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Apache Solr Release Notes
Apache Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Apache Lucene Java
search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search,
caching, replication, and a web administration interface. It runs in a Java
servlet container such as Jetty.
See http://lucene.apache.org/solr for more information.
Getting Started
You need a Java 1.8 VM or later installed.
In this release, there is an example Solr server including a bundled
servlet container in the directory named "example".
See the Quick Start guide at http://lucene.apache.org/solr/quickstart.html
================== 6.0.0 ==================
Consult the LUCENE_CHANGES.txt file for additional, low level, changes in this release
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.6
Carrot2 3.9.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
System Requirements
* LUCENE-5950: Move to Java 8 as minimum Java version.
(Ryan Ernst, Uwe Schindler)
Upgrading from Solr 5.x
* The deprecated SolrServer and subclasses have been removed, use SolrClient
* The deprecated <nrtMode> configuration in solrconfig.xml has been removed.
Please remove it from solrconfig.xml.
Detailed Change List
Other Changes
* SOLR-6127: Improve example docs, using films data (Varun Thacker via ehatcher)
* SOLR-6895: Deprecated SolrServer classes have been removed (Alan Woodward,
Erik Hatcher)
================== 5.1.0 ==================
(No Changes)
================== 5.0.0 ==================
Consult the LUCENE_CHANGES.txt file for additional, low level, changes in this release
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.6
Carrot2 3.9.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Jetty 9.2.6.v20141205
Upgrading from Solr 4.x
* The "file" attribute of infoStream in solrconfig.xml is removed. Control this
via your logging configuration (org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream) instead.
* UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory no longer supports the <lst named="fields"> init
param style that was deprecated in Solr 4.5. If you are still using this syntax,
update your configs to use <arr name="fieldName"> instead. See SOLR-4249 for more
* The following legacy numeric and date field types, deprecated in Solr 4.8, are no
longer supported: BCDIntField, BCDLongField, BCDStrField, IntField, LongField,
FloatField, DoubleField, SortableIntField, SortableLongField, SortableFloatField,
SortableDoubleField, and DateField. Convert these types in your schema to the
corresponding Trie-based field type and then re-index. See SOLR-5936 for more
* getAnalyzer() in IndexSchema and FieldType that was deprecated in Solr 4.9 has
been removed. Use getIndexAnalyzer() instead. See SOLR-6022 for more information.
* The spellcheck response format has changed, affecting xml and json clients. In
particular, the "correctlySpelled" and "collations" subsections have been moved outside
the "suggestions" subsection, and now are directly under "spellcheck".
See SOLR-3029 for more information.
* The CollectionsAPI SolrJ calls createCollection(), reloadCollection(),
deleteCollection(), requestStatus(), createShard(), splitShard(), deleteShard(),
createAlias() and deleteAlias() which were deprecated in 4.11 have been removed.
The new usage involves a builder style construction of the call.
* The OVERSEERSTATUS API returns new key names for operations such as "create"
for "createcollection", "delete" for "removecollection" and "deleteshard" for
* If you have been using the /update/json/docs to index documents, SOLR-6617 introduces
backward incompatible change. the key names created are fully qualified paths of keys .
If you need the old functionality back , please add an extra parameter f=/**
example: /update/json/docs?f=/**
* Bugs fixed in several ValueSource functions may result in different behavior in
situations where some documents do not have values for fields wrapped in other value
sources. Users who want to preserve the previous behavior may need to wrap fields
in the "def()" function. Example: changing "fl=sum(fieldA,fieldB)" to
"fl=sum(def(fieldA,0.0),def(fieldB,0.0))". See LUCENE-5961 for more details.
* AdminHandlers is deprecated , /admin/* are implicitly defined, /get ,/replacation and
handlers are also implicitly registered (refer to SOLR-6792)
* SolrCore.reload(ConfigSet coreConfig, SolrCore prev) was deprecated in 4.10.3 and
removed in 5.0. use SolrCore.reload(ConfigSet coreConfig). See SOLR-5864.
* The "termIndexInterval" option in solrconfig.xml has been a No-Op in the default codec
since Solr 4.0, and has been removed completely in 5.0. If you get an "Illegal parameter
'termIndexInterval'" error when upgrading, you can safely remove this option from your
configs. If you have a strong need to configure this, you must explicitly configure your
schema with a custom codec. See SOLR-6560 and for more details.
* The "checkIntegrityAtMerge" option in solrconfig.xml is now a No-Op and should be removed
from any solrconfig.xml files -- these integrity checks are now done automatically at a very
low level during the segment merging process. See SOLR-6834 for more details.
* SimplePostTool (post.jar) no longer defaults to collection1, making either of core/collection
name or update URL mandatory. An existing call without an explicit update URL needs to now
have the core/collection name passed as "-Dc=<collection/core name>" e.g.:
java -jar -Dc=<collection_name> post.jar *.xml (new call with collection name)
See SOLR-6852 for more details.
* Relative paths specified in the solr.xml coreRootDirectory parameter for core
discovery are now resolved relative to SOLR_HOME, rather than cwd. See
* SolrServer and associated classes have been deprecated. Applications using
SolrJ should use the equivalent SolrClient classes instead.
* Spatial fields originating from Solr 4 (e.g. SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType, BBoxField)
have the 'units' attribute deprecated, now replaced with 'distanceUnits'. If you change it to
a unit other than 'degrees' (or if you don't specify it, which will default to kilometers if
geo=true), then be sure to update maxDistErr as it's in those units. If you keep units=degrees
then it should be backwards compatible but you'll get a deprecation warning on startup. See
* The <nrtMode> configuration in solrconfig.xml has been discontinued and should be removed from
solrconfig.xml. Solr defaults to using NRT searchers regardless of the value in configuration
and a warning is logged on startup if the solrconfig.xml has <nrtMode> specified.
* There was an old spatial syntax to specify a circle using Circle(x,y d=...) which should be
replaced with simply using {!geofilt} (if you can) or BUFFER(POINT(x y),d). Likewise a rect syntax
comprised of minX minY maxX maxY that should now be replaced with
ENVELOPE(minX, maxX, maxY, minY).
* Due to changes in the underlying commons-codec package, users of the BeiderMorseFilterFactory
will need to rebuild their indexes after upgrading. See LUCENE-6058 for more details.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-6103: Added DateRangeField for indexing date ranges, especially multi-valued ones.
Supports facet.range, DateMath, and is mostly interoperable with TrieDateField.
Based on LUCENE-5648. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6403: TransactionLog replay status logging. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4580: Support for protecting content in ZooKeeper. (Per Steffensen, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6365: specify appends, defaults, invariants outside of the request handler.
(Noble Paul, Erik Hatcher, shalin)
* SOLR-5097: Schema API: Add REST support for adding dynamic fields to the schema.
(Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5098: Schema API: Add REST support for adding field types to the schema.
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-5473 : Split clusterstate.json per collection and watch states selectively
(Noble Paul, Mark Miller, shalin, Jessica Cheng Mallet, Timothy Potter, Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-5474 : Support for SOLR-5473 in SolrJ (Timothy Potter, Noble Paul, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5810 : Support for SOLR-5473 in solr admin UI (Timothy Potter, Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6482: Add an onlyIfDown flag for DELETEREPLICA collections API command
(Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6354: stats.field can now be used to generate stats over the numeric results
of arbitrary functions, ie: stats.field={!func}product(price,popularity)
* SOLR-6485: ReplicationHandler should have an option to throttle the speed of
replication (Varun Thacker, Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6543: Give HttpSolrClient the ability to send PUT requests (Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5986: Don't allow runaway queries from harming Solr cluster health or search
performance (Anshum Gupta, Steve Rowe, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-6565: SolrRequest support for query params (Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-6476: Create a bulk mode for schema API (Noble Paul, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6512: Add a collections API call to add/delete arbitrary properties
to a specific replica. Optionally adding sliceUnique=true will remove
this property from all other replicas within a particular slice.
(Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6513: Add a collectionsAPI call BALANCESLICEUNIQUE. Allows the even
distribution of custom replica properties across nodes making up a
collection, at most one node per slice will have the property.
* SOLR-6605: Make ShardHandlerFactory maxConnections configurable.
(Christine Poerschke via shalin)
* SOLR-6585: RequestHandlers can optionally handle sub paths as well (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6617: /update/json/docs path will use fully qualified node names by default
(Noble Paul)
* SOLR-4715: Add CloudSolrClient constructors which accept a HttpClient instance.
(Hardik Upadhyay, Shawn Heisey, shalin)
* SOLR-5992: add "removeregex" as an atomic update operation
(Vitaliy Zhovtyuk via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6633: /update/json/docs path can now save the underlying json doc asa string field
and better support added to the default example (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6650: Add optional slow request logging at WARN level
(Jessica Cheng Mallet via Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6655: SimplePostTool now features -Dhost, -Dport, and -Dc (for core/collection)
properties to allow easier overriding of just the right piece of the Solr URL.
* SOLR-6248: MoreLikeThis QParser that accepts a document id and returns documents that
have similar content. It works in standalone/cloud mode and shares logic with the
Lucene MoreLikeThis class (Anshum Gupta).
for ADDREPLICAPROP that used to be sliceUnique is now shardUnique. (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6351: Stats can now be nested under pivot values by adding a 'stats' local param to
facet.pivot which refers to a 'tag' local param in one or more stats.field params.
(hossman, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, Steve Molloy)
* SOLR-6533: Support editing common solrconfig.xml values (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6607: Managing requesthandlers throuh API (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-4799: faster join using join="zipper" aka merge join for nested DIH EntityProcessors
(Mikhail Khludnev via Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6787: API to manage blobs in Solr (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6801: Load RequestHandler from blob store (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-1632: Support Distributed IDF (Andrzej Bialecki, Mark Miller, Yonik Seeley,
Robert Muir, Markus Jelsma, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6729: createNodeSet.shuffle=(true|false) support for /admin/collections?action=CREATE.
(Christine Poerschke, Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6851: Scripts to support installing and running Solr as a service on Linux
(Timothy Potter, Hossman, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6770: Add/edit param sets and use them in Requests (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6879: Have an option to disable autoAddReplicas temporarily for all collections.
(Varun Thacker via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6435: Add bin/post script to simplify posting content to Solr (Erik Hatcher)
* SOLR-6761: Ability to ignore commit and/or optimize requests from clients when running in
SolrCloud mode using the IgnoreCommitOptimizeUpdateProcessorFactory. (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6797: Spatial fields that used to require units=degrees like
SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType (RPT) now take distanceUnits=degrees|kilometers|miles
instead. It is applied to nearly all distance measurements involving the field: maxDistErr,
distErr, d, geodist, score=distance|area|area2d. score now accepts these units as well. It does
NOT affect distances embedded in WKT strings like BUFFER(POINT(200 10),0.2)).
(Ishan Chattopadhyaya, David Smiley)
* SOLR-6766: Expose HdfsDirectoryFactory Block Cache statistics via JMX.
(Mike Drob, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2035: Add a VelocityResponseWriter $resource tool for locale-specific string lookups.
(Erik Hatcher)
* SOLR-6916: Toggle payload support for the default highlighter via hl.payloads. It's auto
enabled when the index has payloads. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6581: Efficient DocValues support and numeric collapse field implementations
for Collapse and Expand (Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-6937: In schemaless mode ,replace spaces and special characters with underscore (Noble Paul)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4895: An error should be returned when a rollback is attempted in SolrCloud mode.
(Vamsee Yarlagadda via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6424: The hdfs block cache BLOCKCACHE_WRITE_ENABLED is not defaulting to false like it
should. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6426: SolrZkClient clean can fail due to a race with children nodes. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5966: Admin UI Menu is fixed and doesn't respect smaller viewports.
(Aman Tandon, steffkes via shalin)
* SOLR-4406: Fix RawResponseWriter to respect 'base' writer
(Steve Davids, hossman)
* SOLR-6297: Fix WordBreakSolrSpellChecker to not lose suggestions in shard/cloud
environments (James Dyer)
* SOLR-6467: bin/solr script should direct stdout/stderr when starting in the background
to the solr-PORT-console.log in the logs directory instead of bin. (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6187: SOLR-6154: facet.mincount ignored in range faceting using distributed search
NOTE: This does NOT fixed for the (deprecated) facet.date idiom, use facet.range
instead. (Erick Erickson, Zaccheo Bagnati, Ronald Matamoros, Vamsee Yalargadda)
* SOLR-6457: LBHttpSolrClient: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException risk if counter overflows
(longkey via Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6499: Log warning about multiple update request handlers
(Noble Paul, Andreas Hubold, hossman)
* SOLR-6507: Fixed several bugs involving stats.field used with local params (hossman)
* SOLR-6481: CLUSTERSTATUS should check if the node hosting a replica is live when
reporting replica status (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6484: SolrCLI's healthcheck action needs to check live nodes as part of reporting
the status of a replica (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6540 Fix NPE from strdist() func when doc value source does not exist in a doc (hossman)
* SOLR-6624 Spelling mistakes in the Java source (Hrishikesh Gadre)
* SOLR-6307: Atomic update remove does not work for int array or date array
(Anurag Sharma , noble)
* SOLR-6224: Post soft-commit callbacks are called before soft commit actually happens.
* SOLR-6591: Overseer can use stale cluster state and lose updates for collections
with stateFormat > 1. (shalin)
* SOLR-6631: DistributedQueue spinning on calling zookeeper getChildren()
(Jessica Cheng Mallet, Mark Miller, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6579:SnapPuller Replication blocks clean shutdown of tomcat
(Philip Black-Knight via Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6721: ZkController.ensureReplicaInLeaderInitiatedRecovery puts replica
in local map before writing to ZK. (shalin)
* SOLR-6679: Disabled suggester component from techproduct solrconfig.xml since
it caused long startup times on lage indexes even when it wasn't used.
(yonik, hossman)
* SOLR-6738: Admin UI - Escape Data on Plugins-View (steffkes)
* SOLR-3774: Solr adds RequestHandler SolrInfoMBeans twice to the JMX server.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe, hossman, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6763: Shard leader elections should not persist across session expiry
(Alan Woodward, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3881: Avoid OOMs in LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor:
- Added langid.maxFieldValueChars and langid.maxTotalChars params to limit
input, by default 10k and 20k chars, respectively.
- Moved input concatenation to Tika implementation; the langdetect
implementation instead appends each input piece via the langdetect API.
(Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, Tomás Fernández Löbbe, Rob Tulloh, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6626: NPE in FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor when indexing a doc with
null field value (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6604: SOLR-6812: Fix NPE with distrib.singlePass=true and expand
component. Increased test coverage of expand component with docValues.
(Christine Poerschke, Per Steffensen, shalin)
* SOLR-6718: Core discovery was walking paths relative to the Jetty working
directory, rather than SOLR_HOME. (Andreas Hubold, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6864: Support registering searcher listeners in SolrCoreAware.inform(SolrCore)
method. Existing components rely on this. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-6850: AutoAddReplicas makes a call to wait to see live replicas that times
out after 30 milliseconds instead of 30 seconds. (Varun Thacker via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6397: zkcli script put/putfile should allow overwriting an existing znode's data
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6873: Lib relative path is incorrect for techproduct configset
(Alexandre Rafalovitch via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6899: Change public setter for CollectionAdminRequest.action to protected.
(Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6779: fix /browse for schemaless example (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6874: There is a race around SocketProxy binding to it's port the way we setup
JettySolrRunner and SocketProxy. (Mark Miller, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6735: Make CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory null safe (Steve Davids via ehatcher)
* SOLR-6907: URLEncode documents directory in MorphlineMapperTest to handle spaces etc.
in file name. (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6880: Harden ZkStateReader to expect that getCollectionLive may return null
as it's contract states. (Mark Miller, shalin)
* SOLR-6643: Fix error reporting & logging of low level JVM Errors that occur when
loading/reloading a SolrCore (hossman)
* SOLR-6839: Direct routing with CloudSolrServer will ignore the Overwrite document option.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6793: ReplicationHandler does not destroy all of it's created SnapPullers.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6946: Document -p port option for the create_core and create_collection actions in
bin/solr (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6923: AutoAddReplicas also consults live_nodes to see if a state change has happened.
(Varun Thacker via Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6941: DistributedQueue#containsTaskWithRequestId can fail with NPE. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6764: Field types need to be re-informed after reloading a managed schema from ZK
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6931: We should do a limited retry when using HttpClient.
(Mark Miller, Hrishikesh Gadre, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-6603: LBHttpSolrClient - lazily allocate skipped-zombie-servers list.
(Christine Poerschke via shalin)
* SOLR-6554: Speed up overseer operations avoiding cluster state reads from
zookeeper at the start of each loop and instead relying on local state and
compare-and-set writes. This change also adds batching for consecutive messages
belonging to the same collection with stateFormat=2. (shalin)
* SOLR-6680: DefaultSolrHighlighter can sometimes avoid CachingTokenFilter with
hl.usePhraseHighlighter, and can be more efficient handling data from term vectors.
(David Smiley)
* SOLR-6666: Dynamic copy fields are considering all dynamic fields, causing
a significant performance impact on indexing documents. (Liram Vardi via Erick
Erickson, Steve Rowe)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4622: Hardcoded SolrCloud defaults for hostContext and hostPort that
were deprecated in 4.3 have been removed completely. (hossman)
* SOLR-5936: Removed deprecated non-Trie-based numeric & date field types.
(Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6169: Finish removal of CoreAdminHandler handleAlias action begun in 4.9
(Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6215: TrieDateField should directly extend TrieField instead of
forwarding to a wrapped TrieField. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-3029: Changes to spellcheck response format (Nalini Kartha via James Dyer)
* SOLR-3957: Removed RequestHandlerUtils#addExperimentalFormatWarning(), which
removes "experimental" warning from two places: replication handler details
command and DataImportHandler responses. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6073: Remove helper methods from CollectionsRequest (SolrJ) for CollectionsAPI
calls and move to a builder design for the same. (Varun Thacker, Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6519: Make DirectoryFactory#create() take LockFactory.
(Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-6400: SolrCloud tests are not properly testing session expiration. (Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-5650: Tests can no longer write to CWD. Update log dir is now made relative
to the instance dir if it is not an absolute path. (Ryan Ernst, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-6390: Remove unnecessary checked exception for CloudSolrClient
constructors, improve javadocs for CloudSolrClient constructors.
(Steve Davids via Shawn Heisey)
* LUCENE-5901: Replaced all occurences of LUCENE_CURRENT with LATEST for luceneMatchVersion.
(Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-6445: Upgrade Noggit to verion 0.6 to support more flexible JSON input (Noble Paul , Yonik Seeley)
* SOLR-6073: Remove helper methods from CollectionsRequest (SolrJ) for CollectionsAPI
calls and move to a builder design for the same. (Varun Thacker, Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-5322: core discovery can fail w/NPE and no explanation if a non-readable directory exists
(Said Chavkin, Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6488: Update to Apache Tika 1.6. This adds support for parsing Outlook PST and Matlab
MAT files. Parsing for NetCDF files was removed because of license issues; if you need support
for this format, download the parser JAR yourself and add it to contrib/extraction/lib folder:
(Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-6115: Cleanup enum/string action types in Overseer, OverseerCollectionProcessor and
CollectionHandler. (Erick Erickson, shalin)
* SOLR-6453: Stop throwing an error message from Overseer when node exits (Ramkumar Aiyengar, Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6550: Provide simple mechanism for passing additional metadata / context about a server-side
SolrException back to the client-side (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6249: Schema API changes return success before all cores are updated; client application
can provide the optional updateTimeoutSecs parameter to cause the server handling the
managed schema update to block until all replicas of the same collection have processed the
update or until the specified timeout is reached (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6597: SolrIndexConfig parameter in one of the SolrIndexSearcher constructor has been removed.
It was just passed and never used via that constructor. (Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-5852: Add CloudSolrClient helper method to connect to a ZK ensemble. (Varun Thacker, Furkan KAMACI,
Shawn Heisey, Mark Miller, Erick Erickson via shalin)
* SOLR-6592: Avoid waiting for the leader to see the down state if that leader is not live.
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6641: SystemInfoHandler should include the zkHost the node is using (when running in solrcloud mode)
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6295: Fix child filter query creation to never match parent docs in SolrExampleTests.
(Varun Thacker, Mikhail Khludnev via shalin)
* SOLR-6578: Update commons-io dependency to the latest 2.4 version
(Steve Rowe, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-6651: Fix wrong timeout logged in waitForReplicasToComeUp. (shalin)
* SOLR-6698: Solr is not consistent wrt ZkCredentialsProvider / ZkCredentialProvider.
References to zkCredentialProvider in System properties or configurations should be
changed to zkCredentialsProvider. (Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-6715: ZkSolrResourceLoader constructors accept a parameter called 'collection'
but it should be 'configName'. (shalin)
* SOLR-6697: bin/solr start scripts allow setting SOLR_OPTS in solr.in.* (janhoy)
* SOLR-6739: Admin UI - Sort list of command line args (steffkes)
* SOLR-6740: Admin UI - improve Files View (steffkes)
* SOLR-6570: Run SolrZkClient session watch asynchronously.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6747: Add an optional caching option as a workaround for SOLR-6586.
(Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-6459: Normalize logging of operations in Overseer and log current queue size.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar, shalin via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6754: ZkController.publish doesn't use the updateLastState parameter.
* SOLR-6715: ZkSolrResourceLoader constructors accept a parameter called 'collection'
but it should be 'configName'. (shalin)
* SOLR-6751: Exceptions thrown in the analysis chain in DirectUpdateHandler2
should return a BAD_REQUEST status (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6792 : deprecate AdminHandlers, Clean up solrconfig.xml of
unnecessary plugin definitions, implicit registration of /replication,
/get and /admin/* handlers (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5864: Remove previous SolrCore as parameter on reload.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-4792: Stop shipping a .war. (Robert Muir, Ramkumar Aiyengar, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6799: Update Saxon-HE to 9.6.0-2. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6454: Suppress EOFExceptions in SolrDispatchFilter.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6370: Allow tests to report/fail on many ZK watches being parallelly
requested on the same data (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6752: Buffer Cache allocate/lost metrics should be exposed.
(Mike Drob via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6560: Purge termIndexInterval from example/test configs
(Tom Burton-West, hossman)
* SOLR-6773: Remove the multicore example as the DIH and cloud examples
illustrate multicore behavior (hossman, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6834: Warn if checkIntegrityAtMerge is configured. This option is no longer meaningful
since the checks are done automatically at a very low level in the segment merging.
This warning will become an error in Solr 6.0. (hossman)
* SOLR-6833: Examples started with bin/solr -e should use a solr.solr.home directory under
the example directory instead of server/solr. (Alexandre Rafalovitch, Anshum Gupta, hossman,
Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6826: fieldType capitalization is not consistent with the rest of case-sensitive field names.
(Alexandre Rafalovitch via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6849: HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException reports the URL of the remote
host where the exception occurred. (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6852: SimplePostTool no longer defaults to collection1 making core/collection/update URL
mandatory. (Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6861: post.sh from exampledocs directory has been removed as there no longer is a default update
URL. (Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-5922: Add support for adding core properties to SolrJ Collection Admin Request calls.
(Varun Thacker via Anshum Gupta).
* SOLR-6523: Provide SolrJ support for specifying stateFormat while creating Collections.
(Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6881: Add split.key support for SPLITSHARD via SolrJ (Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6883: CLUSTERPROP API switch case does not call break. (Varun Thacker via shalin)
* SOLR-6882: Misspelled collection API actions in ReplicaMutator exception messages.
(Steve Rowe via shalin)
* SOLR-6867: SolrCLI should check for existence before creating a new core/collection,
more user-friendly error reporting (no stack trace), and the ability to pass a
directory when using bin/solr to create a core or collection (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6885: Add core name to RecoveryThread name. (Christine Poerschke via shalin)
* SOLR-6855: bin/solr -e dih launches, but has some path cruft issues preventing some of the
imports don't work (Hossman, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-3711: Truncate long strings in /browse field facets (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6876: Remove unused legacy scripts.conf (Alexandre Rafalovitch via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6896: Speed up tests by dropping SolrJettyRunner thread max idle time
(Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6448: Add SolrJ support for all current Collection API calls. (Anshum Gupta)
* Fixed a typo in various solrconfig.xml files. (sdumitriu - pull request #120)
* SOLR-6895: SolrServer classes are renamed to *SolrClient. The existing
classes still exist, but are deprecated. (Alan Woodward, Erik Hatcher)
* SOLR-6483: Refactor some methods in MiniSolrCloudCluster tests (Steve Davids via
Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6906: Fix typo bug in DistributedDebugComponentTest.testCompareWithNonDistributedRequest
(Ramkumar Aiyenga via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6905: Test pseudo-field retrieval in distributed search.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar via shalin)
* SOLR-4839: Upgrade Jetty to 9.2.6.v20141205 and restlet-jee to 2.3.0
(Bill Bell, Timothy Potter, Uwe Schindler, Mark Miller, shalin)
* SOLR-6897: Nuke non-NRT mode from code and configuration. (Hossman, shalin)
* SOLR-6830: Update Woodstox to 4.4.1 and StAX to 3.1.4. (ab)
* SOLR-6918: No need to log exceptions (as warn) generated when creating MBean stats if
the core is shutting down (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6932: All HttpClient ConnectionManagers and SolrJ clients should always be shutdown
in tests and regular code. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1723: VelocityResponseWriter improvements (Erik Hatcher)
* SOLR-6324: Set finite default timeouts for select and update. (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6952: bin/solr create action should copy configset directory instead of reusing
an existing configset in ZooKeeper by default (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6933: bin/solr should provide a single "create" action that creates a core
or collection depending on whether Solr is running in standalone or cloud mode
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6496: LBHttpSolrClient stops server retries after the timeAllowed threshold is met.
(Steve Davids, Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6904: Removed deprecated Circle & rect syntax. See upgrading notes. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6943: HdfsDirectoryFactory should fall back to system props for most of it's config
if it is not found in solrconfig.xml. (Mark Miller, Mike Drob)
* SOLR-6926: "ant example" makes no sense anymore - should be "ant server"
(Ramkumar Aiyengar, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6982: bin/solr and SolrCLI should support SSL-related Java System Properties
(Timothy Potter)
================== 4.10.3 ==================
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-6696: bin/solr start script should not enable autoSoftCommit by default (janhoy)
* SOLR-6704: TrieDateField type drops schema properties in branch 4.10 (Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-6085: Suggester crashes when prefixToken is longer than surface form (janhoy)
* SOLR-6323: ReRankingQParserPlugin cleaner paging and fix bug with fuzzy, range and other queries
that need to be re-written. (Adair Kovac, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-6684: Fix-up /export JSON. (Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-6781: BBoxField didn't support dynamic fields. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6784: BBoxField's 'score' mode should have been optional. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6510: The collapse QParser would throw a NPE when used on a DocValues field on
an empty segment/index. (Christine Poerschke, David Smiley)
* SOLR-6780: Fixed a bug in how default/appends/invariants params were affecting the set
of all "keys" found in the request parameters, resulting in some key=value param pairs
being duplicated. This was noticably affecting some areas of the code where iteration
was done over the set of all params:
* literal.* in ExtractingRequestHandler
* facet.* in FacetComponent
* spellcheck.[dictionary name].* and spellcheck.collateParam.* in SpellCheckComponent
* olap.* in AnalyticsComponent
(Alexandre Rafalovitch & hossman)
* SOLR-2927: Solr does not unregister all mbeans upon exception in constructor
causing memory leaks. (tom liu, Sharath Babu, Cyrille Roy, shalin)
* SOLR-6685: ConcurrentModificationException in Overseer Status API. (shalin)
* SOLR-6706: /update/json/docs throws RuntimeException if a nested structure
contains a non-leaf float field (Noble Paul, shalin)
* SOLR-6610: Slow startup of new clusters because ZkController.publishAndWaitForDownStates
always times out. (Jessica Cheng Mallet, shalin, Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6662: better validation when parsing command-line options that expect a value
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6732: Fix handling of leader-initiated recovery state was String in older versions
and is now a JSON map, caused backwards compatibility issues when doing rolling upgrades of
a live cluster while indexing (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6705: Better strategy for dealing with JVM specific options in the start
scripts; remove -XX:+AggressiveOpts and only set -XX:-UseSuperWord for Java 1.7u40
to u51. (Uwe Schindler, janhoy, hossman, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6726: better strategy for selecting the JMX RMI port based on SOLR_PORT in bin/solr
script (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6795: distrib.singlePass returns score even though not asked for.
(Per Steffensen via shalin)
* SOLR-6796: distrib.singlePass does not return correct set of fields for multi-fl-parameter
requests. (Per Steffensen via shalin)
* SOLR-6776: Transaction log was not flushed at the end of update requests with softCommit
specified, which could lead to data loss if the server were killed immediately after the
update finished. (Jeffery Yuan via yonik)
Other Changes
* SOLR-6661: Adjust all example configurations to allow overriding error-prone
relative paths for solrconfig.xml <lib> references with solr.install.dir
system property; bin/solr scripts will set it appropriately. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6694: Auto-detect JAVA_HOME using the Windows registry if it is not set
(janhoy, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6653: bin/solr script should return error code >0 when something fails
(janhoy, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6829: Added getter/setter for lastException in DIH's ContextImpl (ehatcher)
================== 4.10.2 ==================
Bug FixesAnalyticsComponent
* SOLR-6509: Solr start scripts interactive mode doesn't honor -z argument (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6511: Fencepost error in LeaderInitiatedRecoveryThread (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6530: Commits under network partitions can put any node in down state.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar, Alan Woodward, Mark Miller, shalin)
* SOLR-6573: QueryElevationComponent now works with localParams in the query (janhoy)
* SOLR-6524: Collections left in recovery state after node restart because recovery sleep time
increases exponentially between retries. (Mark Miller, shalin)
* SOLR-6587: Misleading exception when creating collections in SolrCloud with bad configuration.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-6452: StatsComponent's stat 'missing' will work on fields with docValues=true and
indexed=false (Xu Zhang via Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-6646: bin/solr start script fails to detect solr on non-default port and then after
30s tails wrong log file (janhoy)
* SOLR-6647: Bad error message when missing resource from ZK when parsing Schema (janhoy)
* SOLR-6545: Query field list with wild card on dynamic field fails.
(Burke Webster, Xu Zhang, shalin)
Other Changes
* SOLR-6550: Provide simple mechanism for passing additional metadata / context about a server-side
SolrException back to the client-side (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6486: solr start script can have a debug flag option; use -a to set arbitrary options
(Noble Paul, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6549: bin/solr script should support a -s option to set the -Dsolr.solr.home property.
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6529: Stop command in the start scripts should only stop the instance that it had started.
(Varun Thacker, Timothy Potter)
================== 4.10.1 ==================
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-6425: If using the new global hdfs block cache option, you can end up
reading corrupt files on file name reuse. (Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5814: CoreContainer reports incorrect & misleading path for solrconfig.xml
when there are loading problems (Pradeep via hossman)
* SOLR-6024: Fix StatsComponent when using docValues="true" multiValued="true"
(Vitaliy Zhovtyuk & Tomas Fernandez-Lobbe via hossman)
* SOLR-6493: Fix fq exclusion via "ex" local param in multivalued stats.field (hossman)
* SOLR-6447: bin/solr script needs to pass -DnumShards=1 for boostrapping collection1
when starting Solr in cloud mode. (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6501: Binary Response Writer does not return wildcard fields.
(Mike Hugo, Constantin Mitocaru, sarowe, shalin)
Other Changes
* SOLR-6503: Removed support for parsing netcdf files in Solr Cell because
of license issues. If you need support for this format, download the parser
JAR yourself (version 4.2) and add it to contrib/extraction/lib folder:
(Uwe Schindler)
================== 4.10.0 =================
Consult the LUCENE_CHANGES.txt file for additional, low level, changes in this release
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.5 (with upgraded Apache POI 3.10.1)
Carrot2 3.9.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Upgrading from Solr 4.9
* In Solr 3.6, all primitive field types were changed to omit norms by default when the
schema version is 1.5 or greater (SOLR-3140), but TrieDateField's default was mistakenly
not changed. As of Solr 4.10, TrieDateField omits norms by default (see SOLR-6211).
* Creating a SolrCore via CoreContainer.create() no longer requires an
additional call to CoreContainer.register() to make it available to clients
(see SOLR-6170).
* CoreContainer.remove() has been removed. You should now use CoreContainer.unload() to
delete a SolrCore (see SOLR-6232).
* solr.xml parsing has been improved to better account for the expected data types of
various options. As part of this fix, additional error checking has also been added to
provide errors in the event of duplicated options, or unknown option names that may
indicate a typo. Users who have modified their solr.xml in the past and now upgrade may
get errors on startup if they have typos or unexpected options specified in their solr.xml
file. (See SOLR-5746 for more information.)
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-6196: The overseerstatus collection API instruments amILeader and ZK state update calls.
* SOLR-6069: The 'clusterstatus' API should return 'roles' information. (shalin)
* SOLR-6044: The 'clusterstatus' API should return live_nodes as well. (shalin)
* SOLR-5768: Add a distrib.singlePass parameter to make EXECUTE_QUERY phase fetch all fields
and skip GET_FIELDS. (Gregg Donovan, shalin)
* SOLR-6183: New spatial BBoxField for indexing rectangles with search support for most predicates.
It includes extra score relevancy modes in addition to distance: score=overlapRatio|area|area2D.
(David Smiley, Ryan McKinley)
* SOLR-6232: You can now unload/delete cores that have failed to initialize (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-2245: Improvements to the MailEntityProcessor:
- Support for server-side date filtering if using GMail; requires new
dependency on the Sun Gmail Java mail extensions
- Support for using the last_index_time from the previous run as the
value for the fetchMailsSince filter.
(Peter Sturge, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6258: Added onRollback event handler hook to Data Import Handler (DIH).
* SOLR-6263: Add DIH handler name to variable resolver as ${dih.handlerName}. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6216: Better faceting for multiple intervals on DV fields (Tomas Fernandez-Lobbe
via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6267: Let user override Interval Faceting key with LocalParams (Tomas Fernandez_Lobbe
via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6020: Auto-generate a unique key in schema-less example if data does not have an id field.
The UUIDUpdateProcessor was improved to not require a field name in configuration and generate
a UUID into the unique Key field.
(Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, hossman, Steve Rowe, Erik Hatcher, shalin)
* SOLR-6294: SOLR-6437: Remove the restriction of adding json by only wrapping it in an array in a
new path /update/json/docs (Noble Paul , hossman, Yonik Seeley, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6302: UpdateRequestHandlers are registered implicitly /update ,
/update/json, /update/csv , /update/json/docs (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6318: New "terms" QParser for efficiently filtering documents by a list of values. For
many values, it's more appropriate than a boolean query. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6283: Add support for Interval Faceting in SolrJ. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-6304 : JsonLoader should be able to flatten an input JSON to multiple docs (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-2894: Distributed query support for facet.pivot (Dan Cooper, Erik Hatcher, Chris Russell,
Andrew Muldowney, Brett Lucey, Mark Miller, hossman)
* SOLR-5656: Add autoAddReplicas feature for shared file systems. (Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5244: Exporting Full Sorted Result Sets (Erik Hatcher, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-3617: bin/solr and bin/solr.cmd scripts for starting, stopping, and running Solr examples
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6233: Provide basic command line tools for checking Solr status and health.
(Timothy Potter)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-6095 : SolrCloud cluster can end up without an overseer with overseer roles (Noble Paul, Shalin Mangar)
* SOLR-6165: DataImportHandler should write BigInteger and BigDecimal values as strings.
(Anand Sengamalai via shalin)
* SOLR-6189: Avoid publishing the state as down if the node is not live when determining
if a replica should be in leader-initiated recovery. (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6197: The MIGRATE collection API doesn't work when legacyCloud=false is set
in cluster properties. (shalin)
* SOLR-6206: The migrate collection API fails on retry if temp collection already exists.
* SOLR-6072: The 'deletereplica' API should remove the data and instance directory by default.
* SOLR-6211: TrieDateField doesn't default to omitNorms=true. (Michael Ryan, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6159: A ZooKeeper session expiry during setup can keep LeaderElector from joining elections.
(Steven Bower, shalin)
* SOLR-6223: SearchComponents may throw NPE when using shards.tolerant and there is a failure
in the 'GET_FIELDS/GET_HIGHLIGHTS/GET_DEBUG' phase. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via shalin)
* SOLR-6180: Callers of ManagedIndexSchema mutators should hold the schemaUpdateLock.
(Gregory Chanan via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6229: Make SuggestComponent return 400 instead of 500 for bad dictionary selected in request.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via shalin)
* SOLR-6235: Leader initiated recovery should use coreNodeName instead of coreName to avoid marking
all replicas having common core name as down. (shalin)
* SOLR-6208: JettySolrRunner QueuedThreadPool's configuration code is never executed. (dweiss via shalin)
* SOLR-6245: Socket and Connection configuration are ignored in HttpSolrServer when passing in HttpClient.
(Patanachai Tangchaisin, shalin)
* SOLR-6137: Schemaless concurrency improvements:
- Fixed an NPE when reloading a managed schema with no dynamic copy fields
- Moved parsing and schema fields addition to after the distributed phase
- AddSchemaFieldsUpdateProcessor now uses a fixed schema rather than always
retrieving the latest, and holds the schema update lock through the entire
schema swap-out process
(Gregory Chanan via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6136: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer includes a Spin Lock (Brandon Chapman, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6257: More than two "!"-s in a doc ID throws an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using the composite id router.
(Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5746: Bugs in solr.xml parsing have been fixed to more correctly deal with the various
datatypes of options people can specify, additional error handling of duplicated/unidentified
options has also been added. (Maciej Zasada, hossman)
* SOLR-5847: Fixed data import abort button in admin UI. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6264: Distributed commit and optimize are executed serially across all
replicas. (Mark Miller, Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6163: Correctly decode special characters in managed stopwords and synonym endpoints.
(Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, Timo Schmidt via Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6336: DistributedQueue can easily create too many ZooKeeper Watches.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6347: DELETEREPLICA throws a NPE while removing the last Replica in a Custom
sharded collection. (Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6062: Fix undesirable edismax query parser effect (introduced in SOLR-2058) in how phrase queries
generated from pf, pf2, and pf3 are merged into the main query. (Michael Dodsworth via ehatcher)
* SOLR-6372: HdfsDirectoryFactory should use supplied Configuration for communicating with secure kerberos.
(Gregory Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6284: Fix NPE in OCP when non-existent sliceId is used for a
deleteShard request (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-6380: Added missing context info to log message if IOException occurs in processing tlog
(Steven Bower via hossman)
* SOLR-6383: RegexTransformer returns no results after replaceAll if regex does not match a value.
(Alexander Kingson, shalin)
* SOLR-6387: Add better error messages throughout Solr and supply a work around for
Java bug #8047340 to SystemInfoHandler: On Turkish default locale, some JVMs fail
to fork on MacOSX, BSD, AIX, and Solaris platforms. (hossman, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-6338: coreRootDirectory requires trailing slash, or SolrCloud cores are created in wrong location.
(Primož Skale via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6314: Facet counts duplicated in the response if specified more than once on the request.
(Vamsee Yarlagadda, Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-6378: Fixed example/example-DIH/ issues with "tika" and "solr" configurations, and tidied up README.txt
(Daniel Shchyokin via ehatcher)
* SOLR-6393: TransactionLog replay performance on HDFS is very poor. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6268: HdfsUpdateLog has a race condition that can expose a closed HDFS FileSystem instance and should
close its FileSystem instance if either inherited close method is called. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6089: When using the HDFS block cache, when a file is deleted, its underlying data entries in the
block cache are not removed, which is a problem with the global block cache option.
(Mark Miller, Patrick Hunt)
* SOLR-6402: OverseerCollectionProcessor should not exit for ZooKeeper ConnectionLoss.
(Jessica Cheng via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6405: ZooKeeper calls can easily not be retried enough on ConnectionLoss.
(Jessica Cheng, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6410: Ensure all Lookup instances are closed via CloseHook
(hossman, Areek Zillur, Ryan Ernst, Dawid Weiss)
* LUCENE-5803: Solr's schema now uses DelegatingAnalyzerWrapper. This uses less heap
for cached TokenStreamComponents because it caches per FieldType not per Field, so
indexes with many fields of same type just use one TokenStream per thread.
(Shay Banon, Uwe Schindler, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-6259: Reduce CPU usage by avoiding repeated costly calls to Document.getField inside
DocumentBuilder.toDocument for use-cases with large number of fields and copyFields.
(Steven Bower via shalin)
* SOLR-5968: BinaryResponseWriter fetches unnecessary stored fields when only pseudo-fields
are requested. (Gregg Donovan via shalin)
* SOLR-6261: Run ZooKeeper watch event callbacks in parallel to the ZooKeeper
event thread. (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
Other Changes
* SOLR-6173: Fixed wrong failure message in TestDistributedSearch. (shalin)
* SOLR-5902: Corecontainer level mbeans are not exposed (noble)
* SOLR-6194: Allow access to DataImporter and DIHConfiguration from DataImportHandler.
(Aaron LaBella via shalin)
* SOLR-6170: CoreContainer.preRegisterInZk() and CoreContainer.register() commands
are merged into CoreContainer.create(). (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6171: Remove unused SolrCores coreNameToOrig map (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5596: Set system property zookeeper.forceSync=no for Solr test cases. (shalin)
* SOLR-2853: Add a unit test for the case when "spellcheck.maxCollationTries=0" (James Dyer)
* SOLR-6240: Removed unused coreName parameter in ZkStateReader.getReplicaProps. (shalin)
* SOLR-6241: Harden the HttpPartitionTest. (shalin)
* SOLR-6228: Fixed bug in TestReplicationHandler.doTestIndexAndConfigReplication. (shalin)
* SOLR-6120: On Windows, when the war is not extracted, the zkcli.bat script
will print a helpful message indicating that the war must be unzipped instead
of a java error about a missing class. (shalin, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-6179: Better strategy for handling empty managed data to avoid spurious
warning messages in the logs. (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6232: CoreContainer.remove() replaced with CoreContainer.unload(). A call to
unload will also close the core.
* SOLR-3893: DIH should not depend on mail.jar,activation.jar (Timothy Potter, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6252: A couple of small improvements to UnInvertedField class.
(Vamsee Yarlagadda, Gregory Chanan, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3345: BaseDistributedSearchTestCase should always ignore QTime.
(Vamsee Yarlagadda, Benson Margulies via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6270: Increased timeouts for MultiThreadedOCPTest. (shalin)
* SOLR-6274: UpdateShardHandler should log the params used to configure its
HttpClient. (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-6194: Opened up "public" access to DataSource, DocBuilder, and EntityProcessorWrapper
in DIH. (Aaron LaBella via ehatcher)
* SOLR-6269: Renamed "rollback" to "error" in DIH internals, including renaming onRollback
to onError introduced in SOLR-6258. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-3622: When using DIH in SolrCloud-mode, rollback will no longer be called when
an error occurs. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6231: Increased timeouts and hardened the RollingRestartTest. (Noble Paul, shalin)
* SOLR-6290: Harden and speed up CollectionsAPIAsyncDistributedZkTest. (Mark Miller, shalin)
* SOLR-6281: Made PostingsSolrHighlighter more configurable via subclass extension. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6309: Increase timeouts for AsyncMigrateRouteKeyTest. (shalin)
* SOLR-2168: Added support for facet.missing in /browse field and pivot faceting. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-4702: Added support for multiple spellcheck collations to /browse UI. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-5664: Added support for multi-valued field highlighting in /browse UI. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-6313: Improve SolrCloud cloud-dev scripts. (Mark Miller, Vamsee Yarlagadda)
* SOLR-6360: Remove bogus "Content-Charset" header in HttpSolrServer. (Michael Ryan,
Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-6362: Fix bug in TestSqlEntityProcessorDelta. (James Dyer)
* SOLR-6388: Force upgrade of Apache POI dependency in Solr Cell to version
3.10.1 to fix CVE-2014-3529 and CVE-2014-3574. (Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-6391: Improve message for CREATECOLLECTION failure due to missing
numShards (Anshum Gupta)
================== 4.9.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.5
Carrot2 3.9.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Upgrading from Solr 4.8
* Support for DiskDocValuesFormat (ie: fieldTypes configured with docValuesFormat="Disk")
has been removed due to poor performance. If you have an existing fieldTypes using
DiskDocValuesFormat please modify your schema.xml to remove the 'docValuesFormat'
attribute, and optimize your index to rewrite it into the default codec, prior to
upgrading to 4.9. See LUCENE-5761 for more details.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-5999: Add checkIntegrityAtMerge support to solrconfig.xml.
(Varun Thacker via Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-6043: Add ability to set http headers in solr response
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-5973: Pluggable Ranking Collectors and Merge Strategies
(Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-6108: Add support for 'addreplica' Collection API in SolrJ. (shalin)
* SOLR-5468: Allow a client application to request the minium achieved
replication factor for an update request (single or batch) by sending
an optional parameter "min_rf". (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6088: Add query re-ranking with the ReRankingQParserPlugin
(Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5285: Added a new [child ...] DocTransformer for optionally including
Block-Join decendent documents inline in the results of a search. This works
independent of whether the search itself is a block-join related query and is
supported by he xml, json, and javabin response formats.
(Varun Thacker via hossman)
* SOLR-6150: Add new AnalyticsQuery to support pluggable analytics
(Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-6125: Allow SolrIndexWriter to close without waiting for merges
(Christine Poerschke via Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-6064: DebugComponent track output should be returned as a JSON
object rather than a list (Christine Poerschke, Alan Woodward)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5956: Use coreDescriptor.getInstanceDir() instead of getRawInstanceDir()
in the SnapShooter to avoid problems when solr.solr.home is a symbolic link.
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6002: Fix a couple of ugly issues around SolrIndexWriter close and
rollback as well as how SolrIndexWriter manages its ref counted directory
instance. (Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-6015: Better way to handle managed synonyms when ignoreCase=true
(Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6104: The 'addreplica' Collection API does not support 'async' parameter.
* SOLR-6101: Shard splitting doesn't work when legacyCloud=false is set in
cluster properties. (shalin)
* SOLR-6111: The 'deleteshard' collection API should be able to delete a shard
in 'construction' state. (shalin)
* SOLR-6118: 'expand.sort' didn't support function queries. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-6120: zkcli.sh should expand solr.war automatically instead of throwing
ClassNotFoundException. (sebastian badea, shalin)
* SOLR-6149: Specifying the query value without any index value does not work in
Analysis browser. (Aman Tandon, shalin)
* SOLR-6145: Fix Schema API optimistic concurrency by moving it out of
ManagedIndexSchema.add(Copy)Fields() into the consumers of those methods:
CopyFieldCollectionResource, FieldCollectionResource, FieldResource,
and AddSchemaFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory.
(Gregory Chanan, Alexey Serba, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6146: Incorrect configuration such as wrong chroot in zk server address can
cause CloudSolrServer to leak resources. (Jessica Cheng, Varun Thacker, shalin)
* SOLR-6158: Relative configSetBase directories were resolved relative to the
container CWD, rather than solr.home. (Simon Endele, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5426: Fixed a bug in ReverseWildCardFilter that could cause
InvalidTokenOffsetsException when highlighting. (Uwe Schindler, Arun Kumar, via hossman)
* SOLR-6175: DebugComponent throws NPE on shard exceptions when using shards.tolerant.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via shalin)
* SOLR-6129: DateFormatTransformer doesn't resolve dateTimeFormat. (Aaron LaBella via shalin)
* SOLR-6164: Copy Fields Schema additions are not distributed to other nodes.
(Gregory Chanan via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6160: An error was sometimes possible if a distributed search included grouping
with group.facet, faceting on facet.field and either facet.range or facet.query.
(David Smiley)
* SOLR-6182: Data stored by the RestManager could not be reloaded after core restart, causing
the core to fail to load; cast the data loaded from storage to the correct data type.
(Timothy Potter)
Other Changes
* SOLR-5980: AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase#compareResults always returns false
for shouldFail. (Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5987: Add "collection" to UpdateParams. (Mark Miller, Greg Solovyev)
* SOLR-3862: Add remove" as update option for atomically removing a value
from a multivalued field (Jim Musli, Steven Bower, Alaknantha via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5974: Remove ShardDoc.score and use parent's ScoreDoc.score.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-6025: Replace mentions of CommonsHttpSolrServer with HttpSolrServer and
StreamingUpdateSolrServer with ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer. (Ahmet Arslan via shalin)
* SOLR-6013: Fix method visibility of Evaluator, refactor DateFormatEvaluator for
extensibility. (Aaron LaBella via shalin)
* SOLR-6022: Deprecate getAnalyzer() in IndexField and FieldType, and add getIndexAnalyzer().
(Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-3671: Fix DIHWriter interface usage so users may implement writers that output
documents to a location external to Solr (ex. a NoSql db). (Roman Chyla via James Dyer)
* SOLR-5340: Add support for named snapshots (Varun Thacker via Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5495: Recovery strategy for leader partitioned from replica case. Hardening
recovery scenarios after the leader receives an error trying to forward an
update request to a replica. (Timothy Potter)
* SOLR-6116: Refactor DocRouter.getDocRouter to accept routerName as a String. (shalin)
* SOLR-6026: REQUESTSTATUS Collection API now also checks for submitted tasks which are
yet to begin execution.
* SOLR-6067: Refactor duplicate Collector code in SolrIndexSearcher
(Christine Poerschke via hossman)
* SOLR-5940: post.jar reports back detailed error in case of error responses.
(Sameer Maggon, shalin, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-6161: SolrDispatchFilter should throw java.lang.Error back even if wrapped in
another exception. (Miklos Christine via shalin)
* SOLR-6153: ReplicationHandler backup response format should contain backup name.
(Varun Thacker via shalin)
* SOLR-6169: Remove broken handleAlias action in CoreAdminHandler (Alan
* SOLR-6128: Removed deprecated analysis factories and fieldTypes from the example
schema.xml (hossman)
* SOLR-5868: HttpClient should be configured to use ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME hostname
verifier to simplify SSL setup. (Steve Davids via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5681: Make the processing of Collection API calls multi-threaded.
(Anshum Gupta, shalin, Noble Paul)
* SOLR-6006: Separate test and compile scope dependencies in the Solrj and
Solr contrib ivy.xml files, so that the derived Maven dependencies get
filled out properly in the corresponding POMs. (Steven Scott, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-6130: Added com.uwyn:jhighlight dependency to, and removed asm:asm
dependency from the extraction contrib - dependencies weren't fully
upgraded with the Tika 1.4->1.5 upgrade (SOLR-5763). (Steve Rowe)
================== 4.8.1 ==================
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5904: ElectionContext can cancel an election when it should not if there
was an exception while trying to register as the leader.
(Mark Miller, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5993: ZkController can warn about shard leader conflict even after the conflict
is resolved. (Gregory Chanan via shalin)
* SOLR-6017: Fix SimpleQParser to use query analyzer
(Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-6029: CollapsingQParserPlugin throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
if elevated doc has been deleted from a segment. (Greg Harris, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-6030: Use System.nanoTime() instead of currentTimeInMills() in LRUCache.warm.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via shalin)
* SOLR-6037: Fixed incorrect max/sum/stddev for Date fields in StatsComponent
(Brett Lucey, hossman)
* SOLR-6023: FieldAnalysisRequestHandler throws NPE if no parameters are supplied.
* SOLR-5090: SpellCheckComponent sometimes throws NPE if
"spellcheck.alternativeTermCount" is set to zero (James Dyer).
* SOLR-6039: fixed debug output when no results in response
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe, hossman)
* SOLR-6035: CloudSolrServer directUpdate routing should use getCoreUrl.
(Marvin Justice, Joel Bernstein)
================== 4.8.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.5
Carrot2 3.9.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Upgrading from Solr 4.7
* In previous versions of Solr, Terms that exceeded Lucene's MAX_TERM_LENGTH were
silently ignored when indexing documents. Begining with Solr 4.8, a document
an error will be generated when attempting to index a document with a term
that is too large. If you wish to continue to have large terms ignored,
use "solr.LengthFilterFactory" in all of your Analyzers. See LUCENE-5472 for
more details.
* Solr 4.8 requires Java 7 or greater, Java 8 is verified to be
compatible and may bring some performance improvements. When using
Oracle Java 7 or OpenJDK 7, be sure to not use the GA build 147 or
update versions u40, u45 and u51! We recommend using u55 or later.
An overview of known JVM bugs can be found on
* ZooKeeper is upgraded from 3.4.5 to 3.4.6.
* <fields> and <types> tags have been deprecated. There is no longer any reason to
keep them in the schema file, they may be safely removed. This allows intermixing of
<fieldType>, <field> and <copyField> definitions if desired. Currently, these tags
are supported so either style may be implemented. TBD is whether they'll be
deprecated formally for 5.0
Detailed Change List
System Requirements
* LUCENE-4747, LUCENE-5514: Move to Java 7 as minimum Java version.
(Robert Muir, Uwe Schindler)
New Features
* SOLR-5130: Implement addReplica Collections API (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5183: JSON updates now support nested child documents using a
"_childDocument_" object key. (Varun Thacker, hossman)
* SOLR-5714: You can now use one pool of memory for for the HDFS block cache
that all collections share. (Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5720: Add ExpandComponent to expand results collapsed by the
CollapsingQParserPlugin. (Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-3177: Enable tagging and excluding filters in StatsComponent via the
localParams syntax. (Mathias H., Nikolai Luthman, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, shalin)
* SOLR-1604: Wildcards, ORs etc inside Phrase Queries. (Ahmet Arslan via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5477: Async execution of OverseerCollectionProcessor(CollectionsAPI)
tasks. (Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-5865: Provide a MiniSolrCloudCluster to enable easier testing.
(Greg Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5860: Use leaderConflictResolveWait in WaitForState during recovery/startup,
improve logging and force refresh cluster state every 15 seconds.
(Timothy Potter via shalin)
* SOLR-5749: A new Overseer status collection API exposes overseer queue sizes, timing
statistics, success and error counts and last N failures per operation. (shalin)
* SOLR-5858: Add a hl.qparser parameter to allow you to define a queryparser
for hl.q highlight queries. If no queryparser is defined, Solr will use
the overall query's defType. (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-4478: Allow cores to use configuration from a configsets directory
outside their instance directory. (Alan Woodward, Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5466: A new List collections and cluster status API which clients can use
to read collection and shard information instead of reading data directly from ZooKeeper.
(Dave Seltzer, Varun Thacker, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, Erick Erickson, shalin)
* SOLR-5795: New DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory supports computing an expiration
date for documents from the "TTL" expression, as well as automatically deleting expired
documents on a periodic basis. (hossman)
* SOLR-5829: Allow ExpandComponent to accept query and filter query parameters
(Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5653: Create a RestManager to provide REST API endpoints for
reconfigurable plugins. (Tim Potter, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5655: Create a stopword filter factory that is (re)configurable,
and capable of reporting its configuration, via REST API.
(Tim Potter via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5654: Create a synonym filter factory that is (re)configurable, and
capable of reporting its configuration, via REST API.
(Tim Potter via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5960: Add support for basic authentication in post.jar tool, e.g.:
java -Durl="http://username:password@hostname:8983/solr/update" -jar post.jar sample.xml
(Sameer Maggon via Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4864: RegexReplaceProcessorFactory should support pattern capture group
substitution in replacement string.
(Sunil Srinivasan, Jack Krupansky via Steve Rowe)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5858, SOLR-4812: edismax and dismax query parsers can be used for parsing
highlight queries. (Alan Woodward, Tien Nguyen Manh)
* SOLR-5893: On restarting overseer designate , move itself to front of the queue (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5915: Attempts to specify the parserImpl for
solr.PreAnalyzedField fieldtype failed. (Mike McCandless)
* SOLR-5943: SolrCmdDistributor does not distribute the openSearcher parameter.
(ludovic Boutros via shalin)
* SOLR-5954: Slower DataImportHandler process caused by not reusing jdbc
connections. (Mark Miller, Paco Garcia, Raja Nagendra Kumar)
* SOLR-5897: Upgraded to jQuery 1.7.2, Solr was previously using 1.4.3, the file was
mistakenly named 1.7.2 (steffkes)
* SOLR-1880: Distributed Search skips GET_FIELDS stage if EXECUTE_QUERY
stage gets all fields. Requests with fl=id or fl=id,score are now single-pass.
(Shawn Smith, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, shalin)
* SOLR-5783: Requests to open a new searcher will now reuse the current registered
searcher (w/o additional warming) if possible in situations where the underlying
index has not changed. This reduces overhead in situations such as deletes that
do not modify the index, and/or redundant commits. (hossman)
* SOLR-5884: When recovery is cancelled, any call to the leader to wait to see
the replica in the right state for recovery should be aborted. (Mark Miller)
Other Changes
* SOLR-5909: Upgrade Carrot2 clustering dependency to 3.9.0. (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-5764: Fix recently added tests to not use absolute paths to load test-files,
use SolrTestCaseJ4.getFile() and getResource() instead; fix morphlines/map-reduce
to not duplicate test resources and fix dependencies among them.
(Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-5765: Update to SLF4J 1.7.6. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5609: If legacy mode is disabled don't let cores create slices/replicas/collections .
All operations should be performed through collection API (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5613: Upgrade to commons-codec 1.9 for better BeiderMorseFilter performance.
(Thomas Champagne, Shawn Heisey via shalin)
* SOLR-5771: Add SolrTestCaseJ4.SuppressSSL annotation to disable SSL (instead of static boolean).
(Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5799: When registering as the leader, if an existing ephemeral
registration exists, wait a short time to see if it goes away.
(Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-5472: IndexWriter.addDocument will now throw an IllegalArgumentException
if a Term to be indexed exceeds IndexWriter.MAX_TERM_LENGTH. To recreate previous
behavior of silently ignoring these terms, use LengthFilter in your Analyzer.
(hossman, Mike McCandless, Varun Thacker)
* SOLR-5825: Separate http request creating and execution in SolrJ
(Steven Bower via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5837: Add hashCode/equals to SolrDocument, SolrInputDocument
and SolrInputField for testing purposes. (Varun Thacker, Noble Paul,
Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5853: The createCollection methods in the test framework now reports
result of operation in the returned CollectionAdminResponse (janhoy)
* SOLR-5838: Relative SolrHome Path Bug At AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase.
(Furkan KAMACI via shalin)
* SOLR-5763: Upgrade to Tika 1.5 (Vitaliy Zhovtyuk via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5881: Upgrade ZooKeeper to 3.4.6 (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5883: Many tests do not shutdown SolrServer.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5898: Update to latest Kite Morphlines release: Version 0.12.1.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5228: Don't require <field> or <dynamicField> be inside of <fields> -- or
that <fieldType> be inside of <types>. (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5903: SolrCore implements Closeable, cut over to using try-with-resources
where possible. (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5914: Cleanup and fix Solr's test cleanup code.
(Mark Miller, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-5936: Deprecate non-Trie-based numeric & date field types. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5934: LBHttpSolrServer exception handling improvement and small test
improvements. (Gregory Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5773: CollapsingQParserPlugin should make elevated documents the
group head. (David Boychuck, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5937: Modernize the DIH example config sets. (Steve Rowe)
================== 4.7.2 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Detailed Change List
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5951: Fixed SolrDispatchFilter to throw useful exception on startup if
SLF4j logging jars are missing. (Uwe Schindler, Hossman, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5950: Maven config: make the org.slf4j:slf4j-api dependency transitive
(i.e., not optional) in all modules in which it's a dependency, including
solrj, except for the WAR, where it will remain optional.
(Uwe Schindler, Steve Rowe)
================== 4.7.1 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Detailed Change List
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5647: The lib paths in example-schemaless will now load correctly.
(Paul Westin via Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5770: All attempts to match a SolrCore with its state in clusterstate.json
should be done with the CoreNodeName. (Steve Davids via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5875: QueryComponent.mergeIds() unmarshals all docs' sort field values once
per doc instead of once per shard.
(Alexey Serba, hoss, Martin de Vries via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5800: Admin UI - Analysis form doesn't render results correctly when a
CharFilter is used. (steffkes)
* SOLR-5870: Admin UI - Reload on Core Admin doesn't show errors (steffkes)
* SOLR-5867: OverseerCollectionProcessor isn't properly generating https urls in some
cases. (Steve Davids via shalin)
* SOLR-5866: UpdateShardHandler needs to use the system default scheme registry to
properly handle https via javax.net.ssl.* properties. (Steve Davids via shalin)
* SOLR-5782: The full MapReduceIndexer help text does not display when using --help.
(Mark Miller, Wolfgang Hoschek)
* SOLR-5824: Merge up Solr MapReduce contrib code to latest external changes.
Includes a few minor bug fixes.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5818: distrib search with custom comparator does not quite work correctly
(Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-5895: JavaBinLoader hides IOExceptions. (Mike Sokolov via shalin)
* SOLR-5861: Recovery should not set onlyIfLeaderActive=true for slice in 'recovery'
state. (shalin)
* SOLR-5423: CSV output doesn't include function field
(Arun Kumar, hossman, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5550: shards.info is not returned by a short circuited distributed query.
(Timothy Potter, shalin)
* SOLR-5777: Fix ordering of field values in JSON updates where
field name key is repeated (hossman)
* SOLR-5734: We should use System.nanoTime rather than System.currentTimeMillis
when calculating elapsed time. (Mark Miller, Ramkumar Aiyengar)
* SOLR-5760: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer has a blockUntilFinished call when
streamDeletes is true that should be tucked into the if statement below it.
(Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5761: HttpSolrServer has a few fields that can be set via setters but
are not volatile. (Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5907: The hdfs write cache can cause a reader to see a corrupted state.
It now defaults to off, and if you were using solr.hdfs.blockcache.write.enabled
explicitly, you should set it to false.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5811: The Overseer will retry work items until success, which is a serious
problem if you hit a bad work item. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5796: Increase how long we are willing to wait for a core to see the ZK
advertised leader in its local state. (Timothy Potter, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5834: Overseer threads are only being interrupted and not closed.
(hossman, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5839: ZookeeperInfoServlet does not trim path properly.
(Furkan KAMACI via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5874: Unsafe cast in CloudSolrServer's RouteException. Change
RouteException to handle Throwable rather than Exception.
(Mark Miller, David Arthur)
* SOLR-5899: CloudSolrServer's RouteResponse and RouteException should be
publicly accessible. (Mark Miller, shalin)
* SOLR-5905: CollapsingQParserPlugin throws a NPE if required 'field' param is missing.
(Spyros Kapnissis via shalin)
* SOLR-5906: Collection create API ignores property.instanceDir parameter.
(Varun Thacker, shalin)
* SOLR-5920: Distributed sort on DateField, BoolField and BCD{Int,Long,Str}Field
returns string cast exception (Eric Bus, AJ Lemke, hossman, Steve Rowe)
Other Changes
* SOLR-5796: Make how long we are willing to wait for a core to see the ZK
advertised leader in its local state configurable.
(Timothy Potter via Mark Miller)
================== 4.7.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.6.0
* CloudSolrServer and LBHttpSolrServer no longer declare MalformedURLException
as thrown from their constructors.
* Due to a bug in previous versions the default value of the 'discountOverlap' property
of DefaultSimilarity was not being set appropriately if you were using the implicit
DefaultSimilarityFactory instead of explicitly configuring it. To preserve
consistent behavior for people who upgrade, the implicit behavior is now contingent
on the <luceneMatchVersion/> -- discountOverlap=false for 4.6 and below,
discountOverlap=true for 4.7 and above. See SOLR-5561 for more information.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-5308: SOLR-5601: SOLR-5710: A new 'migrate' collection API to split all
documents with a route key into another collection (shalin)
* SOLR-5441: Expose number of transaction log files and their size via JMX.
(Rafał Kuć via shalin)
* SOLR-5320: Added support for tri-level compositeId routing.
(Anshum Gupta via shalin)
* SOLR-5458: Admin UI - Added a new "Files" conf directory browser/file viewer.
* SOLR-5447, SOLR-5490: Add a QParserPlugin for Lucene's SimpleQueryParser.
(Jack Conradson via shalin)
* SOLR-5208: Support for the setting of core.properties key/values at create-time on
Collections API (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5428: SOLR-5690: New 'stats.calcdistinct' parameter in StatsComponent returns
set of distinct values and their count. This can also be specified per field
e.g. 'f.field.stats.calcdistinct'. (Elran Dvir via shalin)
* SOLR-5378, SOLR-5528: A new SuggestComponent that fully utilizes the Lucene suggester
module and adds pluggable dictionaries, payloads and better distributed support.
This is intended to eventually replace the Suggester support through the
SpellCheckComponent. (Areek Zillur, Varun Thacker via shalin)
* SOLR-5492: Return the replica that actually served the query in shards.info
response. (shalin)
* SOLR-5506: Support docValues in CollationField and ICUCollationField.
(Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5023: Add support for deleteInstanceDir to be passed from SolrJ for Core
Unload action. (Lyubov Romanchuk, shalin)
* SOLR-1871: The 'map' function query accepts a ValueSource as target and
default value. (Chris Harris, shalin)
* SOLR-5556: Allow class of CollectionsHandler and InfoHandler to be specified
in solr.xml. (Gregory Chanan, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5581: Give ZkCLI the ability to get files. (Gregory Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5536: Add ValueSource collapse criteria to CollapsingQParsingPlugin (Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5541: Allow QueryElevationComponent to accept elevateIds and excludeIds
as http parameters (Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5463: new 'cursorMark' request param for deep paging of sorted result sets
(sarowe, hossman)
* SOLR-5529: Add support for queries to use multiple suggesters.
(Areek Zillur, Erick Erickson, via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-1301: Add a Solr contrib that allows for building Solr indexes via
Hadoop's MapReduce. (Matt Revelle, Alexander Kanarsky, Steve Rowe,
Mark Miller, Greg Bowyer, Jason Rutherglen, Kris Jirapinyo, Jason Venner ,
Andrzej Bialecki, Patrick Hunt, Wolfgang Hoschek, Roman Shaposhnik,
Eric Wong)
* SOLR-5631: Add support for Lucene's FreeTextSuggester.
(Areek Zillur via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5695: Add support for Lucene's BlendedInfixSuggester.
(Areek Zillur)
* SOLR-5476: Overseer Role for nodes (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5594: Allow FieldTypes to specify custom PrefixQuery behavior
(Anshum Gupta via hossman)
* LUCENE-5395: Upgrade to Spatial4j 0.4. Various new options are now exposed
automatically for an RPT field type. See Spatial4j CHANGES & javadocs.
https://github.com/spatial4j/spatial4j/blob/master/CHANGES.md (David Smiley)
* SOLR-5670: allow _version_ to use DocValues. (Per Steffensen via yonik)
* SOLR-5535: Set "partialResults" header for shards that error out if
shards.tolerant is specified. (Steve Davids via shalin)
* SOLR-5610: Support cluster-wide properties with an API called CLUSTERPROP (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5623: Better diagnosis of RuntimeExceptions in analysis
(Benson Margulies)
* SOLR-5530: Added a NoOpResponseParser for SolrJ which puts the entire raw
response into an entry in the NamedList.
(Upayavira, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk via shalin)
* SOLR-5682: Make the admin InfoHandler more pluggable / derivable.
(Greg Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5672: Add logParamsList parameter to support reduced logging.
(Christine Poerschke via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3854: SSL support for SolrCloud. (Sami Siren, hossman, Steve Davids,
Alexey Serba, Mark Miller)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5438: DebugComponent throws NPE when used with grouping.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via shalin)
* SOLR-4612: Admin UI - Analysis Screen contains empty table-columns (steffkes)
* SOLR-5451: SyncStrategy closes its http connection manager before the
executor that uses it in its close method. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5460: SolrDispatchFilter#sendError can get a SolrCore that it does not
close. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5461: Request proxying should only set con.setDoOutput(true) if the
request is a post. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5481: SolrCmdDistributor should not let the http client do its own
retries. (Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-5347: Fixed Solr's Zookeeper Client to copy files to Zookeeper using
binary transfer. Previously data was read with default encoding and stored
in zookeeper as UTF-8. This bug was found after upgrading to forbidden-apis
1.4. (Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4376: DataImportHandler uses wrong date format for last_index_time if
a delta-import is run first before any full-imports.
(Sebastien Lorber, Arcadius Ahouansou via shalin)
* SOLR-5494: CoreContainer#remove throws NPE rather than returning null when
a SolrCore does not exist in core discovery mode. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5354: Distributed sort is broken with CUSTOM FieldType.
(Steve Rowe, hossman, Robert Muir, Jessica Cheng)
* SOLR-5515: NPE when getting stats on date field with empty result on
SolrCloud. (Alexander Sagen, shalin)
* SOLR-5204: StatsComponent and SpellCheckComponent do not support the
shards.tolerant=true parameter. (Anca Kopetz, shalin)
* SOLR-5527: DIH logs spurious warning for special commands. (shalin)
* SOLR-5524: Exception when using Query Function inside Scale Function.
(Trey Grainger, yonik)
* SOLR-5562: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer constructor ignores supplied httpclient.
(Kyle Halliday via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5567: ZkController getHostAddress duplicates url prefix.
(Kyle Halliday, Alexey Serba, shalin)
* SOLR-4992: Solr eats OutOfMemoryError exceptions in many cases.
(Mark Miller, Daniel Collins)
* LUCENE-5399, SOLR-5354 sort wouldn't work correctly with
distributed searching for some field types such as legacy numeric
types (Rob Muir, Mike McCandless)
* SOLR-5643: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer will sometimes not spawn a new Runner
thread even though there are updates in the queue. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5650: When a replica becomes a leader, only peer sync with other replicas
that last published an ACTIVE state. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5657: When a SolrCore starts on HDFS, it should gracefully handle HDFS
being in safe mode. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5663: example-DIH uses non-existing column for mapping (case-sensitive)
* SOLR-5666: Using the hdfs write cache can result in appearance of corrupted
index. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5230: Call DelegatingCollector.finish() during grouping.
(Joel Bernstein, ehatcher)
* SOLR-5679: Shard splitting fails with ClassCastException on collections
upgraded from 4.5 and earlier versions. (Brett Hoerner, shalin)
* SOLR-5673: HTTPSolrServer doesn't set own property correctly in
setFollowRedirects. (Frank Wesemann via shalin)
* SOLR-5676: SolrCloud updates rejected if talking to secure ZooKeeper.
(Greg Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5634: SolrJ GroupCommand.getNGroups returns null if group.format=simple
and group.ngroups=true. (Artem Lukanin via shalin)
* SOLR-5667: Performance problem when not using hdfs block cache. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5526: Fixed NPE that could arrise when explicitly configuring some built
in QParserPlugins (Nikolay Khitrin, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, hossman)
* SOLR-5598: LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor ignores all but the first value
of multiValued string fields. (Andreas Hubold, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk via shalin)
* SOLR-5593: Replicas should accept the last updates from a leader that has just
lost its connection to ZooKeeper. (Christine Poerschke via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5678: SolrZkClient should throw a SolrException when connect times out
rather than a RuntimeException. (Karl Wright, Anshum Gupta, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4072: Error message is incorrect for linkconfig in ZkCLI.
(Vamsee Yarlagadda, Adam Hahn, via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5691: Sharing non thread safe WeakHashMap across thread can cause
problems. (Bojan Smid, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5693: Running on HDFS does work correctly with NRT search. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5644: SplitShard does not handle not finding a shard leader well.
(Mark Miller, Anshum Gupta via shalin)
* SOLR-5704: coreRootDirectory was not respected when creating new cores
via CoreAdminHandler (Jesse Sipprell, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5709: Highlighting grouped duplicate docs from different shards with
group.limit > 1 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5561: Fix implicit DefaultSimilarityFactory initialization in IndexSchema
to properly specify discountOverlap option.
(Isaac Hebsh, Ahmet Arslan, Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, hossman)
* SOLR-5689: On reconnect, ZkController cancels election on first context rather
than latest. (Gregory Chanan, Mark Miller via shalin)
* SOLR-5649: Clean up some minor ConnectionManager issues.
(Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-5365: Fix bug with compressed files in ExtractingRequestHandler by
upgrading commons-compress to 1.7 (Jan Høydahl, hossman)
* SOLR-5675: cloud-scripts/zkcli.bat: quote option log4j
(Günther Ruck via steffkes
* SOLR-5721: ConnectionManager can become stuck in likeExpired.
(Gregory Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5731: In ConnectionManager, we should catch and only log exceptions
from BeforeReconnect. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5718: Make LBHttpSolrServer zombie checks non-distrib and non-scoring.
(Christine Poerschke via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5727: LBHttpSolrServer should only retry on Connection exceptions when
sending updates. Affects CloudSolrServer. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5739: Sub-shards created by shard splitting have their update log set
to buffering mode on restarts. (Günther Ruck, shalin)
* SOLR-5741: UpdateShardHandler was not correctly setting max total connections
on the HttpClient. (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5620: ZKStateReader.aliases should be volatile to ensure all threads see
the latest aliases. (Ramkumar Aiyengar via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5448: ShowFileRequestHandler treats everything as Directory, when in
Cloud-Mode. (Erick Erickson, steffkes)
* SOLR-5436: Eliminate the 1500ms wait in overseer loop as well as
polling the ZK distributed queue. (Noble Paul, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5189: Solr 4.x Web UI Log Viewer does not display 'date' column from
logs (steffkes)
* SOLR-5512: Optimize DocValuesFacets. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-2960: fix DIH XPathEntityProcessor to add the correct number of "null"
placeholders for multi-valued fields (Michael Watts via James Dyer)
* SOLR-5214: Reduce memory usage for shard splitting by merging segments one
at a time. (Christine Poerschke via shalin)
* SOLR-4227: Wrap XML RequestWriter's OutputStreamWriter in a BufferedWriter
to avoid frequent converter invocations. (Conrad Herrmann, shalin)
* SOLR-5624: Enable QueryResultCache for CollapsingQParserPlugin.
(David Boychuck, Joel Bernstein)
* LUCENE-5440: DocSet decoupled from OpenBitSet. DocSetBase moved to use
FixedBitSet instead of OpenBitSet. As a result BitDocSet now only works
with FixedBitSet. (Shai Erera)
Other Changes
* SOLR-5399: Add distributed request tracking information to DebugComponent
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-5421: Remove double set of distrib.from param in processAdd method of
DistributedUpdateProcessor. (Anshum Gupta via shalin)
* SOLR-5404: The example config references deprecated classes.
(Uwe Schindler, Rafał Kuć via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5487: Replication factor error message doesn't match constraint.
(Patrick Hunt via shalin)
* SOLR-5499: Log a warning if /get is not registered when using SolrCloud.
(Daniel Collins via shalin)
* SOLR-5517: Return HTTP error on POST requests with no Content-Type.
(Ryan Ernst, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-5502: Added a test for tri-level compositeId routing with documents
having a "/" in a document id. (Anshum Gupta via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5533: Improve out of the box support for running Solr on hdfs with
SolrCloud. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5548: Give DistributedSearchTestCase / JettySolrRunner the ability to
specify extra filters. (Greg Chanan via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5555: LBHttpSolrServer and CloudSolrServer constructors don't need to
declare MalformedURLExceptions (Sushil Bajracharya, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5565: Raise default ZooKeeper session timeout to 30 seconds from 15
seconds. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5574: CoreContainer shutdown publishes all nodes as down and waits to
see that and then again publishes all nodes as down. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5590: Upgrade HttpClient/HttpComponents to 4.3.x.
(Karl Wright via Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-2794: change the default of hl.phraseLimit to 5000.
(Michael Della Bitta via Robert Muir, Koji, zarni - pull request #11)
* SOLR-5632: Improve response message for reloading a non-existent core.
(Anshum Gupta via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5633: HttpShardHandlerFactory should make its http client available to subclasses.
(Ryan Ernst)
* SOLR-5684: Shutdown SolrServer clients created in BasicDistributedZk2Test and
BasicDistributedZkTest. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via shalin)
* SOLR-5629: SolrIndexSearcher.name should include core name.
(Shikhar Bhushan via shalin)
* SOLR-5702: Log config name found for collection at info level.
(Christine Poerschke via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5659: Add test for compositeId ending with an '!'.
(Markus Jelsma, Anshum Gupta via shalin)
* SOLR-5700: Improve error handling of remote queries (proxied requests).
(Greg Chanan, Steve Davids via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5585: Raise Collections API timeout to 3 minutes from one minute.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5257: Improved error/warn messages when Update XML contains unexpected XML nodes
(Vitaliy Zhovtyuk, hossman)
================== 4.6.1 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Detailed Change List
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5408: CollapsingQParserPlugin scores incorrectly when multiple sort criteria are used
(Brandon Chapman, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5416: CollapsingQParserPlugin breaks Tag/Exclude Faceting (David Boychuck, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5442: Python client cannot parse proxied response when served by Tomcat.
(Patrick Hunt, Gregory Chanan, Vamsee Yarlagadda, Romain Rigaux, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5445: Proxied responses should propagate all headers rather than the
first one for each key. (Patrick Hunt, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5479: SolrCmdDistributor retry logic stops if a leader for the request
cannot be found in 1 second. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5532: SolrJ Content-Type validation is too strict for some
webcontainers / proxies. (Jakob Furrer, hossman, Shawn Heisey, Uwe Schindler,
Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5547: Creating a collection alias using SolrJ's CollectionAdminRequest
sets the alias name and the collections to alias to the same value.
(Aaron Schram, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5577: Likely ZooKeeper expiration should not slow down updates a given
amount, but instead cut off updates after a given time.
(Mark Miller, Christine Poerschke, Ramkumar Aiyengar)
* SOLR-5580: NPE when creating a core with both explicit shard and coreNodeName.
(YouPeng Yang, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5552: Leader recovery process can select the wrong leader if all replicas
for a shard are down and trying to recover as well as lose updates that should
have been recovered. (Timothy Potter, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5569 A replica should not try and recover from a leader until it has
published that it is ACTIVE. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5568 A SolrCore cannot decide to be the leader just because the cluster
state says no other SolrCore's are active. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5496: We should share an http connection manager across non search
HttpClients and ensure all http connection managers get shutdown.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5583: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer#blockUntilFinished may wait forever if
the executor service is shutdown. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5586: All ZkCmdExecutor's should be initialized with the zk client
timeout. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5587: ElectionContext implementations should use
ZkCmdExecutor#ensureExists to ensure their election paths are properly
created. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5540: HdfsLockFactory should explicitly create the lock parent directory if
necessary. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4709: The core reload after replication if config files have changed
can fail due to a race condition. (Mark Miller, Hossman)
* SOLR-5503: Retry 'forward to leader' requests less aggressively - rather
than on IOException and status 500, ConnectException. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5588: PeerSync doesn't count all connect failures as success.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5564: hl.maxAlternateFieldLength should apply to original field when
fallback is attempted (janhoy)
* SOLR-5608: Don't allow a closed SolrCore to publish state to ZooKeeper.
(Mark Miller, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5615: Deadlock while trying to recover after a ZK session expiration.
(Ramkumar Aiyengar, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5543: Core swaps resulted in duplicate core entries in solr.xml when
using solr.xml persistence. (Bill Bell, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-5618: Fix false cache hits in queryResultCache when hashCodes are equal
and duplicate filter queries exist in one of the requests (hossman)
* SOLR-4260: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer#blockUntilFinished can return before
all previously added updates have finished. This could cause distributed
updates meant for replicas to be lost. (Markus Jelsma, Timothy Potter,
Joel Bernstein, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5645: A SolrCore reload via the CoreContainer will try and register in
zk again with the new SolrCore. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5636: SolrRequestParsers does some xpath lookups on every request, which
can cause concurrency issues. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5658: commitWithin and overwrite are not being distributed to replicas
now that SolrCloud uses javabin to distribute updates.
(Mark Miller, Varun Thacker, Elodie Sannier, shalin)
* SOLR-5576: Improve concurrency when registering and waiting for all
SolrCore's to register a DOWN state. (Christine Poerschke via Mark Miller)
================== 4.6.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.5.0
* If you are using methods from FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory for getting
configuration information (oneOrMany or getBooleanArg), those methods have
been moved to NamedList and renamed to removeConfigArgs and removeBooleanArg,
respectively. The original methods are deprecated, to be removed in 5.0.
See SOLR-5264.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-5167: Add support for AnalyzingInfixSuggester (AnalyzingInfixLookupFactory).
(Areek Zillur, Varun Thacker via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5246: Shard splitting now supports collections configured with router.field.
* SOLR-5274: Allow JettySolrRunner SSL config to be specified via a constructor.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5300: Shards can be split by specifying arbitrary number of hash ranges
within the shard's hash range. (shalin)
* SOLR-5226: Add Lucene index heap usage to the Solr admin UI.
(Areek Zillur via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5324: Make sub shard replica recovery and shard state switch asynchronous.
(Yago Riveiro, shalin)
* SOLR-5338: Split shards by a route key using split.key parameter. (shalin)
* SOLR-5353: Enhance CoreAdmin api to split a route key's documents from an index
and leave behind all other documents. (shalin)
* SOLR-5027: CollapsingQParserPlugin for high performance field collapsing on high cardinality fields.
(Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-5395: Added a RunAlways marker interface for UpdateRequestProcessorFactory
implementations indicating that they should not be removed in later stages
of distributed updates (usually signalled by the update.distrib parameter)
* SOLR-5310: Add a collection admin command to remove a replica (noble)
* SOLR-5311: Avoid registering replicas which are removed (noble)
* SOLR-5406: CloudSolrServer failed to propagate request parameters
along with delete updates. (yonik)
* SOLR-5374: Support user configured doc-centric versioning rules
via the optional DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory
update processor (Hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-5392: Extend solrj apis to cover collection management.
(Roman Shaposhnik via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5084: new field type EnumField. (Elran Dvir via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5464: Add option to ConcurrentSolrServer to stream pure delete
requests. (Mark Miller)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-5216: Document updates to SolrCloud can cause a distributed deadlock.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5367: Unmarshalling delete by id commands with JavaBin can lead to class cast
exception. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5359: ZooKeeper client is not closed when it fails to connect to an ensemble.
(Mark Miller, Klaus Herrmann)
* SOLR-5042: MoreLikeThisComponent was using the rows/count value in place of
flags, which caused a number of very strange issues, including NPEs and
ignoring requests for the results to include the score.
(Anshum Gupta, Mark Miller, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5371: Solr should consistently call SolrServer#shutdown (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5363: Solr doesn't start up properly with Log4J2 (Petar Tahchiev via Alan
* SOLR-5380: Using cloudSolrServer.setDefaultCollection(collectionId) does not
work as intended for an alias spanning more than 1 collection.
(Thomas Egense, Shawn Heisey, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5418: Background merge after field removed from solr.xml causes error.
(Reported on user's list, Robert M's patch via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5318: Creating a core via the admin API doesn't respect transient property
(Olivier Soyez via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5388: Creating a new core via the HTTP API that results in a transient being
unloaded results in a " Too many close [count:-1]" error.
(Olivier Soyez via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5453: Raise recovery socket read timeouts. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5397: Replication can fail silently in some cases. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5465: SolrCmdDistributor retry logic has a concurrency race bug.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5452: Do not attempt to proxy internal update requests. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5232: SolrCloud should distribute updates via streaming rather than buffering.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5223: SolrCloud should use the JavaBin binary format for communication by default.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5370: Requests to recover when an update fails should be done in
background threads. (Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-5300,LUCENE-5304: Specialized faceting for fields which are declared as
multi-valued in the schema but are actually single-valued. (Adrien Grand)
* SOLR-4882: SolrResourceLoader was restricted to only allow access to resource
files below the instance dir. The reason for this is security related: Some
Solr components allow to pass in resource paths via REST parameters
(e.g. XSL stylesheets, velocity templates,...) and load them via resource
loader. For backwards compatibility, this security feature can be disabled
by a new system property: solr.allow.unsafe.resourceloading=true
(Uwe Schindler)
Other Changes
* SOLR-5237: Add indexHeapUsageBytes to LukeRequestHandler, indicating how much
heap memory is being used by the underlying Lucene index structures.
(Areek Zillur via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5241: Fix SimplePostToolTest performance problem - implicit DNS lookups
* SOLR-5273: Update HttpComponents to 4.2.5 and 4.2.6. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5264: Move methods for getting config information from
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory to NamedList. (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5319: Remove unused and incorrect router name from Collection ZK nodes.
(Jessica Cheng via shalin)
* SOLR-5321: Remove unnecessary code in Overseer.updateState method which tries to
use router name from message where none is ever sent. (shalin)
* SOLR-5401: SolrResourceLoader logs a warning if a deprecated (factory) class
is used in schema or config. (Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-3397: Warn if master or slave replication is enabled in SolrCloud mode. (Erick
================== 4.5.1 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Detailed Change List
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4590: Collections API should return a nice error when not in SolrCloud mode.
(Anshum Gupta, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5295: The CREATESHARD collection API creates maxShardsPerNode number of
replicas if replicationFactor is not specified. (Brett Hoerner, shalin)
* SOLR-5296: Creating a collection with implicit router adds shard ranges
to each shard. (shalin)
* SOLR-5263: Fix CloudSolrServer URL cache update race. (Jessica Cheng, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5297: Admin UI - Threads Screen missing Icon (steffkes)
* SOLR-5301: DELETEALIAS command prints CREATEALIAS in logs (janhoy)
* SOLR-5255: Remove unnecessary call to fetch and watch live nodes in ZkStateReader
cluster watcher. (Jessica Cheng via shalin)
* SOLR-5305: Admin UI - Reloading System-Information on Dashboard does not work
anymore (steffkes)
* SOLR-5314: Shard split action should use soft commits instead of hard commits
to make sub shard data visible. (Kalle Aaltonen, shalin)
* SOLR-5327: SOLR-4915, "The root cause should be returned to the user when a SolrCore create
call fails", was reverted. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5317: SolrCore persistence bugs if defining SolrCores in solr.xml.
(Mark Miller, Yago Riveiro)
* SOLR-5306: Extra collection creation parameters like collection.configName are
not being respected. (Mark Miller, Liang Tianyu, Nathan Neulinger)
* SOLR-5325: ZooKeeper connection loss can cause the Overseer to stop processing
commands. (Christine Poerschke, Mark Miller, Jessica Cheng)
* SOLR-4327: HttpSolrServer can leak connections on errors. (Karl Wright, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5349: CloudSolrServer - ZK timeout arguments passed to ZkStateReader are flipped.
(Ricardo Merizalde via shalin)
* SOLR-5330: facet.method=fcs on single values fields could sometimes result
in incorrect facet labels. (Michael Froh, yonik)
Other Changes
* SOLR-5323: Disable ClusteringComponent by default in collection1 example.
The solr.clustering.enabled system property needs to be set to 'true'
to enable the clustering contrib (reverts SOLR-4708). (Dawid Weiss)
================== 4.5.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.8.0
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.4.0
* XML configuration parsing is now more strict about situations where a single
setting is allowed but multiple values are found. In the past, one value
would be chosen arbitrarily and silently. Starting with 4.5, configuration
parsing will fail with an error in situations like this. If you see error
messages such as "solrconfig.xml contains more than one value for config path:
XXXXX" or "Found Z configuration sections when at most 1 is allowed matching
expression: XXXXX" check your solrconfig.xml file for multiple occurrences of
XXXXX and delete the ones that you do not wish to use. See SOLR-4953 &
SOLR-5108 for more details.
* In the past, schema.xml parsing would silently ignore "default" or "required"
options specified on <dynamicField/> declarations. Begining with 4.5, attempting
to do configured these on a dynamic field will cause an init error. If you
encounter one of these errors when upgrading an existing schema.xml, you can
safely remove these attributes, regardless of their value, from your config and
Solr will continue to bahave exactly as it did in previous versions. See
SOLR-5227 for more details.
* The UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory has been improved to support all of the
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory selector options. The <lst named="fields">
init param option is now deprecated and should be replaced with the more standard
<arr name="fieldName">. See SOLR-4249 for more details.
* UpdateRequestExt has been removed as part of SOLR-4816. You should use UpdateRequest
* CloudSolrServer can now use multiple threads to add documents by default. This is a
small change in runtime semantics when using the bulk add method - you will still
end up with the same exception on a failure, but some documents beyond the one that
failed may have made it in. To get the old, single threaded behavior, set parallel updates
to false on the CloudSolrServer instance.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-5219: Rewritten selection of the default search and document clustering
algorithms. (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-5202: Support easier overrides of Carrot2 clustering attributes via
XML data sets exported from the Workbench. (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-5126: Update Carrot2 clustering to version 3.8.0, update Morfologik
to version 1.7.1 (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-2345: Enhanced geodist() to work with an RPT field, provided that the
field is referenced via 'sfield' and the query point is constant.
(David Smiley)
* SOLR-5082: The encoding of URL-encoded query parameters can be changed with
the "ie" (input encoding) parameter, e.g. "select?q=m%FCller&ie=ISO-8859-1".
The default is UTF-8. To change the encoding of POSTed content, use the
"Content-Type" HTTP header. (Uwe Schindler, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-4221: Custom sharding (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-4808: Persist and use router,replicationFactor and maxShardsPerNode at Collection
and Shard level (Noble Paul, Shalin Mangar)
* SOLR-5006: CREATESHARD command for 'implicit' shards (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5017: Allow sharding based on the value of a field (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-4222: create custom sharded collection via collections API (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-4718: Allow solr.xml to be stored in ZooKeeper. (Mark Miller, Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5156: Enhance ZkCLI to allow uploading of arbitrary files to ZK. (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5165: Single-valued docValues fields no longer require a default value.
Additionally they work with sortMissingFirst, sortMissingLast, facet.missing,
exists() in function queries, etc. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5182: Add NoOpRegenerator, a regenerator for custom per-segment caches
where items are preserved across commits. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4249: UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory now extends
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory and supports all of its selector options. Use
of the "fields" init param is now deprecated in favor of "fieldName" (hossman)
* SOLR-2548: Allow multiple threads to be specified for faceting. When threading, one
can specify facet.threads to parallelize loading the uninverted fields. In at least
one extreme case this reduced warmup time from 20 seconds to 3 seconds. (Janne Majaranta,
Gun Akkor via Erick Erickson, David Smiley)
* SOLR-4816: CloudSolrServer can now route updates locally and no longer relies on inter-node
update forwarding. (Joel Bernstein, Shikhar Bhushan, Stephen Riesenberg, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3249: Allow CloudSolrServer and SolrCmdDistributor to use JavaBin. (Mark Miller)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-3633: web UI reports an error if CoreAdminHandler says there are no
SolrCores (steffkes)
* SOLR-4489: SpellCheckComponent can throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
when generating collations involving multiple word-break corrections.
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-5087 - CoreAdminHandler.handleMergeAction generating NullPointerException
(Patrick Hunt via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5107: Fixed NPE when using numTerms=0 in LukeRequestHandler
(Ahmet Arslan, hossman)
* SOLR-4679, SOLR-4908, SOLR-5124: Text extracted from HTML or PDF files
using Solr Cell was missing ignorable whitespace, which is inserted by
TIKA for convenience to support plain text extraction without using the
HTML elements. This bug resulted in glued words. (hossman, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-5121: zkcli usage help for makepath doesn't match actual command.
(Daniel Collins via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5119: Managed schema problems after adding fields via Schema Rest API.
(Nils Kübler, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5133: HdfsUpdateLog can fail to close a FileSystem instance if init
is called more than once. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5135: Harden Collection API deletion of /collections/$collection
ZooKeeper node. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4764: When using NRT, just init the first reader from IndexWriter.
(Robert Muir, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5122: Fixed bug in spellcheck.collateMaxCollectDocs. Eliminates risk
of divide by zero, and makes estimated hit counts meaningful in non-optimized
indexes. (hossman)
* SOLR-3936: Fixed QueryElevationComponent sorting when used with Grouping
(Michael Garski via hossman)
* SOLR-5171: SOLR Admin gui works in IE9, breaks in IE10. (Joseph L Howard via
* SOLR-5174: Admin UI - Query View doesn't highlight (json) Result if it
contains HTML Tags (steffkes)
* SOLR-4817 Solr should not fall back to the back compat built in solr.xml in SolrCloud
mode (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-5112: Show full message in Admin UI Logging View (Matthew Keeney via
* SOLR-5190: SolrEntityProcessor substitutes variables only once in child entities
(Harsh Chawla, shalin)
* SOLR-3852: Fixed ZookeeperInfoServlet so that the SolrCloud Admin UI pages will
work even if ZK contains nodes with data which are not utf8 text. (hossman)
* SOLR-5206: Fixed OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider to use refreshInterval correctly
(Catalin, hossman)
* SOLR-5215: Fix possibility of deadlock in ZooKeeper ConnectionManager.
(Mark Miller, Ricardo Merizalde)
* SOLR-4909: Use DirectoryReader.openIfChanged in non-NRT mode.
(Michael Garski via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5227: Correctly fail schema initialization if a dynamicField is configured to
be required, or have a default value. (hossman)
* SOLR-5231: Fixed a bug with the behavior of BoolField that caused documents w/o
a value for the field to act as if the value were true in functions if no other
documents in the same index segment had a value of true.
(Robert Muir, hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-5233: The "deleteshard" collections API doesn't wait for cluster state to update,
can fail if some nodes of the deleted shard were down and had incorrect logging.
(Christine Poerschke, shalin)
* SOLR-5150: HdfsIndexInput may not fully read requested bytes. (Mark Miller, Patrick Hunt)
* SOLR-5240: All solr cores will now be loaded in parallel (as opposed to a fixed number)
in zookeeper mode to avoid deadlocks due to replicas waiting for other replicas
to come up. (yonik)
* SOLR-5243: Killing a shard in one collection can result in leader election in a different
collection if they share the same coreNodeName. (yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5281: IndexSchema log message was printing '[null]' instead of
'[<core name>]' (Jun Ohtani via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5279: Implicit properties don't seem to exist on core RELOAD
(elyograg, hossman, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-5291: Solrj does not propagate the root cause to the user for many errors.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5044: Admin UI - Note on Core-Admin about directories while creating
core (steffkes)
* SOLR-5134: Have HdfsIndexOutput extend BufferedIndexOutput.
(Mark Miller, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-5057: QueryResultCache should not related with the order of fq's list (Feihong Huang via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4816: CloudSolrServer now uses multiple threads to send updates by default.
(Joel Bernstein via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3530: Better error messages / Content-Type validation in SolrJ. (Mark Miller, hossman)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4708: Enable ClusteringComponent by default in collection1 example.
The solr.clustering.enabled system property is set to 'true' by default.
(ehatcher, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-4914, SOLR-5162: Factor out core list persistence and discovery into a
new CoresLocator interface. (Alan Woodward, Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-5056: Improve type safety of ConfigSolr class. (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-4951: Better randomization of MergePolicy in Solr tests (hossman)
* SOLR-4953, SOLR-5108: Make XML Configuration parsing fail if an xpath matches
multiple nodes when only a single value or plugin instance is expected.
* The routing parameter "shard.keys" is deprecated as part of SOLR-5017 .The new parameter name is '_route_' .
The old parameter should continue to work for another release (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-5173: Solr-core's Maven configuration includes test-only Hadoop
dependencies as indirect compile-time dependencies.
(Chris Collins, Steve Rowe)
================== 4.4.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.4
Carrot2 3.6.2
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.3.0
* TieredMergePolicy and the various subtypes of LogMergePolicy no longer have
an explicit "setUseCompoundFile" method. Instead the behavior of new
segments is determined by the IndexWriter configuration, and the MergePolicy
is only consulted to determine if merge segements should use the compound
file format (based on the value of "setNoCFSRatio"). If you have explicitly
configured one of these classes using <mergePolicy> and include an init arg
like this...
<bool name="useCompoundFile">true</bool>
...this will now be treated as if you specified...
...directly on the <indexConfig> (overriding any value already set using that
syntax) and a warning will be logged to updated your configuration. Users
with an explicitly declared <mergePolicy> are encouraged to review the
current javadocs for their MergePolicy subclass and review their configured
options carefully. See SOLR-4941, SOLR-4934 and LUCENE-5038 for more
* SOLR-4778: The signature of LogWatcher.registerListener has changed, from
(ListenerConfig, CoreContainer) to (ListenerConfig). Users implementing their
own LogWatcher classes will need to change their code accordingly.
* LUCENE-5063: ByteField and ShortField have been deprecated and will be removed
in 5.0. If you are still using these field types, you should migrate your
fields to TrieIntField.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-3251: Dynamically add fields to schema. (Steve Rowe, Robert Muir, yonik)
* SOLR-4761, SOLR-4976: Add option to plugin a merged segment warmer into solrconfig.xml.
Info about segments warmed in the background is available via infostream.
(Mark Miller, Ryan Ernst, Mike McCandless, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3240: Add "spellcheck.collateMaxCollectDocs" option so that when testing
potential Collations against the index, SpellCheckComponent will only collect
n documents, thereby estimating the hit-count. This is a performance optimization
in cases where exact hit-counts are unnecessary. Also, when "collateExtendedResults"
is false, this optimization is always made (James Dyer).
* SOLR-4785: New MaxScoreQParserPlugin returning max() instead of sum() of terms (janhoy)
* SOLR-4234: Add support for binary files in ZooKeeper. (Eric Pugh via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4048: Add findRecursive method to NamedList. (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-4228: SolrJ's SolrPing object has new methods for ping, enable, and
disable. (Shawn Heisey, hossman, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4893: Extend FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.ConfigurableFieldNameSelector
to enable checking whether a field matches any schema field. To select field
names that don't match any fields or dynamic fields in the schema, add
<bool name="fieldNameMatchesSchemaField">false</bool> to an update
processor's configuration in solrconfig.xml. (Steve Rowe, hossman)
* SOLR-4921: Admin UI now supports adding documents to Solr (gsingers, steffkes)
* SOLR-4916: Add support to write and read Solr index files and transaction log
files to and from HDFS. (phunt, Mark Miller, Gregory Chanan)
* SOLR-4892: Add FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory subclasses
Parse{Date,Integer,Long,Float,Double,Boolean}UpdateProcessorFactory. These
factories have a default selector that matches all fields that either don’t
match any schema field, or are in the schema with the corresponding
typeClass. If they see a value that is not a CharSequence, or can't parse
the value, they leave it as is. For multi-valued fields, these processors
will not convert any values unless all are first successfully parsed, or
already are instances of the target class. Ordering the processors, e.g.
[Boolean, Long, Double, Date] will allow e.g. values ["2", "5", "8.6"] to
be left alone by the Boolean and Long processors, but then converted by the
Double processor. (Steve Rowe, hossman)
* SOLR-4972: Add PUT command to ZkCli tool. (Roman Shaposhnik via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4973: Adding getter method for defaultCollection on CloudSolrServer.
(Furkan KAMACI via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4897: Add solr/example/example-schemaless/, an example config set
for schemaless mode. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4655: Add option to have Overseer assign generic node names so that
new addresses can host shards without naming confusion. (Mark Miller, Anshum Gupta)
* SOLR-4977: Add option to send IndexWriter's infostream to the logging system.
(Ryan Ernst via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4693: A "deleteshard" collections API that unloads all replicas of a given
shard and then removes it from the cluster state. It will remove only those shards
which are INACTIVE or have no range (created for custom sharding).
(Anshum Gupta, shalin)
* SOLR-5003: CSV Update Handler supports optionally adding the line number/row id to
a document (gsingers)
* SOLR-5010: Add support for creating copy fields to the Schema REST API (gsingers)
* SOLR-4991: Register QParserPlugins as SolrInfoMBeans (ehatcher)
* SOLR-4943: Add a new system wide info admin handler that exposes the system info
that could previously only be retrieved using a SolrCore. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3076: Block joins. Documents and their sub-documents must be indexed
as a block.
{!parent which=<allParents>}<someChildren> takes in a query that matches child
documents and results in matches on their parents.
{!child of=<allParents>}<someParents> takes in a query that matches some parent
documents and results in matches on their children.
(Mikhail Khludnev, Vadim Kirilchuk, Alan Woodward, Tom Burton-West, Mike McCandless,
hossman, yonik)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4333: edismax parser to not double-escape colons if already escaped by
the client application (James Dyer, Robert J. van der Boon)
* SOLR-4776: Solrj doesn't return "between" count in range facets
(Philip K. Warren via shalin)
* SOLR-4616: HitRatio on caches is now exposed over JMX MBeans as a float.
(Greg Bowyer)
* SOLR-4803: Fixed core discovery mode (ie: new style solr.xml) to treat
'collection1' as the default core name. (hossman)
* SOLR-4790: Throw an error if a core has the same name as another core, both old and
new style solr.xml
* SOLR-4842: Fix facet.field local params from affecting other facet.field's.
(ehatcher, hossman)
* SOLR-4814: If a SolrCore cannot be created it should remove any information it
published about itself from ZooKeeper. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4863: Removed non-existent attribute sourceId from dynamic JMX stats
to fix AttributeNotFoundException (suganuma, hossman via shalin)
* SOLR-4891: JsonLoader should preserve field value types from the JSON content stream.
(Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4805: SolreCore#reload should not call preRegister and publish a DOWN state to
ZooKeeper. (Mark Miller, Jared Rodriguez)
* SOLR-4899: When reconnecting after ZooKeeper expiration, we need to be willing to wait
forever, not just for 30 seconds. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4920: JdbcDataSource incorrectly suppresses exceptions when retrieving a connection from
a JNDI context and falls back to trying to use DriverManager to obtain a connection. Additionally,
if a SQLException is thrown while initializing a connection, such as in setAutoCommit(), the
connection will not be closed. (Chris Eldredge via shalin)
* SOLR-4915: The root cause should be returned to the user when a SolrCore create call fails.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4925 : Collection create throws NPE when 'numShards' param is missing (Noble Paul)
* SOLR-4910: persisting solr.xml is broken. More stringent testing of persistence fixed
up a number of issues and several bugs with persistence. Among them are
> don't persisting implicit properties
> should persist zkHost in the <solr> tag (user's list)
> reloading a core that has transient="true" returned an error. reload should load
a transient core if it's not yet loaded.
> No longer persisting loadOnStartup or transient core properties if they were not
specified in the original solr.xml
> Testing flushed out the fact that you couldn't swap a core marked transient=true
loadOnStartup=false because it hadn't been loaded yet.
> SOLR-4862, CREATE fails to persist schema, config, and dataDir
> SOLR-4363, not persisting coreLoadThreads in <solr> tag
> SOLR-3900, logWatcher properties not persisted
> SOLR-4850, cores defined as loadOnStartup=true, transient=false can't be searched
(Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4923: Commits to non leaders as part of a request that also contain updates
can execute out of order. (hossman, Ricardo Merizalde, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4932: persisting solr.xml saves some parameters it shouldn't when they weren't
defined in the original. Benign since the default values are saved, but still incorrect.
(Erick Erickson, thanks Shawn Heisey for helping test!)
* SOLR-4934, SOLR-4941: Fix handling of <mergePolicy> init arg
"useCompoundFile" needed after changes in LUCENE-5038 (hossman)
* SOLR-4456: Admin UI: Displays dashboard even if Solr is down (steffkes)
* SOLR-4949: UI Analysis page dropping characters from input box (steffkes)
* SOLR-4960: Fix race conditions in shutdown of CoreContainer
and getCore that could cause a request to attempt to use a core that
has shut down. (yonik)
* SOLR-4926: Fixed rare replication bug that normally only manifested when
using compound file format. (yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4974: Outgrowth of SOLR-4960 that includes transient cores and pending cores
(Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-3369: shards.tolerant=true is broken for group queries
(Russell Black, Martijn van Groningen, Jabouille jean Charles, Ryan McKinley via shalin)
* SOLR-4452: Hunspell stemmer should not merge duplicate dictionary entries (janhoy)
* SOLR-5000: ManagedIndexSchema doesn't persist uniqueKey tag after calling addFields
method. (Jun Ohtani, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4982: Creating a core while referencing system properties looks like it loses files
Actually, instanceDir, config, dataDir and schema are not dereferenced properly
when creating cores that reference sys vars (e.g. &dataDir=${dir}). In the dataDir
case in particular this leads to the index being put in a directory literally named
${dir} but on restart the sysvar will be properly dereferenced.
* SOLR-4788: Multiple Entities DIH delta import: dataimporter.[entityName].last_index_time
is empty. (chakming wong, James Dyer via shalin)
* SOLR-4978: Time is stripped from datetime column when imported into Solr date field
if convertType=true. (Bill Au, shalin)
* SOLR-5019: spurious ConcurrentModificationException when spell check component
was in use with filters. (yonik)
* SOLR-5018: The Overseer should avoid publishing the state for collections that do not
exist under the /collections zk node. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-5028,SOLR-5029: ShardHandlerFactory was not being created properly when
using new-style solr.xml, and was not being persisted properly when using
old-style. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe, Ryan Ernst, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-4997: The splitshard api doesn't call commit on new sub shards before
switching shard states. Multiple bugs related to sub shard recovery and
replication are also fixed. (shalin)
* SOLR-5034: A facet.query that parses or analyzes down to a null Query would
throw a NPE. Fixed. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-5039: Admin/Schema Browser displays -1 for term counts for multiValued fields.
* SOLR-5037: The CSV loader now accepts field names that are not in the schema.
(gsingers, ehatcher, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4791: solr.xml sharedLib does not work in 4.3.0 (Ryan Ernst, Jan Høydahl via
Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4923: Commit to all nodes in a collection in parallel rather than locally and
then to all other nodes. (hossman, Ricardo Merizalde, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3838: Admin UI - Multiple filter queries are not supported in Query UI (steffkes)
* SOLR-4719 : Admin UI - Default to wt=json on Query-Screen (steffkes)
* SOLR-4611: Admin UI - Analysis-Urls with empty parameters create empty result table
* SOLR-4955: Admin UI - Show address bar on top for Schema + Config (steffkes)
* SOLR-4412: New parameter langid.lcmap to map detected language code to be placed
in "language" field (janhoy)
* SOLR-4815: Admin-UI - DIH: Let "commit" be checked by default (steffkes)
* SOLR-5002: optimize numDocs(Query,DocSet) when filterCache is null (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-5012: optimize search with filter when filterCache is null (Robert Muir)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4737: Update Guava to 14.0.1 (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2079: Add option to pass HttpServletRequest in the SolrQueryRequest context map.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4738: Update Jetty to 8.1.10.v20130312 (Mark Miller, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4749: Clean up and refactor CoreContainer code around solr.xml and SolrCore
management. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4547: Move logging of filenames on commit from INFO to DEBUG.
(Shawn Heisey, hossman)
* SOLR-4757: Change the example to use the new solr.xml format and core
discovery by directory structure. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4759: Velocity (/browse) template cosmetic cleanup.
(Mark Bennett, ehatcher)
* SOLR-4778: LogWatcher init code moved out of CoreContainer (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-4784: Make class LuceneQParser public (janhoy)
* SOLR-4448: Allow the solr internal load balancer to be more easily pluggable.
(Philip Hoy via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4224: Refactor JavaBinCodec input stream definition to enhance reuse.
(phunt via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4931: SolrDeletionPolicy onInit and onCommit methods changed to override
exact signatures (with generics) from IndexDeletionPolicy (shalin)
* SOLR-4942: test improvements to randomize use of compound files (hosman)
* SOLR-4966: CSS, JS and other files in webapp without license (uschindler,
* SOLR-4986: Upgrade to Tika 1.4 (Markus Jelsma via janhoy)
* SOLR-4948, SOLR-5009: Tidied up CoreContainer construction logic.
(Alan Woodward, Uwe Schindler, Steve Rowe)
* LUCENE-5107: Properties files by Solr are now written in UTF-8 encoding,
Unicode is no longer escaped. Reading of legacy properties files with
\u escapes is still possible. (Uwe Schindler, Robert Muir)
================== 4.3.1 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.3
Carrot2 3.6.2
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Detailed Change List
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4795: Sub shard leader should not accept any updates from parent after
it goes active (shalin)
* SOLR-4798: shard splitting does not respect the router for the collection
when executing the index split. One effect of this is that documents
may be placed in the wrong shard when the default compositeId router
is used in conjunction with IDs containing "!". (yonik)
* SOLR-4797: Shard splitting creates sub shards which have the wrong hash
range in cluster state. This happens when numShards is not a power of two
and router is compositeId. (shalin)
* SOLR-4806: Shard splitting does not abort if WaitForState times out (shalin)
* SOLR-4807: The zkcli script now works with log4j. The zkcli.bat script
was broken on Windows in 4.3.0, now it works. (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-4813: Fix SynonymFilterFactory to allow init parameters for
tokenizer factory used when parsing synonyms file. (Shingo Sasaki, hossman)
* SOLR-4829: Fix transaction log leaks (a failure to clean up some old logs)
on a shard leader, or when unexpected exceptions are thrown during log
recovery. (Steven Bower, Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-4751: Fix replication problem of files in sub directory of conf directory.
(Minoru Osuka via Koji)
* SOLR-4741: Deleting a collection should set DELETE_DATA_DIR to true.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4752: There are some minor bugs in the Collections API parameter
validation. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4563: RSS DIH-example not working (janhoy)
* SOLR-4796: zkcli.sh should honor JAVA_HOME (Roman Shaposhnik via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4734: Leader election fails with an NPE if there is no UpdateLog.
(Mark Miller, Alexander Eibner)
* SOLR-4868: Setting the log level for the log4j root category results in
adding a new category, the empty string. (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-4855: DistributedUpdateProcessor doesn't check for peer sync requests (shalin)
* SOLR-4867: Admin UI - setting loglevel on root throws RangeError (steffkes)
* SOLR-4870: RecentUpdates.update() does not increment numUpdates loop counter
(Alexey Kudinov via shalin)
* SOLR-4877, LUCENE-5023: Removed SolrIndexSearcher#getDocSetNC()'s special
case for handling TermQuery to prevent NullPointerException if reader does
not have fields. (Bao Yang Yang, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4881: Fix DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler to correctly use
EmptyEntityResolver to prevent loading of external entities like
UpdateRequestHandler does. (Hossman, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4858: SolrCore reloading was broken when the UpdateLog
was enabled. (Hossman, Anshum Gupta, Alexey Serba, Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-4853: Fixed SolrJettyTestBase so it may be reused by end users
* SOLR-4744: Update failure on sub shard is not propagated to clients by parent
shard (Anshum Gupta, yonik, shalin)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4760: Include core name in logs when loading schema.
(Shawn Heisey)
================== 4.3.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.3
Carrot2 3.6.2
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.2.0
* In the schema REST API, the output path for copyFields and dynamicFields
has been changed from all lowercase "copyfields" and "dynamicfields" to
camelCase "copyFields" and "dynamicFields", respectively, to align with all
other schema REST API outputs, which use camelCase. The URL format remains
the same: all resource names are lowercase. See SOLR-4623 for details.
* Slf4j/logging jars are no longer included in the Solr webapp. All logging
jars are now in example/lib/ext. Changing logging impls is now as easy as
updating the jars in this folder with those necessary for the logging impl
you would like. If you are using another webapp container, these jars will
need to go in the corresponding location for that container.
In conjunction, the dist-excl-slf4j and dist-war-excl-slf4 build targets
have been removed since they are redundent. See the Slf4j documentation,
SOLR-3706, and SOLR-4651 for more details.
* The hardcoded SolrCloud defaults for 'hostContext="solr"' and
'hostPort="8983"' have been deprecated and will be removed in Solr 5.0.
Existing solr.xml files that do not have these options explicitly specified
should be updated accordingly. See SOLR-4622 for more details.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-4648 PreAnalyzedUpdateProcessorFactory allows using the functionality
of PreAnalyzedField with other field types. See javadoc for details and
examples. (Andrzej Bialecki)
* SOLR-4623: Provide REST API read access to all elements of the live schema.
Add a REST API request to return the entire live schema, in JSON, XML, and
schema.xml formats. Move REST API methods from package org.apache.solr.rest
to org.apache.solr.rest.schema, and rename base functionality REST API
classes to remove the current schema focus, to prepare for other non-schema
REST APIs. Change output path for copyFields and dynamicFields from
"copyfields" and "dynamicfields" (all lowercase) to "copyFields" and
"dynamicFields", respectively, to align with all other REST API outputs, which
use camelCase.
(Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4658: In preparation for REST API requests that can modify the schema,
a "managed schema" is introduced.
Add '<schemaFactory class="ManagedSchemaFactory" mutable="true"/>' to solrconfig.xml
in order to use it, and to enable schema modifications via REST API requests.
(Steve Rowe, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4656: Added two new highlight parameters, hl.maxMultiValuedToMatch and
hl.maxMultiValuedToExamine. maxMultiValuedToMatch stops looking for snippets after
finding the specified number of matches, no matter how far into the multivalued field
you've gone. maxMultiValuedToExamine stops looking for matches after the specified
number of multiValued entries have been examined. If both are specified, the limit
hit first stops the loop. Also this patch cuts down on the copying of the document
entries during highlighting. These optimizations are probably unnoticeable unless
there are a large number of entries in the multiValued field. Conspicuously, this will
prevent the "best" match from being found if it appears later in the MV list than the
cutoff specified by either of these params. (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4675: Improve PostingsSolrHighlighter to support per-field/query-time overrides
and add additional configuration parameters. See the javadocs for more details and
examples. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3755: A new collections api to add additional shards dynamically by splitting
existing shards. (yonik, Anshum Gupta, shalin)
* SOLR-4530: DIH: Provide configuration to use Tika's IdentityHtmlMapper
(Alexandre Rafalovitch via shalin)
* SOLR-4662: Discover SolrCores by directory structure rather than defining them
in solr.xml. Also, change the format of solr.xml to be closer to that of solrconfig.xml.
This version of Solr will ship the example in the old style, but you can manually
try the new style. Solr 4.4 will ship with the new style, and Solr 5.0 will remove
support for the old style. (Erick Erickson, Mark Miller)
Additional Work:
- SOLR-4347: Ensure that newly-created cores via Admin handler are persisted in solr.xml
(Erick Erickson)
- SOLR-1905: Cores created by the admin request handler should be persisted to solr.xml.
Also fixed a problem whereby properties like solr.solr.datadir would be persisted
to solr.xml. Also, cores that didn't happen to be loaded were not persisted.
(Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4717/SOLR-1351: SimpleFacets now work with localParams allowing faceting on the
same field multiple ways (ryan, Uri Boness)
* SOLR-4671: CSVResponseWriter now supports pseudo fields. (ryan, nihed mbarek)
* SOLR-4358: HttpSolrServer sends the stream name and exposes 'useMultiPartPost'
(Karl Wright via ryan)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4543: setting shardHandlerFactory in solr.xml/solr.properties does not work.
(Ryan Ernst, Robert Muir via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4634: Fix scripting engine tests to work with Java 8's "Nashorn" Javascript
implementation. (Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4636: If opening a reader fails for some reason when opening a SolrIndexSearcher,
a Directory can be left unreleased. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4405: Admin UI - admin-extra files are not rendered into the core-menu (steffkes)
* SOLR-3956: Fixed group.facet=true to work with negative facet.limit
(Chris van der Merwe, hossman)
* SOLR-4650: copyField doesn't work with source globs that don't match any
explicit or dynamic fields. This regression was introduced in Solr 4.2.
(Daniel Collins, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4641: Schema now throws exception on illegal field parameters. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3758: Fixed SpellCheckComponent to work consistently with distributed grouping
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-4652: Fix broken behavior with shared libraries in resource loader for
solr.xml plugins. (Ryan Ernst, Robert Muir, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4664: ZkStateReader should update aliases on construction.
(Mark Miller, Elodie Sannier)
* SOLR-4682: CoreAdminRequest.mergeIndexes can not merge multiple cores or indexDirs.
(Jason.D.Cao via shalin)
* SOLR-4581: When faceting on numeric fields in Solr 4.2, negative values (constraints)
were sorted incorrectly. (Alexander Buhr, shalin, yonik)
* SOLR-4699: The System admin handler should not assume a file system based data directory
location. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4695: Fix core admin SPLIT action to be useful with non-cloud setups (shalin)
* SOLR-4680: Correct example spellcheck configuration's queryAnalyzerFieldType and
use "text" field instead of narrower "name" field (ehatcher, Mark Bennett)
* SOLR-4702: Fix example /browse "Did you mean?" suggestion feature. (ehatcher, Mark Bennett)
* SOLR-4710: You cannot delete a collection fully from ZooKeeper unless all nodes are up and
functioning correctly. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4487: SolrExceptions thrown by HttpSolrServer will now contain the
proper HTTP status code returned by the remote server, even if that status
code is not something Solr itself returned -- eg: from the Servlet Container,
or an intermediate HTTP Proxy (hossman)
* SOLR-4661: Admin UI Replication details now correctly displays the current
replicable generation/version of the master. (hossman)
* SOLR-4716,SOLR-4584: SolrCloud request proxying does not work on Tomcat and
perhaps other non Jetty containers. (Po Rui, Yago Riveiro via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4746: Distributed grouping used a NamedList instead of a SimpleOrderedMap
for the top level group commands, causing output formatting differences
compared to non-distributed grouping. (yonik)
* SOLR-4705: Fixed bug causing NPE when querying a single replica in SolrCloud
using the shards param (Raintung Li, hossman)
* SOLR-4729: LukeRequestHandler: Using a dynamic copyField source that is
not also a dynamic field triggers error message 'undefined field: "(glob)"'.
(Adam Hahn, hossman, Steve Rowe)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4653: Solr configuration should log inaccessible/ non-existent relative paths in lib
dir=... (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-4317: SolrTestCaseJ4: Can't avoid "collection1" convention (Tricia Jenkins, via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4571: SolrZkClient#setData should return Stat object. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4603: CachingDirectoryFactory should use an IdentityHashMap for
byDirectoryCache. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4544: Refactor HttpShardHandlerFactory so load-balancing logic can be customized.
(Ryan Ernst via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4607: Use noggit 0.5 release jar rather than a forked copy. (Yonik Seeley, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3706: Ship setup to log with log4j. (ryan, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4651: Remove dist-excl-slf4j build target. (Shawn Heisey)
* SOLR-4622: The hardcoded SolrCloud defaults for 'hostContext="solr"' and
'hostPort="8983"' have been deprecated and will be removed in Solr 5.0.
Existing solr.xml files that do not have these options explicitly specified
should be updated accordingly. (hossman)
* SOLR-4672: Requests attempting to use SolrCores which had init failures
(that would be reported by CoreAdmin STATUS requests) now result in 500
error responses with the details about the init failure, instead of 404
error responses. (hossman)
* SOLR-4730: Make the wiki link more prominent in the release documentation.
(Uri Laserson via Robert Muir)
================== 4.2.1 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.3
Carrot2 3.6.2
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Detailed Change List
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4567: copyField source glob matching explicit field(s) stopped working
in Solr 4.2. (Alexandre Rafalovitch, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4475: Fix various places that still assume File based paths even when
not using a file based DirectoryFactory. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4551: CachingDirectoryFactory needs to create CacheEntry's with the
fullpath not path. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4555: When forceNew is used with CachingDirectoryFactory#get, the old
CachValue should give up its path as it will be used by a new Directory
instance. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4578: CoreAdminHandler#handleCreateAction gets a SolrCore and does not
close it in SolrCloud mode when a core with the same name already exists.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4574: The Collections API will silently return success on an unknown
ACTION parameter. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4576: Collections API validation errors should cause an exception on
clients and otherwise act as validation errors with the Core Admin API.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4577: The collections API should return responses (success or failure)
for each node it attempts to work with. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4568: The lastPublished state check before becoming a leader is not
working correctly. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4570: Even if an explicit shard id is used, ZkController#preRegister
should still wait to see the shard id in its current ClusterState.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4585: The Collections API validates numShards with < 0 but should use
<= 0. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4592: DefaultSolrCoreState#doRecovery needs to check the CoreContainer
shutdown flag inside the recoveryLock sync block. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4595: CachingDirectoryFactory#close can throw a concurrent
modification exception. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4573: Accessing Admin UI files in SolrCloud mode logs warnings.
(Mark Miller, Phil John)
* SOLR-4594: StandardDirectoryFactory#remove accesses byDirectoryCache
without a lock. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4597: CachingDirectoryFactory#remove should not attempt to empty/remove
the index right away but flag for removal after close. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4598: The Core Admin unload command's option 'deleteDataDir', should use
the DirectoryFactory API to remove the data dir. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4599: CachingDirectoryFactory calls close(Directory) on forceNew if the
Directory has a refCnt of 0, but it should call closeDirectory(CacheValue).
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4602: ZkController#unregister should cancel its election participation
before asking the Overseer to delete the SolrCore information. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4601: A Collection that is only partially created and then deleted will
leave pre allocated shard information in ZooKeeper. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4604: UpdateLog#init is over called on SolrCore#reload. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4605: Rollback does not work correctly. (Mark S, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4609: The Collections API should only send the reload command to ACTIVE
cores. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4297: Atomic update request containing null=true sets all subsequent
fields to null (Ben Pennell, Rob, shalin)
* SOLR-4371: Admin UI - Analysis Screen shows empty result (steffkes)
* SOLR-4318: NPE encountered with querying with wildcards on a field that uses
the DefaultAnalyzer (i.e. no analysis chain defined). (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4361: DataImportHandler would throw UnsupportedOperationException if
handler-level parameters were specified containing periods in the name
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-4538: Date Math expressions were being truncated to 32 characters
when used in field:value queries in the lucene QParser. (hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-4617: SolrCore#reload needs to pass the deletion policy to the next
SolrCore through its constructor rather than setting a field after.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4589: Fixed CPU spikes and poor performance in lazy field loading
of multivalued fields. (hossman)
* SOLR-4608: Update Log replay and PeerSync replay should use the default
processor chain to update the index. (Ludovic Boutros, yonik)
* SOLR-4625: The solr (lucene syntax) query parser lost top-level boost
values and top-level phrase slops on queries produced by nested
sub-parsers. (yonik)
* SOLR-4624: CachingDirectoryFactory does not need to support forceNew any
longer and it appears to be causing a missing close directory bug. forceNew
is no longer respected and will be removed in 4.3. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3819: Grouped faceting (group.facet=true) did not respect filter
exclusions. (Petter Remen, yonik)
* SOLR-4637: Replication can sometimes wait until shutdown or core unload until
removing some tmp directories. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4638: DefaultSolrCoreState#getIndexWriter(null) is a way to avoid
creating the IndexWriter earlier than necessary, but it's not
implemented quite right. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4640: CachingDirectoryFactory can fail to close directories in some race
conditions. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4642: QueryResultKey is not calculating the correct hashCode for filters.
(Joel Bernstein via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4569: waitForReplicasToComeUp should bail right away if it doesn't see the
expected slice in the clusterstate rather than waiting. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4311: Admin UI - Optimize Caching Behaviour (steffkes)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4537: Clean up schema information REST API. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4596: DistributedQueue should ensure its full path exists in the constructor.
(Mark Miller)
================== 4.2.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.3
Carrot2 3.6.2
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.1.0
(No upgrade instructions yet)
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-4043: Add ability to get success/failure responses from Collections API.
(Raintung Li, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2827: RegexpBoost Update Processor (janhoy)
* SOLR-4370: Allow configuring commitWithin to do hard commits.
(Mark Miller, Senthuran Sivananthan)
* SOLR-4451: SolrJ, and SolrCloud internals, now use SystemDefaultHttpClient
under the covers -- allowing many HTTP connection related properties to be
controlled via 'standard' java system properties. (hossman)
* SOLR-3855, SOLR-4490: Doc values support. (Adrien Grand, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4417: Reopen the IndexWriter on SolrCore reload. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4477: Add support for queries (match-only) against docvalues fields.
(Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4488: Return slave replication details for a master if the master has
also acted like a slave. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4498: Add list command to ZkCLI that prints out the contents of
ZooKeeper. (Roman Shaposhnik via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4481: SwitchQParserPlugin registered by default as 'switch' using
syntax: {!switch case=XXX case.foo=YYY case.bar=ZZZ default=QQQ}foo
* SOLR-4078: Allow custom naming of SolrCloud nodes so that a new host:port
combination can take over for a previous shard. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4210: Requests to a Collection that does not exist on the receiving node
should be proxied to a suitable node. (Mark Miller, Po Rui, yonik)
* SOLR-1365: New SweetSpotSimilarityFactory allows customizable TF/IDF based
Similarity when you know the optimal "Sweet Spot" of values for the field
length and TF scoring factors. (hossman)
* SOLR-4138: CurrencyField fields can now be used in a ValueSources to
get the "raw" value (using the default number of fractional digits) in
the default currency of the field type. There is also a new
currency(field,[CODE]) function for generating a ValueSource of the
"natural" value, converted to an optionally specified currency to
override the default for the field type.
* SOLR-4503: Add REST API methods, via Restlet integration, for reading schema
elements, at /schema/fields/, /schema/dynamicfields/, /schema/fieldtypes/,
and /schema/copyfields/. (Steve Rowe)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-2850: Do not refine facets when minCount == 1
(Matt Smith, lundgren via Adrien Grand)
* SOLR-4309: /browse: Improve JQuery autosuggest behavior (janhoy)
* SOLR-4330: group.sort is ignored when using group.truncate and ex/tag
local params together (koji)
* SOLR-4321: Collections API will sometimes use a node more than once, even
when more unused nodes are available.
(Eric Falcao, Brett Hoerner, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4345 : Solr Admin UI dosent work in IE 10 (steffkes)
* SOLR-4349 : Admin UI - Query Interface does not work in IE
* SOLR-4359: The RecentUpdates#update method should treat a problem reading the
next record the same as a problem parsing the record - log the exception and
break. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4225: Term info page under schema browser shows incorrect count of terms
* SOLR-3926: Solr should support better way of finding active sorts (Eirik Lygre via
Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-4342: Fix DataImportHandler stats to be a proper Map (hossman)
* SOLR-3967: langid.enforceSchema option checks source field instead of target field (janhoy)
* SOLR-4380: Replicate after startup option would not replicate until the
IndexWriter was lazily opened. (Mark Miller, Gregg Donovan)
* SOLR-4400: Deadlock can occur in a rare race between committing and
closing a SolrIndexWriter. (Erick Erickson, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3655: A restarted node can briefly appear live and active before it really
is in some cases. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4426: NRTCachingDirectoryFactory does not initialize maxCachedMB and maxMergeSizeMB
if <directoryFactory> is not present in solrconfig.xml (Jack Krupansky via shalin)
* SOLR-4463: Fix SolrCoreState reference counting. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4459: The Replication 'index move' rather than copy optimization doesn't
kick in when using NRTCachingDirectory or the rate limiting feature.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4421,SOLR-4165: On CoreContainer shutdown, all SolrCores should publish their
state as DOWN. (Mark Miller, Markus Jelsma)
* SOLR-4467: Ephemeral directory implementations may not recover correctly
because the code to clear the tlog files on startup is off. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4413: Fix SolrCore#getIndexDir() to return the current index directory.
(Gregg Donovan, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4469: A new IndexWriter must be opened on SolrCore reload when the index
directory has changed and the previous SolrCore's state should not be
propagated. (Mark Miller, Gregg Donovan)
* SOLR-4471: Replication occurs even when a slave is already up to date.
(Mark Miller, Andre Charton)
* SOLR-4484: ReplicationHandler#loadReplicationProperties still uses Files
rather than the Directory to try and read the replication properties files.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4352: /browse pagination now supports and preserves sort context
(Eric Spiegelberg, Erik Hatcher)
* LUCENE-4796, SOLR-4373: Fix concurrency issue in NamedSPILoader and
AnalysisSPILoader when doing concurrent core loads in multicore
Solr configs. (Uwe Schindler, Hossman)
* SOLR-4504: Fixed CurrencyField range queries to correctly exclude
documents w/o values (hossman)
* SOLR-4480: A trailing + or - caused the edismax parser to throw
an exception. (Fiona Tay, Jan Høydahl, yonik)
* SOLR-4507: The Cloud tab does not show up in the Admin UI if you
set zkHost in solr.xml. (Alfonso Presa, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4505: Possible deadlock around SolrCoreState update lock.
(Erick Erickson, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4511: When a new index is replicated into place, we need
to update the most recent replicatable index point without
doing a commit. This is important for repeater use cases, as
well as when nodes may switch master/slave roles.
(Mark Miller, Raúl Grande)
* SOLR-4515: CurrencyField's OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider now requires
a ratesFileLocation init param, since the previous global default
no longer works (hossman)
* SOLR-4518: Improved CurrencyField error messages when attempting to
use a Currency that is not supported by the current JVM. (hossman)
* SOLR-3798: Fix copyField implementation in IndexSchema to handle
dynamic field references that aren't string-equal to the name of
the referenced dynamic field. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4497: Collection Aliasing. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4339: Admin UI - Display Field-Flags on Schema-Browser
* SOLR-4340: Admin UI - Analysis's Button Spinner goes wild
* SOLR-4341: Admin UI - Plugins/Stats Page contains loooong
Values which result in horizontal Scrollbar (steffkes)
* SOLR-3915: Color Legend for Cloud UI (steffkes)
* SOLR-4306: Utilize indexInfo=false when gathering core names in UI
* SOLR-4284: Admin UI - make core list scrollable separate from the rest of
the UI (steffkes)
* SOLR-4364: Admin UI - Locale based number formatting (steffkes)
* SOLR-4521: Stop using the 'force' option for recovery replication. This
will keep some less common unnecessary replications from happening.
(Mark Miller, Simon Scofield)
* SOLR-4529: Improve Admin UI Dashboard legibility (Felix Buenemann via
* SOLR-4526: Admin UI depends on optional system info (Felix Buenemann via
Other Changes
* SOLR-4259: Carrot2 dependency should be declared on the mini version, not the core.
(Dawid Weiss).
* SOLR-4348: Make the lock type configurable by system property by default.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4353: Renamed example jetty context file to reduce confusion (hossman)
* SOLR-4384: Make post.jar report timing information (Upayavira via janhoy)
* SOLR-4415: Add 'state' to shards (default to 'active') and read/write them to
ZooKeeper (Anshum Gupta via shalin)
* SOLR-4394: Tests and example configs demonstrating SSL with both server
and client certs (hossman)
* SOLR-3060: SurroundQParserPlugin highlighting tests
(Ahmet Arslan via hossman)
* SOLR-2470: Added more tests for VelocityResponseWriter
* SOLR-4471: Improve and clean up TestReplicationHandler.
(Amit Nithian via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3843: Include lucene codecs jar and enable per-field postings and docvalues
support in the schema.xml (Robert Muir, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4511: Add new test for 'repeater' replication node. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4458: Sort directions (asc, desc) are now case insensitive
(Shawn Heisey via hossman)
* SOLR-2996: A bare * without a field specification is treated as *:*
by the lucene and edismax query paesers.
(hossman, Jan Høydahl, Alan Woodward, yonik)
* SOLR-4416: Upgrade to Tika 1.3. (Markus Jelsma via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4200: Reduce INFO level logging from CachingDirectoryFactory
(Shawn Heisey via hossman)
================== 4.1.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.2
Carrot2 3.6.2
Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.5
Upgrading from Solr 4.0.0
Custom java parsing plugins need to migrate from throwing the internal
ParseException to throwing SyntaxError.
BaseDistributedSearchTestCase now randomizes the servlet context it uses when
creating Jetty instances. Subclasses that assume a hard coded context of
"/solr" should either be fixed to use the "String context" variable, or should
take advantage of the new BaseDistributedSearchTestCase(String) constructor
to explicitly specify a fixed servlet context path. See SOLR-4136 for details.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-2255: Enhanced pivot faceting to use local-params in the same way that
regular field value faceting can. This means support for excluding a filter
query, using a different output key, and specifying 'threads' to do
facet.method=fcs concurrently. PivotFacetHelper now extends SimpleFacet and
the getFacetImplementation() extension hook was removed. (dsmiley)
* SOLR-3897: A highlighter parameter "hl.preserveMulti" to return all of the
values of a multiValued field in their original order when highlighting.
(Joel Bernstein via yonik)
* SOLR-3929: Support configuring IndexWriter max thread count in solrconfig.
(phunt via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3906: Add support for AnalyzingSuggester (LUCENE-3842), where the
underlying analyzed form used for suggestions is separate from the returned
text. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3985: ExternalFileField caches can be reloaded on firstSearcher/
newSearcher events using the ExternalFileFieldReloader (Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-3911: Make Directory and DirectoryFactory first class so that the majority
of Solr's features work with any custom implementations. (Mark Miller)
Additional Work:
- SOLR-4032: Files larger than an internal buffer size fail to replicate.
(Mark Miller, Markus Jelsma)
- SOLR-4033: Consistently use the solrconfig.xml lockType everywhere.
(Mark Miller, Markus Jelsma)
- SOLR-4144: Replication using too much RAM. (yonik, Markus Jelsma)
- SOLR-4187: NPE on Directory release (Mark Miller, Markus Jelsma)
* SOLR-4051: Add <propertyWriter /> element to DIH's data-config.xml file,
allowing the user to specify the location, filename and Locale for
the "data-config.properties" file. Alternatively, users can specify their
own property writer implementation for greater control. This new configuration
element is optional, and defaults mimic prior behavior. The one exception is
that the "root" locale is default. Previously it was the machine's default locale.
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-4084: Add FuzzyLookupFactory, which is like AnalyzingSuggester except that
it can tolerate typos in the input. (Areek Zillur via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4088: New and improved auto host detection strategy for SolrCloud.
(Raintung Li via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3970: SystemInfoHandler now exposes more details about the
JRE/VM/Java version in use. (hossman)
* SOLR-4101: Add support for storing term offsets in the index via a
'storeOffsetsWithPositions' flag on field definitions in the schema.
(Tom Winch, Alan Woodward)
* SOLR-4093: Solr QParsers may now be directly invoked in the lucene
query syntax without the _query_ magic field hack.
Example: foo AND {!term f=myfield v=$qq}
* SOLR-4087: Add MAX_DOC_FREQ option to MoreLikeThis.
(Andrew Janowczyk via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4114: Allow creating more than one shard per instance with the
Collection API. (Per Steffensen, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3531: Allowing configuring maxMergeSizeMB and maxCachedMB when
using NRTCachingDirectoryFactory. (Andy Laird via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4118: Fix replicationFactor to align with industry usage.
replicationFactor now means the total number of copies
of a document stored in the collection (or the total number of
physical indexes for a single logical slice of the collection).
For example if replicationFactor=3 then for a given shard there
will be a total of 3 replicas (one of which will normally be
designated as the leader.) (yonik)
* SOLR-4124: You should be able to set the update log directory with the
CoreAdmin API the same way as the data directory. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4028: When using ZK chroot, it would be nice if Solr would create the
initial path when it doesn't exist. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3948: Calculate/display deleted documents in admin interface.
(Shawn Heisey via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4030: Allow rate limiting Directory IO based on the IO context.
(Mark Miller, Radim Kolar)
* SOLR-4166: LBHttpSolrServer ignores ResponseParser passed in constructor.
(Steve Molloy via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4140: Allow access to the collections API through CloudSolrServer
without referencing an existing collection. (Per Steffensen via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-788: Distributed search support for MLT.
(Matthew Woytowitz, Mike Anderson, Jamie Johnson, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4120: Collection API: Support for specifying a list of Solr addresses to
spread a new collection across. (Per Steffensen via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4110: Configurable Content-Type headers for PHPResponseWriters and
PHPSerializedResponseWriter. (Dominik Siebel via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1028: The ability to specify "transient" and "loadOnStartup" as a new properties of
<core> tags in solr.xml. Can specify "transientCacheSize" in the <cores> tag. Together
these allow cores to be loaded only when needed and only transientCacheSize transient
cores will be loaded at a time, the rest aged out on an LRU basis.
* SOLR-4246: When update.distrib is set to skip update processors before
the distributed update processor, always include the log update processor
so forwarded updates will still be logged. (yonik)
* SOLR-4230: The new Solr 4 spatial fields now work with the {!geofilt} and
{!bbox} query parsers. The score local-param works too. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-1972: Add extra statistics to RequestHandlers - 5 & 15-minute reqs/sec
rolling averages; median, 75th, 95th, 99th, 99.9th percentile request times
(Alan Woodward, Shawn Heisey, Adrien Grand, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4271: Add support for PostingsHighlighter. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4255: The new Solr 4 spatial fields now have a 'filter' boolean local-param
that can be set to false to not filter. It's useful when there is already a spatial
filter query but you also need to sort or boost by distance. (David Smiley)
* SOLR-4265, SOLR-4283: Solr now parses request parameters (in URL or sent with POST
using content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded) in its dispatcher code. It no
longer relies on special configuration settings in Tomcat or other web containers
to enable UTF-8 encoding, which is mandatory for correct Solr behaviour. Query
strings passed in via the URL need to be properly-%-escaped, UTF-8 encoded
bytes, otherwise Solr refuses to handle the request. The maximum length of
x-www-form-urlencoded POST parameters can now be configured through the
requestDispatcher/requestParsers/@formdataUploadLimitInKB setting in
solrconfig.xml (defaults to 2 MiB). Solr now works out of the box with
e.g. Tomcat, JBoss,... (Uwe Schindler, Dawid Weiss, Alex Rocher)
* SOLR-2201: DIH's "formatDate" function now supports a timezone as an optional
fourth parameter (James Dyer, Mark Waddle)
* SOLR-4302: New parameter 'indexInfo' (defaults to true) in CoreAdmin STATUS
command can be used to omit index specific information (Shahar Davidson via shalin)
* SOLR-2592: Collection specific document routing. The "compositeId"
router is the default for collections with hash based routing (i.e. when
numShards=N is specified on collection creation). Documents with ids sharing
the same domain (prefix) will be routed to the same shard, allowing for
efficient querying.
The following two documents will be indexed to the same shard
since they share the same domain "customerB!".
{"id" : "customerB!doc1" [...] }
{"id" : "customerB!doc2" [...] }
At query time, one can specify a "shard.keys" parameter that lists what
shards the query should cover.
Collections that do not specify numShards at collection creation time
use custom sharding and default to the "implicit" router. Document updates
received by a shard will be indexed to that shard, unless a "_shard_" parameter
or document field names a different shard.
(Michael Garski, Dan Rosher, yonik)
* SOLR-3788: Admin Cores UI should redirect to newly created core details
* SOLR-3895: XML and XSLT UpdateRequestHandler should not try to resolve
external entities. This improves speed of loading e.g. XSL-transformed
XHTML documents. (Martin Herfurt, uschindler, hossman)
* SOLR-3614: Fix XML parsing in XPathEntityProcessor to correctly expand
named entities, but ignore external entities. (uschindler, hossman)
* SOLR-3734: Improve Schema-Browser Handling for CopyField using
dynamicField's (steffkes)
* SOLR-3941: The "commitOnLeader" part of distributed recovery can use
openSearcher=false. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4063: Allow CoreContainer to load multiple SolrCores in parallel rather
than just serially. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4199: When doing zk retries due to connection loss, rather than just
retrying for 2 minutes, retry in proportion to the session timeout.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4262: Replication Icon on Dashboard does not reflect Master-/Slave-
State (steffkes)
* SOLR-4264: Missing Error-Screen on UI's Cloud-Page (steffkes)
* SOLR-4261: Percentage Infos on Dashboard have a fixed width (steffkes)
* SOLR-3851: create a new core/delete an existing core should also update
the main/left list of cores on the admin UI (steffkes)
* SOLR-3840: XML query response display is unreadable in Solr Admin Query UI
* SOLR-3982: Admin UI: Various Dataimport Improvements (steffkes)
* SOLR-4296: Admin UI: Improve Dataimport Auto-Refresh (steffkes)
* SOLR-3458: Allow multiple Items to stay open on Plugins-Page (steffkes)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-4288: Improve logging for FileDataSource (basePath, relative
resources). (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-4007: Morfologik dictionaries not available in Solr field type
due to class loader lookup problems. (Lance Norskog, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-3560: Handle different types of Exception Messages for Logging UI
* SOLR-3637: Commit Status at Core-Admin UI is always false (steffkes)
* SOLR-3917: Partial State on Schema-Browser UI is not defined for Dynamic
Fields & Types (steffkes)
* SOLR-3939: Consider a sync attempt from leader to replica that fails due
to 404 a success. (Mark Miller, Joel Bernstein)
* SOLR-3940: Rejoining the leader election incorrectly triggers the code path
for a fresh cluster start rather than fail over. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3961: Fixed error using LimitTokenCountFilterFactory
(Jack Krupansky, hossman)
* SOLR-3933: Distributed commits are not guaranteed to be ordered within a
request. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3939: An empty or just replicated index cannot become the leader of a
shard after a leader goes down. (Joel Bernstein, yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3971: A collection that is created with numShards=1 turns into a
numShards=2 collection after starting up a second core and not specifying
numShards. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3988: Fixed SolrTestCaseJ4.adoc(SolrInputDocument) to respect
field and document boosts (hossman)
* SOLR-3981: Fixed bug that resulted in document boosts being compounded in
<copyField/> destination fields. (hossman)
* SOLR-3920: Fix server list caching in CloudSolrServer when using more than one
collection list with the same instance. (Grzegorz Sobczyk, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3938: prepareCommit command omits commitData causing a failure to trigger
replication to slaves. (yonik)
* SOLR-3992: QuerySenderListener doesn't populate document cache.
(Shotaro Kamio, yonik)
* SOLR-3995: Recovery may never finish on SolrCore shutdown if the last reference to
a SolrCore is closed by the recovery process. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3998: Atomic update on uniqueKey field itself causes duplicate document.
(Eric Spencer, yonik)
* SOLR-4001: In CachingDirectoryFactory#close, if there are still refs for a
Directory outstanding, we need to wait for them to be released before closing.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4005: If CoreContainer fails to register a created core, it should close it.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4009: OverseerCollectionProcessor is not resilient to many error conditions
and can stop running on errors. (Raintung Li, milesli, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4019: Log stack traces for 503/Service Unavailable SolrException if not
thrown by PingRequestHandler. Do not log exceptions if a user tries to view a
hidden file using ShowFileRequestHandler. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via James Dyer)
* SOLR-3589: Edismax parser does not honor mm parameter if analyzer splits a token.
(Tom Burton-West, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4031: Upgrade to Jetty 8.1.7 to fix a bug where in very rare occasions
the content of two concurrent requests get mixed up. (Per Steffensen, yonik)
* SOLR-4060: ReplicationHandler can try and do a snappull and open a new IndexWriter
after shutdown has already occurred, leaving an IndexWriter that is not closed.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4055: Fix a thread safety issue with the Collections API that could
cause actions to be targeted at the wrong SolrCores.
(Raintung Li, Per Steffensen via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3993: If multiple SolrCore's for a shard coexist on a node, on cluster
restart, leader election would stall until timeout, waiting to see all of
the replicas come up. (Mark Miller, Alexey Kudinov)
* SOLR-2045: Databases that require a commit to be issued before closing the
connection on a non-read-only database leak connections. Also expanded the
SqlEntityProcessor test to sometimes use Derby as well as HSQLDB (Derby is
one db affected by this bug). (Fenlor Sebastia, James Dyer)
* SOLR-4064: When there is an unexpected exception while trying to run the new
leader process, the SolrCore will not correctly rejoin the election.
(Po Rui via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3989: SolrZkClient constructor dropped exception cause when throwing
a new RuntimeException. (Colin Bartolome, yonik)
* SOLR-4036: field aliases in fl should not cause properties of target field
to be used. (Martin Koch, yonik)
* SOLR-4003: The SolrZKClient clean method should not try and clear zk paths
that start with /zookeeper, as this can fail and stop the removal of
further nodes. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4076: SolrQueryParser should run fuzzy terms through
MultiTermAwareComponents to ensure that (for example) a fuzzy query of
foobar~2 is equivalent to FooBar~2 on a field that includes lowercasing.
* SOLR-4081: QueryParsing.toString, used during debugQuery=true, did not
correctly handle ExtendedQueries such as WrappedQuery
(used when cache=false), spatial queries, and frange queries.
(Eirik Lygre, yonik)
* SOLR-3959: Ensure the internal comma separator of poly fields is escaped
for CSVResponseWriter. (Areek Zillur via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4075: A logical shard that has had all of its SolrCores unloaded should
be removed from the cluster state. (Mark Miller, Gilles Comeau)
* SOLR-4034: Check if a collection already exists before trying to create a
new one. (Po Rui, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4097: Race can cause NPE in logging line on first cluster state update.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4099: Allow the collection api work queue to make forward progress even
when its watcher is not fired for some reason. (Raintung Li via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3960: Fixed a bug where Distributed Grouping ignored PostFilters
(Nathan Visagan, hossman)
* SOLR-3842: DIH would not populate multivalued fields if the column name
derives from a resolved variable (James Dyer)
* SOLR-4117: Retrieving the size of the index may use the wrong index dir if
you are replicating.
(Mark Miller, Markus Jelsma)
* SOLR-2890: Fixed a bug that prevented omitNorms and omitTermFreqAndPositions
options from being respected in some <fieldType/> declarations (hossman)
* SOLR-4159: When we are starting a shard from rest, a potential leader should
not consider its last published state when deciding if it can be the new
leader. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4158: When a core is registering in ZooKeeper it may not wait long
enough to find the leader due to how long the potential leader waits to see
replicas. (Mark Miller, Alain Rogister)
* SOLR-4162: ZkCli usage examples are not correct because the zkhost parameter
is not present and it is mandatory for all commands.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4071: Validate that name is pass to Collections API create, and behave the
same way as on startup when collection.configName is not explicitly passed.
(Po Rui, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4127: Added explicit error message if users attempt Atomic document
updates with either updateLog or DistribUpdateProcessor. (hossman)
* SOLR-4136: Fix SolrCloud behavior when using "hostContext" containing "_"
or"/" characters. This fix also makes SolrCloud more accepting of
hostContext values with leading/trailing slashes. (hossman)
* SOLR-4168: Ensure we are using the absolute latest index dir when getting
list of files for replication. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4171: CachingDirectoryFactory should not return any directories after it
has been closed. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4102: Fix UI javascript error if canonical hostname can not be resolved
(steffkes via hossman)
* SOLR-4178: ReplicationHandler should abort any current pulls and wait for
its executor to stop during core close. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3918: Fixed the 'dist-war-excl-slf4j' ant target to exclude all
slf4j jars, so that the resulting war is usable as is provided the servlet
container includes the correct slf4j api and impl jars.
(Shawn Heisey, hossman)
* SOLR-4198: OverseerCollectionProcessor should implement ClosableThread.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4213: Directories that are not shutdown until DirectoryFactory#close
do not have close listeners called on them. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4134: Standard (XML) request writer cannot "set" multiple values into
multivalued field with partial updates. (Luis Cappa Banda, Will Butler, shalin)
* SOLR-3972: Fix ShowFileRequestHandler to not log a warning in the
(expected) situation of a file not found. (hossman)
* SOLR-4133: Cannot "set" field to null with partial updates when using the
standard RequestWriter. (Will Butler, shalin)
* SOLR-4223: "maxFormContentSize" in jetty.xml is not picked up by jetty 8
so set it via solr webapp context file. (shalin)
* SOLR-4175:SearchComponent chain can't contain two components of the
same class and use debugQuery. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via ehatcher)
* SOLR-4244: When coming back from session expiration we should not wait for
the leader to see us in the down state if we are the node that must become
the leader. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4245: When a core is registering with ZooKeeper, the timeout to find the
leader in the cluster state is 30 seconds rather than leaderVoteWait + extra
time. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4238: Fix jetty example requestLog config (jm via hossman)
* SOLR-4251: Fix SynonymFilterFactory when an optional tokenizerFactory is supplied.
(Chris Bleakley via rmuir)
* SOLR-4253: Misleading resource loading warning from Carrot2 clustering
component fixed (Stanisław Osiński)
* SOLR-4257: PeerSync updates and Log Replay updates should not wait for
a ZooKeeper connection in order to proceed. (yonik)
* SOLR-4045: SOLR admin page returns HTTP 404 on core names containing
a '.' (dot) (steffkes)
* SOLR-4176: analysis ui: javascript not properly handling URL decoding
of input (steffkes)
* SOLR-4079: Long core names break web gui appearance and functionality
* SOLR-4263: Incorrect Link from Schema-Browser to Query From for Top-Terms
* SOLR-3829: Admin UI Logging events broken if schema.xml defines a catch-all
dynamicField with type ignored (steffkes)
* SOLR-4275: Fix TrieTokenizer to no longer throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
in admin UI / AnalysisRequestHandler when you enter no number to tokenize.
(Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-4279: Wrong exception message if _version_ field is multivalued (shalin)
* SOLR-4170: The 'backup' ReplicationHandler command can sometimes use a stale
index directory rather than the current one. (Mark Miller, Marcin Rzewucki)
* SOLR-3876: Solr Admin UI is completely dysfunctional on IE 9 (steffkes)
* SOLR-4112: Fixed DataImportHandler ZKAwarePropertiesWriter implementation so
import works fine with SolrCloud clusters (Deniz Durmus, James Dyer,
Erick Erickson, shalin)
* SOLR-4291: Harden the Overseer work queue thread loop. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3820: Solr Admin Query form is missing some edismax request parameters
* SOLR-4217: post.jar no longer ignores -Dparams when -Durl is used.
(Alexandre Rafalovitch, ehatcher)
* SOLR-4303: On replication, if the generation of the master is lower than the
slave we need to force a full copy of the index. (Mark Miller, Gregg Donovan)
* SOLR-4266: HttpSolrServer does not release connection properly on exception
when no response parser is used. (Steve Molloy via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2298: Updated JavaDoc for SolrDocument.addField and SolrInputDocument.addField
to have more information on name and value parameters. (Siva Natarajan)
Other Changes
* SOLR-4106: Javac/ ivy path warnings with morfologik fixed by
upgrading to Morfologik 1.5.5 (Robert Muir, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-3899: SolrCore should not log at warning level when the index directory
changes - it's an info event. (Tobias Bergman, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3861: Refactor SolrCoreState so that it's managed by SolrCore.
(Mark Miller, hossman)
* SOLR-3966: Eliminate superfluous warning from LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor
(Markus Jelsma via hossman)
* SOLR-3932: SolrCmdDistributorTest either takes 3 seconds or 3 minutes.
(yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3856: New tests for SqlEntityProcessor/CachedSqlEntityProcessor
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-4067: ZkStateReader#getLeaderProps should not return props for a leader
that it does not think is live. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4086: DIH refactor of VariableResolver and Evaluator. VariableResolver
and each built-in Evaluator are separate concrete classes. DateFormatEvaluator
now defaults with the ROOT Locale. However, users may specify a different
Locale using an optional new third parameter. (James Dyer)
* SOLR-3602: Update ZooKeeper to 3.4.5 (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4095: DIH NumberFormatTransformer & DateFormatTransformer default to the
ROOT Locale if none is specified. These previously used the machine's default.
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-4096: DIH FileDataSource & FieldReaderDataSource default to UTF-8 encoding
if none is specified. These previously used the machine's default.
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-1916: DIH to not use Lucene-forbidden Java APIs
(default encoding, locale, etc.) (James Dyer, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4111: SpellCheckCollatorTest#testContextSensitiveCollate to test against
both DirectSolrSpellChecker & IndexBasedSpellChecker
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via James Dyer)
* SOLR-2141: Better test coverage for Evaluators (James Dyer)
* SOLR-4119: Update Guava to 13.0.1 (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4074: Raise default ramBufferSizeMB to 100 from 32.
(yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4062: The update log location in solrconfig.xml should default to
${solr.ulog.dir} rather than ${solr.data.dir:} (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4155: Upgrade Jetty to 8.1.8. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-2986: Add MoreLikeThis to warning about features that require uniqueKey.
Also, change the warning to warn log level. (Shawn Heisey via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-4163: README improvements (Shawn Heisey via hossman)
* SOLR-4248: "ant eclipse" should declare .svn directories as derived.
(Shawn Heisey via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3279: Upgrade Carrot2 to 3.6.2 (Stanisław Osiński)
* SOLR-4254: Harden the 'leader requests replica to recover' code path.
(Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-4226: Extract fl parsing code out of ReturnFields constructor.
(Ryan Ernst via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-4208: ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin has been refactored to make
subclassing easier. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe, hossman)
* SOLR-3735: Relocate the example mime-to-extension mapping, and
upgrade Velocity Engine to 1.7 (ehatcher)
* SOLR-4287: Removed "apache-" prefix from Solr distribution and artifact
filenames. (Ryan Ernst, Robert Muir, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-4016: Deduplication does not work with atomic/partial updates so
disallow atomic update requests which change signature generating fields.
(Joel Nothman, yonik, shalin)
* SOLR-4308: Remove the problematic and now unnecessary log4j-over-slf4j.
(Mark Miller)
================== 4.0.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.2
Carrot2 3.5.0
Velocity 1.6.4 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.3.6
Upgrading from Solr 4.0.0-BETA
In order to better support distributed search mode, the TermVectorComponent's
response format has been changed so that if the schema defines a
uniqueKeyField, then that field value is used as the "key" for each document in
its response section, instead of the internal lucene doc id. Users w/o a
uniqueKeyField will continue to see the same response format. See SOLR-3229
for more details.
If you are using SolrCloud's distributed update request capabilities and a non
string type id field, you must re-index.
Upgrading from Solr 4.0.0-ALPHA
Solr is now much more strict about requiring that the uniqueKeyField feature
(if used) must refer to a field which is not multiValued. If you upgrade from
an earlier version of Solr and see an error that your uniqueKeyField "can not
be configured to be multivalued" please add 'multiValued="false"' to the
<field /> declaration for your uniqueKeyField. See SOLR-3682 for more details.
In addition, please review the notes above about upgrading from 4.0.0-BETA
Upgrading from Solr 3.6
* The Lucene index format has changed and as a result, once you upgrade,
previous versions of Solr will no longer be able to read your indices.
In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves should be upgraded
before the master. If the master were to be updated first, the older
searchers would not be able to read the new index format.
* Setting abortOnConfigurationError=false is no longer supported
(since it has never worked properly). Solr will now warn you if
you attempt to set this configuration option at all. (see SOLR-1846)
* The default logic for the 'mm' param of the 'dismax' QParser has
been changed. If no 'mm' param is specified (either in the query,
or as a default in solrconfig.xml) then the effective value of the
'q.op' param (either in the query or as a default in solrconfig.xml
or from the 'defaultOperator' option in schema.xml) is used to
influence the behavior. If q.op is effectively "AND" then mm=100%.
If q.op is effectively "OR" then mm=0%. Users who wish to force the
legacy behavior should set a default value for the 'mm' param in
their solrconfig.xml file.
* The VelocityResponseWriter is no longer built into the core. Its JAR and
dependencies now need to be added (via <lib> or solr/home lib inclusion),
and it needs to be registered in solrconfig.xml like this:
<queryResponseWriter name="velocity" class="solr.VelocityResponseWriter"/>
* The update request parameter to choose Update Request Processor Chain is
renamed from "update.processor" to "update.chain". The old parameter was
deprecated but still working since Solr3.2, but is now removed
* The <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> sections of solrconfig.xml are discontinued
and replaced with the <indexConfig> section. There are also better defaults.
When migrating, if you don't know what your old settings mean, simply delete
both <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> sections. If you have customizations,
put them in <indexConfig> section - with same syntax as before.
* Two of the SolrServer subclasses in SolrJ were renamed/replaced.
CommonsHttpSolrServer is now HttpSolrServer, and
StreamingUpdateSolrServer is now ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer.
* The PingRequestHandler no longer looks for a <healthcheck/> option in the
(legacy) <admin> section of solrconfig.xml. Users who wish to take
advantage of this feature should configure a "healthcheckFile" init param
directly on the PingRequestHandler. As part of this change, relative file
paths have been fixed to be resolved against the data dir. See the example
solrconfig.xml and SOLR-1258 for more details.
* Due to low level changes to support SolrCloud, the uniqueKey field can no
longer be populated via <copyField/> or <field default=...> in the
schema.xml. Users wishing to have Solr automatically generate a uniqueKey
value when adding documents should instead use an instance of
solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory in their update processor chain. See
SOLR-2796 for more details.
In addition, please review the notes above about upgrading from 4.0.0-BETA, and 4.0.0-ALPHA
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-3670: New CountFieldValuesUpdateProcessorFactory makes it easy to index
the number of values in another field for later use at query time. (hossman)
* SOLR-2768: new "mod(x,y)" function for computing the modulus of two value
sources. (hossman)
* SOLR-3238: Numerous small improvements to the Admin UI (steffkes)
* SOLR-3597: seems like a lot of wasted whitespace at the top of the admin screens
* SOLR-3304: Added Solr adapters for Lucene 4's new spatial module. With
SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType ("location_rpt" in example schema), it is
possible to index a variable number of points per document (and sort on them),
index not just points but any Spatial4j supported shape such as polygons, and
to query on these shapes too. Polygons requires adding JTS to the classpath.
(David Smiley)
* SOLR-3825: Added optional capability to log what ids are in a response
(Scott Stults via gsingers)
* SOLR-3821: Added 'df' to the UI Query form (steffkes)
* SOLR-3822: Added hover titles to the edismax params on the UI Query form
* SOLR-3715: improve concurrency of the transaction log by removing
synchronization around log record serialization. (yonik)
* SOLR-3807: Currently during recovery we pause for a number of seconds after
waiting for the leader to see a recovering state so that any previous updates
will have finished before our commit on the leader - we don't need this wait
for peersync. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3837: When a leader is elected and asks replicas to sync back to him and
that fails, we should ask those nodes to recovery asynchronously rather than
synchronously. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3709: Cache the url list created from the ClusterState in CloudSolrServer
on each request. (Mark Miller)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-3685: Solr Cloud sometimes skipped peersync attempt and replicated instead due
to tlog flags not being cleared when no updates were buffered during a previous
replication. (Markus Jelsma, Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-3229: Fixed TermVectorComponent to work with distributed search
(Hang Xie, hossman)
* SOLR-3725: Fixed package-local-src-tgz target to not bring in unnecessary jars
and binary contents. (Michael Dodsworth via rmuir)
* SOLR-3649: Fixed bug in JavabinLoader that caused deleteById(List<String> ids)
to not work in SolrJ (siren)
* SOLR-3730: Rollback is not implemented quite right and can cause corner case fails in
SolrCloud tests. (rmuir, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2981: Fixed StatsComponent to no longer return duplicated information
when requesting multiple stats.facet fields.
(Roman Kliewer via hossman)
* SOLR-3743: Fixed issues with atomic updates and optimistic concurrency in
conjunction with stored copyField targets by making real-time get never
return copyField targets. (yonik)
* SOLR-3746: Proper error reporting if updateLog is configured w/o necessary
"_version_" field in schema.xml (hossman)
* SOLR-3745: Proper error reporting if SolrCloud mode is used w/o
necessary "_version_" field in schema.xml (hossman)
* SOLR-3770: Overseer may lose updates to cluster state (siren)
* SOLR-3721: Fix bug that could theoretically allow multiple recoveries to run
briefly at the same time if the recovery thread join call was interrupted.
(Per Steffensen, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3782: A leader going down while updates are coming in can cause shard
inconsistency. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3611: We do not show ZooKeeper data in the UI for a node that has children.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3789: Fix bug in SnapPuller that caused "internal" compression to fail.
* SOLR-3790: ConcurrentModificationException could be thrown when using hl.fl=*.
Fixed in r1231606. (yonik, koji)
* SOLR-3668: DataImport : Specifying Custom Parameters (steffkes)
* SOLR-3793: UnInvertedField faceting cached big terms in the filter
cache that ignored deletions, leading to duplicate documents in search
later when a filter of the same term was specified.
(Günter Hipler, hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-3679: Core Admin UI gives no feedback if "Add Core" fails (steffkes, hossman)
* SOLR-3795: Fixed LukeRequestHandler response to correctly return field name
strings in copyDests and copySources arrays (hossman)
* SOLR-3699: Fixed some Directory leaks when there were errors during SolrCore
or SolrIndexWriter initialization. (hossman)
* SOLR-3518: Include final 'hits' in log information when aggregating a
distributed request (Markus Jelsma via hossman)
* SOLR-3628: SolrInputField and SolrInputDocument are now consistently backed
by Collections passed in to setValue/setField, and defensively copy values
from Collections passed to addValue/addField
(Tom Switzer via hossman)
* SOLR-3595: CurrencyField now generates an appropriate error on schema init
if it is configured as multiValued - this has never been properly supported,
but previously failed silently in odd ways. (hossman)
* SOLR-3823: Fix 'bq' parsing in edismax. Please note that this required
reverting the negative boost support added by SOLR-3278 (hossman)
* SOLR-3827: Fix shareSchema=true in solr.xml
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe via hossman)
* SOLR-3809: Fixed config file replication when subdirectories are used
(Emmanuel Espina via hossman)
* SOLR-3828: Fixed QueryElevationComponent so that using 'markExcludes' does
not modify the result set or ranking of 'excluded' documents relative to
not using elevation at all. (Alexey Serba via hossman)
* SOLR-3569: Fixed debug output on distributed requests when there are no
results found. (David Bowen via hossman)
* SOLR-3811: Query Form using wrong values for dismax, edismax (steffkes)
* SOLR-3779: DataImportHandler's LineEntityProcessor when used in conjunction
with FileListEntityProcessor would only process the first file.
(Ahmet Arslan via James Dyer)
* SOLR-3791: CachedSqlEntityProcessor would throw a NullPointerException when
a query returns a row with a NULL key. (Steffen Moelter via James Dyer)
* SOLR-3833: When a election is started because a leader went down, the new
leader candidate should decline if the last state they published was not
active. (yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3836: When doing peer sync, we should only count sync attempts that
cannot reach the given host as success when the candidate leader is
syncing with the replicas - not when replicas are syncing to the leader.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3835: In our leader election algorithm, if on connection loss we found
we did not create our election node, we should retry, not throw an exception.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3834: A new leader on cluster startup should also run the leader sync
process in case there was a bad cluster shutdown. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3772: On cluster startup, we should wait until we see all registered
replicas before running the leader process - or if they all do not come up,
N amount of time. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3756: If we are elected the leader of a shard, but we fail to publish
this for any reason, we should clean up and re trigger a leader election.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3812: ConnectionLoss during recovery can cause lost updates, leading to
shard inconsistency. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3813: When a new leader syncs, we need to ask all shards to sync back,
not just those that are active. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3641: CoreContainer is not persisting roles core attribute.
(hossman, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3527: SolrCmdDistributor drops some of the important commit attributes
(maxOptimizeSegments, softCommit, expungeDeletes) when sending a commit to
replicas. (Andy Laird, Tomás Fernández Löbbe, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3844: SolrCore reload can fail because it tries to remove the index
write lock while already holding it. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3831: Atomic updates do not distribute correctly to other nodes.
(Jim Musil, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3465: Replication causes two searcher warmups.
(Michael Garski, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3645: /terms should default to distrib=false. (Nick Cotton, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3759: Various fixes to the example-DIH configs (Ahmet Arslan, hossman)
* SOLR-3777: Dataimport-UI does not send unchecked checkboxes (Glenn MacStravic
via steffkes)
* SOLR-3850: DataImportHandler "cacheKey" parameter was incorrectly renamed "cachePk"
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-3087: Fixed DOMUtil so that code doing attribute validation will
automatically ignore nodes in the reserved "xml" prefix - in particular this
fixes some bugs related to xinclude and fieldTypes.
(Amit Nithian, hossman)
* SOLR-3783: Fixed Pivot Faceting to work with facet.missing=true (hossman)
* SOLR-3869: A PeerSync attempt to its replicas by a candidate leader should
not fail on o.a.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3875: Fixed index boosts on multi-valued fields when docBoost is used
* SOLR-3878: Exception when using open-ended range query with CurrencyField (janhoy)
* SOLR-3891: CacheValue in CachingDirectoryFactory cannot be used outside of
solr.core package. (phunt via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3892: Inconsistent locking when accessing cache in CachingDirectoryFactory
from RAMDirectoryFactory and MockDirectoryFactory. (phunt via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3883: Distributed indexing forwards non-applicable request params.
(Dan Sutton, Per Steffensen, yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3903: Fixed MissingFormatArgumentException in ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer
* SOLR-3916: Fixed whitespace bug in parsing the fl param (hossman)
Other Changes
* SOLR-3690: Fixed binary release packages to include dependencies needed for
the solr-test-framework (hossman)
* SOLR-2857: The /update/json and /update/csv URLs were restored to aid
in the migration of existing clients. (yonik)
* SOLR-3691: SimplePostTool: Mode for crawling/posting web pages
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ExtractingRequestHandler for examples (janhoy)
* SOLR-3707: Upgrade Solr to Tika 1.2 (janhoy)
* SOLR-2747: Updated changes2html.pl to handle Solr's CHANGES.txt; added
target 'changes-to-html' to solr/build.xml.
(Steve Rowe, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3752: When a leader goes down, have the Overseer clear the leader state
in cluster.json (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3751: Add defensive checks for SolrCloud updates and requests that ensure
the local state matches what we can tell the request expected. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3773: Hash based on the external String id rather than the indexed
representation for distributed updates. (Michael Garski, yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3780: Maven build: Make solrj tests run separately from solr-core.
(Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-3772: Optionally, on cluster startup, we can wait until we see all registered
replicas before running the leader process - or if they all do not come up,
N amount of time. (Jan Høydahl, Per Steffensen, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3750: Optionally, on session expiration, we can explicitly wait some time before
running the leader sync process so that we are sure every node participates.
(Per Steffensen, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3824: Velocity: Error messages from search not displayed (janhoy)
* SOLR-3826: Test framework improvements for specifying coreName on initCore
(Amit Nithian, hossman)
* SOLR-3749: Allow default UpdateLog syncLevel to be configured by
solrconfig.xml (Raintung Li, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3845: Rename numReplicas to replicationFactor in Collections API.
(yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3815: SolrCloud - Add properties such as "range" to shards, which changes
the clusterstate.json and puts the shard replicas under "replicas". (yonik)
* SOLR-3871: SyncStrategy should use an executor for the threads it creates to
request recoveries. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3870: SyncStrategy should have a close so it can abort earlier on
shutdown. (Mark Miller)
================== 4.0.0-BETA ===================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.1
Carrot2 3.5.0
Velocity 1.6.4 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.3.6
Upgrading from Solr 4.0.0-ALPHA
Solr is now much more strict about requiring that the uniqueKeyField feature
(if used) must refer to a field which is not multiValued. If you upgrade from
an earlier version of Solr and see an error that your uniqueKeyField "can not
be configured to be multivalued" please add 'multiValued="false"' to the
<field /> declaration for your uniqueKeyField. See SOLR-3682 for more details.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* LUCENE-4201: Added JapaneseIterationMarkCharFilterFactory to normalize Japanese
iteration marks. (Robert Muir, Christian Moen)
* SOLR-1856: In Solr Cell, literals should override Tika-parsed values.
Patch adds a param "literalsOverride" which defaults to true, but can be set
to "false" to let Tika-parsed values be appended to literal values (Chris Harris, janhoy)
* SOLR-3488: Added a Collection management API for SolrCloud.
(Tommaso Teofili, Sami Siren, yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3559: Full deleteByQuery support with SolrCloud distributed indexing.
All replicas of a shard will be consistent, even if updates arrive in a
different order on different replicas. (yonik)
* SOLR-1929: Index encrypted documents with ExtractingUpdateRequestHandler.
By supplying resource.password=<mypw> or specifying an external file with regular
expressions matching file names, Solr will decrypt and index PDFs and DOCX formats.
(janhoy, Yiannis Pericleous)
* SOLR-3562: Add options to remove instance dir or data dir on core unload.
(Mark Miller, Per Steffensen)
* SOLR-2702: The default directory factory was changed to NRTCachingDirectoryFactory
which wraps the StandardDirectoryFactory and caches small files for improved
Near Real-time (NRT) performance. (Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-2616: Include a sample java util logging configuration file.
(David Smiley, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3460: Add cloud-scripts directory and a zkcli.sh|bat tool for easy scripting
and interaction with ZooKeeper. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1725: StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory allows users to implement
the full ScriptUpdateProcessor API using any scripting language with a
(Uri Boness, ehatcher, Simon Rosenthal, hossman)
* SOLR-139: Change to updateable documents to create the document if it doesn't
already exist. To assert that the document must exist, use the optimistic
concurrency feature by specifying a _version_ of 1. (yonik)
* LUCENE-2510, LUCENE-4044: Migrated Solr's Tokenizer-, TokenFilter-, and
CharFilterFactories to the lucene-analysis module. To add new analysis
modules to Solr (like ICU, SmartChinese, Morfologik,...), just drop in
the JAR files from Lucene's binary distribution into your Solr instance's
lib folder. The factories are automatically made available with SPI.
(Chris Male, Robert Muir, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-3634, SOLR-3635: CoreContainer and CoreAdminHandler will now remember
and report back information about failures to initialize SolrCores. These
failures will be accessible from the web UI and CoreAdminHandler STATUS
command until they are "reset" by creating/renaming a SolrCore with the
same name. (hossman, steffkes)
* SOLR-1280: Added commented-out example of the new script update processor
to the example configuration. See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ScriptUpdateProcessor (ehatcher)
* SOLR-3672: SimplePostTool: Improvements for posting files
Support for auto mode, recursive and wildcards (janhoy)
* SOLR-3708: Add hashCode to ClusterState so that structures built based on the
ClusterState can be easily cached. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3709: Cache the url list created from the ClusterState in CloudSolrServer on each
request. (Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-3710: Change CloudSolrServer so that update requests are only sent to leaders by
default. (Mark Miller)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-3582: Our ZooKeeper watchers respond to session events as if they are change events,
creating undesirable side effects. (Trym R. Møller, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3467: ExtendedDismax escaping is missing several reserved characters
(Michael Dodsworth via janhoy)
* SOLR-3587: After reloading a SolrCore, the original Analyzer is still used rather than a new
one. (Alexey Serba, yonik, rmuir, Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-4185: Fix a bug where CharFilters were wrongly being applied twice. (Michael Froh, rmuir)
* SOLR-3610: After reloading a core, indexing would fail on any newly added fields to the schema. (Brent Mills, rmuir)
* SOLR-3377: edismax fails to correctly parse a fielded query wrapped by parens.
This regression was introduced in 3.6. (Bernd Fehling, Jan Høydahl, yonik)
* SOLR-3621: Fix rare concurrency issue when opening a new IndexWriter for replication or rollback.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1781: Replication index directories not always cleaned up.
(Markus Jelsma, Terje Sten Bjerkseth, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3639: Update ZooKeeper to 3.3.6 for a variety of bug fixes. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3629: Typo in solr.xml persistence when overriding the solrconfig.xml
file name using the "config" attribute prevented the override file from being
used. (Ryan Zezeski, hossman)
* SOLR-3642: Correct broken check for multivalued fields in stats.facet
(Yandong Yao, hossman)
* SOLR-3660: Velocity: Link to admin page broken (janhoy)
* SOLR-3658: Adding thousands of docs with one UpdateProcessorChain instance can briefly create
spikes of threads in the thousands. (yonik, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3656: A core reload now always uses the same dataDir. (Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-3662: Core reload bugs: a reload always obtained a non-NRT searcher, which
could go back in time with respect to the previous core's NRT searcher. Versioning
did not work correctly across a core reload, and update handler synchronization
was changed to synchronize on core state since more than on update handler
can coexist for a single index during a reload. (yonik)
* SOLR-3663: There are a couple of bugs in the sync process when a leader goes down and a
new leader is elected. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3623: Fixed inconsistent treatment of third-party dependencies for
solr contribs analysis-extras & uima (hossman)
* SOLR-3652: Fixed range faceting to error instead of looping infinitely
when 'gap' is zero -- or effectively zero due to floating point arithmetic
underflow. (hossman)
* SOLR-3648: Fixed VelocityResponseWriter template loading in SolrCloud mode.
For the example configuration, this means /browse now works with SolrCloud.
(janhoy, ehatcher)
* SOLR-3677: Fixed misleading error message in web ui to distinguish between
no SolrCores loaded vs. no /admin/ handler available.
(hossman, steffkes)
* SOLR-3428: SolrCmdDistributor flushAdds/flushDeletes can cause repeated
adds/deletes to be sent (Mark Miller, Per Steffensen)
* SOLR-3647: DistributedQueue should use our Solr zk client rather than the std zk
client. ZooKeeper expiration can be permanent otherwise. (Mark Miller)
Other Changes
* SOLR-3524: Make discarding punctuation configurable in JapaneseTokenizerFactory.
The default is to discard punctuation, but this is overridable as an expert option.
(Kazuaki Hiraga, Jun Ohtani via Christian Moen)
* SOLR-1770: Move the default core instance directory into a collection1 folder.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3355: Add shard and collection to SolrCore statistics. (Michael Garski, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3575: solr.xml should default to persist=true (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3563: Unloading all cores in a SolrCloud collection will now cause the removal of
that collection's meta data from ZooKeeper. (Mark Miller, Per Steffensen)
* SOLR-3599: Add zkClientTimeout to solr.xml so that it's obvious how to change it and so
that you can change it with a system property. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3609: Change Solr's expanded webapp directory to be at a consistent path called
solr-webapp rather than a temporary directory. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3600: Raise the default zkClientTimeout from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3215: Clone SolrInputDocument when distrib indexing so that update processors after
the distrib update process do not process the document twice. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3683: Improved error handling if an <analyzer> contains both an
explicit class attribute, as well as nested factories. (hossman)
* SOLR-3682: Fail to parse schema.xml if uniqueKeyField is multivalued (hossman)
* SOLR-2115: DIH no longer requires the "config" parameter to be specified in solrconfig.xml.
Instead, the configuration is loaded and parsed with every import. This allows the use of
a different configuration with each import, and makes correcting configuration errors simpler.
Also, the configuration itself can be passed using the "dataConfig" parameter rather than
using a file (this previously worked in debug mode only). When configuration errors are
encountered, the error message is returned in XML format. (James Dyer)
* SOLR-3439: Make SolrCell easier to use out of the box. Also improves "/browse" to display
rich-text documents correctly, along with facets for author and content_type.
With the new "content" field, highlighting of body is supported. See also SOLR-3672 for
easier posting of a whole directory structure. (Jack Krupansky, janhoy)
* SOLR-3579: SolrCloud view should default to the graph view rather than tree view.
(steffkes, Mark Miller)
================== 4.0.0-ALPHA ==================
More information about this release, including any errata related to the
release notes, upgrade instructions, or other changes may be found online at:
Versions of Major Components
Apache Tika 1.1
Carrot2 3.5.0
Velocity 1.6.4 and Velocity Tools 2.0
Apache UIMA 2.3.1
Apache ZooKeeper 3.3.4
Upgrading from Solr 3.6-dev
* The Lucene index format has changed and as a result, once you upgrade,
previous versions of Solr will no longer be able to read your indices.
In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves should be upgraded
before the master. If the master were to be updated first, the older
searchers would not be able to read the new index format.
* Setting abortOnConfigurationError=false is no longer supported
(since it has never worked properly). Solr will now warn you if
you attempt to set this configuration option at all. (see SOLR-1846)
* The default logic for the 'mm' param of the 'dismax' QParser has
been changed. If no 'mm' param is specified (either in the query,
or as a default in solrconfig.xml) then the effective value of the
'q.op' param (either in the query or as a default in solrconfig.xml
or from the 'defaultOperator' option in schema.xml) is used to
influence the behavior. If q.op is effectively "AND" then mm=100%.
If q.op is effectively "OR" then mm=0%. Users who wish to force the
legacy behavior should set a default value for the 'mm' param in
their solrconfig.xml file.
* The VelocityResponseWriter is no longer built into the core. Its JAR and
dependencies now need to be added (via <lib> or solr/home lib inclusion),
and it needs to be registered in solrconfig.xml like this:
<queryResponseWriter name="velocity" class="solr.VelocityResponseWriter"/>
* The update request parameter to choose Update Request Processor Chain is
renamed from "update.processor" to "update.chain". The old parameter was
deprecated but still working since Solr3.2, but is now removed
* The <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> sections of solrconfig.xml are discontinued
and replaced with the <indexConfig> section. There are also better defaults.
When migrating, if you don't know what your old settings mean, simply delete
both <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> sections. If you have customizations,
put them in <indexConfig> section - with same syntax as before.
* Two of the SolrServer subclasses in SolrJ were renamed/replaced.
CommonsHttpSolrServer is now HttpSolrServer, and
StreamingUpdateSolrServer is now ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer.
* The PingRequestHandler no longer looks for a <healthcheck/> option in the
(legacy) <admin> section of solrconfig.xml. Users who wish to take
advantage of this feature should configure a "healthcheckFile" init param
directly on the PingRequestHandler. As part of this change, relative file
paths have been fixed to be resolved against the data dir. See the example
solrconfig.xml and SOLR-1258 for more details.
* Due to low level changes to support SolrCloud, the uniqueKey field can no
longer be populated via <copyField/> or <field default=...> in the
schema.xml. Users wishing to have Solr automatically generate a uniqueKey
value when adding documents should instead use an instance of
solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory in their update processor chain. See
SOLR-2796 for more details.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-3272: Solr filter factory for MorfologikFilter (Polish lemmatisation).
(Rafał Kuć via Dawid Weiss, Steven Rowe, Uwe Schindler).
* SOLR-571: The autowarmCount for LRUCaches (LRUCache and FastLRUCache) now
supports "percentages" which get evaluated relative the current size of
the cache when warming happens.
(Tomás Fernández Löbbe and hossman)
* SOLR-1932: New relevancy function queries: termfreq, tf, docfreq, idf
norm, maxdoc, numdocs. (yonik)
* SOLR-1665: Add debug component options for timings, results and query info only (gsingers, hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-2112: Solrj API now supports streaming results. (ryan)
* SOLR-792: Adding PivotFacetComponent for Hierarchical faceting
(ehatcher, Jeremy Hinegardner, Thibaut Lassalle, ryan)
* LUCENE-2507, SOLR-2571, SOLR-2576: Added DirectSolrSpellChecker, which uses Lucene's
DirectSpellChecker to retrieve correction candidates directly from the term dictionary using
levenshtein automata. (James Dyer, rmuir)
* SOLR-1873, SOLR-2358: SolrCloud - added shared/central config and core/shard management via zookeeper,
built-in load balancing, and distributed indexing.
(Jamie Johnson, Sami Siren, Ted Dunning, yonik, Mark Miller)
Additional Work:
- SOLR-2324: SolrCloud solr.xml parameters are not persisted by CoreContainer.
(Massimo Schiavon, Mark Miller)
- SOLR-2287: Allow users to query by multiple, compatible collections with SolrCloud.
(Soheb Mahmood, Alex Cowell, Mark Miller)
- SOLR-2622: ShowFileRequestHandler does not work in SolrCloud mode.
(Stefan Matheis, Mark Miller)
- SOLR-3108: Error in SolrCloud's replica lookup code when replica's are hosted in same Solr instance.
(Bruno Dumon, Sami Siren, Mark Miller)
- SOLR-3080: Remove shard info from zookeeper when SolrCore is explicitly unloaded.
(yonik, Mark Miller, siren)
- SOLR-3437: Recovery issues a spurious commit to the cluster. (Trym R. Møller via Mark Miller)
- SOLR-2822: Skip update processors already run on other nodes (hossman)
* SOLR-1566: Transforming documents in the ResponseWriters. This will allow
for more complex results in responses and open the door for function queries
as results.
(ryan with patches from grant, noble, cmale, yonik, Jan Høydahl,
Arul Kalaipandian, Luca Cavanna, hossman)
- SOLR-2037: Thanks to SOLR-1566, documents boosted by the QueryElevationComponent
can be marked as boosted. (gsingers, ryan, yonik)
* SOLR-2396: Add CollationField, which is much more efficient than
the Solr 3.x CollationKeyFilterFactory, and also supports
Locale-sensitive range queries. (rmuir)
* SOLR-2338: Add support for using <similarity/> in a schema's fieldType,
for customizing scoring on a per-field basis. (hossman, yonik, rmuir)
* SOLR-2335: New 'field("...")' function syntax for referring to complex
field names (containing whitespace or special characters) in functions.
* SOLR-2383: /browse improvements: generalize range and date facet display
(Jan Høydahl via yonik)
* SOLR-2272: Pseudo-join queries / filters. Examples:
- To restrict to the set of parents with at least one blue-eyed child:
fq={!join from=parent to=name}eyes:blue
- To restrict to the set of children with at least one blue-eyed parent:
fq={!join from=name to=parent}eyes:blue
* SOLR-1942: Added the ability to select postings format per fieldType in schema.xml
as well as support custom Codecs in solrconfig.xml.
(simonw via rmuir)
* SOLR-2136: Boolean type added to function queries, along with
new functions exists(), if(), and(), or(), xor(), not(), def(),
and true and false constants. (yonik)
* SOLR-2491: Add support for using spellcheck collation in conjunction
with grouping. Note that the number of hits returned for collations
is the number of ungrouped hits. (James Dyer via rmuir)
* SOLR-1298: Return FunctionQuery as pseudo field. The solr 'fl' param
now supports functions. For example: fl=id,sum(x,y) -- NOTE: only
functions with fast random access are recommended. (yonik, ryan)
* SOLR-705: Optionally return shard info with each document in distributed
search. Use fl=id,[shard] to return the shard url. (ryan)
* SOLR-2417: Add explain info directly to return documents using
?fl=id,[explain] (ryan)
* SOLR-2533: Converted ValueSource.ValueSourceSortField over to new rewriteable Lucene
SortFields. ValueSourceSortField instances must be rewritten before they can be used.
This is done by SolrIndexSearcher when necessary. (Chris Male).
* SOLR-2193, SOLR-2565: You may now specify a 'soft' commit when committing. This will
use Lucene's NRT feature to avoid guaranteeing documents are on stable storage in exchange
for faster reopen times. There is also a new 'soft' autocommit tracker that can be
configured. (Mark Miller, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-2399: Updated Solr Admin interface. New look and feel with per core administration
and many new options. (Stefan Matheis via ryan)
* SOLR-1032: CSV handler now supports "literal.field_name=value" parameters.
(Simon Rosenthal, ehatcher)
* SOLR-2656: realtime-get, efficiently retrieves the latest stored fields for specified
documents, even if they are not yet searchable (i.e. without reopening a searcher)
* SOLR-2703: Added support for Lucene's "surround" query parser. (Simon Rosenthal, ehatcher)
* SOLR-2754: Added factories for several ranking algorithms:
- BM25SimilarityFactory: Okapi BM25
- DFRSimilarityFactory: Divergence from Randomness models
- IBSimilarityFactory: Information-based models
- LMDirichletSimilarity: LM with Dirichlet smoothing
- LMJelinekMercerSimilarity: LM with Jelinek-Mercer smoothing
(David Mark Nemeskey, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-2134 Trie* fields should support sortMissingLast=true, and deprecate Sortable* Field Types
(Ryan McKinley, Mike McCandless, Uwe Schindler, Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-2438 added MultiTermAwareComponent to the various classes to allow automatic lowercasing
for multiterm queries (wildcards, regex, prefix, range, etc). You can now optionally specify a
"multiterm" analyzer in our schema.xml, but Solr should "do the right thing" if you don't
specify <analyzer type="multiterm"> (Pete Sturge Erick Erickson, Mentoring from Seeley and Muir)
* SOLR-2481: Add support for commitWithin in DataImportHandler (Sami Siren via yonik)
* SOLR-2992: Add support for IndexWriter.prepareCommit() via prepareCommit=true
on update URLs. (yonik)
* SOLR-2906: Added LFU cache options to Solr. (Shawn Heisey via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-3069: Ability to add openSearcher=false to not open a searcher when doing
a hard commit. commitWithin now only invokes a softCommit. (yonik)
* SOLR-2802: New FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor and Factory to simplify the
development of UpdateProcessors that modify field values of documents as
they are indexed. Also includes several useful new implementations:
- RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
- TrimFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
- HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
- RegexReplaceProcessorFactory
- FieldLengthUpdateProcessorFactory
- ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
- FirstFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
- LastFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
- MinFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
- MaxFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
- TruncateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
- IgnoreFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
(hossman, janhoy)
* SOLR-3120: Optional post filtering for spatial queries bbox and geofilt
for LatLonType. (yonik)
* SOLR-2459: Expose LogLevel selection with a RequestHandler rather then servlet
(Stefan Matheis, Upayavira, ryan)
* SOLR-3134: Include shard info in distributed response when shards.info=true
(Russell Black, ryan)
* SOLR-2898: Support grouped faceting. (Martijn van Groningen)
Additional Work:
- SOLR-3406: Extended grouped faceting support to facet.query and facet.range parameters.
(David Boychuck, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2949: QueryElevationComponent is now supported with distributed search.
(Mark Miller, yonik)
* SOLR-3221: Added the ability to directly configure aspects of the concurrency
and thread-pooling used within distributed search in solr. This allows for finer
grained controlled and can be tuned by end users to target their own specific
requirements. This builds on the work of the HttpCommComponent and uses the same configuration
block to configure the thread pool. The default configuration has
the same behaviour as solr 3.5, favouring throughput over latency. More
information can be found on the wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml) (Greg Bowyer)
* SOLR-3278: Negative boost support to the Extended Dismax Query Parser Boost Query (bq).
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-3255: OpenExchangeRates.Org Exchange Rate Provider for CurrencyField (janhoy)
* SOLR-3358: Logging events are captured and available from the /admin/logging
request handler. (ryan)
* SOLR-1535: PreAnalyzedField type provides a functionality to index (and optionally store)
field content that was already processed and split into tokens using some external processing
chain. Serialization format is pluggable, and defaults to JSON. (ab)
* SOLR-3363: Consolidated Exceptions in Analysis Factories so they only throw
InitializationExceptions (Chris Male)
* SOLR-2690: New support for a "TZ" request param which overrides the TimeZone
used when rounding Dates in DateMath expressions for the entire request
(all date range queries and date faceting is affected). The default TZ
is still UTC. (David Schlotfeldt, hossman)
* SOLR-3402: Analysis Factories are now configured with their Lucene Version
throw setLuceneMatchVersion, rather than through the Map passed to init.
Parsing and simple error checking for the Version is now done inside
the code that creates the Analysis Factories. (Chris Male)
* SOLR-3178: Optimistic locking. If a _version_ is provided with an update
that does not match the version in the index, an HTTP 409 error (Conflict)
will result. (Per Steffensen, yonik)
* SOLR-139: Updateable documents. JSON Example:
{"id":"mydoc", "f1":{"set":10}, "f2":{"add":20}} will result in field "f1"
being set to 10, "f2" having an additional value of 20 added, and all
other existing fields unchanged. All source fields must be stored for
this feature to work correctly. (Ryan McKinley, Erik Hatcher, yonik)
* SOLR-2857: Support XML,CSV,JSON, and javabin in a single RequestHandler and
choose the correct ContentStreamLoader based on Content-Type header. This
also deprecates the existing [Xml,JSON,CSV,Binary,Xslt]UpdateRequestHandler.
* SOLR-2585: Context-Sensitive Spelling Suggestions & Collations. This adds support
for the "spellcheck.alternativeTermCount" & "spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest"
parameters, letting users receive suggestions even when all the queried terms
exist in the dictionary. This differs from "spellcheck.onlyMorePopular" in
that the suggestions need not consist entirely of terms with a greater document
frequency than the queried terms. (James Dyer)
* SOLR-2058: Edismax query parser to allow "phrase slop" to be specified per-field
on the pf/pf2/pf3 parameters using optional "FieldName~slop^boost" syntax. The
prior "FieldName^boost" syntax is still accepted. In such cases the value on the
"ps" parameter serves as the default slop. (Ron Mayer via James Dyer)
* SOLR-3495: New UpdateProcessors have been added to create default values for
configured fields. These works similarly to the <field default="..."/>
option in schema.xml, but are applied in the UpdateProcessorChain, so they
may be used prior to other UpdateProcessors, or to generate a uniqueKey field
value when using the DistributedUpdateProcessor (ie: SolrCloud)
* SOLR-2993: Add WordBreakSolrSpellChecker to offer suggestions by combining adjacent
query terms and/or breaking terms into multiple words. This spellchecker can be
configured with a traditional checker (ie: DirectSolrSpellChecker). The results
are combined and collations can contain a mix of corrections from both spellcheckers.
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-3508: Simplify JSON update format for deletes as well as allow
version specification for optimistic locking. Examples:
- {"delete":"myid"}
- {"delete":["id1","id2","id3"]}
- {"delete":{"id":"myid", "_version_":123456789}}
* SOLR-3211: Allow parameter overrides in conjunction with "spellcheck.maxCollationTries".
To do so, use parameters starting with "spellcheck.collateParam." For instance, to
override the "mm" parameter, specify "spellcheck.collateParam.mm". This is helpful
in cases where testing spellcheck collations for result counts should use different
parameters from the main query (James Dyer)
* SOLR-2599: CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory provides similar functionality
to schema.xml's <copyField/> declaration but as an update processor that can
be combined with other processors in any order. (Jan Høydahl & hossman)
* SOLR-3351: eDismax: ps2 and ps3 params (janhoy)
* SOLR-3542: Add WeightedFragListBuilder for FVH and set it to default fragListBuilder
in example solrconfig.xml. (Sebastian Lutze, koji)
* SOLR-2396: Add ICUCollationField to contrib/analysis-extras, which is much
more efficient than the Solr 3.x ICUCollationKeyFilterFactory, and also
supports Locale-sensitive range queries. (rmuir)
* SOLR-1875: Per-segment field faceting for single valued string fields.
Enable with facet.method=fcs, control the number of threads used with
the "threads" local param on the facet.field param. This algorithm will
only be faster in the presence of rapid index changes. (yonik)
* SOLR-1904: When facet.enum.cache.minDf > 0 and the base doc set is a
SortedIntSet, convert to HashDocSet for better performance. (yonik)
* SOLR-2092: Speed up single-valued and multi-valued "fc" faceting. Typical
improvement is 5%, but can be much greater (up to 10x faster) when facet.offset
is very large (deep paging). (yonik)
* SOLR-2193, SOLR-2565: The default Solr update handler has been improved so
that it uses fewer locks, keeps the IndexWriter open rather than closing it
on each commit (ie commits no longer wait for background merges to complete),
works with SolrCore to provide faster 'soft' commits, and has an improved API
that requires less instanceof special casing. (Mark Miller, Robert Muir)
Additional Work:
- SOLR-2697: commit and autocommit operations don't reset
DirectUpdateHandler2.numDocsPending stats attribute.
(Alexey Serba, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2950: The QueryElevationComponent now avoids using the FieldCache and looking up
every document id (gsingers, yonik)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-3139: Make ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer send UpdateRequest.getParams()
as HTTP request params (siren)
* SOLR-3165: Cannot use DIH in Solrcloud + Zookeeper (Alexey Serba,
Mark Miller, siren)
* SOLR-3068: Occasional NPE in ThreadDumpHandler (siren)
* SOLR-2762: FSTLookup could return duplicate results or one results less
than requested. (David Smiley, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-2741: Bugs in facet range display in trunk (janhoy)
* SOLR-1908: Fixed SignatureUpdateProcessor to fail to initialize on
invalid config. Specifically: a signatureField that does not exist,
or overwriteDupes=true with a signatureField that is not indexed.
* SOLR-1824: IndexSchema will now fail to initialize if there is a
problem initializing one of the fields or field types. (hossman)
* SOLR-1928: TermsComponent didn't correctly break ties for non-text
fields sorted by count. (yonik)
* SOLR-2107: MoreLikeThisHandler doesn't work with alternate qparsers. (yonik)
* SOLR-2108: Fixed false positives when using wildcard queries on fields with reversed
wildcard support. For example, a query of *zemog* would match documents that contain
'gomez'. (Landon Kuhn via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-1962: SolrCore#initIndex should not use a mix of indexPath and newIndexPath (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2275: fix DisMax 'mm' parsing to be tolerant of whitespace
(Erick Erickson via hossman)
* SOLR-2193, SOLR-2565, SOLR-2651: SolrCores now properly share IndexWriters across SolrCore reloads.
(Mark Miller, Robert Muir)
Additional Work:
- SOLR-2705: On reload, IndexWriterProvider holds onto the initial SolrCore it was created with.
(Yury Kats, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2682: Remove addException() in SimpleFacet. FacetComponent no longer catches and embeds
exceptions occurred during facet processing, it throws HTTP 400 or 500 exceptions instead. (koji)
* SOLR-2654: Directorys used by a SolrCore are now closed when they are no longer used.
(Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2854: Now load URL content stream data (via stream.url) when called for during request handling,
rather than loading URL content streams automatically regardless of use.
(David Smiley and Ryan McKinley via ehatcher)
* SOLR-2829: Fix problem with false-positives due to incorrect
equals methods. (Yonik Seeley, Hossman, Erick Erickson.
Marc Tinnemeyer caught the bug)
* SOLR-2848: Removed 'instanceof AbstractLuceneSpellChecker' hacks from distributed spellchecking code,
and added a merge() method to SolrSpellChecker instead. Previously if you extended SolrSpellChecker
your spellchecker would not work in distributed fashion. (James Dyer via rmuir)
* SOLR-2509: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the spellchecker collate when the term contains
a hyphen. (Thomas Gambier caught the bug, Steffen Godskesen did the patch, via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-1730: Made it clearer when a core failed to load as well as better logging when the
QueryElevationComponent fails to properly initialize (gsingers)
* SOLR-1520: QueryElevationComponent now supports non-string ids (gsingers)
* SOLR-3037: When using binary format in solrj the codec screws up parameters
(Sami Siren, Jörg Maier via yonik)
* SOLR-3062: A join in the main query was not respecting any filters pushed
down to it via acceptDocs since LUCENE-1536. (Mike Hugo, yonik)
* SOLR-3214: If you use multiple fl entries rather than a comma separated list, all but the first
entry can be ignored if you are using distributed search. (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-3352: eDismax: pf2 should kick in for a query with 2 terms (janhoy)
* SOLR-3361: ReplicationHandler "maxNumberOfBackups" doesn't work if backups are triggered on commit
(James Dyer, Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-2605: fixed tracking of the 'defaultCoreName' in CoreContainer so that
CoreAdminHandler could return consistent information regardless of whether
there is a a default core name or not. (steffkes, hossman)
* SOLR-3370: fixed CSVResponseWriter to respect globs in the 'fl' param
(Keith Fligg via hossman)
* SOLR-3436: Group count incorrect when not all shards are queried in the second
pass. (Francois Perron, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3454: Exception when using result grouping with main=true and using
wt=javabin. (Ludovic Boutros, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3446: Better errors when PatternTokenizerFactory is configured with
an invalid pattern, and include the 'name' whenever possible in plugin init
error messages. (hossman)
* LUCENE-4075: Cleaner path usage in TestXPathEntityProcessor
(Greg Bowyer via hossman)
* SOLR-2923: IllegalArgumentException when using useFilterForSortedQuery on an
empty index. (Adrien Grand via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2352: Fixed TermVectorComponent so that it will not fail if the fl
param contains globs or psuedo-fields (hossman)
* SOLR-3541: add missing solrj dependencies to binary packages.
(Thijs Vonk via siren)
* SOLR-3522: fixed parsing of the 'literal()' function (hossman)
* SOLR-3548: Fixed a bug in the cachability of queries using the {!join}
parser or the strdist() function, as well as some minor improvements to
the hashCode implementation of {!bbox} and {!geofilt} queries.
* SOLR-3470: contrib/clustering: custom Carrot2 tokenizer and stemmer factories
are respected now (Stanislaw Osinski, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-3430: Added a new DIH test against a real SQL database. Fixed problems
revealed by this new test related to the expanded cache support added to
3.6/SOLR-2382 (James Dyer)
* SOLR-1958: When using the MailEntityProcessor, import would fail if
fetchMailsSince was not specified. (Max Lynch via James Dyer)
* SOLR-4289: Admin UI - JVM memory bar - dark grey "used" width is too small
(steffkes, elyograg)
Other Changes
* SOLR-1846: Eliminate support for the abortOnConfigurationError
option. It has never worked very well, and in recent versions of
Solr hasn't worked at all. (hossman)
* SOLR-1889: The default logic for the 'mm' param of DismaxQParser and
ExtendedDismaxQParser has been changed to be determined based on the
effective value of the 'q.op' param (hossman)
* SOLR-1946: Misc improvements to the SystemInfoHandler: /admin/system
* SOLR-2289: Tweak spatial coords for example docs so they are a bit
more spread out (Erick Erickson via hossman)
* SOLR-2288: Small tweaks to eliminate compiler warnings. primarily
using Generics where applicable in method/object declarations, and
adding @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") when appropriate (hossman)
* SOLR-2375: Suggester Lookup implementations now store trie data
and load it back on init. This means that large tries don't have to be
rebuilt on every commit or core reload. (ab)
* SOLR-2413: Support for returning multi-valued fields w/o <arr> tag
in the XMLResponseWriter was removed. XMLResponseWriter only
no longer work with values less then 2.2 (ryan)
* SOLR-2423: FieldType argument changed from String to Object
Conversion from SolrInputDocument > Object > Fieldable is now managed
by FieldType rather then DocumentBuilder. (ryan)
* SOLR-2461: QuerySenderListener and AbstractSolrEventListener are
now public (hossman)
* LUCENE-2995: Moved some spellchecker and suggest APIs to modules/suggest:
HighFrequencyDictionary, SortedIterator, TermFreqIterator, and the
suggester APIs and implementations. (rmuir)
* SOLR-2576: Remove deprecated SpellingResult.add(Token, int).
(James Dyer via rmuir)
* LUCENE-3232: Moved MutableValue classes to new 'common' module. (Chris Male)
* LUCENE-2883: FunctionQuery, DocValues (and its impls), ValueSource (and its
impls) and BoostedQuery have been consolidated into the queries module. They
can now be found at o.a.l.queries.function.
* SOLR-2027: FacetField.getValues() now returns an empty list if there are no
values, instead of null (Chris Male)
* SOLR-1825: SolrQuery.addFacetQuery now enables facets automatically, like
addFacetField (Chris Male)
* SOLR-2663: FieldTypePluginLoader has been refactored out of IndexSchema
and made public. (hossman)
* SOLR-2331,SOLR-2691: Refactor CoreContainer's SolrXML serialization code and improve testing
(Yury Kats, hossman, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2698: Enhance CoreAdmin STATUS command to return index size.
(Yury Kats, hossman, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2654: The same Directory instance is now always used across a SolrCore so that
it's easier to add other DirectoryFactory's without static caching hacks.
(Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-3286: 'luke' ant target has been disabled due to incompatibilities with XML
queryparser location (Chris Male)
* SOLR-1897: The data dir from the core descriptor should override the data dir from
the solrconfig.xml rather than the other way round. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2756: Maven configuration: Excluded transitive stax:stax-api dependency
from org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl dependency. (David Smiley via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-2588: Moved VelocityResponseWriter back to contrib module in order to
remove it as a mandatory core dependency. (ehatcher)
* SOLR-2862: More explicit lexical resources location logged if Carrot2 clustering
extension is used. Fixed solr. impl. of IResource and IResourceLookup. (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-1123: Changed JSONResponseWriter to now use application/json as its Content-Type
by default. However the Content-Type can be overwritten and is set to text/plain in
the example configuration. (Uri Boness, Chris Male)
* SOLR-2607: Removed deprecated client/ruby directory, which included solr-ruby and flare.
* SOLR-3032: logOnce from SolrException logOnce and all the supporting
structure is gone. abortOnConfigurationError is also gone as it is no longer referenced.
Errors should be caught and logged at the top-most level or logged and NOT propagated up the
chain. (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-2105: Remove support for deprecated "update.processor" (since 3.2), in favor of
"update.chain" (janhoy)
* SOLR-3005: Default QueryResponseWriters are now initialized via init() with an empty
NamedList. (Gasol Wu, Chris Male)
* SOLR-2607: Removed obsolete client/ folder (ehatcher, Eric Pugh, janhoy)
* SOLR-3202, SOLR-3244: Dropping Support for JSP. New Admin UI is all client side
(ryan, Aliaksandr Zhuhrou, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-3159: Upgrade example and tests to run with Jetty 8 (ryan)
* SOLR-3254: Upgrade Solr to Tika 1.1 (janhoy)
* SOLR-3329: Dropped getSourceID() from SolrInfoMBean and using
getClass().getPackage().getSpecificationVersion() for Version. (ryan)
* SOLR-3302: Upgraded SLF4j to version 1.6.4 (hossman)
* SOLR-3322: Add more context to IndexReaderFactory.newReader (ab)
* SOLR-3343: Moved FastWriter, FileUtils, RegexFileFilter, RTimer and SystemIdResolver
from org.apache.solr.common to org.apache.solr.util (Chris Male)
* SOLR-3357: ResourceLoader.newInstance now accepts a Class representation of the expected
instance type (Chris Male)
* SOLR-3388: HTTP caching is now disabled by default for RequestUpdateHandlers. (ryan)
* SOLR-3309: web.xml now specifies metadata-complete=true (which requires
Servlet 2.5) to prevent servlet containers from scanning class annotations
on startup. This allows for faster startup times on some servlet containers.
(Bill Bell, hossman)
* SOLR-1893: Refactored some common code from LRUCache and FastLRUCache into
SolrCacheBase (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via hossman)
* SOLR-3403: Deprecated Analysis Factories now log their own deprecation messages.
No logging support is provided by Factory parent classes. (Chris Male)
* SOLR-1258: PingRequestHandler is now directly configured with a
"healthcheckFile" instead of looking for the legacy
<admin><healthcheck/></admin> syntax. Filenames specified as relative
paths have been fixed so that they are resolved against the data dir
instead of the CWD of the java process. (hossman)
* SOLR-3083: JMX beans now report Numbers as numeric values rather then String
(Tagged Siteops, Greg Bowyer via ryan)
* SOLR-2796: Due to low level changes to support SolrCloud, the uniqueKey
field can no longer be populated via <copyField/> or <field default=...>
in the schema.xml.
* SOLR-3534: The Dismax and eDismax query parsers will fall back on the 'df' parameter
when 'qf' is absent. And if neither is present nor the schema default search field
then an exception will be thrown now. (dsmiley)
* SOLR-3262: The "threads" feature of DIH is removed (deprecated in Solr 3.6)
(James Dyer)
* SOLR-3422: Refactored DIH internal data classes. All entities in
data-config.xml must have a name (James Dyer)
* SOLR-2232: Improved README info on solr.solr.home in examples
(Eric Pugh and hossman)
================== 3.6.2 ==================
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-3790: ConcurrentModificationException could be thrown when using hl.fl=*.
(yonik, koji)
* SOLR-3589: Edismax parser does not honor mm parameter if analyzer splits a token.
(Tom Burton-West, Robert Muir)
================== 3.6.1 ==================
More information about this release, including any errata related to the
release notes, upgrade instructions, or other changes may be found online at:
Bug Fixes
* LUCENE-3969: Throw IAE on bad arguments that could cause confusing errors in
PatternTokenizer. CommonGrams populates PositionLengthAttribute correctly.
(Uwe Schindler, Mike McCandless, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3361: ReplicationHandler "maxNumberOfBackups" doesn't work if backups are triggered on commit
(James Dyer, Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-3375: Fix charset problems with HttpSolrServer (Roger Håkansson, yonik, siren)
* SOLR-3436: Group count incorrect when not all shards are queried in the second
pass. (Francois Perron, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3454: Exception when using result grouping with main=true and using
wt=javabin. (Ludovic Boutros, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3489: Config file replication less error prone (Jochen Just via janhoy)
* SOLR-3477: SOLR does not start up when no cores are defined (Tomás Fernández Löbbe via tommaso)
* SOLR-3470: contrib/clustering: custom Carrot2 tokenizer and stemmer factories
are respected now (Stanislaw Osinski, Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-3360: More DIH bug fixes for the deprecated "threads" parameter.
(Mikhail Khludnev, Claudio R, via James Dyer)
* SOLR-3430: Added a new DIH test against a real SQL database. Fixed problems
revealed by this new test related to the expanded cache support added to
3.6/SOLR-2382 (James Dyer)
* SOLR-3336: SolrEntityProcessor substitutes most variables at query time.
(Michael Kroh, Lance Norskog, via Martijn van Groningen)
================== 3.6.0 ==================
More information about this release, including any errata related to the
release notes, upgrade instructions, or other changes may be found online at:
Upgrading from Solr 3.5
* SOLR-2983: As a consequence of moving the code which sets a MergePolicy from SolrIndexWriter to SolrIndexConfig,
(custom) MergePolicies should now have an empty constructor; thus an IndexWriter should not be passed as constructor
parameter but instead set using the setIndexWriter() method.
* As doGet() methods in SimplePostTool was changed to static, the client applications of this
class need to be recompiled.
* In Solr version 3.5 and earlier, HTMLStripCharFilter had known bugs in the
character offsets it provided, triggering e.g. exceptions in highlighting.
HTMLStripCharFilter has been re-implemented, addressing this and other
issues. See the entry for LUCENE-3690 in the Bug Fixes section below for a
detailed list of changes. For people who depend on the behavior of
HTMLStripCharFilter in Solr version 3.5 and earlier: the old implementation
(bugs and all) is preserved as LegacyHTMLStripCharFilter.
* As of Solr 3.6, the <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> sections of solrconfig.xml are deprecated
and replaced with a new <indexConfig> section. Read more in SOLR-1052 below.
* SOLR-3040: The DIH's admin UI (dataimport.jsp) now requires DIH request handlers to start with
a '/'. (dsmiley)
* SOLR-3161: <requestDispatcher handleSelect="false"> is now the default. An existing config will
probably work as-is because handleSelect was explicitly enabled in default configs. HandleSelect
makes /select work as well as enables the 'qt' parameter. Instead, consider explicitly
configuring /select as is done in the example solrconfig.xml, and register your other search
handlers with a leading '/' which is a recommended practice. (David Smiley, Erik Hatcher)
* SOLR-3161: Don't use the 'qt' parameter with a leading '/'. It probably won't work in 4.0
and it's now limited in 3.6 to SearchHandler subclasses that aren't lazy-loaded.
* SOLR-2724: Specifying <defaultSearchField> and <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="..."/> in
schema.xml is now considered deprecated. Instead you are encouraged to specify these via the "df"
and "q.op" parameters in your request handler definition. (David Smiley)
* Bugs found and fixed in the SignatureUpdateProcessor that previously caused
some documents to produce the same signature even when the configured fields
contained distinct (non-String) values. Users of SignatureUpdateProcessor
are strongly advised that they should re-index as document signatures may
have now changed. (see SOLR-3200 & SOLR-3226 for details)
New Features
* SOLR-2020: Add Java client that uses Apache Http Components http client (4.x).
(Chantal Ackermann, Ryan McKinley, Yonik Seeley, siren)
* SOLR-2854: Now load URL content stream data (via stream.url) when called for during request handling,
rather than loading URL content streams automatically regardless of use.
(David Smiley and Ryan McKinley via ehatcher)
* SOLR-2904: BinaryUpdateRequestHandler should be able to accept multiple update requests from
a stream (shalin)
* SOLR-1565: StreamingUpdateSolrServer supports RequestWriter API and therefore, javabin update
format (shalin)
* SOLR-2438 added MultiTermAwareComponent to the various classes to allow automatic lowercasing
for multiterm queries (wildcards, regex, prefix, range, etc). You can now optionally specify a
"multiterm" analyzer in our schema.xml, but Solr should "do the right thing" if you don't
specify <fieldType="multiterm"> (Pete Sturge Erick Erickson, Mentoring from Seeley and Muir)
* SOLR-2919: Added support for localized range queries when the analysis chain uses
CollationKeyFilter or ICUCollationKeyFilter. (Michael Sokolov, rmuir)
* SOLR-2982: Added BeiderMorseFilterFactory for Beider-Morse (BMPM) phonetic encoder. Upgrades
commons-codec to version 1.6 (Brooke Schreier Ganz, rmuir)
* SOLR-1843: A new "rootName" attribute is now available when
configuring <jmx/> in solrconfig.xml. If this attribute is set,
Solr will use it as the root name for all MBeans Solr exposes via
JMX. The default root name is "solr" followed by the core name.
(Constantijn Visinescu, hossman)
* SOLR-2906: Added LFU cache options to Solr. (Shawn Heisey via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-3036: Ability to specify overwrite=false on the URL for XML updates.
(Sami Siren via yonik)
* SOLR-2603: Add the encoding function for alternate fields in highlighting.
(Massimo Schiavon, koji)
* SOLR-1729: Evaluation of NOW for date math is done only once per request for
consistency, and is also propagated to shards in distributed search.
Adding a parameter NOW=<time_in_ms> to the request will override the
current time. (Peter Sturge, yonik, Simon Willnauer)
* SOLR-1709: Distributed support for Date and Numeric Range Faceting
(Peter Sturge, David Smiley, hossman, Simon Willnauer)
* SOLR-3054, LUCENE-3671: Add TypeTokenFilterFactory that creates TypeTokenFilter
that filters tokens based on their TypeAttribute. (Tommaso Teofili via
Uwe Schindler)
* LUCENE-3305, SOLR-3056: Added Kuromoji morphological analyzer for Japanese.
See the 'text_ja' fieldtype in the example to get started.
(Christian Moen, Masaru Hasegawa via Robert Muir)
* SOLR-1860: StopFilterFactory, CommonGramsFilterFactory, and
CommonGramsQueryFilterFactory can optionally read stopwords in Snowball
format (specify format="snowball"). (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3105: ElisionFilterFactory optionally allows the parameter
ignoreCase (default=false). (Robert Muir)
* LUCENE-3714: Add WFSTLookupFactory, a suggester that uses a weighted FST
for more fine-grained suggestions. (Mike McCandless, Dawid Weiss, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3143: Add SuggestQueryConverter, a QueryConverter intended for
auto-suggesters. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3033: ReplicationHandler's backup command now supports a 'maxNumberOfBackups'
init param that can be used to delete all but the most recent N backups. (Torsten Krah, James Dyer)
* SOLR-2202: Currency FieldType, whith support for currencies and exchange rates
(Greg Fodor & Andrew Morrison via janhoy, rmuir, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-3026: eDismax: Locking down which fields can be explicitly queried (user fields aka uf)
(janhoy, hossmann, Tomás Fernández Löbbe)
* SOLR-2826: URLClassify Update Processor (janhoy)
* SOLR-2764: Create a NorwegianLightStemmer and NorwegianMinimalStemmer (janhoy)
* SOLR-3221: Added the ability to directly configure aspects of the concurrency
and thread-pooling used within distributed search in solr. This allows for finer
grained controlled and can be tuned by end users to target their own specific
requirements. This builds on the work of the HttpCommComponent and uses the same configuration
block to configure the thread pool. The default configuration has
the same behaviour as solr 3.5, favouring throughput over latency. More
information can be found on the wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml) (Greg Bowyer)
* SOLR-2001: The query component will substitute an empty query that matches
no documents if the query parser returns null. This also prevents an
exception from being thrown by the default parser if "q" is missing. (yonik)
- SOLR-435: if q is "" then it's also acceptable. (dsmiley, hoss)
* SOLR-2919: Added parametric tailoring options to ICUCollationKeyFilterFactory.
These can be used to customize range query/sort behavior, for example to
support numeric collation, ignore punctuation/whitespace, ignore accents but
not case, control whether upper/lowercase values are sorted first, etc. (rmuir)
* SOLR-2346: Add a chance to set content encoding explicitly via content type
of stream for extracting request handler. This is convenient when Tika's
auto detector cannot detect encoding, especially the text file is too short
to detect encoding. (koji)
* SOLR-1499: Added SolrEntityProcessor that imports data from another Solr core
or instance based on a specified query.
(Lance Norskog, Erik Hatcher, Pulkit Singhal, Ahmet Arslan, Luca Cavanna,
Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3190: Minor improvements to SolrEntityProcessor. Add more consistency
between solr parameters and parameters used in SolrEntityProcessor and
ability to specify a custom HttpClient instance.
(Luca Cavanna via Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2382: Added pluggable cache support to DIH so that any Entity can be
made cache-able by adding the "cacheImpl" parameter. Include
"SortedMapBackedCache" to provide in-memory caching (as previously this was
the only option when using CachedSqlEntityProcessor). Users can provide
their own implementations of DIHCache for other caching strategies.
Deprecate CachedSqlEntityProcessor in favor of specifing "cacheImpl" with
SqlEntityProcessor. Make SolrWriter implement DIHWriter and allow the
possibility of pluggable Writers (DIH writing to something other than Solr).
(James Dyer, Noble Paul)
* SOLR-1931: Speedup for LukeRequestHandler and admin/schema browser. New parameter
reportDocCount defaults to 'false'. Old behavior still possible by specifying this as 'true'
(Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-3012: Move System.getProperty("type") in postData() to main() and add type argument so that
the client applications of SimplePostTool can set content type via method argument. (koji)
* SOLR-2888: FSTSuggester refactoring: internal storage is now UTF-8,
external sorting (on disk) prevents OOMs even with large data sets
(the bottleneck is now FST construction), code cleanups and API cleanups.
(Dawid Weiss, Robert Muir)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-3187 SystemInfoHandler leaks filehandles (siren)
* LUCENE-3820: Fixed invalid position indexes by reimplementing PatternReplaceCharFilter.
This change also drops real support for boundary characters -- all input is prebuffered
for pattern matching. (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-3068: Fixed NPE in ThreadDumpHandler (siren)
* SOLR-2912: Fixed File descriptor leak in ShowFileRequestHandler (Michael Ryan, shalin)
* SOLR-2819: Improved speed of parsing hex entities in HTMLStripCharFilter
(Bernhard Berger, hossman)
* SOLR-2509: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the spellchecker collate when the term contains
a hyphen. (Thomas Gambier caught the bug, Steffen Godskesen did the patch, via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-2955: Fixed IllegalStateException when querying with group.sort=score desc in sharded
environment. (Steffen Elberg Godskesen, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2956: Fixed inconsistencies in the flags (and flag key) reported by
the LukeRequestHandler (hossman)
* SOLR-1730: Made it clearer when a core failed to load as well as better logging when the
QueryElevationComponent fails to properly initialize (gsingers)
* SOLR-1520: QueryElevationComponent now supports non-string ids (gsingers)
* SOLR-3024: Fixed JSONTestUtil.matchObj, in previous releases it was not
respecting the 'delta' arg (David Smiley via hossman)
* SOLR-2542: Fixed DIH Context variables which were broken for all scopes other
then SCOPE_ENTITY (Linbin Chen & Frank Wesemann via hossman)
* SOLR-3042: Fixed Maven Jetty plugin configuration.
(David Smiley via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-2970: CSV ResponseWriter returns fields defined as stored=false in schema (janhoy)
* LUCENE-3690, LUCENE-2208, SOLR-882, SOLR-42: Re-implemented
HTMLStripCharFilter as a JFlex-generated scanner and moved it to
lucene/contrib/analyzers/common/. See below for a list of bug fixes and
other changes. To get the same behavior as HTMLStripCharFilter in Solr
version 3.5 and earlier (including the bugs), use LegacyHTMLStripCharFilter,
which is the previous implementation.
Behavior changes from the previous version:
- Known offset bugs are fixed.
- The "Mark invalid" exceptions reported in SOLR-1283 are no longer
triggered (the bug is still present in LegacyHTMLStripCharFilter).
- The character entity "'" is now always properly decoded.
- More cases of <script> tags are now properly stripped.
- CDATA sections are now handled properly.
- Valid tag name characters now include the supplementary Unicode characters
from Unicode character classes [:ID_Start:] and [:ID_Continue:].
- Uppercase character entities """, "©", ">", "<", "®",
and "&" are now recognized and handled as if they were in lowercase.
- The REPLACEMENT CHARACTER U+FFFD is now used to replace numeric character
entities for unpaired UTF-16 low and high surrogates (in the range
- Properly paired numeric character entities for UTF-16 surrogates are now
converted to the corresponding code units.
- Opening tags with unbalanced quotation marks are now properly stripped.
- Literal "<" and ">" characters in opening tags, regardless of whether they
appear inside quotation marks, now inhibit recognition (and stripping) of
the tags. The only exception to this is for values of event-handler
attributes, e.g. "onClick", "onLoad", "onSelect".
- A newline '\n' is substituted instead of a space for stripped HTML markup.
- Nothing is substituted for opening and closing inline tags - they are
simply removed. The list of inline tags is (case insensitively): <a>,
<abbr>, <acronym>, <b>, <basefont>, <bdo>, <big>, <cite>, <code>, <dfn>,
<em>, <font>, <i>, <img>, <input>, <kbd>, <label>, <q>, <s>, <samp>,
<select>, <small>, <span>, <strike>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <textarea>,
<tt>, <u>, and <var>.
- HTMLStripCharFilterFactory now handles HTMLStripCharFilter's "escapedTags"
feature: opening and closing tags with the given names, including any
attributes and their values, are left intact in the output.
(Steve Rowe)
* LUCENE-3717: Fixed offset bugs in TrimFilter, WordDelimiterFilter, and
HyphenatedWordsFilter where they would create invalid offsets in
some situations, leading to problems in highlighting. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-2280: commitWithin ignored for a delete query (Juan Grande via janhoy)
* SOLR-3073: Fixed 'Invalid UUID string' error when having an UUID field as
the unique key and executing a distributed grouping request. (Devon Krisman, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3084: Fixed initialization error when using
<queryResponseWriter default="true" ... /> (Bernd Fehling and hossman)
* SOLR-3109: Fixed numerous redundant shard requests when using distributed grouping.
(rblack via Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3052: Fixed typo in distributed grouping parameters.
(Martijn van Groningen, Grant Ingersoll)
* SOLR-2909: Add support for ResourceLoaderAware tokenizerFactories in synonym
filter factories. (Tom Klonikowski, Jun Ohtani via Koji Sekiguchi)
* SOLR-3168: ReplicationHandler "numberToKeep" & "maxNumberOfBackups" parameters
would keep only 1 backup, even if more than 1 was specified (Neil Hooey, James Dyer)
* SOLR-3009: hitGrouped.vm isn't shipped with 3.x (ehatcher, janhoy)
* SOLR-3195: timeAllowed is ignored for grouping queries
(Russell Black via Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2124: Do not log stack traces for "Service Disabled" / 503 Exceptions (PingRequestHandler, etc)
(James Dyer, others)
* SOLR-3260: DataImportHandler: ScriptTransformer gives better error messages when
problems arise on initialization (no Script Engine, invalid script, etc). (James Dyer)
* SOLR-2959: edismax now respects the magic fields '_val_' and '_query_'
(Michael Watts, hossman)
* SOLR-3074: fix SolrPluginUtils.docListToSolrDocumentList to respect the
list of fields specified. This fix also deprecates
DocumentBuilder.loadStoredFields which is not used anywhere in Solr,
and was fundamentally broken/bizarre.
(hossman, Ahmet Arslan)
* SOLR-2291: fix JSONWriter to respect field list when writing SolrDocuments
(Ahmet Arslan via hossman)
* SOLR-3264: Fix CoreContainer and SolrResourceLoader logging to be more
clear about when SolrCores are being created, and stop misleading people
about SolrCore instanceDir's being the "Solr Home Dir" (hossman)
* SOLR-3046: Fix whitespace typo in DIH response "Time taken" (hossman)
* SOLR-3261: Fix edismax to respect query operators when literal colons
are used in query string. (Juan Grande via hossman)
* SOLR-3226: Fix SignatureUpdateProcessor to no longer ignore non-String
field values (Spyros Kapnissis, hossman)
* SOLR-3200: Fix SignatureUpdateProcessor "all fields" mode to use all
fields of each document instead of the fields specified by the first
document indexed (Spyros Kapnissis via hossman)
* SOLR-3316: Distributed grouping failed when rows parameter was set to 0 and
sometimes returned a wrong hit count as matches. (Cody Young, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-3107: contrib/langid: When using the LangDetect implementation of
langid, set the random seed to 0, so that the same document is detected as
the same language with the same probability every time.
(Christian Moen via rmuir)
* SOLR-2937: Configuring the number of contextual snippets used for
search results clustering. The hl.snippets parameter is now respected
by the clustering plugin, can be overridden by carrot.summarySnippets
if needed (Stanislaw Osinski).
* SOLR-2938: Clustering on multiple fields. The carrot.title and
carrot.snippet can now take comma- or space-separated lists of
field names to cluster (Stanislaw Osinski).
* SOLR-2939: Clustering of multilingual search results. The document's
language field be passed in the carrot.lang parameter, the carrot.lcmap
parameter enables mapping of language codes to ISO 639 (Stanislaw Osinski).
* SOLR-2940: Passing values for custom Carrot2 fields to Clustering component.
The custom field mapping are defined using the carrot.custom parameter
(Stanislaw Osinski).
* SOLR-2941: NullPointerException on clustering component initialization
when schema does not have a unique key field (Stanislaw Osinski).
* SOLR-2942: ClassCastException when passing non-textual fields to
clustering component (Stanislaw Osinski).
Other Changes
* SOLR-2922: Upgrade commons-io and commons-lang to 2.1 and 2.6, respectively. (koji)
* SOLR-2920: Refactor frequent conditional use of DefaultSolrParams and
AppendedSolrParams into factory methods.
(David Smiley via hossman)
* SOLR-3032: Deprecate logOnce from SolrException logOnce and all the supporting
structure will disappear in 4.0. Errors should be caught and logged at the
top-most level or logged and NOT propagated up the chain. (Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-2718: Add ability to lazy load response writers, defined with startup="lazy".
* SOLR-2901: Upgrade Solr to Tika 1.0 (janhoy)
* SOLR-3059: Example XSL stylesheet for indexing query result XML (janhoy)
* SOLR-3097, SOLR-3105: Add analysis configurations for different languages to
the example. (Christian Moen, Robert Muir)
* SOLR-3005: Default QueryResponseWriters are now initialized via init() with an empty
NamedList. (Gasol Wu, Chris Male)
* SOLR-3140: Upgrade schema version to 1.5, where omitNorms defaults to "true" for all
primitive (non-analyzed) field types such as int, float, date, bool, string.. (janhoy)
* SOLR-3077: Better error messages when attempting to use "blank" field names
(Antony Stubbs via hossman)
* SOLR-2712: expecting fl=score to return all fields is now deprecated.
In solr 4.0, this will only return the score. (ryan)
* SOLR-3156: Check for Lucene directory locks at startup. In previous versions
this check was only performed during modifying (e.g. adding and deleting
documents) the index. (Luca Cavanna via Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-1052: Deprecated <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> in solrconfig.xml
From now, all settings go in the new <indexConfig> tag, and some defaults are
changed: useCompoundFile=false, ramBufferSizeMB=32, lockType=native, so that
the effect of NOT specifying <indexConfig> at all gives same result as the
example config used to give in 3.5 (janhoy, gsingers)
* SOLR-3294: In contrib/clustering/lib/, replaced the manually retrowoven
Java 1.5-compatible carrot2-core-3.5.0.jar (which is not publicly available,
except from the Solr Subversion repository), with newly released Java
1.5-compatible carrot2-core- (hosted on the Maven Central
repository). Also updated dependencies jackson-core-asl and
jackson-mapper-asl (both v1.5.2 -> v1.7.4). (Dawid Weiss, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-3295: netcdf jar is excluded from the binary release (and disabled in
ivy.xml) because it requires java 6. If you want to parse this content with
extracting request handler and are willing to use java 6, just add the jar.
* SOLR-3142: DIH Imports no longer default optimize to true, instead false.
If you want to force all segments to be merged into one, you can specify
this parameter yourself. NOTE: this can be very expensive operation and
usually does not make sense for delta-imports. (Robert Muir)
* SOLR-2487: Add build target to package war without slf4j jars (janhoy)
* SOLR-3112: Fix tests not to write to src/test-files (Luca Cavanna via Robert Muir)
* LUCENE-3753: Restructure the Solr build system. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-3204: The packaged pre-release artifact of Commons CSV used the original
package name (org.apache.commons.csv). This created a compatibility issue as
the Apache Commons team works toward an official release of Commons CSV.
The source of Commons CSV was added under a separate package name to the
Solr source code. (Uwe Schindler, Chris Male, Emmanuel Bourg)
* LUCENE-3930: Changed build system to use Apache Ivy for retrival of 3rd
party JAR files. Please review README.txt for instructions.
(Robert Muir, Chris Male, Uwe Schindler, Steven Rowe, Hossman)
================== 3.5.0 ==================
New Features
* SOLR-2749: Add boundary scanners for FastVectorHighlighter. <boundaryScanner/>
can be specified with a name in solrconfig.xml, and use hl.boundaryScanner=name
parameter to specify the named <boundaryScanner/>. (koji)
* SOLR-2066,SOLR-2776: Added support for distributed grouping.
(Martijn van Groningen, Jasper van Veghel, Matt Beaumont)
* SOLR-2769: Added factory for the new Hunspell stemmer capable of doing stemming
for 99 languages (janhoy, cmale)
* SOLR-1979: New contrib "langid". Adds language identification capabilities as an
Update Processor, using Tika's LanguageIdentifier or Cybozu language-detection
library (janhoy, Tommaso Teofili, gsingers)
* SOLR-2818: Added before/after count response parsing support for range facets in
SolrJ. (Bernhard Frauendienst via Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2276: Add support for cologne phonetic to PhoneticFilterFactory.
(Marc Pompl via rmuir)
* SOLR-1926: Add hl.q parameter. (koji)
* SOLR-2881: Numeric types now support sortMissingFirst/Last. This includes Trie and date types
(Ryan McKinley, Mike McCandless, Uwe Schindler, Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-1023: StatsComponent now supports date fields and string fields.
(Chris Male, Mark Holland, Gunnlaugur Thor Briem, Ryan McKinley)
* SOLR-2578: ReplicationHandler's backup command now supports a 'numberToKeep'
request param that can be used to delete all but the most recent N backups.
(James Dyer via hossman)
* SOLR-2839: Add alternative implementation to contrib/langid supporting 53
languages, based on http://code.google.com/p/language-detection/ (rmuir)
* SOLR-2742: SolrJ: Provide commitWithinMs as optional parameter for all add() methods,
making the feature more conveniently accessible for developers (janhoy)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-2748: The CommitTracker used for commitWith or autoCommit by maxTime
could commit too frequently and could block adds until a new searcher was
registered. (yonik)
* SOLR-2726: Fixed NullPointerException when using spellcheck.q with Suggester.
(Bernd Fehling, valentin via rmuir)
* SOLR-2772: Fixed Date parsing/formatting of years 0001-1000 (hossman)
* SOLR-2763: Extracting update request handler throws exception and returns 400
when zero-length file posted using multipart form post (janhoy)
* SOLR-2780: Fixed issue where multi select facets didn't respect group.truncate parameter.
(Martijn van Groningen, Ramzi Alqrainy)
* SOLR-2793: In rare cases (most likely during shutdown), a SolrIndexSearcher can be left
open if the executor rejects a task. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2791: Replication: abortfetch command is broken if replication was started
by fetchindex command instead of a regular poll (Yury Kats via shalin)
* SOLR-2861: Fix extremely rare race condition on commit that can result
in a NPE (yonik)
* SOLR-2813: Fix HTTP error codes returned when requests contain strings that
can not be parsed as numbers for Trie fields. (Jeff Crump and hossman)
* SOLR-2902: List of collations are wrong parsed in SpellCheckResponse causing
a wrong number of collation results in the response.
(Bastiaan Verhoef, James Dyer via Simon Willnauer)
* SOLR-2875: Fix the incorrect url in DIH example tika-data-config.xml
(Shinichiro Abe via koji)
Other Changes
* SOLR-2750: Make both "update.chain" and the deprecated "update.param" work
consistently everywhere; see also SOLR-2105. (Mark Miller, janhoy)
* LUCENE-3410: Deprecated the WordDelimiterFilter constructors accepting multiple
ints masquerading as booleans. Preferred constructor now accepts a single int
bitfield (Chris Male)
* SOLR-2758: Moved ConcurrentLRUCache from o.a.s.common.util package in the solrj
module to the o.a.s.util package in the Solr core module.
(David Smiley via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-2766: Package individual javadoc sites for solrj and test-framework.
(Steve Rowe, Mike McCandless)
* SOLR-2771: Solr modules' tests should not depend on solr-core test classes;
move BufferingRequestProcessor from solr-core tests to test-framework so that
the Solr Cell module can use it. (janhoy, Steve Rowe)
* LUCENE-3457: Upgrade commons-compress to 1.2 (Doron Cohen)
* SOLR-2757: min() and max() functions now support an arbitrary number of
ValueSources (Bill Bell via hossman)
* SOLR-2372: Upgrade Solr to Tika 0.10 (janhoy)
* SOLR-2792: Allow case insensitive Hunspell stemming (janhoy, rmuir)
* SOLR-2862: More explicit lexical resources location logged if Carrot2 clustering
extension is used. Fixed solr. impl. of IResource and IResourceLookup. (Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-2849: Fix dependencies in Maven POMs. (David Smiley via Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-2591: Remove commitLockTimeout option from solrconfig.xml (Luca Cavanna via Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2746: Upgraded UIMA dependencies from *-2.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to *-2.3.1.jar.
================== 3.4.0 ==================
Upgrading from Solr 3.3
* The Lucene index format has changed and as a result, once you upgrade,
previous versions of Solr will no longer be able to read your indices.
In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves should be upgraded
before the master. If the master were to be updated first, the older
searchers would not be able to read the new index format.
* Previous versions of Solr silently allow and ignore some contradictory
properties specified in schema.xml. For example:
- indexed="false" omitNorms="false"
- indexed="false" omitTermFreqAndPositions="false"
Field property validation has now been fixed, to ensure that
contradictions like these now generate error messages. If users
have existing schemas that generate one of these new "conflicting
'false' field options for non-indexed field" error messages the
conflicting "omit*" properties can safely be removed, or changed to
"true" for consistent behavior with previous Solr versions. This
situation has now been fixed to cause an error on startup when these
contradictory options. See SOLR-2669.
* FacetComponent no longer catches and embeds exceptions occurred during facet
processing, it throws HTTP 400 or 500 exceptions instead.
New Features
* SOLR-2540: CommitWithin as an Update Request parameter
You can now specify &commitWithin=N (ms) on the update request (janhoy)
* SOLR-2458: post.jar enhanced to handle JSON, CSV and <optimize> (janhoy)
* LUCENE-3234: add a new parameter hl.phraseLimit for FastVectorHighlighter speed up.
(Mike Sokolov via koji)
* SOLR-2429: Ability to add cache=false to queries and query filters to avoid
using the filterCache or queryCache. A cost may also be specified and is used
to order the evaluation of non-cached filters from least to greatest cost .
For very expensive query filters (cost >= 100) if the query implements
the PostFilter interface, it will be used to obtain a Collector that is
checked only for documents that match the main query and all other filters.
The "frange" query now implements the PostFilter interface. (yonik)
* SOLR-2630: Added new XsltUpdateRequestHandler that works like
XmlUpdateRequestHandler but allows to transform the POSTed XML document
using XSLT. This allows to POST arbitrary XML documents to the update
handler, as long as you also provide a XSL to transform them to a valid
Solr input document. (Upayavira, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-2615: Log individual updates (adds and deletes) at the FINE level
before adding to the index. Fix a null pointer exception in logging
when there was no unique key. (David Smiley via yonik)
* LUCENE-2048: Added omitPositions to the schema, so you can omit position
information while still indexing term frequencies. (rmuir)
* SOLR-2584: add UniqFieldsUpdateProcessor that removes duplicate values in the
specified fields. (Elmer Garduno, koji)
* SOLR-2670: Added NIOFSDirectoryFactory (yonik)
* SOLR-2523: Added support in SolrJ to easily interact with range facets.
The range facet response can be parsed and is retrievable from the
QueryResponse class. The SolrQuery class has convenient methods for using
range facets. (Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2637: Added support for group result parsing in SolrJ.
(Tao Cheng, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2665: Added post group faceting. Facet counts are based on the most
relevant document of each group matching the query. This feature has the
same impact on the StatsComponent. (Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2675: CoreAdminHandler now allows arbitrary properties to be
specified when CREATEing a new SolrCore using property.* request
params. (Yury Kats, hossman)
* SOLR-2714: JSON update format - "null" field values are now dropped
instead of causing an exception. (Trygve Laugstøl, yonik)
* LUCENE-3233: Improved memory usage, build time, and performance of
SynonymFilterFactory. (Mike McCandless, Robert Muir)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-2625: TermVectorComponent throws NPE if TF-IDF option is used without DF
option. (Daniel Erenrich, Simon Willnauer)
* SOLR-2631: PingRequestHandler should not allow to ping itself using "qt"
param to prevent infinite loop. (Edoardo Tosca, Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-2636: Fix explain functionality for negative queries. (Tom Hill via yonik)
* SOLR-2538: Range Faceting on long/double fields could overflow if values
bigger then the max int/float were used.
(Erbi Hanka, hossman)
* SOLR-2230: CommonsHttpSolrServer.addFile could not be used to send
multiple files in a single request.
(Stephan Günther, hossman)
* SOLR-2541: PluginInfos was not correctly parsing <long/> tags when
initializing plugins
(Frank Wesemann, hossman)
* SOLR-2623: Solr JMX MBeans do not survive core reloads (Alexey Serba, shalin)
* Fixed grouping bug when start is bigger than rows and format is simple that zero documents are returned even
if there are documents to display. (Martijn van Groningen, Nikhil Chhaochharia)
* SOLR-2564: Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using simple format and
start > 0 (Martijn van Groningen, Matteo Melli)
* SOLR-2642: Fixed sorting by function when using grouping. (Thomas Heigl, Martijn van Groningen)
* SOLR-2535: REGRESSION: in Solr 3.x and trunk the admin/file handler
fails to show directory listings (David Smiley, Peter Wolanin via Erick Erickson)
* SOLR-2545: ExternalFileField file parsing would fail if any key
contained an "=" character. It now only looks for the last "=" delimiter
prior to the float value.
(Markus Jelsma, hossman)
* SOLR-2662: When Solr is configured to have no queryResultCache, the
"start" parameter was not honored and the documents returned were
0 through start+offset. (Markus Jelsma, yonik)
* SOLR-2669: Fix backwards validation of field properties in
SchemaField.calcProps (hossman)
* SOLR-2676: Add "welcome-file-list" to solr.war so admin UI works correctly
in servlet containers such as WebSphere that do not use a default list
(Jay R. Jaeger, hossman)
* SOLR-2606: Fixed sort parsing of fields containing punctuation that
failed due to sort by function changes introduced in SOLR-1297
(Mitsu Hadeishi, hossman)
* SOLR-2706: contrib/clustering: The carrot.lexicalResourcesDir parameter
now works with absolute directories (Stanislaw Osinski)
* SOLR-2692: contrib/clustering: Typo in param name fixed: "carrot.fragzise"
changed to "carrot.fragSize" (Stanislaw Osinski).
* SOLR-2644: When using DIH with threads=2 the default logging is set too high
(Bill Bell via shalin)
* SOLR-2492: DIH does not commit if only deletes are processed
(James Dyer via shalin)
* SOLR-2186: DataImportHandler's multi-threaded option throws NPE
(Lance Norskog, Frank Wesemann, shalin)
* SOLR-2655: DIH multi threaded mode does not resolve attributes correctly
(Frank Wesemann, shalin)
* SOLR-2695: DIH: Documents are collected in unsynchronized list in
multi-threaded debug mode (Michael McCandless, shalin)
* SOLR-2668: DIH multithreaded mode does not rollback on errors from
EntityProcessor (Frank Wesemann, shalin)
Other Changes
* SOLR-2629: Eliminate deprecation warnings in some JSPs.
(Bernd Fehling, hossman)
* SOLR-2743: Remove commons logging from contrib/extraction. (koji)
* SOLR-2452,SOLR-2653,LUCENE-3323,SOLR-2659,LUCENE-3329,SOLR-2666:
Rewrote the Solr build system:
- Integrated more fully with the Lucene build system: generalized the
Lucene build system and eliminated duplication.
- Converted all Solr contribs to the Lucene/Solr conventional src/ layout:
java/, resources/, test/, and test-files/<contrib-name>.
- Created a new Solr-internal module named "core" by moving the java/,
test/, and test-files/ directories from solr/src/ to solr/core/src/.
- Merged solr/src/webapp/src/ into solr/core/src/java/.
- Eliminated solr/src/ by moving all its directories up one level;
renamed solr/src/site/ to solr/site-src/ because solr/site/ already
- Merged solr/src/common/ into solr/solrj/src/java/.
- Moved o.a.s.client.solrj.* and o.a.s.common.* tests from
solr/src/test/ to solr/solrj/src/test/.
- Made the solrj tests not depend on the solr core tests by moving
some classes from solr/src/test/ to solr/test-framework/src/java/.
- Each internal module (core/, solrj/, test-framework/, and webapp/)
now has its own build.xml, from which it is possible to run
module-specific targets. solr/build.xml delegates all build
tasks (via <ant dir="internal-module-dir"> calls) to these
modules' build.xml files.
(Steve Rowe, Robert Muir)
* LUCENE-3406: Add ant target 'package-local-src-tgz' to Lucene and Solr
to package sources from the local working copy.
(Seung-Yeoul Yang via Steve Rowe)
================== 3.3.0 ==================
Upgrading from Solr 3.2.0
* SolrCore's CloseHook API has been changed in a backward-incompatible way. It
has been changed from an interface to an abstract class. Any custom
components which use the SolrCore.addCloseHook method will need to
be modified accordingly. To migrate, put your old CloseHook#close impl into
New Features
* SOLR-2378: A new, automaton-based, implementation of suggest (autocomplete)
component, offering an order of magnitude smaller memory consumption
compared to ternary trees and jaspell and very fast lookups at runtime.
(Dawid Weiss)
* SOLR-2400: Field- and DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler now provide a position
history for each token, so you can follow the token through all analysis stages.
The output contains a separate int[] attribute containing all positions from
previous Tokenizers/TokenFilters (called "positionHistory").
(Uwe Schindler)
* SOLR-2524: (SOLR-236, SOLR-237, SOLR-1773, SOLR-1311) Grouping / Field collapsing
using the Lucene grouping contrib. The search result can be grouped by field and query.
(Martijn van Groningen, Emmanuel Keller, Shalin Shekhar Mangar, Koji Sekiguchi,
Iván de Prado, Ryan McKinley, Marc Sturlese, Peter Karich, Bojan Smid,
Charles Hornberger, Dieter Grad, Dmitry Lihachev, Doug Steigerwald,
Karsten Sperling, Michael Gundlach, Oleg Gnatovskiy, Thomas Traeger,
Harish Agarwal, yonik, Michael McCandless, Bill Bell)
* SOLR-1331 -- Added a srcCore parameter to CoreAdminHandler's mergeindexes action
to merge one or more cores' indexes to a target core (shalin)
* SOLR-2610 -- Add an option to delete index through CoreAdmin UNLOAD action (shalin)
* SOLR-2480: Add ignoreTikaException flag to the extraction request handler so
that users can ignore TikaException but index meta data.
(Shinichiro Abe, koji)
* SOLR-2582: Use uniqueKey for error log in UIMAUpdateRequestProcessor.
(Tommaso Teofili via koji)
* SOLR-2567: Solr now defaults to TieredMergePolicy. See http://s.apache.org/merging
for more information. (rmuir)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-2519: Improve text_* fieldTypes in example schema.xml: improve
cross-language defaults for text_general; break out separate
English-specific fieldTypes (Jan Høydahl, hossman, Robert Muir,
yonik, Mike McCandless)
* SOLR-2462: Fix extremely high memory usage problems with spellcheck.collate.
Separately, an additional spellcheck.maxCollationEvaluations (default=10000)
parameter is added to avoid excessive CPU time in extreme cases (e.g. long
queries with many misspelled words). (James Dyer via rmuir)
* SOLR-2579: UIMAUpdateRequestProcessor ignore error fails if text.length() < 100.
(Elmer Garduno via koji)
* SOLR-2581: UIMAToSolrMapper wrongly instantiates Type with reflection.
(Tommaso Teofili via koji)
* SOLR-2551: Check dataimport.properties for write access (if delta-import is
supported in DIH configuration) before starting an import (C S, shalin)
Other Changes
* SOLR-2571: Add a commented out example of the spellchecker's thresholdTokenFrequency
parameter to the example solrconfig.xml, and also add a unit test for this feature.
(James Dyer via rmuir)
* SOLR-2576: Deprecate SpellingResult.add(Token token, int docFreq), please use
SpellingResult.addFrequency(Token token, int docFreq) instead.
(James Dyer via rmuir)
* SOLR-2574: Upgrade slf4j to v1.6.1 (shalin)
* LUCENE-3204: The maven-ant-tasks jar is now included in the source tree;
users of the generate-maven-artifacts target no longer have to manually
place this jar in the Ant classpath. NOTE: when Ant looks for the
maven-ant-tasks jar, it looks first in its pre-existing classpath, so
any copies it finds will be used instead of the copy included in the
Lucene/Solr source tree. For this reason, it is recommeded to remove
any copies of the maven-ant-tasks jar in the Ant classpath, e.g. under
~/.ant/lib/ or under the Ant installation's lib/ directory. (Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-2611: Fix typos in the example configuration (Eric Pugh via rmuir)
================== 3.2.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Lucene trunk
Apache Tika 0.8
Carrot2 3.4.2
Upgrading from Solr 3.1
* The updateRequestProcessorChain for a RequestHandler is now defined
with update.chain rather than update.processor. The latter still works,
but has been deprecated.
* <uimaConfig/> just beneath <config> ... </config> is no longer supported.
It should move to UIMAUpdateRequestProcessorFactory setting.
See contrib/uima/README.txt for more details. (SOLR-2436)
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-2496: Add ability to specify overwrite and commitWithin as request
parameters (e.g. specified in the URL) when using the JSON update format,
and added a simplified format for specifying multiple documents.
Example: [{"id":"doc1"},{"id":"doc2"}]
* SOLR-2113: Add TermQParserPlugin, registered as "term". This is useful
when generating filter queries from terms returned from field faceting or
the terms component. Example: fq={!term f=weight}1.5 (hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-1915: DebugComponent now supports using a NamedList to model
Explanation objects in its responses instead of
Explanation.toString (hossman)
* SOLR-2448: Search results clustering updates: bisecting k-means
clustering algorithm added, loading of Carrot2 stop words from
<solr.home>/conf/carrot2 (SOLR-2449), using Solr's stopwords.txt
for clustering (SOLR-2450), output of cluster scores (SOLR-2505)
(Stanislaw Osinski, Dawid Weiss).
* SOLR-2503: extend UIMAUpdateRequestProcessorFactory mapping function to
map feature value to dynamicField. (koji)
* SOLR-2512: add ignoreErrors flag to UIMAUpdateRequestProcessorFactory so
that users can ignore exceptions in AE. (Tommaso Teofili, koji)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-2445: Change the default qt to blank in form.jsp, because there is no "standard"
request handler unless you have it in your solrconfig.xml explicitly. (koji)
* SOLR-2455: Prevent double submit of forms in admin interface.
(Jeffrey Chang via uschindler)
* SOLR-2464: Fix potential slowness in QueryValueSource (the query() function) when
the query is very sparse and may not match any documents in a segment. (yonik)
* SOLR-2469: When using java replication with replicateAfter=startup, the first
commit point on server startup is never removed. (yonik)
* SOLR-2466: SolrJ's CommonsHttpSolrServer would retry requests on failure, regardless
of the configured maxRetries, due to HttpClient having its own retry mechanism
by default. The retryCount of HttpClient is now set to 0, and SolrJ does
the retry. (yonik)
* SOLR-2409: edismax parser - treat the text of a fielded query as a literal if the
fieldname does not exist. For example Mission: Impossible should not search on
the "Mission" field unless it's a valid field in the schema. (Ryan McKinley, yonik)
* SOLR-2403: facet.sort=index reported incorrect results for distributed search
in a number of scenarios when facet.mincount>0. This patch also adds some
performance/algorithmic improvements when (facet.sort=count && facet.mincount=1
&& facet.limit=-1) and when (facet.sort=index && facet.mincount>0) (yonik)
* SOLR-2333: The "rename" core admin action does not persist the new name to solr.xml
(Rasmus Hahn, Paul R. Brown via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2390: Performance of usePhraseHighlighter is terrible on very large Documents,
regardless of hl.maxDocCharsToAnalyze. (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2474: The helper TokenStreams in analysis.jsp and AnalysisRequestHandlerBase
did not clear all attributes so they displayed incorrect attribute values for tokens
in later filter stages. (uschindler, rmuir, yonik)
* SOLR-2467: Fix <analyzer class="..." /> initialization so any errors
are logged properly. (hossman)
* SOLR-2493: SolrQueryParser was fixed to not parse the SolrConfig DOM tree on each
instantiation which is a huge slowdown. (Stephane Bailliez via uschindler)
* SOLR-2495: The JSON parser could hang on corrupted input and could fail
to detect numbers that were too large to fit in a long. (yonik)
* SOLR-2520: Make JSON response format escape \u2029 as well as \u2028
in strings since those characters are not valid in javascript strings
(although they are valid in JSON strings). (yonik)
* SOLR-2536: Add ReloadCacheRequestHandler to fix ExternalFileField bug (if reopenReaders
set to true and no index segments have been changed, commit cannot trigger reload
external file). (koji)
* SOLR-2539: VectorValueSource.floatVal incorrectly used byteVal on sub-sources.
(Tom Liu via yonik)
* SOLR-2554: RandomSortField didn't work when used in a function query. (yonik)
Other Changes
* SOLR-2061: Pull base tests out into a new Solr Test Framework module,
and publish binary, javadoc, and source test-framework jars.
(Drew Farris, Robert Muir, Steve Rowe)
* SOLR-2105: Rename RequestHandler param 'update.processor' to 'update.chain'.
(Jan Høydahl via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2485: Deprecate BaseResponseWriter, GenericBinaryResponseWriter, and
GenericTextResponseWriter. These classes will be removed in 4.0. (ryan)
* SOLR-2451: Enhance assertJQ to allow individual tests to specify the
tolerance delta used in numeric equalities. This allows for slight
variance in asserting score comparisons in unit tests.
(David Smiley, Chris Hostetter)
* SOLR-2528: Remove default="true" from HtmlEncoder in example solrconfig.xml,
because html encoding confuses non-ascii users. (koji)
* SOLR-2387: add mock annotators for improved testing in contrib/uima,
(Tommaso Teofili via rmuir)
* SOLR-2436: move uimaConfig to under the uima's update processor in
solrconfig.xml. (Tommaso Teofili, koji)
* LUCENE-3006: Building javadocs will fail on warnings by default. Override with -Dfailonjavadocwarning=false (sarowe, gsingers)
================== 3.1.0 ==================
Versions of Major Components
Apache Lucene 3.1.0
Apache Tika 0.8
Carrot2 3.4.2
Velocity 1.6.1 and Velocity Tools 2.0-beta3
Apache UIMA 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Upgrading from Solr 1.4
* The Lucene index format has changed and as a result, once you upgrade,
previous versions of Solr will no longer be able to read your indices.
In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves should be upgraded
before the master. If the master were to be updated first, the older
searchers would not be able to read the new index format.
* The Solr JavaBin format has changed as of Solr 3.1. If you are using the
JavaBin format, you will need to upgrade your SolrJ client. (SOLR-2034)
* The experimental ALIAS command has been removed (SOLR-1637)
* Using solr.xml is recommended for single cores also (SOLR-1621)
* Old syntax of <highlighting> configuration in solrconfig.xml
is deprecated (SOLR-1696)
* The deprecated HTMLStripReader, HTMLStripWhitespaceTokenizerFactory and
HTMLStripStandardTokenizerFactory were removed. To strip HTML tags,
HTMLStripCharFilter should be used instead, and it works with any
Tokenizer of your choice. (SOLR-1657)
* Field compression is no longer supported. Fields that were formerly
compressed will be uncompressed as index segments are merged. For
shorter fields, this may actually be an improvement, as the compression
used was not very good for short text. Some indexes may get larger though.
* SOLR-1845: The TermsComponent response format was changed so that the
"terms" container is a map instead of a named list. This affects
response formats like JSON, but not XML. (yonik)
* SOLR-1876: All Analyzers and TokenStreams are now final to enforce
the decorator pattern. (rmuir, uschindler)
* LUCENE-2608: Added the ability to specify the accuracy on a per request basis.
It is recommended that implementations of SolrSpellChecker should change over to the new SolrSpellChecker
methods using the new SpellingOptions class, but are not required to. While this change is
backward compatible, the trunk version of Solr has already dropped support for all but the SpellingOptions method. (gsingers)
* readercycle script was removed. (SOLR-2046)
* In previous releases, sorting or evaluating function queries on
fields that were "multiValued" (either by explicit declaration in
schema.xml or by implict behavior because the "version" attribute on
the schema was less then 1.2) did not generally work, but it would
sometimes silently act as if it succeeded and order the docs
arbitrarily. Solr will now fail on any attempt to sort, or apply a
function to, multi-valued fields
* The DataImportHandler jars are no longer included in the solr
WAR and should be added in Solr's lib directory, or referenced
via the <lib> directive in solrconfig.xml.
Detailed Change List
New Features
* SOLR-1302: Added several new distance based functions, including
Great Circle (haversine), Manhattan, Euclidean and String (using the
StringDistance methods in the Lucene spellchecker).
Also added geohash(), deg() and rad() convenience functions.
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery. (gsingers)
* SOLR-1553: New dismax parser implementation (accessible as "edismax")
that supports full lucene syntax, improved reserved char escaping,
fielded queries, improved proximity boosting, and improved stopword
handling. Note: status is experimental for now. (yonik)
* SOLR-1574: Add many new functions from java Math (e.g. sin, cos) (yonik)
* SOLR-1569: Allow functions to take in literal strings by modifying the
FunctionQParser and adding LiteralValueSource (gsingers)
* SOLR-1571: Added unicode collation support though Lucene's CollationKeyFilter
(Robert Muir via shalin)
* SOLR-785: Distributed Search support for SpellCheckComponent
(Matthew Woytowitz, shalin)
* SOLR-1625: Add regexp support for TermsComponent (Uri Boness via noble)
* SOLR-1297: Add sort by Function capability (gsingers, yonik)
* SOLR-1139: Add TermsComponent Query and Response Support in SolrJ (Matt Weber via shalin)
* SOLR-1177: Distributed Search support for TermsComponent (Matt Weber via shalin)
* SOLR-1621, SOLR-1722: Allow current single core deployments to be specified by solr.xml (Mark Miller , noble)
* SOLR-1532: Allow StreamingUpdateSolrServer to use a provided HttpClient (Gabriele Renzi via shalin)
* SOLR-1653: Add PatternReplaceCharFilter (koji)
* SOLR-1131: FieldTypes can now output multiple Fields per Type and still be searched. This can be handy for hiding the details of a particular
implementation such as in the spatial case. (Chris Mattmann, shalin, noble, gsingers, yonik)
* SOLR-1586: Add support for Geohash and Spatial Tile FieldType (Chris Mattmann, gsingers)
* SOLR-1697: PluginInfo should load plugins w/o class attribute also (noble)
* SOLR-1268: Incorporate FastVectorHighlighter (koji)
* SOLR-1750: SolrInfoMBeanHandler added for simpler programmatic access
to info currently available from registry.jsp and stats.jsp
(ehatcher, hossman)
* SOLR-1815: SolrJ now preserves the order of facet queries. (yonik)
* SOLR-1677: Add support for choosing the Lucene Version for Lucene components within
Solr. (Uwe Schindler, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1379: Add RAMDirectoryFactory for non-persistent in memory index storage.
(Alex Baranov via yonik)
* SOLR-1857: Synced Solr analysis with Lucene 3.1. Added KeywordMarkerFilterFactory
and StemmerOverrideFilterFactory, which can be used to tune stemming algorithms.
Added factories for Bulgarian, Czech, Hindi, Turkish, and Wikipedia analysis. Improved the
performance of SnowballPorterFilterFactory. (rmuir)
* SOLR-1657: Converted remaining TokenStreams to the Attributes-based API. All Solr
TokenFilters now support custom Attributes, and some have improved performance:
especially WordDelimiterFilter and CommonGramsFilter. (rmuir, cmale, uschindler)
* SOLR-1740: ShingleFilterFactory supports the "minShingleSize" and "tokenSeparator"
parameters for controlling the minimum shingle size produced by the filter, and
the separator string that it uses, respectively. (Steven Rowe via rmuir)
* SOLR-744: ShingleFilterFactory supports the "outputUnigramsIfNoShingles"
parameter, to output unigrams if the number of input tokens is fewer than
minShingleSize, and no shingles can be generated.
(Chris Harris via Steven Rowe)
* SOLR-1923: PhoneticFilterFactory now has support for the
Caverphone algorithm. (rmuir)
* SOLR-1957: The VelocityResponseWriter contrib moved to core.
Example search UI now available at http://localhost:8983/solr/browse
* SOLR-1974: Add LimitTokenCountFilterFactory. (koji)
* SOLR-1966: QueryElevationComponent can now return just the included results in the elevation file (gsingers, yonik)
* SOLR-1556: TermVectorComponent now supports per field overrides. Also, it now throws an error
if passed in fields do not exist and warnings
if fields that do not have term vector options (termVectors, offsets, positions)
that align with the schema declaration. It also
will now return warnings about (gsingers)
* SOLR-1985: FastVectorHighlighter: add wrapper class for Lucene's SingleFragListBuilder (koji)
* SOLR-1984: Add HyphenationCompoundWordTokenFilterFactory. (PB via rmuir)
* SOLR-397: Date Faceting now supports a "facet.date.include" param
for specifying when the upper & lower end points of computed date
ranges should be included in the range. Legal values are: "all",
"lower", "upper", "edge", and "outer". For backwards compatibility
the default value is the set: [lower,upper,edge], so that all ranges
between start and end are inclusive of their endpoints, but the
"before" and "after" ranges are not.
* SOLR-945: JSON update handler that accepts add, delete, commit
commands in JSON format. (Ryan McKinley, yonik)
* SOLR-2015: Add a boolean attribute autoGeneratePhraseQueries to TextField.
autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true" (the default) causes the query parser to
generate phrase queries if multiple tokens are generated from a single
non-quoted analysis string. For example WordDelimiterFilter splitting text:pdp-11
will cause the parser to generate text:"pdp 11" rather than (text:PDP OR text:11).
Note that autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true" tends to not work well for non whitespace
delimited languages. (yonik)
* SOLR-1925: Add CSVResponseWriter (use wt=csv) that returns the list of documents
in CSV format. (Chris Mattmann, yonik)
* SOLR-1240: "Range Faceting" has been added. This is a generalization
of the existing "Date Faceting" logic so that it now supports any
all stock numeric field types that support range queries in addition
to dates. facet.date is now deprecated in favor of this generalized mechanism.
(Gijs Kunze, hossman)
* SOLR-2021: Add SolrEncoder plugin to Highlighter. (koji)
* SOLR-2030: Make FastVectorHighlighter use of SolrEncoder. (koji)
* SOLR-2053: Add support for custom comparators in Solr spellchecker, per LUCENE-2479 (gsingers)
* SOLR-2049: Add hl.multiValuedSeparatorChar for FastVectorHighlighter, per LUCENE-2603. (koji)
* SOLR-2059: Add "types" attribute to WordDelimiterFilterFactory, which
allows you to customize how WordDelimiterFilter tokenizes text with
a configuration file. (Peter Karich, rmuir)
* SOLR-2099: Add ability to throttle rsync based replication using rsync option --bwlimit.
(Brandon Evans via koji)
* SOLR-1316: Create autosuggest component.
(Ankul Garg, Jason Rutherglen, Shalin Shekhar Mangar, Grant Ingersoll, Robert Muir, ab)
* SOLR-1568: Added "native" filtering support for PointType, GeohashField. Added LatLonType with filtering support too. See
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpatialSearch and the example. Refactored some items in Lucene spatial.
Removed SpatialTileField as the underlying CartesianTier is broken beyond repair and is going to be moved. (gsingers)
* SOLR-2128: Full parameter substitution for function queries.
Example: q=add($v1,$v2)&v1=mul(popularity,5)&v2=20.0
* SOLR-2133: Function query parser can now parse multiple comma separated
value sources. It also now fails if there is extra unexpected text
after parsing the functions, instead of silently ignoring it.
This allows expressions like q=dist(2,vector(1,2),$pt)&pt=3,4 (yonik)
* SOLR-2157: Suggester should return alpha-sorted results when onlyMorePopular=false (ab)
* SOLR-2010: Added ability to verify that spell checking collations have
actual results in the index. (James Dyer via gsingers)
* SOLR-2188: Added "maxTokenLength" argument to the factories for ClassicTokenizer,
StandardTokenizer, and UAX29URLEmailTokenizer. (Steven Rowe)
* SOLR-2129: Added a Solr module for dynamic metadata extraction/indexing with Apache UIMA.
See contrib/uima/README.txt for more information. (Tommaso Teofili via rmuir)
* SOLR-2325: Allow tagging and exclusion of main query for faceting. (yonik)
* SOLR-2263: Add ability for RawResponseWriter to stream binary files as well as
text files. (Eric Pugh via yonik)
* SOLR-860: Add debug output for MoreLikeThis. (koji)
* SOLR-1057: Add PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory. (ryan, koji)
* SOLR-1804: Re-enabled clustering component on trunk, updated to latest
version of Carrot2. No more LGPL run-time dependencies. This release of
C2 also does not have a specific Lucene dependency.
(Stanislaw Osinski, gsingers)
* SOLR-2282: Add distributed search support for search result clustering.
(Brad Giaccio, Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski, rmuir, koji)
* SOLR-2210: Add icu-based tokenizer and filters to contrib/analysis-extras (rmuir)
* SOLR-1336: Add SmartChinese (word segmentation for Simplified Chinese)
tokenizer and filters to contrib/analysis-extras (rmuir)
* SOLR-2211,LUCENE-2763: Added UAX29URLEmailTokenizerFactory, which implements
UAX#29, a unicode algorithm with good results for most languages, as well as
URL and E-mail tokenization according to the relevant RFCs.
(Tom Burton-West via rmuir)
* SOLR-2237: Added StempelPolishStemFilterFactory to contrib/analysis-extras (rmuir)
* SOLR-1525: allow DIH to refer to core properties (noble)
* SOLR-1547: DIH TemplateTransformer copy objects more intelligently when the
template is a single variable (noble)
* SOLR-1627: DIH VariableResolver should be fetched just in time (noble)
* SOLR-1583: DIH Create DataSources that return InputStream (noble)
* SOLR-1358: Integration of Tika and DataImportHandler (Akshay Ukey, noble)
* SOLR-1654: TikaEntityProcessor example added DIHExample
(Akshay Ukey via noble)
* SOLR-1678: Move onError handling to DIH framework (noble)
* SOLR-1352: Multi-threaded implementation of DIH (noble)
* SOLR-1721: Add explicit option to run DataImportHandler in synchronous mode
(Alexey Serba via noble)
* SOLR-1737: Added FieldStreamDataSource (noble)
* SOLR-1679: Don't build up string messages in SolrCore.execute unless they
are necessary for the current log level.
(Fuad Efendi and hossman)
* SOLR-1874: Optimize PatternReplaceFilter for better performance. (rmuir, uschindler)
* SOLR-1968: speed up initial filter cache population for facet.method=enum and
also big terms for multi-valued facet.method=fc. The resulting speedup
for the first facet request is anywhere from 30% to 32x, depending on how many
terms are in the field and how many documents match per term. (yonik)
* SOLR-2089: Speed up UnInvertedField faceting (facet.method=fc for
multi-valued fields) when facet.limit is both high, and a high enough
percentage of the number of unique terms in the field. Extreme cases
yield speedups over 3x. (yonik)
* SOLR-2046: add common functions to scripts-util. (koji)
* SOLR-1684: Switch clustering component to use the
SolrIndexSearcher.doc(int, Set<String>) method b/c it can use the document
cache (gsingers)
* SOLR-2200: Improve the performance of DataImportHandler for large
delta-import updates. (Mark Waddle via rmuir)
Bug Fixes
* SOLR-1769: Solr 1.4 Replication - Repeater throwing NullPointerException (Jörgen Rydenius via noble)
* SOLR-1432: Make the new ValueSource.getValues(context,reader) delegate
to the original ValueSource.getValues(reader) so custom sources
will work. (yonik)
* SOLR-1572: FastLRUCache correctly implemented the LRU policy only
for the first 2B accesses. (yonik)
* SOLR-1582: copyField was ignored for BinaryField types (gsingers)
* SOLR-1563: Binary fields, including trie-based numeric fields, caused null
pointer exceptions in the luke request handler. (yonik)
* SOLR-1577: The example solrconfig.xml defaulted to a solr data dir
relative to the current working directory, even if a different solr home
was being used. The new behavior changes the default to a zero length
string, which is treated the same as if no dataDir had been specified,
hence the "data" directory under the solr home will be used. (yonik)
* SOLR-1584: SolrJ - SolrQuery.setIncludeScore() incorrectly added
fl=score to the parameter list instead of appending score to the
existing field list. (yonik)
* SOLR-1580: Solr Configuration ignores 'mergeFactor' parameter, always
uses Lucene default. (Lance Norskog via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1593: ReverseWildcardFilter didn't work for surrogate pairs
(i.e. code points outside of the BMP), resulting in incorrect
matching. This change requires reindexing for any content with
such characters. (Robert Muir, yonik)
* SOLR-1596: A rollback operation followed by the shutdown of Solr
or the close of a core resulted in a warning:
"SEVERE: SolrIndexWriter was not closed prior to finalize()" although
there were no other consequences. (yonik)
* SOLR-1595: StreamingUpdateSolrServer used the platform default character
set when streaming updates, rather than using UTF-8 as the HTTP headers
indicated, leading to an encoding mismatch. (hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-1587: A distributed search request with fl=score, didn't match
the behavior of a non-distributed request since it only returned
the id,score fields instead of all fields in addition to score. (yonik)
* SOLR-1601: Schema browser does not indicate presence of charFilter. (koji)
* SOLR-1615: Backslash escaping did not work in quoted strings
for local param arguments. (Wojtek Piaseczny, yonik)
* SOLR-1628: log contains incorrect number of adds and deletes.
(Thijs Vonk via yonik)
* SOLR-343: Date faceting now respects facet.mincount limiting
(Uri Boness, Raiko Eckstein via hossman)
* SOLR-1624: Highlighter only highlights values from the first field value
in a multivalued field when term positions (term vectors) are stored.
(Chris Harris via yonik)
* SOLR-1635: Fixed error message when numeric values can't be parsed by
DOMUtils - notably for plugin init params in solrconfig.xml.
* SOLR-1651: Fixed Incorrect dataimport handler package name in SolrResourceLoader
(Akshay Ukey via shalin)
* SOLR-1660: CapitalizationFilter crashes if you use the maxWordCountOption
(Robert Muir via shalin)
* SOLR-1667: PatternTokenizer does not reset attributes such as positionIncrementGap
(Robert Muir via shalin)
* SOLR-1711: SolrJ - StreamingUpdateSolrServer had a race condition that
could halt the streaming of documents. The original patch to fix this
(never officially released) introduced another hanging bug due to
connections not being released.
(Attila Babo, Erik Hetzner, Johannes Tuchscherer via yonik)
* SOLR-1748, SOLR-1747, SOLR-1746, SOLR-1745, SOLR-1744: Streams and Readers
retrieved from ContentStreams are not closed in various places, resulting
in file descriptor leaks.
(Christoff Brill, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1753: StatsComponent throws NPE when getting statistics for facets in distributed search
(Janne Majaranta via koji)
* SOLR-1736:In the slave , If 'mov'ing file does not succeed , copy the file (noble)
* SOLR-1579: Fixes to XML escaping in stats.jsp
(David Bowen and hossman)
* SOLR-1777: fieldTypes with sortMissingLast=true or sortMissingFirst=true can
result in incorrectly sorted results. (yonik)
* SOLR-1798: Small memory leak (~100 bytes) in fastLRUCache for every
commit. (yonik)
* SOLR-1823: Fixed XMLResponseWriter (via XMLWriter) so it no longer throws
a ClassCastException when a Map containing a non-String key is used.
(Frank Wesemann, hossman)
* SOLR-1797: fix ConcurrentModificationException and potential memory
leaks in ResourceLoader. (yonik)
* SOLR-1850: change KeepWordFilter so a new word set is not created for
each instance (John Wang via yonik)
* SOLR-1706: fixed WordDelimiterFilter for certain combinations of options
where it would output incorrect tokens. (Robert Muir, Chris Male)
* SOLR-1936: The JSON response format needed to escape unicode code point
U+2028 - 'LINE SEPARATOR' (Robert Hofstra, yonik)
* SOLR-1914: Change the JSON response format to output float/double
values of NaN,Infinity,-Infinity as strings. (yonik)
* SOLR-1948: PatternTokenizerFactory should use parent's args (koji)
* SOLR-1870: Indexing documents using the 'javabin' format no longer
fails with a ClassCastException whenSolrInputDocuments contain field
values which are Collections or other classes that implement
Iterable. (noble, hossman)
* SOLR-1981: Solr will now fail correctly if solr.xml attempts to
specify multiple cores that have the same name (hossman)
* SOLR-1791: Fix messed up core names on admin gui (yonik via koji)
* SOLR-1995: Change date format from "hour in am/pm" to "hour in day"
in CoreContainer and SnapShooter. (Hayato Ito, koji)
* SOLR-2008: avoid possible RejectedExecutionException w/autoCommit
by making SolreCore close the UpdateHandler before closing the
SearchExecutor. (NarasimhaRaju, hossman)
* SOLR-2036: Avoid expensive fieldCache ram estimation for the
admin stats page. (yonik)
* SOLR-2047: ReplicationHandler should accept bool type for enable flag. (koji)
* SOLR-1630: Fix spell checking collation issue related to token positions (rmuir, gsingers)
* SOLR-2100: The replication handler backup command didn't save the commit
point and hence could fail when a newer commit caused the older commit point
to be removed before it was finished being copied. This did not affect
normal master/slave replication. (Peter Sturge via yonik)
* SOLR-2114: Fixed parsing error in hsin function. The function signature has changed slightly. (gsingers)
* SOLR-2083: SpellCheckComponent misreports suggestions when distributed (James Dyer via gsingers)
* SOLR-2111: Change exception handling in distributed faceting to work more
like non-distributed faceting, change facet_counts/exception from a String
to a List<String> to enable listing all exceptions that happened, and
prevent an exception in one facet command from affecting another
facet command. (yonik)
* SOLR-2110: Remove the restriction on names for local params
substitution/dereferencing. Properly encode local params in
distributed faceting. (yonik)
* SOLR-2135: Fix behavior of ConcurrentLRUCache when asking for
getLatestAccessedItems(0) or getOldestAccessedItems(0).
(David Smiley via hossman)
* SOLR-2148: Highlighter doesn't support q.alt. (koji)
* SOLR-2180: It was possible for EmbeddedSolrServer to leave searchers
open if a request threw an exception. (yonik)
* SOLR-2173: Suggester should always rebuild Lookup data if Lookup.load fails. (ab)
* SOLR-2081: BaseResponseWriter.isStreamingDocs causes
SingleResponseWriter.end to be called 2x
(Chris A. Mattmann via hossman)
* SOLR-2219: The init() method of every SolrRequestHandler was being
called twice. (ambikeshwar singh and hossman)
* SOLR-2285: duplicate SolrEventListeners no longer created (hossman)
* SOLR-1993: fix String cast assumption in JavaBinCodec - specific
addresses "commitWithin" option on Update requests.
(noble, hossman, and Maxim Valyanskiy)
* SOLR-2261: fix velocity template layout.vm that referred to an older
version of jquery. (Eric Pugh via rmuir)
* SOLR-2307: fix bug in PHPSerializedResponseWriter (wt=phps) when
dealing with SolrDocumentList objects -- ie: sharded queries.
(Antonio Verni via hossman)
* SOLR-2127: Fixed serialization of default core and indentation of solr.xml when serializing.
(Ephraim Ofir, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-2320: Fixed ReplicationHandler detail reporting for masters
* SOLR-482: Provide more exception handling in CSVLoader (gsingers)
* SOLR-1283: HTMLStripCharFilter sometimes threw a "Mark Invalid" exception.
(Julien Coloos, hossman, yonik)
* SOLR-2085: Improve SolrJ behavior when FacetComponent comes before
QueryComponent (Tomas Salfischberger via hossman)
* SOLR-1940: Fix SolrDispatchFilter behavior when Content-Type is
unknown (Lance Norskog and hossman)
* SOLR-1983: snappuller fails when modifiedConfFiles is not empty and
full copy of index is needed. (Alexander Kanarsky via yonik)
* SOLR-2156: SnapPuller fails to clean Old Index Directories on Full Copy
(Jayendra Patil via yonik)
* SOLR-96: Fix XML parsing in XMLUpdateRequestHandler and
DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler to respect charset from XML file and only
use HTTP header's "Content-Type" as a "hint". (uschindler)
* SOLR-2339: Fix sorting to explicitly generate an error if you
attempt to sort on a multiValued field. (hossman)
* SOLR-2348: Fix field types to explicitly generate an error if you
attempt to get a ValueSource for a multiValued field. (hossman)
* SOLR-2380: Distributed faceting could miss values when facet.sort=index
and when facet.offset was greater than 0. (yonik)
* SOLR-1656: XIncludes and other HREFs in XML files loaded by ResourceLoader
are fixed to be resolved using the URI standard (RFC 2396). The system
identifier is no longer a plain filename with path, it gets initialized
using a custom URI scheme "solrres:". This scheme is resolved using a
EntityResolver that utilizes ResourceLoader
(org.apache.solr.common.util.SystemIdResolver). This makes all relative
pathes in Solr's config files behave like expected. This change
introduces some backwards breaks in the API: Some config classes
(Config, SolrConfig, IndexSchema) were changed to take
org.xml.sax.InputSource instead of InputStream. There may also be some
backwards breaks in existing config files, it is recommended to check
your config files / XSLTs and replace all XIncludes/HREFs that were
hacked to use absolute paths to use relative ones. (uschindler)
* SOLR-309: Fix FieldType so setting an analyzer on a FieldType that
doesn't expect it will generate an error. Practically speaking this
means that Solr will now correctly generate an error on
initialization if the schema.xml contains an analyzer configuration
for a fieldType that does not use TextField. (hossman)
* SOLR-2192: StreamingUpdateSolrServer.blockUntilFinished was not
thread safe and could throw an exception. (yonik)
* SOLR-1692: Fix bug in clustering component relating to carrot.produceSummary
option (gsingers)
* SOLR-1756: The date.format setting for extraction request handler causes
ClassCastException when enabled and the config code that parses this setting
does not properly use the same iterator instance.
(Christoph Brill, Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1638: Fixed NullPointerException during DIH import if uniqueKey is not
specified in schema (Akshay Ukey via shalin)
* SOLR-1639: Fixed misleading error message when dataimport.properties is not
writable (shalin)
* SOLR-1598: DIH: Reader used in PlainTextEntityProcessor is not explicitly
closed (Sascha Szott via noble)
* SOLR-1759: DIH: $skipDoc was not working correctly
(Gian Marco Tagliani via noble)
* SOLR-1762: DIH: DateFormatTransformer does not work correctly with
non-default locale dates (tommy chheng via noble)
* SOLR-1757: DIH multithreading sometimes throws NPE (noble)
* SOLR-1766: DIH with threads enabled doesn't respond to the abort command
(Michael Henson via noble)
* SOLR-1767: dataimporter.functions.escapeSql() does not escape backslash
character (Sean Timm via noble)
* SOLR-1811: formatDate should use the current NOW value always
(Sean Timm via noble)
* SOLR-1794: Dataimport of CLOB fields fails when getCharacterStream() is
defined in a superclass. (Gunnar Gauslaa Bergem via rmuir)
* SOLR-2057: DataImportHandler never calls UpdateRequestProcessor.finish()
(Drew Farris via koji)
* SOLR-1973: Empty fields in XML update messages confuse DataImportHandler.
* SOLR-2221: Use StrUtils.parseBool() to get values of boolean options in DIH.
true/on/yes (for TRUE) and false/off/no (for FALSE) can be used for
sub-options (debug, verbose, synchronous, commit, clean, optimize) for
full/delta-import commands. (koji)
* SOLR-2310: DIH: getTimeElapsedSince() returns incorrect hour value when
the elapse is over 60 hours (tom liu via koji)
* SOLR-2252: DIH: When a child entity in nested entities is rootEntity="true",
delta-import doesn't work. (koji)
* SOLR-2330: solrconfig.xml files in example-DIH are broken. (Matt Parker, koji)
* SOLR-1191: resolve DataImportHandler deltaQuery column against pk when pk
has a prefix (e.g. pk="book.id" deltaQuery="select id from ..."). More
useful error reporting when no match found (previously failed with a
NullPointerException in log and no clear user feedback). (gthb via yonik)
* SOLR-2116: Fix TikaConfig classloader bug in TikaEntityProcessor
(Martijn van Groningen via hossman)
Other Changes
* SOLR-1602: Refactor SOLR package structure to include o.a.solr.response
and move QueryResponseWriters in there
(Chris A. Mattmann, ryan, hoss)
* SOLR-1516: Addition of an abstract BaseResponseWriter class to simplify the
development of QueryResponseWriter implementations.
(Chris A. Mattmann via noble)
* SOLR-1592: Refactor XMLWriter startTag to allow arbitrary attributes to be written
(Chris A. Mattmann via noble)
* SOLR-1561: Added Lucene 2.9.1 spatial contrib jar to lib. (gsingers)
* SOLR-1570: Log warnings if uniqueKey is multi-valued or not stored (hossman, shalin)
* SOLR-1558: QueryElevationComponent only works if the uniqueKey field is
implemented using StrField. In previous versions of Solr no warning or
error would be generated if you attempted to use QueryElevationComponent,
it would just fail in unexpected ways. This has been changed so that it
will fail with a clear error message on initialization. (hossman)
* SOLR-1611: Added Lucene 2.9.1 collation contrib jar to lib (shalin)
* SOLR-1608: Extract base class from TestDistributedSearch to make
it easy to write test cases for other distributed components. (shalin)
* Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r888785 (shalin)
* SOLR-1610: Generify SolrCache (Jason Rutherglen via shalin)
* SOLR-1637: Remove ALIAS command
* SOLR-1662: Added Javadocs in BufferedTokenStream and fixed incorrect cloning
in TestBufferedTokenStream (Robert Muir, Uwe Schindler via shalin)
* SOLR-1674: Improve analysis tests and cut over to new TokenStream API.
(Robert Muir via Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1661: Remove adminCore from CoreContainer . removed deprecated methods setAdminCore(), getAdminCore() (noble)
* SOLR-1704: Google collections moved from clustering to core (noble)
* SOLR-1268: Add Lucene 2.9-dev r888785 FastVectorHighlighter contrib jar to lib. (koji)
* SOLR-1538: Reordering of object allocations in ConcurrentLRUCache to eliminate
(an extremely small) potential for deadlock.
(gabriele renzi via hossman)
* SOLR-1588: Removed some very old dead code.
(Chris A. Mattmann via hossman)
* SOLR-1696 : Deprecate old <highlighting> syntax and move configuration to HighlightComponent (noble)
* SOLR-1727: SolrEventListener should extend NamedListInitializedPlugin (noble)
* SOLR-1771: Improved error message when StringIndex cannot be initialized
for a function query (hossman)
* SOLR-1695: Improved error messages when adding a document that does not
contain exactly one value for the uniqueKey field (hossman)
* SOLR-1776: DismaxQParser and ExtendedDismaxQParser now use the schema.xml
"defaultSearchField" as the default value for the "qf" param instead of failing
with an error when "qf" is not specified. (hossman)
* SOLR-1851: luceneAutoCommit no longer has any effect - it has been remove (Mark Miller)
* SOLR-1865: SolrResourceLoader.getLines ignores Byte Order Markers (BOMs) at the
beginning of input files, these are often created by editors such as Windows
Notepad. (rmuir, hossman)
* SOLR-1938: ElisionFilterFactory will use a default set of French contractions
if you do not supply a custom articles file. (rmuir)
* SOLR-2003: SolrResourceLoader will report any encoding errors, rather than
silently using replacement characters for invalid inputs (blargy via rmuir)
* SOLR-1804: Google collections updated to Google Guava (which is a superset of collections and contains bug fixes) (gsingers)
* SOLR-2034: Switch to JavaBin codec version 2. Strings are now serialized
as the number of UTF-8 bytes, followed by the bytes in UTF-8. Previously
Strings were serialized as the number of UTF-16 chars, followed by the
bytes in Modified UTF-8. (hossman, yonik, rmuir)
* SOLR-2013: Add mapping-FoldToASCII.txt to example conf directory.
(Steven Rowe via koji)
* SOLR-2213: Upgrade to jQuery 1.4.3 (Erick Erickson via ryan)
* SOLR-1826: Add unit tests for highlighting with termOffsets=true
and overlapping tokens. (Stefan Oestreicher via rmuir)
* SOLR-2340: Add version infos to message in JavaBinCodec when throwing
exception. (koji)
* SOLR-2350: Since Solr no longer requires XML files to be in UTF-8
(see SOLR-96) SimplePostTool (aka: post.jar) has been improved to
work with files of any mime-type or charset. (hossman)
* SOLR-2365: Move DIH jars out of solr.war (David Smiley via yonik)
* SOLR-2381: Include a patched version of Jetty (6.1.26 + JETTY-1340)
to fix problematic UTF-8 handling for supplementary characters.
(Bernd Fehling, uschindler, yonik, rmuir)
* SOLR-2391: The preferred Content-Type for XML was changed to
application/xml. XMLResponseWriter now only delivers using this
type; updating documents and analyzing documents is still supported
using text/xml as Content-Type, too. If you have clients that are
hardcoded on text/xml as Content-Type, you have to change them.
(uschindler, rmuir)
* SOLR-2414: All ResponseWriters now use only ServletOutputStreams
and wrap their own Writer around it when serializing. This fixes
the bug in PHPSerializedResponseWriter that produced wrong string
length if the servlet container had a broken UTF-8 encoding that was
in fact CESU-8 (see SOLR-1091). The system property to enable the
CESU-8 byte counting in PHPSerializesResponseWriters for broken
servlet containers was therefore removed and is now ignored if set.
Output is always UTF-8. (uschindler, yonik, rmuir)
* SOLR-141: Errors and Exceptions are formated by ResponseWriter.
(Mike Sokolov, Rich Cariens, Daniel Naber, ryan)
* SOLR-1902: Upgraded to Tika 0.8 and changed deprecated parse call
* SOLR-1813: Add ICU4j to contrib/extraction libs and add tests for Arabic
extraction (Robert Muir via gsingers)
* SOLR-1821: Fix TimeZone-dependent test failure in TestEvaluatorBag.
(Chris Male via rmuir)
* SOLR-2367: Reduced noise in test output by ensuring the properties file
can be written. (Gunnlaugur Thor Briem via rmuir)
* SOLR-1522: Automated release signing process. (gsingers)
* SOLR-1891: Make lucene-jars-to-solr fail if copying any of the jars fails, and
update clean to remove the jars in that directory (Mark Miller)
* LUCENE-2466: Commons-Codec was upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4. (rmuir)
* SOLR-2042: Fixed some Maven deps (Drew Farris via gsingers)
* LUCENE-2657: Switch from using Maven POM templates to full POMs when
generating Maven artifacts (Steven Rowe)
* SOLR-1590: Javadoc for XMLWriter#startTag
(Chris A. Mattmann via hossman)
* SOLR-1792: Documented peculiar behavior of TestHarness.LocalRequestFactory
================== Release 1.4.0 ==================
Release Date: See http://lucene.apache.org/solr for the official release date.
Upgrading from Solr 1.3
There is a new default faceting algorithm for multiVaued fields that should be
faster for most cases. One can revert to the previous algorithm (which has
also been improved somewhat) by adding facet.method=enum to the request.
Searching and sorting is now done on a per-segment basis, meaning that
the FieldCache entries used for sorting and for function queries are
created and used per-segment and can be reused for segments that don't
change between index updates. While generally beneficial, this can lead
to increased memory usage over 1.3 in certain scenarios:
1) A single valued field that was used for both sorting and faceting
in 1.3 would have used the same top level FieldCache entry. In 1.4,
sorting will use entries at the segment level while faceting will still
use entries at the top reader level, leading to increased memory usage.
2) Certain function queries such as ord() and rord() require a top level
FieldCache instance and can thus lead to increased memory usage. Consider
replacing ord() and rord() with alternatives, such as function queries
based on ms() for date boosting.
If you use custom Tokenizer or TokenFilter components in a chain specified in
schema.xml, they must support reusability. If your Tokenizer or TokenFilter
maintains state, it should implement reset(). If your TokenFilteFactory does
not return a subclass of TokenFilter, then it should implement reset() and call
reset() on its input TokenStream. TokenizerFactory implementations must
now return a Tokenizer rather than a TokenStream.
New users of Solr 1.4 will have omitTermFreqAndPositions enabled for non-text
indexed fields by default, which avoids indexing term frequency, positions, and
payloads, making the index smaller and faster. If you are upgrading from an
earlier Solr release and want to enable omitTermFreqAndPositions by default,
change the schema version from 1.1 to 1.2 in schema.xml. Remove any existing
index and restart Solr to ensure that omitTermFreqAndPositions completely takes
The default QParserPlugin used by the QueryComponent for parsing the "q" param
has been changed, to remove support for the deprecated use of ";" as a separator
between the query string and the sort options when no "sort" param was used.
Users who wish to continue using the semi-colon based method of specifying the
sort options should explicitly set the defType param to "lucenePlusSort" on all
requests. (The simplest way to do this is by specifying it as a default param
for your request handlers in solrconfig.xml, see the example solrconfig.xml for
sample syntax.)
If spellcheck.extendedResults=true, the response format for suggestions
has changed, see SOLR-1071.
Use of the "charset" option when configuring the following Analysis
Factories has been deprecated and will cause a warning to be logged.
In future versions of Solr attempting to use this option will cause an
error. See SOLR-1410 for more information.
- GreekLowerCaseFilterFactory
- RussianStemFilterFactory
- RussianLowerCaseFilterFactory
- RussianLetterTokenizerFactory
DIH: Evaluator API has been changed in a non back-compatible way. Users who
have developed custom Evaluators will need to change their code according to
the new API for it to work. See SOLR-996 for details.
DIH: The formatDate evaluator's syntax has been changed. The new syntax is
formatDate(<variable>, '<format_string>'). For example,
formatDate(x.date, 'yyyy-MM-dd'). In the old syntax, the date string was
written without a single-quotes. The old syntax has been deprecated and will
be removed in 1.5, until then, using the old syntax will log a warning.
DIH: The Context API has been changed in a non back-compatible way. In
particular, the Context.currentProcess() method now returns a String
describing the type of the current import process instead of an int.
Similarily, the public constants in Context viz. FULL_DUMP, DELTA_DUMP and
FIND_DELTA are changed to a String type. See SOLR-969 for details.
DIH: The EntityProcessor API has been simplified by moving logic for applying
transformers and handling multi-row outputs from Transformers into an
EntityProcessorWrapper class. The EntityProcessor#destroy is now called once
per parent-row at the end of row (end of data). A new method
EntityProcessor#close is added which is called at the end of import.
DIH: In Solr 1.3, if the last_index_time was not available (first import) and
a delta-import was requested, a full-import was run instead. This is no longer
the case. In Solr 1.4 delta import is run with last_index_time as the epoch
date (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) if last_index_time is not available.
Versions of Major Components
Apache Lucene 2.9.1 (r832363 on 2.9 branch)
Apache Tika 0.4
Carrot2 3.1.0
Lucene Information
Since Solr is built on top of Lucene, many people add customizations to Solr
that are dependent on Lucene. Please see http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_9_0/,
especially http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_9_0/changes/Changes.html for more
information on the version of Lucene used in Solr.
Detailed Change List
New Features
1. SOLR-560: Use SLF4J logging API rather then JDK logging. The packaged .war file is
shipped with a JDK logging implementation, so logging configuration for the .war should
be identical to solr 1.3. However, if you are using the .jar file, you can select
which logging implementation to use by dropping a different binding.
See: http://www.slf4j.org/ (ryan)
2. SOLR-617: Allow configurable index deletion policy and provide a default implementation which
allows deletion of commit points on various criteria such as number of commits, age of commit
point and optimized status.
See http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_3_2/api/org/apache/lucene/index/IndexDeletionPolicy.html
(yonik, Noble Paul, Akshay Ukey via shalin)
3. SOLR-658: Allow Solr to load index from arbitrary directory in dataDir
(Noble Paul, Akshay Ukey via shalin)
4. SOLR-793: Add 'commitWithin' argument to the update add command. This behaves
similar to the global autoCommit maxTime argument except that it is set for
each request. (ryan)
5. SOLR-670: Add support for rollbacks in UpdateHandler. This allows user to rollback all changes
since the last commit. (Noble Paul, koji via shalin)
6. SOLR-813: Adding DoubleMetaphone Filter and Factory. Similar to the PhoneticFilter,
but this uses DoubleMetaphone specific calls (including alternate encoding)
(Todd Feak via ryan)
7. SOLR-680: Add StatsComponent. This gets simple statistics on matched numeric fields,
including: min, max, mean, median, stddev. (koji, ryan)
- SOLR-1380: Added support for multi-valued fields (Harish Agarwal via gsingers)
8. SOLR-561: Added Replication implemented in Java as a request handler. Supports index replication
as well as configuration replication and exposes detailed statistics and progress information
on the Admin page. Works on all platforms. (Noble Paul, yonik, Akshay Ukey, shalin)
9. SOLR-746: Added "omitHeader" request parameter to omit the header from the response.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
10. SOLR-651: Added TermVectorComponent for serving up term vector information, plus IDF.
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/TermVectorComponent (gsingers, Vaijanath N. Rao, Noble Paul)
12. SOLR-795: SpellCheckComponent supports building indices on optimize if configured in solrconfig.xml
(Jason Rennie, shalin)
13. SOLR-667: A LRU cache implementation based upon ConcurrentHashMap and other techniques to reduce
contention and synchronization overhead, to utilize multiple CPU cores more effectively.
(Fuad Efendi, Noble Paul, yonik via shalin)
14. SOLR-465: Add configurable DirectoryProvider so that alternate Directory
implementations can be specified via solrconfig.xml. The default
DirectoryProvider will use NIOFSDirectory for better concurrency
on non Windows platforms. (Mark Miller, TJ Laurenzo via yonik)
15. SOLR-822: Add CharFilter so that characters can be filtered (e.g. character normalization)
before Tokenizer/TokenFilters. (koji)
16. SOLR-829: Allow slaves to request compressed files from master during replication
(Simon Collins, Noble Paul, Akshay Ukey via shalin)
17. SOLR-877: Added TermsComponent for accessing Lucene's TermEnum capabilities.
Useful for auto suggest and possibly distributed search. Not distributed search compliant. (gsingers)
- Added mincount and maxcount options (Khee Chin via gsingers)
18. SOLR-538: Add maxChars attribute for copyField function so that the length limit for destination
can be specified.
(Georgios Stamatis, Lars Kotthoff, Chris Harris via koji)
19. SOLR-284: Added support for extracting content from binary documents like MS Word and PDF using Apache Tika. See also contrib/extraction/CHANGES.txt (Eric Pugh, Chris Harris, yonik, gsingers)
20. SOLR-819: Added factories for Arabic support (gsingers)
21. SOLR-781: Distributed search ability to sort field.facet values
lexicographically. facet.sort values "true" and "false" are
also deprecated and replaced with "count" and "lex".
(Lars Kotthoff via yonik)
22. SOLR-821: Add support for replication to copy conf file to slave with a different name. This allows replication
of solrconfig.xml
(Noble Paul, Akshay Ukey via shalin)
23. SOLR-911: Add support for multi-select faceting by allowing filters to be
tagged and facet commands to exclude certain filters. This patch also
added the ability to change the output key for facets in the response, and
optimized distributed faceting refinement by lowering parsing overhead and
by making requests and responses smaller.
24. SOLR-876: WordDelimiterFilter now supports a splitOnNumerics
option, as well as a list of protected terms.
(Dan Rosher via hossman)
25. SOLR-928: SolrDocument and SolrInputDocument now implement the Map<String,?>
interface. This should make plugging into other standard tools easier. (ryan)
26. SOLR-847: Enhance the snappull command in ReplicationHandler to accept masterUrl.
(Noble Paul, Preetam Rao via shalin)
27. SOLR-540: Add support for globbing in field names to highlight.
For example, hl.fl=*_text will highlight all fieldnames ending with
_text. (Lars Kotthoff via yonik)
28. SOLR-906: Adding a StreamingUpdateSolrServer that writes update commands to
an open HTTP connection. If you are using solrj for bulk update requests
you should consider switching to this implementaion. However, note that
the error handling is not immediate as it is with the standard SolrServer.
29. SOLR-865: Adding support for document updates in binary format and corresponding support in Solrj client.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
30. SOLR-763: Add support for Lucene's PositionFilter (Mck SembWever via shalin)
31. SOLR-966: Enhance the map() function query to take in an optional default value (Noble Paul, shalin)
32. SOLR-820: Support replication on startup of master with new index. (Noble Paul, Akshay Ukey via shalin)
33. SOLR-943: Make it possible to specify dataDir in solr.xml and accept the dataDir as a request parameter for
the CoreAdmin create command. (Noble Paul via shalin)
34. SOLR-850: Addition of timeouts for distributed searching. Configurable through 'shard-socket-timeout' and
'shard-connection-timeout' parameters in SearchHandler. (Patrick O'Leary via shalin)
35. SOLR-799: Add support for hash based exact/near duplicate document
handling. (Mark Miller, yonik)
36. SOLR-1026: Add protected words support to SnowballPorterFilterFactory (ehatcher)
37. SOLR-739: Add support for OmitTf (Mark Miller via yonik)
38. SOLR-1046: Nested query support for the function query parser
and lucene query parser (the latter existed as an undocumented
feature in 1.3) (yonik)
39. SOLR-940: Add support for Lucene's Trie Range Queries by providing new FieldTypes in
schema for int, float, long, double and date. Single-valued Trie based
fields with a precisionStep will index multiple precisions and enable
faster range queries. (Uwe Schindler, yonik, shalin)
40. SOLR-1038: Enhance CommonsHttpSolrServer to add docs in batch using an iterator API (Noble Paul via shalin)
41. SOLR-844: A SolrServer implementation to front-end multiple solr servers and provides load balancing and failover
support (Noble Paul, Mark Miller, hossman via shalin)
42. SOLR-939: ValueSourceRangeFilter/Query - filter based on values in a FieldCache entry or on any arbitrary function of field values. (yonik)
43. SOLR-1095: Fixed performance problem in the StopFilterFactory and simplified code. Added tests as well. (gsingers)
44. SOLR-1096: Introduced httpConnTimeout and httpReadTimeout in replication slave configuration to avoid stalled
replication. (Jeff Newburn, Noble Paul, shalin)
45. SOLR-1115: <bool>on</bool> and <bool>yes</bool> work as expected in solrconfig.xml. (koji)
46. SOLR-1099: A FieldAnalysisRequestHandler which provides the analysis functionality of the web admin page as
a service. The AnalysisRequestHandler is renamed to DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler which is enhanced with
query analysis and showMatch support. AnalysisRequestHandler is now deprecated. Support for both
FieldAnalysisRequestHandler and DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler is also provided in the Solrj client.
(Uri Boness, shalin)
47. SOLR-1106: Made CoreAdminHandler Actions pluggable so that additional actions may be plugged in or the existing
ones can be overridden if needed. (Kay Kay, Noble Paul, shalin)
48. SOLR-1124: Add a top() function query that causes its argument to
have its values derived from the top level IndexReader, even when
invoked from a sub-reader. top() is implicitly used for the
ord() and rord() functions. (yonik)
49. SOLR-1110: Support sorting on trie fields with Distributed Search. (Mark Miller, Uwe Schindler via shalin)
50. SOLR-1121: CoreAdminhandler should not need a core . This makes it possible to start a Solr server w/o a core .(noble)
51. SOLR-769: Added support for clustering in contrib/clustering. See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ClusteringComponent for more info. (gsingers, Stanislaw Osinski)
52. SOLR-1175: disable/enable replication on master side. added two commands 'enableReplication' and 'disableReplication' (noble)
53. SOLR-1179: DocSets can now be used as Lucene Filters via
DocSet.getTopFilter() (yonik)
54. SOLR-1116: Add a Binary FieldType (noble)
55. SOLR-1051: Support the merge of multiple indexes as a CoreAdmin and an update command (Ning Li via shalin)
56. SOLR-1152: Snapshoot on ReplicationHandler should accept location as a request parameter (shalin)
57. SOLR-1204: Enhance SpellingQueryConverter to handle UTF-8 instead of ASCII only.
Use the NMTOKEN syntax for matching field names.
(Michael Ludwig, shalin)
58. SOLR-1189: Support providing username and password for basic HTTP authentication in Java replication
(Matthew Gregg, shalin)
59. SOLR-243: Add configurable IndexReaderFactory so that alternate IndexReader implementations
can be specified via solrconfig.xml. Note that using a custom IndexReader may be incompatible
with ReplicationHandler (see comments in SOLR-1366). This should be treated as an experimental feature.
(Andrzej Bialecki, hossman, Mark Miller, John Wang)
60. SOLR-1214: differentiate between solr home and instanceDir .deprecates the method SolrResourceLoader#locateInstanceDir()
and it is renamed to locateSolrHome (noble)
61. SOLR-1216 : disambiguate the replication command names. 'snappull' becomes 'fetchindex' 'abortsnappull' becomes 'abortfetch' (noble)
62. SOLR-1145: Add capability to specify an infoStream log file for the underlying Lucene IndexWriter in solrconfig.xml.
This is an advanced debug log file that can be used to aid developers in fixing IndexWriter bugs. See the commented
out example in the example solrconfig.xml under the indexDefaults section.
(Chris Harris, Mark Miller)
63. SOLR-1256: Show the output of CharFilters in analysis.jsp. (koji)
64. SOLR-1266: Added stemEnglishPossessive option (default=true) to WordDelimiterFilter
that allows disabling of english possessive stemming (removal of trailing 's from tokens)
(Robert Muir via yonik)
65. SOLR-1237: firstSearcher and newSearcher can now be identified via the CommonParams.EVENT (evt) parameter
in a request. This allows a RequestHandler or SearchComponent to know when a newSearcher or firstSearcher
event happened. QuerySenderListender is the only implementation in Solr that implements this, but outside
implementations may wish to. See the AbstractSolrEventListener for a helper method. (gsingers)
66. SOLR-1343: Added HTMLStripCharFilter and marked HTMLStripReader, HTMLStripWhitespaceTokenizerFactory and
HTMLStripStandardTokenizerFactory deprecated. To strip HTML tags, HTMLStripCharFilter can be used
with an arbitrary Tokenizer. (koji)
67. SOLR-1275: Add expungeDeletes to DirectUpdateHandler2 (noble)
68. SOLR-1372: Enhance FieldAnalysisRequestHandler to accept field value from content stream (ehatcher)
69. SOLR-1370: Show the output of CharFilters in FieldAnalysisRequestHandler (koji)
70. SOLR-1373: Add Filter query to admin/form.jsp
(Jason Rutherglen via hossman)
71. SOLR-1368: Add ms() function query for getting milliseconds from dates and for
high precision date subtraction, add sub() for subtracting other arguments.
72. SOLR-1156: Sort TermsComponent results by frequency (Matt Weber via yonik)
73. SOLR-1335 : load core properties from a properties file (noble)
74. SOLR-1385 : Add an 'enable' attribute to all plugins (noble)
75. SOLR-1414 : implicit core properties are not set for single core (noble)
76. SOLR-659 : Adds shards.start and shards.rows to distributed search
to allow more efficient bulk queries (those that retrieve many or all
documents). (Brian Whitman via yonik)
77. SOLR-1321: Add better support for efficient wildcard handling (Andrzej Bialecki, Robert Muir, gsingers)
78. SOLR-1326 : New interface PluginInfoInitialized for all types of plugin (noble)
79. SOLR-1447 : Simple property injection. <mergePolicy> & <mergeScheduler> syntaxes are now deprecated
(Jason Rutherglen, noble)
80. SOLR-908 : CommonGramsFilterFactory/CommonGramsQueryFilterFactory for
speeding up phrase queries containing common words by indexing
n-grams and using them at query time.
(Tom Burton-West, Jason Rutherglen via yonik)
81. SOLR-1292: Add FieldCache introspection to stats.jsp and JMX Monitoring via
a new SolrFieldCacheMBean. (hossman)
82. SOLR-1167: Solr Config now supports XInclude for XML engines that can support it. (Bryan Talbot via gsingers)
83. SOLR-1478: Enable sort by Lucene docid. (ehatcher)
84. SOLR-1449: Add <lib> elements to solrconfig.xml to specifying additional
classpath directories and regular expressions. (hossman via yonik)
85. SOLR-1128: Added metadata output to extraction request handler "extract
only" option. (gsingers)
86. SOLR-1274: Added text serialization output for extractOnly
(Peter Wolanin, gsingers)
87. SOLR-768: DIH: Set last_index_time variable in full-import command.
(Wojtek Piaseczny, Noble Paul via shalin)
88. SOLR-811: Allow a "deltaImportQuery" attribute in SqlEntityProcessor
which is used for delta imports instead of DataImportHandler manipulating
the SQL itself. (Noble Paul via shalin)
89. SOLR-842: Better error handling in DataImportHandler with options to
abort, skip and continue imports. (Noble Paul, shalin)
90. SOLR-833: DIH: A DataSource to read data from a field as a reader. This
can be used, for example, to read XMLs residing as CLOBs or BLOBs in
databases. (Noble Paul via shalin)
91. SOLR-887: A DIH Transformer to strip HTML tags. (Ahmed Hammad via shalin)
92. SOLR-886: DataImportHandler should rollback when an import fails or it is
aborted (shalin)
93. SOLR-891: A DIH Transformer to read strings from Clob type.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
94. SOLR-812: Configurable JDBC settings in JdbcDataSource including optimized
defaults for read only mode. (David Smiley, Glen Newton, shalin)
95. SOLR-910: Add a few utility commands to the DIH admin page such as full
import, delta import, status, reload config. (Ahmed Hammad via shalin)
96. SOLR-938: Add event listener API for DIH import start and end.
(Kay Kay, Noble Paul via shalin)
97. SOLR-801: DIH: Add support for configurable pre-import and post-import
delete query per root-entity. (Noble Paul via shalin)
98. SOLR-988: Add a new scope for session data stored in Context to store
objects across imports. (Noble Paul via shalin)
99. SOLR-980: A PlainTextEntityProcessor which can read from any
DataSource<Reader> and output a String.
(Nathan Adams, Noble Paul via shalin)
100.SOLR-1003: XPathEntityprocessor must allow slurping all text from a given
xml node and its children. (Noble Paul via shalin)
101.SOLR-1001: Allow variables in various attributes of RegexTransformer,
HTMLStripTransformer and NumberFormatTransformer.
(Fergus McMenemie, Noble Paul, shalin)
102.SOLR-989: DIH: Expose running statistics from the Context API.
(Noble Paul, shalin)
103.SOLR-996: DIH: Expose Context to Evaluators. (Noble Paul, shalin)
104.SOLR-783: DIH: Enhance delta-imports by maintaining separate
last_index_time for each entity. (Jon Baer, Noble Paul via shalin)
105.SOLR-1033: Current entity's namespace is made available to all DIH
Transformers. This allows one to use an output field of TemplateTransformer
in other transformers, among other things.
(Fergus McMenemie, Noble Paul via shalin)
106.SOLR-1066: New methods in DIH Context to expose Script details.
ScriptTransformer changed to read scripts through the new API methods.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
107.SOLR-1062: A DIH LogTransformer which can log data in a given template
format. (Jon Baer, Noble Paul via shalin)
108.SOLR-1065: A DIH ContentStreamDataSource which can accept HTTP POST data
in a content stream. This can be used to push data to Solr instead of
just pulling it from DB/Files/URLs. (Noble Paul via shalin)
109.SOLR-1061: Improve DIH RegexTransformer to create multiple columns from
regex groups. (Noble Paul via shalin)
110.SOLR-1059: Special DIH flags introduced for deleting documents by query or
id, skipping rows and stopping further transforms. Use $deleteDocById,
$deleteDocByQuery for deleting by id and query respectively. Use $skipRow
to skip the current row but continue with the document. Use $stopTransform
to stop further transformers. New methods are introduced in Context for
deleting by id and query. (Noble Paul, Fergus McMenemie, shalin)
111.SOLR-1076: JdbcDataSource should resolve DIH variables in all its
configuration parameters. (shalin)
112.SOLR-1055: Make DIH JdbcDataSource easily extensible by making the
createConnectionFactory method protected and return a
Callable<Connection> object. (Noble Paul, shalin)
113.SOLR-1058: DIH: JdbcDataSource can lookup javax.sql.DataSource using JNDI.
Use a jndiName attribute to specify the location of the data source.
(Jason Shepherd, Noble Paul via shalin)
114.SOLR-1083: A DIH Evaluator for escaping query characters.
(Noble Paul, shalin)
115.SOLR-934: A MailEntityProcessor to enable indexing mails from
POP/IMAP sources into a solr index. (Preetam Rao, shalin)
116.SOLR-1060: A DIH LineEntityProcessor which can stream lines of text from a
given file to be indexed directly or for processing with transformers and
child entities.
(Fergus McMenemie, Noble Paul, shalin)
117.SOLR-1127: Add support for DIH field name to be templatized.
(Noble Paul, shalin)
118.SOLR-1092: Added a new DIH command named 'import' which does not
automatically clean the index. This is useful and more appropriate when one
needs to import only some of the entities.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
119.SOLR-1153: DIH 'deltaImportQuery' is honored on child entities as well
120.SOLR-1230: Enhanced dataimport.jsp to work with all DataImportHandler
request handler configurations, rather than just a hardcoded /dataimport
handler. (ehatcher)
121.SOLR-1235: disallow period (.) in DIH entity names (noble)
122.SOLR-1234: Multiple DIH does not work because all of them write to
dataimport.properties. Use the handler name as the properties file name
123.SOLR-1348: Support binary field type in convertType logic in DIH
JdbcDataSource (shalin)
124.SOLR-1406: DIH: Make FileDataSource and FileListEntityProcessor to be more
extensible (Luke Forehand, shalin)
125.SOLR-1437: DIH: XPathEntityProcessor can deal with xpath syntaxes such as
//tagname , /root//tagname (Fergus McMenemie via noble)
1. SOLR-374: Use IndexReader.reopen to save resources by re-using parts of the
index that haven't changed. (Mark Miller via yonik)
2. SOLR-808: Write string keys in Maps as extern strings in the javabin format. (Noble Paul via shalin)
3. SOLR-475: New faceting method with better performance and smaller memory usage for
multi-valued fields with many unique values but relatively few values per document.
Controllable via the facet.method parameter - "fc" is the new default method and "enum"
is the original method. (yonik)
4. SOLR-970: Use an ArrayList in SolrPluginUtils.parseQueryStrings
since we know exactly how long the List will be in advance.
(Kay Kay via hossman)
5. SOLR-1002: Change SolrIndexSearcher to use insertWithOverflow
with reusable priority queue entries to reduce the amount of
generated garbage during searching. (Mark Miller via yonik)
6. SOLR-971: Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder for instances that do not require thread-safety.
(Kay Kay via shalin)
7. SOLR-921: SolrResourceLoader must cache short class name vs fully qualified classname
(Noble Paul, hossman via shalin)
8. SOLR-973: CommonsHttpSolrServer writes the xml directly to the server.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
9. SOLR-1108: Remove un-needed synchronization in SolrCore constructor.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
10. SOLR-1166: Speed up docset/filter generation by avoiding top-level
score() call and iterating over leaf readers with TermDocs. (yonik)
11. SOLR-1169: SortedIntDocSet - a new small set implementation
that saves memory over HashDocSet, is faster to construct,
is ordered for easier implementation of skipTo, and is faster
in the general case. (yonik)
12. SOLR-1165: Use Lucene Filters and pass them down to the Lucene
search methods to filter earlier and improve performance. (yonik)
13. SOLR-1111: Use per-segment sorting to share fieldcache elements
across unchanged segments. This saves memory and reduces
commit times for incremental updates to the index. (yonik)
14. SOLR-1188: Minor efficiency improvement in TermVectorComponent related to ignoring positions or offsets (gsingers)
15. SOLR-1150: Load Documents for Highlighting one at a time rather than
all at once to avoid OOM with many large Documents. (Siddharth Gargate via Mark Miller)
16. SOLR-1353: Implement and use reusable token streams for analysis. (Robert Muir, yonik)
17. SOLR-1296: Enables setting IndexReader's termInfosIndexDivisor via a new attribute to StandardIndexReaderFactory. Enables
setting termIndexInterval to IndexWriter via SolrIndexConfig. (Jason Rutherglen, hossman, gsingers)
18. SOLR-846: DIH: Reduce memory consumption during delta import by removing
keys when used (Ricky Leung, Noble Paul via shalin)
19. SOLR-974: DataImportHandler skips commit if no data has been updated.
(Wojtek Piaseczny, shalin)
20. SOLR-1004: DIH: Check for abort more frequently during delta-imports.
(Marc Sturlese, shalin)
21. SOLR-1098: DIH DateFormatTransformer can cache the format objects.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
22. SOLR-1465: Replaced string concatenations with StringBuilder append
calls in DIH XPathRecordReader. (Mark Miller, shalin)
Bug Fixes
1. SOLR-774: Fixed logging level display (Sean Timm via Otis Gospodnetic)
2. SOLR-771: CoreAdminHandler STATUS should display 'normalized' paths (koji, hossman, shalin)
3. SOLR-532: WordDelimiterFilter now respects payloads and other attributes of the original Token by
using Token.clone() (Tricia Williams, gsingers)
4. SOLR-805: DisMax queries are not being cached in QueryResultCache (Todd Feak via koji)
5. SOLR-751: WordDelimiterFilter didn't adjust the start offset of single
tokens that started with delimiters, leading to incorrect highlighting.
(Stefan Oestreicher via yonik)
7. SOLR-843: SynonymFilterFactory cannot handle multiple synonym files correctly (koji)
8. SOLR-840: BinaryResponseWriter does not handle incompatible data in fields (Noble Paul via shalin)
9. SOLR-803: CoreAdminRequest.createCore fails because name parameter isn't set (Sean Colombo via ryan)
10. SOLR-869: Fix file descriptor leak in SolrResourceLoader#getLines (Mark Miller, shalin)
11. SOLR-872: Better error message for incorrect copyField destination (Noble Paul via shalin)
12. SOLR-879: Enable position increments in the query parser and fix the
example schema to enable position increments for the stop filter in
both the index and query analyzers to fix the bug with phrase queries
with stopwords. (yonik)
13. SOLR-836: Add missing "a" to the example stopwords.txt (yonik)
14. SOLR-892: Fix serialization of booleans for PHPSerializedResponseWriter
15. SOLR-898: Fix null pointer exception for the JSON response writer
based formats when nl.json=arrarr with null keys. (yonik)
16. SOLR-901: FastOutputStream ignores write(byte[]) call. (Noble Paul via shalin)
17. SOLR-807: BinaryResponseWriter writes fieldType.toExternal if it is not a supported type,
otherwise it writes fieldType.toObject. This fixes the bug with encoding/decoding UUIDField.
(koji, Noble Paul, shalin)
18. SOLR-863: SolrCore.initIndex should close the directory it gets for clearing the lock and
use the DirectoryFactory. (Mark Miller via shalin)
19. SOLR-802: Fix a potential null pointer error in the distributed FacetComponent
(David Bowen via ryan)
20. SOLR-346: Use perl regex to improve accuracy of finding latest snapshot in snapinstaller (billa)
21. SOLR-830: Use perl regex to improve accuracy of finding latest snapshot in snappuller (billa)
22. SOLR-897: Fixed Argument list too long error when there are lots of snapshots/backups (Dan Rosher via billa)
23. SOLR-925: Fixed highlighting on fields with multiValued="true" and termOffsets="true" (koji)
24. SOLR-902: FastInputStream#read(byte b[], int off, int len) gives incorrect results when amount left to read is less
than buffer size (Noble Paul via shalin)
25. SOLR-978: Old files are not removed from slaves after replication (Jaco, Noble Paul, shalin)
26. SOLR-883: Implicit properties are not set for Cores created through CoreAdmin (Noble Paul via shalin)
27. SOLR-991: Better error message when parsing solrconfig.xml fails due to malformed XML. Error message notes the name
of the file being parsed. (Michael Henson via shalin)
28. SOLR-1008: Fix stats.jsp XML encoding for <stat> item entries with ampersands in their names. (ehatcher)
29. SOLR-976: deleteByQuery is ignored when deleteById is placed prior to deleteByQuery in a <delete>.
Now both delete by id and delete by query can be specified at the same time as follows.
30. SOLR-1016: HTTP 503 error changes 500 in SolrCore (koji)
31. SOLR-1015: Incomplete information in replication admin page and http command response when server
is both master and slave i.e. when server is a repeater (Akshay Ukey via shalin)
32. SOLR-1018: Slave is unable to replicate when server acts as repeater (as both master and slave)
(Akshay Ukey, Noble Paul via shalin)
33. SOLR-1031: Fix XSS vulnerability in schema.jsp (Paul Lovvik via ehatcher)
34. SOLR-1064: registry.jsp incorrectly displaying info for last core initialized
regardless of what the current core is. (hossman)
35. SOLR-1072: absolute paths used in sharedLib attribute were
incorrectly treated as relative paths. (hossman)
36. SOLR-1104: Fix some rounding errors in LukeRequestHandler's histogram (hossman)
37. SOLR-1125: Use query analyzer rather than index analyzer for queryFieldType in QueryElevationComponent
38. SOLR-1126: Replicated files have incorrect timestamp (Jian Han Guo, Jeff Newburn, Noble Paul via shalin)
39. SOLR-1094: Incorrect value of correctlySpelled attribute in some cases (David Smiley, Mark Miller via shalin)
40. SOLR-965: Better error message when <pingQuery> is not configured.
(Mark Miller via hossman)
41. SOLR-1135: Java replication creates Snapshot in the directory where Solr was launched (Jianhan Guo via shalin)
42. SOLR-1138: Query Elevation Component now gracefully handles missing queries. (gsingers)
43. SOLR-929: LukeRequestHandler should return "dynamicBase" only if the field is dynamic.
(Peter Wolanin, koji)
44. SOLR-1141: NullPointerException during snapshoot command in java based replication (Jian Han Guo, shalin)
45. SOLR-1078: Fixes to WordDelimiterFilter to avoid splitting or dropping
international non-letter characters such as non spacing marks. (yonik)
46. SOLR-825, SOLR-1221: Enables highlighting for range/wildcard/fuzzy/prefix queries if using hl.usePhraseHighlighter=true
and hl.highlightMultiTerm=true. Also make both options default to true. (Mark Miller, yonik)
47. SOLR-1174: Fix Logging admin form submit url for multicore. (Jacob Singh via shalin)
48. SOLR-1182: Fix bug in OrdFieldSource#equals which could cause a bug with OrdFieldSource caching
on OrdFieldSource#hashcode collisions. (Mark Miller)
49. SOLR-1207: equals method should compare this and other of DocList in DocSetBase (koji)
50. SOLR-1242: Human readable JVM info from system handler does integer cutoff rounding, even when dealing
with GB. Fixed to round to one decimal place. (Jay Hill, Mark Miller)
51. SOLR-1243: Admin RequestHandlers should not be cached over HTTP. (Mark Miller)
52. SOLR-1260: Fix implementations of set operations for DocList subclasses
and fix a bug in HashDocSet construction when offset != 0. These bugs
never manifested in normal Solr use and only potentially affect
custom code. (yonik)
53. SOLR-1171: Fix LukeRequestHandler so it doesn't rely on SolrQueryParser
and report incorrect stats when field names contain characters
SolrQueryParser considers special.
54. SOLR-1317: Fix CapitalizationFilterFactory to work when keep parameter is not specified.
55. SOLR-1342: CapitalizationFilterFactory uses incorrect term length calculations.
(Robert Muir via Mark Miller)
56. SOLR-1359: DoubleMetaphoneFilter didn't index original tokens if there was no
alternative, and could incorrectly skip or reorder tokens. (yonik)
57. SOLR-1360: Prevent PhoneticFilter from producing duplicate tokens. (yonik)
58. SOLR-1371: LukeRequestHandler/schema.jsp errored if schema had no
uniqueKey field. The new test for this also (hopefully) adds some
future proofing against similar bugs in the future. As a side
effect QueryElevationComponentTest was refactored, and a bug in
that test was found. (hossman)
59. SOLR-914: General finalize() improvements. No finalizer delegates
to the respective close/destroy method w/o first checking if it's
already been closed/destroyed; if it hasn't a, SEVERE error is
logged first. (noble, hossman)
60. SOLR-1362: WordDelimiterFilter had inconsistent behavior when setting
the position increment of tokens following a token consisting of all
delimiters, and could additionally lose big position increments.
(Robert Muir, yonik)
61. SOLR-1091: Jetty's use of CESU-8 for code points outside the BMP
resulted in invalid output from the serialized PHP writer. (yonik)
62. SOLR-1103: LukeRequestHandler (and schema.jsp) have been fixed to
include the "1" (ie: 2**0) bucket in the term histogram data.
63. SOLR-1398: Add offset corrections in PatternTokenizerFactory.
(Anders Melchiorsen, koji)
64. SOLR-1400: Properly handle zero-length tokens in TrimFilter. This
was not a bug in any released version. (Peter Wolanin, gsingers)
65. SOLR-1071: spellcheck.extendedResults returns an invalid JSON response
when count > 1. To fix, the extendedResults format was changed.
(Uri Boness, yonik)
66. SOLR-1381: Fixed improper handling of fields that have only term positions and not term offsets during Highlighting (Thorsten Fischer, gsingers)
67. SOLR-1427: Fixed registry.jsp issue with MBeans (gsingers)
68. SOLR-1468: SolrJ's XML response parsing threw an exception for null
names, such as those produced when facet.missing=true (yonik)
69. SOLR-1471: Fixed issue with calculating missing values for facets in single valued cases in Stats Component.
This is not correctly calculated for the multivalued case. (James Miller, gsingers)
70. SOLR-1481: Fixed omitHeader parameter for PHP ResponseWriter. (Jun Ohtani via billa)
71. SOLR-1448: Add weblogic.xml to solr webapp to enable correct operation in
WebLogic. (Ilan Rabinovitch via yonik)
72. SOLR-1504: empty char mapping can cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in analysis.jsp and co.
73. SOLR-1394: HTMLStripCharFilter split tokens that contained entities and
often calculated offsets incorrectly for entities.
(Anders Melchiorsen via yonik)
74. SOLR-1517: Admin pages could stall waiting for localhost name resolution
if reverse DNS wasn't configured; this was changed so the DNS resolution
is attempted only once the first time an admin page is loaded.
75. SOLR-1529: More than 8 deleteByQuery commands in a single request
caused an error to be returned, although the deletes were
still executed. (asmodean via yonik)
76. SOLR-800: Deep copy collections to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
in XPathEntityprocessor while streaming
(Kyle Morrison, Noble Paul via shalin)
77. SOLR-823: Request parameter variables ${dataimporter.request.xxx} are not
resolved in DIH (Mck SembWever, Noble Paul, shalin)
78. SOLR-728: Add synchronization to avoid race condition of multiple DIH
imports working concurrently (Walter Ferrara, shalin)
79. SOLR-742: Add ability to create dynamic fields with custom
DataImportHandler transformers (Wojtek Piaseczny, Noble Paul, shalin)
80. SOLR-832: Rows parameter is not honored in DIH non-debug mode and can
abort a running import in debug mode. (Akshay Ukey, shalin)
81. SOLR-838: The DIH VariableResolver obtained from a DataSource's context
does not have current data. (Noble Paul via shalin)
82. SOLR-864: DataImportHandler does not catch and log Errors (shalin)
83. SOLR-873: Fix case-sensitive field names and columns (Jon Baer, shalin)
84. SOLR-893: Unable to delete documents via SQL and deletedPkQuery with
deltaimport (Dan Rosher via shalin)
85. SOLR-888: DIH DateFormatTransformer cannot convert non-string type
(Amit Nithian via shalin)
86. SOLR-841: DataImportHandler should throw exception if a field does not
have column attribute (Michael Henson, shalin)
87. SOLR-884: CachedSqlEntityProcessor should check if the cache key is
present in the query results (Noble Paul via shalin)
88. SOLR-985: Fix thread-safety issue with DIH TemplateString for concurrent
imports with multiple cores. (Ryuuichi Kumai via shalin)
89. SOLR-999: DIH XPathRecordReader fails on XMLs with nodes mixed with
CDATA content. (Fergus McMenemie, Noble Paul via shalin)
90. SOLR-1000: DIH FileListEntityProcessor should not apply fileName filter to
directory names. (Fergus McMenemie via shalin)
91. SOLR-1009: Repeated column names result in duplicate values.
(Fergus McMenemie, Noble Paul via shalin)
92. SOLR-1017: Fix DIH thread-safety issue with last_index_time for concurrent
imports in multiple cores due to unsafe usage of SimpleDateFormat by
multiple threads. (Ryuuichi Kumai via shalin)
93. SOLR-1024: Calling abort on DataImportHandler import commits data instead
of calling rollback. (shalin)
94. SOLR-1037: DIH should not add null values in a row returned by
EntityProcessor to documents. (shalin)
95. SOLR-1040: DIH XPathEntityProcessor fails with an xpath like
/feed/entry/link[@type='text/html']/@href (Noble Paul via shalin)
96. SOLR-1042: Fix memory leak in DIH by making TemplateString non-static
member in VariableResolverImpl (Ryuuichi Kumai via shalin)
97. SOLR-1053: IndexOutOfBoundsException in DIH SolrWriter.getResourceAsString
when size of data-config.xml is a multiple of 1024 bytes.
(Herb Jiang via shalin)
98. SOLR-1077: IndexOutOfBoundsException with useSolrAddSchema in DIH
XPathEntityProcessor. (Sam Keen, Noble Paul via shalin)
99. SOLR-1080: DIH RegexTransformer should not replace if regex is not matched.
(Noble Paul, Fergus McMenemie via shalin)
100.SOLR-1090: DataImportHandler should load the data-config.xml using UTF-8
encoding. (Rui Pereira, shalin)
101.SOLR-1146: ConcurrentModificationException in DataImporter.getStatusMessages
(Walter Ferrara, Noble Paul via shalin)
102.SOLR-1229: Fixes for DIH deletedPkQuery, particularly when using
transformed Solr unique id's
(Lance Norskog, Noble Paul via ehatcher)
103.SOLR-1286: Fix the IH commit parameter always defaulting to "true" even
if "false" is explicitly passed in. (Jay Hill, Noble Paul via ehatcher)
104.SOLR-1323: Reset XPathEntityProcessor's $hasMore/$nextUrl when fetching
next URL (noble, ehatcher)
105.SOLR-1450: DIH: Jdbc connection properties such as batchSize are not
applied if the driver jar is placed in solr_home/lib.
(Steve Sun via shalin)
106.SOLR-1474: DIH Delta-import should run even if last_index_time is not set.
Other Changes
1. Upgraded to Lucene 2.4.0 (yonik)
2. SOLR-805: Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev (r707499) (koji)
3. DumpRequestHandler (/debug/dump): changed 'fieldName' to 'sourceInfo'. (ehatcher)
4. SOLR-852: Refactored common code in CSVRequestHandler and XMLUpdateRequestHandler (gsingers, ehatcher)
5. SOLR-871: Removed dependency on stax-utils.jar. If you using solr.jar and running
java 6, you can also remove woodstox and geronimo. (ryan)
6. SOLR-465: Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev (r719351) (shalin)
7. SOLR-889: Upgraded to commons-io-1.4.jar and commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar (ryan)
8. SOLR-875: Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev (r723985) and consolidated the BitSet implementations (Michael Busch, gsingers)
9. SOLR-819: Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev (r724059) to get access to Arabic public constructors (gsingers)
10. SOLR-900: Moved solrj into /src/solrj. The contents of solr-common.jar is now included
in the solr-solrj.jar. (ryan)
11. SOLR-924: Code cleanup: make all existing finalize() methods call
super.finalize() in a finally block. All current instances extend
Object, so this doesn't fix any bugs, but helps protect against
future changes. (Kay Kay via hossman)
12. SOLR-885: NamedListCodec is renamed to JavaBinCodec and returns Object instead of NamedList.
(Noble Paul, yonik via shalin)
13. SOLR-84: Use new Solr logo in admin (Michiel via koji)
14. SOLR-981: groupId for Woodstox dependency in maven solrj changed to org.codehaus.woodstox (Tim Taranov via shalin)
15. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r738218 (yonik)
16. SOLR-959: Refactored TestReplicationHandler to remove hardcoded port numbers (hossman, Akshay Ukey via shalin)
17. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r742220 (yonik)
18. SOLR-1022: Better "ignored" field in example schema.xml (Peter Wolanin via hossman)
19. SOLR-967: New type-safe constructor for NamedList (Kay Kay via hossman)
20. SOLR-1036: Change default QParser from "lucenePlusSort" to "lucene" to
reduce confusion of semicolon splitting behavior when no sort param is
specified (hossman)
21. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r752164 (shalin)
22. SOLR-1068: Use fsync on replicated index and configuration files (yonik, Noble Paul, shalin)
23. SOLR-952: Cleanup duplicated code in deprecated HighlightingUtils (hossman)
24. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r764281 (shalin)
25. SOLR-1079: Rename omitTf to omitTermFreqAndPositions (shalin)
26. SOLR-804: Added Lucene's misc contrib JAR (rev 764281). (gsingers)
27. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r768228 (shalin)
28. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r768336 (shalin)
29. SOLR-997: Wait for a longer time for slave to complete replication in TestReplicationHandler
(Mark Miller via shalin)
30. SOLR-748: FacetComponent helper classes are made public as an experimental API.
(Wojtek Piaseczny via shalin)
31. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev 773862 (Mark Miller)
32. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r776177 (shalin)
33. SOLR-1149: Made QParserPlugin and related classes extendible as an experimental API.
(Kaktu Chakarabati via shalin)
34. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r779312 (yonik)
35. SOLR-786: Refactor DisMaxQParser to allow overriding certain features of DisMaxQParser
(Wojciech Biela via shalin)
36. SOLR-458: Add equals and hashCode methods to NamedList (Stefan Rinner, shalin)
37. SOLR-1184: Add option in solrconfig to open a new IndexReader rather than
using reopen. Done mainly as a fail-safe in the case that a user runs into
a reopen bug/issue. (Mark Miller)
38. SOLR-1215 use double quotes to enclose attributes in solr.xml (noble)
39. SOLR-1151: add dynamic copy field and maxChars example to example schema.xml.
(Peter Wolanin, Mark Miller)
40. SOLR-1233: remove /select?qt=/whatever restriction on /-prefixed request handlers.
41. SOLR-1257: logging.jsp has been removed and now passes through to the
hierarchical log level tool added in Solr 1.3. Users still
hitting "/admin/logging.jsp" should switch to "/admin/logging".
42. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r794238. Other changes include:
- LUCENE-1614 - Use Lucene's DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS as the sentinel value.
- LUCENE-1630 - Add acceptsDocsOutOfOrder method to Collector implementations.
- LUCENE-1673, LUCENE-1701 - Trie has moved to Lucene core and renamed to NumericRangeQuery.
- LUCENE-1662, LUCENE-1687 - Replace usage of ExtendedFieldCache by FieldCache.
42. SOLR-1241: Solr's CharFilter has been moved to Lucene. Remove CharFilter and related classes
from Solr and use Lucene's corresponding code (koji via shalin)
43. SOLR-1261: Lucene trunk renamed RangeQuery & Co to TermRangeQuery (Uwe Schindler via shalin)
44. Upgraded to Lucene 2.9-dev r801856 (Mark Miller)
45. SOLR-1276: Added StatsComponentTest (Rafał Kuć, gsingers)
46. SOLR-1377: The TokenizerFactory API has changed to explicitly return a Tokenizer
rather then a TokenStream (that may be or may not be a Tokenizer). This change
is required to take advantage of the Token reuse improvements in lucene 2.9. (ryan)
47. SOLR-1410: Log a warning if the deprecated charset option is used
on GreekLowerCaseFilterFactory, RussianStemFilterFactory,
RussianLowerCaseFilterFactory or RussianLetterTokenizerFactory.
(Robert Muir via hossman)
48. SOLR-1423: Due to LUCENE-1906, Solr's tokenizer should use Tokenizer.correctOffset() instead of CharStream.correctOffset().
(Uwe Schindler via koji)
49. SOLR-1319, SOLR-1345: Upgrade Solr Highlighter classes to new Lucene Highlighter API. This upgrade has
resulted in a back compat break in the DefaultSolrHighlighter class - getQueryScorer is no longer
protected. If you happened to be overriding that method in custom code, overide getHighlighter instead.
Also, HighlightingUtils#getQueryScorer has been removed as it was deprecated and backcompat has been
broken with it anyway. (Mark Miller)
50. SOLR-1357 SolrInputDocument cannot process dynamic fields (Lars Grote via noble)
51. SOLR-1075: Upgrade to Tika 0.3. See http://www.apache.org/dist/lucene/tika/CHANGES-0.3.txt (gsingers)
52. SOLR-1310: Upgrade to Tika 0.4. Note there are some differences in
detecting Languages now in extracting request handler.
See http://www.lucidimagination.com/search/document/d6f1899a85b2a45c/vote_apache_tika_0_4_release_candidate_2#d6f1899a85b2a45c
for discussion on language detection.
See http://www.apache.org/dist/lucene/tika/CHANGES-0.4.txt. (gsingers)
53. SOLR-782: DIH: Refactored SolrWriter to make it a concrete class and
removed wrappers over SolrInputDocument. Refactored to load Evaluators
lazily. Removed multiple document nodes in the configuration xml. Removed
support for 'default' variables, they are automatically available as
request parameters. (Noble Paul via shalin)
54. SOLR-964: DIH: XPathEntityProcessor now ignores DTD validations
(Fergus McMenemie, Noble Paul via shalin)
55. SOLR-1029: DIH: Standardize Evaluator parameter parsing and added helper
functions for parsing all evaluator parameters in a standard way.
(Noble Paul, shalin)
56. SOLR-1081: Change DIH EventListener to be an interface so that components
such as an EntityProcessor or a Transformer can act as an event listener.
(Noble Paul, shalin)
57. SOLR-1027: DIH: Alias the 'dataimporter' namespace to a shorter name 'dih'.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
58. SOLR-1084: Better error reporting when DIH entity name is a reserved word
and data-config.xml root node is not <dataConfig>.
(Noble Paul via shalin)
59. SOLR-1087: Deprecate 'where' attribute in CachedSqlEntityProcessor in
favor of cacheKey and cacheLookup. (Noble Paul via shalin)
60. SOLR-969: Change the FULL_DUMP, DELTA_DUMP, FIND_DELTA constants in DIH
Context to String. Change Context.currentProcess() to return a string
instead of an integer. (Kay Kay, Noble Paul, shalin)
61. SOLR-1120: Simplified DIH EntityProcessor API by moving logic for applying
transformers and handling multi-row outputs from Transformers into an
EntityProcessorWrapper class. The behavior of the method
EntityProcessor#destroy has been modified to be called once per parent-row
at the end of row. A new method EntityProcessor#close is added which is
called at the end of import. A new method
Context#getResolvedEntityAttribute is added which returns the resolved
value of an entity's attribute. Introduced a DocWrapper which takes care
of maintaining document level session variables.
(Noble Paul, shalin)
62. SOLR-1265: Add DIH variable resolving for URLDataSource properties like
baseUrl. (Chris Eldredge via ehatcher)
63. SOLR-1269: Better error messages from DIH JdbcDataSource when JDBC Driver
name or SQL is incorrect. (ehatcher, shalin)
1. SOLR-776: Added in ability to sign artifacts via Ant for releases (gsingers)
2. SOLR-854: Added run-example target (Mark Miller via ehatcher)
3. SOLR-1054:Fix dist-src target for DataImportHandler (Ryuuichi Kumai via shalin)
4. SOLR-1219: Added proxy.setup target (koji)
5. SOLR-1386: In build.xml, use longfile="gnu" in tar task to avoid warnings about long file names
(Mark Miller via shalin)
6. SOLR-1441: Make it possible to run all tests in a package (shalin)
1. SOLR-789: The javadoc of RandomSortField is not readable (Nicolas Lalevée via koji)
2. SOLR-962: Note about null handling in ModifiableSolrParams.add javadoc
(Kay Kay via hossman)
3. SOLR-1409: Added Solr Powered By Logos
4. SOLR-1369: Add HSQLDB Jar to example-DIH, unzip database and update
================== Release 1.3.0 ==================
Upgrading from Solr 1.2
IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTE: In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves
should be upgraded before the master! If the master were to be updated
first, the older searchers would not be able to read the new index format.
The Porter snowball based stemmers in Lucene were updated (LUCENE-1142),
and are not guaranteed to be backward compatible at the index level
(the stem of certain words may have changed). Re-indexing is recommended.
Older Apache Solr installations can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant war file with the new version. No changes to configuration
files should be needed.
This version of Solr contains a new version of Lucene implementing
an updated index format. This version of Solr/Lucene can still read
and update indexes in the older formats, and will convert them to the new
format on the first index change. Be sure to backup your index before
upgrading in case you need to downgrade.
Solr now recognizes HTTP Request headers related to HTTP Caching (see
RFC 2616 sec13) and will by default respond with "304 Not Modified"
when appropriate. This should only affect users who access Solr via
an HTTP Cache, or via a Web-browser that has an internal cache, but if
you wish to suppress this behavior an '<httpCaching never304="true"/>'
option can be added to your solrconfig.xml. See the wiki (or the
example solrconfig.xml) for more details...
In Solr 1.2, DateField did not enforce the canonical representation of
the ISO 8601 format when parsing incoming data, and did not generation
the canonical format when generating dates from "Date Math" strings
(particularly as it pertains to milliseconds ending in trailing zeros).
As a result equivalent dates could not always be compared properly.
This problem is corrected in Solr 1.3, but DateField users that might
have been affected by indexing inconsistent formats of equivilent
dates (ie: 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z vs 1995-12-31T23:59:59.000Z) may want
to consider reindexing to correct these inconsistencies. Users who
depend on some of the the "broken" behavior of DateField in Solr 1.2
(specificly: accepting any input that ends in a 'Z') should consider
using the LegacyDateField class as a possible alternative. Users that
desire 100% backwards compatibility should consider using the Solr 1.2
version of DateField.
Due to some changes in the lifecycle of TokenFilterFactories, users of
Solr 1.2 who have written Java code which constructs new instances of
StopFilterFactory, SynonymFilterFactory, or EnglishProterFilterFactory
will need to modify their code by adding a line like the following
prior to using the factory object...
These lifecycle changes do not affect people who use Solr "out of the
box" or who have developed their own TokenFilterFactory plugins. More
info can be found in SOLR-594.
The python client that used to ship with Solr is no longer included in
the distribution (see client/python/README.txt).
Detailed Change List
New Features
1. SOLR-69: Adding MoreLikeThisHandler to search for similar documents using
lucene contrib/queries MoreLikeThis. MoreLikeThis is also available from
the StandardRequestHandler using ?mlt=true. (bdelacretaz, ryan)
2. SOLR-253: Adding KeepWordFilter and KeepWordFilterFactory. A TokenFilter
that keeps tokens with text in the registered keeplist. This behaves like
the inverse of StopFilter. (ryan)
3. SOLR-257: WordDelimiterFilter has a new parameter splitOnCaseChange,
which can be set to 0 to disable splitting "PowerShot" => "Power" "Shot".
4. SOLR-193: Adding SolrDocument and SolrInputDocument to represent documents
outside of the lucene Document infrastructure. This class will be used
by clients and for processing documents. (ryan)
5. SOLR-244: Added ModifiableSolrParams - a SolrParams implementation that
help you change values after initialization. (ryan)
6. SOLR-20: Added a java client interface with two implementations. One
implementation uses commons httpclient to connect to solr via HTTP. The
other connects to solr directly. Check client/java/solrj. This addition
also includes tests that start jetty and test a connection using the full
HTTP request cycle. (Darren Erik Vengroff, Will Johnson, ryan)
7. SOLR-133: Added StaxUpdateRequestHandler that uses StAX for XML parsing.
This implementation has much better error checking and lets you configure
a custom UpdateRequestProcessor that can selectively process update
requests depending on the request attributes. This class will likely
replace XmlUpdateRequestHandler. (Thorsten Scherler, ryan)
8. SOLR-264: Added RandomSortField, a utility field with a random sort order.
The seed is based on a hash of the field name, so a dynamic field
of this type is useful for generating different random sequences.
This field type should only be used for sorting or as a value source
in a FunctionQuery (ryan, hossman, yonik)
9. SOLR-266: Adding show=schema to LukeRequestHandler to show the parsed
schema fields and field types. (ryan)
10. SOLR-133: The UpdateRequestHandler now accepts multiple delete options
within a single request. For example, sending:
<delete><id>1</id><id>2</id></delete> will delete both 1 and 2. (ryan)
11. SOLR-269: Added UpdateRequestProcessor plugin framework. This provides
a reasonable place to process documents after they are parsed and
before they are committed to the index. This is a good place for custom
document manipulation or document based authorization. (yonik, ryan)
12. SOLR-260: Converting to a standard PluginLoader framework. This reworks
RequestHandlers, FieldTypes, and QueryResponseWriters to share the same
base code for loading and initializing plugins. This adds a new
configuration option to define the default RequestHandler and
QueryResponseWriter in XML using default="true". (ryan)
13. SOLR-225: Enable pluggable highlighting classes. Allow configurable
highlighting formatters and Fragmenters. (ryan)
14. SOLR-273/376/452/516: Added hl.maxAnalyzedChars highlighting parameter, defaulting
to 50k, hl.alternateField, which allows the specification of a backup
field to use as summary if no keywords are matched, and hl.mergeContiguous,
which combines fragments if they are adjacent in the source document.
(klaas, Grant Ingersoll, Koji Sekiguchi via klaas)
15. SOLR-291: Control maximum number of documents to cache for any entry
in the queryResultCache via queryResultMaxDocsCached solrconfig.xml
entry. (Koji Sekiguchi via yonik)
16. SOLR-240: New <lockType> configuration setting in <mainIndex> and
<indexDefaults> blocks supports all Lucene builtin LockFactories.
'single' is recommended setting, but 'simple' is default for total
backwards compatibility.
(Will Johnson via hossman)
17. SOLR-248: Added CapitalizationFilterFactory that creates tokens with
normalized capitalization. This filter is useful for facet display,
but will not work with a prefix query. (ryan)
SOLR-468: Change to the semantics to keep the original token, not the
token in the Map. Also switched to use Lucene's new reusable token
capabilities. (gsingers)
18. SOLR-307: Added NGramFilterFactory and EdgeNGramFilterFactory.
(Thomas Peuss via Otis Gospodnetic)
19. SOLR-305: analysis.jsp can be given a fieldtype instead of a field
name. (hossman)
20. SOLR-102: Added RegexFragmenter, which splits text for highlighting
based on a given pattern. (klaas)
21. SOLR-258: Date Faceting added to SimpleFacets. Facet counts
computed for ranges of size facet.date.gap (a DateMath expression)
between facet.date.start and facet.date.end. (hossman)
22. SOLR-196: A PHP serialized "phps" response writer that returns a
serialized array that can be used with the PHP function unserialize,
and a PHP response writer "php" that may be used by eval.
(Nick Jenkin, Paul Borgermans, Pieter Berkel via yonik)
23. SOLR-308: A new UUIDField class which accepts UUID string values,
as well as the special value of "NEW" which triggers generation of
a new random UUID.
(Thomas Peuss via hossman)
24. SOLR-349: New FunctionQuery functions: sum, product, div, pow, log,
sqrt, abs, scale, map. Constants may now be used as a value source.
25. SOLR-359: Add field type className to Luke response, and enabled access
to the detailed field information from the solrj client API.
(Grant Ingersoll via ehatcher)
26. SOLR-334: Pluggable query parsers. Allows specification of query
type and arguments as a prefix on a query string. (yonik)
27. SOLR-351: External Value Source. An external file may be used
to specify the values of a field, currently usable as
a ValueSource in a FunctionQuery. (yonik)
28. SOLR-395: Many new features for the spell checker implementation, including
an extended response mode with much richer output, multi-word spell checking,
and a bevy of new and renamed options (see the wiki).
(Mike Krimerman, Scott Taber via klaas).
29. SOLR-408: Added PingRequestHandler and deprecated SolrCore.getPingQueryRequest().
Ping requests should be configured using standard RequestHandler syntax in
solrconfig.xml rather then using the <pingQuery></pingQuery> syntax.
(Karsten Sperling via ryan)
30. SOLR-281: Added a 'Search Component' interface and converted StandardRequestHandler
and DisMaxRequestHandler to use this framework.
(Sharad Agarwal, Henri Biestro, yonik, ryan)
31. SOLR-176: Add detailed timing data to query response output. The SearchHandler
interface now returns how long each section takes. (klaas)
32. SOLR-414: Plugin initialization now supports SolrCore and ResourceLoader "Aware"
plugins. Plugins that implement SolrCoreAware or ResourceLoaderAware are
informed about the SolrCore/ResourceLoader. (Henri Biestro, ryan)
33. SOLR-350: Support multiple SolrCores running in the same solr instance and allows
runtime runtime management for any running SolrCore. If a solr.xml file exists
in solr.home, this file is used to instanciate multiple cores and enables runtime
core manipulation. For more informaion see: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin
(Henri Biestro, ryan)
34. SOLR-447: Added an single request handler that will automatically register all
standard admin request handlers. This replaces the need to register (and maintain)
the set of admin request handlers. Assuming solrconfig.xml includes:
<requestHandler name="/admin/" class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers" />
This will register: Luke/SystemInfo/PluginInfo/ThreadDump/PropertiesRequestHandler.
35. SOLR-142: Added RawResponseWriter and ShowFileRequestHandler. This returns config
files directly. If AdminHandlers are configured, this will be added automatically.
The jsp files /admin/get-file.jsp and /admin/raw-schema.jsp have been deprecated.
The deprecated <admin><gettableFiles> will be automatically registered with
a ShowFileRequestHandler instance for backwards compatibility. (ryan)
36. SOLR-446: TextResponseWriter can write SolrDocuments and SolrDocumentLists the
same way it writes Document and DocList. (yonik, ryan)
37. SOLR-418: Adding a query elevation component. This is an optional component to
elevate some documents to the top positions (or exclude them) for a given query.
38. SOLR-478: Added ability to get back unique key information from the LukeRequestHandler.
39. SOLR-127: HTTP Caching awareness. Solr now recognizes HTTP Request
headers related to HTTP Caching (see RFC 2616 sec13) and will respond
with "304 Not Modified" when appropriate. New options have been added
to solrconfig.xml to influence this behavior.
(Thomas Peuss via hossman)
40. SOLR-303: Distributed Search over HTTP. Specification of shards
argument causes Solr to query those shards and merge the results
into a single response. Querying, field faceting (sorted only),
query faceting, highlighting, and debug information are supported
in distributed mode.
(Sharad Agarwal, Patrick O'Leary, Sabyasachi Dalal, Stu Hood,
Jayson Minard, Lars Kotthoff, ryan, yonik)
41. SOLR-356: Pluggable functions (value sources) that allow
registration of new functions via solrconfig.xml
(Doug Daniels via yonik)
42. SOLR-494: Added cool admin Ajaxed schema explorer.
(Greg Ludington via ehatcher)
43. SOLR-497: Added date faceting to the QueryResponse in SolrJ
and QueryResponseTest (Shalin Shekhar Mangar via gsingers)
44. SOLR-486: Binary response format, faster and smaller
than XML and JSON response formats (use wt=javabin).
BinaryResponseParser for utilizing the binary format via SolrJ
and is now the default.
(Noble Paul, yonik)
45. SOLR-521: StopFilterFactory support for "enablePositionIncrements"
(Walter Ferrara via hossman)
46. SOLR-557: Added SolrCore.getSearchComponents() to return an unmodifiable Map. (gsingers)
47. SOLR-516: Added hl.maxAlternateFieldLength parameter, to set max length for hl.alternateField
(Koji Sekiguchi via klaas)
48. SOLR-319: Changed SynonymFilterFactory to "tokenize" synonyms file.
To use a tokenizer, specify "tokenizerFactory" attribute in <filter>.
For example:
<tokenizer class="solr.CJKTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" expand="true"
ignoreCase="true" tokenizerFactory="solr.CJKTokenizerFactory"/>
49. SOLR-515: Added SimilarityFactory capability to schema.xml,
making config file parameters usable in the construction of
the global Lucene Similarity implementation.
50. SOLR-536: Add a DocumentObjectBinder to solrj that converts Objects to and
from SolrDocuments. (Noble Paul via ryan)
51. SOLR-595: Add support for Field level boosting in the MoreLikeThis Handler.
(Tom Morton, gsingers)
52. SOLR-572: Added SpellCheckComponent and org.apache.solr.spelling package to support more spell
checking functionality. Also includes ability to add your own SolrSpellChecker implementation that
plugs in. See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent for more details
(Shalin Shekhar Mangar, Bojan Smid, gsingers)
53. SOLR-679: Added accessor methods to Lucene based spell checkers (gsingers)
54. SOLR-423: Added Request Handler close hook notification so that RequestHandlers can be notified
when a core is closing. (gsingers, ryan)
55. SOLR-603: Added ability to partially optimize. (gsingers)
56. SOLR-483: Add byte/short sorting support (gsingers)
57. SOLR-14: Add preserveOriginal flag to WordDelimiterFilter
(Geoffrey Young, Trey Hyde, Ankur Madnani, yonik)
58. SOLR-502: Add search timeout support. (Sean Timm via yonik)
59. SOLR-605: Add the ability to register callbacks programatically (ryan, Noble Paul)
60. SOLR-610: hl.maxAnalyzedChars can be -1 to highlight everything (Lars Kotthoff via klaas)
61. SOLR-522: Make analysis.jsp show payloads. (Tricia Williams via yonik)
62. SOLR-611: Expose sort_values returned by QueryComponent in SolrJ's QueryResponse
(Dan Rosher via shalin)
63. SOLR-256: Support exposing Solr statistics through JMX (Sharad Agrawal, shalin)
64. SOLR-666: Expose warmup time in statistics for SolrIndexSearcher and LRUCache (shalin)
65. SOLR-663: Allow multiple files for stopwords, keepwords, protwords and synonyms
(Otis Gospodnetic, shalin)
66. SOLR-469: Added DataImportHandler as a contrib project which makes indexing data from Databases,
XML files and HTTP data sources into Solr quick and easy. Includes API and implementations for
supporting multiple data sources, processors and transformers for importing data. Supports full
data imports as well as incremental (delta) indexing. See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler
for more details. (Noble Paul, shalin)
67. SOLR-622: SpellCheckComponent supports auto-loading indices on startup and optionally, (re)builds
indices on newSearcher event, if configured in solrconfig.xml (shalin)
68. SOLR-554: Hierarchical JDK log level selector for SOLR Admin replaces logging.jsp
(Sean Timm via shalin)
69. SOLR-506: Emitting HTTP Cache headers can be enabled or disabled through configuration on a
per-handler basis (shalin)
70. SOLR-716: Added support for properties in configuration files. Properties can be specified in
solr.xml and can be used in solrconfig.xml and schema.xml (Henri Biestro, hossman, ryan, shalin)
71. SOLR-1129 : Support binding dynamic fields to beans in SolrJ (Avlesh Singh , noble)
72. SOLR-920 : Cache and reuse IndexSchema . A new attribute added in solr.xml called 'shareSchema' (noble)
73. SOLR-700: DIH: Allow configurable locales through a locale attribute in
fields for NumberFormatTransformer. (Stefan Oestreicher, shalin)
Changes in runtime behavior
1. SOLR-559: use Lucene updateDocument, deleteDocuments methods. This
removes the maxBufferedDeletes parameter added by SOLR-310 as Lucene
now manages the deletes. This provides slightly better indexing
performance and makes overwrites atomic, eliminating the possibility of
a crash causing duplicates. (yonik)
2. SOLR-689 / SOLR-695: If you have used "MultiCore" functionality in an unreleased
version of 1.3-dev, many classes and configs have been renamed for the official
1.3 release. Speciffically, solr.xml has replaced multicore.xml, and uses a slightly
different syntax. The solrj classes: MultiCore{Request/Response/Params} have been
renamed: CoreAdmin{Request/Response/Params} (hossman, ryan, Henri Biestro)
3. SOLR-647: reference count the SolrCore uses to prevent a premature
close while a core is still in use. (Henri Biestro, Noble Paul, yonik)
4. SOLR-737: SolrQueryParser now uses a ConstantScoreQuery for wildcard
queries that prevent an exception from being thrown when the number
of matching terms exceeds the BooleanQuery clause limit. (yonik)
1. SOLR-276: improve JSON writer speed. (yonik)
2. SOLR-310: bound and reduce memory usage by providing <maxBufferedDeletes> parameter,
which flushes deleted without forcing the user to use <commit/> for this purpose.
3. SOLR-348: short-circuit faceting if less than mincount docs match. (yonik)
4. SOLR-354: Optimize removing all documents. Now when a delete by query
of *:* is issued, the current index is removed. (yonik)
5. SOLR-377: Speed up response writers. (yonik)
6. SOLR-342: Added support into the SolrIndexWriter for using several new features of the new
LuceneIndexWriter, including: setRAMBufferSizeMB(), setMergePolicy(), setMergeScheduler.
Also, added support to specify Lucene's autoCommit functionality (not to be confused with Solr's
similarily named autoCommit functionality) via the <luceneAutoCommit> config. item. See the test
and example solrconfig.xml <indexDefaults> section for usage. Performance during indexing should
be significantly increased by moving up to 2.3 due to Lucene's new indexing capabilities.
Furthermore, the setRAMBufferSizeMB makes it more logical to decide on tuning factors related to
indexing. For best performance, leave the mergePolicy and mergeScheduler as the defaults and set
ramBufferSizeMB instead of maxBufferedDocs. The best value for this depends on the types of
documents in use. 32 should be a good starting point, but reports have shown up to 48 MB provides
good results. Note, it is acceptable to set both ramBufferSizeMB and maxBufferedDocs, and Lucene
will flush based on whichever limit is reached first. (gsingers)
7. SOLR-330: Converted TokenStreams to use Lucene's new char array based
capabilities. (gsingers)
8. SOLR-624: Only take snapshots if there are differences to the index (Richard Trey Hyde via gsingers)
9. SOLR-587: Delete by Query performance greatly improved by using
new underlying Lucene IndexWriter implementation. (yonik)
10. SOLR-730: Use read-only IndexReaders that don't synchronize
isDeleted(). This will speed up function queries and *:* queries
as well as improve their scalability on multi-CPU systems.
(Mark Miller via yonik)
Bug Fixes
1. Make TextField respect sortMissingFirst and sortMissingLast fields.
(J.J. Larrea via yonik)
2. autoCommit/maxDocs was not working properly when large autoCommit/maxTime
was specified (klaas)
3. SOLR-283: autoCommit was not working after delete. (ryan)
4. SOLR-286: ContentStreamBase was not using default encoding for getBytes()
(Toru Matsuzawa via ryan)
5. SOLR-292: Fix MoreLikeThis facet counting. (Pieter Berkel via ryan)
6. SOLR-297: Fix bug in RequiredSolrParams where requiring a field
specific param would fail if a general default value had been supplied.
7. SOLR-331: Fix WordDelimiterFilter handling of offsets for synonyms or
other injected tokens that can break highlighting. (yonik)
8. SOLR-282: Snapshooter does not work on Solaris and OS X since the cp command
there does not have the -l option. Also updated commit/optimize related
scripts to handle both old and new response format. (bill)
9. SOLR-294: Logging of elapsed time broken on Solaris because the date command
there does not support the %s output format. (bill)
10. SOLR-136: Snappuller - "date -d" and locales don't mix. (Jürgen Hermann via bill)
11. SOLR-333: Changed distributiondump.jsp to use Solr HOME instead of CWD to set path.
12. SOLR-393: Removed duplicate contentType from raw-schema.jsp. (bill)
13. SOLR-413: Requesting a large numbers of documents to be returned (limit)
can result in an out-of-memory exception, even for a small index. (yonik)
14. The CSV loader incorrectly threw an exception when given
header=true (the default). (ryan, yonik)
15. SOLR-449: the python and ruby response writers are now able to correctly
output NaN and Infinity in their respective languages. (klaas)
16. SOLR-42: HTMLStripReader tokenizers now preserve correct source
offsets for highlighting. (Grant Ingersoll via yonik)
17. SOLR-481: Handle UnknownHostException in _info.jsp (gsingers)
18. SOLR-324: Add proper support for Long and Doubles in sorting, etc. (gsingers)
19. SOLR-496: Cache-Control max-age changed to Long so Expires
calculation won't cause overflow. (Thomas Peuss via hossman)
20. SOLR-535: Fixed typo (Tokenzied -> Tokenized) in schema.jsp (Thomas Peuss via billa)
21. SOLR-529: Better error messages from SolrQueryParser when field isn't
specified and there is no defaultSearchField in schema.xml
(Lars Kotthoff via hossman)
22. SOLR-530: Better error messages/warnings when parsing schema.xml:
field using bogus fieldtype and multiple copyFields to a non-multiValue
field. (Shalin Shekhar Mangar via hossman)
23. SOLR-528: Better error message when defaultSearchField is bogus or not
indexed. (Lars Kotthoff via hossman)
24. SOLR-533: Fixed tests so they don't use hardcoded port numbers.
25. SOLR-400: SolrExceptionTest should now handle using OpenDNS as a DNS provider (gsingers)
26. SOLR-541: Legacy XML update support (provided by SolrUpdateServlet
when no RequestHandler is mapped to "/update") now logs error correctly.
27. SOLR-267: Changed logging to report number of hits, and also provide a mechanism to add log
messages to be output by the SolrCore via a NamedList toLog member variable.
(Will Johnson, yseeley, gsingers)
- SOLR-267: Removed adding values to the HTTP headers in SolrDispatchFilter (gsingers)
28. SOLR-509: Moved firstSearcher event notification to the end of the SolrCore constructor
(Koji Sekiguchi via gsingers)
29. SOLR-470, SOLR-552, SOLR-544, SOLR-701: Multiple fixes to DateField
regarding lenient parsing of optional milliseconds, and correct
formating using the canonical representation. LegacyDateField has
been added for people who have come to depend on the existing
broken behavior. (hossman, Stefan Oestreicher)
30. SOLR-539: Fix for non-atomic long counters and a cast fix to avoid divide
by zero. (Sean Timm via Otis Gospodnetic)
31. SOLR-514: Added explicit media-type with UTF* charset to *.xsl files that
don't already have one. (hossman)
32. SOLR-505: Give RequestHandlers the possiblity to suppress the generation
of HTTP caching headers. (Thomas Peuss via Otis Gospodnetic)
33. SOLR-553: Handle highlighting of phrase terms better when
hl.usePhraseHighligher=true URL param is used.
(Bojan Smid via Otis Gospodnetic)
34. SOLR-590: Limitation in pgrep on Linux platform breaks script-utils fixUser.
(Hannes Schmidt via billa)
35. SOLR-597: SolrServlet no longer "caches" SolrCore. This was causing
problems in Resin, and could potentially cause problems for customized
usages of SolrServlet.
36. SOLR-585: Now sets the QParser on the ResponseBuilder (gsingers)
37. SOLR-604: If the spellchecking path is relative, make it relative to the Solr Data Directory.
(Shalin Shekhar Mangar via gsingers)
38. SOLR-584: Make stats.jsp and stats.xsl more robust.
(Yousef Ourabi and hossman)
39. SOLR-443: SolrJ: Declare UTF-8 charset on POSTed parameters
to avoid problems with servlet containers that default to latin-1
and allow switching of the exact POST mechanism for parameters
via useMultiPartPost in CommonsHttpSolrServer.
(Lars Kotthoff, Andrew Schurman, ryan, yonik)
40. SOLR-556: multi-valued fields always highlighted in disparate snippets
(Lars Kotthoff via klaas)
41. SOLR-501: Fix admin/analysis.jsp UTF-8 input for some other servlet
containers such as Tomcat. (Hiroaki Kawai, Lars Kotthoff via yonik)
42. SOLR-616: SpellChecker accuracy configuration is not applied for FileBasedSpellChecker.
Apply it for FileBasedSpellChecker and IndexBasedSpellChecker both.
43. SOLR-648: SpellCheckComponent throws NullPointerException on using spellcheck.q request
parameter after restarting Solr, if reload is called but build is not called.
(Jonathan Lee, shalin)
44. SOLR-598: DebugComponent now always occurs last in the SearchHandler list unless the
components are explicitly declared. (gsingers)
45. SOLR-676: DataImportHandler should use UpdateRequestProcessor API instead of directly
using UpdateHandler. (shalin)
46. SOLR-696: Fixed bug in NamedListCodec in regards to serializing Iterable objects. (gsingers)
47. SOLR-669: snappuler fix for FreeBSD/Darwin (Richard "Trey" Hyde via Otis Gospodnetic)
48. SOLR-606: Fixed spell check collation offset issue. (Stefan Oestreicher , Geoffrey Young, gsingers)
49. SOLR-589: Improved handling of badly formated query strings (Sean Timm via Otis Gospodnetic)
50. SOLR-749: Allow QParser and ValueSourceParsers to be extended with same name (hossman, gsingers)
51. SOLR-704: DIH NumberFormatTransformer can silently ignore part of the
string while parsing. Now it tries to use the complete string for parsing.
Failure to do so will result in an exception.
(Stefan Oestreicher via shalin)
52. SOLR-729: DIH Context.getDataSource(String) gives current entity's
DataSource instance regardless of argument. (Noble Paul, shalin)
53. SOLR-726: DIH: Jdbc Drivers and DataSources fail to load if placed in
multicore sharedLib or core's lib directory.
(Walter Ferrara, Noble Paul, shalin)
Other Changes
1. SOLR-135: Moved common classes to org.apache.solr.common and altered the
build scripts to make two jars: apache-solr-1.3.jar and
apache-solr-1.3-common.jar. This common.jar can be used in client code;
It does not have lucene or junit dependencies. The original classes
have been replaced with a @Deprecated extended class and are scheduled
to be removed in a later release. While this change does not affect API
compatibility, it is recommended to update references to these
deprecated classes. (ryan)
2. SOLR-268: Tweaks to post.jar so it prints the error message from Solr.
(Brian Whitman via hossman)
3. Upgraded to Lucene 2.2.0; June 18, 2007.
4. SOLR-215: Static access to SolrCore.getSolrCore() and SolrConfig.config
have been deprecated in order to support multiple loaded cores.
(Henri Biestro via ryan)
5. SOLR-367: The create method in all TokenFilter and Tokenizer Factories
provided by Solr now declare their specific return types instead of just
using "TokenStream" (hossman)
6. SOLR-396: Hooks add to build system for automatic generation of (stub)
Tokenizer and TokenFilter Factories.
Also: new Factories for all Tokenizers and TokenFilters provided by the
lucene-analyzers-2.2.0.jar -- includes support for German, Chinese,
Russan, Dutch, Greek, Brazilian, Thai, and French. (hossman)
7. Upgraded to commons-CSV r609327, which fixes escaping bugs and
introduces new escaping and whitespace handling options to
increase compatibility with different formats. (yonik)
8. Upgraded to Lucene 2.3.0; Jan 23, 2008.
9. SOLR-451: Changed analysis.jsp to use POST instead of GET, also made the input area a
bit bigger (gsingers)
10. Upgrade to Lucene 2.3.1
11. SOLR-531: Different exit code for rsyncd-start and snappuller if disabled (Thomas Peuss via billa)
12. SOLR-550: Clarified DocumentBuilder addField javadocs (gsingers)
13. Upgrade to Lucene 2.3.2
14. SOLR-518: Changed luke.xsl to use divs w/css for generating histograms
instead of SVG (Thomas Peuss via hossman)
15. SOLR-592: Added ShardParams interface and changed several string literals
to references to constants in CommonParams.
(Lars Kotthoff via Otis Gospodnetic)
16. SOLR-520: Deprecated unused LengthFilter since already core in
Lucene-Java (hossman)
17. SOLR-645: Refactored SimpleFacetsTest (Lars Kotthoff via hossman)
18. SOLR-591: Changed Solrj default value for facet.sort to true (Lars Kotthoff via Shalin)
19. Upgraded to Lucene 2.4-dev (r669476) to support SOLR-572 (gsingers)
20. SOLR-636: Improve/simplify example configs; and make index.jsp
links more resilient to configs loaded via an InputStream
(Lars Kotthoff, hossman)
21. SOLR-682: Scripts now support FreeBSD (Richard Trey Hyde via gsingers)
22. SOLR-489: Added in deprecation comments. (Sean Timm, Lars Kothoff via gsingers)
23. SOLR-692: Migrated to stable released builds of StAX API 1.0.1 and StAX 1.2.0 (shalin)
24. Upgraded to Lucene 2.4-dev (r686801) (yonik)
25. Upgraded to Lucene 2.4-dev (r688745) 27-Aug-2008 (yonik)
26. Upgraded to Lucene 2.4-dev (r691741) 03-Sep-2008 (yonik)
27. Replaced the StAX reference implementation with the geronimo
StAX API jar, and the Woodstox StAX implementation. (yonik)
1. SOLR-411. Changed the names of the Solr JARs to use the defacto standard JAR names based on
project-name-version.jar. This yields, for example:
2. SOLR-479: Added clover code coverage targets for committers and the nightly build. Requires
the Clover library, as licensed to Apache and only available privately. To run:
ant -Drun.clover=true clean clover test generate-clover-reports
3. SOLR-510: Nightly release includes client sources. (koji)
4. SOLR-563: Modified the build process to build contrib projects
(Shalin Shekhar Mangar via Otis Gospodnetic)
5. SOLR-673: Modify build file to create javadocs for core, solrj, contrib and "all inclusive" (shalin)
6. SOLR-672: Nightly release includes contrib sources. (Jeremy Hinegardner, shalin)
7. SOLR-586: Added ant target and POM files for building maven artifacts of the Solr core, common,
client and contrib. The target can publish artifacts with source and javadocs.
(Spencer Crissman, Craig McClanahan, shalin)
================== Release 1.2 ==================
Upgrading from Solr 1.1
IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTE: In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves
should be upgraded before the master! If the master were to be updated
first, the older searchers would not be able to read the new index format.
Older Apache Solr installations can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant war file with the new version. No changes to configuration
files should be needed.
This version of Solr contains a new version of Lucene implementing
an updated index format. This version of Solr/Lucene can still read
and update indexes in the older formats, and will convert them to the new
format on the first index change. One change in the new index format
is that all "norms" are kept in a single file, greatly reducing the number
of files per segment. Users of compound file indexes will want to consider
converting to the non-compound format for faster indexing and slightly better
search concurrency.
The JSON response format for facets has changed to make it easier for
clients to retain sorted order. Use json.nl=map explicitly in clients
to get the old behavior, or add it as a default to the request handler
in solrconfig.xml
The Lucene based Solr query syntax is slightly more strict.
A ':' in a field value must be escaped or the whole value must be quoted.
The Solr "Request Handler" framework has been updated in two key ways:
First, if a Request Handler is registered in solrconfig.xml with a name
starting with "/" then it can be accessed using path-based URL, instead of
using the legacy "/select?qt=name" URL structure. Second, the Request
Handler framework has been extended making it possible to write Request
Handlers that process streams of data for doing updates, and there is a
new-style Request Handler for XML updates given the name of "/update" in
the example solrconfig.xml. Existing installations without this "/update"
handler will continue to use the old update servlet and should see no
changes in behavior. For new-style update handlers, errors are now
reflected in the HTTP status code, Content-type checking is more strict,
and the response format has changed and is controllable via the wt
Detailed Change List
New Features
1. SOLR-82: Default field values can be specified in the schema.xml.
(Ryan McKinley via hossman)
2. SOLR-89: Two new TokenFilters with corresponding Factories...
* TrimFilter - Trims leading and trailing whitespace from Tokens
* PatternReplaceFilter - applies a Pattern to each token in the
stream, replacing match occurances with a specified replacement.
3. SOLR-91: allow configuration of a limit of the number of searchers
that can be warming in the background. This can be used to avoid
out-of-memory errors, or contention caused by more and more searchers
warming in the background. An error is thrown if the limit specified
by maxWarmingSearchers in solrconfig.xml is exceeded. (yonik)
4. SOLR-106: New faceting parameters that allow specification of a
minimum count for returned facets (facet.mincount), paging through facets
(facet.offset, facet.limit), and explicit sorting (facet.sort).
facet.zeros is now deprecated. (yonik)
5. SOLR-80: Negative queries are now allowed everywhere. Negative queries
are generated and cached as their positive counterpart, speeding
generation and generally resulting in smaller sets to cache.
Set intersections in SolrIndexSearcher are more efficient,
starting with the smallest positive set, subtracting all negative
sets, then intersecting with all other positive sets. (yonik)
6. SOLR-117: Limit a field faceting to constraints with a prefix specified
by facet.prefix or f.<field>.facet.prefix. (yonik)
7. SOLR-107: JAVA API: Change NamedList to use Java5 generics
and implement Iterable<Map.Entry> (Ryan McKinley via yonik)
8. SOLR-104: Support for "Update Plugins" -- RequestHandlers that want
access to streams of data for doing updates. ContentStreams can come
from the raw POST body, multi-part form data, or remote URLs.
Included in this change is a new SolrDispatchFilter that allows
RequestHandlers registered with names that begin with a "/" to be
accessed using a URL structure based on that name.
(Ryan McKinley via hossman)
9. SOLR-126: DirectUpdateHandler2 supports autocommitting after a specified time
(in ms), using <autoCommit><maxTime>10000</maxTime></autoCommit>.
(Ryan McKinley via klaas).
10. SOLR-116: IndexInfoRequestHandler added. (Erik Hatcher)
11. SOLR-79: Add system property ${<sys.prop>[:<default>]} substitution for
configuration files loaded, including schema.xml and solrconfig.xml.
(Erik Hatcher with inspiration from Andrew Saar)
12. SOLR-149: Changes to make Solr more easily embeddable, in addition
to logging which request handler handled each request.
(Ryan McKinley via yonik)
13. SOLR-86: Added standalone Java-based command-line updater.
(Erik Hatcher via Bertrand Delecretaz)
14. SOLR-152: DisMaxRequestHandler now supports configurable alternate
behavior when q is not specified. A "q.alt" param can be specified
using SolrQueryParser syntax as a mechanism for specifying what query
the dismax handler should execute if the main user query (q) is blank.
(Ryan McKinley via hossman)
15. SOLR-158: new "qs" (Query Slop) param for DisMaxRequestHandler
allows for specifying the amount of default slop to use when parsing
explicit phrase queries from the user.
(Adam Hiatt via hossman)
16. SOLR-81: SpellCheckerRequestHandler that uses the SpellChecker from
the Lucene contrib.
(Otis Gospodnetic and Adam Hiatt)
17. SOLR-182: allow lazy loading of request handlers on first request.
(Ryan McKinley via yonik)
18. SOLR-81: More SpellCheckerRequestHandler enhancements, inlcluding
support for relative or absolute directory path configurations, as
well as RAM based directory. (hossman)
19. SOLR-197: New parameters for input: stream.contentType for specifying
or overriding the content type of input, and stream.file for reading
local files. (Ryan McKinley via yonik)
20. SOLR-66: CSV data format for document additions and updates. (yonik)
21. SOLR-184: add echoHandler=true to responseHeader, support echoParams=all
(Ryan McKinley via ehatcher)
22. SOLR-211: Added a regex PatternTokenizerFactory. This extracts tokens
from the input string using a regex Pattern. (Ryan McKinley)
23. SOLR-162: Added a "Luke" request handler and other admin helpers.
This exposes the system status through the standard requestHandler
framework. (ryan)
24. SOLR-212: Added a DirectSolrConnection class. This lets you access
solr using the standard request/response formats, but does not require
an HTTP connection. It is designed for embedded applications. (ryan)
25. SOLR-204: The request dispatcher (added in SOLR-104) can handle
calls to /select. This offers uniform error handling for /update and
/select. To enable this behavior, you must add:
<requestDispatcher handleSelect="true" > to your solrconfig.xml
See the example solrconfig.xml for details. (ryan)
26. SOLR-170: StandardRequestHandler now supports a "sort" parameter.
Using the ';' syntax is still supported, but it is recommended to
transition to the new syntax. (ryan)
27. SOLR-181: The index schema now supports "required" fields. Attempts
to add a document without a required field will fail, returning a
descriptive error message. By default, the uniqueKey field is
a required field. This can be disabled by setting required=false
in schema.xml. (Greg Ludington via ryan)
28. SOLR-217: Fields configured in the schema to be neither indexed or
stored will now be quietly ignored by Solr when Documents are added.
The example schema has a comment explaining how this can be used to
ignore any "unknown" fields.
(Will Johnson via hossman)
29. SOLR-227: If schema.xml defines multiple fieldTypes, fields, or
dynamicFields with the same name, a severe error will be logged rather
then quietly continuing. Depending on the <abortOnConfigurationError>
settings, this may halt the server. Likewise, if solrconfig.xml
defines multiple RequestHandlers with the same name it will also add
an error. (ryan)
30. SOLR-226: Added support for dynamic field as the destination of a
copyField using glob (*) replacement. (ryan)
31. SOLR-224: Adding a PhoneticFilterFactory that uses apache commons codec
language encoders to build phonetically similar tokens. This currently
supports: DoubleMetaphone, Metaphone, Soundex, and RefinedSoundex (ryan)
32. SOLR-199: new n-gram tokenizers available via NGramTokenizerFactory
and EdgeNGramTokenizerFactory. (Adam Hiatt via yonik)
33. SOLR-234: TrimFilter can update the Token's startOffset and endOffset
if updateOffsets="true". By default the Token offsets are unchanged.
34. SOLR-208: new example_rss.xsl and example_atom.xsl to provide more
examples for people about the Solr XML response format and how they
can transform it to suit different needs.
(Brian Whitman via hossman)
35. SOLR-249: Deprecated SolrException( int, ... ) constructors in favor
of constructors that takes an ErrorCode enum. This will ensure that
all SolrExceptions use a valid HTTP status code. (ryan)
36. SOLR-386: Abstracted SolrHighlighter and moved existing implementation
to DefaultSolrHighlighter. Adjusted SolrCore and solrconfig.xml so
that highlighter is configurable via a class attribute. Allows users
to use their own highlighter implementation. (Tricia Williams via klaas)
Changes in runtime behavior
1. Highlighting using DisMax will only pick up terms from the main
user query, not boost or filter queries (klaas).
2. SOLR-125: Change default of json.nl to flat, change so that
json.nl only affects items where order matters (facet constraint
listings). Fix JSON output bug for null values. Internal JAVA API:
change most uses of NamedList to SimpleOrderedMap. (yonik)
3. A new method "getSolrQueryParser" has been added to the IndexSchema
class for retrieving a new SolrQueryParser instance with all options
specified in the schema.xml's <solrQueryParser> block set. The
documentation for the SolrQueryParser constructor and its use of
IndexSchema have also been clarified.
(Erik Hatcher and hossman)
4. DisMaxRequestHandler's bq, bf, qf, and pf parameters can now accept
multiple values (klaas).
5. Query are re-written before highlighting is performed. This enables
proper highlighting of prefix and wildcard queries (klaas).
6. A meaningful exception is raised when attempting to add a doc missing
a unique id if it is declared in the schema and allowDups=false.
(ryan via klaas)
7. SOLR-183: Exceptions with error code 400 are raised when
numeric argument parsing fails. RequiredSolrParams class added
to facilitate checking for parameters that must be present.
(Ryan McKinley, J.J. Larrea via yonik)
8. SOLR-179: By default, solr will abort after any severe initialization
errors. This behavior can be disabled by setting:
in solrconfig.xml (ryan)
9. The example solrconfig.xml maps /update to XmlUpdateRequestHandler using
the new request dispatcher (SOLR-104). This requires posted content to
have a valid contentType: curl -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'
The response format matches that of /select and returns standard error
codes. To enable solr1.1 style /update, do not map "/update" to any
handler in solrconfig.xml (ryan)
10. SOLR-231: If a charset is not specified in the contentType,
ContentStream.getReader() will use UTF-8 encoding. (ryan)
11. SOLR-230: More options for post.jar to support stdin, xml on the
commandline, and defering commits. Tutorial modified to take
advantage of these options so there is no need for curl.
12. SOLR-128: Upgraded Jetty to the latest stable release 6.1.3 (ryan)
1. SOLR-114: HashDocSet specific implementations of union() and andNot()
for a 20x performance improvement for those set operations, and a new
hash algorithm speeds up exists() by 10% and intersectionSize() by 8%.
2. SOLR-115: Solr now uses BooleanQuery.clauses() instead of
BooleanQuery.getClauses() in any situation where there is no risk of
modifying the original query.
3. SOLR-221: Speed up sorted faceting on multivalued fields by ~60%
when the base set consists of a relatively large portion of the
index. (yonik)
4. SOLR-221: Added a facet.enum.cache.minDf parameter which avoids
using the filterCache for terms that match few documents, trading
decreased memory usage for increased query time. (yonik)
Bug Fixes
1. SOLR-87: Parsing of synonym files did not correctly handle escaped
whitespace such as \r\n\t\b\f. (yonik)
2. SOLR-92: DOMUtils.getText (used when parsing config files) did not
work properly with many DOM implementations when dealing with
"Attributes". (Ryan McKinley via hossman)
3. SOLR-9,SOLR-99: Tighten up sort specification error checking, throw
exceptions for missing sort specifications or a sort on a non-indexed
field. (Ryan McKinley via yonik)
4. SOLR-145: Fix for bug introduced in SOLR-104 where some Exceptions
were being ignored by all "out of the box" RequestHandlers. (hossman)
5. SOLR-166: JNDI solr.home code refactoring. SOLR-104 moved
some JNDI related code to the init method of a Servlet Filter -
according to the Servlet Spec, all Filter's should be initialized
prior to initializing any Servlets, but this is not the case in at
least one Servlet Container (Resin). This "bug fix" refactors
this JNDI code so that it should be executed the first time any
attempt is made to use the solr.home dir.
(Ryan McKinley via hossman)
6. SOLR-173: Bug fix to SolrDispatchFilter to reduce "too many open
files" problem was that SolrDispatchFilter was not closing requests
when finished. Also modified ResponseWriters to only fetch a Searcher
reference if necessary for writing out DocLists.
(Ryan McKinley via hossman)
7. SOLR-168: Fix display positioning of multiple tokens at the same
position in analysis.jsp (yonik)
8. SOLR-167: The SynonymFilter sometimes generated incorrect offsets when
multi token synonyms were mached in the source text. (yonik)
9. SOLR-188: bin scripts do not support non-default webapp names. Added "-U"
option to specify a full path to the update url, overriding the
"-h" (hostname), "-p" (port) and "-w" (webapp name) parameters.
(Jeff Rodenburg via billa)
10. SOLR-198: RunExecutableListener always waited for the process to
finish, even when wait="false" was set. (Koji Sekiguchi via yonik)
11. SOLR-207: Changed distribution scripts to remove recursive find
and avoid use of "find -maxdepth" on platforms where it is not
supported. (yonik)
12. SOLR-222: Changing writeLockTimeout in solrconfig.xml did not
change the effective timeout. (Koji Sekiguchi via yonik)
13. Changed the SOLR-104 RequestDispatcher so that /select?qt=xxx can not
access handlers that start with "/". This makes path based authentication
possible for path based request handlers. (ryan)
14. SOLR-214: Some servlet containers (including Tomcat and Resin) do not
obey the specified charset. Rather then letting the the container handle
it solr now uses the charset from the header contentType to decode posted
content. Using the contentType: "text/xml; charset=utf-8" will force
utf-8 encoding. If you do not specify a contentType, it will use the
platform default. (Koji Sekiguchi via ryan)
15. SOLR-241: Undefined system properties used in configuration files now
cause a clear message to be logged rather than an obscure exception thrown.
(Koji Sekiguchi via ehatcher)
Other Changes
1. Updated to Lucene 2.1
2. Updated to Lucene 2007-05-20_00-04-53
================== Release 1.1.0 ==================
This is the first release since Solr joined the Incubator, and brings many
new features and performance optimizations including highlighting,
faceted browsing, and JSON/Python/Ruby response formats.
Upgrading from previous Solr versions
Older Apache Solr installations can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant war file with the new version. No changes to configuration
files are needed and the index format has not changed.
The default version of the Solr XML response syntax has been changed to 2.2.
Behavior can be preserved for those clients not explicitly specifying a
version by adding a default to the request handler in solrconfig.xml
By default, Solr will no longer use a searcher that has not fully warmed,
and requests will block in the meantime. To change back to the previous
behavior of using a cold searcher in the event there is no other
warm searcher, see the useColdSearcher config item in solrconfig.xml
The XML response format when adding multiple documents to the collection
in a single <add> command has changed to return a single <result>.
Detailed Change List
New Features
1. added support for setting Lucene's positionIncrementGap
2. Admin: new statistics for SolrIndexSearcher
3. Admin: caches now show config params on stats page
3. max() function added to FunctionQuery suite
4. postOptimize hook, mirroring the functionallity of the postCommit hook,
but only called on an index optimize.
5. Ability to HTTP POST query requests to /select in addition to HTTP-GET
6. The default search field may now be overridden by requests to the
standard request handler using the df query parameter. (Erik Hatcher)
7. Added DisMaxRequestHandler and SolrPluginUtils. (Chris Hostetter)
8. Support for customizing the QueryResponseWriter per request
(Mike Baranczak / SOLR-16 / hossman)
9. Added KeywordTokenizerFactory (hossman)
10. copyField accepts dynamicfield-like names as the source.
(Darren Erik Vengroff via yonik, SOLR-21)
11. new DocSet.andNot(), DocSet.andNotSize() (yonik)
12. Ability to store term vectors for fields. (Mike Klaas via yonik, SOLR-23)
13. New abstract BufferedTokenStream for people who want to write
Tokenizers or TokenFilters that require arbitrary buffering of the
stream. (SOLR-11 / yonik, hossman)
14. New RemoveDuplicatesToken - useful in situations where
synonyms, stemming, or word-deliminater-ing produce identical tokens at
the same position. (SOLR-11 / yonik, hossman)
15. Added highlighting to SolrPluginUtils and implemented in StandardRequestHandler
and DisMaxRequestHandler (SOLR-24 / Mike Klaas via hossman,yonik)
16. SnowballPorterFilterFactory language is configurable via the "language"
attribute, with the default being "English". (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-27)
17. ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory, instantiates ISOLatin1AccentFilter to remove accents.
(Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-28)
18. JSON, Python, Ruby QueryResponseWriters: use wt="json", "python" or "ruby"
(yonik, SOLR-31)
19. Make web admin pages return UTF-8, change Content-type declaration to include a
space between the mime-type and charset (Philip Jacob, SOLR-35)
20. Made query parser default operator configurable via schema.xml:
<solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND|OR"/>
The default operator remains "OR".
21. JAVA API: new version of SolrIndexSearcher.getDocListAndSet() which takes
flags (Greg Ludington via yonik, SOLR-39)
22. A HyphenatedWordsFilter, a text analysis filter used during indexing to rejoin
words that were hyphenated and split by a newline. (Boris Vitez via yonik, SOLR-41)
23. Added a CompressableField base class which allows fields of derived types to
be compressed using the compress=true setting. The field type also gains the
ability to specify a size threshold at which field data is compressed.
(klaas, SOLR-45)
24. Simple faceted search support for fields (enumerating terms)
and arbitrary queries added to both StandardRequestHandler and
DisMaxRequestHandler. (hossman, SOLR-44)
25. In addition to specifying default RequestHandler params in the
solrconfig.xml, support has been added for configuring values to be
appended to the multi-val request params, as well as for configuring
invariant params that can not overridden in the query. (hossman, SOLR-46)
26. Default operator for query parsing can now be specified with q.op=AND|OR
from the client request, overriding the schema value. (ehatcher)
27. New XSLTResponseWriter does server side XSLT processing of XML Response.
In the process, an init(NamedList) method was added to QueryResponseWriter
which works the same way as SolrRequestHandler.
(Bertrand Delacretaz / SOLR-49 / hossman)
28. json.wrf parameter adds a wrapper-function around the JSON response,
useful in AJAX with dynamic script tags for specifying a JavaScript
callback function. (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-56)
29. autoCommit can be specified every so many documents added (klaas, SOLR-65)
30. ${solr.home}/lib directory can now be used for specifying "plugin" jars
(hossman, SOLR-68)
31. Support for "Date Math" relative "NOW" when specifying values of a
DateField in a query -- or when adding a document.
(hossman, SOLR-71)
32. useColdSearcher control in solrconfig.xml prevents the first searcher
from being used before it's done warming. This can help prevent
thrashing on startup when multiple requests hit a cold searcher.
The default is "false", preventing use before warm. (yonik, SOLR-77)
Changes in runtime behavior
1. classes reorganized into different packages, package names changed to Apache
2. force read of document stored fields in QuerySenderListener
3. Solr now looks in ./solr/conf for config, ./solr/data for data
configurable via solr.solr.home system property
4. Highlighter params changed to be prefixed with "hl."; allow fragmentsize
customization and per-field overrides on many options
(Andrew May via klaas, SOLR-37)
5. Default param values for DisMaxRequestHandler should now be specified
using a '<lst name="defaults">...</lst>' init param, for backwards
compatability all init prams will be used as defaults if an init param
with that name does not exist. (hossman, SOLR-43)
6. The DisMaxRequestHandler now supports multiple occurances of the "fq"
param. (hossman, SOLR-44)
7. FunctionQuery.explain now uses ComplexExplanation to provide more
accurate score explanations when composed in a BooleanQuery.
(hossman, SOLR-25)
8. Document update handling locking is much sparser, allowing performance gains
through multiple threads. Large commits also might be faster (klaas, SOLR-65)
9. Lazy field loading can be enabled via a solrconfig directive. This will be faster when
not all stored fields are needed from a document (klaas, SOLR-52)
10. Made admin JSPs return XML and transform them with new XSL stylesheets
(Otis Gospodnetic, SOLR-58)
11. If the "echoParams=explicit" request parameter is set, request parameters are copied
to the output. In an XML output, they appear in new <lst name="params"> list inside
the new <lst name="responseHeader"> element, which replaces the old <responseHeader>.
Adding a version=2.1 parameter to the request produces the old format, for backwards
compatibility (bdelacretaz and yonik, SOLR-59).
1. getDocListAndSet can now generate both a DocList and a DocSet from a
single lucene query.
2. BitDocSet.intersectionSize(HashDocSet) no longer generates an intermediate
3. OpenBitSet completed, replaces BitSet as the implementation for BitDocSet.
Iteration is faster, and BitDocSet.intersectionSize(BitDocSet) and unionSize
is between 3 and 4 times faster. (yonik, SOLR-15)
4. much faster unionSize when one of the sets is a HashDocSet: O(smaller_set_size)
5. Optimized getDocSet() for term queries resulting in a 36% speedup of facet.field
queries where DocSets aren't cached (for example, if the number of terms in the field
is larger than the filter cache.) (yonik)
6. Optimized facet.field faceting by as much as 500 times when the field has
a single token per document (not multiValued & not tokenized) by using the
Lucene FieldCache entry for that field to tally term counts. The first request
utilizing the FieldCache will take longer than subsequent ones.
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed delete-by-id for field types who's indexed form is different
from the printable form (mainly sortable numeric types).
2. Added escaping of attribute values in the XML response (Erik Hatcher)
3. Added empty extractTerms() to FunctionQuery to enable use in
a MultiSearcher (Yonik)
4. WordDelimiterFilter sometimes lost token positionIncrement information
5. Fix reverse sorting for fields were sortMissingFirst=true
(Rob Staveley, yonik)
6. Worked around a Jetty bug that caused invalid XML responses for fields
containing non ASCII chars. (Bertrand Delacretaz via yonik, SOLR-32)
7. WordDelimiterFilter can throw exceptions if configured with both
generate and catenate off. (Mike Klaas via yonik, SOLR-34)
8. Escape '>' in XML output (because ]]> is illegal in CharData)
9. field boosts weren't being applied and doc boosts were being applied to fields (klaas)
10. Multiple-doc update generates well-formed xml (klaas, SOLR-65)
11. Better parsing of pingQuery from solrconfig.xml (hossman, SOLR-70)
12. Fixed bug with "Distribution" page introduced when Versions were
added to "Info" page (hossman)
13. Fixed HTML escaping issues with user input to analysis.jsp and action.jsp
(hossman, SOLR-74)
Other Changes
1. Upgrade to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-06-22, lucene SVN revision 416224,
2. Modified admin styles to improve display in Internet Explorer (Greg Ludington via billa, SOLR-6)
3. Upgrade to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-07-15, lucene SVN revision 422302,
4. Included unique key field name/value (if available) in log message of add (billa, SOLR-18)
5. Updated to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-09-07, SVN revision 462111
6. Added javascript to catch empty query in admin query forms (Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic via billa, SOLR-48
7. blackslash escape * in ssh command used in snappuller for zsh compatibility, SOLR-63
8. check solr return code in admin scripts, SOLR-62
9. Updated to Lucene 2.0 nightly build 2006-11-15, SVN revision 475069
10. Removed src/apps containing the legacy "SolrTest" app (hossman, SOLR-3)
11. Simplified index.jsp and form.jsp, primarily by removing/hiding XML
specific params, and adding an option to pick the output type. (hossman)
12. Added new numeric build property "specversion" to allow clean
MANIFEST.MF files (hossman)
13. Added Solr/Lucene versions to "Info" page (hossman)
14. Explicitly set mime-type of .xsl files in web.xml to
application/xslt+xml (hossman)
15. Config parsing should now work useing DOM Level 2 parsers -- Solr
previously relied on getTextContent which is a DOM Level 3 addition
(Alexander Saar via hossman, SOLR-78)
2006/01/17 Solr open sourced, moves to Apache Incubator