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o adding plugin param doco contributed by bob allison. thanks!
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Plugin Development Guide - Adding Parameters
What Are Parameters
It is unlikely that a mojo will be very useful without parameters.
Parameters provide a few very important functions:
* It provides hooks to allow the user to adjust the operation of the
plugin to suit their needs.
* It provides a means to easily extract the value of elements from
the POM without the need to navigate the objects.
Defining Parameters Within a Mojo
Defining a parameter is as simple as creating an instance variable
in the mojo and adding the proper annotations. Listed below is an
example of a parameter for the simple mojo:
* The greeting to display.
* @parameter expression="Hello"
private String greeting;
The portion before the annotations is the description of the
parameter. The "<<<parameter>>>" annotation identifies
the variable as a mojo parameter. The "<<<expression>>>"
parameter defines the default value for the variable. This value can
include expressions which reference the project, such as
"<<<${project.version}>>>" (more can be found in the
"Parameter Expressions" document). The name of the variable is used
as the name of the parameter.
Configuring Parameters in a Project
Configuring the parameter values for a plugin is done in a Maven 2
project within the <<<pom.xml>>> file as part of defining the
plugin in the project. An example of configuring a plugin:
In the configuration section, the element name
("<<<greeting>>>") is the parameter name and the contents of
the element ("<<<Welcome>>>") is the value to be assigned to
the parameter. More details can be found in the Getting Started
Guide section on
{{{/maven2/getting-started.html#configuring_plugins}configuring plugins}}.
Parameter Types With One Value
Listed below are the various types of simple variables which can be used as
parameters in your mojos, along with any rules on how the values in the
POM are interpreted.
* Boolean
This includes variables typed <<<boolean>>> and <<<Boolean>>>. When reading
the configuration, the text "<<<true>>>" causes the parameter to be set to
true and all other text causes the parameter to be set to false.
* Fixed-Point Numbers
This includes variables typed <<<byte>>>, <<<Byte>>>, <<<int>>>,
<<<Integer>>>, <<<long>>>, <<<Long>>>, <<<short>>>, and <<<Short>>>. When
reading the configuration, the text in the XML file is converted to an
integer value using either <<<Integer.parseInt()>>> or the <<<valueOf()>>>
method of the appropriate class. This means that the strings must be valid
decimal integer values, consisting only of the digits 0 to 9 with an optional
<<<->>> in front for a negative value.
* Floating-Point Numbers
This includes variables typed <<<double>>>, <<<Double>>>, <<<float>>>, and
<<<Float>>>. When reading the configuration, the text in the XML file is
converted to binary form using the <<<valueOf()>>> method for the appropriate
class. This means that the strings can take on any format specified in
section 3.10.2 of the Java Language Specification. Some samples of valid
values are <<<1.0>>> and <<<6.02E+23>>>.
* Dates
This includes variables typed <<<Date>>>. When reading the configuration,
the text in the XML file is converted using one of the following date
formats: "<<<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S a>>>" (a sample date is "2005-10-06
2:22:55.1 PM") or "<<<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssa>>>" (a sample date is "2005-10-06
2:22:55PM"). Note that parsing is done using <<<DateFormat.parse()>>> which
allows some leniency in formatting. If the method can parse a date and time
out of what is specified it will do so even if it doesn't exactly match the
patterns above.
* Files and Directories
This includes variables typed <<<File>>>. When reading the configuration,
the text in the XML file is used as the path to the desired file or
directory. If the path is relative (does not start with <<</>>> or a drive
letter like <<<C:>>>), the path is relative to the directory containing
the POM.
* URLs
This includes variables typed <<<URL>>>. When reading the configuration, the
text in the XML file is used as the URL. The format must follow the RFC 2396
guidelines, and looks like any web browser URL
(<<<scheme://host:port/path/to/file>>>). No restrictions are placed on the
content of any of the parts of the URL while converting the URL.
* Plain Text
This includes variables typed <<<char>>>, <<<Character>>>, <<<StringBuffer>>>,
and <<<String>>>. When reading the configuration, the text in the XML file is
used as the value to be assigned to the parameter. For <<<char>>> and
<<<Character>>> parameters, only the first character of the text is used.
Parameter Types With Multiple Values
Listed below are the various types of composite objects which can be used as
parameters in your mojos, along with any rules on how the values in the
POM are interpreted. In general, the class of the object created to hold the
parameter value (as well as the class for each element within the parameter
value) is determined as follows (the first step which yields a valid class
is used):
[[1]] If the XML contains an <<<implementation>>> hint, that is used
[[2]] If the XML tag contains a <<<.>>>, try that as a class name
[[3]] Try the XML tag as a class in the same package as the object being
[[4]] For arrays, use the class of the array (for example, use <<<String>>>
for a <<<String[]>>> parameter); for collections and maps, use the
class specified in the mojo configuration for the collection or map;
use <<<String>>> for entries in a collection and values in a map
Once the type for the element is defined, the text in the XML file is
converted to the appropriate type of object
* Arrays
Array type parameters are configured by specifying the parameter multiple
times (for example, "<<< <param>value1</param> <param>value2</param> >>>").
* Collections
This category covers any class which implements <<<java.util.Collection>>>
such as <<<ArrayList>>> or <<<HashSet>>>. These parameters are configured by
specifying the parameter multiple times just like an array.
* Maps
This category covers any class which implements <<<java.util.Map>>>
such as <<<HashMap>>> but does <<not>> implement <<<java.util.Properties>>>.
These parameters are configured by including XML tags in the form
<<< <key>value</key> >>> in the parameter configuration.
* Properties
This category covers any map which implements <<<java.util.Properties>>>.
These parameters are configured by including XML tags in the form
<<< <key>value</key> >>> in the parameter configuration. \xAB<Is this
correct? The Properties converter does not use the same calls to extract
the information as the Map converter does, but it looks like it might be
accomplishing the same thing. Otherwise, it looks like the XML should be
<property name="name" value="value"/>.>\xBB
* Other Object Classes
This category covers any class which does not implement <<<java.util.Map>>>,
<<<java.util.Collection>>>, or <<<java.util.Dictionary>>>.
These parameters are configured by \xAB<how does this type of parameter
get configured? It is not clear from reading ObjectWithFieldsConverter.java>\xBB
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