
1063 lines
34 KiB

diff --git a/algorithms/armenian.sbl b/algorithms/armenian.sbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9a926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/algorithms/armenian.sbl
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+stringescapes {}
+stringdef a '{U+0561}' // 531
+stringdef b '{U+0562}' // 532
+stringdef g '{U+0563}' // 533
+stringdef d '{U+0564}' // 534
+stringdef ye '{U+0565}' // 535
+stringdef z '{U+0566}' // 536
+stringdef e '{U+0567}' // 537
+stringdef y '{U+0568}' // 538
+stringdef dt '{U+0569}' // 539
+stringdef zh '{U+056A}' // 53A
+stringdef i '{U+056B}' // 53B
+stringdef l '{U+056C}' // 53C
+stringdef kh '{U+056D}' // 53D
+stringdef ts '{U+056E}' // 53E
+stringdef k '{U+056F}' // 53F
+stringdef h '{U+0570}' // 540
+stringdef dz '{U+0571}' // 541
+stringdef gh '{U+0572}' // 542
+stringdef djch '{U+0573}' // 543
+stringdef m '{U+0574}' // 544
+stringdef j '{U+0575}' // 545
+stringdef n '{U+0576}' // 546
+stringdef sh '{U+0577}' // 547
+stringdef vo '{U+0578}' // 548
+stringdef ch '{U+0579}' // 549
+stringdef p '{U+057A}' // 54A
+stringdef dj '{U+057B}' // 54B
+stringdef r '{U+057C}' // 54C
+stringdef s '{U+057D}' // 54D
+stringdef v '{U+057E}' // 54E
+stringdef t '{U+057F}' // 54F
+stringdef r' '{U+0580}' // 550
+stringdef c '{U+0581}' // 551
+stringdef u '{U+0582}' // 552 //vjun
+stringdef bp '{U+0583}' // 553
+stringdef q '{U+0584}' // 554
+stringdef ev '{U+0587}'
+stringdef o '{U+0585}' // 555
+stringdef f '{U+0586}' // 556
+routines ( mark_regions R2
+ adjective
+ verb
+ noun
+ ending
+externals ( stem )
+integers ( pV p2 )
+groupings ( v )
+define v '{a}{e}{i}{o}{u}{ye}{vo}{y}'
+define mark_regions as (
+ $pV = limit
+ $p2 = limit
+ do (
+ gopast v setmark pV gopast non-v
+ gopast v gopast non-v setmark p2
+ )
+backwardmode (
+ define R2 as $p2 <= cursor
+ define adjective as (
+ [substring] among (
+ '{b}{a}{r'}'
+ '{p}{ye}{s}'
+ '{vo}{r'}{e}{n}'
+ '{vo}{v}{i}{n}'
+ '{a}{k}{i}'
+ '{l}{a}{j}{n}'
+ '{r'}{vo}{r'}{d}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{vo}{r'}{d}'
+ '{a}{k}{a}{n}'
+ '{a}{l}{i}'
+ '{k}{vo}{t}'
+ '{ye}{k}{ye}{n}'
+ '{vo}{r'}{a}{k}'
+ '{ye}{gh}'
+ '{v}{vo}{u}{n}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{ye}{n}'
+ '{a}{r'}{a}{n}'
+ '{ye}{n}'
+ '{a}{v}{ye}{t}'
+ '{g}{i}{n}'
+ '{i}{v}'
+ '{a}{t}'
+ '{i}{n}'
+ (delete)
+ )
+ )
+ define verb as (
+ [substring] among (
+ '{vo}{u}{m}'
+ '{v}{vo}{u}{m}'
+ '{a}{l}{vo}{u}'
+ '{ye}{l}{vo}{u}'
+ '{v}{ye}{l}'
+ '{a}{n}{a}{l}'
+ '{ye}{l}{vo}{u}{c}'
+ '{a}{l}{vo}{u}{c}'
+ '{y}{a}{l}'
+ '{y}{ye}{l}'
+ '{a}{l}{vo}{v}'
+ '{ye}{l}{vo}{v}'
+ '{a}{l}{i}{s}'
+ '{ye}{l}{i}{s}'
+ '{ye}{n}{a}{l}'
+ '{a}{c}{n}{a}{l}'
+ '{ye}{c}{n}{ye}{l}'
+ '{c}{n}{ye}{l}'
+ '{n}{ye}{l}'
+ '{a}{t}{ye}{l}'
+ '{vo}{t}{ye}{l}'
+ '{k}{vo}{t}{ye}{l}'
+ '{t}{ye}{l}'
+ '{v}{a}{ts}'
+ '{ye}{c}{v}{ye}{l}'
+ '{a}{c}{v}{ye}{l}'
+ '{ye}{c}{i}{r'}'
+ '{a}{c}{i}{r'}'
+ '{ye}{c}{i}{n}{q}'
+ '{a}{c}{i}{n}{q}'
+ '{v}{ye}{c}{i}{r'}'
+ '{v}{ye}{c}{i}{n}{q}'
+ '{v}{ye}{c}{i}{q}'
+ '{v}{ye}{c}{i}{n}'
+ '{a}{c}{r'}{i}{r'}'
+ '{a}{c}{r'}{ye}{c}'
+ '{a}{c}{r'}{i}{n}{q}'
+ '{a}{c}{r'}{i}{q}'
+ '{a}{c}{r'}{i}{n}'
+ '{ye}{c}{i}{q}'
+ '{a}{c}{i}{q}'
+ '{ye}{c}{i}{n}'
+ '{a}{c}{i}{n}'
+ '{a}{c}{a}{r'}'
+ '{a}{c}{a}{v}'
+ '{a}{c}{a}{n}{q}'
+ '{a}{c}{a}{q}'
+ '{a}{c}{a}{n}'
+ '{v}{ye}{c}{i}'
+ '{a}{c}{r'}{i}'
+ '{ye}{c}{a}{r'}'
+ '{ye}{c}{a}{v}'
+ '{c}{a}{n}{q}'
+ '{c}{a}{q}'
+ '{c}{a}{n}'
+ '{a}{c}{a}'
+ '{a}{c}{i}'
+ '{ye}{c}{a}'
+ '{ch}{ye}{l}'
+ '{ye}{c}{i}'
+ '{a}{r'}'
+ '{a}{v}'
+ '{a}{n}{q}'
+ '{a}{q}'
+ '{a}{n}'
+ '{a}{l}'
+ '{ye}{l}'
+ '{ye}{c}'
+ '{a}{c}'
+ '{v}{ye}'
+ '{a}'
+ (delete)
+ )
+ )
+ define noun as (
+ [substring] among (
+ '{a}{ts}{vo}'
+ '{a}{n}{a}{k}'
+ '{a}{n}{o}{c}'
+ '{a}{r'}{a}{n}'
+ '{a}{r'}{q}'
+ '{p}{a}{n}'
+ '{s}{t}{a}{n}'
+ '{ye}{gh}{e}{n}'
+ '{ye}{n}{q}'
+ '{i}{k}'
+ '{i}{ch}'
+ '{i}{q}'
+ '{m}{vo}{u}{n}{q}'
+ '{j}{a}{k}'
+ '{j}{vo}{u}{n}'
+ '{vo}{n}{q}'
+ '{vo}{r'}{d}'
+ '{vo}{c}'
+ '{ch}{ye}{q}'
+ '{v}{a}{ts}{q}'
+ '{v}{vo}{r'}'
+ '{a}{v}{vo}{r'}'
+ '{vo}{u}{dt}{j}{vo}{u}{n}'
+ '{vo}{u}{k}'
+ '{vo}{u}{h}{i}'
+ '{vo}{u}{j}{dt}'
+ '{vo}{u}{j}{q}'
+ '{vo}{u}{s}{t}'
+ '{vo}{u}{s}'
+ '{c}{i}'
+ '{a}{l}{i}{q}'
+ '{a}{n}{i}{q}'
+ '{i}{l}'
+ '{i}{ch}{q}'
+ '{vo}{u}{n}{q}'
+ '{g}{a}{r'}'
+ '{vo}{u}'
+ '{a}{k}'
+ '{a}{n}'
+ '{q}'
+ (delete)
+ )
+ )
+ define ending as (
+ [substring] R2 among (
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{y}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{n}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{i}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{d}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{i}{c}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{i}{c}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{i}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{d}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{n}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{y}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{i}{n}'
+ '{vo}{u}{dt}{j}{a}{n}{n}'
+ '{vo}{u}{dt}{j}{a}{n}{y}'
+ '{vo}{u}{dt}{j}{a}{n}{s}'
+ '{vo}{u}{dt}{j}{a}{n}{d}'
+ '{vo}{u}{dt}{j}{a}{n}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{i}{n}'
+ '{i}{n}'
+ '{s}{a}'
+ '{vo}{dj}'
+ '{i}{c}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{vo}{v}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{vo}{v}'
+ '{ye}{r'}{vo}{u}{m}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}{vo}{u}{m}'
+ '{vo}{u}{n}'
+ '{vo}{u}{d}'
+ '{v}{a}{n}{s}'
+ '{v}{a}{n}{y}'
+ '{v}{a}{n}{d}'
+ '{a}{n}{y}'
+ '{a}{n}{d}'
+ '{v}{a}{n}'
+ '{vo}{dj}{y}'
+ '{vo}{dj}{s}'
+ '{vo}{dj}{d}'
+ '{vo}{c}'
+ '{vo}{u}{c}'
+ '{vo}{dj}{i}{c}'
+ '{c}{i}{c}'
+ '{v}{i}{c}'
+ '{v}{i}'
+ '{v}{vo}{v}'
+ '{vo}{v}'
+ '{a}{n}{vo}{v}'
+ '{a}{n}{vo}{u}{m}'
+ '{v}{a}{n}{i}{c}'
+ '{a}{m}{b}'
+ '{a}{n}'
+ '{n}{ye}{r'}'
+ '{ye}{r'}'
+ '{v}{a}'
+ '{y}'
+ '{n}'
+ '{d}'
+ '{c}'
+ '{i}'
+ (delete)
+ )
+ )
+define stem as (
+ do mark_regions
+ backwards setlimit tomark pV for (
+ do ending
+ do verb
+ do adjective
+ do noun
+ )
diff --git a/algorithms/estonian.sbl b/algorithms/estonian.sbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc2b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/algorithms/estonian.sbl
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+/* Estonian stemmer version 1.3
+Made by Linda Freienthal in January 2019.
+routines (
+ mark_regions
+ special_noun_endings
+ case_ending
+ emphasis
+ plural_three_first_cases
+ remove_double_kpt
+ double
+ undouble
+ i_plural
+ degrees
+ substantive
+ verb_exceptions
+ verb
+ nu
+stringescapes {}
+stringdef a" '{U+00E4}' //a-umlaut ä
+stringdef o" '{U+00F6}' //o-umlaut ö
+stringdef o' '{U+00F5}' //o with tilde õ
+stringdef u" '{U+00FC}' //u-umlaut ü
+stringdef s" '{U+0161}' //s with caron š
+stringdef z" '{U+017E}' //z with caron ž
+externals ( stem )
+booleans ( is_verb )
+integers ( p1 )
+groupings ( V1 RV KI GI)
+define V1 'aeiou{o'}{a"}{o"}{u"}'
+define RV 'aeiuo'
+define KI 'kptgbdshf{s"}z{z"}'
+define GI 'cjlmnqrvwxaeiou{o'}{a"}{o"}{u"}'
+define mark_regions as (
+ $p1 = limit
+ goto V1 gopast non-V1 setmark p1
+backwardmode (
+ define emphasis as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ test hop 4 //kingi -> kingi
+ among(
+ 'gi' ((GI and not LONGV) delete) //jooksemegi -> jookseme, bioloogi -> bioloogi
+ 'ki' (KI delete) //kookki -> kook
+ )
+ )
+ define verb as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'nuksin' 'nuksime' 'nuksid' 'nuksite' (delete) //seleta-nuksite
+ 'ksin' 'ksid' 'ksime' 'ksite' (delete) //personal conditional: rõõmusta-ksin
+ 'mata' (delete)
+ 'takse' 'dakse' (delete) //impersonal: laul-dakse, luba-takse
+ 'taks' 'daks' (delete) //impersonal conditional: laul-daks, saade-taks
+ 'akse' (<-'a') //impersonal: tulla-kse, süüa-kse, teha-kse, püüt-akse, leita-kse
+ 'sime' (delete) //pl1pst: saat-sime
+ 'site' (delete) //pl2pst: saat-site
+ 'sin' (delete) //sg1pst: laul-sin, saat-sin
+ 'me' (V1 delete) //pl1prs: laula-me, tule-me
+ 'da' (V1 delete) //da-infinitive: luba-da
+ 'n' (V1 delete) //sg1prs: kirjuta-n
+ 'b' (V1 delete) //sg3prs: laula-b
+ )
+ set is_verb
+ )
+ define LONGV as
+ among('aa' 'ee' 'ii' 'oo' 'uu' '{a"}{a"}' '{o"}{o"}' '{u"}{u"}' '{o'}{o'}')
+ define i_plural as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'i' (RV) //raamatui -> raamatu, lapsikui -> lapsiku
+ )
+ delete
+ )
+ define special_noun_endings as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'lasse' (<- 'lase') //teadlasse -> teadlase
+ 'last' (<- 'lase') //teadlast -> teadlase
+ 'lane' (<- 'lase') //teadlane -> teadlase
+ 'lasi'(<- 'lase') //teadlasi -> teadlase
+ 'misse' (<- 'mise') //tegemisse -> tegemise
+ 'mist' (<- 'mise') //kasutamist -> kasutamise
+ 'mine' (<- 'mise') //tegemine -> tegemise
+ 'misi' (<- 'mise') //kasutamisi -> kasutamise
+ 'lisse' (<- 'lise') //rohelisse -> rohelise
+ 'list' (<- 'lise') //tavalist -> tavalise
+ 'line' (<- 'lise') //roheline -> rohelise
+ 'lisi' (<- 'lise') //tavalisi -> tavalise
+ )
+ )
+ define case_ending as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'sse' (RV or LONGV) //illative: saapa-sse, tegemisse -> tegemisse
+ 'st' (RV or LONGV) //elative: saapa-st, rohelist -> rohelist
+ 'le' (RV or LONGV) //allative: raamatu-le
+ 'lt' (RV or LONGV) //ablative: raamatu-lt
+ 'ga' (RV or LONGV) //komitatiive: õpetaja-ga
+ 'ks' (RV or LONGV) //translative: õpetaja-ks
+ 'ta' (RV or LONGV) //abessive and da-infinitive: õpetaja-ta and hüpa-ta
+ 't' //partitiiv, raamatu-t and kapsas-t
+ 's' (RV or LONGV)//inessive and sg3pst: raamatu-s and sõiti-s
+ 'l' (RV or LONGV) //adessive: raamatu-l and kapsa-l.
+ )
+ delete
+ )
+ define plural_three_first_cases as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'ikkude' (<-'iku') //plural genitive: õnnelikkude -> õnneliku
+ 'ikke' (<-'iku') //plural partitive: rahulikke -> rahuliku
+ 'ike' (<-'iku') //plural genitive: ohtlike -> ohtliku
+ 'sid' (not LONGV delete) //plural partitive and sg2pst and pl3pst: auto-sid and laul-sid (exludes plural nominative with words like gaasid, roosid)
+ 'te' ((test hop 4 (('mis' <- 'e') or ('las' <- 'e') or ('lis' <- 'e') or (not 't' delete))) or (not 't' <-'t')) //plural genitive and pl2: ministri-te, olulis-te and saada-te, laula-te; also torte -> tort (if not in compound word) and kokkuvõtte -> kokkuvõte and roheliste -> rohelise, tegemiste -> tegemise, teadlaste -> teadlase
+ 'de' ((RV or LONGV) delete) //plural genitive: lauda-de
+ 'd' ((RV or LONGV) delete) //plural nominative: voodid -> voodi, rattaid -> rattai, lapsikuid -> lapsiku
+ )
+ )
+ define double as (
+ test among('kk' 'tt' 'pp')
+ )
+ define undouble as (
+ next [hop 1] delete
+ )
+ define nu as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'nu' //haka-nu(-te-ga)
+ 'tu' //luba-tu(-d)
+ 'du' //laul-du(-te-st)
+ 'va' //laul-va(-te-le)
+ )
+ delete
+ )
+ define remove_double_kpt as (// undouble kpt consonant if 'C1C1V': mõtte(-le) -> mõte, hakka(-n) -> haka, haka(-nu-d) -> haka
+ (V1) (double)
+ and undouble
+ )
+ define degrees as (
+ setlimit tomark p1 for ([substring])
+ among(
+ 'mai' (RV delete) //heleda-mai(-le)
+ 'ma' (delete) //tugeva-ma(-le) and ma-infinitive: sõit-ma
+ 'm' (RV delete) //kauge-i-m, rõõmsa-m
+ )
+ )
+ define substantive as (
+ do special_noun_endings
+ do case_ending
+ do plural_three_first_cases
+ do degrees
+ do i_plural
+ do nu
+ )
+define verb_exceptions as (
+ [substring] atlimit
+ among(
+ 'joon' 'jood' 'joob' 'joote' 'joome' 'joovad' (<-'joo')
+ 'j{o'}in' 'j{o'}id' 'j{o'}i' 'j{o'}ime' 'j{o'}ite' (<-'joo')
+ 'joomata' 'juuakse' 'joodakse' 'juua' 'jooma' (<- 'joo')
+ 'saan' 'saad' 'saab' 'saate' 'saame' 'saavad' (<-'saa')
+ 'saaksin' 'saaksid' 'saaks' 'saaksite' 'saaksime' (<-'saa')
+ 'sain' 'said' 'sai' 'saite' 'saime' (<-'saa')
+ 'saamata' 'saadakse' 'saadi' 'saama' 'saada' (<-'saa')
+ 'viin' 'viid' 'viib' 'viite' 'viime' 'viivad' (<-'viima')
+ 'viiksin' 'viiksid' 'viiks' 'viiksite' 'viiksime' (<-'viima')
+ 'viisin' 'viisite' 'viisime' (<-'viima')
+ 'viimata' 'viiakse' 'viidi' 'viima' 'viia' (<-'viima')
+ 'keen' 'keeb' 'keed' 'kees' 'keeme' 'keete' 'keevad' (<-'keesi')
+ 'keeksin' 'keeks' 'keeksid' 'keeksime' 'keeksite' (<-'keesi')
+ 'keemata' 'keema' 'keeta' 'keedakse' (<-'keesi')
+ 'l{o"}{o"}n' 'l{o"}{o"}d' 'l{o"}{o"}b' 'l{o"}{o"}me' 'l{o"}{o"}te' 'l{o"}{o"}vad' (<-'l{o"}{o"}')
+ 'l{o"}{o"}ksin' 'l{o"}{o"}ksid' 'l{o"}{o"}ks' 'l{o"}{o"}ksime' 'l{o"}{o"}ksite' (<-'l{o"}{o"}')
+ 'l{o"}{o"}mata' 'l{u"}{u"}akse' 'l{o"}{o"}dakse' 'l{o"}{o"}di' 'l{o"}{o"}ma' 'l{u"}{u"}a' (<-'l{o"}{o"}')
+ 'l{o'}in' 'l{o'}id' 'l{o'}i' 'l{o'}ime' 'l{o'}ite' (<-'l{o"}i') //looma-lõi, lööma-lõi
+ 'loon' 'lood' 'loob' 'loome' 'loote' 'loovad' (<-'loo')
+ 'looksin' 'looksid' 'looks' 'looksime' 'looksite' (<-'loo')
+ 'loomata' 'luuakse' 'loodi' 'luua' 'looma' (<-'loo')
+ 'k{a"}in' 'k{a"}ib' 'k{a"}id' 'k{a"}is' 'k{a"}ime' 'k{a"}ite' 'k{a"}ivad' (<-'k{a"}isi')
+ 'k{a"}iksin' 'k{a"}iks' 'k{a"}iksid' 'k{a"}iksime' 'k{a"}iksite' (<-'k{a"}isi')
+ 'k{a"}imata' 'k{a"}iakse' 'k{a"}idi' 'k{a"}ia' 'k{a"}ima' (<-'k{a"}isi')
+ 's{o"}{o"}n' 's{o"}{o"}b' 's{o"}{o"}d' 's{o"}{o"}me' 's{o"}{o"}te' 's{o"}{o"}vad' (<-'s{o"}{o"}')
+ 's{o"}{o"}ksin' 's{o"}{o"}ks' 's{o"}{o"}ksid' 's{o"}{o"}ksime' 's{o"}{o"}ksite' (<-'s{o"}{o"}')
+ 's{o'}in' 's{o'}i' 's{o'}id' 's{o'}ime' 's{o'}ite' (<-'s{o"}{o"}')
+ 's{o"}{o"}mata' 's{u"}{u"}akse' 's{o"}{o"}dakse' 's{o"}{o"}di' 's{o"}{o"}ma' 's{u"}{u"}a' (<-'s{o"}{o"}')
+ 'toon' 'tood' 'toob' 'toote' 'toome' 'toovad' (<-'too')
+ 'tooksin' 'tooksid' 'tooks' 'tooksite' 'tooksime' (<-'too')
+ 't{o'}in' 't{o'}id' 't{o'}i' 't{o'}ime' 't{o'}ite' (<-'too')
+ 'toomata' 'tuuakse' 'toodi' 'tooma' 'tuua' (<-'too')
+ 'v{o'}in' 'v{o'}id' 'v{o'}ib' 'v{o'}ime' 'v{o'}is' 'v{o'}ite' 'v{o'}ivad' (<-'v{o'}isi')
+ 'v{o'}iksin' 'v{o'}iksid' 'v{o'}iks' 'v{o'}iksime' 'v{o'}iksite' (<-'v{o'}isi')
+ 'v{o'}imata' 'v{o'}idakse' 'v{o'}idi' 'v{o'}ida' 'v{o'}ima' (<-'v{o'}isi')
+ 'j{a"}{a"}n' 'j{a"}{a"}d' 'j{a"}{a"}b' 'j{a"}{a"}me' 'j{a"}{a"}te' 'j{a"}{a"}vad' (<-'j{a"}{a"}ma')
+ 'j{a"}{a"}ksin' 'j{a"}{a"}ksid' 'j{a"}{a"}ks' 'j{a"}{a"}ksime' 'j{a"}{a"}ksite' (<-'j{a"}{a"}ma')
+ 'j{a"}ime' 'j{a"}ite' 'j{a"}in' 'j{a"}id' 'j{a"}i' (<-'j{a"}{a"}ma')
+ 'j{a"}{a"}mata' 'j{a"}{a"}dakse' 'j{a"}{a"}da' 'j{a"}{a"}ma' 'j{a"}{a"}di' (<-'j{a"}{a"}ma')
+ 'm{u"}{u"}n' 'm{u"}{u"}d' 'm{u"}{u"}b' 'm{u"}{u"}s' 'm{u"}{u"}me' 'm{u"}{u"}te' 'm{u"}{u"}vad' (<-'m{u"}{u"}si')
+ 'm{u"}{u"}ksin' 'm{u"}{u"}ksid' 'm{u"}{u"}ks' 'm{u"}{u"}ksime' 'm{u"}{u"}ksite' (<-'m{u"}{u"}si')
+ 'm{u"}{u"}mata' 'm{u"}{u"}akse' 'm{u"}{u"}di' 'm{u"}{u"}a' 'm{u"}{u"}ma' (<-'m{u"}{u"}si')
+ 'loeb' 'loen' 'loed' 'loeme' 'loete' 'loevad' (<- 'luge')
+ 'loeks' 'loeksin' 'loeksid' 'loeksime' 'loeksite' (<- 'luge')
+ 'p{o'}en' 'p{o'}eb' 'p{o'}ed' 'p{o'}eme' 'p{o'}ete' 'p{o'}evad' (<- 'p{o'}de')
+ 'p{o'}eksin' 'p{o'}eks' 'p{o'}eksid' 'p{o'}eksime' 'p{o'}eksite' (<- 'p{o'}de')
+ 'laon' 'laob' 'laod' 'laome' 'laote' 'laovad' (<- 'ladu')
+ 'laoksin' 'laoks' 'laoksid' 'laoksime' 'laoksite' (<- 'ladu')
+ 'teeksin' 'teeks' 'teeksid' 'teeksime' 'teeksite' (<- 'tegi')
+ 'teen' 'teeb' 'teed' 'teeme' 'teete' 'teevad' (<- 'tegi')
+ 'tegemata' 'tehakse' 'tehti' 'tegema' 'teha' (<-'tegi')
+ 'n{a"}en' 'n{a"}eb' 'n{a"}ed' 'n{a"}eme' 'n{a"}ete' 'n{a"}evad' (<-'n{a"}gi')
+ 'n{a"}eksin' 'n{a"}eks' 'n{a"}eksid' 'n{a"}eksime' 'n{a"}eksite' (<-'n{a"}gi')
+ 'n{a"}gemata' 'n{a"}hakse' 'n{a"}hti' 'n{a"}ha' 'n{a"}gema' (<-'n{a"}gi')
+ )
+define stem as (
+ do mark_regions
+ not verb_exceptions
+ unset is_verb
+ backwards (
+ do emphasis
+ do verb
+ try (not is_verb do substantive)
+ do remove_double_kpt
+ )
diff --git a/compiler/generator_java.c b/compiler/generator_java.c
index 2958452..c254dbe 100644
--- a/compiler/generator_java.c
+++ b/compiler/generator_java.c
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static void generate_AE(struct generator * g, struct node * p) {
case c_len: /* Same as size() for Java. */
case c_size:
- w(g, "current.length()");
+ w(g, "limit");
@@ -941,9 +941,12 @@ static void generate_define(struct generator * g, struct node * p) {
* be required to allow the SnowballProgram base class to invoke them.
* FIXME: Is this avoidable?
- if (q->type == t_routine && !q->used_in_among) {
+ if (q->used_in_among) {
+ g->S[0] = "public";
+ } else if (q->type == t_routine) {
g->S[0] = "private";
} else {
+ w(g, "~N~M@Override");
g->S[0] = "public";
g->V[0] = q;
@@ -1140,6 +1143,7 @@ static void generate_class_begin(struct generator * g) {
w(g, " {~+~N"
"~Mprivate static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;~N"
+ "~Mprivate static final java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup methodObject = java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup();~N"
@@ -1186,7 +1190,7 @@ static void generate_among_table(struct generator * g, struct among * x) {
if (v->function != 0) {
w(g, ", \"");
write_varname(g, v->function);
- w(g, "\", ~n.class");
+ w(g, "\", methodObject");
w(g, ")~S0~N");
diff --git a/java/org/tartarus/snowball/ b/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
index 8261503..abb8685 100644
--- a/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
+++ b/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
package org.tartarus.snowball;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
+import java.util.Locale;
+ * Internal class used by Snowball stemmers
+ */
public class Among {
public Among (String s, int substring_i, int result) {
this.s = s.toCharArray();
@@ -11,19 +17,30 @@ public class Among {
public Among (String s, int substring_i, int result, String methodname,
- Class<? extends SnowballProgram> programclass) {
+ MethodHandles.Lookup methodobject) {
this.s = s.toCharArray();
this.substring_i = substring_i;
this.result = result;
- try {
- this.method = programclass.getDeclaredMethod(methodname);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
+ final Class<? extends SnowballProgram> clazz = methodobject.lookupClass().asSubclass(SnowballProgram.class);
+ if (methodname.length() > 0) {
+ try {
+ this.method = methodobject.findVirtual(clazz, methodname, MethodType.methodType(boolean.class))
+ .asType(MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, SnowballProgram.class));
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,
+ "Snowball program '%s' is broken, cannot access method: boolean %s()",
+ clazz.getSimpleName(), methodname
+ ), e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.method = null;
+ }
- public final char[] s; /* search string */
- public final int substring_i; /* index to longest matching substring */
- public final int result; /* result of the lookup */
- public final Method method; /* method to use if substring matches */
+ final char[] s; /* search string */
+ final int substring_i; /* index to longest matching substring */
+ final int result; /* result of the lookup */
+ // Make sure this is not accessible outside package for Java security reasons!
+ final MethodHandle method; /* method to use if substring matches */
diff --git a/java/org/tartarus/snowball/ b/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
index 1b27b96..94f2d4b 100644
--- a/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
+++ b/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
@@ -1,50 +1,84 @@
package org.tartarus.snowball;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
+import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
+ * Base class for a snowball stemmer
+ */
public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
protected SnowballProgram()
- current = new StringBuilder();
- init();
+ current = new char[8];
+ setCurrent("");
static final long serialVersionUID = 2016072500L;
- private void init() {
+ /**
+ * Set the current string.
+ */
+ public void setCurrent(String value)
+ {
+ current = value.toCharArray();
cursor = 0;
- limit = current.length();
+ limit = value.length();
limit_backward = 0;
bra = cursor;
ket = limit;
- * Set the current string.
+ * Get the current string.
- public void setCurrent(String value)
+ public String getCurrent()
- // Make a new StringBuilder. If we reuse the old one, and a user of
- // the library keeps a reference to the buffer returned (for example,
- // by converting it to a String in a way which doesn't force a copy),
- // the buffer size will not decrease, and we will risk wasting a large
- // amount of memory.
- // Thanks to Wolfram Esser for spotting this problem.
- current = new StringBuilder(value);
- init();
+ return new String(current, 0, limit);
- * Get the current string.
+ * Set the current string.
+ * @param text character array containing input
+ * @param length valid length of text.
- public String getCurrent()
- {
- return current.toString();
+ public void setCurrent(char[] text, int length) {
+ current = text;
+ cursor = 0;
+ limit = length;
+ limit_backward = 0;
+ bra = cursor;
+ ket = limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the current buffer containing the stem.
+ * <p>
+ * NOTE: this may be a reference to a different character array than the
+ * one originally provided with setCurrent, in the exceptional case that
+ * stemming produced a longer intermediate or result string.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * It is necessary to use {@link #getCurrentBufferLength()} to determine
+ * the valid length of the returned buffer. For example, many words are
+ * stemmed simply by subtracting from the length to remove suffixes.
+ * </p>
+ * @see #getCurrentBufferLength()
+ */
+ public char[] getCurrentBuffer() {
+ return current;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the valid length of the character array in
+ * {@link #getCurrentBuffer()}.
+ * @return valid length of the array.
+ */
+ public int getCurrentBufferLength() {
+ return limit;
// current string
- protected StringBuilder current;
+ private char[] current;
protected int cursor;
protected int limit;
@@ -74,7 +108,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
protected boolean in_grouping(char [] s, int min, int max)
if (cursor >= limit) return false;
- char ch = current.charAt(cursor);
+ char ch = current[cursor];
if (ch > max || ch < min) return false;
ch -= min;
if ((s[ch >> 3] & (0X1 << (ch & 0X7))) == 0) return false;
@@ -85,7 +119,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
protected boolean in_grouping_b(char [] s, int min, int max)
if (cursor <= limit_backward) return false;
- char ch = current.charAt(cursor - 1);
+ char ch = current[cursor - 1];
if (ch > max || ch < min) return false;
ch -= min;
if ((s[ch >> 3] & (0X1 << (ch & 0X7))) == 0) return false;
@@ -96,7 +130,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
protected boolean out_grouping(char [] s, int min, int max)
if (cursor >= limit) return false;
- char ch = current.charAt(cursor);
+ char ch = current[cursor];
if (ch > max || ch < min) {
return true;
@@ -112,7 +146,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
protected boolean out_grouping_b(char [] s, int min, int max)
if (cursor <= limit_backward) return false;
- char ch = current.charAt(cursor - 1);
+ char ch = current[cursor - 1];
if (ch > max || ch < min) {
return true;
@@ -130,7 +164,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
if (limit - cursor < s.length()) return false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i != s.length(); i++) {
- if (current.charAt(cursor + i) != s.charAt(i)) return false;
+ if (current[cursor + i] != s.charAt(i)) return false;
cursor += s.length();
return true;
@@ -141,7 +175,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
if (cursor - limit_backward < s.length()) return false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i != s.length(); i++) {
- if (current.charAt(cursor - s.length() + i) != s.charAt(i)) return false;
+ if (current[cursor - s.length() + i] != s.charAt(i)) return false;
cursor -= s.length();
return true;
@@ -171,7 +205,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
diff = -1;
- diff = current.charAt(c + common) - w.s[i2];
+ diff = current[c + common] - w.s[i2];
if (diff != 0) break;
@@ -199,16 +233,13 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
if (common_i >= w.s.length) {
cursor = c + w.s.length;
if (w.method == null) return w.result;
- boolean res;
+ boolean res = false;
try {
- Object resobj = w.method.invoke(this);
- res = resobj.toString().equals("true");
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- res = false;
- // FIXME - debug message
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- res = false;
- // FIXME - debug message
+ res = (boolean) w.method.invokeExact(this);
+ } catch (Error | RuntimeException e) {
+ throw e;
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(e);
cursor = c + w.s.length;
if (res) return w.result;
@@ -243,7 +274,7 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
diff = -1;
- diff = current.charAt(c - 1 - common) - w.s[i2];
+ diff = current[c - 1 - common] - w.s[i2];
if (diff != 0) break;
@@ -267,16 +298,13 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
cursor = c - w.s.length;
if (w.method == null) return w.result;
- boolean res;
+ boolean res = false;
try {
- Object resobj = w.method.invoke(this);
- res = resobj.toString().equals("true");
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- res = false;
- // FIXME - debug message
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- res = false;
- // FIXME - debug message
+ res = (boolean) w.method.invokeExact(this);
+ } catch (Error | RuntimeException e) {
+ throw e;
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(e);
cursor = c - w.s.length;
if (res) return w.result;
@@ -286,13 +314,41 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
+ // mini version of ArrayUtil.oversize from lucene, specialized to chars
+ static int oversize(int minTargetSize) {
+ int extra = minTargetSize >> 3;
+ if (extra < 3) {
+ extra = 3;
+ }
+ int newSize = minTargetSize + extra;
+ return (newSize + 3) & 0x7ffffffc;
+ }
/* to replace chars between c_bra and c_ket in current by the
* chars in s.
- protected int replace_s(int c_bra, int c_ket, String s)
+ protected int replace_s(int c_bra, int c_ket, CharSequence s)
- int adjustment = s.length() - (c_ket - c_bra);
- current.replace(c_bra, c_ket, s);
+ final int adjustment = s.length() - (c_ket - c_bra);
+ final int newLength = limit + adjustment;
+ //resize if necessary
+ if (newLength > current.length) {
+ char[] newBuffer = new char[oversize(newLength)];
+ System.arraycopy(current, 0, newBuffer, 0, limit);
+ current = newBuffer;
+ }
+ // if the substring being replaced is longer or shorter than the
+ // replacement, need to shift things around
+ if (adjustment != 0 && c_ket < limit) {
+ System.arraycopy(current, c_ket, current, c_bra + s.length(),
+ limit - c_ket);
+ }
+ // insert the replacement text
+ // Note, faster is s.getChars(0, s.length(), current, c_bra);
+ // but would have to duplicate this method for both String and StringBuilder
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
+ current[c_bra + i] = s.charAt(i);
limit += adjustment;
if (cursor >= c_ket) cursor += adjustment;
else if (cursor > c_bra) cursor = c_bra;
@@ -303,57 +359,43 @@ public class SnowballProgram implements Serializable {
if (bra < 0 ||
bra > ket ||
- ket > limit ||
- limit > current.length()) // this line could be removed
+ ket > limit)
- System.err.println("faulty slice operation");
- // FIXME: report error somehow.
- /*
- fprintf(stderr, "faulty slice operation:\n");
- debug(z, -1, 0);
- exit(1);
- */
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("faulty slice operation: bra=" + bra + ",ket=" + ket + ",limit=" + limit);
- protected void slice_from(String s)
+ protected void slice_from(CharSequence s)
replace_s(bra, ket, s);
- protected void slice_from(CharSequence s)
- {
- slice_from(s.toString());
- }
protected void slice_del()
- protected void insert(int c_bra, int c_ket, String s)
+ protected void insert(int c_bra, int c_ket, CharSequence s)
int adjustment = replace_s(c_bra, c_ket, s);
if (c_bra <= bra) bra += adjustment;
if (c_bra <= ket) ket += adjustment;
- protected void insert(int c_bra, int c_ket, CharSequence s)
- {
- insert(c_bra, c_ket, s.toString());
- }
/* Copy the slice into the supplied StringBuilder */
protected void slice_to(StringBuilder s)
- s.replace(0, s.length(), current.substring(bra, ket));
+ int len = ket - bra;
+ s.setLength(0);
+ s.append(current, bra, len);
protected void assign_to(StringBuilder s)
- s.replace(0, s.length(), current.substring(0, limit));
+ s.setLength(0);
+ s.append(current, 0, limit);
diff --git a/java/org/tartarus/snowball/ b/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
index 73a81a9..f7772d3 100644
--- a/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
+++ b/java/org/tartarus/snowball/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package org.tartarus.snowball;
+ * Parent class of all snowball stemmers, which must implement <code>stem</code>
+ */
public abstract class SnowballStemmer extends SnowballProgram {
public abstract boolean stem();
diff --git a/libstemmer/modules.txt b/libstemmer/modules.txt
index b8ec17a..d2c8e61 100644
--- a/libstemmer/modules.txt
+++ b/libstemmer/modules.txt
@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@
# the most commonly used encoding.
arabic UTF_8 arabic,ar,ara
+armenian UTF_8 armenian,hy,arm,hye
basque UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 basque,eu,eus,baq
catalan UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 catalan,ca,cat
danish UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 danish,da,dan
dutch UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 dutch,nl,dut,nld
english UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 english,en,eng
+estonian UTF_8 estonian,et,est
finnish UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 finnish,fi,fin
french UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 french,fr,fre,fra
german UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 german,de,ger,deu
@@ -51,12 +53,12 @@ porter UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 porter english
# algorithms are:
# german2 - This is a slight modification of the german stemmer.
-#german2 UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 german2 german
+german2 UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 german2 german
# kraaij_pohlmann - This is a different dutch stemmer.
-#kraaij_pohlmann UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 kraaij_pohlmann dutch
+kraaij_pohlmann UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 kraaij_pohlmann dutch
# lovins - This is an english stemmer, but fairly outdated, and
# only really applicable to a restricted type of input text
# (keywords in academic publications).
-#lovins UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 lovins english
+lovins UTF_8,ISO_8859_1 lovins english