settings Settings package org.apache.maven.settings TrackableBase 1.0.0 common base class that contains code to track the source for this instance (USER|GLOBAL) 1.0.0 IdentifiableBase TrackableBase 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 String default true Settings 1.0.0 TrackableBase Root element of the user configuration file. localRepository 1.0.0 true String interactiveMode 1.0.0 boolean true offline 1.0.0 false boolean false proxies 1.0.0 Proxy * servers 1.0.0 Server * mirrors 1.0.0 Configuration of download mirrors for repositories. Mirror * profiles 1.0.0 Profile * activeProfiles 1.0.0 String * pluginGroups 1.0.0 List of groupIds to search for a plugin when that plugin groupId is not explicitly provided. String * 1.0.0 1 ) { for ( Iterator it = proxies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Proxy proxy = (Proxy); if ( proxy.isActive() ) { activeProxy = proxy; break; } } } else { // If we only have one proxy, use it as the active one. activeProxy = (Proxy) proxies.get( 0 ); } } } return activeProxy; } public Server getServer( String serverId ) { Server match = null; List servers = getServers(); if ( servers != null && serverId != null ) { for ( Iterator it = servers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Server server = (Server); if ( serverId.equals( server.getId() ) ) { match = server; break; } } } return match; } public Mirror getMirrorOf( String repositoryId ) { Mirror match = null; List mirrors = getMirrors(); if ( mirrors != null && repositoryId != null ) { for ( Iterator it = mirrors.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Mirror mirror = (Mirror); if ( repositoryId.equals( mirror.getMirrorOf() ) ) { match = mirror; break; } } } return match; } private Map profileMap; public void flushProfileMap() { this.profileMap = null; } public Map getProfilesAsMap() { if ( profileMap == null ) { profileMap = new HashMap(); if ( getProfiles() != null ) { for ( Iterator it = getProfiles().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Profile profile = (Profile); profileMap.put( profile.getId(), profile ); } } } return profileMap; } private RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo; public void setRuntimeInfo( RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo ) { this.runtimeInfo = runtimeInfo; } public RuntimeInfo getRuntimeInfo() { return runtimeInfo; } ]]> Proxy 1.0.0 IdentifiableBase active 1.0.0 false false boolean protocol 1.0.0 String http username 1.0.0 String password 1.0.0 String port 1.0.0 int host 1.0.0 String nonProxyHosts 1.0.0 String Server 1.0.0 IdentifiableBase username 1.0.0 String password 1.0.0 String privateKey 1.0.0 String passphrase 1.0.0 String Mirror 1.0.0 IdentifiableBase A download mirror for a given repository. mirrorOf true 1.0.0 String The server ID of the repository being mirrored, eg "central". This MUST NOT match the mirror id. name false 1.0.0 String The optional name that describes the mirror. url true 1.0.0 String The URL of the mirror repository. Profile 1.0.0 IdentifiableBase activation 1.0.0 Activation localRepository 1.0.0 String backwards-compatible location for specifying the local repository for use in builds THIS IS DEPRECATED: use localRepository under the root element instead. properties Extended configuration specific to this profile goes here. Properties String * repositories 1.0.0 Repository * pluginRepositories 1.0.0 Repository * Activation 1.0.0 jdk 1.0.0 String property 1.0.0 ActivationProperty Repository 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 String name 1.0.0 String url 1.0.0 String snapshotPolicy 1.0.0 The policy for downloading snapshots - can be "always", "daily" (default), "interval:XXX" (in minutes) or "never". String daily layout 1.0.0 The type of layout this repository uses for locating and storing artifacts - can be "legacy" or "default". String default checksumPolicy 1.0.0 What to do when verification of an artifact checksum fails - warn, fail, etc. Valid values are "fail" or "warn" String warn 1.0.0 ActivationProperty 1.0.0 name 1.0.0 String true The name of the property to be used to activate a profile value 1.0.0 String The value of the property to be used to activate a profile