/* ====================================================================
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ====================================================================
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.Authenticator;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
* Http utils for retrieving files.
* @author costin@dnt.ro
* @author gg@grtmail.com (Added Java 1.1 style HTTP basic auth)
* @author Jason van Zyl
* @todo Need to add a timeout so we can flip to a backup repository.
* @todo Download everything in a single session.
* @todo Throw meaningful exception when authentication fails.
public class HttpUtils
* Use a proxy to bypass the firewall with or without authentication
* @param proxyHost Proxy Host (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyPort Proxy Port (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyUserName Proxy Username (if authentification is required),
* or null
* @param proxyPassword Proxy Password (if authentification is required),
* or null
* @throws SecurityException if an operation is not authorized by the
* SecurityManager
public static void useProxyUser( final String proxyHost,
final String proxyPort,
final String proxyUserName,
final String proxyPassword )
if ( proxyHost != null && proxyPort != null )
System.getProperties().put( "proxySet", "true" );
System.getProperties().put( "proxyHost", proxyHost );
System.getProperties().put( "proxyPort", proxyPort );
if ( proxyUserName != null )
Authenticator.setDefault( new Authenticator()
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
return new PasswordAuthentication( proxyUserName,
proxyPassword == null ? new char[0] : proxyPassword.toCharArray() );
} );
* Retrieve a remote file. Throws an Exception on errors unless the
* ifnoreErrors flag is set to True
* @param url the of the file to retrieve
* @param destinationFile where to store it
* @param ignoreErrors whether to ignore errors during I/O or throw an
* exception when they happen
* @param useTimestamp whether to check the modified timestamp on the
* destinationFile
against the remote source
* @param proxyHost Proxy Host (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyPort Proxy Port (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyUserName Proxy Username (if authentification is required),
* or null.
* @param proxyPassword Proxy Password (if authentification is required),
* or null.
* @param useChecksum Flag to indicate the use of the checksum for the retrieved
* artifact if it is available.
* @throws IOException If an I/O exception occurs.
public static void getFile( String url,
File destinationFile,
boolean ignoreErrors,
boolean useTimestamp,
String proxyHost,
String proxyPort,
String proxyUserName,
String proxyPassword,
boolean useChecksum )
throws IOException
// Get the requested file.
getFile( url,
proxyPassword );
// Get the checksum if requested.
if ( useChecksum )
File checksumFile = new File( destinationFile + ".md5" );
getFile( url + ".md5",
proxyPassword );
catch ( Exception e )
// do nothing we will check later in the process
// for the checksums.
* Retrieve a remote file. Throws an Exception on errors unless the
* ifnoreErrors flag is set to True
* @param url the of the file to retrieve
* @param destinationFile where to store it
* @param ignoreErrors whether to ignore errors during I/O or throw an
* exception when they happen
* @param useTimestamp whether to check the modified timestamp on the
* destinationFile
against the remote source
* @param proxyHost Proxy Host (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyPort Proxy Port (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyUserName Proxy Username (if authentification is required),
* or null
* @param proxyPassword Proxy Password (if authentification is required),
* or null
* @throws IOException If an I/O exception occurs.
public static void getFile( String url,
File destinationFile,
boolean ignoreErrors,
boolean useTimestamp,
String proxyHost,
String proxyPort,
String proxyUserName,
String proxyPassword )
throws IOException
//set the timestamp to the file date.
long timestamp = -1;
if ( useTimestamp && destinationFile.exists() )
timestamp = destinationFile.lastModified();
getFile( url,
proxyPassword );
catch ( IOException ex )
if ( !ignoreErrors )
throw ex;
* Retrieve a remote file.
* @param url the URL of the file to retrieve
* @param destinationFile where to store it
* @param timestamp if provided, the remote URL is only retrieved if it was
* modified more recently than timestamp. Otherwise, negative value indicates that
* the remote URL should be retrieved unconditionally.
* @param proxyHost Proxy Host (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyPort Proxy Port (if proxy is required), or null
* @param proxyUserName Proxy Username (if authentification is required),
* or null
* @param proxyPassword Proxy Password (if authentification is required),
* or null
* @throws IOException If an I/O exception occurs.
public static void getFile( String url,
File destinationFile,
long timestamp,
String proxyHost,
String proxyPort,
String proxyUserName,
String proxyPassword )
throws IOException
String[] s = parseUrl( url );
String username = s[0];
String password = s[1];
String parsedUrl = s[2];
URL source = new URL( parsedUrl );
//set proxy connection
useProxyUser( proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUserName, proxyPassword );
//set up the URL connection
URLConnection connection = source.openConnection();
//modify the headers
if ( timestamp >= 0 )
connection.setIfModifiedSince( timestamp );
// prepare Java 1.1 style credentials
if ( username != null || password != null )
String up = username + ":" + password;
String encoding = Base64.encode( up.getBytes(), false );
connection.setRequestProperty( "Authorization", "Basic " + encoding );
//connect to the remote site (may take some time)
//next test for a 304 result (HTTP only)
if ( connection instanceof HttpURLConnection )
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) connection;
// although HTTPUrlConnection javadocs says FileNotFoundException should be
// thrown on a 404 error, that certainly does not appear to be the case, so
// test for 404 ourselves, and throw FileNotFoundException as needed
if ( httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND )
throw new FileNotFoundException( url.toString() + " (HTTP Error: "
+ httpConnection.getResponseCode() + " " + httpConnection.getResponseMessage() + ")" );
if ( httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED )
// test for 401 result (HTTP only)
if ( httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED )
throw new IOException( "Not authorized." );
// test for 407 result (HTTP only)
if ( httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PROXY_AUTH )
throw new IOException( "Not authorized by proxy." );
// REVISIT: at this point even non HTTP connections may support the
// if-modified-since behaviour - we just check the date of the
// content and skip the write if it is not newer.
// Some protocols (FTP) dont include dates, of course.
InputStream is = null;
IOException isException = null;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
is = connection.getInputStream();
catch ( IOException ex )
isException = ex;
if ( is == null )
throw isException;
if ( connection.getLastModified() <= timestamp &&
connection.getLastModified() != 0 )
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( destinationFile );
byte[] buffer = new byte[100 * 1024];
int length;
while ( ( length = is.read( buffer ) ) >= 0 )
fos.write( buffer, 0, length );
System.out.print( "." );
// if (and only if) the use file time option is set, then the
// saved file now has its timestamp set to that of the downloaded
// file
if ( timestamp >= 0 )
long remoteTimestamp = connection.getLastModified();
if ( remoteTimestamp != 0 )
touchFile( destinationFile, remoteTimestamp );
* Parse an url which might contain a username and password. If the
* given url doesn't contain a username and password then return the
* origin url unchanged.
* @param url The url to parse.
* @return The username, password and url.
* @throws RuntimeException if the url is (very) invalid
static String[] parseUrl( String url )
String[] parsedUrl = new String[3];
parsedUrl[0] = null;
parsedUrl[1] = null;
parsedUrl[2] = url;
// We want to be able to deal with Basic Auth where the username
// and password are part of the URL. An example of the URL string
// we would like to be able to parse is like the following:
// http://username:password@repository.mycompany.com
int i = url.indexOf( "@" );
if ( i > 0 )
String protocol = url.substring( 0, url.indexOf( "://" ) ) + "://";
String s = url.substring( protocol.length(), i );
int j = s.indexOf( ":" );
parsedUrl[0] = s.substring( 0, j );
parsedUrl[1] = s.substring( j + 1 );
parsedUrl[2] = protocol + url.substring( i + 1 );
return parsedUrl;
* set the timestamp of a named file to a specified time.
* @param file the file to touch
* @param timemillis in milliseconds since the start of the era
* @return true if it succeeded. False means that this is a java1.1 system
* and that file times can not be set
* @throws RuntimeException Thrown in unrecoverable error. Likely this
* comes from file access failures.
private static boolean touchFile( File file, long timemillis )
long modifiedTime;
if ( timemillis < 0 )
modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
modifiedTime = timemillis;
file.setLastModified( modifiedTime );
return true;