
28 lines
988 B

// This adds OWASP vulnerability validation of project dependencies
// If -Pvalidation.owasp=true is set the validation will also run as part of the check task.
configure(rootProject) {
dependencyCheck {
failBuildOnCVSS = propertyOrDefault("validation.owasp.threshold", 7) as Integer
formats = ['HTML', 'JSON']
skipProjects = [':solr:solr-ref-guide']
skipConfigurations = ['unifiedClasspath']
suppressionFile = rootProject.file('gradle/validation/owasp-dependency-check/exclusions.xml')
task owasp() {
group "Verification"
description "Check project dependencies against OWASP vulnerability database."
dependsOn dependencyCheckAggregate
// Unless explicitly enabled, do not attach owasp to check. It has a large download
// footprint and takes a significant amount of time. This should be enabled for
// nightly CI runs only, I think.
if (propertyOrDefault("validation.owasp", false).toBoolean()) {
check.dependsOn owasp