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git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk@191110 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
Goal Resolution Discussion
The Maven Team
Goal Resolution
This document is intended to be a working memory of sorts for the goal
resolution algorithm used in Maven-2. It is not intended to supplant the
living bible of Maven, the lifecycle.apt document. Instead it is meant to
add depth to the goal resolution step of the lifecycle and provide a place
for discussing the dirty details of its implementation.
*Conceptual Resolution
Conceptually, goal resolution must take place in a particular order in order
to preserve the encapsulation of the goal and it's implied requirements as a
single operation. Obviously, since implied requirements are themselves goals,
this is a recursive definition. This model is further complicated by the fact
that such implied requirements can be derived from two sources: a mojo's
declared pre-requisites (non-optional, these are required for correct
operation of the mojo itself), and any goal decorations which may have been
declared in a project-specific manner via the project POM.
In general, the following should be the combined outcome of all implied
[ main-preGoal* ] [ prereq ]* main-goal [ main-postGoal* ]
Note that each of the elements in this formula is a goal in its own right,
and will therefore be subject to resolution (taking the place of <<<main-goal>>>
above) and substitution into the parent (replace <<<main-preGoal>>> with the
list of goals implied by <<<main-preGoal>>> <in correct order>).
*Functional Resolution
The fact we must merge two sources of implied-goal information in order to
construct a complete execution chain complicates goal resolution beyond simple
use of a directed acyclical graph (DAG). This is especially true because of the
differing lifecycle and scope of the two sources. One is the plugin
descriptor, which has a lifecycle arguably longer than the JVM lifecycle
itself, and system-wide scope (provided plugin versioning is tracked). The
other is the project's POM, which has an extremely short lifecycle (probably
roughly equivalent to the maven-session lifecycle, which is <not> the same as
the JVM lifecycle in some embedded use cases), and only project scope (don't
want one POM's decorations polluting the builds of other POMs). While the
plugin descriptor information may be cached - even to disk - the POM goal
information must be rebuilt for each maven-session.
On the other hand, one very important distinction between information derived
from plugin descriptors and information from POMs is that POMs lack the
ability to declare new goals. This means that in theory we should be able to
clone a DAG that describes all of the conventional requirements for all of the
plugins referenced, and simply add inter-goal relationships to account for any
extra decoration from the POM. When the session is over, we can then discard
the modified DAG, retaining the plugin-derived DAG for future use in memory or
on disk.
<NOTE:> There are other reasons to be very careful when caching the DAG to
disk, notably the handling and updating of -SNAPSHOT plugins.
Here is the current algorithm implemented by the GoalResolutionPhase:
<NOTE:> The separation of the plugin resolution step from the process of
actually building the execution chain is new, and has not yet been implemented.
However, this appears to be a required separation since the DAG cannot
function properly until all plugins - and consequently the prereqs implied by
them - are resolved. So, we'll take a second pass later to actually build the
execution list; for now, we'll just resolve plugins.
<<Resolve Plugins:>>
<NOTE:> Can we re-separate this as a plugin-resolution phase, and provide
some sort of reusable tree-visit logic (akin to the topo sorter) where we
could pass in some sort of visitation command to execute per visited goal?
[[1]] Initialize recursion
[[a]] Instantiate Set for caching resolved goals. <resolved>
[[b]] Set current goal to be resolved. <goal>
[[2]] If <goal> is contained in <resolved>, Return.
[[3]] Verify plugin for <goal>.
[[4]] Add <goal> to resolved.
[[5]] Foreach <preGoal> of <goal>,
[[a]] Set <goal> = <preGoal>
[[b]] Call [2]
[[6]] Foreach <prereq> of <goal>,
[[a]] Set <goal> = <prereq>
[[b]] Call [2]
[[7]] Foreach <postGoal> of <goal>,
[[a]] Set <goal> = <postGoal>
[[b]] Call [2]
[[8]] Return.
<<Build Execution Chain:>>
<NOTE:> Visitation logic is eerily similar to the above recursive process.
Can we create a graph visitation utility and pass in some sort of command
to be executed per visited node?
[[1]] Initialize recursion
[[a]] Instantiate LinkedList to hold execution chain. <chain>
[[b]] Instantiate Set for caching visited goals. <visited>
[[c]] Set current goal to be executed. <goal>
[[2]] If <visited> contains <goal>, Return.
[[3]] Process preGoals of <goal>
[[a]] Retrieve List of preGoals bound to <goal>
[[b]] Foreach <preGoal> in <preGoals>
[[i]] Set <goal> = <preGoal>
[[ii]] Call [1]
[[4]] Process prereqs of <goal>
[[a]] Retrieve List of prereqs bound to <goal>
[[b]] Foreach <prereq> in <prereqs>
[[i]] Set <goal> = <prereq>
[[ii]] Call [1]
[[5]] Add <goal> to <chain>
[[6]] Add <goal> to <visited>
[[7]] Process postGoals of <goal>
[[a]] Retrieve List of postGoals bound to <goal>
[[b]] Foreach <postGoal> in <postGoals>
[[i]] Set <goal> = <postGoal>
[[ii]] Call [1]
[[8]] Return.
<NOTE:> Since the user's intent most likely aligned with separate, serial
execution of all goals listed on the command line <in order>, the above
algorithm must be repeated for each <goal> in <user-goals>, with the execution
chains of each being appended to a single list in order to resolve a complete,
end-to-end picture of the current build session.
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
Maven Lifecycle Phases
The Maven Team
Maven Lifecycle Phases
* generate sources [modello, antlr, javacc]
* process sources [qdox, xdoclet, jam]
* generate resources [modello -> persistence mappings]
* process resources [process persistence mappings]
* compile [plexus component or something else]
* process classes [eg JDO, coverage]
* generate test sources [generating junit tests]
* process test sources
* generate test resources [plexus component or something else]
* process test resources
* test compile
* process test classes
* test [surefire, testNG, dbunit ...]
* package [jar or making a dist]
* package tests which required the entire app/assembly to be finished [integration and more]
* install
* deploy
Mojos only know what they need as input and what phase they contribute to perform their task.
They don't know anything about Maven specifically because Maven controls how they are executed in the lifecycle
using the lifecycle configuration which looks like the following:
You can see that we use the mojo id to indicate what mojo we want to execute at a particular place in the lifecycle
to protected against any package refactoring and generally protects against any changes that might occur with
An example of something commonly done is Maven is to compile the sources of your project:
m2 compile
This would invoke the lifecycle up to, and including, the compile phase.
What about mojos that fall outside of this standard lifecycle? Things like <<<clean:clean>>>, <<<archetype:create>>>,
and <<<idea:idea>>>? These mojos can be executed by invoking Maven as such.
m2 <pluginId>:<mojoId>
These mojos that execute can be thought of as stand-alone tools, they may require dependency resolution
but aside from that they do not interact with any other mojos
Adding Mojos into the lifecycle
Here we are using antlr and it is known to maven that this plugin contributes to the generate-sources phase. In
m1 the antlr plugin, in fact, worked by magic i.e. if there was a grammar present antlr would try to fire. This
is a little too tricky and it would make sense to allow users to specify what they want fired as part of their
build process.
So here the user specifies the use of the antlr mojo that takes a grammar and generates sources and maven knows
that this mojo contributes to the <<<generate-sources>>> phase and so executes the antlr mojo inside the
the <<<generate-sources>>> phase. In cases where there is a possible domination problem we can state that the order
in which the the configurations are listed is the dominant order. I think in most cases there will no be any
domination ordering problems but when there could be you have to be able to explicity state what the order
would be.
notes to finish copying:
-> mojos will contain @tags for parameters and the phase they contribute to, a mojo will be limited to
contributing to one phase in the lifecycle.
-> goal resolution within phases
-> file dependency timestamp checking (mhw)
-> strict use of artifact handlers for things like package/install/deploy
this again would be a mapping so a handler could delegate to another utility for packaging
-> how users decorate or completely override the lifecycle, but most of this should be alleviated by a mojo
having a defined place in the lifecycle by telling maven what phase it contributes too. in this way maven
can probably assemble the entire execution chain by looking at the mojos the user has specified for use
in the build process.
[Added, jdcasey/2005-01-23]
Notes for discussion:
- What about enabling goals only for certain enviornments (introduce the concept
of a target "environment", like CI/dev/QA/production/etc.)
We can't enforce a vocabulary of environments IMO, since different teams
will have different needs, and shouldn't be forced to adapt.
What about something like:
With an invocation style similar to <<<m2 [-Dtarget.environment=dev] test>>>
- In keeping with the concept of providing tons of flexibility but providing
a comprehensive set of sensible defaults, the default phase-goal bindings
will probably be provided in the implied root POM.
That said, how do we allow users to <suppress> those phase-goal bindings?
How do we allow users to specify <where> a new binding will go in relation
to the defaults provided in the root POM?
However we solve this, we need to emphasize intuitive XML as a solution IMO.
The implicit ordering in the phase-goal bindings is a step in the right
direction, but when you factor inheritance into the mix, this could get
really sticky.
[/Added, jdcasey/2005-01-23]
[Added, brett/2005-02-13: Inserting these as things left over from previous
mails to m2-dev that were pre-lifecycle]
Multiple lifecycles will be able to be used and defined - for example "site"
would have an additional lifecycle. This interface may even be available to
users, though strongly discouraged as the default lifecycles should accommodate
almost any use case.
As the site runs through, it will want to ensure that parts of the lifecycle
already complete are not run again unless the parameters change.
eg. For coverage - no need to compile again, but do add an additional
instrumentation step, then run the tests again on the new instrumented classes
(in a new directory, not over the top of the old ones).
To simplify this, we may actually allow some steps to re-run and rely on the
file timestamping to make it effecient.
[/Added, brett/2005-02-13]
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
Maven Lifecycle
The Maven Team
Maven Lifecycle
*Lifecycle Permutations
* Single goal
- session lifecycle[1]
- dep resolution (if POM present)
- dep download[2]
- each downloaded dep is registered in MavenSession to track
snapshot downloads
- goal lifecycle
- goal resolution (we assume here only one goal is resolved)[3]
- download plugin for goal if necessary[2]
- goal execution
+------------> goalX
| |
| |
| is the plugin for
| goalX present?
| |
| |
| yes ---+--- no
| | |
| | v
| | download the plugin which
| | contains code for this goal
| | |
| | |
| | v
| | process the plugin descriptor
| | and cache the results
| | |
| | |
| |<---------+
| |
| |
| |
| v
| does goalX have any preGoals?
| |
| yes ---+----- no
| | |
| v |
/----------------/ | foreach(pregoal) |
|each pregoal is | | (1)| (2)| |
|a goal which | +----+ | |
|may be in | | +------->|
|another plugin | | |
/----------------/ | |
| v
| does goalX have any prereqs?
| |
| yes ---+----- no
| | |
| v |
/---------------/ | foreach(prereq) |
|each prereq is | | (1)| (2)| |
|a goal which | | | | |
|may be in | | | |<-------+
|another plugin | | | |
/---------------/ | | |
+------------+ |
| |
| v
| does goalX have any postGoals?
| |
| yes ---+------ no
| | |
| v |
/---------------/ | foreach(postgoal) |
|each postgoal | | (1)| (2)| |
|is a goal which| +-----------+ | |
|may be in | +-------->|
|another plugin | |
/---------------/ |
| The general form for goal resolution is: |
| |
| [ main-preGoal* ] [ prereq ]* main-goal [ main-postGoal* ] |
| |
| where each goal (whether it be preGoal, prereq, goal, or postGoal) is |
| subject to the same recursive resolution process. |
* Multiple goals
- session lifecycle[1]
- dep resolution (if POM present)
- dep download[2]
- goal lifecycle (assume that multiple goals are supplied by user)
- goal resolution (assume multiple goals)
- download plugin for goal(s) as necessary[2]
- goal execution
* Implied goals (prereq, preGoal, postGoal)
* Reactor with a single goal
* Reactor with multiple goals
*Use Cases
* where one goal needs to use and modify another goal
eg jcoverage:report does jcoverage:instrument [compiler:compile],
then calls surefire:test (adding classpath entries and changing the test
classes directory parameter)
the does the report
* where a goal does not require a pom.xml (pom-writer, for example).
Here, the pom should NOT be read.
* is there a case where a goal should in fact be executed twice in a
session? Something like "m2 clean foo clean"
- DAG (or DAG-like process) is used for goal resolution, which
should ensure that only explicit multi-calls execute multiple
* ability to alias a goal to a series of other goals, eg: my-goal: clean, foo, clean
[[1]] POM reading: we always attempt to read the POM but it may not be
present because some goals don't require the presence of a POM like
stub generation, project setup or whatever. So we can flag this state
and throw an exception down the line if a goal in fact requires a
project, or if there is a POM when there shouldn't be one.
[[2]] Artifact downloading: all artifacts downloaded during session
execution should be registered in a session-scope collection of id's
to avoid multiple download of -SNAPSHOT and other artifacts.
[[3]] Goal Resolution: Involves resolving all implied goals (via prereqs,
pre- and post-goal decorations, and resolving/downloading any associated
plugins. Plugin download must be a utility used by this, to ensure that
any goals - specified or resolved - have their associated plugins
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
Maven2 alpha-1 Deployment Checklist
* Convert repository at beaver:repository/ibiblio-v1 to beaver:repository/ibiblio-v3
* Re-deploy anything required from ibiblio-v2 to ibiblio-v3
Start by changing the <distributionManagement/> stanza for each root-pom,
verifying that the <modules/> stanza covers all relevant projects,
committing any changes to pom's, and finally running 'm2 deploy' for each.
- plexus (all)
- maven-components (all)
- marmalade (core, utils, ognl-el, commons-el, ant-compat, jelly-compat ...)
- modello (all)
- mojos (all)
- doxia (all)
- wagon (all)
- surefire (all)
- maven-scm (all)
* Setup vhost on codehaus pointing to ibiblio-v3 repository directory for
* Run test with locally-changed super-pom that references new ibiblio-v3 vhost.
When this succeeds, we should be able to shutdown that test vhost.
* Setup staging directory for rsync from feeder repositories.
This directory will be used to bring in the contents of other artifact
repositories, whereupon the repoclean utility will be run periodically to
convert them over to the format required for ibiblio-v3 (and dump them in
The synchronization process should do the following:
[[1]] synchronize artifact feeds into the staging directory. [STAGE-1]
[[2]] run repoclean on the staging directory, and feed the output to the
ibiblio-sync staging directory. [STAGE-2]
This will convert poms from v3 to v4, and directory structures from
old layout to new layout.
[[3]] clean out the inbound sync staging directory (STAGE-1).
[[4]] synchronize STAGE-2 to ibiblio.org/maven2.
* Setup synchronization between beaver:repository/ibiblio-v3 and ibiblio:/maven2.
* Change the redirect for repo1.maven.org to point to ibiblio.org.
* Change the repository directory structure for repo1.maven.org in super-pom
to point to /maven2.
This will enable switching from redirect aliasing to CNAME aliasing of
ibiblio repository transparently, since usage of the CNAME method will
require the correct URL path (URL rewriting and vhost on ibiblio side are
not allowed). Basically, this allows us to keep our options open with an
eye toward user support once m2 is released.
* Wait for and/or push initial sync to ibiblio:/maven2.
* Run test builds to verify new repository access is working.
* Weed out the ibiblio-v2 repository to only m2 stuff, and then archive these
artifacts in case we need them. Remove ibiblio-v2 directory.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user