mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 16:29:30 +00:00
Gradle is currently picking up the dockerBuild task in "assemble", because of the build artifact.
203 lines
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203 lines
6.5 KiB
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions
import com.google.common.base.Strings
description = 'Solr Docker image'
apply plugin: 'base'
// Solr Docker inputs
def dockerImageRepo = propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.imageRepo", "SOLR_DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO", "apache/solr")
def dockerImageTag = propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.imageTag", "SOLR_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG", "${version}")
def dockerImageName = propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.imageName", "SOLR_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME", "${dockerImageRepo}:${dockerImageTag}")
def baseDockerImage = propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.baseImage", "SOLR_DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE", 'openjdk:11-jre-slim')
def githubUrlOrMirror = propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.githubUrl", "SOLR_DOCKER_GITHUB_URL", 'github.com')
// Build directory locations
def dockerBuildDistribution = "$buildDir/distributions"
def imageIdFile = "$buildDir/image-id"
configurations {
packaging {
canBeResolved = true
dockerImage {
canBeResolved = true
dependencies {
packaging project(path: ":solr:packaging", configuration: 'archives')
dockerImage files(imageIdFile) {
builtBy 'dockerBuild'
task dockerTar(type: Tar) {
group = 'Docker'
description = 'Package docker context to prepare for docker build'
dependsOn configurations.packaging
into('scripts') {
from file('scripts')
fileMode 755
into('releases') {
from configurations.packaging
include '*.tgz'
from file('Dockerfile')
destinationDirectory = file(dockerBuildDistribution)
extension 'tgz'
compression = Compression.GZIP
task dockerBuild(dependsOn: tasks.dockerTar) {
group = 'Docker'
description = 'Build Solr docker image'
// Ensure that the docker image is rebuilt on build-arg changes or changes in the docker context
baseDockerImage: baseDockerImage,
githubUrlOrMirror: githubUrlOrMirror,
version: version
doLast {
exec {
standardInput = tasks.dockerTar.outputs.files.singleFile.newDataInputStream()
commandLine "docker", "build",
"--iidfile", imageIdFile,
"--build-arg", "BASE_IMAGE=${inputs.properties.baseDockerImage}",
"--build-arg", "SOLR_VERSION=${version}",
"--build-arg", "GITHUB_URL=${inputs.properties.githubUrlOrMirror}",
// Print information on the image after it has been created
doLast {
def dockerImageId = file(imageIdFile).text
project.logger.lifecycle("Solr Docker Image Created")
project.logger.lifecycle("\tID: \t$dockerImageId")
project.logger.lifecycle("\tBase Image: \t$baseDockerImage")
project.logger.lifecycle("\tSolr Version: \t$version")
task dockerTag(dependsOn: tasks.dockerBuild) {
group = 'Docker'
description = 'Tag Solr docker image'
def dockerImageIdFile = file(imageIdFile)
// Ensure that the docker image is re-tagged if the image ID or desired tag changes
dockerImageName: dockerImageName,
doLast {
def dockerImageId = dockerImageIdFile.text
exec {
commandLine "docker", "tag", dockerImageId, inputs.properties.dockerImageName
// Print information on the image after it has been created
project.logger.lifecycle("Solr Docker Image Tagged")
project.logger.lifecycle("\tID: \t$dockerImageId")
project.logger.lifecycle("\tTag: \t$dockerImageName")
task testDocker(dependsOn: tasks.dockerBuild) {
group = 'Docker'
description = 'Test Solr docker image'
def inputDir = "tests/cases"
def outputDir = "$buildDir/tmp/tests"
// Ensure that the docker image is re-tested if the image ID changes or the test files change
includeTests: new HashSet(Arrays.asList(propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.tests.include", "SOLR_DOCKER_TESTS_INCLUDE", ",").split(","))),
excludeTests: new HashSet(Arrays.asList(propertyOrEnvOrDefault("solr.docker.tests.exclude", "SOLR_DOCKER_TESTS_EXCLUDE", ",").split(",")))
doLast {
def solrImageId = tasks.dockerBuild.outputs.files.singleFile.text
def solrImageName = solrImageId.substring(7, 14)
// Print information on the image before it is tested
logger.lifecycle("Testing Solr Image:")
logger.lifecycle("\tID: $solrImageId\n")
// Run the tests
def sourceDir = file(inputDir)
sourceDir.eachFile { file ->
def testName = file.getName()
def testCaseBuildDir = "${outputDir}/${testName}"
// If specific tests are specified, only run those. Otherwise run all that are not ignored.
def runTest = !inputs.properties.includeTests.isEmpty() ? inputs.properties.includeTests.contains(testName) : !inputs.properties.excludeTests.contains(testName)
if (runTest) {
exec {
environment "TEST_DIR", file
environment "BUILD_DIR", testCaseBuildDir
commandLine "bash", "$file/test.sh", solrImageName
task dockerPush(dependsOn: tasks.dockerTag) {
group = 'Docker'
description = 'Push Solr docker image'
// Ensure that the docker image is re-pushed if the image ID or tag changes
dockerImageName: dockerImageName,
// We don't want to push a docker image unless the tests have passed
mustRunAfter tasks.testDocker
doLast {
exec {
commandLine "docker", "push", dockerImageName
// Print information on the image after it has been created
project.logger.lifecycle("Solr Docker Image Pushed: \t$dockerImageName")
// One task to build and tag a Solr docker image
task docker {
dependsOn tasks.dockerBuild, tasks.dockerTag
} |