When you create the assembly you must manually install it in your local repository for now in order the maven-embedder-it tests to work. jvz. -- parse xml to in-memory model Now MavenEmbedder.readProjectWithDependencies() transitively resolve all dependencies and download them if anything is missing. -- we need a callback for progress indication: download, build, etc -- run m2 (embedded): including running building, archetypes, etc. -- introspect available plugins and their goals -- to generate source folders for eclipse project from m2 pom.xml we need to run generate-sources phase, so all plugins registered for this phase will be kicked of and will register target folders for compilation. Ideally it would be nice to ask these plugins for the target folders, but Brett said it will be only in 2.1, so I guess we'll have to actually run these plugins and generate code. -- In order to nicely show all the errors and events in the IDE UI We need to have two messages for EACH event/error: -- the short description (in Eclipse it can be used in Problems view) -- detailed description (can be used in annotation/editors markers) -- Need getters for MavenEmbedder properties. E.g. to retrieve default location of the local repository