Detach maven-cli from maven-embedder (deprecated). Basically, classes are copied from embedder to cli, while embedder points to old classes and cli to new classes. **One important exception is logging**: the classes are _moved_ to cli, and embedder modified to use those classes (and dependency reversed: embedder now depends on cli). Reason is Verifier, that still calls into "hack method" of deprecated MavenCli, and then without logging classes move would explode due casting.
As counterpart to maven.repo.local.tail, but this one "prepends" while other "appends". This means one can do like this
$ mvn install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local.head=~/.m2/repository-it
And have stuff installed into dedicated IT local repo (as IT bits must be installed), instead to pollute own local repo.
To have them listed in generated docs, as they were forgotten.
Also, adding a "compat" support for Maven 3.9.x property for chained reposes.