mirror of
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The MIT License (MIT)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* jsTree 1.0-rc1
* http://jstree.com/
* Copyright (c) 2010 Ivan Bozhanov (vakata.com)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses (same as jQuery):
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Date: 2010-07-01 10:51:11 +0300 (четв, 01 юли 2010) $
* Revision: 191 $
/*jslint browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, bitwise: true, strict: true */
/*global window : false, clearInterval: false, clearTimeout: false, document: false, setInterval: false, setTimeout: false, jQuery: false, navigator: false, XSLTProcessor: false, DOMParser: false, XMLSerializer: false*/
"use strict";
// Common functions not related to jsTree
// decided to move them to a `vakata` "namespace"
(function ($) {
$.vakata = {};
// CSS related functions
$.vakata.css = {
get_css : function(rule_name, delete_flag, sheet) {
rule_name = rule_name.toLowerCase();
var css_rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules,
j = 0;
do {
if(css_rules.length && j > css_rules.length + 5) { return false; }
if(css_rules[j].selectorText && css_rules[j].selectorText.toLowerCase() == rule_name) {
if(delete_flag === true) {
if(sheet.removeRule) { sheet.removeRule(j); }
if(sheet.deleteRule) { sheet.deleteRule(j); }
return true;
else { return css_rules[j]; }
while (css_rules[++j]);
return false;
add_css : function(rule_name, sheet) {
if($.jstree.css.get_css(rule_name, false, sheet)) { return false; }
if(sheet.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(rule_name + ' { }', 0); } else { sheet.addRule(rule_name, null, 0); }
return $.vakata.css.get_css(rule_name);
remove_css : function(rule_name, sheet) {
return $.vakata.css.get_css(rule_name, true, sheet);
add_sheet : function(opts) {
var tmp;
if(opts.str) {
tmp = document.createElement("style");
if(tmp.styleSheet) {
tmp.styleSheet.cssText = opts.str;
else {
return tmp.sheet || tmp.styleSheet;
if(opts.url) {
if(document.createStyleSheet) {
try { tmp = document.createStyleSheet(opts.url); } catch (e) { }
else {
tmp = document.createElement('link');
tmp.rel = 'stylesheet';
tmp.type = 'text/css';
tmp.media = "all";
tmp.href = opts.url;
return tmp.styleSheet;
* jsTree core 1.0
(function ($) {
// private variables
var instances = [], // instance array (used by $.jstree.reference/create/focused)
focused_instance = -1, // the index in the instance array of the currently focused instance
plugins = {}, // list of included plugins
prepared_move = {}, // for the move plugin
is_ie6 = false;
// jQuery plugin wrapper (thanks to jquery UI widget function)
$.fn.jstree = function (settings) {
var isMethodCall = (typeof settings == 'string'), // is this a method call like $().jstree("open_node")
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
returnValue = this;
// extend settings and allow for multiple hashes and metadata
if(!isMethodCall && $.meta) { args.push($.metadata.get(this).jstree); }
settings = !isMethodCall && args.length ? $.extend.apply(null, [true, settings].concat(args)) : settings;
// block calls to "private" methods
if(isMethodCall && settings.substring(0, 1) == '_') { return returnValue; }
// if a method call execute the method on all selected instances
if(isMethodCall) {
this.each(function() {
var instance = instances[$.data(this, "jstree-instance-id")],
methodValue = (instance && $.isFunction(instance[settings])) ? instance[settings].apply(instance, args) : instance;
if(typeof methodValue !== "undefined" && (settings.indexOf("is_" === 0) || (methodValue !== true && methodValue !== false))) { returnValue = methodValue; return false; }
else {
this.each(function() {
var instance_id = $.data(this, "jstree-instance-id"),
s = false;
// if an instance already exists, destroy it first
if(typeof instance_id !== "undefined" && instances[instance_id]) { instances[instance_id].destroy(); }
// push a new empty object to the instances array
instance_id = parseInt(instances.push({}),10) - 1;
// store the jstree instance id to the container element
$.data(this, "jstree-instance-id", instance_id);
// clean up all plugins
if(!settings) { settings = {}; }
settings.plugins = $.isArray(settings.plugins) ? settings.plugins : $.jstree.defaults.plugins;
if($.inArray("core", settings.plugins) === -1) { settings.plugins.unshift("core"); }
// only unique plugins (NOT WORKING)
// settings.plugins = settings.plugins.sort().join(",,").replace(/(,|^)([^,]+)(,,\2)+(,|$)/g,"$1$2$4").replace(/,,+/g,",").replace(/,$/,"").split(",");
// extend defaults with passed data
s = $.extend(true, {}, $.jstree.defaults, settings);
s.plugins = settings.plugins;
$.each(plugins, function (i, val) { if($.inArray(i, s.plugins) === -1) { s[i] = null; delete s[i]; } });
// push the new object to the instances array (at the same time set the default classes to the container) and init
instances[instance_id] = new $.jstree._instance(instance_id, $(this).addClass("jstree jstree-" + instance_id), s);
// init all activated plugins for this instance
$.each(instances[instance_id]._get_settings().plugins, function (i, val) { instances[instance_id].data[val] = {}; });
$.each(instances[instance_id]._get_settings().plugins, function (i, val) { if(plugins[val]) { plugins[val].__init.apply(instances[instance_id]); } });
// initialize the instance
// return the jquery selection (or if it was a method call that returned a value - the returned value)
return returnValue;
// object to store exposed functions and objects
$.jstree = {
defaults : {
plugins : []
_focused : function () { return instances[focused_instance] || null; },
_reference : function (needle) {
// get by instance id
if(instances[needle]) { return instances[needle]; }
// get by DOM (if still no luck - return null
var o = $(needle);
if(!o.length && typeof needle === "string") { o = $("#" + needle); }
if(!o.length) { return null; }
return instances[o.closest(".jstree").data("jstree-instance-id")] || null;
_instance : function (index, container, settings) {
// for plugins to store data in
this.data = { core : {} };
this.get_settings = function () { return $.extend(true, {}, settings); };
this._get_settings = function () { return settings; };
this.get_index = function () { return index; };
this.get_container = function () { return container; };
this._set_settings = function (s) {
settings = $.extend(true, {}, settings, s);
_fn : { },
plugin : function (pname, pdata) {
pdata = $.extend({}, {
__init : $.noop,
__destroy : $.noop,
_fn : {},
defaults : false
}, pdata);
plugins[pname] = pdata;
$.jstree.defaults[pname] = pdata.defaults;
$.each(pdata._fn, function (i, val) {
val.plugin = pname;
val.old = $.jstree._fn[i];
$.jstree._fn[i] = function () {
var rslt,
func = val,
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
evnt = new $.Event("before.jstree"),
rlbk = false;
// Check if function belongs to the included plugins of this instance
do {
if(func && func.plugin && $.inArray(func.plugin, this._get_settings().plugins) !== -1) { break; }
func = func.old;
} while(func);
if(!func) { return; }
// a chance to stop execution (or change arguments):
// * just bind to jstree.before
// * check the additional data object (func property)
// * call event.stopImmediatePropagation()
// * return false (or an array of arguments)
rslt = this.get_container().triggerHandler(evnt, { "func" : i, "inst" : this, "args" : args });
if(rslt === false) { return; }
if(typeof rslt !== "undefined") { args = rslt; }
// context and function to trigger events, then finally call the function
if(i.indexOf("_") === 0) {
rslt = func.apply(this, args);
else {
rslt = func.apply(
$.extend({}, this, {
__callback : function (data) {
this.get_container().triggerHandler( i + '.jstree', { "inst" : this, "args" : args, "rslt" : data, "rlbk" : rlbk });
__rollback : function () {
rlbk = this.get_rollback();
return rlbk;
__call_old : function (replace_arguments) {
return func.old.apply(this, (replace_arguments ? Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) : args ) );
}), args);
// return the result
return rslt;
$.jstree._fn[i].old = val.old;
$.jstree._fn[i].plugin = pname;
rollback : function (rb) {
if(rb) {
if(!$.isArray(rb)) { rb = [ rb ]; }
$.each(rb, function (i, val) {
instances[val.i].set_rollback(val.h, val.d);
// set the prototype for all instances
$.jstree._fn = $.jstree._instance.prototype = {};
// css functions - used internally
// load the css when DOM is ready
$(function() {
// code is copied form jQuery ($.browser is deprecated + there is a bug in IE)
var u = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
v = (u.match( /.+?(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,'0'])[1],
css_string = '' +
'.jstree ul, .jstree li { display:block; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; list-style-type:none; } ' +
'.jstree li { display:block; min-height:18px; line-height:18px; white-space:nowrap; margin-left:18px; } ' +
'.jstree-rtl li { margin-left:0; margin-right:18px; } ' +
'.jstree > ul > li { margin-left:0px; } ' +
'.jstree-rtl > ul > li { margin-right:0px; } ' +
'.jstree ins { display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; width:18px; height:18px; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0; } ' +
'.jstree a { display:inline-block; line-height:16px; height:16px; color:black; white-space:nowrap; text-decoration:none; padding:1px 2px; margin:0; } ' +
'.jstree a:focus { outline: none; } ' +
'.jstree a > ins { height:16px; width:16px; } ' +
'.jstree a > .jstree-icon { margin-right:3px; } ' +
'.jstree-rtl a > .jstree-icon { margin-left:3px; margin-right:0; } ' +
'li.jstree-open > ul { display:block; } ' +
'li.jstree-closed > ul { display:none; } ';
// Correct IE 6 (does not support the > CSS selector)
if(/msie/.test(u) && parseInt(v, 10) == 6) {
is_ie6 = true;
css_string += '' +
'.jstree li { height:18px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } ' +
'.jstree li li { margin-left:18px; } ' +
'.jstree-rtl li li { margin-left:0px; margin-right:18px; } ' +
'li.jstree-open ul { display:block; } ' +
'li.jstree-closed ul { display:none !important; } ' +
'.jstree li a { display:inline; border-width:0 !important; padding:0px 2px !important; } ' +
'.jstree li a ins { height:16px; width:16px; margin-right:3px; } ' +
'.jstree-rtl li a ins { margin-right:0px; margin-left:3px; } ';
// Correct IE 7 (shifts anchor nodes onhover)
if(/msie/.test(u) && parseInt(v, 10) == 7) {
css_string += '.jstree li a { border-width:0 !important; padding:0px 2px !important; } ';
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string });
// core functions (open, close, create, update, delete)
$.jstree.plugin("core", {
__init : function () {
this.data.core.to_open = $.map($.makeArray(this.get_settings().core.initially_open), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace('\\/','/').replace('/','\\/'); });
defaults : {
html_titles : false,
animation : 500,
initially_open : [],
rtl : false,
strings : {
loading : "Loading ...",
new_node : "New node"
_fn : {
init : function () {
if(this._get_settings().core.rtl) {
this.get_container().addClass("jstree-rtl").css("direction", "rtl");
this.get_container().html("<ul><li class='jstree-last jstree-leaf'><ins> </ins><a class='jstree-loading' href='#'><ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>" + this._get_settings().core.strings.loading + "</a></li></ul>");
this.data.core.li_height = this.get_container().find("ul li.jstree-closed, ul li.jstree-leaf").eq(0).height() || 18;
.delegate("li > ins", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {
var trgt = $(event.target);
if(trgt.is("ins") && event.pageY - trgt.offset().top < this.data.core.li_height) { this.toggle_node(trgt); }
}, this))
.bind("mousedown.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
this.set_focus(); // This used to be setTimeout(set_focus,0) - why?
}, this))
.bind("dblclick.jstree", function (event) {
var sel;
if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) { document.selection.empty(); }
else {
if(window.getSelection) {
sel = window.getSelection();
try {
} catch (err) { }
this.load_node(-1, function () { this.loaded(); this.reopen(); });
destroy : function () {
var i,
n = this.get_index(),
s = this._get_settings(),
_this = this;
$.each(s.plugins, function (i, val) {
try { plugins[val].__destroy.apply(_this); } catch(err) { }
// set focus to another instance if this one is focused
if(this.is_focused()) {
for(i in instances) {
if(instances.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != n) {
// if no other instance found
if(n === focused_instance) { focused_instance = -1; }
// remove all traces of jstree in the DOM (only the ones set using jstree*) and cleans all events
.attr("class", function () { return this.className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,''); });
// remove the actual data
instances[n] = null;
delete instances[n];
save_opened : function () {
var _this = this;
this.data.core.to_open = [];
this.get_container().find(".jstree-open").each(function () {
_this.data.core.to_open.push("#" + this.id.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace('\\/','/').replace('/','\\/'));
reopen : function (is_callback) {
var _this = this,
done = true,
current = [],
remaining = [];
if(!is_callback) { this.data.core.reopen = false; this.data.core.refreshing = true; }
if(this.data.core.to_open.length) {
$.each(this.data.core.to_open, function (i, val) {
if(val == "#") { return true; }
if($(val).length && $(val).is(".jstree-closed")) { current.push(val); }
else { remaining.push(val); }
if(current.length) {
this.data.core.to_open = remaining;
$.each(current, function (i, val) {
_this.open_node(val, function () { _this.reopen(true); }, true);
done = false;
if(done) {
// TODO: find a more elegant approach to syncronizing returning requests
if(this.data.core.reopen) { clearTimeout(this.data.core.reopen); }
this.data.core.reopen = setTimeout(function () { _this.__callback({}, _this); }, 50);
this.data.core.refreshing = false;
refresh : function (obj) {
var _this = this;
if(!obj) { obj = -1; }
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj) { obj = -1; }
if(obj !== -1) { obj.children("UL").remove(); }
this.load_node(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : obj}); _this.reopen(); });
// Dummy function to fire after the first load (so that there is a jstree.loaded event)
loaded : function () {
// deal with focus
set_focus : function () {
var f = $.jstree._focused();
if(f && f !== this) {
if(f !== this) {
focused_instance = this.get_index();
is_focused : function () {
return focused_instance == this.get_index();
// traverse
_get_node : function (obj) {
var $obj = $(obj, this.get_container());
if($obj.is(".jstree") || obj == -1) { return -1; }
$obj = $obj.closest("li", this.get_container());
return $obj.length ? $obj : false;
_get_next : function (obj, strict) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj === -1) { return this.get_container().find("> ul > li:first-child"); }
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
if(strict) { return (obj.nextAll("li").size() > 0) ? obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)") : false; }
if(obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { return obj.find("li:eq(0)"); }
else if(obj.nextAll("li").size() > 0) { return obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)"); }
else { return obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li").next("li").eq(0); }
_get_prev : function (obj, strict) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj === -1) { return this.get_container().find("> ul > li:last-child"); }
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
if(strict) { return (obj.prevAll("li").length > 0) ? obj.prevAll("li:eq(0)") : false; }
if(obj.prev("li").length) {
obj = obj.prev("li").eq(0);
while(obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { obj = obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last"); }
return obj;
else { var o = obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li:eq(0)"); return o.length ? o : false; }
_get_parent : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj == -1 || !obj.length) { return false; }
var o = obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li:eq(0)");
return o.length ? o : -1;
_get_children : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj === -1) { return this.get_container().children("ul:eq(0)").children("li"); }
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
return obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li");
get_path : function (obj, id_mode) {
var p = [],
_this = this;
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj === -1 || !obj || !obj.length) { return false; }
obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").each(function () {
p.push( id_mode ? this.id : _this.get_text(this) );
p.push( id_mode ? obj.attr("id") : this.get_text(obj) );
return p;
is_open : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj && obj !== -1 && obj.hasClass("jstree-open"); },
is_closed : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj && obj !== -1 && obj.hasClass("jstree-closed"); },
is_leaf : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj && obj !== -1 && obj.hasClass("jstree-leaf"); },
// open/close
open_node : function (obj, callback, skip_animation) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
if(!obj.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { if(callback) { callback.call(); } return false; }
var s = skip_animation || is_ie6 ? 0 : this._get_settings().core.animation,
t = this;
if(!this._is_loaded(obj)) {
this.load_node(obj, function () { t.open_node(obj, callback, skip_animation); }, callback);
else {
if(s) { obj.children("ul").css("display","none"); }
if(s) { obj.children("ul").stop(true).slideDown(s, function () { this.style.display = ""; }); }
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
if(callback) { callback.call(); }
close_node : function (obj, skip_animation) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
var s = skip_animation || is_ie6 ? 0 : this._get_settings().core.animation;
if(!obj.length || !obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { return false; }
if(s) { obj.children("ul").attr("style","display:block !important"); }
if(s) { obj.children("ul").stop(true).slideUp(s, function () { this.style.display = ""; }); }
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
toggle_node : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { return this.open_node(obj); }
if(obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { return this.close_node(obj); }
open_all : function (obj, original_obj) {
obj = obj ? this._get_node(obj) : this.get_container();
if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container(); }
if(original_obj) {
obj = obj.find("li.jstree-closed");
else {
original_obj = obj;
if(obj.is(".jstree-closed")) { obj = obj.find("li.jstree-closed").andSelf(); }
else { obj = obj.find("li.jstree-closed"); }
var _this = this;
obj.each(function () {
var __this = this;
if(!_this._is_loaded(this)) { _this.open_node(this, function() { _this.open_all(__this, original_obj); }, true); }
else { _this.open_node(this, false, true); }
// so that callback is fired AFTER all nodes are open
if(original_obj.find('li.jstree-closed').length === 0) { this.__callback({ "obj" : original_obj }); }
close_all : function (obj) {
var _this = this;
obj = obj ? this._get_node(obj) : this.get_container();
if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container(); }
obj.find("li.jstree-open").andSelf().each(function () { _this.close_node(this); });
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
clean_node : function (obj) {
obj = obj && obj != -1 ? $(obj) : this.get_container();
obj = obj.is("li") ? obj.find("li").andSelf() : obj.find("li");
obj.not(".jstree-open, .jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf").children("ul").remove();
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
// rollback
get_rollback : function () {
return { i : this.get_index(), h : this.get_container().children("ul").clone(true), d : this.data };
set_rollback : function (html, data) {
this.data = data;
// Dummy functions to be overwritten by any datastore plugin included
load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); },
_is_loaded : function (obj) { return true; },
// Basic operations: create
create_node : function (obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
position = typeof position === "undefined" ? "last" : position;
var d = $("<li>"),
s = this._get_settings().core,
if(obj !== -1 && !obj.length) { return false; }
if(!is_loaded && !this._is_loaded(obj)) { this.load_node(obj, function () { this.create_node(obj, position, js, callback, true); }); return false; }
if(typeof js === "string") { js = { "data" : js }; }
if(!js) { js = {}; }
if(js.attr) { d.attr(js.attr); }
if(js.state) { d.addClass("jstree-" + js.state); }
if(!js.data) { js.data = s.strings.new_node; }
if(!$.isArray(js.data)) { tmp = js.data; js.data = []; js.data.push(tmp); }
$.each(js.data, function (i, m) {
tmp = $("<a>");
if($.isFunction(m)) { m = m.call(this, js); }
if(typeof m == "string") { tmp.attr('href','#')[ s.html_titles ? "html" : "text" ](m); }
else {
if(!m.attr) { m.attr = {}; }
if(!m.attr.href) { m.attr.href = '#'; }
tmp.attr(m.attr)[ s.html_titles ? "html" : "text" ](m.title);
if(m.language) { tmp.addClass(m.language); }
tmp.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>");
if(m.icon) {
if(m.icon.indexOf("/") === -1) { tmp.children("ins").addClass(m.icon); }
else { tmp.children("ins").css("background","url('" + m.icon + "') center center no-repeat"); }
d.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>");
if(obj === -1) {
obj = this.get_container();
if(position === "before") { position = "first"; }
if(position === "after") { position = "last"; }
switch(position) {
case "before": obj.before(d); tmp = this._get_parent(obj); break;
case "after" : obj.after(d); tmp = this._get_parent(obj); break;
case "inside":
case "first" :
if(!obj.children("ul").length) { obj.append("<ul>"); }
tmp = obj;
case "last":
if(!obj.children("ul").length) { obj.append("<ul>"); }
tmp = obj;
if(!obj.children("ul").length) { obj.append("<ul>"); }
if(!position) { position = 0; }
tmp = obj.children("ul").children("li").eq(position);
if(tmp.length) { tmp.before(d); }
else { obj.children("ul").append(d); }
tmp = obj;
if(tmp === -1 || tmp.get(0) === this.get_container().get(0)) { tmp = -1; }
this.__callback({ "obj" : d, "parent" : tmp });
if(callback) { callback.call(this, d); }
return d;
// Basic operations: rename (deal with text)
get_text : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
var s = this._get_settings().core.html_titles;
obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)");
if(s) {
obj = obj.clone();
return obj.html();
else {
obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];
return obj.nodeValue;
set_text : function (obj, val) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)");
if(this._get_settings().core.html_titles) {
var tmp = obj.children("INS").clone();
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val });
return true;
else {
obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val });
return (obj.nodeValue = val);
rename_node : function (obj, val) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj && obj.length && this.set_text.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val }); }
// Basic operations: deleting nodes
delete_node : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
var p = this._get_parent(obj), prev = this._get_prev(obj);
obj = obj.remove();
if(p !== -1 && p.find("> ul > li").length === 0) {
p.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf");
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "prev" : prev });
return obj;
prepare_move : function (o, r, pos, cb, is_cb) {
var p = {};
p.ot = $.jstree._reference(p.o) || this;
p.o = p.ot._get_node(o);
p.r = r === - 1 ? -1 : this._get_node(r);
p.p = (typeof p === "undefined") ? "last" : pos; // TODO: move to a setting
if(!is_cb && prepared_move.o && prepared_move.o[0] === p.o[0] && prepared_move.r[0] === p.r[0] && prepared_move.p === p.p) {
if(cb) { cb.call(this, prepared_move); }
p.ot = $.jstree._reference(p.o) || this;
p.rt = r === -1 ? p.ot : $.jstree._reference(p.r) || this;
if(p.r === -1) {
p.cr = -1;
switch(p.p) {
case "first":
case "before":
case "inside":
p.cp = 0;
case "after":
case "last":
p.cp = p.rt.get_container().find(" > ul > li").length;
p.cp = p.p;
else {
if(!/^(before|after)$/.test(p.p) && !this._is_loaded(p.r)) {
return this.load_node(p.r, function () { this.prepare_move(o, r, pos, cb, true); });
switch(p.p) {
case "before":
p.cp = p.r.index();
p.cr = p.rt._get_parent(p.r);
case "after":
p.cp = p.r.index() + 1;
p.cr = p.rt._get_parent(p.r);
case "inside":
case "first":
p.cp = 0;
p.cr = p.r;
case "last":
p.cp = p.r.find(" > ul > li").length;
p.cr = p.r;
p.cp = p.p;
p.cr = p.r;
p.np = p.cr == -1 ? p.rt.get_container() : p.cr;
p.op = p.ot._get_parent(p.o);
p.or = p.np.find(" > ul > li:nth-child(" + (p.cp + 1) + ")");
prepared_move = p;
if(cb) { cb.call(this, prepared_move); }
check_move : function () {
var obj = prepared_move, ret = true;
if(obj.or[0] === obj.o[0]) { return false; }
obj.o.each(function () {
if(obj.r.parentsUntil(".jstree").andSelf().filter("li").index(this) !== -1) { ret = false; return false; }
return ret;
move_node : function (obj, ref, position, is_copy, is_prepared, skip_check) {
if(!is_prepared) {
return this.prepare_move(obj, ref, position, function (p) {
this.move_node(p, false, false, is_copy, true, skip_check);
if(!skip_check && !this.check_move()) { return false; }
var o = false;
if(is_copy) {
o = obj.o.clone();
o.find("*[id]").andSelf().each(function () {
if(this.id) { this.id = "copy_" + this.id; }
else { o = obj.o; }
if(obj.or.length) { obj.or.before(o); }
else {
if(!obj.np.children("ul").length) { $("<ul>").appendTo(obj.np); }
try {
if(!obj.op.find("> ul > li").length) {
obj.op.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf").children("ul").remove();
} catch (e) { }
if(is_copy) {
prepared_move.cy = true;
prepared_move.oc = o;
return prepared_move;
_get_move : function () { return prepared_move; }
* jsTree ui plugin 1.0
* This plugins handles selecting/deselecting/hovering/dehovering nodes
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("ui", {
__init : function () {
this.data.ui.selected = $();
this.data.ui.last_selected = false;
this.data.ui.hovered = null;
this.data.ui.to_select = this.get_settings().ui.initially_select;
.delegate("a", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {
this.select_node(event.currentTarget, true, event);
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {
}, this))
.bind("reopen.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
}, this))
.bind("get_rollback.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
}, this))
.bind("set_rollback.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
}, this))
.bind("close_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (event, data) {
var s = this._get_settings().ui,
obj = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj),
clk = (obj && obj.length) ? obj.children("ul").find(".jstree-clicked") : $(),
_this = this;
if(s.selected_parent_close === false || !clk.length) { return; }
clk.each(function () {
if(s.selected_parent_close === "select_parent") { _this.select_node(obj); }
}, this))
.bind("delete_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (event, data) {
var s = this._get_settings().ui.select_prev_on_delete,
obj = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj),
clk = (obj && obj.length) ? obj.find(".jstree-clicked") : [],
_this = this;
clk.each(function () { _this.deselect_node(this); });
if(s && clk.length) { this.select_node(data.rslt.prev); }
}, this))
.bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (event, data) {
if(data.rslt.cy) {
}, this));
defaults : {
select_limit : -1, // 0, 1, 2 ... or -1 for unlimited
select_multiple_modifier : "ctrl", // on, or ctrl, shift, alt
selected_parent_close : "select_parent", // false, "deselect", "select_parent"
select_prev_on_delete : true,
disable_selecting_children : false,
initially_select : []
_fn : {
_get_node : function (obj, allow_multiple) {
if(typeof obj === "undefined" || obj === null) { return allow_multiple ? this.data.ui.selected : this.data.ui.last_selected; }
var $obj = $(obj, this.get_container());
if($obj.is(".jstree") || obj == -1) { return -1; }
$obj = $obj.closest("li", this.get_container());
return $obj.length ? $obj : false;
save_selected : function () {
var _this = this;
this.data.ui.to_select = [];
this.data.ui.selected.each(function () { _this.data.ui.to_select.push("#" + this.id.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace('\\/','/').replace('/','\\/')); });
reselect : function () {
var _this = this,
s = this.data.ui.to_select;
s = $.map($.makeArray(s), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace('\\/','/').replace('/','\\/'); });
$.each(s, function (i, val) { if(val && val !== "#") { _this.select_node(val); } });
refresh : function (obj) {
return this.__call_old();
hover_node : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
//if(this.data.ui.hovered && obj.get(0) === this.data.ui.hovered.get(0)) { return; }
if(!obj.hasClass("jstree-hovered")) { this.dehover_node(); }
this.data.ui.hovered = obj.children("a").addClass("jstree-hovered").parent();
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
dehover_node : function () {
var obj = this.data.ui.hovered, p;
if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }
p = obj.children("a").removeClass("jstree-hovered").parent();
if(this.data.ui.hovered[0] === p[0]) { this.data.ui.hovered = null; }
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
select_node : function (obj, check, e) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj == -1 || !obj || !obj.length) { return false; }
var s = this._get_settings().ui,
is_multiple = (s.select_multiple_modifier == "on" || (s.select_multiple_modifier !== false && e && e[s.select_multiple_modifier + "Key"])),
is_selected = this.is_selected(obj),
proceed = true;
if(check) {
if(s.disable_selecting_children && is_multiple && obj.parents("li", this.get_container()).children(".jstree-clicked").length) {
return false;
proceed = false;
switch(!0) {
case (is_selected && !is_multiple):
is_selected = false;
proceed = true;
case (!is_selected && !is_multiple):
if(s.select_limit == -1 || s.select_limit > 0) {
proceed = true;
case (is_selected && is_multiple):
case (!is_selected && is_multiple):
if(s.select_limit == -1 || this.data.ui.selected.length + 1 <= s.select_limit) {
proceed = true;
if(proceed && !is_selected) {
this.data.ui.selected = this.data.ui.selected.add(obj);
this.data.ui.last_selected = obj;
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
deselect_node : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
if(this.is_selected(obj)) {
this.data.ui.selected = this.data.ui.selected.not(obj);
if(this.data.ui.last_selected.get(0) === obj.get(0)) { this.data.ui.last_selected = this.data.ui.selected.eq(0); }
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
toggle_select : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return false; }
if(this.is_selected(obj)) { this.deselect_node(obj); }
else { this.select_node(obj); }
is_selected : function (obj) { return this.data.ui.selected.index(this._get_node(obj)) >= 0; },
get_selected : function (context) {
return context ? $(context).find(".jstree-clicked").parent() : this.data.ui.selected;
deselect_all : function (context) {
if(context) { $(context).find(".jstree-clicked").removeClass("jstree-clicked"); }
else { this.get_container().find(".jstree-clicked").removeClass("jstree-clicked"); }
this.data.ui.selected = $([]);
this.data.ui.last_selected = false;
// include the selection plugin by default
* jsTree CRRM plugin 1.0
* Handles creating/renaming/removing/moving nodes by user interaction.
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("crrm", {
__init : function () {
.bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
if(this._get_settings().crrm.move.open_onmove) {
var t = this;
data.rslt.np.parentsUntil(".jstree").andSelf().filter(".jstree-closed").each(function () {
t.open_node(this, false, true);
}, this));
defaults : {
input_width_limit : 200,
move : {
always_copy : false, // false, true or "multitree"
open_onmove : true,
default_position : "last",
check_move : function (m) { return true; }
_fn : {
_show_input : function (obj, callback) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
var rtl = this._get_settings().core.rtl,
w = this._get_settings().crrm.input_width_limit,
w1 = obj.children("ins").width(),
w2 = obj.find("> a:visible > ins").width() * obj.find("> a:visible > ins").length,
t = this.get_text(obj),
h1 = $("<div>", { css : { "position" : "absolute", "top" : "-200px", "left" : (rtl ? "0px" : "-1000px"), "visibility" : "hidden" } }).appendTo("body"),
h2 = obj.css("position","relative").append(
$("<input>", {
"value" : t,
// "size" : t.length,
"css" : {
"padding" : "0",
"border" : "1px solid silver",
"position" : "absolute",
"left" : (rtl ? "auto" : (w1 + w2 + 4) + "px"),
"right" : (rtl ? (w1 + w2 + 4) + "px" : "auto"),
"top" : "0px",
"height" : (this.data.core.li_height - 2) + "px",
"lineHeight" : (this.data.core.li_height - 2) + "px",
"width" : "150px" // will be set a bit further down
"blur" : $.proxy(function () {
var i = obj.children("input"),
v = i.val();
if(v === "") { v = t; }
i.remove(); // rollback purposes
this.set_text(obj,t); // rollback purposes
this.rename_node(obj, v);
callback.call(this, obj, v, t);
}, this),
"keyup" : function (event) {
var key = event.keyCode || event.which;
if(key == 27) { this.value = t; this.blur(); return; }
else if(key == 13) { this.blur(); return; }
else {
h2.width(Math.min(h1.text("pW" + this.value).width(),w));
this.set_text(obj, "");
fontFamily : h2.css('fontFamily') || '',
fontSize : h2.css('fontSize') || '',
fontWeight : h2.css('fontWeight') || '',
fontStyle : h2.css('fontStyle') || '',
fontStretch : h2.css('fontStretch') || '',
fontVariant : h2.css('fontVariant') || '',
letterSpacing : h2.css('letterSpacing') || '',
wordSpacing : h2.css('wordSpacing') || ''
h2.width(Math.min(h1.text("pW" + h2[0].value).width(),w))[0].select();
rename : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
var f = this.__callback;
this._show_input(obj, function (obj, new_name, old_name) {
f.call(this, { "obj" : obj, "new_name" : new_name, "old_name" : old_name });
create : function (obj, position, js, callback, skip_rename) {
var t, _this = this;
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj) { obj = -1; }
t = this.create_node(obj, position, js, function (t) {
var p = this._get_parent(t),
pos = $(t).index();
if(callback) { callback.call(this, t); }
if(p.length && p.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.open_node(p, false, true); }
if(!skip_rename) {
this._show_input(t, function (obj, new_name, old_name) {
_this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : new_name, "parent" : p, "position" : pos });
else { _this.__callback({ "obj" : t, "name" : this.get_text(t), "parent" : p, "position" : pos }); }
return t;
remove : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj, true);
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });
check_move : function () {
if(!this.__call_old()) { return false; }
var s = this._get_settings().crrm.move;
if(!s.check_move.call(this, this._get_move())) { return false; }
return true;
move_node : function (obj, ref, position, is_copy, is_prepared, skip_check) {
var s = this._get_settings().crrm.move;
if(!is_prepared) {
if(!position) { position = s.default_position; }
if(position === "inside" && !s.default_position.match(/^(before|after)$/)) { position = s.default_position; }
return this.__call_old(true, obj, ref, position, is_copy, false, skip_check);
// if the move is already prepared
if(s.always_copy === true || (s.always_copy === "multitree" && obj.rt.get_index() !== obj.ot.get_index() )) {
is_copy = true;
this.__call_old(true, obj, ref, position, is_copy, true, skip_check);
cut : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
this.data.crrm.cp_nodes = false;
this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = false;
if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }
this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = obj;
copy : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
this.data.crrm.cp_nodes = false;
this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = false;
if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }
this.data.crrm.cp_nodes = obj;
paste : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }
if(!this.data.crrm.ct_nodes && !this.data.crrm.cp_nodes) { return false; }
if(this.data.crrm.ct_nodes) { this.move_node(this.data.crrm.ct_nodes, obj); }
if(this.data.crrm.cp_nodes) { this.move_node(this.data.crrm.cp_nodes, obj, false, true); }
this.data.crrm.cp_nodes = false;
this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = false;
// include the crr plugin by default
* jsTree themes plugin 1.0
* Handles loading and setting themes, as well as detecting path to themes, etc.
(function ($) {
var themes_loaded = [];
// this variable stores the path to the themes folder - if left as false - it will be autodetected
$.jstree._themes = false;
$.jstree.plugin("themes", {
__init : function () {
.bind("init.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
var s = this._get_settings().themes;
this.data.themes.dots = s.dots;
this.data.themes.icons = s.icons;
this.set_theme(s.theme, s.url);
}, this))
.bind("loaded.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
// bound here too, as simple HTML tree's won't honor dots & icons otherwise
if(!this.data.themes.dots) { this.hide_dots(); }
else { this.show_dots(); }
if(!this.data.themes.icons) { this.hide_icons(); }
else { this.show_icons(); }
}, this));
defaults : {
theme : "default",
url : false,
dots : true,
icons : true
_fn : {
set_theme : function (theme_name, theme_url) {
if(!theme_name) { return false; }
if(!theme_url) { theme_url = $.jstree._themes + theme_name + '/style.css'; }
if($.inArray(theme_url, themes_loaded) == -1) {
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ "url" : theme_url, "rel" : "jstree" });
if(this.data.themes.theme != theme_name) {
this.get_container().removeClass('jstree-' + this.data.themes.theme);
this.data.themes.theme = theme_name;
this.get_container().addClass('jstree-' + theme_name);
if(!this.data.themes.dots) { this.hide_dots(); }
else { this.show_dots(); }
if(!this.data.themes.icons) { this.hide_icons(); }
else { this.show_icons(); }
get_theme : function () { return this.data.themes.theme; },
show_dots : function () { this.data.themes.dots = true; this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-no-dots"); },
hide_dots : function () { this.data.themes.dots = false; this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-no-dots"); },
toggle_dots : function () { if(this.data.themes.dots) { this.hide_dots(); } else { this.show_dots(); } },
show_icons : function () { this.data.themes.icons = true; this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-no-icons"); },
hide_icons : function () { this.data.themes.icons = false; this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-no-icons"); },
toggle_icons: function () { if(this.data.themes.icons) { this.hide_icons(); } else { this.show_icons(); } }
// autodetect themes path
$(function () {
if($.jstree._themes === false) {
$("script").each(function () {
if(this.src.toString().match(/jquery\.jstree[^\/]*?\.js(\?.*)?$/)) {
$.jstree._themes = this.src.toString().replace(/jquery\.jstree[^\/]*?\.js(\?.*)?$/, "") + 'themes/';
return false;
if($.jstree._themes === false) { $.jstree._themes = "themes/"; }
// include the themes plugin by default
* jsTree hotkeys plugin 1.0
* Enables keyboard navigation for all tree instances
* Depends on the jstree ui & jquery hotkeys plugins
(function ($) {
var bound = [];
function exec(i, event) {
var f = $.jstree._focused(), tmp;
if(f && f.data && f.data.hotkeys && f.data.hotkeys.enabled) {
tmp = f._get_settings().hotkeys[i];
if(tmp) { return tmp.call(f, event); }
$.jstree.plugin("hotkeys", {
__init : function () {
if(typeof $.hotkeys === "undefined") { throw "jsTree hotkeys: jQuery hotkeys plugin not included."; }
if(!this.data.ui) { throw "jsTree hotkeys: jsTree UI plugin not included."; }
$.each(this._get_settings().hotkeys, function (i, val) {
if($.inArray(i, bound) == -1) {
$(document).bind("keydown", i, function (event) { return exec(i, event); });
defaults : {
"up" : function () {
var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;
return false;
"down" : function () {
var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;
return false;
"left" : function () {
var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;
if(o) {
if(o.hasClass("jstree-open")) { this.close_node(o); }
else { this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o)); }
return false;
"right" : function () {
var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;
if(o && o.length) {
if(o.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.open_node(o); }
else { this.hover_node(this._get_next(o)); }
return false;
"space" : function () {
if(this.data.ui.hovered) { this.data.ui.hovered.children("a:eq(0)").click(); }
return false;
"ctrl+space" : function (event) {
event.type = "click";
if(this.data.ui.hovered) { this.data.ui.hovered.children("a:eq(0)").trigger(event); }
return false;
"f2" : function () { this.rename(this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected); },
"del" : function () { this.remove(this.data.ui.hovered || this._get_node(null)); }
_fn : {
enable_hotkeys : function () {
this.data.hotkeys.enabled = true;
disable_hotkeys : function () {
this.data.hotkeys.enabled = false;
* jsTree JSON 1.0
* The JSON data store. Datastores are build by overriding the `load_node` and `_is_loaded` functions.
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("json_data", {
defaults : {
data : false,
ajax : false,
correct_state : true,
progressive_render : false
_fn : {
load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { var _this = this; this.load_node_json(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); s_call.call(this); }, e_call); },
_is_loaded : function (obj) {
var s = this._get_settings().json_data, d;
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj && obj !== -1 && s.progressive_render && !obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") && obj.children("ul").children("li").length === 0 && obj.data("jstree-children")) {
d = this._parse_json(obj.data("jstree-children"));
if(d) {
$.removeData(obj, "jstree-children");
return true;
return obj == -1 || !obj || !s.ajax || obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") || obj.children("ul").children("li").size() > 0;
load_node_json : function (obj, s_call, e_call) {
var s = this.get_settings().json_data, d,
error_func = function () {},
success_func = function () {};
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj && obj !== -1) {
if(obj.data("jstree-is-loading")) { return; }
else { obj.data("jstree-is-loading",true); }
switch(!0) {
case (!s.data && !s.ajax): throw "Neither data nor ajax settings supplied.";
case (!!s.data && !s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && (!obj || obj === -1)):
if(!obj || obj == -1) {
d = this._parse_json(s.data);
if(d) {
else {
if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
case (!s.data && !!s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && obj && obj !== -1):
error_func = function (x, t, e) {
var ef = this.get_settings().json_data.ajax.error;
if(ef) { ef.call(this, x, t, e); }
if(obj != -1 && obj.length) {
if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { obj.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf"); }
else {
if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }
if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }
success_func = function (d, t, x) {
var sf = this.get_settings().json_data.ajax.success;
if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }
if(d === "" || (!$.isArray(d) && !$.isPlainObject(d))) {
return error_func.call(this, x, t, "");
d = this._parse_json(d);
if(d) {
if(obj === -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()); }
else { obj.append(d).children(".jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.data("jstree-is-loading",false); }
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(obj === -1 || !obj) {
if(s.correct_state) {
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(s.correct_state) {
obj.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf");
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
s.ajax.context = this;
s.ajax.error = error_func;
s.ajax.success = success_func;
if(!s.ajax.dataType) { s.ajax.dataType = "json"; }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, obj); }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, obj); }
_parse_json : function (js, is_callback) {
var d = false,
p = this._get_settings(),
s = p.json_data,
t = p.core.html_titles,
tmp, i, j, ul1, ul2;
if(!js) { return d; }
if($.isFunction(js)) {
js = js.call(this);
if($.isArray(js)) {
d = $();
if(!js.length) { return false; }
for(i = 0, j = js.length; i < j; i++) {
tmp = this._parse_json(js[i], true);
if(tmp.length) { d = d.add(tmp); }
else {
if(typeof js == "string") { js = { data : js }; }
if(!js.data && js.data !== "") { return d; }
d = $("<li>");
if(js.attr) { d.attr(js.attr); }
if(js.metadata) { d.data("jstree", js.metadata); }
if(js.state) { d.addClass("jstree-" + js.state); }
if(!$.isArray(js.data)) { tmp = js.data; js.data = []; js.data.push(tmp); }
$.each(js.data, function (i, m) {
tmp = $("<a>");
if($.isFunction(m)) { m = m.call(this, js); }
if(typeof m == "string") { tmp.attr('href','#')[ t ? "html" : "text" ](m); }
else {
if(!m.attr) { m.attr = {}; }
if(!m.attr.href) { m.attr.href = '#'; }
tmp.attr(m.attr)[ t ? "html" : "text" ](m.title);
if(m.language) { tmp.addClass(m.language); }
tmp.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>");
if(!m.icon && js.icon) { m.icon = js.icon; }
if(m.icon) {
if(m.icon.indexOf("/") === -1) { tmp.children("ins").addClass(m.icon); }
else { tmp.children("ins").css("background","url('" + m.icon + "') center center no-repeat"); }
d.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>");
if(js.children) {
if(s.progressive_render && js.state !== "open") {
d.addClass("jstree-closed").data("jstree-children", js.children);
else {
if($.isFunction(js.children)) {
js.children = js.children.call(this, js);
if($.isArray(js.children) && js.children.length) {
tmp = this._parse_json(js.children, true);
if(tmp.length) {
ul2 = $("<ul>");
if(!is_callback) {
ul1 = $("<ul>");
d = ul1;
return d;
get_json : function (obj, li_attr, a_attr, is_callback) {
var result = [],
s = this._get_settings(),
_this = this,
tmp1, tmp2, li, a, t, lang;
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container().find("> ul > li"); }
li_attr = $.isArray(li_attr) ? li_attr : [ "id", "class" ];
if(!is_callback && this.data.types) { li_attr.push(s.types.type_attr); }
a_attr = $.isArray(a_attr) ? a_attr : [ ];
obj.each(function () {
li = $(this);
tmp1 = { data : [] };
if(li_attr.length) { tmp1.attr = { }; }
$.each(li_attr, function (i, v) {
tmp2 = li.attr(v);
if(tmp2 && tmp2.length && tmp2.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').length) {
tmp1.attr[v] = tmp2.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'');
if(li.hasClass("jstree-open")) { tmp1.state = "open"; }
if(li.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { tmp1.state = "closed"; }
a = li.children("a");
a.each(function () {
t = $(this);
a_attr.length ||
$.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1 ||
t.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length ||
(t.children("ins").get(0).className && t.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').length)
) {
lang = false;
if($.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1 && $.isArray(s.languages) && s.languages.length) {
$.each(s.languages, function (l, lv) {
if(t.hasClass(lv)) {
lang = lv;
return false;
tmp2 = { attr : { }, title : _this.get_text(t, lang) };
$.each(a_attr, function (k, z) {
tmp1.attr[z] = (t.attr(z) || "").replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'');
$.each(s.languages, function (k, z) {
if(t.hasClass(z)) { tmp2.language = z; return true; }
if(t.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"").length) {
tmp2.icon = t.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"");
if(t.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length) {
tmp2.icon = t.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","");
else {
tmp2 = _this.get_text(t);
if(a.length > 1) { tmp1.data.push(tmp2); }
else { tmp1.data = tmp2; }
li = li.find("> ul > li");
if(li.length) { tmp1.children = _this.get_json(li, li_attr, a_attr, true); }
return result;
* jsTree languages plugin 1.0
* Adds support for multiple language versions in one tree
* This basically allows for many titles coexisting in one node, but only one of them being visible at any given time
* This is useful for maintaining the same structure in many languages (hence the name of the plugin)
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("languages", {
__init : function () { this._load_css(); },
defaults : [],
_fn : {
set_lang : function (i) {
var langs = this._get_settings().languages,
st = false,
selector = ".jstree-" + this.get_index() + ' a';
if(!$.isArray(langs) || langs.length === 0) { return false; }
if($.inArray(i,langs) == -1) {
if(!!langs[i]) { i = langs[i]; }
else { return false; }
if(i == this.data.languages.current_language) { return true; }
st = $.vakata.css.get_css(selector + "." + this.data.languages.current_language, false, this.data.languages.language_css);
if(st !== false) { st.style.display = "none"; }
st = $.vakata.css.get_css(selector + "." + i, false, this.data.languages.language_css);
if(st !== false) { st.style.display = ""; }
this.data.languages.current_language = i;
return true;
get_lang : function () {
return this.data.languages.current_language;
get_text : function (obj, lang) {
obj = this._get_node(obj) || this.data.ui.last_selected;
if(!obj.size()) { return false; }
var langs = this._get_settings().languages,
s = this._get_settings().core.html_titles;
if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {
lang = (lang && $.inArray(lang,langs) != -1) ? lang : this.data.languages.current_language;
obj = obj.children("a." + lang);
else { obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)"); }
if(s) {
obj = obj.clone();
return obj.html();
else {
obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];
return obj.nodeValue;
set_text : function (obj, val, lang) {
obj = this._get_node(obj) || this.data.ui.last_selected;
if(!obj.size()) { return false; }
var langs = this._get_settings().languages,
s = this._get_settings().core.html_titles,
if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {
lang = (lang && $.inArray(lang,langs) != -1) ? lang : this.data.languages.current_language;
obj = obj.children("a." + lang);
else { obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)"); }
if(s) {
tmp = obj.children("INS").clone();
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val, "lang" : lang });
return true;
else {
obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];
this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val, "lang" : lang });
return (obj.nodeValue = val);
_load_css : function () {
var langs = this._get_settings().languages,
str = "/* languages css */",
selector = ".jstree-" + this.get_index() + ' a',
if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {
this.data.languages.current_language = langs[0];
for(ln = 0; ln < langs.length; ln++) {
str += selector + "." + langs[ln] + " {";
if(langs[ln] != this.data.languages.current_language) { str += " display:none; "; }
str += " } ";
this.data.languages.language_css = $.vakata.css.add_sheet({ 'str' : str });
create_node : function (obj, position, js, callback) {
var t = this.__call_old(true, obj, position, js, function (t) {
var langs = this._get_settings().languages,
a = t.children("a"),
if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {
for(ln = 0; ln < langs.length; ln++) {
if(!a.is("." + langs[ln])) {
t.append(a.eq(0).clone().removeClass(langs.join(" ")).addClass(langs[ln]));
a.not("." + langs.join(", .")).remove();
if(callback) { callback.call(this, t); }
return t;
* jsTree cookies plugin 1.0
* Stores the currently opened/selected nodes in a cookie and then restores them
* Depends on the jquery.cookie plugin
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("cookies", {
__init : function () {
if(typeof $.cookie === "undefined") { throw "jsTree cookie: jQuery cookie plugin not included."; }
var s = this._get_settings().cookies,
if(!!s.save_opened) {
tmp = $.cookie(s.save_opened);
if(tmp && tmp.length) { this.data.core.to_open = tmp.split(","); }
if(!!s.save_selected) {
tmp = $.cookie(s.save_selected);
if(tmp && tmp.length && this.data.ui) { this.data.ui.to_select = tmp.split(","); }
.one( ( this.data.ui ? "reselect" : "reopen" ) + ".jstree", $.proxy(function () {
.bind("open_node.jstree close_node.jstree select_node.jstree deselect_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if(this._get_settings().cookies.auto_save) { this.save_cookie((e.handleObj.namespace + e.handleObj.type).replace("jstree","")); }
}, this));
}, this));
defaults : {
save_opened : "jstree_open",
save_selected : "jstree_select",
auto_save : true,
cookie_options : {}
_fn : {
save_cookie : function (c) {
if(this.data.core.refreshing) { return; }
var s = this._get_settings().cookies;
if(!c) { // if called manually and not by event
if(s.save_opened) {
$.cookie(s.save_opened, this.data.core.to_open.join(","), s.cookie_options);
if(s.save_selected && this.data.ui) {
$.cookie(s.save_selected, this.data.ui.to_select.join(","), s.cookie_options);
switch(c) {
case "open_node":
case "close_node":
if(!!s.save_opened) {
$.cookie(s.save_opened, this.data.core.to_open.join(","), s.cookie_options);
case "select_node":
case "deselect_node":
if(!!s.save_selected && this.data.ui) {
$.cookie(s.save_selected, this.data.ui.to_select.join(","), s.cookie_options);
// include cookies by default
* jsTree sort plugin 1.0
* Sorts items alphabetically (or using any other function)
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("sort", {
__init : function () {
.bind("load_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
var obj = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj);
obj = obj === -1 ? this.get_container().children("ul") : obj.children("ul");
}, this))
.bind("rename_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
}, this))
.bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
var m = data.rslt.np == -1 ? this.get_container() : data.rslt.np;
}, this));
defaults : function (a, b) { return this.get_text(a) > this.get_text(b) ? 1 : -1; },
_fn : {
sort : function (obj) {
var s = this._get_settings().sort,
t = this;
obj.append($.makeArray(obj.children("li")).sort($.proxy(s, t)));
obj.find("> li > ul").each(function() { t.sort($(this)); });
* jsTree DND plugin 1.0
* Drag and drop plugin for moving/copying nodes
(function ($) {
var o = false,
r = false,
m = false,
sli = false,
sti = false,
dir1 = false,
dir2 = false;
$.vakata.dnd = {
is_down : false,
is_drag : false,
helper : false,
scroll_spd : 10,
init_x : 0,
init_y : 0,
threshold : 5,
user_data : {},
drag_start : function (e, data, html) {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag) { $.vakata.drag_stop({}); }
try {
e.currentTarget.unselectable = "on";
e.currentTarget.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
if(e.currentTarget.style) { e.currentTarget.style.MozUserSelect = "none"; }
} catch(err) { }
$.vakata.dnd.init_x = e.pageX;
$.vakata.dnd.init_y = e.pageY;
$.vakata.dnd.user_data = data;
$.vakata.dnd.is_down = true;
$.vakata.dnd.helper = $("<div id='vakata-dragged'>").html(html).css("opacity", "0.75");
$(document).bind("mousemove", $.vakata.dnd.drag);
$(document).bind("mouseup", $.vakata.dnd.drag_stop);
return false;
drag : function (e) {
if(!$.vakata.dnd.is_down) { return; }
if(!$.vakata.dnd.is_drag) {
if(Math.abs(e.pageX - $.vakata.dnd.init_x) > 5 || Math.abs(e.pageY - $.vakata.dnd.init_y) > 5) {
$.vakata.dnd.is_drag = true;
$(document).triggerHandler("drag_start.vakata", { "event" : e, "data" : $.vakata.dnd.user_data });
else { return; }
// maybe use a scrolling parent element instead of document?
if(e.type === "mousemove") { // thought of adding scroll in order to move the helper, but mouse poisition is n/a
var d = $(document), t = d.scrollTop(), l = d.scrollLeft();
if(e.pageY - t < 20) {
if(sti && dir1 === "down") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }
if(!sti) { dir1 = "up"; sti = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }
else {
if(sti && dir1 === "up") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }
if($(window).height() - (e.pageY - t) < 20) {
if(sti && dir1 === "up") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }
if(!sti) { dir1 = "down"; sti = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }
else {
if(sti && dir1 === "down") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }
if(e.pageX - l < 20) {
if(sli && dir2 === "right") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }
if(!sli) { dir2 = "left"; sli = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() - $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }
else {
if(sli && dir2 === "left") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }
if($(window).width() - (e.pageX - l) < 20) {
if(sli && dir2 === "left") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }
if(!sli) { dir2 = "right"; sli = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() + $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }
else {
if(sli && dir2 === "right") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }
$.vakata.dnd.helper.css({ left : (e.pageX + 5) + "px", top : (e.pageY + 10) + "px" });
$(document).triggerHandler("drag.vakata", { "event" : e, "data" : $.vakata.dnd.user_data });
drag_stop : function (e) {
$(document).unbind("mousemove", $.vakata.dnd.drag);
$(document).unbind("mouseup", $.vakata.dnd.drag_stop);
$(document).triggerHandler("drag_stop.vakata", { "event" : e, "data" : $.vakata.dnd.user_data });
$.vakata.dnd.init_x = 0;
$.vakata.dnd.init_y = 0;
$.vakata.dnd.user_data = {};
$.vakata.dnd.is_down = false;
$.vakata.dnd.is_drag = false;
$(function() {
var css_string = '#vakata-dragged { display:block; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:4px 4px 4px 24px; position:absolute; top:-2000px; line-height:16px; z-index:10000; } ';
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string });
$.jstree.plugin("dnd", {
__init : function () {
this.data.dnd = {
active : false,
after : false,
inside : false,
before : false,
off : false,
prepared : false,
w : 0,
to1 : false,
to2 : false,
cof : false,
cw : false,
ch : false,
i1 : false,
i2 : false
.bind("mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree && this.data.themes) {
m.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);
$.vakata.dnd.helper.attr("class", "jstree-dnd-helper jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);
}, this))
.bind("mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {
if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }
if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }
}, this))
.bind("mousemove.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {
var cnt = this.get_container()[0];
// Horizontal scroll
if(e.pageX + 24 > this.data.dnd.cof.left + this.data.dnd.cw) {
if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }
this.data.dnd.i1 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollLeft += $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);
else if(e.pageX - 24 < this.data.dnd.cof.left) {
if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }
this.data.dnd.i1 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollLeft -= $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);
else {
if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }
// Vertical scroll
if(e.pageY + 24 > this.data.dnd.cof.top + this.data.dnd.ch) {
if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }
this.data.dnd.i2 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollTop += $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);
else if(e.pageY - 24 < this.data.dnd.cof.top) {
if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }
this.data.dnd.i2 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollTop -= $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);
else {
if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mousedown.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if(e.which === 1) {
this.start_drag(e.currentTarget, e);
return false;
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mousemove.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {
if(typeof this.data.dnd.off.top === "undefined") { this.data.dnd.off = $(e.target).offset(); }
this.data.dnd.w = (e.pageY - (this.data.dnd.off.top || 0)) % this.data.core.li_height;
if(this.data.dnd.w < 0) { this.data.dnd.w += this.data.core.li_height; }
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {
this.data.dnd.after = false;
this.data.dnd.before = false;
this.data.dnd.inside = false;
if(r && r[0] === e.target.parentNode) {
if(this.data.dnd.to1) {
this.data.dnd.to1 = false;
if(this.data.dnd.to2) {
this.data.dnd.to2 = false;
}, this))
.delegate("a", "mouseup.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {
}, this));
.bind("drag_stop.vakata", $.proxy(function () {
this.data.dnd.after = false;
this.data.dnd.before = false;
this.data.dnd.inside = false;
this.data.dnd.off = false;
this.data.dnd.prepared = false;
this.data.dnd.w = false;
this.data.dnd.to1 = false;
this.data.dnd.to2 = false;
this.data.dnd.active = false;
this.data.dnd.foreign = false;
if(m) { m.css({ "top" : "-2000px" }); }
}, this))
.bind("drag_start.vakata", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
if(data.data.jstree) {
var et = $(data.event.target);
if(et.closest(".jstree").hasClass("jstree-" + this.get_index())) {
}, this));
var s = this._get_settings().dnd;
if(s.drag_target) {
.delegate(s.drag_target, "mousedown.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
o = e.target;
$.vakata.dnd.drag_start(e, { jstree : true, obj : e.target }, "<ins class='jstree-icon'></ins>" + $(e.target).text() );
if(this.data.themes) {
m.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);
$.vakata.dnd.helper.attr("class", "jstree-dnd-helper jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);
var cnt = this.get_container();
this.data.dnd.cof = cnt.offset();
this.data.dnd.cw = parseInt(cnt.width(),10);
this.data.dnd.ch = parseInt(cnt.height(),10);
this.data.dnd.foreign = true;
return false;
}, this));
if(s.drop_target) {
.delegate(s.drop_target, "mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if(this.data.dnd.active && this._get_settings().dnd.drop_check.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : $(e.target) })) {
}, this))
.delegate(s.drop_target, "mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if(this.data.dnd.active) {
}, this))
.delegate(s.drop_target, "mouseup.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if(this.data.dnd.active && $.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").hasClass("jstree-ok")) {
this._get_settings().dnd.drop_finish.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : $(e.target) });
}, this));
defaults : {
copy_modifier : "ctrl",
check_timeout : 200,
open_timeout : 500,
drop_target : ".jstree-drop",
drop_check : function (data) { return true; },
drop_finish : $.noop,
drag_target : ".jstree-draggable",
drag_finish : $.noop,
drag_check : function (data) { return { after : false, before : false, inside : true }; }
_fn : {
dnd_prepare : function () {
if(!r || !r.length) { return; }
this.data.dnd.off = r.offset();
if(this._get_settings().core.rtl) {
this.data.dnd.off.right = this.data.dnd.off.left + r.width();
if(this.data.dnd.foreign) {
var a = this._get_settings().dnd.drag_check.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : r });
this.data.dnd.after = a.after;
this.data.dnd.before = a.before;
this.data.dnd.inside = a.inside;
this.data.dnd.prepared = true;
return this.dnd_show();
this.prepare_move(o, r, "before");
this.data.dnd.before = this.check_move();
this.prepare_move(o, r, "after");
this.data.dnd.after = this.check_move();
if(this._is_loaded(r)) {
this.prepare_move(o, r, "inside");
this.data.dnd.inside = this.check_move();
else {
this.data.dnd.inside = false;
this.data.dnd.prepared = true;
return this.dnd_show();
dnd_show : function () {
if(!this.data.dnd.prepared) { return; }
var o = ["before","inside","after"],
r = false,
rtl = this._get_settings().core.rtl,
if(this.data.dnd.w < this.data.core.li_height/3) { o = ["before","inside","after"]; }
else if(this.data.dnd.w <= this.data.core.li_height*2/3) {
o = this.data.dnd.w < this.data.core.li_height/2 ? ["inside","before","after"] : ["inside","after","before"];
else { o = ["after","inside","before"]; }
$.each(o, $.proxy(function (i, val) {
if(this.data.dnd[val]) {
r = val;
return false;
}, this));
if(r === false) { $.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-invalid"); }
pos = rtl ? (this.data.dnd.off.right - 18) : (this.data.dnd.off.left + 10);
switch(r) {
case "before":
m.css({ "left" : pos + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top - 6) + "px" }).show();
case "after":
m.css({ "left" : pos + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top + this.data.core.li_height - 7) + "px" }).show();
case "inside":
m.css({ "left" : pos + ( rtl ? -4 : 4) + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top + this.data.core.li_height/2 - 5) + "px" }).show();
return r;
dnd_open : function () {
this.data.dnd.to2 = false;
this.open_node(r, $.proxy(this.dnd_prepare,this), true);
dnd_finish : function (e) {
if(this.data.dnd.foreign) {
if(this.data.dnd.after || this.data.dnd.before || this.data.dnd.inside) {
this._get_settings().dnd.drag_finish.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : r });
else {
this.move_node(o, r, this.dnd_show(), e[this._get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"]);
o = false;
r = false;
dnd_enter : function (obj) {
var s = this._get_settings().dnd;
this.data.dnd.prepared = false;
r = this._get_node(obj);
if(s.check_timeout) {
// do the calculations after a minimal timeout (users tend to drag quickly to the desired location)
if(this.data.dnd.to1) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to1); }
this.data.dnd.to1 = setTimeout($.proxy(this.dnd_prepare, this), s.check_timeout);
else {
if(s.open_timeout) {
if(this.data.dnd.to2) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to2); }
if(r && r.length && r.hasClass("jstree-closed")) {
// if the node is closed - open it, then recalculate
this.data.dnd.to2 = setTimeout($.proxy(this.dnd_open, this), s.open_timeout);
else {
if(r && r.length && r.hasClass("jstree-closed")) {
start_drag : function (obj, e) {
o = this._get_node(obj);
if(this.data.ui && this.is_selected(o)) { o = this._get_node(null, true); }
$.vakata.dnd.drag_start(e, { jstree : true, obj : o }, "<ins class='jstree-icon'></ins>" + (o.length > 1 ? "Multiple selection" : this.get_text(o)) );
if(this.data.themes) {
m.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);
$.vakata.dnd.helper.attr("class", "jstree-dnd-helper jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);
var cnt = this.get_container();
this.data.dnd.cof = cnt.children("ul").offset();
this.data.dnd.cw = parseInt(cnt.width(),10);
this.data.dnd.ch = parseInt(cnt.height(),10);
this.data.dnd.active = true;
$(function() {
var css_string = '' +
'#vakata-dragged ins { display:block; text-decoration:none; width:16px; height:16px; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0; position:absolute; top:4px; left:4px; } ' +
'#vakata-dragged .jstree-ok { background:green; } ' +
'#vakata-dragged .jstree-invalid { background:red; } ' +
'#jstree-marker { padding:0; margin:0; line-height:12px; font-size:1px; overflow:hidden; height:12px; width:8px; position:absolute; top:-30px; z-index:10000; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:none; background-color:silver; } ';
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string });
m = $("<div>").attr({ id : "jstree-marker" }).hide().appendTo("body");
$(document).bind("drag_start.vakata", function (e, data) {
if(data.data.jstree) {
$(document).bind("drag_stop.vakata", function (e, data) {
if(data.data.jstree) { m.hide(); }
* jsTree checkbox plugin 1.0
* Inserts checkboxes in front of every node
* Depends on the ui plugin
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("checkbox", {
__init : function () {
this.select_node = this.deselect_node = this.deselect_all = $.noop;
this.get_selected = this.get_checked;
.bind("open_node.jstree create_node.jstree clean_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
}, this))
.bind("loaded.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
}, this))
.delegate("a", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
if(this._get_node(e.target).hasClass("jstree-checked")) { this.uncheck_node(e.target); }
else { this.check_node(e.target); }
if(this.data.ui) { this.save_selected(); }
if(this.data.cookies) { this.save_cookie("select_node"); }
}, this));
__destroy : function () {
_fn : {
_prepare_checkboxes : function (obj) {
obj = !obj || obj == -1 ? this.get_container() : this._get_node(obj);
var c, _this = this, t;
obj.each(function () {
t = $(this);
c = t.is("li") && t.hasClass("jstree-checked") ? "jstree-checked" : "jstree-unchecked";
t.find("a").not(":has(.jstree-checkbox)").prepend("<ins class='jstree-checkbox'> </ins>").parent().not(".jstree-checked, .jstree-unchecked").addClass(c);
if(obj.is("li")) { this._repair_state(obj); }
else { obj.find("> ul > li").each(function () { _this._repair_state(this); }); }
change_state : function (obj, state) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
state = (state === false || state === true) ? state : obj.hasClass("jstree-checked");
if(state) { obj.find("li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-unchecked"); }
else {
obj.find("li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-unchecked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-checked");
if(this.data.ui) { this.data.ui.last_selected = obj; }
this.data.checkbox.last_selected = obj;
obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if(state) {
if($this.children("ul").children(".jstree-checked, .jstree-undetermined").length) {
$this.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-undetermined");
return false;
else {
$this.removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-unchecked");
else {
if($this.children("ul").children(".jstree-unchecked, .jstree-undetermined").length) {
$this.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-undetermined");
return false;
else {
$this.removeClass("jstree-unchecked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-checked");
if(this.data.ui) { this.data.ui.selected = this.get_checked(); }
check_node : function (obj) {
this.change_state(obj, false);
uncheck_node : function (obj) {
this.change_state(obj, true);
check_all : function () {
var _this = this;
this.get_container().children("ul").children("li").each(function () {
_this.check_node(this, false);
uncheck_all : function () {
var _this = this;
this.get_container().children("ul").children("li").each(function () {
_this.change_state(this, true);
is_checked : function(obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
return obj.length ? obj.is(".jstree-checked") : false;
get_checked : function (obj) {
obj = !obj || obj === -1 ? this.get_container() : this._get_node(obj);
return obj.find("> ul > .jstree-checked, .jstree-undetermined > ul > .jstree-checked");
get_unchecked : function (obj) {
obj = !obj || obj === -1 ? this.get_container() : this._get_node(obj);
return obj.find("> ul > .jstree-unchecked, .jstree-undetermined > ul > .jstree-unchecked");
show_checkboxes : function () { this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-no-checkboxes"); },
hide_checkboxes : function () { this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-no-checkboxes"); },
_repair_state : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj.length) { return; }
var a = obj.find("> ul > .jstree-checked").length,
b = obj.find("> ul > .jstree-undetermined").length,
c = obj.find("> ul > li").length;
if(c === 0) { if(obj.hasClass("jstree-undetermined")) { this.check_node(obj); } }
else if(a === 0 && b === 0) { this.uncheck_node(obj); }
else if(a === c) { this.check_node(obj); }
else {
obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li").removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-undetermined");
reselect : function () {
if(this.data.ui) {
var _this = this,
s = this.data.ui.to_select;
s = $.map($.makeArray(s), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace('\\/','/').replace('/','\\/'); });
$.each(s, function (i, val) { _this.check_node(val); });
* jsTree XML 1.0
* The XML data store. Datastores are build by overriding the `load_node` and `_is_loaded` functions.
(function ($) {
$.vakata.xslt = function (xml, xsl, callback) {
var rs = "", xm, xs, processor, support;
if(document.recalc) {
xm = document.createElement('xml');
xs = document.createElement('xml');
xm.innerHTML = xml;
xs.innerHTML = xsl;
setTimeout( (function (xm, xs, callback) {
return function () {
callback.call(null, xm.transformNode(xs.XMLDocument));
setTimeout( (function (xm, xs) { return function () { jQuery("body").remove(xm).remove(xs); }; })(xm, xs), 200);
}) (xm, xs, callback), 100);
return true;
if(typeof window.DOMParser !== "undefined" && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined" && typeof window.XSLTProcessor !== "undefined") {
processor = new XSLTProcessor();
support = $.isFunction(processor.transformDocument) ? (typeof window.XMLSerializer !== "undefined") : true;
if(!support) { return false; }
xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");
xsl = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xsl, "text/xml");
if($.isFunction(processor.transformDocument)) {
rs = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
processor.transformDocument(xml, xsl, rs, null);
callback.call(null, XMLSerializer().serializeToString(rs));
return true;
else {
rs = processor.transformToFragment(xml, document);
callback.call(null, $("<div>").append(rs).html());
return true;
return false;
var xsl = {
'nest' : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' +
'<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >' +
'<xsl:output method="html" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" standalone="no" indent="no" media-type="text/html" />' +
'<xsl:template match="/">' +
' <xsl:call-template name="nodes">' +
' <xsl:with-param name="node" select="/root" />' +
' </xsl:call-template>' +
'</xsl:template>' +
'<xsl:template name="nodes">' +
' <xsl:param name="node" />' +
' <ul>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="$node/item">' +
' <xsl:variable name="children" select="count(./item) > 0" />' +
' <li>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="class">' +
' <xsl:if test="position() = last()">jstree-last </xsl:if>' +
' <xsl:choose>' +
' <xsl:when test="@state = \'open\'">jstree-open </xsl:when>' +
' <xsl:when test="$children or @hasChildren or @state = \'closed\'">jstree-closed </xsl:when>' +
' <xsl:otherwise>jstree-leaf </xsl:otherwise>' +
' </xsl:choose>' +
' <xsl:value-of select="@class" />' +
' </xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="@*">' +
' <xsl:if test="name() != \'class\' and name() != \'state\' and name() != \'hasChildren\'">' +
' <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' +
' </xsl:if>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' <ins class="jstree-icon"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></ins>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="content/name">' +
' <a>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="href">' +
' <xsl:choose>' +
' <xsl:when test="@href"><xsl:value-of select="@href" /></xsl:when>' +
' <xsl:otherwise>#</xsl:otherwise>' +
' </xsl:choose>' +
' </xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="@lang" /> <xsl:value-of select="@class" /></xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="style"><xsl:value-of select="@style" /></xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="@*">' +
' <xsl:if test="name() != \'style\' and name() != \'class\' and name() != \'href\'">' +
' <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' +
' </xsl:if>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' <ins>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="class">jstree-icon ' +
' <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and not(contains(@icon,\'/\'))"><xsl:value-of select="@icon" /></xsl:if>' +
' </xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and contains(@icon,\'/\')"><xsl:attribute name="style">background:url(<xsl:value-of select="@icon" />) center center no-repeat;</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>' +
' <xsl:text> </xsl:text>' +
' </ins>' +
' <xsl:value-of select="current()" />' +
' </a>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' <xsl:if test="$children or @hasChildren"><xsl:call-template name="nodes"><xsl:with-param name="node" select="current()" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:if>' +
' </li>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' </ul>' +
'</xsl:template>' +
'flat' : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' +
'<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >' +
'<xsl:output method="html" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" standalone="no" indent="no" media-type="text/xml" />' +
'<xsl:template match="/">' +
' <ul>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="//item[not(@parent_id) or @parent_id=0 or not(@parent_id = //item/@id)]">' + /* the last `or` may be removed */
' <xsl:call-template name="nodes">' +
' <xsl:with-param name="node" select="." />' +
' <xsl:with-param name="is_last" select="number(position() = last())" />' +
' </xsl:call-template>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' </ul>' +
'</xsl:template>' +
'<xsl:template name="nodes">' +
' <xsl:param name="node" />' +
' <xsl:param name="is_last" />' +
' <xsl:variable name="children" select="count(//item[@parent_id=$node/attribute::id]) > 0" />' +
' <li>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="class">' +
' <xsl:if test="$is_last = true()">jstree-last </xsl:if>' +
' <xsl:choose>' +
' <xsl:when test="@state = \'open\'">jstree-open </xsl:when>' +
' <xsl:when test="$children or @hasChildren or @state = \'closed\'">jstree-closed </xsl:when>' +
' <xsl:otherwise>jstree-leaf </xsl:otherwise>' +
' </xsl:choose>' +
' <xsl:value-of select="@class" />' +
' </xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="@*">' +
' <xsl:if test="name() != \'parent_id\' and name() != \'hasChildren\' and name() != \'class\' and name() != \'state\'">' +
' <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' +
' </xsl:if>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' <ins class="jstree-icon"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></ins>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="content/name">' +
' <a>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="href">' +
' <xsl:choose>' +
' <xsl:when test="@href"><xsl:value-of select="@href" /></xsl:when>' +
' <xsl:otherwise>#</xsl:otherwise>' +
' </xsl:choose>' +
' </xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="@lang" /> <xsl:value-of select="@class" /></xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="style"><xsl:value-of select="@style" /></xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="@*">' +
' <xsl:if test="name() != \'style\' and name() != \'class\' and name() != \'href\'">' +
' <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' +
' </xsl:if>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' <ins>' +
' <xsl:attribute name="class">jstree-icon ' +
' <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and not(contains(@icon,\'/\'))"><xsl:value-of select="@icon" /></xsl:if>' +
' </xsl:attribute>' +
' <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and contains(@icon,\'/\')"><xsl:attribute name="style">background:url(<xsl:value-of select="@icon" />) center center no-repeat;</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>' +
' <xsl:text> </xsl:text>' +
' </ins>' +
' <xsl:value-of select="current()" />' +
' </a>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' <xsl:if test="$children">' +
' <ul>' +
' <xsl:for-each select="//item[@parent_id=$node/attribute::id]">' +
' <xsl:call-template name="nodes">' +
' <xsl:with-param name="node" select="." />' +
' <xsl:with-param name="is_last" select="number(position() = last())" />' +
' </xsl:call-template>' +
' </xsl:for-each>' +
' </ul>' +
' </xsl:if>' +
' </li>' +
'</xsl:template>' +
$.jstree.plugin("xml_data", {
defaults : {
data : false,
ajax : false,
xsl : "flat",
clean_node : false,
correct_state : true
_fn : {
load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { var _this = this; this.load_node_xml(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); s_call.call(this); }, e_call); },
_is_loaded : function (obj) {
var s = this._get_settings().xml_data;
obj = this._get_node(obj);
return obj == -1 || !obj || !s.ajax || obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") || obj.children("ul").children("li").size() > 0;
load_node_xml : function (obj, s_call, e_call) {
var s = this.get_settings().xml_data,
error_func = function () {},
success_func = function () {};
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj && obj !== -1) {
if(obj.data("jstree-is-loading")) { return; }
else { obj.data("jstree-is-loading",true); }
switch(!0) {
case (!s.data && !s.ajax): throw "Neither data nor ajax settings supplied.";
case (!!s.data && !s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && (!obj || obj === -1)):
if(!obj || obj == -1) {
this.parse_xml(s.data, $.proxy(function (d) {
if(d) {
d = d.replace(/ ?xmlns="[^"]*"/ig, "");
if(d.length > 10) {
d = $(d);
if(s.clean_node) { this.clean_node(obj); }
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(s.correct_state) {
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
}, this));
case (!s.data && !!s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && obj && obj !== -1):
error_func = function (x, t, e) {
var ef = this.get_settings().xml_data.ajax.error;
if(ef) { ef.call(this, x, t, e); }
if(obj !== -1 && obj.length) {
if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { obj.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf"); }
else {
if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }
if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }
success_func = function (d, t, x) {
d = x.responseText;
var sf = this.get_settings().xml_data.ajax.success;
if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }
if(d == "") {
return error_func.call(this, x, t, "");
this.parse_xml(d, $.proxy(function (d) {
if(d) {
d = d.replace(/ ?xmlns="[^"]*"/ig, "");
if(d.length > 10) {
d = $(d);
if(obj === -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()); }
else { obj.children(".jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.append(d); obj.data("jstree-is-loading",false); }
if(s.clean_node) { this.clean_node(obj); }
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(obj && obj !== -1) {
if(s.correct_state) {
obj.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf");
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(s.correct_state) {
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
}, this));
s.ajax.context = this;
s.ajax.error = error_func;
s.ajax.success = success_func;
if(!s.ajax.dataType) { s.ajax.dataType = "xml"; }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, obj); }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, obj); }
parse_xml : function (xml, callback) {
var s = this._get_settings().xml_data;
$.vakata.xslt(xml, xsl[s.xsl], callback);
get_xml : function (tp, obj, li_attr, a_attr, is_callback) {
var result = "",
s = this._get_settings(),
_this = this,
tmp1, tmp2, li, a, lang;
if(!tp) { tp = "flat"; }
if(!is_callback) { is_callback = 0; }
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container().find("> ul > li"); }
li_attr = $.isArray(li_attr) ? li_attr : [ "id", "class" ];
if(!is_callback && this.data.types && $.inArray(s.types.type_attr, li_attr) === -1) { li_attr.push(s.types.type_attr); }
a_attr = $.isArray(a_attr) ? a_attr : [ ];
if(!is_callback) { result += "<root>"; }
obj.each(function () {
result += "<item";
li = $(this);
$.each(li_attr, function (i, v) { result += " " + v + "=\"" + (li.attr(v) || "").replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"") + "\""; });
if(li.hasClass("jstree-open")) { result += " state=\"open\""; }
if(li.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { result += " state=\"closed\""; }
if(tp === "flat") { result += " parent_id=\"" + is_callback + "\""; }
result += ">";
result += "<content>";
a = li.children("a");
a.each(function () {
tmp1 = $(this);
lang = false;
result += "<name";
if($.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1) {
$.each(s.languages, function (k, z) {
if(tmp1.hasClass(z)) { result += " lang=\"" + z + "\""; lang = z; return false; }
if(a_attr.length) {
$.each(a_attr, function (k, z) {
result += " " + z + "=\"" + (tmp1.attr(z) || "").replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'') + "\"";
if(tmp1.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"").length) {
result += ' icon="' + tmp1.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"") + '"';
if(tmp1.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length) {
result += ' icon="' + tmp1.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","") + '"';
result += ">";
result += "<![CDATA[" + _this.get_text(tmp1, lang) + "]]>";
result += "</name>";
result += "</content>";
tmp2 = li[0].id;
li = li.find("> ul > li");
if(li.length) { tmp2 = _this.get_xml(tp, li, li_attr, a_attr, tmp2); }
else { tmp2 = ""; }
if(tp == "nest") { result += tmp2; }
result += "</item>";
if(tp == "flat") { result += tmp2; }
if(!is_callback) { result += "</root>"; }
return result;
* jsTree search plugin 1.0
* Enables both sync and async search on the tree
(function ($) {
$.expr[':'].jstree_contains = function(a,i,m){
return (a.textContent || a.innerText || "").toLowerCase().indexOf(m[3].toLowerCase())>=0;
$.jstree.plugin("search", {
__init : function () {
this.data.search.str = "";
this.data.search.result = $();
defaults : {
ajax : false, // OR ajax object
case_insensitive : false
_fn : {
search : function (str, skip_async) {
if(str === "") { return; }
var s = this.get_settings().search,
t = this,
error_func = function () { },
success_func = function () { };
this.data.search.str = str;
if(!skip_async && s.ajax !== false && this.get_container().find(".jstree-closed:eq(0)").length > 0) {
this.search.supress_callback = true;
error_func = function () { };
success_func = function (d, t, x) {
var sf = this.get_settings().search.ajax.success;
if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }
this.data.search.to_open = d;
s.ajax.context = this;
s.ajax.error = error_func;
s.ajax.success = success_func;
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, str); }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, str); }
if(!s.ajax.data) { s.ajax.data = { "search_string" : str }; }
if(!s.ajax.dataType || /^json/.exec(s.ajax.dataType)) { s.ajax.dataType = "json"; }
if(this.data.search.result.length) { this.clear_search(); }
this.data.search.result = this.get_container().find("a" + (this.data.languages ? "." + this.get_lang() : "" ) + ":" + (s.case_insensitive ? "jstree_contains" : "contains") + "(" + this.data.search.str + ")");
this.data.search.result.addClass("jstree-search").parents(".jstree-closed").each(function () {
t.open_node(this, false, true);
this.__callback({ nodes : this.data.search.result, str : str });
clear_search : function (str) {
this.data.search.result = $();
_search_open : function (is_callback) {
var _this = this,
done = true,
current = [],
remaining = [];
if(this.data.search.to_open.length) {
$.each(this.data.search.to_open, function (i, val) {
if(val == "#") { return true; }
if($(val).length && $(val).is(".jstree-closed")) { current.push(val); }
else { remaining.push(val); }
if(current.length) {
this.data.search.to_open = remaining;
$.each(current, function (i, val) {
_this.open_node(val, function () { _this._search_open(true); });
done = false;
if(done) { this.search(this.data.search.str, true); }
* jsTree contextmenu plugin 1.0
(function ($) {
$.vakata.context = {
cnt : $("<div id='vakata-contextmenu'>"),
vis : false,
tgt : false,
par : false,
func : false,
data : false,
show : function (s, t, x, y, d, p) {
var html = $.vakata.context.parse(s), h, w;
if(!html) { return; }
$.vakata.context.vis = true;
$.vakata.context.tgt = t;
$.vakata.context.par = p || t || null;
$.vakata.context.data = d || null;
.css({ "visibility" : "hidden", "display" : "block", "left" : 0, "top" : 0 });
h = $.vakata.context.cnt.height();
w = $.vakata.context.cnt.width();
if(x + w > $(document).width()) {
x = $(document).width() - (w + 5);
$.vakata.context.cnt.find("li > ul").addClass("right");
if(y + h > $(document).height()) {
y = y - (h + t[0].offsetHeight);
$.vakata.context.cnt.find("li > ul").addClass("bottom");
.css({ "left" : x, "top" : y })
.bind("mouseenter", function (e) {
var w = $(document).width(),
h = $(document).height(),
ul = $(this).children("ul").show();
if(w !== $(document).width()) { ul.toggleClass("right"); }
if(h !== $(document).height()) { ul.toggleClass("bottom"); }
.bind("mouseleave", function (e) {
.css({ "visibility" : "visible" })
hide : function () {
$.vakata.context.vis = false;
parse : function (s, is_callback) {
if(!s) { return false; }
var str = "",
tmp = false,
was_sep = true;
if(!is_callback) { $.vakata.context.func = {}; }
str += "<ul>";
$.each(s, function (i, val) {
if(!val) { return true; }
$.vakata.context.func[i] = val.action;
if(!was_sep && val.separator_before) {
str += "<li class='vakata-separator vakata-separator-before'></li>";
was_sep = false;
str += "<li class='" + (val._class || "") + (val._disabled ? " jstree-contextmenu-disabled " : "") + "'><ins ";
if(val.icon && val.icon.indexOf("/") === -1) { str += " class='" + val.icon + "' "; }
if(val.icon && val.icon.indexOf("/") !== -1) { str += " style='background:url(" + val.icon + ") center center no-repeat;' "; }
str += "> </ins><a href='#' rel='" + i + "'>";
if(val.submenu) {
str += "<span style='float:right;'>»</span>";
str += val.label + "</a>";
if(val.submenu) {
tmp = $.vakata.context.parse(val.submenu, true);
if(tmp) { str += tmp; }
str += "</li>";
if(val.separator_after) {
str += "<li class='vakata-separator vakata-separator-after'></li>";
was_sep = true;
str = str.replace(/<li class\='vakata-separator vakata-separator-after'\><\/li\>$/,"");
str += "</ul>";
return str.length > 10 ? str : false;
exec : function (i) {
if($.isFunction($.vakata.context.func[i])) {
$.vakata.context.func[i].call($.vakata.context.data, $.vakata.context.par);
return true;
else { return false; }
$(function () {
var css_string = '' +
'#vakata-contextmenu { display:none; position:absolute; margin:0; padding:0; min-width:180px; background:#ebebeb; border:1px solid silver; z-index:10000; *width:180px; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu ul { min-width:180px; *width:180px; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu ul, #vakata-contextmenu li { margin:0; padding:0; list-style-type:none; display:block; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu li { line-height:20px; min-height:20px; position:relative; padding:0px; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu li a { padding:1px 6px; line-height:17px; display:block; text-decoration:none; margin:1px 1px 0 1px; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu li ins { float:left; width:16px; height:16px; text-decoration:none; margin-right:2px; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu li a:hover, #vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-hover > a { background:gray; color:white; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu li ul { display:none; position:absolute; top:-2px; left:100%; background:#ebebeb; border:1px solid gray; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu .right { right:100%; left:auto; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu .bottom { bottom:-1px; top:auto; } ' +
'#vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-separator { min-height:0; height:1px; line-height:1px; font-size:1px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 2px; background:silver; /* border-top:1px solid #fefefe; */ padding:0; } ';
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string });
.delegate("a","click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); })
.delegate("a","mouseup", function (e) {
if(!$(this).parent().hasClass("jstree-contextmenu-disabled") && $.vakata.context.exec($(this).attr("rel"))) {
else { $(this).blur(); }
.delegate("a","mouseover", function () {
$(document).bind("mousedown", function (e) { if($.vakata.context.vis && !$.contains($.vakata.context.cnt[0], e.target)) { $.vakata.context.hide(); } });
if(typeof $.hotkeys !== "undefined") {
.bind("keydown", "up", function (e) {
if($.vakata.context.vis) {
var o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children(".vakata-hover").removeClass("vakata-hover").prevAll("li:not(.vakata-separator)").first();
if(!o.length) { o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children("li:not(.vakata-separator)").last(); }
.bind("keydown", "down", function (e) {
if($.vakata.context.vis) {
var o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children(".vakata-hover").removeClass("vakata-hover").nextAll("li:not(.vakata-separator)").first();
if(!o.length) { o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children("li:not(.vakata-separator)").first(); }
.bind("keydown", "right", function (e) {
if($.vakata.context.vis) {
.bind("keydown", "left", function (e) {
if($.vakata.context.vis) {
.bind("keydown", "esc", function (e) {
.bind("keydown", "space", function (e) {
$.jstree.plugin("contextmenu", {
__init : function () {
.delegate("a", "contextmenu.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
this.show_contextmenu(e.currentTarget, e.pageX, e.pageY);
}, this))
.bind("destroy.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
if(this.data.contextmenu) {
}, this));
$(document).bind("context_hide.vakata", $.proxy(function () { this.data.contextmenu = false; }, this));
defaults : {
select_node : false, // requires UI plugin
show_at_node : true,
items : { // Could be a function that should return an object like this one
"create" : {
"separator_before" : false,
"separator_after" : true,
"label" : "Create",
"action" : function (obj) { this.create(obj); }
"rename" : {
"separator_before" : false,
"separator_after" : false,
"label" : "Rename",
"action" : function (obj) { this.rename(obj); }
"remove" : {
"separator_before" : false,
"icon" : false,
"separator_after" : false,
"label" : "Delete",
"action" : function (obj) { this.remove(obj); }
"ccp" : {
"separator_before" : true,
"icon" : false,
"separator_after" : false,
"label" : "Edit",
"action" : false,
"submenu" : {
"cut" : {
"separator_before" : false,
"separator_after" : false,
"label" : "Cut",
"action" : function (obj) { this.cut(obj); }
"copy" : {
"separator_before" : false,
"icon" : false,
"separator_after" : false,
"label" : "Copy",
"action" : function (obj) { this.copy(obj); }
"paste" : {
"separator_before" : false,
"icon" : false,
"separator_after" : false,
"label" : "Paste",
"action" : function (obj) { this.paste(obj); }
_fn : {
show_contextmenu : function (obj, x, y) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
var s = this.get_settings().contextmenu,
a = obj.children("a:visible:eq(0)"),
o = false;
if(s.select_node && this.data.ui && !this.is_selected(obj)) {
this.select_node(obj, true);
if(s.show_at_node || typeof x === "undefined" || typeof y === "undefined") {
o = a.offset();
x = o.left;
y = o.top + this.data.core.li_height;
if($.isFunction(s.items)) { s.items = s.items.call(this, obj); }
this.data.contextmenu = true;
$.vakata.context.show(s.items, a, x, y, this, obj);
if(this.data.themes) { $.vakata.context.cnt.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme + "-context"); }
* jsTree types plugin 1.0
* Adds support types of nodes
* You can set an attribute on each li node, that represents its type.
* According to the type setting the node may get custom icon/validation rules
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("types", {
__init : function () {
var s = this._get_settings().types;
this.data.types.attach_to = [];
.bind("init.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
var types = s.types,
attr = s.type_attr,
icons_css = "",
_this = this;
$.each(types, function (i, tp) {
$.each(tp, function (k, v) {
if(!/^(max_depth|max_children|icon|valid_children)$/.test(k)) { _this.data.types.attach_to.push(k); }
if(!tp.icon) { return true; }
if( tp.icon.image || tp.icon.position) {
if(i == "default") { icons_css += '.jstree-' + _this.get_index() + ' a > .jstree-icon { '; }
else { icons_css += '.jstree-' + _this.get_index() + ' li[' + attr + '=' + i + '] > a > .jstree-icon { '; }
if(tp.icon.image) { icons_css += ' background-image:url(' + tp.icon.image + '); '; }
if(tp.icon.position){ icons_css += ' background-position:' + tp.icon.position + '; '; }
else { icons_css += ' background-position:0 0; '; }
icons_css += '} ';
if(icons_css != "") { $.vakata.css.add_sheet({ 'str' : icons_css }); }
}, this))
.bind("before.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
if($.inArray(data.func, this.data.types.attach_to) !== -1) {
var s = this._get_settings().types.types,
t = this._get_type(data.args[0]);
(s[t] && typeof s[t][data.func] !== "undefined") ||
(s["default"] && typeof s["default"][data.func] !== "undefined")
) && !this._check(data.func, data.args[0])
) {
return false;
}, this));
defaults : {
// defines maximum number of root nodes (-1 means unlimited, -2 means disable max_children checking)
max_children : -1,
// defines the maximum depth of the tree (-1 means unlimited, -2 means disable max_depth checking)
max_depth : -1,
// defines valid node types for the root nodes
valid_children : "all",
// where is the type stores (the rel attribute of the LI element)
type_attr : "rel",
// a list of types
types : {
// the default type
"default" : {
"max_children" : -1,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "all"
// Bound functions - you can bind any other function here (using boolean or function)
//"select_node" : true,
//"open_node" : true,
//"close_node" : true,
//"create_node" : true,
//"delete_node" : true
_fn : {
_get_type : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
return (!obj || !obj.length) ? false : obj.attr(this._get_settings().types.type_attr) || "default";
set_type : function (str, obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
return (!obj.length || !str) ? false : obj.attr(this._get_settings().types.type_attr, str);
_check : function (rule, obj, opts) {
var v = false, t = this._get_type(obj), d = 0, _this = this, s = this._get_settings().types;
if(obj === -1) {
if(!!s[rule]) { v = s[rule]; }
else { return; }
else {
if(t === false) { return; }
if(!!s.types[t] && !!s.types[t][rule]) { v = s.types[t][rule]; }
else if(!!s.types["default"] && !!s.types["default"][rule]) { v = s.types["default"][rule]; }
if($.isFunction(v)) { v = v.call(this, obj); }
if(rule === "max_depth" && obj !== -1 && opts !== false && s.max_depth !== -2 && v !== 0) {
// also include the node itself - otherwise if root node it is not checked
this._get_node(obj).children("a:eq(0)").parentsUntil(".jstree","li").each(function (i) {
// check if current depth already exceeds global tree depth
if(s.max_depth !== -1 && s.max_depth - (i + 1) <= 0) { v = 0; return false; }
d = (i === 0) ? v : _this._check(rule, this, false);
// check if current node max depth is already matched or exceeded
if(d !== -1 && d - (i + 1) <= 0) { v = 0; return false; }
// otherwise - set the max depth to the current value minus current depth
if(d >= 0 && (d - (i + 1) < v || v < 0) ) { v = d - (i + 1); }
// if the global tree depth exists and it minus the nodes calculated so far is less than `v` or `v` is unlimited
if(s.max_depth >= 0 && (s.max_depth - (i + 1) < v || v < 0) ) { v = s.max_depth - (i + 1); }
return v;
check_move : function () {
if(!this.__call_old()) { return false; }
var m = this._get_move(),
s = m.rt._get_settings().types,
mc = m.rt._check("max_children", m.cr),
md = m.rt._check("max_depth", m.cr),
vc = m.rt._check("valid_children", m.cr),
ch = 0, d = 1, t;
if(vc === "none") { return false; }
if($.isArray(vc) && m.ot && m.ot._get_type) {
m.o.each(function () {
if($.inArray(m.ot._get_type(this), vc) === -1) { d = false; return false; }
if(d === false) { return false; }
if(s.max_children !== -2 && mc !== -1) {
ch = m.cr === -1 ? this.get_container().children("> ul > li").not(m.o).length : m.cr.children("> ul > li").not(m.o).length;
if(ch + m.o.length > mc) { return false; }
if(s.max_depth !== -2 && md !== -1) {
d = 0;
if(md === 0) { return false; }
if(typeof m.o.d === "undefined") {
// TODO: deal with progressive rendering and async when checking max_depth (how to know the depth of the moved node)
t = m.o;
while(t.length > 0) {
t = t.find("> ul > li");
d ++;
m.o.d = d;
if(md - m.o.d < 0) { return false; }
return true;
create_node : function (obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded, skip_check) {
if(!skip_check && (is_loaded || this._is_loaded(obj))) {
var p = (position && position.match(/^before|after$/i) && obj !== -1) ? this._get_parent(obj) : this._get_node(obj),
s = this._get_settings().types,
mc = this._check("max_children", p),
md = this._check("max_depth", p),
vc = this._check("valid_children", p),
if(!js) { js = {}; }
if(vc === "none") { return false; }
if($.isArray(vc)) {
if(!js.attr || !js.attr[s.type_attr]) {
if(!js.attr) { js.attr = {}; }
js.attr[s.type_attr] = vc[0];
else {
if($.inArray(js.attr[s.type_attr], vc) === -1) { return false; }
if(s.max_children !== -2 && mc !== -1) {
ch = p === -1 ? this.get_container().children("> ul > li").length : p.children("> ul > li").length;
if(ch + 1 > mc) { return false; }
if(s.max_depth !== -2 && md !== -1 && (md - 1) < 0) { return false; }
return this.__call_old(true, obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded, skip_check);
* jsTree HTML data 1.0
* The HTML data store. Datastores are build by replacing the `load_node` and `_is_loaded` functions.
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("html_data", {
__init : function () {
// this used to use html() and clean the whitespace, but this way any attached data was lost
this.data.html_data.original_container_html = this.get_container().find(" > ul > li").clone(true);
// remove white space from LI node - otherwise nodes appear a bit to the right
this.data.html_data.original_container_html.find("li").andSelf().contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; }).remove();
defaults : {
data : false,
ajax : false,
correct_state : true
_fn : {
load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { var _this = this; this.load_node_html(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); s_call.call(this); }, e_call); },
_is_loaded : function (obj) {
obj = this._get_node(obj);
return obj == -1 || !obj || !this._get_settings().html_data.ajax || obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") || obj.children("ul").children("li").size() > 0;
load_node_html : function (obj, s_call, e_call) {
var d,
s = this.get_settings().html_data,
error_func = function () {},
success_func = function () {};
obj = this._get_node(obj);
if(obj && obj !== -1) {
if(obj.data("jstree-is-loading")) { return; }
else { obj.data("jstree-is-loading",true); }
switch(!0) {
case (!s.data && !s.ajax):
if(!obj || obj == -1) {
.find("li, a").filter(function () { return this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>").end()
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
case (!!s.data && !s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && (!obj || obj === -1)):
if(!obj || obj == -1) {
d = $(s.data);
if(!d.is("ul")) { d = $("<ul>").append(d); }
.find("li, a").filter(function () { return this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>").end()
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
case (!s.data && !!s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && obj && obj !== -1):
obj = this._get_node(obj);
error_func = function (x, t, e) {
var ef = this.get_settings().html_data.ajax.error;
if(ef) { ef.call(this, x, t, e); }
if(obj != -1 && obj.length) {
if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { obj.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf"); }
else {
if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }
if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }
success_func = function (d, t, x) {
var sf = this.get_settings().html_data.ajax.success;
if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }
if(d == "") {
return error_func.call(this, x, t, "");
if(d) {
d = $(d);
if(!d.is("ul")) { d = $("<ul>").append(d); }
if(obj == -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()).find("li, a").filter(function () { return this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon"); }
else { obj.children(".jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.append(d).find("li, a").filter(function () { return this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'> </ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon"); obj.data("jstree-is-loading",false); }
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(obj && obj !== -1) {
if(s.correct_state) {
obj.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf");
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
else {
if(s.correct_state) {
if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }
s.ajax.context = this;
s.ajax.error = error_func;
s.ajax.success = success_func;
if(!s.ajax.dataType) { s.ajax.dataType = "html"; }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, obj); }
if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, obj); }
// include the HTML data plugin by default
* jsTree themeroller plugin 1.0
* Adds support for jQuery UI themes. Include this at the end of your plugins list, also make sure "themes" is not included.
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("themeroller", {
__init : function () {
var s = this._get_settings().themeroller;
.delegate("a","mouseenter.jstree", function () {
.delegate("a","mouseleave.jstree", function () {
.bind("open_node.jstree create_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
}, this))
.bind("loaded.jstree refresh.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {
}, this))
.bind("close_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
}, this))
.bind("select_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
}, this))
.bind("deselect_node.jstree deselect_all.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
.find("." + s.item_a).removeClass(s.item_a).end()
}, this))
.bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
}, this));
__destroy : function () {
var s = this._get_settings().themeroller,
c = [ "ui-icon" ];
$.each(s, function (i, v) {
v = v.split(" ");
if(v.length) { c = c.concat(v); }
.find("." + c.join(", .")).removeClass(c.join(" "));
_fn : {
_themeroller : function (obj) {
var s = this._get_settings().themeroller;
obj = !obj || obj == -1 ? this.get_container() : this._get_node(obj).parent();
.find("li.jstree-closed > ins.jstree-icon").removeClass(s.opened).addClass("ui-icon " + s.closed).end()
.find("li.jstree-open > ins.jstree-icon").removeClass(s.closed).addClass("ui-icon " + s.opened).end()
.children("ins.jstree-icon").addClass("ui-icon " + s.item_icon);
defaults : {
"opened" : "ui-icon-triangle-1-se",
"closed" : "ui-icon-triangle-1-e",
"item" : "ui-state-default",
"item_h" : "ui-state-hover",
"item_a" : "ui-state-active",
"item_icon" : "ui-icon-folder-collapsed"
$(function() {
var css_string = '.jstree .ui-icon { overflow:visible; } .jstree a { padding:0 2px; }';
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string });
* jsTree unique plugin 1.0
* Forces different names amongst siblings (still a bit experimental)
* NOTE: does not check language versions (it will not be possible to have nodes with the same title, even in different languages)
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("unique", {
__init : function () {
.bind("before.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
var nms = [], res = true, p, t;
if(data.func == "move_node") {
// obj, ref, position, is_copy, is_prepared, skip_check
if(data.args[4] === true) {
if(data.args[0].o && data.args[0].o.length) {
data.args[0].o.children("a").each(function () { nms.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/g,"")); });
res = this._check_unique(nms, data.args[0].np.find("> ul > li").not(data.args[0].o));
if(data.func == "create_node") {
// obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded
if(data.args[4] || this._is_loaded(data.args[0])) {
p = this._get_node(data.args[0]);
if(data.args[1] && (data.args[1] === "before" || data.args[1] === "after")) {
p = this._get_parent(data.args[0]);
if(!p || p === -1) { p = this.get_container(); }
if(typeof data.args[2] === "string") { nms.push(data.args[2]); }
else if(!data.args[2] || !data.args[2].data) { nms.push(this._get_settings().core.strings.new_node); }
else { nms.push(data.args[2].data); }
res = this._check_unique(nms, p.find("> ul > li"));
if(data.func == "rename_node") {
// obj, val
t = this._get_node(data.args[0]);
p = this._get_parent(t);
if(!p || p === -1) { p = this.get_container(); }
res = this._check_unique(nms, p.find("> ul > li").not(t));
if(!res) {
return false;
}, this));
_fn : {
_check_unique : function (nms, p) {
var cnms = [];
p.children("a").each(function () { cnms.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/g,"")); });
if(!cnms.length || !nms.length) { return true; }
cnms = cnms.sort().join(",,").replace(/(,|^)([^,]+)(,,\2)+(,|$)/g,"$1$2$4").replace(/,,+/g,",").replace(/,$/,"").split(",");
if((cnms.length + nms.length) != cnms.concat(nms).sort().join(",,").replace(/(,|^)([^,]+)(,,\2)+(,|$)/g,"$1$2$4").replace(/,,+/g,",").replace(/,$/,"").split(",").length) {
return false;
return true;
check_move : function () {
if(!this.__call_old()) { return false; }
var p = this._get_move(), nms = [];
if(p.o && p.o.length) {
p.o.children("a").each(function () { nms.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/g,"")); });
return this._check_unique(nms, p.np.find("> ul > li").not(p.o));
return true;