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Welcome to Apache Solr Jaeger Tracer Configurator
Apache Solr Jaeger Tracer Configurator (solr-jaegertracer) provides a way for you to expose Solr's tracing to Jaeger.
# Setup Jaeger Tracer Configurator
Note that all library of solr-jaegertracer must be included in the classpath of all nodes then Jaeger tracer can be setup in `solr.xml` like this:
<tracerConfig name="tracerConfig" class="org.apache.solr.jaeger.JaegerTracerConfigurator">
<str name="agentHost">localhost</str>
<int name="agentPort">5775</int>
<bool name="logSpans">true</bool>
<int name="flushInterval">1000</int>
<int name="maxQueueSize">10000</int>
List of parameters for JaegerTracerConfigurator include:
|agentHost|string|Yes||The host of Jaeger backend|
|agentPort|int|Yes||The port of Jaeger port|
|logsSpans|bool|No|true|Whether the tracer should also log the spans|
|flushInterval|int|No|5000|The tracer's flush interval (ms)|
|maxQueueSize|int|No|10000|The tracer's maximum queue size|
Other parameters which are not listed above can be configured using System Properties or Environment Variables. The full list are listed at [Jaeger-README](
By default the sampling rate is 0.1%, this value can be changed by updating
key `samplePercentage` of cluster properties. I.e: `/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERPROP&name=propertyName&samplePercentage=100`.