Similar to other stream processing frameworks, receipt of incoming data is not acknowledged until it is written to a destination. In the event of failure, data can be replayed from the source rather than relying on a stateful content repository. This will not work for all cases (e.g. fire-and-forget HTTP/tcp), but a large portion of use cases have a resilient source to retry from.
3) When running in docker, the configuration can either be provided as a string or by localizing the file into the docker container such as through the "-v" option.
The JSON that is provided, either via the `--json` command-line argument or the `--file` command-line argument has the following elements:
-`registryUrl` : The URL of the NiFi Registry that should be used for pulling the Flow
-`bucketId` : The UUID of the Bucket containing the flow
-`flowId` : The UUID of the flow to run
-`flowVersion` : _Optional_ - The Version of the flow to run. If not present or equal to -1, then the latest version of the flow will be used.
-`materializeContent` : _Optional_ - Whether or not the contents of the FlowFile should be stored in Java Heap so that they can be read multiple times. If this value is `false`, the contents of any
input FlowFile will be read as a stream of data and not buffered into heap. However, this means that the contents can be read only one time. This can be useful if transferring large files from HDFS to
another HDFS instance or directory, for example, and contains a simple flow such as `ListHDFS -> FetchHDFS -> PutHDFS`. In this flow, the contents of the files will be buffered into Java Heap if the
value of this argument is `true` but will not be if the value of this argument is `false`.
-`failurePortIds`: _Optional_ - An array of Port UUID's, such that if any data is sent to one of the ports with these ID's, the flow is considered "failed" and will stop immediately.
-`ssl`: _Optional_ - If present, provides SSL keystore and truststore information that can be used for interacting with the NiFi Registry and for Site-to-Site communications for Remote Process
-`flowFiles`: _Optional_ - An array of FlowFiles that should be provided to the flow's Input Port. Each element in the array is a JSON object. That JSON object can have multiple keys. If any of those
keys is `nifi_content` then the String value of that element will be the FlowFile's content. Otherwise, the key/value pair is considered an attribute of the FlowFile.