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= Analytics Mapping Functions
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Mapping functions map values for each Solr Document or Reduction.
Below is a list of all mapping functions provided by the Analytics Component.
These mappings can be chained together to implement more complex functionality.
== Numeric Functions
=== Negation
Negates the result of a numeric expression.
`neg(<_Numeric_ T>)` \=> `<T>`::
* `neg(10.53)` \=> `-10.53`
* `neg([1, -4])` \=> `[-1, 4]`
=== Absolute Value
Returns the absolute value of the numeric expression.
`abs(< _Numeric_ T >)` \=> `< T >`::
* `abs(-10.53)` \=> `10.53`
* `abs([1, -4])` \=> `[1, 4]`
=== Round
Rounds the numeric expression to the nearest `Integer` or `Long` value.
`round(< _Float_ >)` \=> `< _Int_ >`::
`round(< _Double_ >)` \=> `< _Long_ >`::
* `round(-1.5)` \=> `-1`
* `round([1.75, 100.34])` \=> `[2, 100]`
=== Ceiling
Rounds the numeric expression to the nearest `Integer` or `Long` value that is greater than or equal to the original value.
`ceil(< _Float_ >)` \=> `< _Int_ >`::
`ceil(< _Double_ >)` \=> `< _Long_ >`::
* `ceil(5.01)` \=> `5`
* `ceil([-4.999, 6.99])` \=> `[-4, 7]`
=== Floor
Rounds the numeric expression to the nearest `Integer` or `Long` value that is less than or equal to the original value.
`floor(< _Float_ >)` \=> `< _Int_ >`::
`floor(< _Double_ >)` \=> `< _Long_ >`::
* `floor(5.75)` \=> `5`
* `floor([-4.001, 6.01])` \=> `[-5, 6]`
=== Addition
Adds the values of the numeric expressions.
`add(< _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `add([1, -4])` \=> `-3.0`
`add(< _Single Double_ >, < _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `add(3.5, [1, -4])` \=> `[4.5, -0.5]`
`add(< _Multi Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `add([1, -4], 3.5)` \=> `[4.5, -0.5]`
`add(< _Single Double_ >, ...)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `add(3.5, 100, -27.6)` \=> `75.9`
=== Subtraction
Subtracts the values of the numeric expressions.
`sub(< _Single Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `sub(3.5, 100)` \=> `-76.5`
`sub(< _Single Double_ >, < _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `sub(3.5, [1, -4])` \=> `[2.5, 7.5]`
`sub(< _Multi Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `sub([1, -4], 3.5)` \=> `[-2.5, -7.5]`
=== Multiplication
Multiplies the values of the numeric expressions.
`mult(< _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `mult([1, -4])` \=> `-4.0`
`mult(< _Single Double_ >, < _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `mult(3.5, [1, -4])` \=> `[3.5, -16.0]`
`mult(< _Multi Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `mult([1, -4], 3.5)` \=> `[3.5, 16.0]`
`mult(< _Single Double_ >, ...)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `mult(3.5, 100, -27.6)` \=> `-9660`
=== Division
Divides the values of the numeric expressions.
`div(< _Single Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `div(3.5, 100)` \=> `.035`
`div(< _Single Double_ >, < _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `div(3.5, [1, -4])` \=> `[3.5, -0.875]`
`div(< _Multi Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `div([1, -4], 25)` \=> `[0.04, -0.16]`
=== Power
Takes one numeric expression to the power of another.
*NOTE:* The square root function `sqrt(< _Double_ >)` can be used as shorthand for `pow(< _Double_ >, .5)`
`pow(< _Single Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `pow(2, 4)` \=> `16.0`
`pow(< _Single Double_ >, < _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `pow(16, [-1, 0])` \=> `[0.0625, 1]`
`pow(< _Multi Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `pow([1, 16], .25)` \=> `[1.0, 2.0]`
=== Logarithm
Takes one logarithm of numeric expressions, with an optional second numeric expression as the base.
If only one expression is given, the natural log is used.
`log(< _Double_ >)` \=> `< _Double_ >`::
* `log(5)` \=> `1.6094...`
* `log([1.0, 100.34])` \=> `[0.0, 4.6085...]`
`log(< _Single Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Single Double_ >`::
* `log(2, 4)` \=> `0.5`
`log(< _Single Double_ >, < _Multi Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `log(16, [2, 4])` \=> `[4, 2]`
`log(< _Multi Double_ >, < _Single Double_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Double_ >`::
* `log([81, 3], 9)` \=> `[2.0, 0.5]`
== Logic
=== Negation
Negates the result of a boolean expression.
`neg(< _Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Bool_>`::
* `neg(F)` \=> `T`
* `neg([F, T])` \=> `[T, F]`
=== And
ANDs the values of the boolean expressions.
`and(< _Multi Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `and([T, F, T])` \=> `F`
`and(< _Single Bool_ >, < _Multi Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `and(F, [T, T])` \=> `[F, F]`
`and(< _Multi Bool_ >, < _Single Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `and([F, T], T)` \=> `[F, T]`
`and(< _Single Bool_ >, ...)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `and(T, T, T)` \=> `T`
=== Or
ORs the values of the boolean expressions.
`or(< _Multi Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `or([T, F, T])` \=> `T`
`or(< _Single Bool_ >, < _Multi Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `or(F, [F, T])` \=> `[F, T]`
`or(< _Multi Bool_ >, < _Single Bool_ >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `or([F, T], T)` \=> `[T, T]`
`or(< _Single Bool_ >, ...)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `or(F, F, F)` \=> `F`
==== Exists
Checks whether any value(s) exist for the expression.
`exists( T )` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `exists([1, 2, 3])` \=> `T`
* `exists([])` \=> `F`
* `exists(_empty_)` \=> `F`
* `exists('abc')` \=> `T`
== Comparison
=== Equality
Checks whether two expressions' values are equal. The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
`equal(< _Single_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `equal(F, F)` \=> `T`
`equal(< _Single_ T >, < _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `equal("a", ["a", "ab"])` \=> `[T, F]`
`equal(< _Multi_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `equal([1.5, -3.0], -3)` \=> `[F, T]`
=== Greater Than
Checks whether a numeric or `Date` expression's values are greater than another expression's values.
The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
`gt(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `gt(1800-01-02, 1799-12-20)` \=> `F`
`gt(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `gt(30.756, [30, 100])` \=> `[F, T]`
`gt(< _Multi Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `gt([30, 75.6], 30)` \=> `[F, T]`
=== Greater Than or Equals
Checks whether a numeric or `Date` expression's values are greater than or equal to another expression's values.
The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
`gte(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `gte(1800-01-02, 1799-12-20)` \=> `F`
`gte(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `gte(30.756, [30, 100])` \=> `[F, T]`
`gte(< _Multi Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `gte([30, 75.6], 30)` \=> `[T, T]`
=== Less Than
Checks whether a numeric or `Date` expression's values are less than another expression's values.
The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
`lt(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `lt(1800-01-02, 1799-12-20)` \=> `T`
`lt(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `lt(30.756, [30, 100])` \=> `[T, F]`
`lt(< _Multi Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `lt([30, 75.6], 30)` \=> `[F, F]`
=== Less Than or Equals
Checks whether a numeric or `Date` expression's values are less than or equal to another expression's values.
The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
`lte(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Single Bool_ >`::
* `lte(1800-01-02, 1799-12-20)` \=> `T`
`lte(< _Single Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `lte(30.756, [30, 100])` \=> `[T, F]`
`lte(< _Multi Numeric/Date_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< _Multi Bool_ >`::
* `lte([30, 75.6], 30)` \=> `[T, F]`
=== Top
Returns the maximum of the numeric, `Date` or `String` expression(s)' values.
The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
(Currently the only type not compatible is `Boolean`, which will be converted to a `String` implicitly in order to compile the expression)
`top(< _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Single_ T >`::
* `top([30, 400, -10, 0])` \=> `400`
`top(< _Single_ T >, ...)` \=> `< _Single_ T >`::
* `top("a", 1, "d")` \=> `"d"`
=== Bottom
Returns the minimum of the numeric, `Date` or `String` expression(s)' values.
The parameters must be the same type, after implicit casting.
(Currently the only type not compatible is `Boolean`, which will be converted to a `String` implicitly in order to compile the expression)
`bottom(< _Multi_ T >)` \=> `< _Single_ T >`::
* `bottom([30, 400, -10, 0])` \=> `-10`
`bottom(< _Single_ T >, ...)` \=> `< _Single_ T >`::
* `bottom("a", 1, "d")` \=> `"1"`
== Conditional
=== If
Returns the value(s) of the `THEN` or `ELSE` expressions depending on whether the boolean conditional expression's value is `true` or `false`.
The `THEN` and `ELSE` expressions must be of the same type and cardinality after implicit casting is done.
`if(< _Single Bool_>, < T >, < T >)` \=> `< T >`::
* `if(true, "abc", [1,2])` \=> `["abc"]`
* `if(false, "abc", 123)` \=> `"123"`
=== Replace
Replace all values from the 1^st^ expression that are equal to the value of the 2^nd^ expression with the value of the 3^rd^ expression.
All parameters must be the same type after implicit casting is done.
`replace(< T >, < _Single_ T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< T >`::
* `replace([1,3], 3, "4")` \=> `["1", "4"]`
* `replace("abc", "abc", 18)` \=> `"18"`
* `replace("abc", 1, "def")` \=> `"abc"`
=== Fill Missing
If the 1^st^ expression does not have values, fill it with the values for the 2^nd^ expression.
Both expressions must be of the same type and cardinality after implicit casting is done.
`fill_missing(< T >, < T >)` \=> `< T >`::
* `fill_missing([], 3)` \=> `[3]`
* `fill_missing(_empty_, "abc")` \=> `"abc"`
* `fill_missing("abc", [1])` \=> `["abc"]`
=== Remove
Remove all occurrences of the 2^nd^ expression's value from the values of the 1^st^ expression.
Both expressions must be of the same type after implicit casting is done.
`remove(< T >, < _Single_ T >)` \=> `< T >`::
* `remove([1,2,3,2], 2)` \=> `[1, 3]`
* `remove("1", 1)` \=> `_empty_`
* `remove(1, "abc")` \=> `"1"`
=== Filter
Return the values of the 1^st^ expression if the value of the 2^nd^ expression is `true`, otherwise return no values.
`filter(< T >, < _Single Boolean_ >)` \=> `< T >`::
* `filter([1,2,3], true)` \=> `[1,2,3]`
* `filter([1,2,3], false)` \=> `[]`
* `filter("abc", false)` \=> `_empty_`
* `filter("abc", true)` \=> `1`
== Date
=== Date Parse
Explicitly converts the values of a `String` or `Long` expression into `Dates`.
`date(< _String_ >)` \=> `< _Date_ >`::
* `date('1800-01-02')` \=> `1800-01-02T​00:00:00Z`
* `date(['1800-01-02', '2016-05-23'])` \=> `[1800-01-02T..., 2016-05-23T...]`
`date(< _Long_ >)` \=> `< _Date_ >`::
* `date(1232343246648)` \=> `2009-01-19T​05:34:06Z`
* `date([1232343246648, 223234324664])` \=> `[2009-01-19T..., 1977-01-27T...]`
=== Date Math
Compute the given date math strings for the values of a `Date` expression. The date math strings *must* be <<analytics-expression-sources.adoc#strings, constant>>.
`date_math(< _Date_ >, < _Constant String_ >...)` \=> `< _Date_ >`::
* `date_math(1800-04-15, '+1DAY', '-1MONTH')` \=> `1800-03-16`
* `date_math([1800-04-15,2016-05-24], '+1DAY', '-1MONTH')` \=> `[1800-03-16, 2016-04-25]`
== String
=== Explicit Casting
Explicitly casts the expression to a `String` expression.
`string(< _String_ >)` \=> `< _String_ >`::
* `string(1)` \=> `'1'`
* `string([1.5, -2.0])` \=> `['1.5', '-2.0']`
=== Concatenation
Concatenations the values of the `String` expression(s) together.
`concat(< _Multi String_ >)` \=> `< _Single String_ >`::
* `concat(['a','b','c'])` \=> `'abc'`
`concat(< _Single String_ >, < _Multi String_ >)` \=> `< _Multi String_ >`::
* `concat(1, ['a','b','c'])` \=> `['1a','1b','1c']`
`concat(< _Multi String_ >, < _Single String_ >)` \=> `< _Multi String_ >`::
* `concat(['a','b','c'], 1)` \=> `['a1','b1','c1']`
`concat(< _Single String_ >...)` \=> `< _Single String_ >`::
* `concat('a','b','c')` \=> `'abc'`
* `concat('a',_empty_,'c')` \=> `'ac'` +
_Empty values are ignored_
=== Separated Concatenation
Concatenations the values of the `String` expression(s) together using the given <<analytics-expression-sources.adoc#strings, constant string>> value as a separator.
`concat_sep(< _Constant String_ >, < _Multi String_ >)` \=> `< _Single String_ >`::
* `concat_sep('-', ['a','b'])` \=> `'a-b'`
`concat_sep(< _Constant String_ >, < _Single String_ >, < _Multi String_ >)` \=> `< _Multi String_ >`::
* `concat_sep(2,1,['a','b'])` \=> `['12a','12b']`
`concat_sep(< _Constant String_ >, < _Multi String_ >, < _Single String_ >)` \=> `< _Multi String_ >`::
* `concat_sep(2,['a','b'],1)` \=> `['a21','b21']`
* `concat_sep('-','a',2,3)` \=> `'a-2-3'`
* `concat_sep(';','a',_empty_,'c')` \=> `'a;c'` +
_Empty values are ignored_