From 90f8720d10093b60e73cc7f980bd86185f481bc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason van Zyl
+ Element
+ Description
+ extend
+ The location of the parent project, if one exists. Values from the parent project will be
+ the default for this project if they are left unspecified.
+ The path may be absolute, or relative to the current project.xml file.
+ modelVersion
+ The version of this model you are using.
+ groupId
+ The primary grouping for your project.
+ artifactId
+ The identifier used when generating the artifact for your project.
+ name
+ Human readable name of the project.
+ version
+ The currently version of the project.
+ shortDescription
+ An abbreviated description of the project.
+ description
+ A detailed description of the project. This element is
+ usually specified as CDATA to enable the use of HTML tags
+ within the description. This description is used to
+ generate the front page
+ of the project's web site.
+ type
+ The type of artifact produced by the project.
+ url
+ The URL where the project can be found.
+ logo
+ The logo for the project.
+ issueTrackingUrl
+ The URL where the issue tracking system used by the project can be found.
+ inceptionYear
+ The year the project started.
+ gumpRepositoryId
+ Hint for the gump continuous integration build system.
+ siteAddress
+ The FQDN of the host where the project's site is uploaded.
+ siteDirectory
+ The directory on the site host where site documentation is placed when the site is uploaded.
+ distributionSite
+ The FQDN of the host where the project's artifacts are uploaded.
+ distributionDirectory
+ The directory on the distribution host where artifacts are placed when uploaded.
+ mailingLists
+ The mailing lists for the project.
+ developers
+ This element describes all of the developers associated with a
+ project. Each developer is described by a
+ developer
element, which is then described by
+ additional elements (described below). The auto-generated site
+ documentation references this information.
+ contributors
+ This element describes all of the contributors associated with a
+ project who are not developers. Each contributor is described by a
+ contributor
element, which is then describe by additional
+ elements (described below). The auto-generated site documentation
+ references this information.
+ dependencies
+ This element describes all of the dependencies associated with a
+ project. Each dependency is described by a
+ dependency
element, which is then described by
+ additional elements (described below).
+ licenses
+ This element describes all of the licenses for this project. Each license is described by a
+ license
element, which is then describe by additional
+ elements (described below). The auto-generated site documentation
+ references this information. Projects should only list the license(s) that
+ applies to the project and not the licenses that apply to dependencies.
+ versions
+ The released versions of the project.
+ branches
+ The SCM branches create for the project.
+ packageGroups
+ Package groups required for complete javadocs.
+ reports
+ This element includes the specification of reports to be
+ included in a Maven-generated site. These reports will be run
+ when a user executes
+ maven site
. All of the
+ reports will be included in the navigation bar for browsing in
+ the order they are specified.
+ repository
+ Specification for the SCM use by the project.
+ build
+ Information required to build the project.
+ organization
+ This element describes various attributes of the organziation to
+ which the project belongs. These attributes are utilized when
+ documentation is created (for copyright notices and links).
Element | +Description | +
tag | ++ The branch tag in the version control system + (e.g. cvs) used by the project for the source + code associated with this branch of the + project. + | +
Element | +Description | +
nagEmailAddress | ++ An address to which notifications regarding the status of builds + for this project can be sent. This is intended for use by tools + which do unattended builds, for example those providing for + continuous integration. Currently this is used by the + maven:gump-descriptor + target. + | +
sourceDirectory | ++ This element specifies a directory containing the source + of the project. The generated build system will compile + the source in this directory when the project is built. + The path given is relative to the project descriptor. + | +
unitTestSourceDirectory | ++ This element specifies a directory containing the unit test + source of the project. The generated build system will + compile these directories when the project is being tested. + The unit tests must use the JUnit test framework. + The path given is relative to the project descriptor. + | +
aspectSourceDirectory | ++ This element specifies a directory containing Aspect + sources of the project. The generated build system will + compile the Aspects in this directory when the project is + built if Aspects have been enabled (see the Aspectj goals document). + The path given is relative to the project descriptor. + | +
sourceModifications | +
+ This element describes all of the sourceModifications associated with a
+ project. Each source modification is described by a
+ sourceModification element, which is then described by
+ additional elements (described below). These modifications are used
+ to exclude or include various source depending on the environment
+ the build is running in.
+ |
unitTest | +This element specifies unit tests associated with the project. | +
resources | ++ This element describes all of the resources associated with a project or unit tests. + Each resource is described by a resource element, which is then described by additional + elements (described below). These resources are used to + complete the jar file or to run unit test. + | +
Element | +Description | +
name | +The full name of the contributor. | +
The email address of the contributor. | +|
url | +The URL for the homepage of the contributor. | +
organization | +The organization to which the contributor belongs. | +
roles | +
+ The roles the contributor plays in the project. Each role is
+ describe by a role element, the body of which is a
+ role name.
+ |
timezone | ++ The timezone the contributor is in. This is a number in the range -14 to 14. + | +
Element | +Description | +
groupId | +
+ The project group that produced the dependency, e.g. geronimo .
+ |
artifactId | +
+ The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g.
+ germonimo-jms
+ |
version | +
+ The version of the dependency., e.g. 3.2.1
+ |
url | ++ This url will be provided to the user if the jar file cannot be downloaded + from the central repository. + | +
artifact | +the description | +
type | +
+ Other known and recognised dependency types are:
+ ejb and plugin .
+ |
properties | +
+ Properties about the dependency. Various plugins allow you to
+ mark dependencies with properties. For example the
+ war plugin looks for a
+ war.bundle property, and if found will include the dependency
+ in WEB-INF/lib . For example syntax, check the war plugin docs.
+ |
Element | +Description | +
id | +The username of the developer. | +
Element | +Description | +
name | +The full legal name of the license. | +
url | +The official url for the license text. | +
distribution | +
+ The primary method by which this project may be distributed.
comments | +the description | +
Element | +Description | +
name | +The name of the mailing list. | +
subscribe | +
+ The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to the mailing list.
+ If this is an email address, a mailto: link will automatically be created when
+ the documentation is created.
+ |
unsubscribe | +
+ The email address or link that can be used to unsubscribe to
+ the mailing list. If this is an email address, a
+ mailto: link will automatically be created
+ when the documentation is created.
+ |
archive | +The link to a URL where you can browse the archive. | +
Element | +Description | +
name | +The full name of the organization. | +
url | +The URL to the organization's home page. | +
logo | +
+ The URL to the organization's logo image. This can be an URL relative
+ to the base directory of the generated web site,
+ (e.g., /images/org-logo.png ) or an absolute URL
+ (e.g., http://my.corp/logo.png ). This value is used
+ when generating the project documentation.
+ |
Element | +Description | +
title | +the description | +
packages | +the description | +
Element | +Description | +
includes | +the description | +
excludes | +the description | +
Element | +Description | +
connection | ++ The source configuration management system URL + that describes the repository and how to connect to the + repository. This is used by Maven when building versions + from specific ID. + | +
developerConnection | ++ Just like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scm connection + will not be read only. + | +
url | +The URL to the project's browsable CVS repository. | +
Element | +Description | +
directory | ++ Describe the directory where the resource is stored. + The path may be absolute, or relative to the project.xml file. + | +
targetPath | +
+ Describe the resource target path. For example, if you want that resource
+ appear into a specific package (org.apache.maven.messages ), you must specify this
+ element with this value : org/apache/maven/messages
+ |
filtering | +Describe if resources are filtered or not. | +
Element | +Description | +
className | ++ If the class with this name can not be + loaded, then the includes and excludes specified below + will be applied to the contents of the + sourceDirectory + | +
property | +the description | +
Element | +Description | +
resources | +the description | +
Element | +Description | +
name | +
+ The external version number under which this release was distributed. Examples include:
+ 1.0 , 1.1-alpha1 , 1.2-beta , 1.3.2 etc.
+ |
tag | ++ The name given in the version control system (e.g. cvs) used by the project for the source + code associated with this version of the project. + | +
id | +
+ A unique identifier for a version. This ID is
+ used to specify the version that maven:dist builds.
+ |