mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:45:34 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk@463921 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
241 lines
8.0 KiB
241 lines
8.0 KiB
$dirname = "maven-core-it";
$newITs = "maven-core-it-new";
open( FILE, "$dirname/integration-tests-descriptions.txt" ) or die;
undef $/;
$readme = <FILE>;
close( FILE );
$/ = "\n";
@descriptions = $readme =~ m/(it\d+\: .*?)(?=\nit\d+\:|$)/gsx;
for $desc (@descriptions) {
($name, $value) = ($desc =~ m/^(it\d+)\: (.*)$/s);
chomp ($value);
$comment{$name} = $value;
system( "rm -rf $newITs" );
system( "mkdir -p $newITs" );
open( POM, "> $newITs/pom.xml" );
print POM "<project>\n";
print POM " <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n";
print POM " <groupId>org.apache.maven.it</groupId>\n";
print POM " <artifactId>maven-core-its</artifactId>\n";
print POM " <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>\n";
print POM " <packaging>pom</packaging>\n";
print POM " <modules>\n";
opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
while (defined($filename = readdir(DIR))) {
next unless (-d "$dirname/$filename");
next if ($filename eq ".svn");
next unless ($filename =~ m/^it0\d+$/);
$filePrebuildHook = "$dirname/$filename/prebuild-hook.txt";
$fileCliOptions = "$dirname/$filename/cli-options.txt";
$fileSystemProperties = "$dirname/$filename/system.properties";
$fileVerifierProperties = "$dirname/$filename/verifier.properties";
$fileGoals = "$dirname/$filename/goals.txt";
$fileExpectedResults = "$dirname/$filename/expected-results.txt";
$failOnErrorOutput = 1;
# 42, 81, 96, 97 will not due to bugs in maven, they work when other ITs are run but it's due to ordering and fluke
# 43 will not run because it can't find the maven-help-plugin
# 90 will not run because it relies of an environment variable which I think is wrong
if ( $filename eq "it0042" ||
$filename eq "it0081" ||
$filename eq "it0096" ||
$filename eq "it0097" ||
$filename eq "it0043" ||
$filename eq "it0090" )
print POM " <!-- <module>$filename</module> -->\n";
print POM " <module>$filename</module>\n";
if (!exists($comment{$filename})) {
die "no comment: $filename\n";
$itBaseDirectory = "$newITs/$filename";
$itPOM = "$itBaseDirectory/pom.xml";
$itTestCaseDirectory = "$itBaseDirectory/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/it";
$itTestName = "Maven" . uc($filename) . "Test";
$testFile = "$itTestCaseDirectory/$itTestName" . ".java";
$testProjectDirectory = "$itBaseDirectory/src/test-project";
system( "mkdir -p $itTestCaseDirectory" );
system( "cp -r $dirname/$filename $testProjectDirectory" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/cli-options.txt > /dev/null 2>&1" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/system.properties > /dev/null 2>&1" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/verifier.properties > /dev/null 2>&1" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/goals.txt > /dev/null 2>&1" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/expected-results.txt > /dev/null 2>&1" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/prebuild-hook.txt > /dev/null 2>&1" );
system( "rm $testProjectDirectory/log.txt > /dev/null 2>&1" );
open( P, "> $itPOM" ) or die;
print P "<project>\n";
print P " <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n";
print P " <groupId>org.apache.maven.it</groupId>\n";
print P " <artifactId>maven-core-it-$filename</artifactId>\n";
print P " <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>\n";
print P " <name>Maven Integration Tests :: $filename</name>\n";
$build = <<EOF;
print P "$build";
print P "</project>\n";
close P;
open( T, "> $testFile") or die;
print $filename . "\n";
print T "package org.apache.maven.it;\n\n";
print T "import java.io.*;\n";
print T "import java.util.*;\n";
print T "import junit.framework.*;\n\n";
print T "import org.apache.maven.it.util.*;\n";
print T "public class $itTestName extends TestCase /*extends AbstractMavenIntegrationTest*/ {\n";
print T "/** $comment{$filename} */\n";
print T "public void test$filename() throws Exception {\n";
print T "String basedir = System.getProperty(\"basedir\");\n";
print T "File testDir = new File(basedir, \"src\/test-project\");\n";
print T "Verifier verifier = new Verifier(testDir.getAbsolutePath());\n";
if (-e "$filePrebuildHook") {
open (FILE, "$filePrebuildHook");
while ($line = <FILE>) {
if ($line =~ /^(rm|rmdir) (.*)/) {
($cmd, $path) = ($1, $2);
if ($cmd eq "rm") {
if ($path =~ m/^\$\{artifact:([^:]*?):([^:]*?):([^:]*?):([^:]*?)\}$/) {
print T "verifier.deleteArtifact(\"$1\", \"$2\", \"$3\", \"$4\");\n";
} else {
print T "FileUtils.deleteFile(new File(basedir, \"$path\"));\n";
} elsif ($cmd eq "rmdir") {
print T "FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(basedir, \"$path\"));\n";
} else {
die ("wtf? $line\n");
else {
die ("unexpected command: $line\n");
close FILE;
if (-e "$fileCliOptions") {
open(FILE, $fileCliOptions);
$cliOptions = <FILE>;
chomp ($cliOptions);
$cliOptions =~ s/"/\\"/g;
print T "List cliOptions = new ArrayList();\n";
print T "cliOptions.add(\"$cliOptions\");\n";
print T "verifier.setCliOptions(cliOptions);\n";
close FILE;
if (-e "$fileSystemProperties") {
open(FILE, $fileSystemProperties);
print T "Properties systemProperties = new Properties();\n";
while ($line = <FILE>) {
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*\#/);
($name, $value) = ($line =~ m/^([^=]*)=(.*)/);
print T "systemProperties.put(\"$name\", \"$value\");\n";
print T "verifier.setSystemProperties(systemProperties);\n";
close FILE;
if (-e "$fileVerifierProperties") {
open(FILE, $fileVerifierProperties);
print T "Properties verifierProperties = new Properties();\n";
while ($line = <FILE>) {
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*\#/);
($name, $value) = ($line =~ m/^([^=]*)=(.*)/);
if ($name eq "failOnErrorOutput" and $value eq "false") {
$failOnErrorOutput = 0;
print T "verifierProperties.put(\"$name\", \"$value\");\n";
print T "verifier.setVerifierProperties(verifierProperties);\n";
close FILE;
open (FILE, $fileGoals) or die "Couldn't open $fileGoals: $!\n";
@goals = ();
while ($line = <FILE>) {
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);
chomp ($line);
push (@goals, $line);
if (scalar(@goals) == 1) {
print T "verifier.executeGoal(\"$goals[0]\");\n";
} else {
print T "List goals = Arrays.asList(new String[] {";
for ($i = 0; $i < @goals; $i++) {
print T "\"$goals[$i]\"";
print T ", " if ($i != scalar(@goals) -1);
print T "});\n";
print T "verifier.executeGoals(goals);\n";
close FILE;
if (-e $fileExpectedResults) {
open (FILE, $fileExpectedResults) or die "Couldn't open $fileExpectedResults: $!\n";
while ($line = <FILE>) {
chomp ($line);
#print T ("OLDLINE: $line\n");
if ($line =~ /^\#(.*)/) {
print T "//$1\n";
if ($line =~ m/^\!\$\{artifact:([^:]*?):([^:]*?):([^:]*?):([^:]*?)\}$/) {
print T "verifier.assertArtifactNotPresent(\"$1\", \"$2\", \"$3\", \"$4\");\n";
} elsif ($line =~ m/^\$\{artifact:([^:]*?):([^:]*?):([^:]*?):([^:]*?)\}$/) {
print T "verifier.assertArtifactPresent(\"$1\", \"$2\", \"$3\", \"$4\");\n";
} elsif ($line =~ m/^\!(.*)/) {
print T "verifier.assertFileNotPresent(\"$1\");\n";
} else {
print T "verifier.assertFilePresent(\"$line\");\n";
close FILE;
if ($failOnErrorOutput) {
print T "verifier.verifyErrorFreeLog();\n";
} else {
print T "// don't verify error free log\n";
print T "}}\n\n";
print POM " </modules>\n";
print POM "</project>";
print T $postamble;