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// This adds validation of project dependencies:
// 1) license file
// 2) notice file
// 3) checksum validation/ generation.
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.MessageDigestAlgorithms
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13'
// Configure license checksum folder for top-level projects.
// (The file("licenses") inside the configure scope resolves
// relative to the current project so they're not the same).
configure(project(":lucene")) {
ext.licensesDir = file("licenses")
configure(project(":solr")) {
ext.licensesDir = file("licenses")
// All known license types. If 'noticeOptional' is true then
// the notice file must accompany the license.
def licenseTypes = [
"ASL": [name: "Apache Software License 2.0"],
"BSD": [name: "Berkeley Software Distribution"],
//BSD like just means someone has taken the BSD license and put in their name, copyright, or it's a very similar license.
"BSD_LIKE": [name: "BSD like license"],
"CDDL": [name: "Common Development and Distribution License", noticeOptional: true],
"CPL": [name: "Common Public License"],
"EPL": [name: "Eclipse Public License Version 1.0", noticeOptional: true],
"MIT": [name: "Massachusetts Institute of Tech. License", noticeOptional: true],
"MPL": [name: "Mozilla Public License", noticeOptional: true /* NOT SURE on the required notice */],
"PD": [name: "Public Domain", noticeOptional: true],
"SUN": [name: "Sun Open Source License", noticeOptional: true],
"COMPOUND": [name: "Compound license (details in NOTICE file)."],
subprojects {
// Configure jarValidation configuration for all projects. Any dependency
// declared on this configuration (or any configuration it extends from) will
// be verified.
configurations {
// For Java projects, add runtime and classpath to jarValidation
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
configurations {
jarValidation {
extendsFrom runtimeClasspath
extendsFrom compileClasspath
// Collects dependency JAR information for a project and saves it in
// project.ext.jarInfos. Each dependency has a map of attributes
// which make it easier to process it later on (name, hash, origin module,
// see the code below for details).
task collectJarInfos() {
dependsOn configurations.jarValidation
doFirst {
// We only care about this module's direct dependencies. Anything imported
// from other modules will be taken care of over there.
def ownDeps = configurations.detachedConfiguration()
.copyRecursive { dep ->
!(dep instanceof org.gradle.api.artifacts.ProjectDependency)
project.ext.jarInfos = ownDeps.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.collect { resolvedArtifact ->
def file = resolvedArtifact.file
return [
name: resolvedArtifact.name,
jarName: file.toPath().getFileName().toString(),
path: file,
module: resolvedArtifact.moduleVersion,
checksum: new DigestUtils(MessageDigestAlgorithms.SHA_1).digestAsHex(file)
def failOnError = false
// Verifies that each JAR has a corresponding checksum and that it matches actual JAR available for this dependency.
task validateJarChecksums() {
group = 'Dependency validation'
description = "Validate checksums of dependencies"
dependsOn collectJarInfos
doLast {
def errors = []
jarInfos.each { dep ->
def expectedChecksumFile = file("${licensesDir}/${dep.jarName}.sha1")
if (!expectedChecksumFile.exists()) {
errors << "Dependency checksum missing ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${expectedChecksumFile}"
} else {
def expected = expectedChecksumFile.getText("UTF-8").trim()
def actual = dep.checksum.trim()
if (expected.compareToIgnoreCase(actual) != 0) {
errors << "Dependency checksum mismatch ('${dep.module}'), expected it to be: ${expected}, but was: ${actual}"
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency checksum OK ('${dep.module}')")
if (errors) {
def msg = "Dependency checksum validation failed:\n - " + errors.join("\n - ")
if (failOnError) {
throw new GradleException(msg)
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: ${msg}")
// Locate the set of license file candidates for this dependency. We
// search for [jar-or-prefix]-LICENSE-[type].txt
// where 'jar-or-prefix' can be any '-'-delimited prefix of the dependency JAR's name.
// So for 'commons-io' it can be 'commons-io-LICENSE-foo.txt' or
// 'commons-LICENSE.txt'
task validateJarLicenses() {
group = 'Dependency validation'
description = "Validate license and notice files of dependencies"
dependsOn collectJarInfos
doLast {
def errors = []
jarInfos.each { dep ->
def baseName = dep.name
def found = []
def candidates = []
while (true) {
candidates += file("${licensesDir}/${baseName}-LICENSE-[type].txt")
found += fileTree(dir: licensesDir, include: "${baseName}-LICENSE-*.txt").files
def prefix = baseName.replaceAll(/[\-][^-]+$/, "")
if (found || prefix == baseName) {
baseName = prefix
if (found.size() == 0) {
errors << "License file missing ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${candidates.join(" or ")}," +
" where [type] can be any of ${licenseTypes.keySet()}."
} else if (found.size() > 1) {
errors << "Multiple license files matching for ('${dep.module}'): ${found.join(", ")}"
} else {
def licenseFile = found.get(0)
def m = (licenseFile.name =~ /LICENSE-(.+)\.txt$/)
if (!m) throw new GradleException("License file name doesn't contain license type?: ${licenseFile.name}")
def licenseName = m[0][1]
def licenseType = licenseTypes[licenseName]
if (!licenseType) {
errors << "Unknown license type suffix for ('${dep.module}'): ${licenseFile} (must be one of ${licenseTypes.keySet()})"
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency license file OK ('${dep.module}'): " + licenseName)
// Look for sibling NOTICE file.
def noticeFile = file(licenseFile.path.replaceAll(/\-LICENSE-.+/, "-NOTICE.txt"))
if (noticeFile.exists()) {
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency notice file OK ('${dep.module}'): " + noticeFile)
} else if (!licenseType.noticeOptional) {
errors << "Notice file missing for ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${noticeFile}"
if (errors) {
def msg = "Certain license/ notice files are missing:\n - " + errors.join("\n - ")
if (failOnError) {
throw new GradleException(msg)
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: ${msg}")
task validateJars() {
dependsOn validateJarChecksums, validateJarLicenses
// Disable validation for these projects (should it be disabled?)
configure(project(":solr:solr-ref-guide")) {
[validateJarLicenses, validateJarChecksums].each { task ->
task.enabled = false
} |