diff --git a/api/maven-api-model/src/main/mdo/maven.mdo b/api/maven-api-model/src/main/mdo/maven.mdo
index 4e29c4ffaf..2829ffdc22 100644
--- a/api/maven-api-model/src/main/mdo/maven.mdo
+++ b/api/maven-api-model/src/main/mdo/maven.mdo
@@ -2742,10 +2742,79 @@
- The conditions within the build runtime environment which will trigger the
- automatic inclusion of the build profile. Multiple conditions can be defined, which must
- be all satisfied to activate the profile.
+ In addition to the traditional activation mechanisms (JDK version, OS properties,
+ file existence, etc.), Maven now supports a powerful condition-based activation
+ through the {@code condition} field. This new mechanism allows for more flexible
+ and expressive profile activation rules.
+ Condition Syntax
+ The condition is specified as a string expression that can include various
+ functions, comparisons, and logical operators. Some key features include:
+ - Property access: {@code ${property.name}}
+ - Comparison operators: {@code ==}, {@code !=}, {@code <}, {@code >}, {@code <=}, {@code >=}
+ - Logical operators: {@code &&} (AND), {@code ||} (OR), {@code not(...)}
+ - Functions: {@code exists(...)}, {@code missing(...)}, {@code matches(...)}, {@code inrange(...)}, and more
+ Supported Functions
+ The following functions are supported in condition expressions:
+ - {@code length(string)}: Returns the length of the given string.
+ - {@code upper(string)}: Converts the string to uppercase.
+ - {@code lower(string)}: Converts the string to lowercase.
+ - {@code substring(string, start, [end])}: Returns a substring of the given string.
+ - {@code indexOf(string, substring)}: Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring in string, or -1 if not found.
+ - {@code contains(string, substring)}: Checks if the string contains the substring.
+ - {@code matches(string, regex)}: Checks if the string matches the given regular expression.
+ - {@code not(condition)}: Negates the given condition.
+ - {@code if(condition, trueValue, falseValue)}: Returns trueValue if the condition is true, falseValue otherwise.
+ - {@code exists(path)}: Checks if a file matching the given glob pattern exists.
+ - {@code missing(path)}: Checks if a file matching the given glob pattern does not exist.
+ - {@code inrange(version, range)}: Checks if the given version is within the specified version range.
+ Supported properties
+ The following properties are supported in expressions:
+ - `project.basedir`: The project directory
+ - `project.rootDirectory`: The root directory of the project
+ - `project.artifactId`: The artifactId of the project
+ - `project.packaging`: The packaging of the project
+ - user properties
+ - system properties (including environment variables prefixed with `env.`)
+ Examples
+ - JDK version range: {@code inrange(${java.version}, '[11,)')} (JDK 11 or higher)
+ - OS check: {@code ${os.name} == 'windows'}
+ - File existence: {@code exists('${project.basedir}/src/**}{@code /*.xsd')}
+ - Property check: {@code ${my.property} != 'some-value'}
+ - Regex matching: {@code matches(${os.version}, '.*aws')}
+ - Complex condition: {@code ${os.name} == 'windows' && ${os.arch} != 'amd64' && inrange(${os.version}, '[10,)')}
+ - String length check: {@code length(${user.name}) > 5}
+ - Substring with version: {@code substring(${java.version}, 0, 3) == '1.8'}
+ - Using indexOf: {@code indexOf(${java.version}, '-') > 0}
+ - Conditional logic: {@code if(contains(${java.version}, '-'), substring(${java.version}, 0, indexOf(${java.version}, '-')), ${java.version})}
+ This flexible condition mechanism allows for more precise control over profile
+ activation, enabling developers to create profiles that respond to a wide range of
+ environmental factors and project states.
+ ]]>
@@ -2798,6 +2867,12 @@
Specifies that this profile will be activated based on the project's packaging.
+ condition
+ 4.1.0+
+ String
+ The condition which must be satisfied to activate the profile.