import compile.CompilerConfiguration; import compile.JavacCompiler; import download.ArtifactDownloader; import jar.JarMojo; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import test.SurefirePlugin; import util.Commandline; import util.FileUtils; import util.IsolatedClassLoader; import util.Os; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; public class MBoot { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // These are the bootstrap processes' dependencies // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String[] bootstrapDeps = new String[] { "junit/jars/junit-3.8.1.jar", "modello/jars/modello-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-xdoc-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-xml-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-xpp3-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "plexus/jars/plexus-utils-1.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.jar", "surefire/jars/surefire-booter-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar", "surefire/jars/surefire-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar", "qdox/jars/qdox-1.2.jar" }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // These are plexus' runtime dependencies // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String[] plexusDeps = new String[] { "classworlds/jars/classworlds-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar", "plexus/jars/plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.jar" }; String[] pluginGeneratorDeps = new String[] { "plexus/jars/plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.jar", "maven/jars/maven-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "maven/jars/maven-model-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "maven/jars/maven-plugin-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "maven/jars/maven-plugin-tools-api-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "maven/jars/maven-plugin-tools-java-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "maven/jars/maven-plugin-tools-pluggy-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // These are modello's runtime dependencies // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String[] modelloDeps = new String[] { "classworlds/jars/classworlds-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar", //"plexus/jars/plexus-container-api-1.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT.jar", "plexus/jars/plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.jar", //"plexus/jars/plexus-utils-1.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-xdoc-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-xml-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "modello/jars/modello-xpp3-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" }; String[] builds = new String[] { "maven-model", "maven-monitor", "maven-plugin", "maven-artifact", "maven-script/maven-script-marmalade", "maven-core", "maven-archiver", "maven-plugin-tools/maven-plugin-tools-api", "maven-plugin-tools/maven-plugin-tools-java", "maven-plugin-tools/maven-plugin-tools-pluggy", "maven-plugin-tools/maven-plugin-tools-marmalade", "maven-core-it-verifier" }; String[] pluginBuilds = new String[] { "maven-plugins/maven-clean-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-compiler-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-deploy-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-install-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-jar-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-plugin-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-pom-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-resources-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-surefire-plugin", "maven-plugins/maven-war-plugin" }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Standard locations for resources in Maven projects. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final String SOURCES = "src/main/java"; private static final String TEST_SOURCES = "src/test/java"; private static final String RESOURCES = "src/main/resources"; private static final String TEST_RESOURCES = "src/test/resources"; private static final String BUILD_DIR = "target"; private static final String CLASSES = BUILD_DIR + "/classes"; private static final String TEST_CLASSES = BUILD_DIR + "/test-classes"; private static final String GENERATED_SOURCES = BUILD_DIR + "/generated-sources"; private static final String GENERATED_DOCS = BUILD_DIR + "/generated-docs"; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Per-session entities which we can reuse while building many projects. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private ArtifactDownloader downloader; private ModelReader reader; private String repoLocal; private List mbootDependencies; private List coreDeps; private boolean online = true; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { MBoot mboot = new MBoot(); args ); } public void run( String[] args ) throws Exception { reader = new ModelReader(); String mavenRepoLocal = System.getProperty( "maven.repo.local" ); if ( mavenRepoLocal == null ) { Properties p = new Properties(); try { String userHome = System.getProperty( "user.home" ); p.load( new FileInputStream( new File( userHome, ".m2/" ) ) ); mavenRepoLocal = new File( p.getProperty( "maven.repo.local" ) ).getAbsolutePath(); } catch ( Exception e ) { } } if ( mavenRepoLocal == null ) { System.out.println( "You must have a ~/.m2/ file and must contain the following entries:" ); System.out.println( "maven.repo.local = /path/to/your/repository" ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( "Alternatively, you can specify -Dmaven.repo.local=/path/to/m2/repository" ); System.exit( 1 ); } String mavenHome = null; if ( args.length == 1 ) { mavenHome = args[0]; } else { mavenHome = System.getProperty( "maven.home" ); if ( mavenHome == null ) { mavenHome = new File( System.getProperty( "user.home" ), "m2" ).getAbsolutePath(); } } File dist = new File( mavenHome ); System.out.println( "Maven installation directory: " + dist ); Date fullStop; Date fullStart = new Date(); String onlineProperty = System.getProperty( "" ); if ( onlineProperty != null && onlineProperty.equals( "false" ) ) { online = false; } downloader = new ArtifactDownloader( mavenRepoLocal, reader.getRemoteRepositories() ); repoLocal = downloader.getMavenRepoLocal().getPath(); reader = new ModelReader(); String basedir = System.getProperty( "user.dir" ); mbootDependencies = Arrays.asList( bootstrapDeps ); if ( online ) { checkMBootDeps(); } // Install maven-components POM installPomFile( repoLocal, new File( basedir, "pom.xml" ) ); // Install plugin-parent POM installPomFile( repoLocal, new File( basedir, "maven-plugins/pom.xml" ) ); // Install plugin-parent POM installPomFile( repoLocal, new File( basedir, "maven-plugin-tools/pom.xml" ) ); createToolsClassLoader(); for ( int i = 0; i < builds.length; i++ ) { String directory = new File( basedir, builds[i] ).getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println( "Building project in " + directory + " ..." ); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------" ); System.setProperty( "basedir", directory ); buildProject( directory ); if ( reader.artifactId.equals( "maven-core" ) ) { coreDeps = reader.getDependencies(); } reader.reset(); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------" ); } addPluginGeneratorDependencies(); for ( int i = 0; i < pluginBuilds.length; i++ ) { String directory = new File( basedir, pluginBuilds[i] ).getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println( "Building project in " + directory + " ..." ); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------" ); System.setProperty( "basedir", directory ); buildProject( directory ); reader.reset(); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------" ); } // build the installation FileUtils.deleteDirectory( dist ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // bin // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String bin = new File( dist, "bin" ).getAbsolutePath(); FileUtils.mkdir( new File( bin ).getPath() ); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( new File( basedir, "maven-core/src/bin/m2" ).getAbsolutePath(), bin ); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( new File( basedir, "maven-core/src/bin/m2.bat" ).getAbsolutePath(), bin ); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( new File( basedir, "maven-core/src/bin/m2.conf" ).getAbsolutePath(), bin ); if ( Os.isFamily( "unix" ) ) { Commandline cli = new Commandline(); cli.setExecutable( "chmod" ); cli.createArgument().setValue( "+x" ); cli.createArgument().setValue( new File( dist, "bin/m2" ).getAbsolutePath() ); cli.execute(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // core // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String core = new File( dist, "core" ).getAbsolutePath(); FileUtils.mkdir( new File( core ).getPath() ); String boot = new File( dist, "core/boot" ).getAbsolutePath(); FileUtils.mkdir( new File( boot ).getPath() ); for ( int i = 0; i < plexusDeps.length; i++ ) { if ( plexusDeps[i].startsWith( "classworlds" ) ) { FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( repoLocal + "/" + plexusDeps[i], boot ); } else { FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( repoLocal + "/" + plexusDeps[i], core ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // lib // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String lib = new File( dist, "lib" ).getAbsolutePath(); FileUtils.mkdir( new File( lib ).getPath() ); for ( Iterator i = coreDeps.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Dependency d = (Dependency); if ( d.getArtifactId().equals( "classworlds" ) || //d.artifactId.equals( "plexus-container-api" ) || d.artifactId.equals( "plexus-container-default" ) || //d.artifactId.equals( "plexus-utils" ) || d.artifactId.equals( "junit" ) ) { continue; } FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( repoLocal + "/" + getArtifactPath( d, "/" ), lib ); } // Copy maven itself FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( repoLocal + "/maven/jars/maven-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", lib ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( "Maven2 is installed in " + dist.getAbsolutePath() ); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------" ); System.out.println(); fullStop = new Date(); stats( fullStart, fullStop ); } protected static String formatTime( long ms ) { long secs = ms / 1000; long min = secs / 60; secs = secs % 60; if ( min > 0 ) { return min + " minutes " + secs + " seconds"; } else { return secs + " seconds"; } } private void stats( Date fullStart, Date fullStop ) { long fullDiff = fullStop.getTime() - fullStart.getTime(); System.out.println( "Total time: " + formatTime( fullDiff ) ); System.out.println( "Finished at: " + fullStop ); } public void buildProject( String basedir ) throws Exception { System.out.println( "Building project in " + basedir ); if ( !reader.parse( new File( basedir, "pom.xml" ) ) ) { System.err.println( "Could not parse pom.xml" ); System.exit( 1 ); } String sources = new File( basedir, SOURCES ).getAbsolutePath(); String resources = new File( basedir, RESOURCES ).getAbsolutePath(); String classes = new File( basedir, CLASSES ).getAbsolutePath(); String testSources = new File( basedir, TEST_SOURCES ).getAbsolutePath(); String testResources = new File( basedir, TEST_RESOURCES ).getAbsolutePath(); String testClasses = new File( basedir, TEST_CLASSES ).getAbsolutePath(); String generatedSources = new File( basedir, GENERATED_SOURCES ).getAbsolutePath(); String generatedDocs = new File( basedir, GENERATED_DOCS ).getAbsolutePath(); File buildDirFile = new File( basedir, BUILD_DIR ); String buildDir = buildDirFile.getAbsolutePath(); // clean System.out.println( "Cleaning " + buildDirFile + "..." ); FileUtils.forceDelete( buildDirFile ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Download bootstrapDeps // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( online ) { System.out.println( "Downloading dependencies ..." ); downloadDependencies( reader.getDependencies() ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generating sources // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File model = new File( basedir, "maven.mdo" ); if ( model.exists() ) { System.out.println( "Model exists!" ); File generatedSourcesDirectory = new File( basedir, GENERATED_SOURCES ); if ( !generatedSourcesDirectory.exists() ) { generatedSourcesDirectory.mkdirs(); } File generatedDocsDirectory = new File( basedir, GENERATED_DOCS ); if ( !generatedDocsDirectory.exists() ) { generatedDocsDirectory.mkdirs(); } generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "java", generatedSources, "4.0.0", "false" ); //generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "java", // generatedSources, "3.0.0", "true" ); generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "xpp3-reader", generatedSources, "4.0.0", "false" ); //generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "xpp3-reader", // generatedSources, "3.0.0", "true" ); generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "xpp3-writer", generatedSources, "4.0.0", "false" ); //generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "xpp3-writer", // generatedSources, "3.0.0", "true" ); generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "xdoc", generatedDocs, "4.0.0", "false" ); //generateSources( model.getAbsolutePath(), "xdoc", generatedDocs, // "3.0.0", "true" ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Standard compile // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System.out.println( "Compiling sources ..." ); if ( new File( generatedSources ).exists() ) { compile( reader.getDependencies(), sources, classes, null, generatedSources ); } else { compile( reader.getDependencies(), sources, classes, null, null ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin descriptor generation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( reader.type != null && reader.type.equals( "plugin" ) ) { System.out.println( "Generating maven plugin descriptor ..." ); generatePluginDescriptor( sources, new File( classes, "META-INF/maven" ).getAbsolutePath(), new File( basedir, "pom.xml" ).getAbsolutePath() ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Standard resources // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System.out.println( "Packaging resources ..." ); copyResources( resources, classes ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test compile // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System.out.println( "Compiling test sources ..." ); List testDependencies = reader.getDependencies(); Dependency junitDep = new Dependency(); junitDep.setGroupId( "junit" ); junitDep.setArtifactId( "junit" ); junitDep.setVersion( "3.8.1" ); testDependencies.add( junitDep ); compile( testDependencies, testSources, testClasses, classes, null ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test resources // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System.out.println( "Packaging test resources ..." ); copyResources( testResources, testClasses ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- runTests( basedir, classes, testClasses ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create JAR // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- createJar( classes, buildDir ); installPom( basedir, repoLocal ); if ( !reader.artifactId.equals( "maven-plugin" ) && reader.artifactId.endsWith( "plugin" ) ) { installPlugin( basedir, repoLocal ); } else { installJar( basedir, repoLocal ); } } IsolatedClassLoader cl; private void createToolsClassLoader() throws Exception { cl = new IsolatedClassLoader(); for ( Iterator i = mbootDependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String dependency = (String); File f = new File( repoLocal, dependency ); if ( !f.exists() ) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "Missing dependency: " + dependency + (!online ? "; run again online" : "; there was a problem downloading it earlier") ); } cl.addURL( f.toURL() ); } } private void addPluginGeneratorDependencies() throws Exception { for ( int i = 0; i < pluginGeneratorDeps.length; i++ ) { String dependency = pluginGeneratorDeps[i]; File f = new File( repoLocal, dependency ); if ( !f.exists() ) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "Missing dependency: " + dependency + (!online ? "; run again online" : "; there was a problem downloading it earlier") ); } cl.addURL( f.toURL() ); } } private void generatePluginDescriptor( String sourceDirectory, String outputDirectory, String pom ) throws Exception { Class cls = cl.loadClass( "" ); Method m = cls.getMethod( "main", new Class[] { String[].class } ); String[] args = { "descriptor", sourceDirectory, outputDirectory, pom, repoLocal }; m.invoke( null, new Object[] { args } ); } private void generateSources( String model, String mode, String dir, String modelVersion, String packageWithVersion ) throws Exception { IsolatedClassLoader modelloClassLoader = new IsolatedClassLoader(); for ( Iterator i = Arrays.asList( modelloDeps ).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String dependency = (String); File f = new File( repoLocal, dependency ); if ( !f.exists() ) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "Missing dependency: " + dependency + (!online ? "; run again online" : "; there was a problem downloading it earlier") ); } modelloClassLoader.addURL( f.toURL() ); } Class c = modelloClassLoader.loadClass( "org.codehaus.modello.ModelloCli" ); Object generator = c.newInstance(); Method m = c.getMethod( "main", new Class[] { String[].class } ); String[] args = new String[] { model, mode, dir, modelVersion, packageWithVersion }; ClassLoader old = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( modelloClassLoader ); m.invoke( generator, new Object[] { args } ); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( old ); } private void checkMBootDeps() throws Exception { System.out.println( "Checking for MBoot's dependencies ..." ); downloader.downloadDependencies( mbootDependencies ); } private void createJar( String classes, String buildDir ) throws Exception { JarMojo jarMojo = new JarMojo(); String artifactId = reader.artifactId; String version = reader.version; jarMojo.execute( new File( classes ), buildDir, artifactId + "-" + version ); } private void installPomFile( String repoLocal, File pomIn ) throws Exception { if ( !reader.parse( pomIn ) ) { System.err.println( "Could not parse pom.xml" ); System.exit( 1 ); } String artifactId = reader.artifactId; String version = reader.version; String groupId = reader.groupId; File pom = new File( repoLocal, "/" + groupId + "/poms/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".pom" ); System.out.println( "Installing POM: " + pom ); FileUtils.copyFile( pomIn, pom ); reader.reset(); } private void installPom( String basedir, String repoLocal ) throws Exception { String artifactId = reader.artifactId; String version = reader.version; String groupId = reader.groupId; File pom = new File( repoLocal, "/" + groupId + "/poms/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".pom" ); System.out.println( "Installing POM: " + pom ); FileUtils.copyFile( new File( basedir, "pom.xml" ), pom ); } private void installJar( String basedir, String repoLocal ) throws Exception { String artifactId = reader.artifactId; String version = reader.version; String groupId = reader.groupId; File jar = new File( repoLocal, "/" + groupId + "/jars/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".jar" ); System.out.println( "Installing JAR: " + jar ); FileUtils.copyFile( new File( basedir, BUILD_DIR + "/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".jar" ), jar ); } private void installPlugin( String basedir, String repoLocal ) throws Exception { String artifactId = reader.artifactId; String version = reader.version; String groupId = reader.groupId; File jar = new File( repoLocal, "/" + groupId + "/plugins/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".jar" ); System.out.println( "Installing Plugin: " + jar ); FileUtils.copyFile( new File( basedir, BUILD_DIR + "/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".jar" ), jar ); } private void runTests( String basedir, String classes, String testClasses ) throws Exception { SurefirePlugin testRunner = new SurefirePlugin(); List includes; List excludes; if ( reader.getUnitTests() != null ) { if ( reader.getUnitTests().getIncludes().size() != 0 ) { includes = reader.getUnitTests().getIncludes(); } else { includes = new ArrayList(); includes.add( "**/*" ); } excludes = reader.getUnitTests().getExcludes(); } else { includes = new ArrayList(); includes.add( "**/*" ); excludes = new ArrayList(); excludes.add( "**/*Abstract*.java" ); } boolean success = testRunner.execute( repoLocal, basedir, classes, testClasses, includes, excludes, classpath( reader.getDependencies(), null ) ); if ( !success ) { throw new Exception( "Tests error" ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Download dependencies // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void downloadDependencies( List dependencies ) throws Exception { List list = new ArrayList(); for ( Iterator i = dependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Dependency d = (Dependency); list.add( getArtifactPath( d, "/" ) ); } downloader.downloadDependencies( list ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compile // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private String[] classpath( List dependencies, String extraClasspath ) { String classpath[] = new String[dependencies.size() + 1]; for ( int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++ ) { Dependency d = (Dependency) dependencies.get( i ); classpath[i] = repoLocal + "/" + getArtifactPath( d, "/" ); } classpath[classpath.length - 1] = extraClasspath; return classpath; } private void compile( List dependencies, String sourceDirectory, String outputDirectory, String extraClasspath, String generatedSources ) throws Exception { JavacCompiler compiler = new JavacCompiler(); String[] sourceDirectories = null; if ( generatedSources != null ) { // We might only have generated sources if ( new File( sourceDirectory ).exists() ) { sourceDirectories = new String[] { sourceDirectory, generatedSources }; } else { sourceDirectories = new String[] { generatedSources }; } } else { if ( new File( sourceDirectory ).exists() ) { sourceDirectories = new String[] { sourceDirectory }; } } if ( sourceDirectories != null ) { CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration(); compilerConfiguration.setOutputLocation( outputDirectory ); compilerConfiguration.setClasspathEntries( Arrays.asList( classpath( dependencies, extraClasspath ) ) ); compilerConfiguration.setSourceLocations( Arrays.asList( sourceDirectories ) ); /* Compile with debugging info */ String debugAsString = System.getProperty( "maven.compiler.debug" ); if ( debugAsString != null ) { if ( Boolean.valueOf( debugAsString ).booleanValue() ) { compilerConfiguration.setDebug( true ); } } List messages = compiler.compile( compilerConfiguration ); for ( Iterator i = messages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { System.out.println( ); } if ( messages.size() > 0 ) { throw new Exception( "Compilation error." ); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resource copying // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void copyResources( String sourceDirectory, String destinationDirectory ) throws Exception { File sd = new File( sourceDirectory ); if ( !sd.exists() ) { return; } List files = FileUtils.getFiles( sd, "**/**", "**/CVS/**", false ); for ( Iterator i = files.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { File f = (File); File source = new File( sourceDirectory, f.getPath() ); File dest = new File( destinationDirectory, f.getPath() ); if ( !dest.getParentFile().exists() ) { dest.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } FileUtils.copyFile( source, dest ); } } private String getArtifactPath( Dependency d, String pathSeparator ) { return d.getArtifactDirectory() + pathSeparator + d.getType() + "s" + pathSeparator + d.getArtifact(); } class ModelReader extends DefaultHandler { int depth = 0; String artifactId; String version; String groupId; String type; private String parentGroupId; private String parentArtifactId; private String parentVersion; private List dependencies = new ArrayList(); private List remoteRepositories = new ArrayList(); private UnitTests unitTests; private List resources = new ArrayList(); private Dependency currentDependency; private Resource currentResource; private SAXParserFactory saxFactory; private boolean insideParent = false; private boolean insideDependency = false; private boolean insideUnitTest = false; private boolean insideResource = false; private boolean insideRepository = false; private StringBuffer bodyText = new StringBuffer(); private File file; public void reset() { dependencies = new ArrayList(); } public List getRemoteRepositories() { return remoteRepositories; } public List getDependencies() { return dependencies; } public UnitTests getUnitTests() { return unitTests; } public List getResources() { return resources; } public boolean parse( File file ) { this.file = file; try { saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser parser = saxFactory.newSAXParser(); InputSource is = new InputSource( new FileInputStream( file ) ); parser.parse( is, this ); return true; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public void startElement( String uri, String localName, String rawName, Attributes attributes ) { if ( rawName.equals( "parent" ) ) { insideParent = true; } else if ( rawName.equals( "repository" ) ) { insideRepository = true; } else if ( rawName.equals( "unitTest" ) ) { unitTests = new UnitTests(); insideUnitTest = true; } else if ( rawName.equals( "dependency" ) ) { currentDependency = new Dependency(); insideDependency = true; } else if ( rawName.equals( "resource" ) ) { currentResource = new Resource(); insideResource = true; } depth ++; } public void characters( char buffer[], int start, int length ) { bodyText.append( buffer, start, length ); } private String getBodyText() { return bodyText.toString().trim(); } public void endElement( String uri, String localName, String rawName ) throws SAXException { // support both v3 and v4 if ( rawName.equals( "parent" ) ) { File f; if ( parentArtifactId == null || parentArtifactId.trim().length() == 0 ) { throw new SAXException( "Missing required element in : artifactId." ); } if ( parentGroupId == null || parentGroupId.trim().length() == 0 ) { throw new SAXException( "Missing required element in : groupId." ); } if ( parentVersion == null || parentVersion.trim().length() == 0 ) { throw new SAXException( "Missing required element in : version." ); } f = new File( downloader.getMavenRepoLocal(), parentGroupId + "/poms/" + parentArtifactId + "-" + parentVersion + ".pom" ); ModelReader p = new ModelReader(); if ( !p.parse( f ) ) { throw new SAXException( "Could not parse parent pom.xml" ); } dependencies.addAll( p.getDependencies() ); unitTests = p.getUnitTests(); resources.addAll( p.getResources() ); insideParent = false; } else if ( rawName.equals( "unitTest" ) ) { insideUnitTest = false; } else if ( rawName.equals( "dependency" ) ) { dependencies.add( currentDependency ); insideDependency = false; } else if ( rawName.equals( "resource" ) ) { if ( insideUnitTest ) { unitTests.addResource( currentResource ); } else { resources.add( currentResource ); } insideResource = false; } else if ( insideParent ) { if ( rawName.equals( "groupId" ) ) { parentGroupId = getBodyText(); } else if ( rawName.equals( "artifactId" ) ) { parentArtifactId = getBodyText(); } else if ( rawName.equals( "version" ) ) { parentVersion = getBodyText(); } } else if ( insideDependency ) { if ( rawName.equals( "id" ) ) { currentDependency.setId( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "version" ) ) { currentDependency.setVersion( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "jar" ) ) { currentDependency.setJar( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "type" ) ) { currentDependency.setType( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "groupId" ) ) { currentDependency.setGroupId( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "artifactId" ) ) { currentDependency.setArtifactId( getBodyText() ); } } else if ( insideResource ) { if ( rawName.equals( "directory" ) ) { currentResource.setDirectory( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "targetPath" ) ) { currentResource.setTargetPath( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "include" ) ) { currentResource.addInclude( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "exclude" ) ) { currentResource.addExclude( getBodyText() ); } } else if ( !insideResource && insideUnitTest ) { if ( rawName.equals( "include" ) ) { unitTests.addInclude( getBodyText() ); } else if ( rawName.equals( "exclude" ) ) { unitTests.addExclude( getBodyText() ); } } else if ( depth == 2 ) { if ( rawName.equals( "artifactId" ) ) { artifactId = getBodyText(); } else if ( rawName.equals( "version" ) ) { version = getBodyText(); } else if ( rawName.equals( "groupId" ) ) { groupId = getBodyText(); } else if ( rawName.equals( "type" ) ) { type = getBodyText(); } else if ( rawName.equals( "repository" ) ) { insideRepository = false; } } else if ( insideRepository ) { if ( rawName.equals( "url" ) ) { remoteRepositories.add( getBodyText() ); } } bodyText = new StringBuffer(); depth --; } public void warning( SAXParseException spe ) { printParseError( "Warning", spe ); } public void error( SAXParseException spe ) { printParseError( "Error", spe ); } public void fatalError( SAXParseException spe ) { printParseError( "Fatal Error", spe ); } private final void printParseError( String type, SAXParseException spe ) { System.err.println( type + " [line " + spe.getLineNumber() + ", row " + spe.getColumnNumber() + "]: " + spe.getMessage() ); } } public static class Dependency { private String id; private String version; private String url; private String jar; private String artifactId; private String groupId; private String type = "jar"; public Dependency() { } public void setId( String id ) { = id; } public String getId() { if ( isValid( getGroupId() ) && isValid( getArtifactId() ) ) { return getGroupId() + ":" + getArtifactId(); } return id; } public void setGroupId( String groupId ) { this.groupId = groupId; } public String getGroupId() { return groupId; } public String getArtifactDirectory() { if ( isValid( getGroupId() ) ) { return getGroupId(); } return getId(); } public String getArtifactId() { return artifactId; } public void setArtifactId( String artifactId ) { this.artifactId = artifactId; } public String getArtifact() { // If the jar name has been explicty set then use that. This // is when the element is explicity used in the POM. if ( jar != null ) { return jar; } String artifact; if ( isValid( getArtifactId() ) ) { artifact = getArtifactId() + "-" + getVersion() + "."; } else { artifact = getId() + "-" + getVersion() + "."; } if ( "jar".equals( getType() ) || "plugin".equals( getType() ) ) { artifact += "jar"; } else { artifact += getType(); } return artifact; } public void setVersion( String version ) { this.version = version; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public void setJar( String jar ) { // This is a check we need because of the jelly interpolation // process. If we don't check an empty string will be set and // screw up getArtifact() above. if ( jar.trim().length() == 0 ) { return; } this.jar = jar; } public String getJar() { return jar; } public void setUrl( String url ) { this.url = url; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType( String type ) { this.type = type; } private boolean isValid( String value ) { if ( value != null && value.trim().equals( "" ) == false ) { return true; } return false; } } public static class UnitTests implements Serializable { private String directory; private List unitTestIncludes = new ArrayList(); private List unitTestExcludes = new ArrayList(); private List unitTestResources = new ArrayList(); public void addInclude( String pattern ) { unitTestIncludes.add( pattern ); } public void addExclude( String pattern ) { unitTestExcludes.add( pattern ); } public void addResource( Resource resource ) { unitTestResources.add( resource ); } public List getIncludes() { return unitTestIncludes; } public List getExcludes() { return unitTestExcludes; } public List getResources() { return unitTestResources; } public void setDirectory( String directory ) { = directory; } public String getDirectory() { return; } } public static class Resource implements Serializable { private String directory; private String targetPath; private List includes = new ArrayList(); private List excludes = new ArrayList(); private boolean filtering; public void addInclude( String pattern ) { this.includes.add( pattern ); } public void addExclude( String pattern ) { this.excludes.add( pattern ); } public List getIncludes() { return this.includes; } public List getExcludes() { return this.excludes; } public void setDirectory( String directory ) { = directory; } public String getDirectory() { return; } public void setTargetPath( String targetPath ) { this.targetPath = targetPath; } public String getTargetPath() { return targetPath; } public boolean getFiltering() { return filtering; } public void setFiltering( boolean filtering ) { this.filtering = filtering; } } }