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synced 2025-02-06 18:18:48 +00:00
beefed up the docs. Has progressed from skull on the wall to malnourished calf, but a long way from being a heifer. But, thankfully there is no bull.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk@163883 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,10 +32,12 @@
Plugins</a> from the Maven 1.0 website. Marmalade is meant to be quite similar to Jelly in its
syntax, so this process should be very familiar to Maven 1.0 plugin developers.
If you need some background on how plugins fit into the execution model of Maven 2.0, try reading the
<a href="architecture.html">Maven 2.0 Architecture</a>.
<!-- TODO
If you need some background on how plugins fit into the execution model of Maven 2.0, try reading the
<a href="architecture.html">Maven 2.0 Architecture</a>.
<subsection name="Graduating from Jelly: Plugins in Marmalade">
@ -8,26 +8,41 @@
Maven is distributed in several formats for your convenience.
You will be prompted for a mirror - please be patient, as it may take 24 hours to reach all mirrors.
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.bz2"><code>.tar.bz2</code> archive</a>
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.bz2">
<code>.tar.bz2</code> archive
<span style="font-size: smaller">
(<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.bz2.md5">checksum</a>)
(<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.bz2.asc">PGP</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.bz2.md5">checksum</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.bz2.asc">PGP</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz"><code>.tar.gz</code> archive</a>
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz">
<code>.tar.gz</code> archive
<span style="font-size: smaller">
(<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz.md5">checksum</a>)
(<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz.asc">PGP</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz.md5">checksum</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz.asc">PGP</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.zip"><code>.zip</code> archive</a>
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.zip">
<code>.zip</code> archive
<span style="font-size: smaller">
(<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.zip.md5">checksum</a>)
(<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.zip.asc">PGP</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.zip.md5">checksum</a>)
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/maven-2.0-alpha-1-bin.zip.asc">PGP</a>)
@ -6,8 +6,316 @@
<section name="Getting Started">
This section will help you create a trivial project, and build it, and should provide enough information
to build any project that requires Maven 2.0. It assumed that you have already
<a href="download.html">Downloaded and Installed</a> a Maven 2.0 release.
<subsection name="Creating a Project Skeleton">
The first step is to create a Maven 2.0 project to work on. Run the following command:
<source>m2 archetype:create -DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=my-app</source>
This command has created a layout according the the conventions laid out
<a href="http://maven.apache.org/reference/conventions.html">here</a>.
<!-- TODO
If you'd like to know more about archetypes, see the <a href="archetypes.html">Archetypes</a> section.
The file
<code>pom.xml</code> is the Maven 2.0 project descriptor.
You can get a full reference to the
<a href="project-descriptor.html">project descriptor</a> to see what other
elements are available.
You'll notice there is a
<code>src/main/java</code> directory containing a simple source file to compile,
and a
<code>src/test/java</code> directory containing a trivial unit test.
Let's try a few things...
<subsection name="Building a Project">
Maven 2.0's primary build is built around a defined lifecycle. There are many stages, but the most used ones
from the command line are:
<code>generate-sources</code> - perform any source generation
<code>compile</code> - compile the sources in
<code>src/test/java</code> as well as any generated source
<code>test</code> - compile and run the unit tests
<code>package</code> - package the source code into an archive (primarily a JAR)
<code>install</code> - install the package in the local repository for use with other projects
<code>deploy</code> - deploy the package to the remote repository
Note that executing any stage in the lifecycle will execute all of the preceding ones, so you need only run:
<source>m2 install</source>
This will do all of the steps - generating sources, compiling, copying resources, packaging and finally installing.
<!-- TODO
For more information on the lifecycle, see the <a href="lifecycle.html">Build Lifecycle</a>.
You can run other standalone goals as well, for example:
<source>m2 clean:clean install</source>
Perhaps you'd like to generate an IntelliJ IDEA descriptor for the project?
<source>m2 idea:idea</source>
This can be run over the top of a previous IDEA project - it will update the settings rather than starting fresh.
<b>Note:</b> some familiar goals from Maven 1.0 are still there - such as
<code>jar:jar</code>, but they might
not behave like you'd expect. Presently,
<code>jar:jar</code> will not recompile sources - it will simply just
create a JAR from the
<code>target/classes</code> directory, under the assumption everything else had already
been done.
<subsection name="Other Project Types">
Note that the lifecycle applies to any project type. For example, we can create a simple web application:
m2 archetype:create
-DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=my-webapp
Note that these must all be on a single line. This will create a directory
<code>my-webapp</code> and the following
project descriptor:
Note the
<code><packaging></code> element - this tells Maven to build as a WAR. Again, try:
<source>m2 clean:clean package</source>
You'll see
<code>target/my-webapp.war</code> is built, and that all the normal steps were executed.
What is the
<code>plugins</code> section all about? Well, this is how plugins are configured in Maven 2.0.
It is analogours to the
<code>project.properties</code> file in Maven 1.0. You may note that it looks more
verbose - but you'll see over time that it should be required much less, and is capable of much more powerful
configuration than it's Maven 1.0 counterpart. In addition, we hope the burden of editing the POM will be
eased by the availability of tools in the near future.
Note that this section is not required to build a WAR - if you omit it, the project will still build a WAR,
but the default output name of
<code>my-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war</code> will be used instead. In fact... go ahead
and try that now!
<subsection name="Multiple Modules">
The concept of dealing with multiple modules is built in to Maven 2.0.
In this section, we will show how to build the WAR above, and include the previous JAR as well in one step.
Firstly, we need to add a parent
<code>pom.xml</code> file in the directory above the other two, so it should look like this:
+- pom.xml
+- my-app
| +- pom.xml
+- my-webapp
| +- pom.xml
The POM file you'll create should contain the following:
We'll need a dependency on the JAR from the webapp, so add this to
Finally, add the following
<code><parent<</code> element to both of the other
<code>pom.xml</code> files
in the subdirectories:
Now, try it... from the top level directory, run:
<source>m2 clean:clean install</source>
The WAR has now been created in
<code>my-webapp/target/my-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war</code>, and the JAR is
<source>$ jar tvf my-webapp/target/my-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
0 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 META-INF/
222 Sat Apr 09 01:45:16 EST 2005 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
0 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 META-INF/maven/
675 Sat Apr 09 01:42:54 EST 2005 META-INF/maven/pom.xml
0 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 WEB-INF/
215 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 WEB-INF/web.xml
52 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 index.jsp
0 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 WEB-INF/lib/
1586 Sat Apr 09 01:45:18 EST 2005 WEB-INF/lib/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar</source>
How does this work? Firstly, the parent POM created (called
<code>app</code>), has a packaging of
and a list of modules defined. This tells Maven to run all operations over the set of projects instead of
just the current one (to override this behaviour, you can use the
<code>--non-recursive</code> command line
Next, we tell the WAR that it requires the
<code>my-app</code> JAR. This does a few things: it makes it available
on the classpath to any code in the WAR (none in this case), it makes sure the JAR is always built before the
WAR, and it indicates to the WAR plugin to include the JAR in it's library directory.
You may have noticed that
<code>junit-3.8.1.jar</code> was a dependency, but didn't end up in the WAR. The
reason for this is the
<code><scope>test</scope></code> element - it is only required for testing,
and so is not included in the web application as the compile time dependency
<code>my-app</code> is.
The final step was to include a parent definition. This is different to the
<code>extend</code> element you
may be familiar with from Maven 1.0: this ensures that the POM can always be located even if the project
is distributed separately from its parent by looking it up in the repository.
Like Maven 1.0, as of the current Maven release (
<code>2.0-alpha-1</code>), it is required that you run
<code>install</code> to successfully perform these steps. If you run
<code>package</code>, the JAR will not be
copied to the local repository and Maven will not be able to find it. This will be improved in future versions.
<subsection name="Other Topics">
That's all there is to this brief tutorial. This is by no means the limits of the capabilities of Maven 2.0,
but covers some of the basics and the new features.
If you'd like to know more about general Maven concepts, in association with how the current stable release,
Maven 1.0, works, see the
<a href="http://maven.apache.org">Maven website</a>.
For more information on Maven 2.0, you can consult the
<a href="plugin-list.html">list of available plugins</a>,
or the other documentation on this site.
@ -116,17 +116,24 @@
<a href="getting-started.html">Getting Started</a>
<a href="configuration.html">Configuring Maven</a>
<!-- TODO
<a href="configuration.html">Configuring Maven</a>
<a href="developing-plugins-with-marmalade.html">Developing Plugins with Marmalade</a>
<b>More coming soon - </b> we will continue to flesh out the documentation in the next week, so stay tuned,
and join the
<a href="/mail-lists.html">user's mailing list</a> if you have any questions.
@ -15,8 +15,14 @@
<menu name="User's Guide">
<item name="Getting Started" href="getting-started.html"/>
<item name="Configuration" href="configuration.html"/>
<!-- TODO
<item name="Configuration" href="configuration.html"/>
<item name="Developing Plugins with Marmalade" href="developing-plugins-with-marmalade.html"/>
<menu name="Reference">
<item name="Project Descriptor" href="project-descriptor.html"/>
<item name="Available Plugins" href="plugin-list.html"/>
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<title>Available Plugins</title>
<author email="brett@apache.org">Brett Porter</author>
<section name="Available Plugins">
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