Tamas Cservenak e34afc897a
[MNG-7959] User controlled relocations (#1339)
With some improvements. It accepts user property with CSV entries for relocations.

To toy with it, use `-Dmaven.relocations.entries` user property, for example create `.mvn/maven.config` file with contents:
It accepts CSV (comma delimited) of entries, while entry form is as:
Where left GAV can contain `*` for any elem (so `*:*:*` would mean ALL, something you don't want). Right GAV is either fully specified, or also can contain `*`, then it behaves as "ordinary relocation": the coordinate is preserved from relocated artifact. Finally, if right hand GAV is absent (line looks like "GAV>"). the left hand matching GAV is banned fully (from resolving).

Note: the ">" means project level, while ">>" means global (whole session level, so even plugins will get relocated artifacts) relocation.


Meaning: 3 entries, ban `` group (exactly, so `` is allowed), relocate `` to `org.there` and finally **globally relocate** (see ">>") `javax.inject:javax.inject:1` to `jakarta.inject:jakarta.inject:1.0.5`

2023-12-18 11:34:30 +01:00