settings Settings package org.apache.maven.settings Settings 1.0.0 Root element of the user configuration file. proxies 1.0.0 Proxy * servers 1.0.0 Server * profiles 1.0.0 Profile * 1.0.0 1 ) { for ( Iterator it = profiles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Profile profile = (Profile); if ( profile.isActive() ) { activeProfile = profile; break; } } } else { // If we only have one profile, use it as the active one. activeProfile = (Profile) profiles.get( 0 ); } } } return activeProfile; } public synchronized Proxy getActiveProxy() { if(activeProxy == null) { List proxies = getProxies(); if ( proxies != null && !proxies.isEmpty() ) { if ( proxies.size() > 1 ) { for ( Iterator it = proxies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Proxy proxy = (Proxy); if ( proxy.isActive() ) { activeProxy = proxy; break; } } } else { // If we only have one proxy, use it as the active one. activeProxy = (Proxy) proxies.get( 0 ); } } } return activeProxy; } public Server getServer( String serverId ) { Server match = null; List servers = getServers(); if ( servers != null && serverId != null ) { for ( Iterator it = servers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Server server = (Server); if ( serverId.equals( server.getId() ) ) { match = server; break; } } } return match; } ]]> Proxy 1.0.0 active 1.0.0 false false boolean protocol 1.0.0 String http username 1.0.0 String password 1.0.0 String port 1.0.0 int host 1.0.0 String nonProxyHosts 1.0.0 String Server 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 true String username 1.0.0 String password 1.0.0 String privateKey 1.0.0 String passphrase 1.0.0 String Profile 1.0.0 active 1.0.0 false false boolean localRepository 1.0.0 true String offline 1.0.0 false boolean false