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synced 2025-02-10 03:55:46 +00:00
164 lines
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164 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json
import httplib
import urllib
import libsvm_formatter
from optparse import OptionParser
solrQueryUrl = ""
def generateQueries(config):
with open(config["userQueriesFile"]) as input:
solrQueryUrls = [] #A list of tuples with solrQueryUrl,solrQuery,docId,scoreForPQ,source
for line in input:
line = line.strip();
searchText,docId,score,source = line.split("|");
solrQuery = generateHttpRequest(config,searchText,docId)
return solrQueryUrls;
def generateHttpRequest(config,searchText,docId):
global solrQueryUrl
if len(solrQueryUrl) < 1:
solrQueryUrl = "/solr/%(collection)s/%(requestHandler)s?%(otherParams)s&q=" % config
solrQueryUrl = solrQueryUrl.replace(" ","+")
solrQueryUrl += urllib.quote_plus("id:")
userQuery = urllib.quote_plus(searchText.strip().replace("'","\\'").replace("/","\\\\/"))
solrQuery = solrQueryUrl + '"' + urllib.quote_plus(docId) + '"' #+ solrQueryUrlEnd
solrQuery = solrQuery.replace("%24USERQUERY", userQuery).replace('$USERQUERY', urllib.quote_plus("\\'" + userQuery + "\\'"))
return solrQuery
def generateTrainingData(solrQueries, config):
'''Given a list of solr queries, yields a tuple of query , docId , score , source , feature vector for each query.
Feature Vector is a list of strings of form "key:value"'''
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(config["host"], config["port"])
headers = {"Connection":" keep-alive"}
for queryUrl,query,docId,score,source in solrQueries:
conn.request("GET", queryUrl, headers=headers)
r = conn.getresponse()
msg = r.read()
msgDict = json.loads(msg)
fv = ""
docs = msgDict['response']['docs']
if len(docs) > 0 and "[features]" in docs[0]:
if not msgDict['response']['docs'][0]["[features]"] == None:
fv = msgDict['response']['docs'][0]["[features]"];
print "ERROR NULL FV FOR: " + docId;
print msg
print "ERROR FOR: " + docId;
print msg
if r.status == httplib.OK:
#print "http connection was ok for: " + queryUrl
raise Exception("Status: {0} {1}\nResponse: {2}".format(r.status, r.reason, msg))
except Exception as e:
print msg
print e
def setupSolr(config):
'''Sets up solr with the proper features for the test'''
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(config["host"], config["port"])
baseUrl = "/solr/" + config["collection"]
featureUrl = baseUrl + "/schema/feature-store"
# CAUTION! This will delete all feature stores. This is just for demo purposes
conn.request("DELETE", featureUrl+"/*")
r = conn.getresponse()
msg = r.read()
if (r.status != httplib.OK and
r.status != httplib.CREATED and
r.status != httplib.ACCEPTED and
r.status != httplib.NOT_FOUND):
raise Exception("Status: {0} {1}\nResponse: {2}".format(r.status, r.reason, msg))
# Add features
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
featuresBody = open(config["featuresFile"])
conn.request("POST", featureUrl, featuresBody, headers)
r = conn.getresponse()
msg = r.read()
if (r.status != httplib.OK and
r.status != httplib.ACCEPTED):
print r.status
print ""
print r.reason;
raise Exception("Status: {0} {1}\nResponse: {2}".format(r.status, r.reason, msg))
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] ", version="%prog 1.0")
parser.add_option('-c', '--config',
help='File of configuration for the test')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.configFile == None:
return 1
with open(options.configFile) as configFile:
config = json.load(configFile)
print "Uploading feature space to Solr"
print "Generating feature extraction Solr queries"
reRankQueries = generateQueries(config)
print "Extracting features"
fvGenerator = generateTrainingData(reRankQueries, config);
formatter = libsvm_formatter.LibSvmFormatter();
print "Training ranksvm model"
print "Converting ranksvm model to solr model"
formatter.convertLibSvmModelToLtrModel(config["trainingFile"] + ".model", config["solrModelFile"], config["solrModelName"])
print "Uploading model to solr"
uploadModel(config["collection"], config["host"], config["port"], config["solrModelFile"])
def uploadModel(collection, host, port, modelFile):
modelUrl = "/solr/" + collection + "/schema/model-store"
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
with open(modelFile) as modelBody:
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
conn.request("POST", modelUrl, modelBody, headers)
r = conn.getresponse()
msg = r.read()
if (r.status != httplib.OK and
r.status != httplib.CREATED and
r.status != httplib.ACCEPTED):
raise Exception("Status: {0} {1}\nResponse: {2}".format(r.status, r.reason, msg))
if __name__ == '__main__':