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Examples below assume cwd at the gradlew script in the top directory of
the project's checkout.
Generic test/ checkup commands
Run all unit tests:
gradlew test
Run all verification tasks, including tests:
gradlew check
Run all verification tasks, excluding tests (-x is gradle's generic task
exclusion mechanism):
gradlew check -x test
Run verification for a selected module only:
gradlew :lucene:core:check # By full gradle project path
gradlew -p lucene/core check # By folder designation + task
Run tests with the given starting seed:
gradlew :lucene:misc:test -Ptests.seed=DEADBEEF
Run tests of lucene-core module:
gradlew -p lucene/core test
Run a single test case (from a single module). Uses gradle's built-in filtering
gradlew -p lucene/core test --tests TestDemo
Run all tests in a package:
gradlew -p lucene/core test --tests "org.apache.lucene.document.*"
Run all test classes/ methods that match this pattern:
gradlew -p lucene/core test --tests "*testFeatureMissing*"
Test groups
Tests can be filtered by an annotation they're marked with.
Some test group annotations include: @AwaitsFix, @Nightly, @Slow
This uses filtering infrastructure on the *runner* (randomizedtesting),
not gradle's built-in mechanisms (but it can be combined with "--tests").
For example, run all lucene-core tests annotated as @Slow:
gradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.filter=@Slow
Test group filters can be combined into Boolean expressions:
gradlew -p lucene/core test "default and not(@awaitsfix or @slow)"
Reiteration ("beasting")
Multiply each test case N times (this works by repeating the same test
within the same JVM; it also works in IDEs):
gradlew -p lucene/core test --tests TestDemo -Ptests.iters=5
Tests tasks will be (by default) re-executed on each invocation because
we pick a random global tests.seed. If you run the same tests twice
with the same seed, the test task will be skipped (as it is up-to-date
with respect to source code):
gradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.seed=deadbeef
to force re-execution of tests, even for the same master seed, apply
cleanTest task:
gradlew -p lucene/core cleanTest test -Ptests.seed=deadbeef