diff --git a/maven-plugins/maven-site-plugin/src/site/apt/howto.apt b/maven-plugins/maven-site-plugin/src/site/apt/howto.apt index 35f7a2a0fd..e1c3793309 100644 --- a/maven-plugins/maven-site-plugin/src/site/apt/howto.apt +++ b/maven-plugins/maven-site-plugin/src/site/apt/howto.apt @@ -8,37 +8,26 @@ Maven 2 Site Plugin *How to Use Site plugin - Here is a link for more information {{{http://maven.apache.org/maven2/site.html}http://maven.apache.org/maven2/site.html}} - ------ - Maven 2 Site Plugin - ------ - -Maven 2 Site Plugin - - Generate the project's site and report distributions. - -*How to Use - Using the site plugin is very easy, just execute the site goal from your project ------------------- m2 site:site ------------------- - + and it would generate its default reports. *jdepend *checkstyle - + *surefire-report - + *javadoc - + *jxr (cross reference) - + *taglist - + *changelog