mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 23:39:38 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk@1348062 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1100 lines
43 KiB
1100 lines
43 KiB
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import tarfile
import threading
import subprocess
import signal
import shutil
import hashlib
import httplib
import re
import urllib2
import urlparse
import sys
import HTMLParser
from collections import defaultdict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import filecmp
import platform
import checkJavaDocs
import checkJavadocLinks
# This tool expects to find /lucene and /solr off the base URL. You
# must have a working gpg, tar, unzip in your path. This has been
# tested on Linux and on Cygwin under Windows 7.
def unshortenURL(url):
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if parsed[0] in ('http', 'https'):
h = httplib.HTTPConnection(parsed.netloc)
h.request('HEAD', parsed.path)
response = h.getresponse()
if response.status/100 == 3 and response.getheader('Location'):
return response.getheader('Location')
return url
def javaExe(version):
if version == '1.6':
path = JAVA6_HOME
elif version == '1.7':
path = JAVA7_HOME
raise RuntimeError("unknown Java version '%s'" % version)
return 'export JAVA_HOME="%s" PATH="%s/bin:$PATH"' % (path, path)
def verifyJavaVersion(version):
s = os.popen('%s; java -version 2>&1' % javaExe(version)).read()
if s.find('java version "%s.' % version) == -1:
raise RuntimeError('got wrong version for java %s:\n%s' % (version, s))
# http://s.apache.org/lusolr32rc2
env = os.environ
except KeyError:
JAVA6_HOME = '/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_27'
except KeyError:
JAVA7_HOME = '/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_01'
cygwin = platform.system().lower().startswith('cygwin')
cygwinWindowsRoot = os.popen('cygpath -w /').read().strip().replace('\\','/') if cygwin else ''
# + verify KEYS contains key that signed the release
# + make sure changes HTML looks ok
# - verify license/notice of all dep jars
# - check maven
# - check JAR manifest version
# - check license/notice exist
# - check no "extra" files
# - make sure jars exist inside bin release
# - run "ant test"
# - make sure docs exist
# - use java5 for lucene/modules
reHREF = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>')
# Set to True to avoid re-downloading the packages...
DEBUG = False
def getHREFs(urlString):
# Deref any redirects
while True:
url = urlparse.urlparse(urlString)
h = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc)
h.request('GET', url.path)
r = h.getresponse()
newLoc = r.getheader('location')
if newLoc is not None:
urlString = newLoc
links = []
for subUrl, text in reHREF.findall(urllib2.urlopen(urlString).read()):
fullURL = urlparse.urljoin(urlString, subUrl)
links.append((text, fullURL))
return links
def download(name, urlString, tmpDir, quiet=False):
fileName = '%s/%s' % (tmpDir, name)
if DEBUG and os.path.exists(fileName):
if not quiet and fileName.find('.asc') == -1:
print ' already done: %.1f MB' % (os.path.getsize(fileName)/1024./1024.)
fIn = urllib2.urlopen(urlString)
fOut = open(fileName, 'wb')
success = False
while True:
s = fIn.read(65536)
if s == '':
success = True
if not success:
if not quiet and fileName.find('.asc') == -1:
print ' %.1f MB' % (os.path.getsize(fileName)/1024./1024.)
def load(urlString):
return urllib2.urlopen(urlString).read()
def checkSigs(project, urlString, version, tmpDir, isSigned):
print ' test basics...'
ents = getDirEntries(urlString)
artifact = None
keysURL = None
changesURL = None
mavenURL = None
expectedSigs = []
if isSigned:
expectedSigs.extend(['md5', 'sha1'])
artifacts = []
for text, subURL in ents:
if text == 'KEYS':
keysURL = subURL
elif text == 'maven/':
mavenURL = subURL
elif text.startswith('changes'):
if text not in ('changes/', 'changes-%s/' % version):
raise RuntimeError('%s: found %s vs expected changes-%s/' % (project, text, version))
changesURL = subURL
elif artifact == None:
artifact = text
artifactURL = subURL
if project == 'solr':
expected = 'apache-solr-%s' % version
expected = 'lucene-%s' % version
if not artifact.startswith(expected):
raise RuntimeError('%s: unknown artifact %s: expected prefix %s' % (project, text, expected))
sigs = []
elif text.startswith(artifact + '.'):
if sigs != expectedSigs:
raise RuntimeError('%s: artifact %s has wrong sigs: expected %s but got %s' % (project, artifact, expectedSigs, sigs))
artifacts.append((artifact, artifactURL))
artifact = text
artifactURL = subURL
sigs = []
if sigs != []:
artifacts.append((artifact, artifactURL))
if sigs != expectedSigs:
raise RuntimeError('%s: artifact %s has wrong sigs: expected %s but got %s' % (project, artifact, expectedSigs, sigs))
if project == 'lucene':
expected = ['lucene-%s-src.tgz' % version,
'lucene-%s.tgz' % version,
'lucene-%s.zip' % version]
expected = ['apache-solr-%s-src.tgz' % version,
'apache-solr-%s.tgz' % version,
'apache-solr-%s.zip' % version]
actual = [x[0] for x in artifacts]
if expected != actual:
raise RuntimeError('%s: wrong artifacts: expected %s but got %s' % (project, expected, actual))
if keysURL is None:
raise RuntimeError('%s is missing KEYS' % project)
if not os.path.exists('%s/apache-rat-0.8.jar' % tmpDir):
print ' downloading Apache RAT...'
t = tarfile.open('%s/apache-rat-incubating-0.8-bin.tar.bz2' % tmpDir)
t.extract('apache-rat-0.8/apache-rat-0.8.jar', '%s/apache-rat-0.8.jar' % tmpDir)
print ' apache RAT already downloaded...'
print ' get KEYS'
download('%s.KEYS' % project, keysURL, tmpDir)
keysFile = '%s/%s.KEYS' % (tmpDir, project)
# Set up clean gpg world; import keys file:
gpgHomeDir = '%s/%s.gpg' % (tmpDir, project)
if os.path.exists(gpgHomeDir):
os.makedirs(gpgHomeDir, 0700)
run('gpg --homedir %s --import %s' % (gpgHomeDir, keysFile),
'%s/%s.gpg.import.log 2>&1' % (tmpDir, project))
if mavenURL is None:
raise RuntimeError('%s is missing maven' % project)
if project == 'lucene':
if changesURL is None:
raise RuntimeError('%s is missing changes-%s' % (project, version))
testChanges(project, version, changesURL)
for artifact, urlString in artifacts:
print ' download %s...' % artifact
download(artifact, urlString, tmpDir)
verifyDigests(artifact, urlString, tmpDir)
if isSigned:
print ' verify sig'
# Test sig (this is done with a clean brand-new GPG world)
download(artifact + '.asc', urlString + '.asc', tmpDir)
sigFile = '%s/%s.asc' % (tmpDir, artifact)
artifactFile = '%s/%s' % (tmpDir, artifact)
logFile = '%s/%s.%s.gpg.verify.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
run('gpg --homedir %s --verify %s %s' % (gpgHomeDir, sigFile, artifactFile),
# Forward any GPG warnings, except the expected one (since its a clean world)
f = open(logFile, 'rb')
for line in f.readlines():
if line.lower().find('warning') != -1 \
and line.find('WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature') == -1:
print ' GPG: %s' % line.strip()
# Test trust (this is done with the real users config)
run('gpg --import %s' % (keysFile),
'%s/%s.gpg.trust.import.log 2>&1' % (tmpDir, project))
print ' verify trust'
logFile = '%s/%s.%s.gpg.trust.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
run('gpg --verify %s %s' % (sigFile, artifactFile), logFile)
# Forward any GPG warnings:
f = open(logFile, 'rb')
for line in f.readlines():
if line.lower().find('warning') != -1:
print ' GPG: %s' % line.strip()
def testChanges(project, version, changesURLString):
print ' check changes HTML...'
changesURL = None
for text, subURL in getDirEntries(changesURLString):
if text == 'Changes.html':
changesURL = subURL
if changesURL is None:
raise RuntimeError('did not see Changes.html link from %s' % changesURLString)
s = load(changesURL)
checkChangesContent(s, version, changesURL, project, True)
def testChangesText(dir, version, project):
"Checks all CHANGES.txt under this dir."
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
# NOTE: O(N) but N should be smallish:
if 'CHANGES.txt' in files:
fullPath = '%s/CHANGES.txt' % root
#print 'CHECK %s' % fullPath
checkChangesContent(open(fullPath).read(), version, fullPath, project, False)
def checkChangesContent(s, version, name, project, isHTML):
if isHTML and s.find('Release %s' % version) == -1:
raise RuntimeError('did not see "Release %s" in %s' % (version, name))
if s.lower().find('not yet released') != -1:
raise RuntimeError('saw "not yet released" in %s' % name)
if not isHTML:
if project == 'lucene':
sub = 'Lucene %s' % version
sub = version
if s.find(sub) == -1:
# benchmark never seems to include release info:
if name.find('/benchmark/') == -1:
raise RuntimeError('did not see "%s" in %s' % (sub, name))
reUnixPath = re.compile(r'\b[a-zA-Z_]+=(?:"(?:\\"|[^"])*"' + '|(?:\\\\.|[^"\'\\s])*' + r"|'(?:\\'|[^'])*')" \
+ r'|(/(?:\\.|[^"\'\s])*)' \
+ r'|("/(?:\\.|[^"])*")' \
+ r"|('/(?:\\.|[^'])*')")
def unix2win(matchobj):
if matchobj.group(1) is not None: return cygwinWindowsRoot + matchobj.group()
if matchobj.group(2) is not None: return '"%s%s' % (cygwinWindowsRoot, matchobj.group().lstrip('"'))
if matchobj.group(3) is not None: return "'%s%s" % (cygwinWindowsRoot, matchobj.group().lstrip("'"))
return matchobj.group()
def cygwinifyPaths(command):
# The problem: Native Windows applications running under Cygwin
# (e.g. Ant, which isn't available as a Cygwin package) can't
# handle Cygwin's Unix-style paths. However, environment variable
# values are automatically converted, so only paths outside of
# environment variable values should be converted to Windows paths.
# Assumption: all paths will be absolute.
if '; ant ' in command: command = reUnixPath.sub(unix2win, command)
return command
def run(command, logFile):
if cygwin: command = cygwinifyPaths(command)
if os.system('%s > %s 2>&1' % (command, logFile)):
logPath = os.path.abspath(logFile)
raise RuntimeError('command "%s" failed; see log file %s' % (command, logPath))
def verifyDigests(artifact, urlString, tmpDir):
print ' verify md5/sha1 digests'
md5Expected, t = load(urlString + '.md5').strip().split()
if t != '*'+artifact:
raise RuntimeError('MD5 %s.md5 lists artifact %s but expected *%s' % (urlString, t, artifact))
sha1Expected, t = load(urlString + '.sha1').strip().split()
if t != '*'+artifact:
raise RuntimeError('SHA1 %s.sha1 lists artifact %s but expected *%s' % (urlString, t, artifact))
m = hashlib.md5()
s = hashlib.sha1()
f = open('%s/%s' % (tmpDir, artifact))
while True:
x = f.read(65536)
if x == '':
md5Actual = m.hexdigest()
sha1Actual = s.hexdigest()
if md5Actual != md5Expected:
raise RuntimeError('MD5 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s' % (artifact, md5Expected, md5Actual))
if sha1Actual != sha1Expected:
raise RuntimeError('SHA1 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s' % (artifact, sha1Expected, sha1Actual))
def getDirEntries(urlString):
if urlString.startswith('file://'):
path = urlString[7:]
if path.endswith('/'):
path = path[:-1]
l = []
for ent in os.listdir(path):
entPath = '%s/%s' % (path, ent)
if os.path.isdir(entPath):
entPath += '/'
ent += '/'
l.append((ent, 'file://%s' % entPath))
return l
links = getHREFs(urlString)
for i, (text, subURL) in enumerate(links):
if text == 'Parent Directory' or text == '..':
return links[(i+1):]
def unpack(project, tmpDir, artifact, version):
destDir = '%s/unpack' % tmpDir
if os.path.exists(destDir):
print ' unpack %s...' % artifact
unpackLogFile = '%s/%s-unpack-%s.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
if artifact.endswith('.tar.gz') or artifact.endswith('.tgz'):
run('tar xzf %s/%s' % (tmpDir, artifact), unpackLogFile)
elif artifact.endswith('.zip'):
run('unzip %s/%s' % (tmpDir, artifact), unpackLogFile)
# make sure it unpacks to proper subdir
l = os.listdir(destDir)
if project == 'solr':
expected = 'apache-%s-%s' % (project, version)
expected = '%s-%s' % (project, version)
if l != [expected]:
raise RuntimeError('unpack produced entries %s; expected only %s' % (l, expected))
unpackPath = '%s/%s' % (destDir, expected)
verifyUnpacked(project, artifact, unpackPath, version, tmpDir)
def verifyUnpacked(project, artifact, unpackPath, version, tmpDir):
isSrc = artifact.find('-src') != -1
l = os.listdir(unpackPath)
textFiles = ['LICENSE', 'NOTICE', 'README']
if project == 'lucene':
if isSrc:
for fileName in textFiles:
fileName += '.txt'
if fileName not in l:
raise RuntimeError('file "%s" is missing from artifact %s' % (fileName, artifact))
if not isSrc:
# TODO: we should add verifyModule/verifySubmodule (e.g. analysis) here and recurse through
if project == 'lucene':
expectedJARs = ()
expectedJARs = ()
for fileName in expectedJARs:
fileName += '.jar'
if fileName not in l:
raise RuntimeError('%s: file "%s" is missing from artifact %s' % (project, fileName, artifact))
if project == 'lucene':
# TODO: clean this up to not be a list of modules that we must maintain
extras = ('analysis', 'benchmark', 'core', 'demo', 'docs', 'facet', 'grouping', 'highlighter', 'join', 'memory', 'misc', 'queries', 'queryparser', 'sandbox', 'spatial', 'suggest', 'test-framework')
if isSrc:
extras += ('build.xml', 'common-build.xml', 'module-build.xml', 'ivy-settings.xml', 'backwards', 'tools', 'site')
extras = ()
for e in extras:
if e not in l:
raise RuntimeError('%s: %s missing from artifact %s' % (project, e, artifact))
if project == 'lucene':
if len(l) > 0:
raise RuntimeError('%s: unexpected files/dirs in artifact %s: %s' % (project, artifact, l))
if isSrc:
print ' make sure no JARs/WARs in src dist...'
lines = os.popen('find . -name \\*.jar').readlines()
if len(lines) != 0:
print ' FAILED:'
for line in lines:
print ' %s' % line.strip()
raise RuntimeError('source release has JARs...')
lines = os.popen('find . -name \\*.war').readlines()
if len(lines) != 0:
print ' FAILED:'
for line in lines:
print ' %s' % line.strip()
raise RuntimeError('source release has WARs...')
print ' run "ant validate"'
run('%s; ant validate' % javaExe('1.7'), '%s/validate.log' % unpackPath)
print ' run "ant rat-sources"'
run('%s; ant -lib "%s/apache-rat-0.8.jar/apache-rat-0.8" rat-sources' % (javaExe('1.7'), tmpDir), '%s/rat-sources.log' % unpackPath)
if project == 'lucene':
print ' run tests w/ Java 6...'
run('%s; ant test' % javaExe('1.6'), '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
run('%s; ant jar' % javaExe('1.6'), '%s/compile.log' % unpackPath)
testDemo(isSrc, version)
# test javadocs
print ' generate javadocs w/ Java 6...'
run('%s; ant javadocs' % javaExe('1.6'), '%s/javadocs.log' % unpackPath)
checkJavadocpath('%s/build/docs' % unpackPath)
print ' run tests w/ Java 6...'
run('%s; ant test' % javaExe('1.6'), '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
# test javadocs
print ' generate javadocs w/ Java 6...'
run('%s; ant javadocs' % javaExe('1.6'), '%s/javadocs.log' % unpackPath)
checkJavadocpath('%s/build/docs' % unpackPath)
print ' run tests w/ Java 7...'
run('%s; ant test' % javaExe('1.7'), '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
# test javadocs
print ' generate javadocs w/ Java 7...'
run('%s; ant javadocs' % javaExe('1.7'), '%s/javadocs.log' % unpackPath)
checkJavadocpath('%s/build/docs' % unpackPath)
print ' test solr example w/ Java 6...'
run('%s; ant clean example' % javaExe('1.6'), '%s/antexample.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample(unpackPath, JAVA6_HOME, True)
print ' test solr example w/ Java 7...'
run('%s; ant clean example' % javaExe('1.7'), '%s/antexample.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample(unpackPath, JAVA7_HOME, True)
print ' check NOTICE'
if project == 'lucene':
testDemo(isSrc, version)
print ' test solr example w/ Java 6...'
testSolrExample(unpackPath, JAVA6_HOME, False)
print ' test solr example w/ Java 7...'
testSolrExample(unpackPath, JAVA7_HOME, False)
testChangesText('.', version, project)
if project == 'lucene' and not isSrc:
print ' check Lucene\'s javadoc JAR'
checkJavadocpath('%s/docs' % unpackPath)
def testNotice(unpackPath):
solrNotice = open('%s/NOTICE.txt' % unpackPath).read()
luceneNotice = open('%s/lucene/NOTICE.txt' % unpackPath).read()
expected = """
== Apache Lucene Notice ==
""" + luceneNotice + """---
if solrNotice.find(expected) == -1:
raise RuntimeError('Solr\'s NOTICE.txt does not have the verbatim copy, plus header/footer, of Lucene\'s NOTICE.txt')
def readSolrOutput(p, startupEvent, logFile):
f = open(logFile, 'wb')
while True:
line = p.readline()
if line == '':
# print 'SOLR: %s' % line.strip()
if line.find('Started SocketConnector@') != -1:
def testSolrExample(unpackPath, javaPath, isSrc):
logFile = '%s/solr-example.log' % unpackPath
print ' start Solr instance (log=%s)...' % logFile
env = {}
env['JAVA_HOME'] = javaPath
env['PATH'] = '%s/bin:%s' % (javaPath, env['PATH'])
server = subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', 'start.jar'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
startupEvent = threading.Event()
serverThread = threading.Thread(target=readSolrOutput, args=(server.stderr, startupEvent, logFile))
# Make sure Solr finishes startup:
print ' startup done'
print ' test utf8...'
run('sh ./exampledocs/test_utf8.sh', 'utf8.log')
print ' index example docs...'
run('sh ./exampledocs/post.sh ./exampledocs/*.xml', 'post-example-docs.log')
print ' run query...'
s = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=video').read()
if s.find('<result name="response" numFound="3" start="0">') == -1:
print 'FAILED: response is:\n%s' % s
raise RuntimeError('query on solr example instance failed')
# Stop server:
print ' stop server (SIGINT)...'
os.kill(server.pid, signal.SIGINT)
# Give it 10 seconds to gracefully shut down
if serverThread.isAlive():
# Kill server:
print '***WARNING***: Solr instance didn\'t respond to SIGINT; using SIGKILL now...'
os.kill(server.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
if serverThread.isAlive():
# Shouldn't happen unless something is seriously wrong...
print '***WARNING***: Solr instance didn\'t respond to SIGKILL; ignoring...'
def checkJavadocpath(path):
# check for level='package'
# we fail here if its screwed up
if checkJavaDocs.checkPackageSummaries(path, 'package'):
raise RuntimeError('missing javadocs package summaries!')
# now check for level='class'
if checkJavaDocs.checkPackageSummaries(path):
# disabled: RM cannot fix all this, see LUCENE-3887
# raise RuntimeError('javadoc problems')
print '\n***WARNING***: javadocs want to fail!\n'
if checkJavadocLinks.checkAll(path):
raise RuntimeError('broken javadocs links found!')
def testDemo(isSrc, version):
print ' test demo...'
sep = ';' if cygwin else ':'
if isSrc:
cp = 'build/core/classes/java{0}build/demo/classes/java{0}build/analysis/common/classes/java{0}build/queryparser/classes/java'.format(sep)
docsDir = 'core/src'
cp = 'core/lucene-core-{0}.jar{1}demo/lucene-demo-{0}.jar{1}analysis/common/lucene-analyzers-common-{0}.jar{1}queryparser/lucene-queryparser-{0}.jar'.format(version, sep)
docsDir = 'docs'
run('%s; java -cp "%s" org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles -index index -docs %s' % (javaExe('1.6'), cp, docsDir), 'index.log')
run('%s; java -cp "%s" org.apache.lucene.demo.SearchFiles -index index -query lucene' % (javaExe('1.6'), cp), 'search.log')
reMatchingDocs = re.compile('(\d+) total matching documents')
m = reMatchingDocs.search(open('search.log', 'rb').read())
if m is None:
raise RuntimeError('lucene demo\'s SearchFiles found no results')
numHits = int(m.group(1))
if numHits < 100:
raise RuntimeError('lucene demo\'s SearchFiles found too few results: %s' % numHits)
print ' got %d hits for query "lucene"' % numHits
def checkMaven(baseURL, tmpDir, version, isSigned):
# Locate the release branch in subversion
m = re.match('(\d+)\.(\d+)', version) # Get Major.minor version components
releaseBranchText = 'lucene_solr_%s_%s/' % (m.group(1), m.group(2))
branchesURL = 'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/branches/'
releaseBranchSvnURL = None
branches = getDirEntries(branchesURL)
for text, subURL in branches:
if text == releaseBranchText:
releaseBranchSvnURL = subURL
print ' get POM templates',
POMtemplates = defaultdict()
getPOMtemplates(POMtemplates, tmpDir, releaseBranchSvnURL)
print ' download artifacts',
artifacts = {'lucene': [], 'solr': []}
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
artifactsURL = '%s/%s/maven/org/apache/%s' % (baseURL, project, project)
targetDir = '%s/maven/org/apache/%s' % (tmpDir, project)
if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
crawl(artifacts[project], artifactsURL, targetDir)
print ' verify that each binary artifact has a deployed POM...'
verifyPOMperBinaryArtifact(artifacts, version)
print ' verify that there is an artifact for each POM template...'
verifyArtifactPerPOMtemplate(POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir, version)
print " verify Maven artifacts' md5/sha1 digests..."
print ' verify that all non-Mavenized deps are deployed...'
nonMavenizedDeps = dict()
checkNonMavenizedDeps(nonMavenizedDeps, POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir,
version, releaseBranchSvnURL)
print ' check for javadoc and sources artifacts...'
checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version)
print " verify deployed POMs' coordinates..."
verifyDeployedPOMsCoordinates(artifacts, version)
if isSigned:
print ' verify maven artifact sigs',
verifyMavenSigs(baseURL, tmpDir, artifacts)
distributionFiles = getDistributionsForMavenChecks(tmpDir, version, baseURL)
print ' verify that non-Mavenized deps are same as in the binary distribution...'
checkIdenticalNonMavenizedDeps(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps)
print ' verify that Maven artifacts are same as in the binary distribution...'
checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version)
def getDistributionsForMavenChecks(tmpDir, version, baseURL):
distributionFiles = defaultdict()
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
distribution = '%s-%s.tgz' % (project, version)
if project == 'solr': distribution = 'apache-' + distribution
if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (tmpDir, distribution)):
distURL = '%s/%s/%s' % (baseURL, project, distribution)
print ' download %s...' % distribution,
download(distribution, distURL, tmpDir)
destDir = '%s/unpack-%s-maven' % (tmpDir, project)
if os.path.exists(destDir):
print ' unpack %s...' % distribution
unpackLogFile = '%s/unpack-%s-maven-checks.log' % (tmpDir, distribution)
run('tar xzf %s/%s' % (tmpDir, distribution), unpackLogFile)
if project == 'solr': # unpack the Solr war
unpackLogFile = '%s/unpack-solr-war-maven-checks.log' % tmpDir
print ' unpack Solr war...'
run('jar xvf */dist/*.war', unpackLogFile)
distributionFiles[project] = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destDir):
distributionFiles[project].extend([os.path.join(root, file) for file in files])
return distributionFiles
def checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version):
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
for artifact in artifacts[project]:
if artifact.endswith(version + '.jar') and artifact not in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
javadocJar = artifact[:-4] + '-javadoc.jar'
if javadocJar not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: %s' % javadocJar)
sourcesJar = artifact[:-4] + '-sources.jar'
if sourcesJar not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: %s' % sourcesJar)
def checkIdenticalNonMavenizedDeps(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps):
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
distFilenames = dict()
for file in distributionFiles[project]:
distFilenames[os.path.basename(file)] = file
for dep in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
if ('/%s/' % project) in dep:
depOrigFilename = os.path.basename(nonMavenizedDeps[dep])
if not depOrigFilename in distFilenames:
raise RuntimeError('missing: non-mavenized dependency %s' % nonMavenizedDeps[dep])
identical = filecmp.cmp(dep, distFilenames[depOrigFilename], shallow=False)
if not identical:
raise RuntimeError('Deployed non-mavenized dep %s differs from distribution dep %s'
% (dep, distFilenames[depOrigFilename]))
def checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version):
reJarWar = re.compile(r'%s\.[wj]ar$' % version) # exclude *-javadoc.jar and *-sources.jar
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
distFilenames = dict()
for file in distributionFiles[project]:
baseName = os.path.basename(file)
if project == 'solr': # Remove 'apache-' prefix to allow comparison to Maven artifacts
baseName = baseName.replace('apache-', '')
distFilenames[baseName] = file
for artifact in artifacts[project]:
if reJarWar.search(artifact):
if artifact not in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
artifactFilename = os.path.basename(artifact)
if artifactFilename not in distFilenames.keys():
raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s is not present in %s binary distribution'
% (artifact, project))
# TODO: Either fix the build to ensure that maven artifacts *are* identical, or recursively compare contents
# identical = filecmp.cmp(artifact, distFilenames[artifactFilename], shallow=False)
# if not identical:
# raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s is not identical to %s in %s binary distribution'
# % (artifact, distFilenames[artifactFilename], project))
def verifyMavenDigests(artifacts):
reJarWarPom = re.compile(r'\.(?:[wj]ar|pom)$')
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
for artifactFile in [a for a in artifacts[project] if reJarWarPom.search(a)]:
if artifactFile + '.md5' not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: MD5 digest for %s' % artifactFile)
if artifactFile + '.sha1' not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: SHA1 digest for %s' % artifactFile)
with open(artifactFile + '.md5', 'r') as md5File:
md5Expected = md5File.read().strip()
with open(artifactFile + '.sha1', 'r') as sha1File:
sha1Expected = sha1File.read().strip()
md5 = hashlib.md5()
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
inputFile = open(artifactFile)
while True:
bytes = inputFile.read(65536)
if bytes == '': break
md5Actual = md5.hexdigest()
sha1Actual = sha1.hexdigest()
if md5Actual != md5Expected:
raise RuntimeError('MD5 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s'
% (artifactFile, md5Expected, md5Actual))
if sha1Actual != sha1Expected:
raise RuntimeError('SHA1 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s'
% (artifactFile, sha1Expected, sha1Actual))
def checkNonMavenizedDeps(nonMavenizedDependencies, POMtemplates, artifacts,
tmpDir, version, releaseBranchSvnURL):
- check for non-mavenized dependencies listed in the grandfather POM template
- nonMavenizedDependencies is populated with a map from non-mavenized dependency
artifact path to the original jar path
namespace = '{http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0}'
xpathProfile = '{0}profiles/{0}profile'.format(namespace)
xpathPlugin = '{0}build/{0}plugins/{0}plugin'.format(namespace)
xpathExecution= '{0}executions/{0}execution'.format(namespace)
xpathResourceDir = '{0}configuration/{0}resources/{0}resource/{0}directory'.format(namespace)
treeRoot = ET.parse(POMtemplates['grandfather'][0]).getroot()
for profile in treeRoot.findall(xpathProfile):
pomDirs = []
profileId = profile.find('%sid' % namespace)
if profileId is not None and profileId.text == 'bootstrap':
plugins = profile.findall(xpathPlugin)
for plugin in plugins:
artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
if artifactId == 'maven-resources-plugin':
for config in plugin.findall(xpathExecution):
for plugin in plugins:
artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
if artifactId == 'maven-install-plugin':
for execution in plugin.findall(xpathExecution):
groupId, artifactId, file, pomFile = '', '', '', ''
for child in execution.find('%sconfiguration' % namespace).getchildren():
text = child.text.strip()
if child.tag == '%sgroupId' % namespace:
groupId = text if text != '${project.groupId}' else 'org.apache.lucene'
elif child.tag == '%sartifactId' % namespace: artifactId = text
elif child.tag == '%sfile' % namespace: file = text
elif child.tag == '%spomFile' % namespace: pomFile = text
if groupId in ('org.apache.lucene', 'org.apache.solr'):
depJar = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.jar' \
% (tmpDir, groupId.replace('.', '/'),
artifactId, version, artifactId, version)
if depJar not in artifacts['lucene'] \
and depJar not in artifacts['solr']:
raise RuntimeError('Missing non-mavenized dependency %s' % depJar)
nonMavenizedDependencies[depJar] = file
elif pomFile: # Find non-Mavenized deps with associated POMs
pomFile = pomFile.split('/')[-1] # remove path
doc2 = None
workingCopy = os.path.abspath('%s/../..' % sys.path[0])
for pomDir in pomDirs:
if releaseBranchSvnURL is None:
pomPath = '%s/%s/%s' % (workingCopy, pomDir, pomFile)
if os.path.exists(pomPath):
doc2 = ET.XML(open(pomPath).read())
entries = getDirEntries('%s/%s' % (releaseBranchSvnURL, pomDir))
for text, subURL in entries:
if text == pomFile:
doc2 = ET.XML(load(subURL))
if doc2 is not None: break
groupId2, artifactId2, packaging2, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(doc2)
depJar = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.jar' \
% (tmpDir, groupId2.replace('.', '/'),
artifactId2, version, artifactId2, version)
if depJar not in artifacts['lucene'] and depJar not in artifacts['solr']:
raise RuntimeError('Missing non-mavenized dependency %s' % depJar)
nonMavenizedDependencies[depJar] = file
def getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot):
namespace = '{http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0}'
groupId = treeRoot.find('%sgroupId' % namespace)
if groupId is None:
groupId = treeRoot.find('{0}parent/{0}groupId'.format(namespace))
groupId = groupId.text.strip()
artifactId = treeRoot.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
version = treeRoot.find('%sversion' % namespace)
if version is None:
version = treeRoot.find('{0}parent/{0}version'.format(namespace))
version = version.text.strip()
packaging = treeRoot.find('%spackaging' % namespace)
packaging = 'jar' if packaging is None else packaging.text.strip()
return groupId, artifactId, packaging, version
def verifyMavenSigs(baseURL, tmpDir, artifacts):
"""Verify Maven artifact signatures"""
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
keysFile = '%s/%s.KEYS' % (tmpDir, project)
if not os.path.exists(keysFile):
keysURL = '%s/%s/KEYS' % (baseURL, project)
download('%s.KEYS' % project, keysURL, tmpDir, quiet=True)
# Set up clean gpg world; import keys file:
gpgHomeDir = '%s/%s.gpg' % (tmpDir, project)
if os.path.exists(gpgHomeDir):
os.makedirs(gpgHomeDir, 0700)
run('gpg --homedir %s --import %s' % (gpgHomeDir, keysFile),
'%s/%s.gpg.import.log' % (tmpDir, project))
reArtifacts = re.compile(r'\.(?:pom|[jw]ar)$')
for artifactFile in [a for a in artifacts[project] if reArtifacts.search(a)]:
artifact = os.path.basename(artifactFile)
sigFile = '%s.asc' % artifactFile
# Test sig (this is done with a clean brand-new GPG world)
logFile = '%s/%s.%s.gpg.verify.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
run('gpg --homedir %s --verify %s %s' % (gpgHomeDir, sigFile, artifactFile),
# Forward any GPG warnings, except the expected one (since its a clean world)
f = open(logFile, 'rb')
for line in f.readlines():
if line.lower().find('warning') != -1 \
and line.find('WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature') == -1 \
and line.find('WARNING: using insecure memory') == -1:
print ' GPG: %s' % line.strip()
# Test trust (this is done with the real users config)
run('gpg --import %s' % keysFile,
'%s/%s.gpg.trust.import.log' % (tmpDir, project))
logFile = '%s/%s.%s.gpg.trust.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
run('gpg --verify %s %s' % (sigFile, artifactFile), logFile)
# Forward any GPG warnings:
f = open(logFile, 'rb')
for line in f.readlines():
if line.lower().find('warning') != -1 \
and line.find('WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature') == -1 \
and line.find('WARNING: using insecure memory') == -1:
print ' GPG: %s' % line.strip()
def verifyPOMperBinaryArtifact(artifacts, version):
"""verify that each binary jar and war has a corresponding POM file"""
reBinaryJarWar = re.compile(r'%s\.[jw]ar$' % re.escape(version))
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
for artifact in [a for a in artifacts[project] if reBinaryJarWar.search(a)]:
POM = artifact[:-4] + '.pom'
if POM not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: POM for %s' % artifact)
def verifyDeployedPOMsCoordinates(artifacts, version):
verify that each POM's coordinate (drawn from its content) matches
its filepath, and verify that the corresponding artifact exists.
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
for POM in [a for a in artifacts[project] if a.endswith('.pom')]:
treeRoot = ET.parse(POM).getroot()
groupId, artifactId, packaging, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot)
POMpath = '%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.pom' \
% (groupId.replace('.', '/'), artifactId, version, artifactId, version)
if not POM.endswith(POMpath):
raise RuntimeError("Mismatch between POM coordinate %s:%s:%s and filepath: %s"
% (groupId, artifactId, POMversion, POM))
# Verify that the corresponding artifact exists
artifact = POM[:-3] + packaging
if artifact not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('Missing corresponding .%s artifact for POM %s' % (packaging, POM))
def verifyArtifactPerPOMtemplate(POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir, version):
"""verify that each POM template's artifact is present in artifacts"""
namespace = '{http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0}'
xpathPlugin = '{0}build/{0}plugins/{0}plugin'.format(namespace)
xpathSkipConfiguration = '{0}configuration/{0}skip'.format(namespace)
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
for POMtemplate in POMtemplates[project]:
treeRoot = ET.parse(POMtemplate).getroot()
skipDeploy = False
for plugin in treeRoot.findall(xpathPlugin):
artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
if artifactId == 'maven-deploy-plugin':
skip = plugin.find(xpathSkipConfiguration)
if skip is not None: skipDeploy = (skip.text.strip().lower() == 'true')
if not skipDeploy:
groupId, artifactId, packaging, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot)
# Ignore POMversion, since its value will not have been interpolated
artifact = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.%s' \
% (tmpDir, groupId.replace('.', '/'), artifactId,
version, artifactId, version, packaging)
if artifact not in artifacts['lucene'] and artifact not in artifacts['solr']:
raise RuntimeError('Missing artifact %s' % artifact)
def getPOMtemplates(POMtemplates, tmpDir, releaseBranchSvnURL):
allPOMtemplates = []
sourceLocation = releaseBranchSvnURL
if sourceLocation is None:
# Use the POM templates under dev-tools/maven/ in the local working copy
# sys.path[0] is the directory containing this script: dev-tools/scripts/
sourceLocation = os.path.abspath('%s/../maven' % sys.path[0])
rePOMtemplate = re.compile(r'^pom.xml.template$')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourceLocation):
allPOMtemplates.extend([os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if rePOMtemplate.search(f)])
sourceLocation += 'dev-tools/maven/'
targetDir = '%s/dev-tools/maven' % tmpDir
if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
crawl(allPOMtemplates, sourceLocation, targetDir, set(['Apache Subversion'])) # Ignore "Apache Subversion" links
POMtemplates['lucene'] = [p for p in allPOMtemplates if '/maven/lucene/' in p]
if POMtemplates['lucene'] is None:
raise RuntimeError('No Lucene POMs found at %s' % sourceLocation)
POMtemplates['solr'] = [p for p in allPOMtemplates if '/maven/solr/' in p]
if POMtemplates['solr'] is None:
raise RuntimeError('No Solr POMs found at %s' % sourceLocation)
POMtemplates['grandfather'] = [p for p in allPOMtemplates if '/maven/pom.xml.template' in p]
if len(POMtemplates['grandfather']) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('No Lucene/Solr grandfather POM found at %s' % sourceLocation)
def crawl(downloadedFiles, urlString, targetDir, exclusions=set()):
for text, subURL in getDirEntries(urlString):
if text not in exclusions:
path = os.path.join(targetDir, text)
if text.endswith('/'):
if not os.path.exists(path):
crawl(downloadedFiles, subURL, path, exclusions)
if not os.path.exists(path) or not DEBUG:
download(text, subURL, targetDir, quiet=True)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print 'Usage python -u %s BaseURL version tmpDir' % sys.argv[0]
baseURL = sys.argv[1]
version = sys.argv[2]
tmpDir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3])
smokeTest(baseURL, version, tmpDir, True)
def smokeTest(baseURL, version, tmpDir, isSigned):
if not DEBUG:
if os.path.exists(tmpDir):
raise RuntimeError('temp dir %s exists; please remove first' % tmpDir)
if not os.path.exists(tmpDir):
lucenePath = None
solrPath = None
print 'Load release URL "%s"...' % baseURL
newBaseURL = unshortenURL(baseURL)
if newBaseURL != baseURL:
print ' unshortened: %s' % newBaseURL
baseURL = newBaseURL
for text, subURL in getDirEntries(baseURL):
if text.lower().find('lucene') != -1:
lucenePath = subURL
elif text.lower().find('solr') != -1:
solrPath = subURL
if lucenePath is None:
raise RuntimeError('could not find lucene subdir')
if solrPath is None:
raise RuntimeError('could not find solr subdir')
print 'Test Lucene...'
checkSigs('lucene', lucenePath, version, tmpDir, isSigned)
for artifact in ('lucene-%s.tgz' % version, 'lucene-%s.zip' % version):
unpack('lucene', tmpDir, artifact, version)
unpack('lucene', tmpDir, 'lucene-%s-src.tgz' % version, version)
print 'Test Solr...'
checkSigs('solr', solrPath, version, tmpDir, isSigned)
for artifact in ('apache-solr-%s.tgz' % version, 'apache-solr-%s.zip' % version):
unpack('solr', tmpDir, artifact, version)
unpack('solr', tmpDir, 'apache-solr-%s-src.tgz' % version, version)
print 'Test Maven artifacts for Lucene and Solr...'
checkMaven(baseURL, tmpDir, version, isSigned)
if __name__ == '__main__':