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synced 2025-03-06 08:19:23 +00:00
Revert changes by #12150 in jar-checks.gradle, because tasks in this file share internal state between tasks without using files. Because of this all tasks here must always execute together, so they cannot define task outputs.
357 lines
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357 lines
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This adds validation of project dependencies:
// 1) license file
// 2) notice file
// 3) checksum validation/ generation.
// WARNING: The tasks in this file share internal state between tasks without using files.
// Because of this all tasks here must always execute together, so they cannot define task outputs.
// TODO: Rewrite the internal state to use state files containing the ext.jarInfos and its referencedFiles
// This should be false only for debugging.
def failOnError = true
// Configure license checksum folder for top-level projects.
// (The file("licenses") inside the configure scope resolves
// relative to the current project so they're not the same).
configure(project(":lucene")) {
ext.licensesDir = file("licenses")
// All known license types. If 'noticeOptional' is true then
// the notice file must accompany the license.
def licenseTypes = [
"ASL" : [name: "Apache Software License 2.0"],
"BSD" : [name: "Berkeley Software Distribution"],
//BSD like just means someone has taken the BSD license and put in their name, copyright, or it's a very similar license.
"BSD_LIKE": [name: "BSD like license"],
"CDDL" : [name: "Common Development and Distribution License", noticeOptional: true],
"CPL" : [name: "Common Public License"],
"EPL" : [name: "Eclipse Public License Version 1.0", noticeOptional: true],
"MIT" : [name: "Massachusetts Institute of Tech. License", noticeOptional: true],
"MPL" : [name: "Mozilla Public License", noticeOptional: true /* NOT SURE on the required notice */],
"PD" : [name: "Public Domain", noticeOptional: true],
"PDDL" : [name: "Public Domain Dedication and License", noticeOptional: true],
"SUN" : [name: "Sun Open Source License", noticeOptional: true],
"COMPOUND": [name: "Compound license (details in NOTICE file)."],
allprojects {
task licenses() {
group = 'Dependency validation'
description = "Apply all dependency/ license checks."
subprojects {
// initialize empty, because no checks for benchmark-jmh module.
ext.jarInfos = []
// Configure jarValidation configuration for all projects. Any dependency
// declared on this configuration (or any configuration it extends from) will
// be verified.
configurations {
// For Java projects, add all dependencies from the following configurations
// to jar validation
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
configurations {
jarValidation {
extendsFrom runtimeClasspath
extendsFrom compileClasspath
extendsFrom testRuntimeClasspath
extendsFrom testCompileClasspath
// Collects dependency JAR information for a project and saves it in
// project.ext.jarInfos. Each dependency has a map of attributes
// which make it easier to process it later on (name, hash, origin module,
// see the code below for details).
task collectJarInfos() {
dependsOn configurations.jarValidation
doFirst {
// When gradle resolves a configuration it applies exclude rules from inherited configurations
// globally (this seems like a bug to me). So we process each inherited configuration independently
// but make sure there are no other dependencies on jarValidation itself.
if (!configurations.jarValidation.dependencies.isEmpty()) {
throw new GradleException("jarValidation must only inherit from other configurations (can't have its own dependencies).")
def excludeRules = configurations.jarValidation.excludeRules
ArrayDeque<ResolvedDependency> queue = new ArrayDeque<>()
configurations.jarValidation.extendsFrom.each { conf ->
if (excludeRules) {
conf = conf.copyRecursive()
conf.canBeResolved = true
conf.canBeConsumed = true
conf.excludeRules = excludeRules
if (conf.canBeResolved) {
def visited = new HashSet<>()
def seenDeps = new HashSet<>()
def infos = []
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
def dep = queue.removeFirst()
// Skip any artifacts from Lucene modules.
if (!dep.moduleGroup.startsWith("org.apache.lucene")) {
// Make sure we don't keep visiting the same children over and over again
dep.children.each { child ->
if (!seenDeps.contains(child)) {
dep.moduleArtifacts.each { resolvedArtifact ->
def file = resolvedArtifact.file
if (visited.add(file)) {
name : resolvedArtifact.name,
jarName : file.toPath().getFileName().toString(),
path : file,
module : resolvedArtifact.moduleVersion,
checksum : provider { buildinfra.sha1Digest().digestAsHex(file).trim() },
// We keep track of the files referenced by this dependency (sha, license, notice, etc.)
// so that we can determine unused dangling files later on.
referencedFiles: []
project.ext.jarInfos = infos.sort {a, b -> "${a.module}".compareTo("${b.module}")}
// jarInfos.each { info -> println "${info.module}" }
// Verifies that each JAR has a corresponding checksum and that it matches actual JAR available for this dependency.
task validateJarChecksums() {
group = 'Dependency validation'
description = "Validate checksums of dependencies"
dependsOn collectJarInfos
doLast {
def errors = []
jarInfos.each { dep ->
def expectedChecksumFile = file("${licensesDir}/${dep.jarName}.sha1")
if (!expectedChecksumFile.exists()) {
errors << "Dependency checksum missing ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${expectedChecksumFile}"
} else {
dep.referencedFiles += expectedChecksumFile
def expected = expectedChecksumFile.getText("UTF-8").trim()
def actual = dep.checksum.get()
if (expected.compareToIgnoreCase(actual) != 0) {
errors << "Dependency checksum mismatch ('${dep.module}'), expected it to be: ${expected}, but was: ${actual}"
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency checksum OK ('${dep.module}')")
if (errors) {
def msg = "Dependency checksum validation failed:\n - " + errors.join("\n - ")
if (failOnError) {
throw new GradleException(msg)
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: ${msg}")
// Locate the set of license file candidates for this dependency. We
// search for [jar-or-prefix]-LICENSE-[type].txt
// where 'jar-or-prefix' can be any '-'-delimited prefix of the dependency JAR's name.
// So for 'commons-io' it can be 'commons-io-LICENSE-foo.txt' or
// 'commons-LICENSE.txt'
tasks.register('validateJarLicenses') {
group = 'Dependency validation'
description = "Validate license and notice files of dependencies"
dependsOn collectJarInfos
doLast {
def errors = []
jarInfos.each { dep ->
def baseName = dep.name
def found = []
def candidates = []
while (true) {
candidates += file("${licensesDir}/${baseName}-LICENSE-[type].txt")
found += fileTree(dir: licensesDir, include: "${baseName}-LICENSE-*.txt").files
def prefix = baseName.replaceAll(/[\-][^-]+$/, "")
if (found || prefix == baseName) {
baseName = prefix
if (found.size() == 0) {
errors << "License file missing ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${candidates.join(" or ")}," +
" where [type] can be any of ${licenseTypes.keySet()}."
} else if (found.size() > 1) {
errors << "Multiple license files matching for ('${dep.module}'): ${found.join(", ")}"
} else {
def licenseFile = found.get(0)
dep.referencedFiles += licenseFile
def m = (licenseFile.name =~ /LICENSE-(.+)\.txt$/)
if (!m) throw new GradleException("License file name doesn't contain license type?: ${licenseFile.name}")
def licenseName = m[0][1]
def licenseType = licenseTypes[licenseName]
if (!licenseType) {
errors << "Unknown license type suffix for ('${dep.module}'): ${licenseFile} (must be one of ${licenseTypes.keySet()})"
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency license file OK ('${dep.module}'): " + licenseName)
// Look for sibling NOTICE file.
def noticeFile = file(licenseFile.path.replaceAll(/\-LICENSE-.+/, "-NOTICE.txt"))
if (noticeFile.exists()) {
dep.referencedFiles += noticeFile
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Dependency notice file OK ('${dep.module}'): " + noticeFile)
} else if (!licenseType.noticeOptional) {
errors << "Notice file missing for ('${dep.module}'), expected it at: ${noticeFile}"
if (errors) {
def msg = "Certain license/ notice files are missing:\n - " + errors.join("\n - ")
if (failOnError) {
throw new GradleException(msg)
} else {
logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: ${msg}")
licenses.dependsOn validateJarChecksums, validateJarLicenses
// Add top-project level tasks validating dangling files
// and regenerating dependency checksums.
configure(project(":lucene")) {
def validationTasks = subprojects.collectMany { it.tasks.matching { it.name == "licenses" } }
def jarInfoTasks = subprojects.collectMany { it.tasks.matching { it.name == "collectJarInfos" } }
// Update dependency checksums.
task updateLicenses() {
group = 'Dependency validation'
description = "Write or update checksums of dependencies. May need to run gradlew --write-locks first if changing dependency versions"
dependsOn jarInfoTasks
doLast {
// Clean any previous checksums. In theory we wouldn't have to do it --
// dangling files from any previous JARs would be reported;
// it automates the process of updating versions and makes it easier though so
// why not.
project.delete fileTree(licensesDir, {
include "*.sha1"
exclude checkDanglingLicenseFiles.ext.exclude
def updated = []
jarInfoTasks.collectMany { task -> task.project.jarInfos }.each { dep ->
def expectedChecksumFile = file("${licensesDir}/${dep.jarName}.sha1")
def actual = dep.checksum.get()
if (expectedChecksumFile.exists()) {
def expected = expectedChecksumFile.getText("UTF-8").trim()
if (expected.compareToIgnoreCase(actual) == 0) {
updated += "Updated checksum ('${dep.module}'): ${expectedChecksumFile}"
expectedChecksumFile.write(actual + "\n", "UTF-8")
updated.sort().each { line -> logger.log(LogLevel.LIFECYCLE, line) }
// Any validation task must run after all updates have been applied.
// We add an ordering constraint that any validation task (or its dependency subgraph)
// must run after updateLicenses
.collectMany { task -> [task, task.dependsOn]}
.each { task ->
task.mustRunAfter updateLicenses
// Check for dangling files in the licenses folder.
task checkDanglingLicenseFiles() {
dependsOn validationTasks
ext {
// Exclude files that are not a result of direct dependencies but have to be there.
// It would be probably better to move non-dependency licenses into the actual project
// where they're used and only assemble them for the distribution package.
exclude = [
// Used by Luke.
// glove knn dictionary.
doFirst {
def allReferenced = validationTasks
// Only collect for enabled tasks: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9780
.findAll { it.enabled }
.collectMany { task ->
task.project.jarInfos.collectMany { it.referencedFiles }
.collect { it.toString() }
def patterns = ext.exclude
def allExisting = fileTree(licensesDir, {
exclude patterns
}).files.collect { it.toString() }
def dangling = (allExisting - allReferenced).sort()
if (dangling) {
gradle.buildFinished {
logger.warn("WARNING: there were unreferenced files under license folder:\n - ${dangling.join("\n - ")}")
licenses.dependsOn checkDanglingLicenseFiles