o removing marmalade references

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk@291208 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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Jason van Zyl 2005-09-23 21:48:11 +00:00
parent 00f18c515d
commit bb95d2c1cc
7 changed files with 5 additions and 773 deletions

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@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
Antlib for Maven 2.0
Brett Porter
24 June 2005
Antlib for Maven 2.0
Maven 2.0 now comes with a set of Ant tasks that can be used to utilise Maven's artifact handling features
from within Ant. This includes:
* <Dependency management> - including transitive dependencies, scope recognition and SNAPSHOT handling
* <Artifact deployment> - file and SSH based deployment to a Maven repository
* <POM processing> - for reading a Maven 2.0 <<<pom.xml>>> file
The Ant tasks can be downloaded from {{{download.html#ant} Maven 2.0 download page}}.
Installing the Ant Tasks
For convenience, the Ant task and all its dependencies are packaged together as a single JAR file.
There are two ways to use the tasks from your scripts.
* Intalling in Ant's <<<lib>>> directory
This is the simplest installation method but requires changes on every machine using the build file.
You can place the JAR in your Ant <<<lib>>> directory, include it in the <<<CLASSPATH>>> environment variable,
or pass it in to Ant using the <<<-lib>>> command line parameter.
Using this method, to make the tasks available in your build file, add the following namespace to the start of
the file:
<project ... xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant">
* Declaring a <<<typedef>>>
Using a <<<typedef>>> declaration allows you to store the library anywhere you like (such as source control)
and put it's location in the build file. This can be used to bootstrap the tasks by using <<<get>>> to obtain
the library, and then reference it from the build script.
The following example shows how to set it up, assuming the library is in the <<<lib>>> subdirectory of your current
<project ... xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
<typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml" uri="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
<pathelement location="lib/maven-artifact-ant-2.0-beta-1.jar" />
Using the Antlib
* Declaring Dependencies
The main purpose of the antlib is to utilise Maven's {{{dependencies.html} dependency management features}}.
This is achieved with the <<<dependencies>>> task. The simplest usage involves specifying your dependencies inline,
such as in the following example:
<artifact:dependencies pathId="dependency.classpath">
<dependency groupId="org.apache.maven.wagon" artifactId="wagon-provider-test"
<dependency groupId="org.codehaus.modello" artifactId="modello-core"
<dependency groupId="javax.servlet" artifactId="servlet-api"
version="2.4" scope="provided" />
The above example will download those 3 dependencies, and their dependencies, and so on. They will be stored in
the default local repository location, <<<$\{user.home\}/.m2/repository>>>.
You can also use a Maven 2.0 POM to declare your dependencies, which is {{{#POM} explained below}}. This is a
recommended practice so that you can reuse the file to deploy your own artifacts.
You may have noticed the <<<pathId>>> reference. This is optional, but if given will create a classpath reference
that includes the local files downloaded as dependencies. This is usually used to pass to <<<javac>>> or other tasks:
<javac ...>
<classpath refid="dependency.classpath" />
Another option you can use is <<<filesetId>>>, which will give you a fileset reference that can be used to copy
files into a particular location. For example, to populate <<<WEB-INF/lib>>> with your dependencies, and assuming
you passed <<<filesetId="dependeny.fileset">>> to the <<<dependencies>>> task, you could use the following:
<copy todir="${webapp.output}/WEB-INF/lib">
<fileset refid="depdendency.fileset" />
You can also specify a <<<scope>>> parameter on each dependency. This changes the behaviour of
transitive dependencies and is useful for building different types of classpaths. To see how it affects
the behaviour of the dependencies, see the {{{dependencies.html#Dependency_Scope} Dependency Mechanism}}
documentation in the Maven 2.0 site.
* Declaring Repositories
All of the tasks can optionally take one or more remote repositories to download from and upload to, and a
local repository to store downloaded and installed archives to.
These can be specified inline, or if you choose to reuse them, they can be declared with an <<<id>>>/<<<refid>>>
For example, you can specify the remote repository you want to use:
<artifact:remoteRepository id="remote.repository" url="http://repository.mycompany.com/" />
<remoteRepository refid="remote.repository" />
If no remote repositories are specified, the default {{{http://repo1.maven.org/maven2} http://repo1.maven.org/maven2}}
is used.
<<Note:>> to work with transitive dependencies, you <must> use a Maven 2.0 repository.
If your repository requires authentication, you can provide this as a nested element. It accepts the
attributes <<<username>>>, <<<password>>>, and for SSH based repositories <<<privateKey>>>
and <<<passphrase>>>. For example:
<authentication username="brett" privateKey="${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa" />
* Installing and Deploying Your Own Artifacts
If you want to share your built artifacts between projects, you can use two other tasks: <<<install>>> for
placing them in your local repository for access as dependencies in other scripts, and <<<deploy>>> for
deploying them to an remote location you have set up to serve as a repository in your organisation.
<artifact:pom id="maven.project" file="pom.xml" />
<artifact:install file="target/maven-artifact-ant-2.0-alpha-3.jar">
<pom refid="maven.project"/>
<artifact:deploy file="target/maven-artifact-ant-2.0-alpha-3.jar">
<remoteRepository url="scp://localhost/www/repository">
<authentication username="${repository.username}" privateKey="${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa"/>
<pom refid="maven.project"/>
Note that the installation and deployment require that you have a Maven 2.0 POM file to deploy along with it.
These are required for the transitive dependency mechanism to work effectively, and can be quite simple to
* Using a Maven {POM} File
In Maven, the Project Object Model (POM) represents a unit of work - one exists for each artifact that is built.
Maven 2.0 POM files are required for deploying your own artifacts to a repository for use in the dependencies
elements of other projects.
They can also be reused for declaring your own dependencies, instead of specifying the inline version given earlier.
Here is the earlier example, expressed as a POM:
These elements represent:
* <modelVersion> - this is the version of the POM layout in use, currently <<<4.0.0>>>
* <groupId> - the group ID represents your organisation and project name, much like a Java package name.
This must be universally unique. This becomes the base directory in the repository as well.
* <artifactId> - the artifact ID represents the current build unit. It usually equals the filename of the
resulting file, and must be unique within the group.
* <version> - the version of the artifact you are building.
* <dependencies> - the artifacts the project is dependant on.
This is all that is required for most projects. However, it is also possible to use other fields available in
Maven to describe your project, and reference them from your build script.
To access a POM as Ant properties, you must define it as a reference. For example, to access the version from a POM,
you could use the following:
<artifact:pom id="maven.project" file="pom.xml" />
<echo>The version is ${maven.project.version}</echo>
You can also access nested parts of the POM. For example, you can read the default value of the <<<directory>>>
element within the <<<build>>> element using a <<<.>>> separator.
<artifact:pom id="project" file="pom.xml" />
<echo>The version is ${project.build.directory}</echo>
For more information on the elements available in the POM, see the {{{maven-model/maven.html} descriptor reference}}.
The Settings File
The POM can be used to represent most of the information that the tasks have access to, including remote
repositories. For information that is user or environment specific, such as the <<<authentication>>> tag, are
specified in the <<<settings.xml>>> file in Maven, and can be accessed from the Ant tasks also.
The file is first looked for in <<<$\{user.home\}/.ant/settings.xml>>>, then in <<<$\{user.home\}/.m2/settings.xml>>>
so that the settings can be shared with Maven 2.0 itself.
For example, to specify your proxy settings, you would specify the following <<<settings.xml>>> file:
For more information in configuring <<<settings.xml>>>, see:
* {{{configuration.html} Configuring Maven}}.
* {{{maven-settings/settings.html} Settings Descriptor Reference}}.
* There is a
{{{http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk/maven-core/src/conf/settings.xml} sample settings file}}
in the Maven installation.
Sample Ant Script
The file
{{{http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk/maven-artifact-ant/sample.build.xml} sample.build.xml}}
is a sample Ant script showing some of the functionality in action.
Getting Help
If you have any questions specific to the Ant tasks, please contact the
{{{mail-lists.html} Maven Users Mailing List}}.
For more on the Maven functionality behind them, try the following links:
* {{{dependencies.html} Dependency Mechanism}}
* {{{maven-settings/settings.html} Settings Reference}}
* {{{maven-model/maven.html} POM Reference}}
Task Reference
* <<<dependencies>>>
This task will check if any of the specified dependencies, and their dependencies are missing or updated, and
download them if necessary. The dependencies will be made available as a fileset or path reference.
The dependencies task accepts the following attributes:
| <<<verbose>>> | If <<<true>>> this displays the results of each dependency resolution and their relationships. Default is <false>.
| <<<filesetId>>> | The reference ID to store a fileset under of the resolved dependencies.
| <<<pathId>>> | The reference ID to store a path under of the resolved dependencies.
The task can include the <<<dependency>>> nested type, in addition to the other shared types explained later.
You must include at least one <<<dependency>>> element, or a single <<<pom>>> element, but not both.
** <<<dependency>>>
| <<<groupId>>> | The group ID for of the dependency. <Required>
| <<<artifactId>>> | The artifact ID for of the dependency. <Required>
| <<<version>>> | The version of the dependency. <Required>
| <<<type>>> | The type of the dependency. The default is <<<jar>>>.
| <<<scope>>> | The scope of the usage of the dependency, which affects which of its dependencies are also retrieved. This can be <<<compile>>>, <<<runtime>>>, <<<test>>>, <<<provided>>>.
The dependency can also nest multiple <<<exclusion>>> elements.
*** <<<exclusion>>>
An exclusion can be used to prevent the resolution of a particular artifact in the tree of the dependency.
| <<<groupId>>> | The group ID for of the dependency to exclude. <Required>
| <<<artifactId>>> | The artifact ID for of the dependency to exclude. <Required>
* <<<install>>>
This task will install the given file into the local repository. It is stored using the information in the supplied
| <<<file>>> | The file to install in the local repository. <Required>
The task must also take a nested <<<pom>>>, and can have an optional <<<localRepository>>> element.
* <<<deploy>>>
This task will deploy the given file into the remote repository. It is stored using the information in the supplied
| <<<file>>> | The file to deploy in the remote repository. <Required>
The task must also take a nested <<<pom>>>, and can have an optional <<<remoteRepository>>> element. If no
<<<remoteRepository>>> element is given, the <<<distributionManagement>>> section of the POM is used.
Type Reference
* <<<localRepository>>>
Specifies the location of the local repository of artifacts.
| <<<location>>> | The directory of the local repository. <Required>
| <<<layout>>> | The layout of the local repository. The valid options are <<<legacy>>> (Maven 1), or <<<default>>> (Maven 2).
* <<<remoteRepository>>>
Specifies the location of the remote repository.
| <<<url>>> | The URL of the repository. <Required>
| <<<layout>>> | The layout of the remote repository. The valid options are <<<legacy>>> (Maven 1), or <<<default>>> (Maven 2).
| <<<snapshotPolicy>>> | How often to check for updates on dependencies with a version that includes <<<SNAPSHOT>>>. Valid values are <<<never>>>, <<<interval:MINUTES>>>, <<<daily>>> (<default)>, <<<always>>>.
| <<<checksumPolicy>>> | How to treat missing or incorrect checksums for the dependencies that are downloaded. Valid values are <<<warn>>> (<default>) and <<<fail>>>.
The remote repository can also nest the following elements: <<<authentication>>> and <<<proxy>>>.
** <<<proxy>>>
The proxy element is typically used for HTTP repositories. The layout is the same as in the
{{{maven-settings/settings.html#Proxy} settings reference}}.
** <<<authentication>>>
The authentication element is used for passing a username, password and other credentials to the repository either
on upload or download. The layout is the same as in the {{{maven-settings/settings.html#Server} settings reference}}.
* <<<pom>>>
The POM element will load a POM file and make it available as a reference for the other tasks or as properties.
| <<<file>>> | The file of the POM to load. <Required>

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@ -53,8 +53,5 @@ Developing Maven 2.0 Plugins
* Resources
[[1]] {{{developers/developing-plugins-with-marmalade.html}Developing plugins
with Marmalade}}
[[2]] {{{developers/mojo-api-specification.html}Mojo API specification}}
[[1]] {{{developers/mojo-api-specification.html}Mojo API specification}}

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@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ m2 clean:clean install
@phase generate-sources
<<Note:>> <Some plugin languages such as Marmalade have different ways of specifying mojo level declarations.
<<Note:>> <Some plugin languages have different ways of specifying mojo level declarations.
Please refer to the specific plugin development documentation for more information.>
Once this is specified, it will automatically be registered when the goal is listed in the project POM, as described

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Plugin Overview
A Mojo is really just a goal in Maven 2, and plug-ins consist of
any number of goals (Mojos). Mojos can be defined as annotated Java classes or
as a XML plugin script if a plugin is defined in Marmalade. A Mojo specifies
Beanshell script. A Mojo specifies
metadata about a goal: a goal name, which phase of the lifecycle it fits into,
and the parameters it is expecting.
@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ Plugin Overview
isn't going to be the best choice for performance, and the development team
thought it wise to adopt an approach which would allow plugin developers to
choose from an array of plugin implementation choices. The first choice in
Maven 2 should be Java plugins, but if you are used to defining plugins in Jelly
you may also define a plugin using a scripting language known as Marmalade.
Maven 2 should be Java plugins, but you may also use one of the supported
scripting languages like Beanshell.
To summarize, the development team saw some critical gaps in the API and
architecture of Maven 1.0 plug-ins, and the team decided that addressing

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@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
<menu name="Plugin Developers">
<item name="Plugin Development Guide" href="/developers/plugin-development-guide.html"/>
<item name="Developing Plugins with Marmalade" href="/developers/developing-plugins-with-marmalade.html"/>
<menu name="Developers">
<item name="Developers Guide" href="/developers/development-guide.html"/>

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@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<title>Developing Plugins with Marmalade</title>
<author email="jdcasey@apache.org">John Casey</author>
<section name="Developing Plugins with Marmalade">
NOTE: Compare this tutorial to
<a href="http://maven.apache.org/using/developing-plugins.html">Developing
from the Maven 1.0 website. Marmalade is meant to be quite similar to Jelly in its
syntax, so this process should be very familiar to Maven 1.0 plugin developers.
<!-- TODO
If you need some background on how plugins fit into the execution model of Maven 2.0, try reading the
<a href="architecture.html">Maven 2.0 Architecture</a>.
<subsection name="Graduating from Jelly: Plugins in Marmalade">
Beginning in Maven 2.0, plugins can be implemented in various languages, including Marmalade, Java and
Marmalade is a next-generation Jelly-like XML language, and was chosen for early inclusion in Maven 2.0 to
ease migration from Maven 1.0, and to provide a way to incorporate Ant scripts into a build project.
Marmalade currently has basic syntax compatibility with Jelly, and some measure of Jelly taglib
compatibility... and this support will continue to improve as Marmalade matures. As such, Marmalade can allow
the plugin developer the freedom to concentrate on porting between project models and core facilities, rather
than worrying about changing implementation languages.
Marmalade is still only a fledgling project, and while it's core engine is sophisticated and mature, it's
support for Jelly and other taglibs is still growing at a brisk pace. In order to provide as much Jelly
functionality out-of-the-box to Maven 2.0 users, Marmalade has an available compatibility layer for Jelly,
which will allow the user to embed Jelly within Marmalade for the taglibs that have not yet been ported to
native Marmalade.
For those Maven 1.x users who have implemented their own plugins using Jelly, Marmalade can be
an extremely powerful language for porting to Maven 2.0.
<p>For more information on Marmalade, see the
<a href="http://marmalade.codehaus.org">Marmalade website.</a>
<subsection name="Marmalade Plugin Basics">
A plugin implemented in Marmalade can contain the following:
<li>[Required] One or more Marmalade scripts, each in a file with the extension
[Optional] One or more Marmalade tag libraries, each consisting of:
<li>One or more implementations of MarmaladeTag</li>
<li>An implementation of
, the constructor of which registers
each MarmaladeTag implementation to a tag name (for use in scripts)
[Required] A
for building the plugin, which contains a script source directory
<li>[Optional] Plugin resources to be used from within the plugin's scripts (available on the
<li>[Optional] Other Java sources, which can be accessed from the plugin's scripts</li>
script file must provide the same basic structural elements, which define it
as a Maven 2.0 plugin, and provide essential metadata. This metadata is used to:
<li>Inject project and environmental information into the plugin (parameters)</li>
<li>Make common infrastructural components available for use in the plugin</li>
<li>Bind the plugin to a particular point in the build process lifecycle, if appropriate</li>
<li>Provide a goal name to reference the plugin from inside the Maven 2.0 system</li>
<li>Provide descriptive information about what the plugin script does</li>
The general structure of a Marmalade plugin script is:
<!-- The term mojo is a play on POJO, meant to mean "Maven POJO".
| Mojos correspond to goals in Maven 2.0.
<mojo xmlns="marmalade:mojo">
<lifecyclePhase>compile</lifecyclePhase> <!-- Bind to the 'compile' phase of the standard build lifecycle. -->
<description>A description of what the plugin accomplishes for the build process.</description>
<name>parameterName</name> <!-- A name for accessing the parameter from the Marmalade context. -->
<expression>#project.build.directory</expression> <!-- The expression used to bind the parameter. -->
<description>Description of what this parameter is used for.</description>
<!-- This is where the guts of the plugin go. Below is a sample body, wherein a file called
| "touch.txt" will be created in the output directory (by default, in ${basedir}/target), containing
| the content "File Content".
<io:file xmlns:io="marmalade:io" path="${outputDirectory}/touch.txt" mkdirs="true">File Content</io:file>
<subsection name="Creating Your First Plugin">
To start creating a plugin, you must first create a Maven 2.0 project. This is
the same as creating any other project, for example one that builds a JAR, with
the exception that in the case of a Marmalade plugin, you have to specify a special
source directory in which to find script sources.
In a new directory, create a
file like so:
<!-- for now, this is the only groupId acceptable for maven plugins -->
<!-- uses a standard naming convention -->
<!-- uses this version, to make it usable without configuring this plugin from
| the project POM.
<!-- Designate this project as building a maven plugin -->
<name>Maven Hello World Plugin</name>
You might want to include additional information here
eg the developers, organisation, and dependencies
<!-- Since the script source directory is only a marker for a resource, you
| still have to declare that directory for resource inclusion when you
| build.
Next, create your first plugin script. As mentioned above, each script corresponds to a single
goal within the build system, so you may need several scripts.
Since this is in fact a Hello World plugin, your script will simply output
<code>Hello, World</code>
to the screen. Create a script in
with the following contents:
<mojo xmlns="marmalade:mojo">
<description>Say Hello to the World.</description>
<c:out xmlns:c="marmalade:core">Hello, World</c:out>
Now that you can run the following command to install this into Maven's local artifact repository:
<source>m2 install</source>
You can prove the goal exists by running it.
<source>m2 hello:hello</source>
This execution should result in the following content being printed to the screen:
<source>Hello, World</source>
<subsection name="Using Plugin Parameters">
While you can always reference the POM information in a script using mojo parameters with expressions
that reference project elements, a plugin will often need to create new parameters so that it can be
The creation of these parameters simply involves defining them in the metadata section of the script,
and optionally providing a default value for use in the event the user doesn't need to customize the plugin.
As an example, create a parameter for the salutation to be used in your script:
<mojo xmlns="marmalade:mojo">
<description>The salutation to use in greeting the world.</description>
Note the additional element in this parameter declaration:
specified a default
salutation in case the user doesn't need or want to customize the plugin.
Now, to make use of the new parameter. Inside the
action, simply
write out the customizable salutation instead of the stock phrase
<c:out xmlns:c="marmalade:core">${salutation}, World.</c:out>
Install the new plugin and run it, to verify your changes:
<source>m2 install
m2 hello:hello</source>
Notice that the output still has the same old salutation (which is the default value of the parameter).
Now, to customize it:
<source>m2 -Dsalutation=Hiya hello:hello</source>
The output should now read:
<source>Hiya, World</source>
Users of this plugin can also customize the salutation for their project and avoid having to specify it on
the command line each time. All they have to do is create a plugin entry in their
similar to:

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@ -147,11 +147,6 @@
<a href="developers/developing-plugins-with-marmalade.html">Developing Plugins with Marmalade</a>
<b>More coming soon -</b>