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<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<%-- $Id: index.jsp 608150 2008-01-02 17:15:30Z ryan $ --%>
<%-- $Source: /cvs/main/searching/SolrServer/resources/admin/index.jsp,v $ --%>
<%-- $Name: $ --%>
<script src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js"></script>
(function($, libName) {
var solr = {
//The default location of the luke handler relative to this page
// Can be overridden in the init(url) method
pathToLukeHandler: 'luke',
// Base properties to hold schema information
schemaInfo: {},
schemaFields: {},
schemaDynamicFields: {},
schemaTypes: {},
schemaFlags: {},
//The basic function to call to make the initail JSON calls
// takes one option parameter, the path to the luke handler
// if undefined, it will use the default, 'luke', which means
// this is being called from the same relative URL path
init: function(pathToLukeHandler) {
if (pathToLukeHandler != undefined) {
solr.pathToLukeHandler = pathToLukeHandler;
solr.loadSchema(function() {
solr.loadFromLukeHandler(function () {
//load the Schema from the LukeRequestHandler
// this loads every field, and in each field the copy source/dests and flags
// we also load the list of field types, and the list of flags
loadSchema: function(func) {
$.getJSON(solr.pathToLukeHandler +'?show=schema&wt=json', function(data) {
//populate all non field/type/flag data in the info block
$.each(data.index, function(i, item) {
solr.schemaInfo[i] = item;
//LukeRequestHandler places these two attributes outside of the "index" node, but
// we want it here so we can more easily display it in the "HOME" block
solr.schemaInfo['uniqueKeyField'] = data.schema.uniqueKeyField;
solr.schemaInfo['defaultSearchField'] = data.schema.defaultSearchField;
//a one-off hack, because the directory string is so long and unbroken
// that it can break CSS layouts
solr.schemaInfo['directory'] = solr.schemaInfo['directory'].substring(0, solr.schemaInfo['directory'].indexOf('@')+1) + ' ' + solr.schemaInfo['directory'].substring(solr.schemaInfo['directory'].indexOf('@') +1);
// populate the list of fields
$.each(data.schema.fields, function(i,item){
// populate the list of field types
$.each(data.schema.types, function(type, ft) {
solr.schemaTypes[type] = ft;
//populate the list of dynamic fields
$.each(data.schema.dynamicFields, function(i, dynField) {
solr.schemaDynamicFields[i] = dynField;
//populate the list of flags, so we can convert flags to text in display
$.each(data.info.key, function(i, flag) {
solr.schemaFlags[i] = flag;
//LukeRequestHandler returns copyFields src/dest as the entire toString of the field
// we only need the field name, so here we loop through the fields, and replace the full
// field definitions with the name in the copySources/copyDests properties
$.each(solr.schemaFields, function(i, field) {
$.each(['copySources', 'copyDests'], function(i, copyProp) {
var newFields = new Array();
$.each(field[copyProp], function(i, fullName) {
newFields.push(fullName.substring(fullName.lastIndexOf(':')+1, fullName.indexOf('{')));
field[copyProp] = newFields;
//An additional optional callback
// used in init to trigger the 2nd call to LukeRequestHandler only
// after the first one is finished
if ($.isFunction(func)) {
//further populates the loaded schema with information gathered
// from the no argument LukeRequestHandler
loadFromLukeHandler: function(func) {
$.getJSON(solr.pathToLukeHandler+'?wt=json', function(data) {
$.each(data.fields, function(i, item) {
var field = solr.schemaFields[i];
//If undefined, then we have a dynamicField which does not show up
// in the LukeRequestHandler show=schema variant
if (field == undefined) {
field = item;
//Attach this field to its dynamicField
var base = field.dynamicBase;
var dynField = solr.schemaDynamicFields[base];
//Some fields in a multicore setting have no dynamic base, either
// the name of the core is a field that has no type or flags
if (dynField != undefined) {
var synFields = dynField['fields'];
if (synFields== undefined) {
synFields= new Array();
dynField['fields'] = synFields;
solr.schemaFields[i] = item;
//Populate other data in this field that would not have been loaded in
// the show=schema variant
$.each(item, function(k, v) {
if (k == 'topTerms' || k == 'histogram') {
solr.schemaFields[i][k] = solr.lukeArrayToHash(v);
} else {
solr.schemaFields[i][k] = v;
//another optional callback; used in the init case to lay out the page
// after the data is loaded
if ($.isFunction(func)) {
//some elements in the JSON response are arrays, where odd/even elements
// are the name/value, and convert it to a standard map/associative array
// incoming: ['foo', 'bar', 'bat', 'baz']
// output: {'foo':'bar', 'bat':baz'}
lukeArrayToHash: function(termsArr) {
var hash = new Object();
var temp;
//topTerms comes in as an array, with odd indexes the field name
// and even indexes the number
$.each(termsArr, function(i, item) {
if (i%2 ==0) {
temp = item;
} else {
hash[temp] = item;
return hash;
//gets the top Terms via an Ajax call the LukeRequestHandler for that field
// The callback is used here to redraw the table after the ajax call returns
getTopTerms: function(fieldName, numTerms, func) {
if (numTerms == undefined) {
var numTerms = 10;
if (isNaN(numTerms) || numTerms <=0 || numTerms.indexOf('.') != -1) {
$.getJSON(solr.pathToLukeHandler+'?fl='+fieldName+'&wt=json&numTerms='+numTerms, function(data) {
solr.schemaFields[fieldName]['topTerms'] = solr.lukeArrayToHash(data.fields[fieldName].topTerms);
if ($.isFunction(func)) {
func(solr.schemaFields[fieldName]['topTerms'], fieldName);
// Displays the SchemaInfo in the main content panel
// dispayed on data load, and also when 'Home' is clicked
displaySchemaInfo: function() {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createSimpleText('Schema Information'));
//Make sure the uniqueKeyField and defaultSearchFields come first
$.each({'Unique Key':'uniqueKeyField', 'Default Search Field':'defaultSearchField'}, function(text, prop) {
if (solr.schemaInfo[prop] != undefined) {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText(text, function(p) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(solr.schemaInfo[prop], solr.schemaInfo[prop]));
return p;
$.each(solr.schemaInfo, function(i, item) {
if (i == 'uniqueKeyField' || i == 'defaultSearchField') {
//noop; we took care of this above
} else {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText(i, item));
//Close all menus when we display schema home
solr.toggleMenus(undefined, ['fields', 'types', 'dynFields']);
// display a dynamic field in the main content panel
displayDynamicField: function(dynamicPattern) {
var df = solr.schemaDynamicFields[dynamicPattern];
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createSimpleText('Dynamic Field: ' + dynamicPattern));
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Fields', function(p) {
if (df.fields != undefined) {
$.each(df.fields, function(i, item) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(item, item));
} else {
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' None currently in index'));
return p;
var ft = solr.schemaTypes[df.type];
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Field Type', function(p) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(df.type, df.type, solr.displayFieldType));
return p;
if (df.flags != undefined) {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Properties', solr.createTextFromFlags(df.flags, df.type)));
solr.displayAnalyzer(ft.indexAnalyzer, 'Index Analyzer', true);
solr.displayAnalyzer(ft.queryAnalyzer, 'Query Analyzer', true);
solr.toggleMenus('dynFields', ['fields', 'types'], dynamicPattern);
// display a field type in the main area
displayFieldType: function(typeName) {
var ft = solr.schemaTypes[typeName];
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createSimpleText('Field Type: ' + typeName));
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Fields', function(p) {
if (ft.fields != undefined) {
$.each(ft.fields, function(i, item) {
if (solr.schemaFields[item] != undefined) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(item, item));
} else {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(item, item, solr.displayDynamicField));
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
} else {
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No fields in index'));
return p;
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Tokenized', ft.tokenized));
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Class Name', ft.className));
solr.displayAnalyzer(ft.indexAnalyzer, 'Index Analyzer');
solr.displayAnalyzer(ft.queryAnalyzer, 'Query Analyzer');
solr.toggleMenus('types', ['fields', 'dynFields'], typeName);
//Displays information about an Analyzer in the main content area
displayAnalyzer: function(analyzer, type, shouldCollapse) {
var tid = type.replace(' ', '');
var collapse = shouldCollapse && (analyzer.charFilters != undefined || analyzer.tokenizer != undefined || analyzer.filters != undefined);
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText(type, function(p) {
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(analyzer.className + ' '));
if (collapse) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(type, 'Details', function() {
return p;
var adiv = document.createElement('div');
if (collapse) {
if (analyzer.charFilters != undefined) {
adiv.appendChild(solr.createNameValueText('Char Filters', ''));
var f = document.createElement('ol');
$.each(analyzer.charFilters, function(i, item) {
var fil = document.createElement('li');
var filterText = item.className;
if (item.args != undefined) {
filterText += ' args:{'
$.each(item.args, function(fi, fitem) {
filterText += fi + ': ' + fitem + ' ';
filterText +='}';
fil.innerHTML = filterText;
if (analyzer.tokenizer != undefined) {
adiv.appendChild(solr.createNameValueText("Tokenizer Class", analyzer.tokenizer.className));
if (analyzer.filters != undefined) {
adiv.appendChild(solr.createNameValueText('Filters', ''));
var f = document.createElement('ol');
$.each(analyzer.filters, function(i, item) {
var fil = document.createElement('li');
var filterText = item.className;
if (item.args != undefined) {
filterText += ' args:{'
$.each(item.args, function(fi, fitem) {
filterText += fi + ': ' + fitem + ' ';
filterText +='}';
fil.innerHTML = filterText;
// display information about a Field in the main content area
// and its TopTerms and Histogram in related divs
displayField: function(fieldName) {
var field = solr.schemaFields[fieldName];
var isDynamic = field.dynamicBase != undefined ? true : false;
var ft;
var ftName;
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createSimpleText('Field: ' + fieldName));
//For regular fields, we take their properties; for dynamicFields,
// we take them from their dynamicField definitions
if (isDynamic) {
ftName = solr.schemaDynamicFields[field.dynamicBase].type
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Dynamically Created From Pattern', function(p) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(field.dynamicBase, field.dynamicBase, solr.displayDynamicField));
return p;
} else {
ftName = field.type;
ft = solr.schemaTypes[field.type];
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Field Type', function(p) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(ftName, ftName, solr.displayFieldType));
return p;
if (solr.schemaFlags != '') {
$.each({'flags':'Properties', 'schema':'Schema', 'index':'Index'}, function(prop, text) {
if (field[prop] != undefined) {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText(text, solr.createTextFromFlags(field[prop], ft)));
$.each({'copySources':'Copied From', 'copyDests':'Copied Into'}, function(prop, text) {
if (field[prop] != undefined && field[prop] != '') {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText(text, function(p) {
$.each(field[prop], function(i, item) {
p.appendChild(solr.createLink(item, item));
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
return p;
if (field.positionIncrementGap != undefined) {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Position Increment Gap', field.positionIncrementGap));
solr.displayAnalyzer(ft.indexAnalyzer, 'Index Analyzer', true);
solr.displayAnalyzer(ft.queryAnalyzer, 'Query Analyzer', true);
if (field.docs != undefined) {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Docs', field.docs));
if (field.distinct != undefined) {
$('#mainInfo').append(solr.createNameValueText('Distinct', field.distinct));
if (field.topTerms != undefined) {
solr.displayTopTerms(field.topTerms, fieldName);
if (field.histogram != undefined) {
solr.toggleMenus('fields', ['types', 'dynFields'], fieldName);
//utility method to create a single sentence list of properties from a flag set
// or pass it on, if the flags are (unstored field)
createTextFromFlags: function(fieldFlags, fieldType) {
var value;
if (fieldFlags != '(unstored field)') {
var value = '';
for (var i=0;i<fieldFlags.length;i++) {
if (fieldFlags.charAt(i) != '-') {
value += solr.schemaFlags[fieldFlags.charAt(i)];
value += ', ';
value = value.substring(0, value.length-2);
} else {
value = fieldFlags;
return value;
//Store the currently highlighted menu item, as otherwise we
// must traverse all li menu items, which is very slow on schemas with
// large number of fields
// for example $('#menu ul li').siblings().removeClass('selected');
currentlyHighlightedMenuId: undefined,
//add a highlight to the currently selected menu item, and remove
// the highlights from all other menu items
highlightMenuItem: function(idToSelect) {
if (solr.currentlyHighlightedMenuId != undefined) {
solr.currentlyHighlightedMenuId = idToSelect;
//Opens one menu group, close the others, and optionally highlight one
// item, which should be in the opened menu
toggleMenus: function(idToShow, idsToHide, idToSelect) {
if (idToSelect != undefined) {
solr.highlightMenuItem(idToShow + idToSelect);
$.each(idsToHide, function(i, idToHide) {
//A utility method to create a paragraph, which takes two arguments;
// an opening text, and either text or a callback function to follow
// any callback function must return the node passed into it
createNameValueText: function(openingText, func) {
var p = document.createElement('p');
p.appendChild(solr.createSimpleText(openingText + ': ', 'b'));
return solr.applyFuncToNode(p, func);
//utility method to create an HTML text element node
// with the literal text to place, and an optional function to apply
// any callback function must return the node passed into it
createSimpleText: function(text, n, func) {
if (n == undefined) {
n = 'h2';
var no= document.createElement(n);
return solr.applyFuncToNode(no, func);
//Utility method that applies a function or a string to append
// an additional child to a node
applyFuncToNode: function(no, func) {
if ($.isFunction(func)) {
no = func(no);
} else {
// if it is not a function, append it as a string
if (func != undefined) {
no.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + func));
return no;
//show a table of top terms for a given field
displayTopTerms: function(topTerms, fieldName) {
var tbl = document.createElement('table');
var thead= document.createElement('thead');
var headerRow = document.createElement('tr');
$.each(['term', 'frequency'], function() {
var cell = document.createElement('th');
cell.innerHTML= this;
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var numTerms = 0;
$.each(topTerms, function(term, count) {
var c1 = $('<td>').text(term);
var c2 = $('<td>').text(count);
var row = $('<tr>').append(c1).append(c2);
//create a header along with an input widget so the user
// can request a different number of Top Terms
var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Top '));
var termsGetter = document.createElement('input');
termsGetter.onchange=function() {
solr.getTopTerms(fieldName, this.value, solr.displayTopTerms);
h2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Terms'));
//draws a histogram, taking a map of values and an optional total height and width for the table
drawHistogram: function(histogram, totalHeightArg, totalWidthArg) {
var max = 0;
var bars =0;
//find the # of columns and max value in the histogram
// so we can create an appropriately scaled chart
$.each(histogram, function(i, item) {
if (item > max) max = item;
bars += 1;
if (max ==0) {
$('#histogram').append(solr.createNameValueText('No histogram available'));
} else {
var totalHeight = totalHeightArg == undefined ? 208 : totalHeightArg;
var totalWidth = totalWidthArg == undefined ? 160 : totalWidthArg;
var tbl = document.createElement('table');
tbl.className = 'histogram';
var h = document.createElement('tbody');
var r = document.createElement('tr');
var r2 = document.createElement('tr');
$.each(histogram, function(i, item) {
var c = document.createElement('td');
c.innerHTML=item+'<div style="width:'+totalWidth/bars+'px;height:'+(item*totalHeight/max)+'px;background:blue"> </div>';
var c2 = document.createElement('td');
c2.innerHTML='' + i;
//dynamically creates a link to be appended
createLink: function(idToDisplay, linkText, linkFunction) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
if (!$.isFunction(linkFunction)) {
linkFunction = solr.displayField
link.onclick=function() {
return false;
return link;
//Creates a menu header that can expand or collapse its children
createMenuHeader: function(text, idToShow, idsToHide) {
var head = document.createElement('h3');
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.onclick=function() {
solr.toggleMenus(idToShow, idsToHide);
return false;
return head;
//Creates an element in a menu (e.g. each field in a list of fields)
createMenuItem: function(tagName, text, link, type, func) {
var fieldEle = document.createElement('li');
var funct = func == undefined ? undefined : func;
fieldEle.appendChild(solr.createLink(text, link, funct));
return fieldEle;
//populates the menu div
createMenu: function(menuId) {
var m = $('#'+menuId);
var home = document.createElement('h2');
home.appendChild(solr.createLink('Home', 'Home', solr.displaySchemaInfo));
m.append(solr.createMenuHeader('Fields', 'fields', ['types', 'dynFields']));
var fields= document.createElement('ul');
fields.id = 'fields';
$.each(solr.schemaFields, function(i, item) {
fields.appendChild(solr.createMenuItem('li', i, i, fields.id));
m.append(solr.createMenuHeader('Dynamic Fields', 'dynFields', ['fields', 'types']));
var dyns = document.createElement('ul');
dyns.style.display = 'none';
dyns.id = 'dynFields';
$.each(solr.schemaDynamicFields, function(i, item) {
dyns.appendChild(solr.createMenuItem('li', i,i, dyns.id, solr.displayDynamicField));
m.append(solr.createMenuHeader('Field Types', 'types', ['fields', 'dynFields']));
var types = document.createElement('ul');
$.each(this.schemaTypes, function(i, item) {
types.appendChild(solr.createMenuItem('li', i, i,types.id, solr.displayFieldType));
window[libName] = solr;
})(jQuery, 'solr');
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).unload( function() {
solr = null;
<%-- do a verbatim include so we can use the local vars --%>
<%@include file="header.jsp" %>
<div id="schemaTop">
<h2>Schema Browser | See <a href="file/?file=schema.xml">Raw Schema.xml</a></h2>
<div id="menu"></div>
<div id="content">
<div id="mainInfo"><h2>Please wait...loading and parsing Schema Information from LukeRequestHandler</h2><p>If it does not load or your browser is not javascript or ajax-capable, you may wish to examine your schema using the <a href="luke?wt=xslt&tr=luke.xsl">Server side transformed LukeRequestHandler</a> or the raw <a href="file/?file=schema.xml">schema.xml</a> instead.</div>
<div id="topTerms"></div>
<div id="histogram"></div>