diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/integrationtests/MavenITmng2883LegacyRepoOfflineTest.java b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/integrationtests/MavenITmng2883LegacyRepoOfflineTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5621e1f3dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/integrationtests/MavenITmng2883LegacyRepoOfflineTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+package org.apache.maven.integrationtests;
+import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException;
+import org.apache.maven.it.VerificationException;
+import org.apache.maven.it.Verifier;
+import org.apache.maven.it.util.IOUtil;
+import org.apache.maven.it.util.ResourceExtractor;
+import org.apache.maven.it.util.StringUtils;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.Reader;
+import java.io.Writer;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+ * This is a sample integration test. The IT tests typically
+ * operate by having a sample project in the
+ * /src/test/resources folder along with a junit test like
+ * this one. The junit test uses the verifier (which uses
+ * the invoker) to invoke a new instance of Maven on the
+ * project in the resources folder. It then checks the
+ * results. This is a non-trivial example that shows two
+ * phases. See more information inline in the code.
+ *
+ * @author Brian Fox
+ *
+ */
+public class MavenITmng2883LegacyRepoOfflineTest
+ extends AbstractMavenIntegrationTestCase
+ public MavenITmng2883LegacyRepoOfflineTest()
+ throws InvalidVersionSpecificationException
+ {
+ super( "(2.0.4,)" );
+ }
+ public void testParentUnresolvable()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ String testName = "parent";
+ File testDir = ResourceExtractor.simpleExtractResources( getClass(),
+ "/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/"
+ + testName );
+ Verifier verifier;
+ verifier = new Verifier( testDir.getAbsolutePath() );
+ File settings = writeSettings( testDir );
+ List cliOptions = new ArrayList();
+ // used to inject the remote repository
+ cliOptions.add( "-s" );
+ cliOptions.add( settings.getAbsolutePath() );
+ verifier.setCliOptions( cliOptions );
+ // execute once just to make sure this test works at all!
+ try
+ {
+ // this will ensure that all relevant plugins are present.
+ verifier.executeGoal( "initialize" );
+ }
+ catch ( VerificationException e )
+ {
+ throw new VerificationException( "Build should succeed the first time through when NOT in offline mode!", e );
+ }
+ // the centerpiece of these tests!
+ cliOptions.add( "-o" );
+ verifier.setCliOptions( cliOptions );
+ verifier.setAutoclean( false );
+ // clear out the parent POM if it's in the local repository.
+ verifier.deleteArtifact( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883", "parent", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "pom" );
+ try
+ {
+ verifier.executeGoal( "initialize" );
+ fail( "Build should fail with unresolvable parent POM." );
+ }
+ catch ( VerificationException e )
+ {
+ }
+ List missingMessages = new ArrayList();
+ missingMessages.add( "System is offline." );
+ missingMessages.add( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883:parent:pom:1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
+ List lines = verifier.loadFile( new File( testDir, "log.txt" ), false );
+ for ( Iterator it = lines.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String line = (String) it.next();
+ for ( Iterator messageIt = missingMessages.iterator(); messageIt.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String message = (String) messageIt.next();
+ if ( line.indexOf( message ) > -1 )
+ {
+ messageIt.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !missingMessages.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append( "The following key messages were missing from build output:\n\n" );
+ for ( Iterator it = missingMessages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String message = (String) it.next();
+ if ( buffer.length() < 1 )
+ {
+ buffer.append( "\n" );
+ }
+ buffer.append( '\'' ).append( message ).append( '\'' );
+ }
+ fail( buffer.toString() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testDependencyUnresolvable()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ String testName = "dependency";
+ File testDir = ResourceExtractor.simpleExtractResources( getClass(),
+ "/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/"
+ + testName );
+ Verifier verifier;
+ verifier = new Verifier( testDir.getAbsolutePath() );
+ List cliOptions = new ArrayList();
+ File settings = writeSettings( testDir );
+ // used to inject the remote repository
+ cliOptions.add( "-s" );
+ cliOptions.add( settings.getAbsolutePath() );
+ verifier.setCliOptions( cliOptions );
+ // execute once just to make sure this test works at all!
+ try
+ {
+ // this will ensure that all relevant plugins are present.
+ verifier.executeGoal( "compile" );
+ }
+ catch ( VerificationException e )
+ {
+ throw new VerificationException( "Build should succeed the first time through when NOT in offline mode!", e );
+ }
+ // the centerpiece of these tests!
+ cliOptions.add( "-o" );
+ verifier.setCliOptions( cliOptions );
+ // clear out the dependency if it's in the local repository.
+ verifier.deleteArtifact( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883", "dep", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "pom" );
+ verifier.deleteArtifact( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883", "dep", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar" );
+ try
+ {
+ verifier.executeGoal( "compile" );
+ fail( "Build should fail with unresolvable dependency artifact." );
+ }
+ catch ( VerificationException e )
+ {
+ }
+ List missingMessages = new ArrayList();
+ // FIXME: We need a more prominent diagnosis including system being in offline mode for 2.0.x.
+ missingMessages.add( "offline mode." );
+ missingMessages.add( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883:dep:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
+ List lines = verifier.loadFile( new File( testDir, "log.txt" ), false );
+ for ( Iterator it = lines.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String line = (String) it.next();
+ for ( Iterator messageIt = missingMessages.iterator(); messageIt.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String message = (String) messageIt.next();
+ if ( line.indexOf( message ) > -1 )
+ {
+ messageIt.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !missingMessages.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append( "The following key messages were missing from build output:\n\n" );
+ for ( Iterator it = missingMessages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String message = (String) it.next();
+ if ( buffer.length() < 1 )
+ {
+ buffer.append( "\n" );
+ }
+ buffer.append( '\'' ).append( message ).append( '\'' );
+ }
+ fail( buffer.toString() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testPluginUnresolvable()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ String testName = "plugin";
+ File testDir = ResourceExtractor.simpleExtractResources( getClass(),
+ "/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/"
+ + testName );
+ Verifier verifier;
+ verifier = new Verifier( testDir.getAbsolutePath() );
+ List cliOptions = new ArrayList();
+ // the centerpiece of these tests!
+ cliOptions.add( "-o" );
+ File settings = writeSettings( testDir );
+ // used to inject the remote repository
+ cliOptions.add( "-s" );
+ cliOptions.add( settings.getAbsolutePath() );
+ verifier.setCliOptions( cliOptions );
+ // clear out the dependency if it's in the local repository.
+ verifier.deleteArtifact( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883", "plugin", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "pom" );
+ verifier.deleteArtifact( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883", "plugin", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar" );
+ try
+ {
+ verifier.executeGoal( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883:plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:run" );
+ fail( "Build should fail with unresolvable plugin artifact." );
+ }
+ catch ( VerificationException e )
+ {
+ }
+ List missingMessages = new ArrayList();
+ missingMessages.add( "System is offline." );
+ missingMessages.add( "org.apache.maven.its.mng2883:plugin:pom:1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
+ List lines = verifier.loadFile( new File( testDir, "log.txt" ), false );
+ for ( Iterator it = lines.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String line = (String) it.next();
+ for ( Iterator messageIt = missingMessages.iterator(); messageIt.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String message = (String) messageIt.next();
+ if ( line.indexOf( message ) > -1 )
+ {
+ messageIt.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !missingMessages.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append( "The following key messages were missing from build output:\n\n" );
+ for ( Iterator it = missingMessages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
+ {
+ String message = (String) it.next();
+ if ( buffer.length() < 1 )
+ {
+ buffer.append( "\n" );
+ }
+ buffer.append( '\'' ).append( message ).append( '\'' );
+ }
+ fail( buffer.toString() );
+ }
+ }
+ private File writeSettings( File testDir )
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ File settingsIn = new File( testDir.getParentFile(), "settings.xml.in" );
+ String settingsContent = null;
+ Reader reader = null;
+ try
+ {
+ reader = new FileReader( settingsIn );
+ settingsContent = IOUtil.toString( reader );
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ IOUtil.close( reader );
+ }
+ settingsContent = StringUtils.replace( settingsContent,
+ "@TESTDIR@",
+ testDir.getAbsolutePath() );
+ File settingsOut = new File( testDir, "settings.xml" );
+ System.out.println( "Writing tets settings to: " + settingsOut );
+ if ( settingsOut.exists() )
+ {
+ settingsOut.delete();
+ }
+ Writer writer = null;
+ try
+ {
+ writer = new FileWriter( settingsOut );
+ IOUtil.copy( settingsContent, writer );
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ IOUtil.close( writer );
+ }
+ return settingsOut;
+ }
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/pom.xml b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14e429fd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.apache.maven.its.mng2883
+ dependency-user
+ jar
+ org.apache.maven.its.mng2883
+ dep
+ junit
+ junit
+ 3.8.1
+ test
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ 2.0.2
+ maven-resources-plugin
+ 2.0
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/jars/dep-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/jars/dep-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..668bdc1370
Binary files /dev/null and b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/jars/dep-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar differ
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/dep-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/dep-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..340a7bec67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/dep-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.apache.maven.its.mng2883
+ dep
+ jar
+ junit
+ junit
+ 3.8.1
+ test
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/src/main/java/tests/App.java b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/src/main/java/tests/App.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53e46ad9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/dependency/src/main/java/tests/App.java
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package tests;
+ * Hello world!
+ *
+ */
+public class App
+ public static void main( String[] args )
+ {
+ System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
+ }
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/parent/pom.xml b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/parent/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f30ff4deba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/parent/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.apache.maven.its.mng2883
+ parent
+ snapshot-offline-parent-legacyRepo
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/parent/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/parent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/parent/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/parent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d72387627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/parent/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/parent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.apache.maven.its.mng2883
+ parent
+ pom
+ junit
+ junit
+ 3.8.1
+ test
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/plugin/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/jars/plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/plugin/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/jars/plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..668bdc1370
Binary files /dev/null and b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/plugin/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/jars/plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar differ
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/plugin/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/plugin/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0376a4ab30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/plugin/remote-repository/org.apache.maven.its.mng2883/poms/plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.apache.maven.its.mng2883
+ plugin
+ jar
+ junit
+ junit
+ 3.8.1
+ test
diff --git a/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/settings.xml.in b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/settings.xml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cafca4c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/its/core-integration-tests/src/test/resources/mng-2883-legacy-repo-offline/settings.xml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ remote-repository
+ testing-repo
+ file://@TESTDIR@/remote-repository
+ legacy
+ testing-repo
+ file://@TESTDIR@/remote-repository
+ legacy
+ remote-repository
\ No newline at end of file