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Build Lifecycle
Brett Porter
16 June 2005
Build Lifecycle
* Build Lifecycle Basics
Maven 2.0 is based around the central concept of a build lifecycle. What this means is that the process for building
and distributing a particular artifact is clearly defined.
For the person building a project, this means that it is only necessary to learn a small set of commands to build any
Maven project, and the POM will ensure they get the results they desired.
The most common lifecycle phases that would be executed on a project are the following:
* <<<validate>>> - validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
* <<<compile>>> - compile the source code of the project
* <<<test>>> - test the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not
require the code be packaged or deployed
* <<<package>>> - take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.
* <<<integration-test>>> - process and deploy the package if necessary into an environment where integration tests
can be run
* <<<verify>>> - run any checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria
* <<<install>>> - install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
* <<<deploy>>> - done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository
for sharing with other developers and projects.
Note that for each of these steps, all previous steps are always executed, so you only need to specify the last one
you desire on the command line. For example:
m2 install
This command will compile, test, package, verify and install the package into the local repository when run.
There are more commands that are part of the lifecycle, which will be discussed in the following sections.
It should also be noted that the same command can be used in a multi-module scenario. For example;
m2 clean:clean install
This command will traverse into all of the subprojects and run <<<clean:clean>>>, then <<<install>>> (including all of
the prior steps).
* Setting up your Project to Use the Build Lifecycle
The build lifecycle is simple enough to use, but when you are constructing a Maven build for a project, how do you go
about assigning tasks to each of those build phases?
** Packaging
The first, and most common way, is to set the <<<packaging>>> for your project. This defaults to <<<jar>>>, so whether
you have specifically done it or not, this has already happened. Each packaging contains a list of goals to bind to
a particular phase. For example, a JAR will add the following bindings to the lifecycle:
| <<<process-resources>>> | <<<resources:resources>>>
| <<<compile>>> | <<<compiler:compile>>>
| <<<process-test-resources>>> | <<<resources:testResources>>>
| <<<test-compile>>> | <<<compiler:testCompile>>>
| <<<test>>> | <<<surefire:test>>>
| <<<package>>> | <<<jar:jar>>>
| <<<install>>> | <<<install:install>>>
| <<<deploy>>> | <<<deploy:deploy>>>
This is an almost standard set of bindings, however, some packages handle them differently. For example, a project
that is purely metadata (packaging <<<pom>>>) only binds the <<<install>>> and <<<deploy>>> phases.
Note that for some packaging tpyes to be available, you may also need to include a particular plugin in your
<<<build>>> section, similarly to the next section. One example of a plugin that requires this is the Plexus plugin,
which provides a <<<plexus-application>>> and <<<plexus-service>>> packaging.
** Plugins
The second way to add goals to phases is to configure plugins in your project. As you will see in the later sections,
plugins contain information that says where to bind particular goals to. Note that adding the plugin on its own is not
enough information - you must also specify the goals you want run as part of your build.
For example, the Modello plugin always binds <<<modello:java>>> to the <<<generate-sources>>> phase. So to use the
Modello plugin and have it generate sources from a model and incorporate that into the build, you would add the
following to your POM in the <<<plugins>>> section of <<<build>>>:
You might be wondering why that executions element is there? That is so that you can run the same goal multiple times
with different configuration, if needed. Separate executions can also be given an ID so that during inheritence or the
application of profiles you can control whether goal configuration is merged or turned into an additional execution.
When multiple executions are given that match a particular phase, they are executed in the order specified in the POM,
with inherited executions running first.
Now, in the case of <<<modello:java>>>, it only makes sense in the <<<generate-sources>>> phase. But some goals can be
used in more than one phase, and there may not be a sensible default. For those, you can specify the phase yourself.
For example, let's say you have a goal <<<touch:timestamp>>> that echos the current time to file, and you want it to
run in the <<<process-test-resources>>> phase to indicate when the tests were started. This would be configured like
* Build Lifecycle Phase Reference
The following phases are all the ones available as of the Maven 2.0 alpha-3 release. They are executed in the order
given, up to the point of the one specified.
| <<<validate>>> | validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available.
| <<<generate-sources>>> | generate any source code for inclusion in compilation.
| <<<process-sources>>> | process the source code, for example to filter any values.
| <<<generate-resources>>> | generate resources for inclusion in the package.
| <<<process-resources>>> | copy and process the resources into the destination directory, ready for packaging.
| <<<compile>>> | compile the source code of the project.
| <<<process-classes>>> | post-process the generated files from compilation, for example to do bytecode enhancement on Java classes.
| <<<generate-test-sources>>> | generate any test source code for inclusion in compilation.
| <<<process-test-sources>>> | process the test source code, for example to filter any values.
| <<<generate-test-resources>>> | create resources for testing.
| <<<process-test-resources>>> | copy and process the resources into the test destination directory.
| <<<test-compile>>> | compile the test source code into the test destination directory
| <<<test>>> | run tests using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not require the code be packaged or deployed.
| <<<package>>> | take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.
| <<<integration-test>>> | process and deploy the package if necessary into an environment where integration tests can be run.
| <<<verify>>> | run any checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria.
| <<<install>>> | install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally.
| <<<deploy>>> | done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.
* How the Build Lifecycle Affects Plugin Developers
Reference in New Issue