indexes but greater acceleration.
See format of .frq file for more information about skip levels.</p>
<a name="N1065C"></a><a name="Frequencies"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Frequencies</h3>
The .frq file contains the lists of documents
which contain each term, along with the frequency of the term in that
<p>FreqFile (.frq) --&gt;
&lt;TermFreqs, SkipData&gt;
<p>TermFreqs --&gt;
<p>TermFreq --&gt;
DocDelta, Freq?
<p>SkipData --&gt;
&lt;&lt;SkipLevelLength, SkipLevel&gt;
<sup>NumSkipLevels-1</sup>, SkipLevel&gt;
<p>SkipLevel --&gt;
<sup>DocFreq/(SkipInterval^(Level + 1))</sup>
<p>SkipDatum --&gt;
<p>DocDelta,Freq,DocSkip,PayloadLength,FreqSkip,ProxSkip --&gt;
<p>SkipChildLevelPointer --&gt;
are ordered by term (the term is implicit, from the .tis file).
entries are ordered by increasing document number.
determines both the document number and the frequency. In
particular, DocDelta/2 is the difference between this document number
and the previous document number (or zero when this is the first
document in a TermFreqs). When DocDelta is odd, the frequency is
one. When DocDelta is even, the frequency is read as another VInt.
example, the TermFreqs for a term which occurs once in document seven
and three times in document eleven would be the following sequence of
8, 3
<p>DocSkip records the document number before every
document in TermFreqs.
If payloads are disabled for the term's field,
then DocSkip represents the difference from the
previous value in the sequence.
If payloads are enabled for the term's field,
then DocSkip/2 represents the difference from the
previous value in the sequence. If payloads are enabled
and DocSkip is odd,
then PayloadLength is stored indicating the length
of the last payload before the SkipInterval<sup>th</sup>
document in TermPositions.
FreqSkip and ProxSkip record the position of every
entry in FreqFile and
ProxFile, respectively. File positions are
relative to the start of TermFreqs and Positions,
to the previous SkipDatum in the sequence.
<p>For example, if DocFreq=35 and SkipInterval=16,
then there are two SkipData entries, containing
the 15
and 31
numbers in TermFreqs. The first FreqSkip names
the number of bytes after the beginning of
TermFreqs that the 16
starts, and the second the number of bytes after
that that the 32
starts. The first
ProxSkip names the number of bytes after the
beginning of Positions that the 16
SkipDatum starts, and the second the number of
bytes after that that the 32
<p>Lucene 2.2 introduces the notion of skip levels. Each term can have multiple skip levels.
The amount of skip levels for a term is NumSkipLevels = Min(MaxSkipLevels, floor(log(DocFreq/log(SkipInterval)))).
The number of SkipData entries for a skip level is DocFreq/(SkipInterval^(Level + 1)), whereas the lowest skip
level is Level=0. <br>
Example: SkipInterval = 4, MaxSkipLevels = 2, DocFreq = 35. Then skip level 0 has 8 SkipData entries,
containing the 3<sup>rd</sup>, 7<sup>th</sup>, 11<sup>th</sup>, 15<sup>th</sup>, 19<sup>th</sup>, 23<sup>rd</sup>,
27<sup>th</sup>, and 31<sup>st</sup> document numbers in TermFreqs. Skip level 1 has 2 SkipData entries, containing the
15<sup>th</sup> and 31<sup>st</sup> document numbers in TermFreqs. <br>
The SkipData entries on all upper levels &gt; 0 contain a SkipChildLevelPointer referencing the corresponding SkipData
entry in level-1. In the example has entry 15 on level 1 a pointer to entry 15 on level 0 and entry 31 on level 1 a pointer
to entry 31 on level 0.
<a name="N106DE"></a><a name="Positions"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Positions</h3>
The .prx file contains the lists of positions that
each term occurs at within documents.
<p>ProxFile (.prx) --&gt;
<p>TermPositions --&gt;
<p>Positions --&gt;
<p>Payload --&gt;
<p>PositionDelta --&gt;
<p>PayloadLength --&gt;
<p>PayloadData --&gt;
are ordered by term (the term is implicit, from the .tis file).
entries are ordered by increasing document number (the document
number is implicit from the .frq file).
is, if payloads are disabled for the term's field, the difference
between the position of the current occurrence in
the document and the previous occurrence (or zero, if this is the
first occurrence in this document).
If payloads are enabled for the term's field, then PositionDelta/2
is the difference between the current and the previous position. If
payloads are enabled and PositionDelta is odd, then PayloadLength is
stored, indicating the length of the payload at the current term position.
For example, the TermPositions for a
term which occurs as the fourth term in one document, and as the
fifth and ninth term in a subsequent document, would be the following
sequence of VInts (payloads disabled):
5, 4
is metadata associated with the current term position. If PayloadLength
is stored at the current position, then it indicates the length of this
Payload. If PayloadLength is not stored, then this Payload has the same
length as the Payload at the previous position.
<a name="N1071A"></a><a name="Normalization Factors"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Normalization Factors</h3>
There's a norm file for each indexed field with a byte for
each document. The .f[0-9]* file contains,
for each document, a byte that encodes a value that is multiplied
into the score for hits on that field:
(.f[0-9]*) --&gt; &lt;Byte&gt;
<b>2.1 and above:</b>
There's a single .nrm file containing all norms:
(.nrm) --&gt; NormsHeader,&lt;Norms&gt;
--&gt; &lt;Byte&gt;
--&gt; 'N','R','M',Version
--&gt; Byte
has 4 bytes, last of which is the format version for this file, currently -1.
byte encodes a floating point value. Bits 0-2 contain the 3-bit
mantissa, and bits 3-8 contain the 5-bit exponent.
are converted to an IEEE single float value as follows:
the byte is zero, use a zero float.
set the sign bit of the float to zero;
48 to the exponent and use this as the float's exponent;
the mantissa to the high-order 3 bits of the float's mantissa; and
the low-order 21 bits of the float's mantissa to zero.
<p>A separate norm file is created when the norm values of an existing segment are modified.
When field <em>N</em> is modified, a separate norm file <em>.sN</em>
is created, to maintain the norm values for that field.
Separate norm files are created only for compound segments.
<b>2.1 and above:</b>
Separate norm files are created (when adequate) for both compound and non compound segments.
<a name="N10783"></a><a name="Term Vectors"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Term Vectors</h3>
Term Vector support is an optional on a field by
field basis. It consists of 4 files.
<p>The Document Index or .tvx file.</p>
<p>For each document, this stores the offset
into the document data (.tvd) and field
data (.tvf) files.
<p>DocumentIndex (.tvx) --&gt; TVXVersion&lt;DocumentPosition,FieldPosition&gt;
<p>TVXVersion --&gt; Int (3 (TermVectorsReader.FORMAT_VERSION2) for Lucene 2.4)</p>
<p>DocumentPosition --&gt; UInt64 (offset in
the .tvd file)</p>
<p>FieldPosition --&gt; UInt64 (offset in the
.tvf file)</p>
<p>The Document or .tvd file.</p>
<p>This contains, for each document, the number of fields, a list of the fields with
term vector info and finally a list of pointers to the field information in the .tvf
(Term Vector Fields) file.</p>
Document (.tvd) --&gt; TVDVersion&lt;NumFields, FieldNums, FieldPositions&gt;
<p>TVDVersion --&gt; Int (3 (TermVectorsReader.FORMAT_VERSION2) for Lucene 2.4)</p>
<p>NumFields --&gt; VInt</p>
<p>FieldNums --&gt; &lt;FieldNumDelta&gt;
<p>FieldNumDelta --&gt; VInt</p>
<p>FieldPositions --&gt; &lt;FieldPositionDelta&gt;
<p>FieldPositionDelta --&gt; VLong</p>
<p>The .tvd file is used to map out the fields that have term vectors stored and
where the field information is in the .tvf file.</p>
<p>The Field or .tvf file.</p>
<p>This file contains, for each field that has a term vector stored, a list of
the terms, their frequencies and, optionally, position and offest information.</p>
<p>Field (.tvf) --&gt; TVFVersion&lt;NumTerms, Position/Offset, TermFreqs&gt;
<p>TVFVersion --&gt; Int (3 (TermVectorsReader.FORMAT_VERSION2) for Lucene 2.4)</p>
<p>NumTerms --&gt; VInt</p>
<p>Position/Offset --&gt; Byte</p>
<p>TermFreqs --&gt; &lt;TermText, TermFreq, Positions?, Offsets?&gt;
<p>TermText --&gt; &lt;PrefixLength, Suffix&gt;</p>
<p>PrefixLength --&gt; VInt</p>
<p>Suffix --&gt; String</p>
<p>TermFreq --&gt; VInt</p>
<p>Positions --&gt; &lt;VInt&gt;<sup>TermFreq</sup>
<p>Offsets --&gt; &lt;VInt, VInt&gt;<sup>TermFreq</sup>
<li>Position/Offset byte stores whether this term vector has position or offset information stored.</li>
text prefixes are shared. The PrefixLength is the number of initial
characters from the previous term which must be pre-pended to a
term's suffix in order to form the term's text. Thus, if the
previous term's text was "bone" and the term is "boy",
the PrefixLength is two and the suffix is "y".
<li>Positions are stored as delta encoded VInts. This means we only store the difference of the current position from the last position</li>
<li>Offsets are stored as delta encoded VInts. The first VInt is the startOffset, the second is the endOffset.</li>
<a name="N10819"></a><a name="Deleted Documents"></a>
<h3 class="boxed">Deleted Documents</h3>
<p>The .del file is
optional, and only exists when a segment contains deletions.
<p>Although per-segment, this file is maintained exterior to compound segment files.
(.del) --&gt; ByteCount,BitCount,Bits
<b>2.1 and above:</b>
(.del) --&gt; [Format],ByteCount,BitCount, Bits | DGaps (depending on Format)
<p>Format,ByteSize,BitCount --&gt;
<p>Bits --&gt;
<p>DGaps --&gt;
<p>DGap --&gt;
<p>NonzeroByte --&gt;
is Optional. -1 indicates DGaps. Non-negative value indicates Bits, and that Format is excluded.
indicates the number of bytes in Bits. It is typically
indicates the number of bits that are currently set in Bits.
contains one bit for each document indexed. When the bit
corresponding to a document number is set, that document is marked as
deleted. Bit ordering is from least to most significant. Thus, if
Bits contains two bytes, 0x00 and 0x02, then document 9 is marked as
represents sparse bit-vectors more efficiently than Bits.
It is made of DGaps on indexes of nonzero bytes in Bits,
and the nonzero bytes themselves. The number of nonzero bytes
in Bits (NonzeroBytesCount) is not stored.
<p>For example,
if there are 8000 bits and only bits 10,12,32 are set,
DGaps would be used:
(VInt) 1 , (byte) 20 , (VInt) 3 , (Byte) 1
<a name="N1085C"></a><a name="Limitations"></a>
<h2 class="boxed">Limitations</h2>
<div class="section">
are a few places where these file formats limit the maximum number of
terms and documents to a 32-bit quantity, or to approximately 4
billion. This is not today a problem, but, in the long term,
probably will be. These should therefore be replaced with either
UInt64 values, or better yet, with VInt values which have no limit.
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