mirror of https://github.com/apache/maven.git
o starting to collapse the methods in the project builder
o rebuilder the maven metadata source git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/branches/MNG-2766@772728 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package org.apache.maven.project;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -52,11 +51,9 @@ import org.apache.maven.profiles.DefaultProfileManager;
import org.apache.maven.profiles.ProfileActivationException;
import org.apache.maven.profiles.ProfileManager;
import org.apache.maven.profiles.ProfileManagerInfo;
import org.apache.maven.project.artifact.InvalidDependencyVersionException;
import org.apache.maven.project.validation.ModelValidationResult;
import org.apache.maven.project.validation.ModelValidator;
import org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem;
import org.apache.maven.repository.VersionNotFoundException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
@ -140,10 +137,6 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
catch ( ProfileActivationException e )
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "Failed to activate pom profiles.");
catch(IOException e)
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "Failed to activate pom profiles.");
@ -158,9 +151,7 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
domainModel = ProcessorContext.mergeProfilesIntoModel( externalProfiles, domainModel );
domainModel = ProcessorContext.mergeProfilesIntoModel( externalProfiles, domainModel );
catch ( IOException e )
@ -257,16 +248,6 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
return project;
private static void printPlugin(Plugin plugin, String tag)
System.out.println(tag + ":" + plugin);
System.out.println("CONFIG:" + plugin.getConfiguration());
for(PluginExecution pe : plugin.getExecutions())
System.out.println("PE:" + pe.getConfiguration());
private static PluginExecution contains(String goal, List<PluginExecution> plugins)
@ -339,30 +320,24 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
return buildFromRepository( artifact, new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration( localRepository, remoteRepositories ) );
public MavenProject buildFromRepository(Artifact artifact, ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration )
throws ProjectBuildingException
public MavenProject buildFromRepository( Artifact artifact, ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration )
throws ProjectBuildingException
MavenProject project = hm.get( artifact.getId() );
if ( project != null )
return project;
if(configuration.getRemoteRepositories() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration.getRemoteRepositories(): null");
if ( !artifact.getType().equals( "pom" ) )
artifact = repositorySystem.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion() );
ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest( artifact, configuration.getLocalRepository(), configuration.getRemoteRepositories() );
ArtifactResolutionResult result = repositorySystem.resolve( request );
resolutionErrorHandler.throwErrors( request, result );
@ -372,54 +347,52 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
throw new ProjectBuildingException( artifact.getId(), "Error resolving project artifact.", e );
DomainModel domainModel;
domainModel = build( "unknown", artifact.getFile(), configuration );
catch (IOException e)
throw new ProjectBuildingException(artifact.getId(), "Error reading project artifact.", e);
List<Profile> projectProfiles;
Properties props = new Properties();
// props.putAll(configuration.getUserProperties());
projectProfiles = DefaultProfileManager.getActiveProfilesFrom(configuration.getGlobalProfileManager(), props, domainModel.getModel() );
domainModel = build( "unknown", artifact.getFile(), configuration );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ProjectBuildingException( artifact.getId(), "Error reading project artifact.", e );
List<Profile> projectProfiles;
Properties props = new Properties();
props.putAll( configuration.getExecutionProperties() );
// props.putAll(configuration.getUserProperties());
projectProfiles = DefaultProfileManager.getActiveProfilesFrom( configuration.getGlobalProfileManager(), props, domainModel.getModel() );
catch ( ProfileActivationException e )
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "Failed to activate pom profiles.");
catch(IOException e)
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "Failed to activate pom profiles.");
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "Failed to activate pom profiles." );
for(Profile p : projectProfiles)
logger.debug("Merging profile into model (buildFromRepository): Model = " + domainModel.getId() + ", Profile = " + p.getId() );
for ( Profile p : projectProfiles )
logger.debug( "Merging profile into model (buildFromRepository): Model = " + domainModel.getId() + ", Profile = " + p.getId() );
domainModel = ProcessorContext.mergeProfilesIntoModel( projectProfiles, domainModel );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ProjectBuildingException("", "");
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "" );
Model model = ProcessorContext.processManagementNodes( interpolateDomainModel( domainModel, configuration, artifact.getFile() ) );
project = this.fromDomainModelToMavenProject( model, domainModel.getParentFile(), configuration, artifact.getFile() );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "" );
try {
Model model = ProcessorContext.processManagementNodes(interpolateDomainModel( domainModel, configuration, artifact.getFile() ));
project = this.fromDomainModelToMavenProject(model, domainModel.getParentFile(), configuration, artifact.getFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ProjectBuildingException("", "");
project.setActiveProfiles( projectProfiles );
artifact.setFile( artifact.getFile() );
@ -427,7 +400,7 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
hm.put( artifact.getId(), project );
return project;
return project;
@ -464,41 +437,23 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
throws ProjectBuildingException
MavenProject project = build( pomFile, configuration );
project.setDependencyArtifacts( repositorySystem.createArtifacts( project.getDependencies(), null, null, project ) );
catch ( VersionNotFoundException e )
InvalidDependencyVersionException ee = new InvalidDependencyVersionException( e.getProjectId(), e.getDependency(), e.getPomFile(), e.getCauseException() );
throw new ProjectBuildingException( safeVersionlessKey( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId() ), "Unable to build project due to an invalid dependency version: " + e.getMessage(),
pomFile, ee );
Artifact pomArtifact = repositorySystem.createProjectArtifact( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion() );
pomArtifact.setFile( pomFile );
ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest()
.setArtifact( pomArtifact ).setArtifactDependencies( project.getDependencyArtifacts() )
.setArtifact( pomArtifact )
.setArtifactDependencies( project.getDependencyArtifacts() )
.setLocalRepository( configuration.getLocalRepository() )
.setRemoteRepostories( project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() )
.setManagedVersionMap( project.getManagedVersionMap() );
if(request.getRemoteRepostories() == null)
request.setRemoteRepostories( new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>() );
ArtifactResolutionResult result = repositorySystem.resolve( request );
if ( result.hasExceptions() )
Exception e = result.getExceptions().get( 0 );
throw new ProjectBuildingException( safeVersionlessKey( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId() ), "Unable to build project due to an invalid dependency version: " + e.getMessage(),
pomFile, e );
throw new ProjectBuildingException( safeVersionlessKey( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId() ), "Unable to build project due to an invalid dependency version: " + e.getMessage(), pomFile, e );
project.setArtifacts( result.getArtifacts() );
@ -509,23 +464,13 @@ public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder
private Model interpolateDomainModel( DomainModel domainModel, ProjectBuilderConfiguration config, File projectDescriptor )
throws ProjectBuildingException
Model model;
model = domainModel.getModel();
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", e.getMessage() );
Model model = domainModel.getModel();
String projectId = safeVersionlessKey( model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId() );
Properties props = new Properties( config.getExecutionProperties() );
model = interpolator.interpolateModel( model, props, domainModel.getProjectDirectory() );
model = interpolator.interpolateModel( model, config.getExecutionProperties(), domainModel.getProjectDirectory() );
catch ( IOException e )
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidRepositoryException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ExcludesArtifactFilter;
@ -68,10 +67,8 @@ import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
import org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader;
import org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Writer;
import org.apache.maven.project.artifact.ActiveProjectArtifact;
import org.apache.maven.project.artifact.InvalidDependencyVersionException;
import org.apache.maven.repository.MavenRepositoryWrapper;
import org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem;
import org.apache.maven.repository.VersionNotFoundException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
@ -168,18 +165,6 @@ public class MavenProject
private RepositorySystem repositorySystem;
private File parentFile;
public File getParentFile()
return parentFile;
public void setParentFile( File parentFile )
this.parentFile = parentFile;
public MavenProject()
Model model = new Model();
@ -193,13 +178,37 @@ public class MavenProject
public MavenProject( Model model )
if ( model == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "model: null" );
setModel( model );
* @deprecated use {@link #clone()} so subclasses can provide a copy of the same class
public MavenProject( MavenProject project )
deepCopy( project );
public MavenProject( Model model, RepositorySystem repositorySystem )
this.repositorySystem = repositorySystem;
setModel( model );
private File parentFile;
public File getParentFile()
return parentFile;
public void setParentFile( File parentFile )
this.parentFile = parentFile;
* Constructor
@ -229,17 +238,6 @@ public class MavenProject
this.repositorySystem = repositorySystem;
originalModel = model;
DistributionManagement dm = model.getDistributionManagement();
if ( dm != null )
ArtifactRepository repo = repositorySystem.buildArtifactRepository( dm.getRepository() );
setReleaseArtifactRepository( repo );
setRemoteArtifactRepositories( (projectBuilderConfiguration.getRemoteRepositories() != null) ? new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>(projectBuilderConfiguration.getRemoteRepositories()) : new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>());
for(Repository r: model.getPluginRepositories())
@ -260,15 +258,6 @@ public class MavenProject
* @deprecated use {@link #clone()} so subclasses can provide a copy of the same class
public MavenProject( MavenProject project )
deepCopy( project );
// TODO: Find a way to use <relativePath/> here...it's tricky, because the moduleProject
// usually doesn't have a file associated with it yet.
public String getModulePathAdjustment( MavenProject moduleProject )
@ -518,13 +507,15 @@ public class MavenProject
list.add( getBuild().getOutputDirectory() );
for ( Artifact a : getArtifacts() )
System.out.println( "++> " + a.getArtifactId() );
if ( a.getArtifactHandler().isAddedToClasspath() )
// TODO: let the scope handler deal with this
if ( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals( a.getScope() ) || Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( a.getScope() ) )
addArtifactPath( a, list );
System.out.println( "--> " + a.getArtifactId() );
@ -1614,17 +1605,29 @@ public class MavenProject
* @return {@link Set} < {@link Artifact} >
* @todo the lazy initialisation of this makes me uneasy.
public Set<Artifact> createArtifacts( ArtifactFactory artifactFactory, String inheritedScope, ArtifactFilter dependencyFilter )
throws InvalidDependencyVersionException
//TODO: this method doesn't belong here at all
public Set<Artifact> createArtifacts( ArtifactFilter filter )
Set<Artifact> artifacts = new HashSet<Artifact>();
for( Dependency d : getDependencies() )
return repositorySystem.createArtifacts( getDependencies(), inheritedScope, dependencyFilter, this );
catch ( VersionNotFoundException e )
throw new InvalidDependencyVersionException( e.getProjectId(), e.getDependency(), e.getPomFile(), e.getCauseException() );
//TODO: something is wrong here because the scope of compile is never set correctly.
if ( d.getScope() == null )
d.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
Artifact artifact = repositorySystem.createArtifact( d.getGroupId(), d.getArtifactId(), d.getVersion(), d.getScope(), d.getType() );
if ( filter == null || filter.include( artifact ) )
artifacts.add( artifact );
return artifacts;
public void addProjectReference( MavenProject project )
@ -1,32 +1,26 @@
package org.apache.maven.project.artifact;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataSource;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ResolutionGroup;
@ -37,365 +31,76 @@ import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataManager;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ScopeArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.Relocation;
import org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.project.InvalidProjectModelException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuilderConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException;
import org.apache.maven.project.validation.ModelValidationResult;
import org.apache.maven.repository.LegacyRepositorySystem;
import org.apache.maven.repository.VersionNotFoundException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
import org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
* @author Jason van Zyl
* @author <a href="mailto:brett@apache.org">Brett Porter</a>
* @version $Id$
@Component(role = ArtifactMetadataSource.class )
//TODO: we don't need the repository metadata thing really, we can retrieve files independendently and parse
@Component(role = ArtifactMetadataSource.class)
public class MavenMetadataSource
extends AbstractLogEnabled
implements ArtifactMetadataSource
public static final String ROLE_HINT = "default";
private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
private RepositoryMetadataManager repositoryMetadataManager;
// lazily instantiated and cached.
private MavenProject superProject;
private PlexusContainer container;
private RepositorySystem repositorySystem;
//!! not injected which is a problem
private MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder;
private MavenProjectBuilder projectBuilder;
* Unfortunately we have projects that are still sending us JARs without the accompanying POMs.
private boolean strictlyEnforceThePresenceOfAValidMavenPOM = false;
* Resolve all relocations in the POM for this artifact, and return the new artifact coordinate.
public Artifact retrieveRelocatedArtifact( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories )
public ResolutionGroup retrieve( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories )
throws ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException
if ( artifact instanceof ActiveProjectArtifact )
return artifact;
Artifact pomArtifact = repositorySystem.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion() );
ProjectRelocation rel = retrieveRelocatedProject( artifact, localRepository, remoteRepositories );
Set<Artifact> artifacts = Collections.emptySet();
if ( rel == null )
return artifact;
ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration = new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration();
configuration.setLocalRepository( localRepository );
configuration.setRemoteRepositories( remoteRepositories );
MavenProject project = rel.project;
if ( project == null || getRelocationKey( artifact ).equals( getRelocationKey( project.getArtifact() ) ) )
return artifact;
// NOTE: Using artifact information here, since some POMs are deployed
// to central with one version in the filename, but another in the <version> string!
// Case in point: org.apache.ws.commons:XmlSchema:1.1:pom.
// Since relocation triggers a reconfiguration of the artifact's information
// in retrieveRelocatedProject(..), this is safe to do.
Artifact result = null;
if ( artifact.getClassifier() != null )
result = artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(),
artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getType(),
artifact.getClassifier() );
result = artifactFactory.createArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(),
artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getScope(), artifact.getType() );
result.setScope( artifact.getScope() );
result.setArtifactHandler( artifact.getArtifactHandler() );
result.setDependencyFilter( artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
result.setDependencyTrail( artifact.getDependencyTrail() );
result.setOptional( artifact.isOptional() );
result.setRelease( artifact.isRelease() );
return result;
private String getRelocationKey( Artifact artifact )
return artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId() + ":" + artifact.getVersion();
private ProjectRelocation retrieveRelocatedProject( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories )
throws ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException
if ( remoteRepositories == null )
remoteRepositories = Collections.emptyList();
MavenProject project;
catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(
"Cannot lookup MavenProjectBuilder component instance: " + e.getMessage(), e );
project = projectBuilder.buildFromRepository( pomArtifact, configuration );
MavenProject project = null;
Artifact pomArtifact;
boolean done = false;
// TODO: can we just modify the original?
pomArtifact = artifactFactory.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getScope() );
if ( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( artifact.getScope() ) )
done = true;
project = mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( pomArtifact, new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration( localRepository, remoteRepositories ) );
catch ( InvalidProjectModelException e )
handleInvalidOrMissingMavenPOM( artifact, e );
if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
getLogger().debug( "Reason: " + e.getMessage() );
ModelValidationResult validationResult = e.getValidationResult();
if ( validationResult != null )
getLogger().debug( "\nValidation Errors:" );
for ( Iterator i = validationResult.getMessages().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
getLogger().debug( i.next().toString() );
getLogger().debug( "\n" );
getLogger().debug( "", e );
throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(
"Cannot validate pom " + e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
handleInvalidOrMissingMavenPOM( artifact, e );
throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(
"Cannot build project: " + e.getMessage(), e );
if ( project != null )
Relocation relocation = null;
DistributionManagement distMgmt = project.getDistributionManagement();
if ( distMgmt != null )
relocation = distMgmt.getRelocation();
artifact.setDownloadUrl( distMgmt.getDownloadUrl() );
pomArtifact.setDownloadUrl( distMgmt.getDownloadUrl() );
if ( relocation != null )
if ( relocation.getGroupId() != null )
artifact.setGroupId( relocation.getGroupId() );
project.setGroupId( relocation.getGroupId() );
if ( relocation.getArtifactId() != null )
artifact.setArtifactId( relocation.getArtifactId() );
project.setArtifactId( relocation.getArtifactId() );
if ( relocation.getVersion() != null )
artifact.setVersionRange( VersionRange.createFromVersion( relocation.getVersion() ) );
project.setVersion( relocation.getVersion() );
if ( ( artifact.getDependencyFilter() != null ) &&
!artifact.getDependencyFilter().include( artifact ) )
return null;
//MNG-2861: the artifact data has changed. If the available versions where previously retrieved,
//we need to update it. TODO: shouldn't the versions be merged across relocations?
List available = artifact.getAvailableVersions();
if ( available != null && !available.isEmpty() )
retrieveAvailableVersions( artifact, localRepository, remoteRepositories ) );
String message = "\n This artifact has been relocated to " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" +
artifact.getArtifactId() + ":" + artifact.getVersion() + ".\n";
if ( relocation.getMessage() != null )
message += " " + relocation.getMessage() + "\n";
if ( ( artifact.getDependencyTrail() != null ) &&
( artifact.getDependencyTrail().size() == 1 ) )
getLogger().warn( "While downloading " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" +
artifact.getArtifactId() + ":" + artifact.getVersion() + message + "\n" );
getLogger().debug( "While downloading " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" +
artifact.getArtifactId() + ":" + artifact.getVersion() + message + "\n" );
done = true;
done = true;
while ( !done );
ProjectRelocation res = new ProjectRelocation();
res.project = project;
res.pomArtifact = pomArtifact;
return res;
* Retrieve the metadata for the project from the repository.
* Uses the ProjectBuilder, to enable post-processing and inheritance calculation before retrieving the
* associated artifacts.
public ResolutionGroup retrieve( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository, List remoteRepositories )
throws ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException
ProjectRelocation res = retrieveRelocatedProject( artifact, localRepository, remoteRepositories );
MavenProject project = res.project;
Artifact pomArtifact = res.pomArtifact;
// last ditch effort to try to get this set...
if ( artifact.getDownloadUrl() == null )
// TODO: this could come straight from the project, negating the need to set it in the project itself?
artifact.setDownloadUrl( pomArtifact.getDownloadUrl() );
ResolutionGroup result;
if ( project == null )
// if the project is null, we encountered an invalid model (read: m1 POM)
// we'll just return an empty resolution group.
// or used the inherited scope (should that be passed to the buildFromRepository method above?)
result = new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_LIST );
Set artifacts = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if ( !artifact.getArtifactHandler().isIncludesDependencies() )
// TODO: we could possibly use p.getDependencyArtifacts instead of this call, but they haven't been filtered
// or used the inherited scope (should that be passed to the buildFromRepository method above?)
artifacts =
project.createArtifacts( artifactFactory, artifact.getScope(), artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
catch ( InvalidDependencyVersionException e )
throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException( "Error in metadata for artifact '" +
artifact.getDependencyConflictId() + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );
ArtifactFilter filter = new ScopeArtifactFilter( artifact.getScope() );
artifacts = project.createArtifacts( filter );
project.setArtifacts( artifacts );
//List repositories = aggregateRepositoryLists( remoteRepositories, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
result = new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, artifacts, remoteRepositories );
catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
// When this happens we have a Maven 1.x POM, or some invalid POM. There is still a pile of
// shit in the Maven 2.x repository that should have never found its way into the repository
// but it did.
return result;
return new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, artifacts, remoteRepositories );
private void handleInvalidOrMissingMavenPOM( Artifact artifact, ProjectBuildingException e )
throws ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException
if ( strictlyEnforceThePresenceOfAValidMavenPOM )
throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(
"Invalid POM file for artifact: '" + artifact.getDependencyConflictId() + "': " + e.getMessage(), e,
artifact );
getLogger().debug( "\n\tDEPRECATION: The POM for the artifact '" + artifact.getDependencyConflictId() +
"' was invalid or not found on any repositories.\n" +
"\tThis may not be supported by future versions of Maven and should be corrected as soon as possible.\n" +
"\tError given: " + e.getMessage() + "\n" );
private void loadProjectBuilder()
throws ComponentLookupException
if ( mavenProjectBuilder == null )
mavenProjectBuilder = (MavenProjectBuilder) container.lookup( MavenProjectBuilder.class );
public List<ArtifactVersion> retrieveAvailableVersions( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories )
public List<ArtifactVersion> retrieveAvailableVersions( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories )
throws ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException
RepositoryMetadata metadata = new ArtifactRepositoryMetadata( artifact );
repositoryMetadataManager.resolve( metadata, remoteRepositories, localRepository );
@ -408,9 +113,7 @@ public class MavenMetadataSource
return retrieveAvailableVersionsFromMetadata( metadata.getMetadata() );
public List<ArtifactVersion> retrieveAvailableVersionsFromDeploymentRepository( Artifact artifact,
ArtifactRepository localRepository,
ArtifactRepository deploymentRepository )
public List<ArtifactVersion> retrieveAvailableVersionsFromDeploymentRepository( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository, ArtifactRepository deploymentRepository )
throws ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException
RepositoryMetadata metadata = new ArtifactRepositoryMetadata( artifact );
@ -440,36 +143,9 @@ public class MavenMetadataSource
versions = Collections.<ArtifactVersion>emptyList();
versions = Collections.<ArtifactVersion> emptyList();
return versions;
private static final class ProjectRelocation
private MavenProject project;
private Artifact pomArtifact;
public static Set<Artifact> createArtifacts( ArtifactFactory artifactFactory, List<Dependency> dependencies,
String inheritedScope, ArtifactFilter dependencyFilter,
MavenProject project )
throws InvalidDependencyVersionException
return LegacyRepositorySystem.createArtifacts( artifactFactory, dependencies, inheritedScope,
dependencyFilter, project );
catch ( VersionNotFoundException e )
throw new InvalidDependencyVersionException( e.getProjectId(), e.getDependency(), e.getPomFile(),
e.getCauseException() );
Reference in New Issue