Problem: resolver spi, impl and connector-basic has changes in 1.8.0 (SPI interface RepositoryLayout got new method, that is implemented in connector-basic, and code from impl is using it). But, Maven core exports only resolver api, spi and impl packages, while the rest is at mercy of a plugin. This means ,that these artifacts (api, spi and impl) will always come from Maven core, whatever version plugin declares, while the "rest" (connector-basic and util) will be of version that plugin declares. The current state hence prevented ANY KIND of changes on SPI interfaces that would be implemented in connector-basic (which is the case in Resolver 1.8.0).
Solution: make all these resolver artifacts "provided" (to behave like maven-core or maven-plugin-api is behaving): simply put, whatever resolver artifact plugin depends on, it should NOT use it's own version, but the version from Maven. This ensures that api-spi-impl-connector-basic as "aligned" and are same version.
The change is to make util is exportedArtifact AND exportedPackage, while connector-basic is only exportedArtifact.
* exportedArtifact -- prevents "own" artifact to be added to realm
* exportedPackage -- makes it "visible" in realm
So, this basically prevents bad versions of util and connector-basic
enter the plugin realm (as they will be not added to it), while
util remains "visible" to plugins, as the intent was, most
common due GenericVersions etc.
This change also results in simpler expectations to plugin developers:
resolver libraries should really behave like maven-core or maven-compat:
when plugin declares dependency on these (w/ scope provided as best
practice), they really get version of these that are of version that
maven runs in, not version they declare. So same thing happens now with
resolver: you will get same version of resolver that maven uses your plugin
runs in.
Before this change, it was a mixed bag: api, spi and impl was from maven,
while util and connector-basic was version you pulled in as dep.
As title says, XSD is ancient old 2.0.0, while all
latest assembly plugins uses 2.1.0.
Not that this matters or changes anything at all,
this is more about correctness.
Addendum to be2b7f890d98af20eb0753650b6605a68a97ac05:
* fix property name to align with existing ones
* fix logging configuration as no more shaded httpClient
* fix constant names
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo execution
with basic configurator
rephrase "Configuring" to "Loading" mojo "from plugin realm"
to differentiate from "configuring mojo" = apply configuration
rename populatePluginFields(..) private method
to populateMojoExecutionFields(..) to better match the intent
But keep Wagon as default transport. This PR merely includes
resolver http and file transport and switches wagon-http
to non-shaded one.
* switch to non-shaded wagon-http (as httpClient is now shared)
* include resolver http and file transport
* override resolver default behaviour (native transport preferred over wagon, when both on classpath)
* provide simplistic means to choose transport
The chosen transport can be seen in debug (-X) output on line
`[DEBUG] Using transporter XXX...`
The `-Dmaven.transport` simplistic switch can be used to choose transport:
* not set: default, that is Wagon
* `wagon`: explicitly sets Wagon
* `resolver`: explicitly sets resolver native transports (file and http)
* `auto`: relies on resolver "auto discovery" (priorities, etc). This is MUST to keep transport pluggable with 3rd party transports. In fact, this was the default so far in Maven, along with the fact that native resolver transports were not included (as resolver prefers native ones over Wagon).
As Resolver session contains non-MavenWorkspaceReader, the reactor models (already resolved w/ profiles applied) are re-built when using Resolver within Mojo, instead to get them via ReactorReader as expected. The rebuilt models will lack explicit (-P on CLI) profiles applied, as resolver itself is not maven aware, hence there is no way to "tell" resolver to apply them. Building reactor models w/ profiles applied is NOT done using resolver, but by Maven when loading up reactor, as profiles are NOT applied for downstream transitive dependencies (see discussion on MNG-1388 why).
Signed-off-by: Christoph Läubrich <>
Co-authored-by: Christoph Läubrich <>
Co-authored-by: Tamas Cservenak <>
Replace usage of
Signed-off-by: Karsten Thoms <>
This closes#664
This adds support for property interpolation in extensions.xml to allow
advanced use cases where one wants to contribute certain things via the
This closes#665
It may lead to confusion as parameters (list) and
parametersMap (map) may "fall apart" easily.
Also, parametersMap did not honor parameter
ordering while parameters list makes it look
that order is important.
Simply, rebuild the map always and retain
ordering as well.
Added UT and also removed some cruft provided
by java8.