 Upgrading Maven2's dependencies
 Jason van Zyl

Upgrading Maven2's dependencies
 When changing the dependencies that Maven2 requires and to have the
 bootstrap work correctly there are a few things that must be changed:
* MBoot

 The references to dependencies in the mboot must be changed to reflect any
 updates in the core dependencies. These are primarily Plexus artifacts and
 Modello artifacts.
* Top level POM
 The references to common dependencies for the bootstrap build should be
 changed in the top-level POM to reflect the change in core dependencies
 and these should match the changes in mboot.

* Reference to Classworlds in the verifier

 The verifier currently has a reference to Classworlds in order to run. This
 should ulimately be changed as the integration tests should be run as
 Maven is run itself.