mirror of https://github.com/apache/maven.git
o adding jochen's MavenEmbedder2 as reference, i won't be replacing the embedder with it but I will cherry pick
from it. Thanks for the contribution and I hope you'll help with some smaller patches! :-) git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk@379670 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006 Your Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.apache.maven.embedder;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.maven.Maven;
import org.apache.maven.SettingsConfigurationException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.WagonManager;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryPolicy;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.DefaultArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.ArtifactRepositoryLayout;
import org.apache.maven.cli.BatchModeDownloadMonitor;
import org.apache.maven.cli.ConsoleDownloadMonitor;
import org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ReactorManager;
import org.apache.maven.monitor.event.DefaultEventDispatcher;
import org.apache.maven.monitor.event.DefaultEventMonitor;
import org.apache.maven.monitor.event.EventDispatcher;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.profiles.DefaultProfileManager;
import org.apache.maven.profiles.ProfileManager;
import org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.settings.MavenSettingsBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.settings.RuntimeInfo;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainerException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLifecycleException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.embed.Embedder;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LoggerManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
/** Replacement for the {@link MavenEmbedder}.
public class MavenEmbedder2 {
private final MavenEmbedderLogger logger;
private Embedder embedder;
private boolean debug, showErrors, batchMode, suppressPluginRegistry;
private boolean forcePluginUpdates, forcePluginUpdates2;
private boolean suppressPluginUpdates, offline, updateSnapshots;
private boolean checksumFailurePolicy, checksumWarningPolicy;
private boolean nonRecursive, failFast, failAtEnd, failNever;
private boolean reactor;
private String activateProfiles;
private Properties executionProperties;
private File userSettingsFile, alternatePomFile;
/** Creates a new instance with the given logger.
public MavenEmbedder2(MavenEmbedderLogger pLogger) {
logger = pLogger;
/** Returns, whether debugging mode is on.
public boolean isDebug() {
return debug;
/** Sets, whether debugging mode is on.
public void setDebug(boolean pDebug) {
debug = pDebug;
/** Returns, whether stack traces are being shown.
public boolean isShowErrors() {
return showErrors;
/** Sets, whether stack traces are being shown.
public void setShowErrors(boolean pShowErrors) {
showErrors = pShowErrors;
/** Returns the set of predefined properties.
public Properties getExecutionProperties() {
return executionProperties;
/** Sets the set of predefined properties.
public void setExecutionProperties(Properties pExecutionProperties) {
executionProperties = pExecutionProperties;
/** Returns the location of an alternate file with
* user settings.
public File getUserSettingsFile() {
return userSettingsFile;
/** Sets the location of an alternate file with
* user settings.
public void setUserSettingsFile(File pUserSettingsPath) {
userSettingsFile = pUserSettingsPath;
/** Returns, whether batch mode is on.
public boolean isBatchMode() {
return batchMode;
/** Sets, whether batch mode is on.
public void setBatchMode(boolean pBatchMode) {
batchMode = pBatchMode;
/** Returns, whether the plugin registry is being suppressed.
public boolean isSuppressPluginRegistry() {
return suppressPluginRegistry;
/** Sets, whether the plugin registry is being suppressed.
public void setSuppressPluginRegistry(boolean pSuppressPluginRegistry) {
suppressPluginRegistry = pSuppressPluginRegistry;
/** Returns, whether plugin updates are being forced.
public boolean isForcePluginUpdates() {
return forcePluginUpdates;
/** Sets, whether plugin updates are being forced.
public void setForcePluginUpdates(boolean pForcePluginUpdates) {
forcePluginUpdates = pForcePluginUpdates;
/** Returns, whether plugin updates are being forced2.
public boolean isForcePluginUpdates2() {
return forcePluginUpdates2;
/** Sets, whether plugin updates are being forced2.
public void setForcePluginUpdates2(boolean pForcePluginUpdates2) {
forcePluginUpdates2 = pForcePluginUpdates2;
/** Returns a definition of profiles, which are being
* activated.
public String getActivateProfiles() {
return activateProfiles;
/** Sets a definition of profiles, which are being
* activated.
public void setActivateProfiles(String pActivateProfiles) {
activateProfiles = pActivateProfiles;
/** Returns, whether offline mode is enabled.
public boolean isOffline() {
return offline;
/** Sets, whether offline mode is enabled.
public void setOffline(boolean pOffline) {
offline = pOffline;
/** Returns, whether snapshots are being updated.
public boolean isUpdateSnapshots() {
return updateSnapshots;
/** Sets, whether snapshots are being updated.
public void setUpdateSnapshots(boolean pUpdateSnapshots) {
updateSnapshots = pUpdateSnapshots;
/** Returns, whether wrong checksums are considered a
* failure.
public boolean isChecksumFailurePolicy() {
return checksumFailurePolicy;
/** Sets, whether wrong checksums are considered a
* failure.
public void setChecksumFailurePolicy(boolean pChecksumFailurePolicy) {
checksumFailurePolicy = pChecksumFailurePolicy;
/** Returns, whether wrong checksums are considered a
* warning.
public boolean isChecksumWarningPolicy() {
return checksumWarningPolicy;
/** Sets, whether wrong checksums are considered a
* warning.
public void setChecksumWarningPolicy(boolean pChecksumWarningPolicy) {
checksumWarningPolicy = pChecksumWarningPolicy;
/** Returns, whether calling submodules is disabled.
public boolean isNonRecursive() {
return nonRecursive;
/** Sets, whether calling submodules is disabled.
public void setNonRecursive(boolean pNonRecursive) {
nonRecursive = pNonRecursive;
/** Returns, whether failures will abort the program.
public boolean isFailFast() {
return failFast;
/** Sets, whether failures will abort the program.
public void setFailFast(boolean pFailFast) {
failFast = pFailFast;
/** Returns, whether failures are reported at the end.
public boolean isFailAtEnd() {
return failAtEnd;
/** Sets, whether failures are reported at the end.
public void setFailAtEnd(boolean pFailAtEnd) {
failAtEnd = pFailAtEnd;
/** Returns, whether failures are suppressed.
public boolean isFailNever() {
return failNever;
/** Sets, whether failures are suppressed.
public void setFailNever(boolean pFailNever) {
failNever = pFailNever;
/** Returns, whether the reactor is on.
public boolean isReactor() {
return reactor;
/** Sets, whether the reactor is on.
public void setReactor(boolean pReactor) {
reactor = pReactor;
/** Returns the location of an alternate POM file.
public File getAlternatePomFile() {
return alternatePomFile;
/** Sets the location of an alternate POM file.
public void setAlternatePomFile(File pAlternatePomFile) {
alternatePomFile = pAlternatePomFile;
/** Returns, whether plugin updates are being suppressed.
public boolean isSuppressPluginUpdates() {
return suppressPluginUpdates;
/** Sets, whether plugin updates are being suppressed.
public void setSuppressPluginUpdates(boolean pSuppressPluginUpdates) {
suppressPluginUpdates = pSuppressPluginUpdates;
private Settings buildSettings()
throws ComponentLookupException, SettingsConfigurationException
Settings settings = null;
MavenSettingsBuilder settingsBuilder = (MavenSettingsBuilder) embedder.lookup( MavenSettingsBuilder.ROLE );
if ( userSettingsFile != null )
if ( userSettingsFile.exists() && !userSettingsFile.isDirectory() )
settings = settingsBuilder.buildSettings( userSettingsFile );
logger.warn( "WARNING: Alternate user settings file: " + userSettingsFile +
" is invalid. Using default path." );
if ( settings == null )
settings = settingsBuilder.buildSettings();
catch ( IOException e )
throw new SettingsConfigurationException( "Error reading settings file", e );
catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
throw new SettingsConfigurationException( e.getMessage(), e.getDetail(), e.getLineNumber(),
e.getColumnNumber() );
// why aren't these part of the runtime info? jvz.
if ( isBatchMode() )
settings.setInteractiveMode( false );
if ( isSuppressPluginRegistry() )
settings.setUsePluginRegistry( false );
// Create settings runtime info
settings.setRuntimeInfo( createRuntimeInfo( settings ) );
return settings;
private RuntimeInfo createRuntimeInfo( Settings settings )
RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = new RuntimeInfo( settings );
if ( isForcePluginUpdates() || isForcePluginUpdates2() )
runtimeInfo.setPluginUpdateOverride( Boolean.TRUE );
else if ( isSuppressPluginUpdates() )
runtimeInfo.setPluginUpdateOverride( Boolean.FALSE );
return runtimeInfo;
/** Executes the given set of goals in the given
* directory.
public void execute( String[] pGoals, File pBaseDir )
throws PlexusContainerException, ComponentLookupException,
SettingsConfigurationException, MavenExecutionException
embedder = new Embedder();
EventDispatcher eventDispatcher = new DefaultEventDispatcher();
Settings settings = buildSettings();
Maven maven = null;
MavenExecutionRequest request = null;
final LoggerManager loggerManager;
// logger must be created first
loggerManager = (LoggerManager) embedder.lookup( LoggerManager.ROLE );
try {
if ( debug )
loggerManager.setThreshold( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG );
ProfileManager profileManager = new DefaultProfileManager( embedder.getContainer() );
String profilesLine = getActivateProfiles();
if ( profilesLine != null )
StringTokenizer profileTokens = new StringTokenizer( profilesLine, "," );
while ( profileTokens.hasMoreTokens() )
String profileAction = profileTokens.nextToken().trim();
if ( profileAction.startsWith( "-" ) )
profileManager.explicitlyDeactivate( profileAction.substring( 1 ) );
else if ( profileAction.startsWith( "+" ) )
profileManager.explicitlyActivate( profileAction.substring( 1 ) );
// TODO: deprecate this eventually!
profileManager.explicitlyActivate( profileAction );
request = createRequest( settings, pGoals, eventDispatcher,
loggerManager, profileManager, pBaseDir );
setProjectFileOptions( request );
maven = createMavenInstance( settings.isInteractiveMode() );
embedder.release( loggerManager );
catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
logger.fatalError( "Error releasing logging manager", e );
maven.execute( request );
private MavenExecutionRequest createRequest( Settings settings, String[] goals,
EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, LoggerManager loggerManager,
ProfileManager profileManager,
File baseDir)
throws ComponentLookupException
MavenExecutionRequest request;
ArtifactRepository localRepository = createLocalRepository( settings );
request = new DefaultMavenExecutionRequest( localRepository, settings, eventDispatcher,
Arrays.asList(goals), baseDir.getPath(), profileManager,
executionProperties, showErrors );
// TODO [BP]: do we set one per mojo? where to do it?
Logger log = loggerManager.getLoggerForComponent( Mojo.ROLE );
if ( log != null )
request.addEventMonitor( new DefaultEventMonitor( log ) );
if ( isNonRecursive() )
request.setRecursive( false );
if ( isFailFast() )
request.setFailureBehavior( ReactorManager.FAIL_FAST );
else if ( isFailAtEnd() )
request.setFailureBehavior( ReactorManager.FAIL_AT_END );
else if ( isFailNever() )
request.setFailureBehavior( ReactorManager.FAIL_NEVER );
return request;
private void setProjectFileOptions( MavenExecutionRequest request )
if ( isReactor() )
request.setReactorActive( true );
else if ( getAlternatePomFile() != null )
request.setPomFile( getAlternatePomFile().getPath() );
private Maven createMavenInstance( boolean interactive )
throws ComponentLookupException
// TODO [BP]: doing this here as it is CLI specific, though it doesn't feel like the right place (likewise logger).
WagonManager wagonManager = (WagonManager) embedder.lookup( WagonManager.ROLE );
if ( interactive )
wagonManager.setDownloadMonitor( new ConsoleDownloadMonitor() );
wagonManager.setDownloadMonitor( new BatchModeDownloadMonitor() );
wagonManager.setInteractive( interactive );
return (Maven) embedder.lookup( Maven.ROLE );
private ArtifactRepository createLocalRepository( Settings settings )
throws ComponentLookupException
// TODO: release
// TODO: something in plexus to show all active hooks?
ArtifactRepositoryLayout repositoryLayout =
(ArtifactRepositoryLayout) embedder.lookup( ArtifactRepositoryLayout.ROLE, "default" );
ArtifactRepositoryFactory artifactRepositoryFactory =
(ArtifactRepositoryFactory) embedder.lookup( ArtifactRepositoryFactory.ROLE );
String url = settings.getLocalRepository();
if ( !url.startsWith( "file:" ) )
url = "file://" + url;
ArtifactRepository localRepository = new DefaultArtifactRepository( "local", url, repositoryLayout );
boolean snapshotPolicySet = false;
if ( isOffline() )
settings.setOffline( true );
snapshotPolicySet = true;
if ( !snapshotPolicySet && isUpdateSnapshots() )
artifactRepositoryFactory.setGlobalUpdatePolicy( ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.UPDATE_POLICY_ALWAYS );
if ( isChecksumFailurePolicy() )
logger.info( "+ Enabling strict checksum verification on all artifact downloads." );
artifactRepositoryFactory.setGlobalChecksumPolicy( ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL );
else if ( isChecksumWarningPolicy() )
System.out.println( "+ Disabling strict checksum verification on all artifact downloads." );
artifactRepositoryFactory.setGlobalChecksumPolicy( ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN );
return localRepository;
Reference in New Issue